The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 17, 1895, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JAN. 17, 1505.
The Plalndcaler's Way.
The i'laisdkalkk now has nearly UOO
bona fids tnlif liters, and tho list is con
Bluntly crowing. Tiiat tho paror is ap
preciated is shown by the fact that dur
inc the past four luonlhs le.s than &
darcn persons havo withdrawn from tho
list. We are now nuking nirangements
to continue our boom through tho apting
-and tummcr months, and will mako our
announcement in a lew weeks. Watch
for it.
Ho, Ho, Boys, Look Here.
Come and fee our hard times $20 suits
and Jti.50 pan,ts. Guaranteed for ono
year at Chicago Tailor's, in with Milli-
Dance Tomorrow Night.
The orchestra will give asocial hop
FiMay evening, instead of Saturday
evening, as has been the custom. I'rof.
Applehtfr will go out to Myrtle Creek
Saturday to give instructions to tlie band
there, hence the necessity of hsvins the
dance Friday evening.
The Final Decision.
The decision of tho United States su
premo couit in tho case of D. W. Apple
gale, resp.ndent, vs. 15. F. DoacII, ap
pellant, was ri.dered in the county
clerk's office .Monday. This is the- final
decision in the celebrated case in which
B. F. Dowell brought suit against the
heirs of Jesse Appleate, in regard to the
title to certain lands in this county, and
the decision is favorable to Dowell. The
decision was rendered nearly a year ago,
and has jtut worked its way through the
red tape department of the government.
A Queer Find.
J. Bitzsr, the well known butcher, tells i
cfJScding some strange things in a cow's
stomach tho other day. Among the
things found were eeveral staples and a
number of ihingle nails, besides a small
gold chain. The latter evidently be
longed to a breast pin, and what has be
come of the pin itself is unknown. Mr.
Bitzer purchased the cow from Frank
Benton, but the latter denies that he has
been in the habit of feeding his eow on
cold chains, nails and the like. As yet
the owner of the chain has not been
Underhanded Work.
Last week the Review saw fit to at
tack Mr. W. E. Chamberlain of Oakland
in a covert and underhanded manner.
This is in accordance with that paper's
well known rule or ruin policy. Daring
his residence in Douglas coanty we have
bad considerable business dealings with
Mr. Chamberlain, and in every instance
found him an honest, upright and honor-;
able man. and one with whom it is a
pleasure to do business. And in conver
sation with a leading bosiness man of
Oakland the same opinion was expressed 1
by him. The Review's innendoes will in
no way injere Mr. Chamberlain here in j covered with the beautiful to the depth
Dooglas county where he ts known. ; of several inches.
On AsscsLt Value. j D-"P? j. t
, . , . . . - ' permits lt-s vwtims to live on in misery.
Tne scnedole of the changes made in ... , , ,
, t Hood's Sirsapanlia cures dvspansia and
the assessment roll of the several coon- ,. , , . .
. , , , . all stomach troubles,
ties of the state has been received bv
Conatv Clerk Jlenson. The assessed Mre- I--Vase. a PaP! of '"-
Talnation of propertv in Douglas cocntr j Sperana of Milan. Iialy. gives voal and
was reduced $202,030, Tlie following ! P,an0 fcrt lew"". Terms reasonable.
classes of property was reduced 5 per : Residence at Mrs. Parties.
cent: town nd city lots and improve-1 Ladies wrappers, a new line in Cash-
ments on the same, railroad lands, mere, etc., Flannellette and Eiderdown;
wagon road lnds, other improved lands, price from S3 cents and up. Call and
improved lands, improvements, railroad see ibem at the Novelty store.
track, telegraph lines and cattle; horses ! Gov. Penaoycr Monday pardoned out
nd .amies were decreased 20 per cent; F. L. Palmer for incest and J. J. Miller
nil read rolling stock was increased 23 ! for forgery of the penitentiary. Doth
per cent; swine were increasedlo per ; were committed from Portland.
cent. Xo change was made in sheep and! Witll bQt H.Ue aniJ no tr0BWe,
Soste, money, notes and xounts. im-:tbe bearj and mustache can be kept a
provements on lana not patented, nonsc- (
hold JInrnitare, etc , and merchandise
and implements. As equalized the
tssesied value of all property in this
coenfyis ?5 ,154,073.
Over at The Home.
The work of the commissioners of ihe
Soldiers Home Tnesday was much of a
mrerise to the Dablic After the Decern-
: r .i.- i 3 - . I
that therewould be no election of officers!
nntil the new members of the hoard !
were appointed by Governor Lord. Not-j
withstanding that announcement, how-
ever, an election of officers took place at . If you want the best of dentistry go to President Simon Tuesday afternoon
the meeting held Tuesday, a new office Dr. Strange and have it done by an ex-j announced the appointment of the fol
establisbed, that of resident physician, i perienced and skillful dentist. All work lowing standing committees of the sen
and the salaries of the commandment . guaranteed and at very reasonable prices, i ate:
and adjutant were increased the former
from ?S03 to f 1003 per annnm and
latter iron ?jj iowper roonm. ine a the firFt ,nwjicinc i hae ever found
officers elected are: Commandant, Wal-. that wonld do me anv g00(1. ifiM 50c
lace Baldwin; adjutant. E. F. Walsh;;
resident phvsician, Dr. B. F. Hammell ; i To J,revent t,,e 1'ening of the sub
matron, Mrs. Fannie Uthrop. The!cnt:ine",sJ,i",IM of lhe an'- thc
Chinese cook has also been iwtalled i obl,terat,oa of tbe ,iair follicles, which
gain,and there seems to have been a ! c3He l"Ulness- Hi,1'a ,uir 1e"
general change in the work of the com-1 ne'At,r-
mission. The inventory ofjthe pro;erty i-elong-
" , ing to the estate of Louira Jones, do-
Greedy U. S. Officials.
Tbe United States Court officials at
Portland were knocked off tbe perch one
day recently by a couple of unassuming
citizens of Klamath land. The Portland
officials have been standing in together,
and have endeayored to "hog" ail the
fees in cases brought in that court. Con
sequently whenevera charge was brought
against any individual in the state an
officer would be sent from Portland to
bring in the offender. At Klamath Falls
recently a man named Scott ivu arrested
for selling liquor to an Indian. lie was
examined before U. S. Commissioner I
Parrisb, who held him to appear before
the next U. S. grand jury, and appointed
Bailey Tiffany and Lon Kingsley to con
vey tbe prisoner to Portland. The
gentlemen performed their duties, an d
when they attempted to collect their fees
3Iarphy and Grady fell in a faint. It
was tho first they had beard of the case,
and that they should be beaten out of a
few dollars fees and mileage was too
much for them. They at once took the
matter before Judge Bellinger, and he.
too, was greatly surprised that a couple
of men from a cow countv should out-
wit his officeM. It is understood that
an attempt will ba made to'havo Com
raiseioner Parrish ousted lor not com
plying with the wishes of tho gang ami
senaingworuui Jiarouai u,
j? i ir i. -I i . i
for the man ho hciu tor selling liquor to
an aborlgtnee. .nr. rarnsn iu no way
exceeded Ida authority in the matter,
and tbe whole trouble is that the Port
land gang did not got the fees.
A. Sakman, tho reliablo jeweler.
Jerry J. Wilson, the (slow) jeweler.
J. T. Bryan, tho Busy Watchmaker.
L. Bel lils, watchmaker, Roseburg, Oro.
Repairing a specialty at Langcnberg's.
For a good 5'eent cigar call on Mrs.N.
A choice lino of t-tatiomiry at Marsters'
drug store.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
Eastern oysters on tho half shell, at
tho Kandy Kitchen.
I'ure fresh candies manufactured at
ihe Kandy Kitchen
Harness of all kinds at low prices at
U. W. Woodward's.
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at tho Uoseleaf. '
Call at Marsters drug storo for blank
and memorandum books.
You can :et a 50-cont novel for only 10
cents at the City News Stand.
Pacific Coast and Eastern oysters in
any style at the Kandy Kitchen.
Twenty-five and fifty-eout novels for
ouly 10 cents at the City News Stand.
Fine cabinet photos only ?2.00 per
dozen at Portland photo tent this week.
Myrtle Creek Hour, only SO cents per
sack. Delivered free. A. C. Hoiie.
Dr. Strange's dental parlors are in tho
Marsters block, over Richardson's musie
For good substantial blacktmithing
cneap, go to Mewuiuey & Manning,
Meals at all hours at the Kandj
Kitchen, southeast corner Taylor fc Wil
son blcck.
Bocts and shoos made and retired at
L. LangcnlKT's hoe store. First class
work and low prices.
We will remain here for business onlv
one week more. Cabinets J2.00 per
doren. Portland Photo Co.
Try the Household Dyes. The same
package colors silk, nool. cotton or
feathers, at Markers' drug store.
Cabinet photos ?L'.00 per dozen or IS
elegant little pictures 25 cent. This
week only at Portland photo tents.
Protect jonrsrlf Against cold and
pneumonia by craricg a chest protector
Fine ones at Markers' drug store.
For sale or trade, a good three-spring
i luck. Witl trade for grain or cows.
Apply to Chas. Vaxzile.
Catarrh U a constitntional disease.
Hood's Sarsaiiarilla i a constitutional
remedy. It cures catarrh. Giye it a
Rock creek fchool district Xo. 109 was
organised vas terduy by the county offi
cials. It is located on the river above
Parity yemr Wood, tone up the ystcni,
ami regulate the digestive organs by tak
ing Hood's sarsaparilla. Sold by al
A scow r-torin was prevailing at Port-
land this morning, and the
round W33
hzoxa or I)Jaci hr ES;
Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers.
Do not fail to call on Dr. Strange for
your dentistry ; in Marsters block, over
Richardson's music store. Fifteen years
successful experience in his pr ofess ion
Shiloh's Cure, the great Cough and
i n ., ....
oroP ore' 13 m P1 xnna. roctet ;
s,zs contains twenty-five, only 23 cents. ,
Children love it. Sold bv druzeists.
Karl's Clover Kcot will purify your
Blood, dear yoor Complexion, regulate
your Bowels and make your head as
ciear 35 a teii. c., we. anu ti.iu.
, Cattain Sweeney. U. S. A.. San I),ezo.
thCn, I sr.VE- ", ti'a Pj'B.rli lomw!-
! ceased, showa its value to be 3I7C. the
property being her part of a donation
Those having second hand etoves,
furniture, etc., for sale con receive the
highest cash price by calling upon N.
Rice, tho furniture and supply dealer,
221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or.
Dr.JDavia has practiced dentistry in
Roseburg nearly 14 yeirs, and we know
thc Dr. to be a skilled workman. Par
tics patronizing him will save money.
I Dental parlors opposite Siocum's hall.
Saturday is tho time set by Judge Fnl
,erlon for confirming the sale of the Ore-
gon Pacific. Unless tho3e English capi
talists represented by Wallis Nash put up
a forfeit, tho sale will no doubt be con
firmed. Jack Abrahams is continually receiv
ing new goods in the line of gentlemen's
furnishing goode. His low prices for
goods, and his ready sales to his cus
tomers, causes the continual replenish
ing of Hie shelves at his store.
No need to ask where Jack Abraham's
store is. Everybody knows it is next
j door to thu National Bank, and that he
- H, alwavs on the alert to nleaso his na
trons with the best of goods in his line at
tho lowest living ratce.
Jack, our Jack, invites everybody to
: mJ aml ool aU)s
new supplies of
gent's furnishing goods. Yes, Jar:k
Abraham defies competition in his line
of trade. Call on him ; his motto is quick
sales and small profits.
Jas. A. Slorliug, county assessor, camo
over from Drain Tuoday to interview
tho county court on matters uortaiulng
to his work.
Lent begins February 27th this yaar,
tho earliest for n number of years.
Easter Sunday occurs April 14th, and
hence tho eoven-riuny-SumlayB saying
will not count for much this year.
Tho Lakoviow Examiner says tho
successful rabbit drives still continue,
and tho people on tho west side seem de
termined to e.tteimiuoto tho pests. Two
drives aio made each week, and tho
number slain has reached tho 0000 mark.
Franklin Dove, scnteucod to the statu
penitentiary for two years for forging tho
nnmo of Supremo Judge F. A. Mooro to
a check, was discharged from that insti
tution Sunday. Ho was receive i there
Octobor 10, lS'.)3,nnd earned considerable
timo ns a trusty.
A. B. Mcllwain, n well known business
man of Albany, died suddenly yesterday
at noon. Ho was sitting at tho dinner
tablo nml reading an account of tho death
of Es-Govcrr.or Chudwick, and re
marked : "That is tho same disease I
havo." and fell over dead.
Wayno Jones is special larm agent for
tho "old reliablo" Continental Insurance)
Company of Now York, which has been
tested by passing through aud paying all
of its losses in that great conflagration of
Chicago in 1S7I, by which oyer ono hun
dred companies equal to tho State Insur
ance Company of Sabmi, Ore. failed.
A word to tho wise is sufficient.
He Passes Away Suddenly at
Home Tuesday Evening.
Another pioneer and distinguished citi
zen of Oregon has passed to tho beyond.
Stephen F. Chadwick died suddenly
Tuesday evening at Salem. Ho had par
taken of his supper and on arising from
tho table, he dropped unconscious and
soon passed into the stream of death to
nhichall mortality are tending.
Mr. Chadwick was born in Middleton,
Connecticut, on the 23th of December,
1S23. He was of English and Scotch
origin, and iS:essed the genial traits and
chiracteristics of his ancestry. In 1S53
he was married to Miss Jane Smith, a
daughter of Judge Richard Smith of Vir
ginia. S. F. Chnduick was a Scottish
Rite Mason of the 23d degree, has held
the positiou of grand master of the Grand
Lodge of Masons of Oregon, and has been
chairman of thu committee on foreign for more than a quarter
of a century. In ISOI and '03 he was
presidential elector on the democratic
ticket, and in the latter year carried the
electoral vote of Oregon to Washington.
lie was the first judge of Douglas county,
and in 1S7C being at the time secretary
of state he assumed the executive chnir
of Oreg'u on the election of L. F. Grover
to the otlici of U. S. senator. At the
laying of tho corner stone of the state
capitol at Salem, Le delivered an address
that was highly commended by all who
heard the truly eloquent speech. At the
reunion of pioneers at Salem in 1374 he
was the principal speaker, and ho stirred
the hearts of the old pioneers to the
highest pitch of enthusiasm. Thus, ono
by one the old pioneers of Oregon are
passing away, and in the death of Stephen
F. CUadwick, they have lest fiorn their
ranks a trne and worthy member, one
who has passed through the hardships
and trials of pioneer life, one whom
they most highly esteemed, and one for
whoi' the survivors most deeply mourn
his loss. His name is written 0cn the
hearts of the people, and will brighten
the pages of thtir history His public
career was long, brilliant and useful, his
faith in the light never faltered, and his
i devotion to trnth and justice never wav
ered or ceased. In social life he was a
man genial and of kindly disposition,
j and had a host of warmest friends. He
was a loyal citizen, aud would cheerfully
make any iersonal sacrifice to advance
tho interests of his adopted state. He
was filled with genuine charity, and ex
emplified in word and act that great
right of religions freedom which is the
freedom of every American citizen.
Full of years and cf honors. Stephen F.
Chadwick has been irathered to his
Father's mansion, leaving behind him
. vwi j v.. uu.i nyun uuuv.
He has gone
To that mysterious realm where each
shall take
His chamber in the Mient halls of death.
We drop a tear to his memory.
STEniEx" Staats.
The Senate Committees-
Agriculture and forestry Carter, AHey
and Dennv.
Assesment and taxation Woodard, I
Hobson, McGinn, Price and Butler.
Claims Habion, Carter and Vander
berz Commerce and navigation Alley,
Hobson and Smith of Clatsop.
Counties .Maxwell, Woodward, Gea
nor, Johnson, and Smith of Sherman.
Education McClung, Stciwer and
Engrossed bills McGinn, Maxwell
and Raley.
Enrolled bills Calm-eat h, McClung
and Holt.
Fishing industries Patterson, Ban
croft and Cogswell.
Horticulture Maxwell, McClung and
"Insurance and banking Johnson, Mc
Ginn aud King.
Irrigation Denny, Steiwerand Price.
Judiciary Denny, Browuell, Gowan,
Huston and Cogswell.
Medicine, pharmacy and dentistry
Calbreath, Woodard and Browuell.
Military nffairs Gowan. Gesdor ami
Mining Johnson, Patterson and Van
derberg. Municipal corporations Price, Cal
breath and McAllister.
Penal institutions Woodard, Patter
son and Johnson.
Privileges and elections Bancroft,
Patterson and McAllister.
Printing Alley, Bancroft and Raley
Public buildings Gesner, Stciwer and
Public lands Stciwer, Gcsuer, Gowan,
Huston and Price.
Railroads Brownell, Gowan, .Max
well, Raley and Cogswell.
Revision of laws McGinn, Carter,
Alley, Smith of Clatsop, and Butler.
Roads and highways Dawson, Carter,
Denny, Prico and Smith of Sherman.
Ways and means Patterson, Bancroft,
Calbreath, Dawson and Raley.
Dolph Secures the Caucus Nomina
tion for U. S. Senator.
Salem, Jan. 17. Special to the Plain
uealkk.J Tho legislature has adjourned
until Monday aftmnoon. In his fiuiil
messnge Govern-" IVnnoyer inndo to-
ornl suggestions wnrihy the intention of !
tho present legislature, and nonn tho
less becauso thoy came from a in in in
opposition and in politieal'disreputo with
a largo majority. He gives good advice
and points out several ways wherein the
laws of tho stato can be improved and
tho Interests of tho stato subserved.
Governor Lord's inaugural address was ;
full of facts and wise suggestions, over
which the members will d . well to
pondor, and it has struck soyeral chords
that will find ready rcsiKjnso in the
hearts of tho people, and tho nearor this
assembly comes to carrying out tho
address tho uoarer it will como to pleas
ing the masse.'. Governor Lord'n ad
dress la a mastorpieca and scholarly,
composition, as woll u-s an aggregation i
wisdom and facts as surprising to thnso
who did not know him thoroughly as it
was pleasing to his intimatb aquaiut
ances. It shows that he knows' tho statu
of Oregon audits needs; that he has
grasped tho situation as governor even
before taking his seat, and that he will
condnct tho affairs of tho oSIku with
practical good senso ami strict fidelity.
Tho entire republican phal.iu.: of the
present legislature appeared in the cau
cus held last night at the capitol. They
were seventy-two strong, and everything
that wns said and done was warmly
tinctured with straight out republican
ism. Everybody was good iiaturcd and
every man's jcech and vote wns Kiid
and cast with ail the earnestness that
belonged to a regular convention with
power to act. Senator B. F. Alley was
elected chairman and Representative J.
M. I)ng secretary. After duo announce
m ent as to the pnrpese of caucus a nnm
ber of speeches were made in which the
claims of senatorial candidates v.tre duly
and clearly set forth, an finally 'and Jin
formal, but secret, ballot revealed tho
strength of the present incumbent in the J number of days absent". 377, number
following terms : Dolph, 40 ; Fulton, 12 ; ! times tardy, S4 ; w hole number on regis
Tongue, 11; Lord, 2; Lowell, 4; Her- ter- 375 ; aVeraSe number belonging, 301 ;
mann, 'J; story, 1. ihe nomination et
The nomination of
J. N. Dolph was then made unanimous,
and after a two-hours session, marked by
the best of cood feeling, end an iinmu
takablc sense of qniet satisfaction, an ad
journment was had. , ,
S.vlsm, Jan. 1C (S;ecial orreejoc-
dence of the Plaindealei:.' Since the"
election of officers Monday the iegisla- J 5eaberg. Oscar Lindsev, Warren McWil
tnre has settled down to a quiet every- j liamS) MautI Uasti VMc
dav life, although occasionally the quiet
is disturbed by the bursting eloquence of '
some of the younger members. Of : Seventh Grade, A Class Rank one,
course, the senatorial fight remains the j ne"R Kennedy, avesngo 00; Eliza liar-all-atsorbing
topic of discussion, and as j vey' Loo:::l SUaW -attie Perry, La Ami
yet there is little interest taken in legis- j Fratr. El Wimberly, Jessie Givcns.
lation. It is a difficult matter to get a ! 15 C,2SS IJank one Dclla Brown, ayer
memberto listen to any thing except a 3se 9i Xory 1arker. wHe Currier,
discussion of tho senatorial question or I Dji?v' Kr3. Clara McCoy, Lillian Wol
some bill in which he is directlv inter- I kn-n?. Edith Wilson, Fred Fields, Ora
ested. No new discoveries have been I
made in the
i senatorial contest, although j
to be an impression abroad i
lucre seems to ue an impre:
to the effect that Dolph will here-elected
As yet but little legislation has aeen
attempted. A few resolutions havo been I
passed, while the introduction of bilb,
memorials, etc., is scarcely under fnll
headway as yet. Douglas county is well
represented, and her representatives are
considered to be tight up close to the
band wagon. When a Multnomah rep
resentative attempted to railroad through
the usual resolution providing for a num
ber of newspapers for each member and
officer, Representative Sehlbrede im
mediately arose and protested against
the resolution, his protest bavin; tho
ctlect of postponing the matter indefinitly.
However, the matter was again consid
ered yesterday, with the result that each
member will be allowed three papers.
Tuesday Senator Allev of Line county
introduced a concurrent resolution pro
viding for a committee of two senators
and three representatiues to investigate
the Soldiers Home at Roseburg. TIip
resolution was adopted.
All indications point to the fact fiat
"economy" is to be the watchword o
the session. A bill to repeal tho act prt-
vuling lor a jute mill lias already been
and the salary of clerks is
lifeely to he reduce.! to a very reasonable
figure. A bill to abolish the state board i
if nniinlirn! inn die nl&n lic-mi itif roltcM?
but it will hardly pa. Among the bibs
introduc d are tho following: To create
the office of state horticulture mspe cter,
to provide for the ituliihtnes within the
state from assessment, to abolish the rail-
road commission, to establish a state
grain commission and to prohibit tho use
of fiah wheels.
Governor Penuoyer was'sat down
by the Senate Tuesdav morning, when a ;
communnication from his excellency .
asking confirmation of appointments of;
regents of the state university was laid
on the table. Tho senate does not in -
tend the new administ.aticn to in any
.Monday the new stale oliicers, with ttio
exception of governor, weie installed into
their offices. Harrison R. Kincaid took
charge of the secretary of state's office,
and appointed an his chief clerk Chaunrey
M. Lorkwood of Salem, and ns private
secretary Carey F. Martin of Eugene.
Wni. Driver, sou ol Rev. I. I). Driver,
was appointed as night engineer of the
capitol heating system bv the new secre-
taiy of statu. Mr. Kincaid will make no
further changes at picseut.
Stale School Superintendent Irwin also
took clurgo of Iih ollice Monday. He
has made no appointment of cleric other
than that of Miss.Ieaaie Crcighton, who
will net as his stenographer and tye
writer. In tho state printing office W. II. Leeds
has appointed Corlies Merrit of Port
land us his clerk.
Hon. C. M. Idleman relieved Attorney
General Chamberlain of the duties of
hi3 office, while thero was no change in
tho stato treasurer's office, Phil Met
echan being the only state officer that
was re-elected.
Death of iMark.
Burb Brock way's faithful dog Mark
succumbed to the inevitable yesterday,
and died at tho advanced ago of 12 yoari1
Mark wns an unusually intelligent do.,
and was well known by probably half tho
citizens of this county. He was intoned
yesterday, and there is no doubt that
several present felt a pin? of sorrow as
Mark was laid away, oven if he was only
a dog.
A J. U-ll'ivi-f it n S.ti i.. vi-i I,
Oruiit I.vvoi Hof (iali-svillo i" in town
this week.
R. W. Byairi was over fmin O.tMund
D. C. Churchill, of (he
Por fl. !l1 "IV" t 'day.
vv. i. bmory ol Uo!e- valUy was in
Roseburg this week on a businu-H trip.
Wni. Van Buren a few dan miico re
turned from ail extendi-1 loci- of Oali-'
fornin. t
John P. Barger is n v m l-i.ier of the
I'.ugene Stile, .--civiaiv ,i itatc
Kincaid'n paper
Simon Oaro mint t S .ie a ine first of
the week lo wilntm Hie w.ui;utg-4 of the
Oregon Legislature.
G. W. Askew anil Mrs. Mnry Bush
were married in thin city Saturday even
ing by J ustice John Hamlin.
Hon. Chas. Niukeii of Jacksunville
was in town Tuesday, attending a meet
ing of tho Oregon Soldieis' Home Com
mission. The election of H. T. Mi-Clallen as
calender clerk of the houso wi.a very
pleasant news to his many friends in
Mrs. llansbrough, wife of Senator
H. C. Hansbrough of North Dakota,
died in Washington Thursday of acute
It. G. Brown, treasurer f Marion
couuty, 'died -Monday, uvening from neu
lalgia of the heart quite s-i ldeuly. Ho
was 29 years of age.
EugiAio Gaurd: Miss Eva Par.-ott, of
Uooeburg who ha3 been visiting with the
Misses Loomis, left Sunday morning for
a few days visit at Salem
A. J. Batlow has sold Iim hotel at Gold
Hill to O Swacker. The property in
clu les six lots, hotel and.fixtures and bar.
The consideration was f 2277.
R. M. Donovau, the well known knight
of the grip, after taking a lay-ofi" of over
a year, is on the road, and today
is interviewing his many f j.-n:er custom
era iu Roseburg.
Roll of Honor for tlie iMonth Ending
January nth.
Following is ihe report u: Ro-eburg pub
lic sjhoclsfo: month ending Jan. 1 1 , 1SD3 :
Number of days school w.w in session,
.'); number of days atteudamv. 0703:
I" " -.uanwr, ,.o; per cer.t
lnf.ltA.,1..,.. IV.
Ui tihlV-l"llJ( 17, iS ,
number of classes
taught, 101 ; number of visitors, 01.
Following is the result of the examina
tion, pupils averaging 00 per cent or over,
being naint". according to their rank in
high school dbtaktjiest.
Eighth Grade Rank one, Ada Smith,
! average 99; Nellie Wilson, Natalie Wol
Hubert Wright, Edward Ellisou
G?or;e Jo
Jones, Ethel Parrott, ...Minnie,
vo Willis.
sixui iirane, . Ulass Hank one,
Irving Gibson, average 93; Winnie Lew-
e"'ni?' Jofie Smith, Dale Strange. Alta
fcmith. B Class Rank one. Julian
Jo3hso:i, average.!6; Ijouie Eccleston,
Silva Stearns, Eva Howard, Stella Ham
ilton. Fifth Grade, A CUs Rank one. Nora
Jones, average 36; Walter Wright,
Charley Pitchiord, Berth Merrill, Elvin
Crntchfield, Roxie Kirk, Ara Burtis,
Grace Ganger, Nilia Iteard, Edgar
Crntchfield. It Class Rank one, Harry
Smith, average 9C: Effis Collins, John
Boyd, Hatite I.inser, Frank McKenzie,
Lilly Stanton. Olto Failing. Howard
Hess, Mary Schneurstein. Mellie Strait.
Roy Bellow?, Cole Burtis, Luther Fen-!
ton, Chas. Harmon, Maud Shambrook. j
Fourth Grade, A Class Rank 1, Clar-1
ence Iok, avenue 90; Morton Austin,
Alice Malm, .Maud Annis, Curg McCul
lom, IjiIi: Cloyd, Maud Howard, John
Failing, Ethel Evart?. B Class Bauk
on.-. Hardy Howard, average PC; Bessie
Kidder, Hannah Wollonberg, Birdie
Slocum, Dexti-r Jns, Edith Ruckner,
i Arthur Tutft. C'.i.irles Hess-, Fied Brown,
Lizzio Kirk, lta Caiinmi, Clifford Ben -
son, Wayne Crutchtiehl, Charley White.
j '"a10' Smitn. .Mabel Belfils, Hilda Bine,
j Third Grade, A Class Rank one, Lulu
Clinedint, average '.; Maud Groom-,
j.i.vp n... , ,. ,, , ,
'U ,llnr!'"'. -' &.derP,
1 ei. Lawrence tanow, iviuia
j I'tiick. Mat:d Woodrtitl, Grao, King B
Cia E'!.er Tuffi. nvvneo o?-TM.i;.,
- .. -. ,. ,. .. ,, '
riH; ,Ano-J (,roon"'' t,er,Ie Mt"or('.
-Iberiie l.oggess, Alva Brun-lidge, Laura
Mullen, Etta Barker, Milo Attorbury.
Sp.;,i i;.!.. Plsif'-
i - .,. ,, . .. '
"' -, ' -'-e ; uoso ,wisiin,
Ethel Shupe, LyJe Croxton, Roliie Bur
lis, Vera If ay nes, Elmer Mathers, Fred
Austin, Alice Sweeney, Earle Fickle.
Mac, Hanhan, Ralph Kearney, Johnie
Tufft, Ralph Petrequiu. BC!as3-Rank
one. Lida 1 Icily, average 93; Myrtle
Reasc, Harvey Griffith, Bridges,
Maud Cannon, Lena McCnrdy, Willie
First Gr.i le, V Class 0-ney Unthank,
Frank Kirk, Frank Chapman, Jay Wood
ruff, Ellen Klojk, Frank P.r.ind, Charlev
Grooms, Edwin rimmton, Macgio Mc
Clallcn, Helen Austin. George Worthing
ton, Deo Mathewp, .!. I'okct, Lewis
Batkcr, Ethtl Appluhuff. It Class Jas.
Crawford, Kioo Sch.r-ffer, May Moore,
Alice Sheridan, Rav IVIroquin!
F. B. 1 1 ami in, Prin.
Did You Ever
Try Elccltii: Bitters as a rented r vour
troubled? If not, get a bottle "now "and
get relief. This mi-dicine has been found
to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and
euro of all Femalet'omphiints, exerting a
wonderful direct lufhienco in civing
stieuglh and tono to the organs. If you
have los-8 of Appetite, (.'onmipation,
Headache, Fainting Spells, nr aro Ner
vous. Sleepless, Excitable, Melaueholv
or troubled withDizzv Selin, Electric
Htttors in tho medicine ou need.
Health anil Strength nre guaranteed bv
its uso. Largo bottles only .".0 cents at
A. 0 Mnrstcrs & CoV. Diuir Storo.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Fcrty Years tho Standard.
ks:w:vvk7ivw:tv;,wwtz' j'YWiYB'vnaviT-iYiirivavv-iv
I psl Made from the most m
l fPlJ highly refined and ex B
Ij I pensive ingredients, m
an eaves nether acid m
Pj nor alkali in the food.
A Few That Will Prove Interesting
To Our Readers.
The Lakoview Examiner publishes tho
following incident of the Silver Lake
holocaust that occurred Christmas eve:
"It is known that three men, who had
made their cecapc, went into tho burn
ing building to save f-omo relations and
were never seen again. Clay Martin
camo out with T. J. Labrie's child in Ids
arms, but seeing his wife was not there,
he started back. Several people tried to
to keep him out, but he pushed in, with
the child 6till in his arms, saying " I am
going to save -Becky'," his wife. He
and tho child were not seen strain.
Wood Hurst, familiarly known as "Sen
ator" Hurst, who had recently been mar
ried, could not find his wife outside, and,
notwithstanding the many cn.treatiea to
stay out, he went back to save her. He
was lost. Frank R0.53 did tho Fame.
His mother was inside and ho wanted to
save her. Without a doubt each one of
those men blocked the narrow passage
and prevented others from getting out.
"Mrs Dr. Onsley and her sister, Mr?.
Snelling, when last seen were kneeling
side by side, praying fervently, as if they
knew it was their last moment on earth.
Others were seen to be running aim
lessly about, eeemingly daxed, and might
have escaped had they not lost their
presence of mind. Daring the heat of
the fire the front doors of the i-tore were
broken iu and' Co; West and others
tried, with a large !eice of wood, to punch
holes up through the floor, thinking
some might escape thut way, but with
out success.
"Not a breath ot air stirred, and the
lljines and smoke curled up through the
rod in one large cJuniu, high into the
air, which could lseen for miles around.
None of the buildings close at hand were
burned, and the ashes of a single huild
iug mark the spot of the most terrible
scene ever witnossed on this side of the
globe, according to the population. It
will long be remembered as one of the
worst happenings in the annalstrf history,
and will never be forgotten bv those who
escaped thu terrible death."
Hon. I). S. K. Buick ti-is week re
ceived a letter from Silver Lake, giving
3ti!i further particulars of the dreadful
disaster. The letter ftaies that, in ad
dition to thc number who lost their lives
in the terrible fire, there were 42 persons
who were more or less injured. The
large number injuied is much of a sur
prise, for all reports heretofore have
placed the number at less than 20. Up
to the 0th inst. none of the injured had
died, and all Wire imgroviug, although
in several instances improvement is very
slow. It is now expected that all of the
injured will recover.
iMask Ball Prizes.
The masquerade bail February 14th
promises to 'kj the largest aud most
brilliant affair cf the season, as some of
the prizes givtm will be very valuable
and useful. We cannot give a complete
ist of prize. as our list is not yet com
plete, but will name following; 1 man
dulin, 1 gnitar. 1 ar.toharp, 1 gold chain,
and 1 tine engraving, "Evening party in
Paris," richly framed. We will add to
this lit ench week. It ij cur intention
to give enough cood prizes to encourage
T. K.Ricii.inDsox.
Refcsl;ali Installation.
Roseburg Rei-ekaii Lodg4 No. 41, I. O
I O. F., Tuesday evening ir.ttal.'ud the f -1
I lowing ulhVers for ihe ensuing ter n :
; Sarah Wiuihetly, N. G. , Dora Ki.;tr!icr,
! - G. ; Frank G. Micelii. Secy.; K.mnit
Wrisht, treas. ; Ela Hendricks, warden ,
Martha Parry, ondiMcr; In.'.i Kradlf ,
I. G.; Ivy Van Bucn, O. G. ; -lulu
Abraham, R. S. N (J ; Winnie Graham.
L..S. N. G.; Annie Vunsile, R. S. V. G.;
Am.ita Smith, X. S. V. G; Anna Walker,
State Officers' Salaries. -
Under the computation made ry the
stale board on the tax levy for 1S95 Ihe
salary of the governor U placed at $ 15C0
and his private f.:retiry $IS)0. The
salary of the secretary of frtaie U git en at
1 Oo asul o ni- uniL'f l'Iwk LS00.
me- state treasurer m recognised at a
salary of ?.S0O and his clerk ?2000. But
the stato officials do not figure n their
salary for iheir income. Their money is
made through lees.
Final Call.
jersons are heieby
isntiieil In
of Ibiir in
mast- itn:iei!i:it- settlement
debtedncss to the lu firm of S. Marks
ik Co.; utherwire tli.isame will be placed
in hands for collection. JNi-?,- uiv- tiiis
call prompt attention an! ilm av.ii mI-
diiionai i-ost.
A Co.
Ashsk Marics,
of Eitate of S. Marts
A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, ..f Cunaj ltarii, -V Y ,
sajH that he uIwayM ki-ci-i Dr. King'.-.
Nuiw Discovery in tho Ii.iiih' and his;
family has alias lound the vcrv b:'st !
resultH follow it.i use; that In- i.-i.uld i.ot
tin without it, if procurable. G. A. Dyke- -man,
Dri.trist, I'ntski.'l, N. Y.. s.iya that 1
Dr. Kiug'rt New I'iscnVHry h ut.doulit-,
cdly the lust Cough lemedy ; that he
has ui-ed it in hi f.tmilv i iht years, !
and it lias never failed to do all that is
claimed lor it. Whv tint irv h reined v so '
lorn; tiied and ti'.eil Tilal t-ittles free'
at A. C. .MnrstT h Co.'t; Drug Store. !
Regular size oile. and ?1 .00. '
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. Saa Francisco.
The Conference ?. Failure.
Ashland Tidings: D. C. Agler re
turned Thursday from San Francisco
where he had been en a delegate from
tho Roseburg lodge of the order Jof train
men at a conference held jthero for tho
purpose of getting the grievances of the
members of different divisions of the S.
IVs extensive systems before tho officials
of tho read. The Tidings did not get any
information from Mr- Agler in regard to
the result of the grievance committee's
meeting bnt it teams from reliable
sources that the conference was :i failure
so far as any concessijns being given the
employes is concerned. Supt. Filmoro
gaye the representatives respectful hear
ing but told them that their differences
would have to bo settled through the di
vision superintendents and that they
should go home and take that course.
The boys cn this northern division of tho
S. P. had no grievances of their own, for
their wage3 were not affected by the new
regulations that went into effect on the
first of the year. The engineers' brother
hood ha3 also been in session at 'Frisco
tha past week.
Asylum Statistics.
The report of the trustees of tho insane
asylum at Salem shows that the 070
patient? at tho asylum were admitted
from the following counties: Baker, 25;
Benton, !S ClaUop, 34; Clackamas, 33;
Cow, 27; Curry, 3; Crook. S; Columbia,
0; Douglas, Si; Grant, 15; Gilliam, 9;
Harney, 5; Jackson, ."G; Josephine, 8;
Klamath, 4; Lane, 33; Lincoln, 2, Linn,
34; Like, 5; Marion, 01; Malheur, 4;
Multnomah, 232; Morrow, 10; Polk, 17;
Tillamook, 7; Union. 19; Umatilla, -14;
Washington, 4l; Wasco, 40; Wallova,
4; Yamhill, 2. Tho total value of the
products cf the farm, dairy and garden
from December 1, 1S02, to December J.
1S94, was $03,122.00. fho asylum farm
now consists of 1,200 acres, with eleven
teams, 132 head of cattle, 257 head of
swine, 143 turkeys, 405 chickens, and IS
ducks with which to commence the new
biennial term The highest average
cost per capita monthly was in March,
1S03, being $12.29. and the lowest was in
August, 1S94, $S.84.
Call for Your Watches.
Persons wiu have left watches, or
other work at Jerry Wilson's for repairs,
had best call and got them and pay the
charges. Yonr work h done. I close
shop on the 13th of J.muarj . After thai
date I will dispose of the work for the
charges. This is fair warning.
Jerky J. Wilso:.
A World's
i m h sir am tmt -b au wnta :mmj in i
the March of Progress.
Among- the wonders of the World's Columbian Fair the
graudest was the exhibit of American products. The Ex
hibition was, in this respect, an object lesson of the grandeur
and glory of the Republic. Among the exhibits from the
United States no article of its class stood so high as
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.
The Chief Chemist of the Agricultural Department at
Washington, backed by an intelligent jury at the Exposition,
found it strongest in leavening power, peerless in its purity
and beyond comparison in uniform excellence. f
Received Highest
At the World's Fair..
The award is a matter of official record..
Nothing could settle so decisively the fmmeasureable
superiority of Dr. Price's over all other powders as the.
great honor bestowed at Chicago
Extremely Low Rate
for the
Fruit Convention.
The State Horticultural Society, In
conjunction with the Citizens' committee
at Portlanxl, have secured very low ex
cursion rrtes from the Southern Pacific,
and people who are interested in hoiti
culture, or nvho wish to spend a few days
in Portland .should take advantage of this
opportunity. The round trip will be lesa
than the regrilar fare one way, so that
all can afford io go. To secure the low
rate, sixty full Jare tickets must he sold.
The fare for the- round trip, on thi3 con
dition, from Kiddles, Myrtle Creek
Roseburg, Oakland, Drain and all inter
mediate stations, ivill be ?5.50. All who
want to go must deposit thus amount
with tho First Naticca! Bank of Rose
burg, whichuWill give a receipt for the
money, and when eizty tickets have
been paid for, the bank will issue tho
tickets and take up the receipts. If sixty
tickets cannot 'ne sold, the money will be
refunded and the railway agents will sell
tbe regular excursion tickefs at the rate
of one and one-third fire.i for the round
trip to sucli as desire to go. The Ameri
can I'omolugieal Society is the leading
institution of this kind in this country
and it is expected that the members will
repeat the Sacramento programme,
where they are in session this week, at
Portland. Tho Northwestern Fruit
Growers' Association, which met last
year at Spokane, Wash., will meet at
Portland next week, and this, with the
Oregon Horticultural society, will make
this the most important and interesting
convention of horticnlcurists ever held
on this coast. Every progressive fruit
grower in Gregoa snould make it a point
to attend. Aside from this feature of
the excursion is the important fact that
the time limit on these low rates will ba
ample to giye all who haye any business
or social interests in northern Oregon
plenty of time to attend to the same.
Those who have business in Salem can.
riturn there from Portland, spend a day
or more and then rejoin th excursion at
Portland, wiihont paying much if any
more for fares than they would have to
pay for the ritte to Portland alone. Aa
the lime is short, it will be necessary to
make deposit of the fare at the bank at
once, so that the details can be quickly
arr.-.nged hereafter.
Notice is hereby given that all persons
hunting upon, removing wood from, or
otherwise trespassing upon the "Bushey
estate," will be proe:nted.
Roseburg, Aug. S, IS34.
D. S. K. Buick, Agent.
Jf Triumph ft
Award. t
the Nations In