IF YOU SEE IT IJH i : : IF YOU DOtt'T READ j The Plaiiidealer j I The Plaindealer j i You Don't Get hie News. j IT IS SO. Vol. XXV. ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17,. 1S95. No. 31. HOT liST 3 r GENERAL DIRECTORY' STATE UP LklCOS . 5. Senators W. H. Jlltclliell 1 1 J. X. llolph I v. (Klnitcrucriuann i oajressmcn - nv. IS. Ellis 1 .turuey-Geural... . iJ. K. Chamberlain , ti.lreruo- -. -Sylvester rennoyer Scervlarv of State Ueorce W. Mcltridc State Treasurer l'hll MeUchau SuiVr. IMh. luilruetion E. U. McElroj stateTVJnH!r.... -.Frank C llakcr Mlt lVsrd ot BauHtatJon...A. C. Woodeock C K. A. aioore supreme Ju Jjks . (K.S. Bean SA. IV. 0np-it J. K. VMS I. A. Maeruui Cert ut naitrwtd (Josimi-kuc Lydell Baker S&CttNtt JCDIClAt. JMSTKICT. I Judjc J. C. Vullerlon rroseeallns AMwwy Geo. SI. Brown u. lasn omcE, sosbbcbs. Receiver K. S. Sheridan Resistor R. it. Veatoh U. J. WS1THEC MJKJUC. Uhn Tin. Utoseu ' neuaixs wmv. Setwtter -Henry Beckley i i r. K. HiandcU C. A. Senlhredc -irr . f. lieBSOU sb.crttT a F. Calhcart rreasurcr , , , , ,V. A. Knter School Snperlndcat .J. A. Underwood jsscssor County Jadge J. A. fctemns .A. F. Stearns Coturalsstoaers.. Surveyor . W. I. jo. n. .W1H F W. U Wilson Maapln Dr. K. I- JflHer Sheep Inspector. Thos. Smilif iw.aNCT orneiat. John Ihunlln II. C slocaM Justices- IoiislWt. , W.T. Wrtst: 1 J, li. States i X.F.KW frostee ...... I B. O. siroBC , U.F. KtM F. X.aUr! W. F. Catroll F.eeonJor- TreaBner- J. .V. Oex cocar sss:on- i Tie Circcli Cun for naeeUs CuaatT ueeu ttree tim. a nar as folln: The 3d Mom- ) day in Jrri:. ttw h iloaday la Jane, ud the : ' Isi MuiMlay ih lKeiBber. J. C. Fulleruta oz . Kosebarp j-v, Ueo.il Brown, of Soetburg, ! rrosecarims u. oey. i OOsntT Cmrt Meu the 1st Wrfnctday after ihe li Moodir oi Jauurr, March, Mav. July, September attd XoTeAber. A. . Mean, or ; OitUnd. joist; C 11. Maopia of Elkton . asd W. 1 ".VllxM!. of Riddle, cuaraisalooen. Probate Conn is la session eon'Jnnoosly, A. F. j tasas. re or. Noclct)- 3IecCill T ACREL LODGE, A. F. A A. It., KEGCLAE : seetiaes tie 2d sjti h W4&dya is ; each ranUu j TTitIilTA CUAITKK, SO. U. R. A. M., 1IOLU ! U tkeixrBlareaaTOeatkMis aSMamiic kafl on ue Srst tnd SUM rnesOay ot eaea mo. VUKiat; ootB run tans are cordially invito. it. F. ILvPf, M. V. PHILETAEIAN LODGE. XO. N L O. O. F dee 5s atardar eresiag f eacb week at 7 o'clock in tbeirhiH at Eareber. Xeaaben ot the oriler 1b gvoJ siadisr arolavited l sttciid. F2ASC . MtCBUI. X. O. X. T. Jewjett, sec'y. UXIOS EXCAJIPXEXT, XO. S, ilEETe AT Odd FeUosV ksll mohhI aad fcrnrtk Thrsiays of each zaonsh. V 11 ling tacthfea aro inviied la attced. FtA.vt .:. Nkzixi, SeriW. lUssv 1'axEV, C. r. QOSEBUEG LODGE, XO. W. A. O. V. W. meets Use Knot aad fourth Jfawlay tt rsehrseaUsat7Jp. a. at 04J XeOaw aaH. Members of Uie order in jxxJ staadtac ae ia vited ia auead. TjEXO POST, X0.. G. A- XSEtS TH J- firs: sad tfeirtl Tlicrs4ajs ef adi aiatk. WTOltEirs BELIEF CORPS XO. Ht, MKBTS ' vxoad and iaattii Tkatsday ta month. 'rJAKJir ' ALLIANCE Kcaalar QaartBrly " Hrtlar i wiU be add a; Oraam HatC Coseberg. tae am Friday la Oeccaaber, Mate , arai jaccsaa ax ;airc i near u aeHnvor. j ROsEBCEti CHAPTER. XO. . O. E. c.. MEETc j the seeaad aad Krta Tburxdap. of eaca ' JA1EL1XE B. CUXEUXG. W. Jt. i pOcEBCKG DIVIHIOX SO.B.OrLt, J seels ereryweeaci aad ls:fc Soulay. ( i i p OSEBCBG K. II. LODGE. XO. . I. O, O. T. I -K- meeUonToeeday CTeataeof oca week at, the "Did Fellows haU. Visltlos Jtei dad . orethrea are incited to auead. j Hi-S SiX IK WlStBESLT. X G. I i'riyt G. itif.cm. R. see. j A LPHA LODGE. XO. 7. K. OF P, XBET3 erery Wednesday creniog at Odd FeOaws tua. VL-itinc breiarea ia st-l taaitee er- j dally isTtteU . stteao. w. R. WILLIS. Attorney and Counselor at Law, ( TSUI praetiee in all the canrti of the State. Of-1 See x in Uii Court Haoie. Ioarlii eosat;. Or. Q A. SEHLBBEDH, Attorney at La'.Y, Uottliurg, Oregon. OSee OTer the PeatoSsf on Jaekwc s&eei. "W. CARDWZLL, Attorney at Law, SOSEBCBG, OEBWX. P R. COFFilAH, Physician and Surgeon Oaee:At Dr. UaoTtr'soW ataad oa OatitMtt Eesidenee Cor. Laae &. Jaektoe StreU. . HZ I AS, 71. TJ. Phj-sician and Surgeon, EOSEBDRG, OR. 0ce In S. Maris & Go. 'a Bteek, mftuia. Calls promptly aaawered day or nfcat. JATifF.S BARB, Physician and Surgeon. Graduate Etuh iledical College. Diseases ef Women and Children x Specialty OFFICE, Ilwms 3 & 10. itantera' Bclldln;. RxniiEXcr, IXHielfts Mrect, recotxl plice et Dr. Bunnell's. ROSEBURG, OEEGOX. La. Fayzttz L13E. JCWiE L. LoceHaET JAirE & LOUGHARY, Attorneys tfe Counselors at Law IV ill practice in all the esarU of Orem. Of. fice in the Tsrlur-Wibwn Uuck. QEO. M. BROWN. Attorney at Law, SSoeturg9 Urrffon. Deputy I'roxtcutlri Attorney. Office at tbe Court House up statra. Fakrs Golden Female Piils. For Female Irresra.er Itiea: iMitlilKSllktfiheBJ on tbomcrLet Htver fail KucceMfullyuaed by prominent Indies monthly. Guaranteed to relievo KUpresaod menstruation. SUEE1SAFE! CEKTAiKI Don't bo hurabured. Eavo Time, Health, and moncy;takc no oth er. Kent to any addrcu, eecnro hr nail on re- cclpt of price, fZW. Address, THE APHRO 9E0ICIKE COMPArtf, Western Breach, Box 27, PORTLAND, OK ILL. P. HEYDON, Couuiy Sia-voyor. aitU :Soinry lul)llc. Orncs: In Court House. Orders for Surveying ami Field Notes should be adurcssed to Will I. Heydon, County SurJ veyor, I5oMlmrc, Or. A. Til. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Room S. llarstcrs Buildttir;, - nOSEBUKO, OR. 9-nuriui before the r. ij. Land onlec and mining eases a specialty. Late Receiver U. S. Land OHce. P. BRIGGS, IT. ii. ncputy Mineral Surveyor ntid Jotpry I'tilillc. Office: County Jail IiuiMIn?. up ttairs. jy Special attentton paid to Transfers and Conveyanees. Address. KOSEUURCl OR. RA BROVN, 2L D., Phvsiclau and Surceon. Cirsd: Tiscts's c: Wcaea a Specialty. Office. UpStatrs. la tho Marks Building. KesMeoe. 112 Casi Street, ROSEBURG . L MILLER, M. D., Surgoou and Homoeopathic Physician, 4a.tfSwrj, flrejON. a A B B f lJ ft 3 h ft t JT r- V. :;thouqht. TO-D.Y nfier Christmas yoi will KtosiMy covcr that voh ltdyo tliaht f eviuylwly ji a d every! hitr;; s eepi voor Wt, if ' SHOES iu uinler uere a. Secondary matter! If your parte looks weak and coasuaip ttve after the Xmas CJintiain rooie to oar store. A fam thut uonldu't bur a oor pairofslioej iu itrne places buys a ood (cir at our irlore. PARROTT BROS. CXCLU5IVE BOOT AXD SHOE DEALERS 32-1 Jsckson Street, ROSEELTia, OREGON. ! J. F. BARKER & GO. GBOCERS. TEAS SPECIALTY. .peut biaal jt nruJalteraled Te. Oar pr-.ie COPPEE la LaTirwr a Urge ule. Vtw nljit. iA Grlass and l)elf Ware At &Umiaik$R l ynt. Oar ovo ccnntO Tma mirv are rtry jopular. Salem Nursery Co. W. D. McQEE, Proprietor. VXE -now have a larire ttoek of fine, lar;c, ' healthy trees of all kinds, Including Apple, Pear, I'eacb, Prune and Cherry, which are ruarnntt-ed true to name and free from In hkIs, ami " ne mild at very reasonable rates. All penons detIr!ng trees should apply to E. L. GOODRIDGE, Agent, CANYON VILLE, OR. AdiiiiRisiratwr's Notice. Not let is hereby it en that the tiiidertlcncd aa by an order duly lsuel out of tho County f.'ourt lor Donsla county, titntc of Orcsoii, on the 4th day of Decemer, lhhl. uti(KintcI theol- minuirator 01 llio i.-luie 01 . j. Aicxawicr, nc a1. arid fix uch adrnlnlktrator lmx dulr qualified and cnU-rivl iitkiii thodutltn of snld olliiX'. All jienioiis holding finiuis ni?alri)it the said estate u 111 present the Mime, duly vcrlucd, within six months from thl dnte. to the under- kilned, or to J. W. Hamilton, at the Court jioube. Dated this Uth day ol Dcccmt-er, WJi. GEO. W. KIMBALL, Administrator of the Estate ol W. J. Alexmidcr, deceoMid. 1 l:t.' Wood taken on subscription ut tho FlAIXDE ALE Ii OlCce. W A. SALZMAN, (Succosor to J. JASKUl.EK.j Practical : Watchuiaker. : Jeweler : and : Optician. DEALER IX WATCIIKS, CLOCKS, JKtt'ELKY. AND TANCY fJODDS. BfiOE3a pi aa- nnnoctial.fl''. Cautitiiiio lSisy:ili;iii idyo S J iissck :iikI tS i;c;l ttulos a comi'1 i:te mock ok Cutlury, Notions, Tobacco, Ci:iiH ami Smoker' Aiticlus, Also L'ropriotor ami 3lauai;or of ItosnlHirut's Famous ISarain Sf are. f A. fiWkkR' Dame Rumor sa's : i: Beware of those slick lightning rod men traveling over the country selling Steel Ranges from", wagons." Yes, they will take 3-our note for an article which we will sell you at our store for less money. Don't get taken in. We carry a large line of RANGES AND STOVES and always guarantee satisfaction. CHURCHILL, WOOLLEY & MsXENi A SQUARE DEAUsgs 3 I Is We are here to Stay. SHEET 1 MU and He Mailed to any address Catalogue of this immense SIC 40000 We have also secured the agency of the Wiley 13. Allen Co. T. K. RICHARDSON, THE THIRD BKOOKSIDE The Jlowe Farm, east of town, has been plat ted and is now on the market in Lots and Blocks containing 3, 20, 30, and 40 acres, ranging in price from $25 to 5 100 per acre. Any one wanting a fruit, vegetable or chicken farm or a suburban home can now be accommodated 011 easy terms. All lots sold in First Brooksidc addition have more than doubled in value. The prospect is much better for the future. More fortunes are made iu lauds near a grow ing town or city than any other way. Sie.e the oppor tunity. Eor information or conveyance, call at tiny Real Estate Office, or on I ' i ' I ! ' 1 ' 8 M 10 11 I-! 4 5 what we give to every cus tomer, for we believe the Icst advertisement possible is a cus tomer pleased with what we have sold them, they will come again and again, and their friends wiil come too. We are not here for a day or for a month. We are Here to Sta-. ollehberg) Hbraha?,) - jRoseburg, Or. It is now well understood that . K. Ricahrdson is the best es tablished and most reliable Piano Organ dealer in the State. has secured the American ilVJttH-V .IHU Mill 3UU11 PIECES SHEET MUSK1 AT JO CTS. PER GOP V. for One Cent Extra. stock sent free on application. ADDITION XT "It Is irntrtf mum mat makes the man,w onul Watts, but modern ethics deny this, and give the credit to the Inilor. It i3 question able, .however, if either are right. Fooi 1 ?m camp rlahTic in diisrcspcct.thereforo those par en U; who would build tip (he physique of their children pjjyrf-ict nttnetion to t!:cir diet. Children arc all foud of pastry; for this to be hcitii iully prepared, mnstbt-cdas ashcrtcziug. It 13 Recommeaderj by the best Cooks, Consult your physician up on its hcaltlifulncss. Send three cents In stamps toN. K. Fairbouk S- Co.. Cbkaeo, for bauii uiCHit'otUileao Cbok llook.contsln eix bundrvd recipes, prepared Ly vsih.-entanUorlttea on cuoklos Cottukn a cold by all crocers. ltefnee uU rubbtUutea. 3l; 8 JJatlo only by N-K. FASREANK CO., ST. LOUIS and -.HICAGO. UZVl YORK. BOSTON 'OATj'RH OMnvteiicai RVS5tTUTT. I'VjfTBREATh.- MAiL f or TOmOL. Sold bv A. C. Marters cc Co. W.tnDoCLA it? ' rr r-r .sthckst VS?W3 "i3 Sa'feyfnj "IT FOS A KING. i. C OK DO VAN, 435? Fine Calf WCwaa&a .S?PCUCE,3 50LES. s9S2.W0RKINGPli S2.S7B0YS'SSraiSiKS. L.UDIES . fc ik.iw wn wai "LMiW. 'W-L-DOU&LAS. 0trOnc Million People wear the V. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All oar shoes are" equally satisfactory They zlvr tbe 'jest aloe for the mocev. They euji ensu.-n abocs In atyle and ftt. TbHr wiarine qualities are unaarpafscd. Toe prices are uniform. stamped on sole. From Si to $3 saved over ohcr roal.es. Ifyourccikriinrioti.;!-; icar. tola by dealer ever where. Wanted, agent to take exclushcsale for this icinity. Write at once. 1 4$ wjN T:: 3 ex'-s- or:,:. ,r; i,..;-J-iVLUat...- Js tho r?Ost vonuerfal dtscortry of tho s?e. It Iks het 1 ri Vrv.J hy t.j3 men o;' Europe and Ameri-a, Hudyan ', Purely c. uble. Hudjan -.-s Prefnal'j;r- :-j of tho i i s- Cc.is;.;jt:cn, I'im'ncra, Fa'iing Sen iti: ns.Scrr ctistw.tchlnj: of the eyes and other Strengthens, iii vitr orate and tones the entire system. Hudjan cures Del) ill tv, Nerrousresi, ml BHiong. acdckvelopes jnJ ri store s ueat --ans. l"aini in the beei. ltr.is b V l n V nr m ehRrgo In jo day?. Otres LOS' MANHOOD hishtstorped qtiiekly. Oor 2.f03 pr;n.; ( 1 io-sir.cnt. ' Preauturcnes meant, nutx.'.fi.i-y in tin; S.-it staee. It U a tymplora vi f r.n:isl weakness nnd b-trTonneii. It can bo stopped ia 3) davs r.j t he tiso o f Ktt riydE. The new discovery was made 1? thsPwelat isUoftbcoldtamou3lluc!son Modlcal liutltute. It is the stroncest vitalurr made. It is very powerful, but hnitclcss. Sold for S1.C0 a paek BuoorO paokagea for Si.00(plnln realed foxes) Wn t ten Rii&ran teo given for a euro. If von buy sixtoxcsauil are not entirely enrte, dx jnoto will lie sent to ycu free of ail charces. Sendf.ir clrrularsnnd tcstlmnnfals. ddrc; iIUlJ3l. .IIJjUlliAli IMTtTtTfCL .Tunctioii fitoclttoti, .tlarkct A. 3illi: att fraiiciM'o, s;nl. ill PI i IGorn Paint Jh CurosCORNS, BUNI0KS and WARTS SPEEDILY r-nd WITHOUT PAIN. P FOR SALE BY ML DRUGGISTS. 4 LlfPMAN BR0TKE3S, i'rcp'rs, W W Lippmsn's Block, SAVANNAH, CA. oorroLin ak -7 SSf; m SK3 era tat? Au ma 1 I THE SEAL QUESTION AGAIN. It Is Claimed That tho l'nrl Union Ilavo llesullcil In Itccular Slaughter. Tha voryfir.it year's trial of tho Paris rostrictiona seems to havo resulted in an appeal from tho Unitod States to other nations to stop pelagic sealing iu Bering sea altogether next year. In proof of its good faith our government, it is report ed, would suspend its own seal killing entirely on tho Pribilof islands at much loss of rovcuuc, and perhaps at tho risk of having to indemnify tho lessees of tho islands. Tho fact is that our friends, tho Vic toria scaler?, overdid their business dur ing tho last season, and tho now Paris rules enabled them to overdo it. They began with a great outcry against tho rules, holding a meeting and intimating that their occupation was gone. This, however, was possibly intended for ef fect on tho British parliament. But when it had uo effect they went to work at tho beginning of tho season with their customary energy, and tho result was that of breaking all records in their year's catch. They took, ac cording to tho published statements, about 05,000 skins. Theso represent presumably a still larger number of seals slaughtered, though not (jnito so largo an excess as if firearms had been used. I Add the number taken by American i vessels, as well as by tho Russian and 1 Japanese, and it will be seen that tho slaughter of the animals during tho year must havo been enormous. IIow largo a proportion were fcecured in Bering sea does not appear by the statements thus far mado public, but it has been said that tho Triumph, which made the champion catch, surpassing ia fact anything before known, obtained more than two-thirds of Ler seals with in the waters of Bering sea within seven weeks, although those were not open until Aug. 1. The result of the investigations mado by Mr. Hamlin of tho treasury depart ment confirms tbe views entertained by our own nay officers in tho patrol fleet that the ammals aro fast diminishing, and that tho Paris rules aro not check ing tho diminution. The consent to a year's halt in pelagic sealing by all na tions is perhaps the best remedy for ex isting evils. Tho nost question is as to how many nations wiil agree to this proposal. It would be better if the re striction should apply to both sides of tho north Pacific, by the co-operation of Russia and Japan, but England's ac ceptance of tho arrangement would alono justify our government in carry ing it out. New York Sun. MUST LEARN TO SMOKE Thoe Women IVlio Will l'crsbt In Oe-cupj-iag the Itrsertctl "Smokers." A few months ago the Philadelphia street car companies began running smoking cars in response to a popular demand for them. It has been found al most impossible to keep women out of j these cars, aad, to make matters worse, tho smokers, saabla to resist the claims of politeness, have been cheerfully sur rendering their seats to tho women. Things havo now got to such a pass that the lath r have become masters of the situation. "Day by day," says an observer, 1 "tho feminine travel upon tho smoking j cars has increased. That roan is lucky i who can now cliLg to tho edges of the j car and Jondly hope that he may smoke I in peace after the long journer is over and be has reached the secluded pre cincts of his offico or heme. The women net only claim the smoking car as their own, but they have began to staro cold ly at such men as now venture timidly into the cars which vrtro prepared es pecially for them. " Tho question whether tho men have a right to smoke in a smoking car in tbe presence of women ha.i been settled by the latter iu the negative, and ait otleud' er was actually ejected from one of these cars the other day by a man ac oompaaying an indignant woman. What makes the persistence of tho women sin gular is that the smoking cars are much less comfortable and attractive than thoe provided for general use. The Philadelphia liowspapers aro coura geously supporting the men in this emer gency and urging them to stand on their rights. "Tho women," ono newspaper makes bold to say, "must yield tho cars to men, or they (tho women) must learn to smoke. " Now York Post. Tlie I'rico of Hikes. The price for 1S03 hicycles ha? been quito definitely settled for tho coming season, as inauy of tho leading manu facturers have announced their determi nation to list their wheels at $100. Thero are many exceptions, however, and some of tho prominent makers will adhero to their 1894 lists, while other manufacturers will put their list price below $100. There is, however, an almost univer sal expression from manufacturers in regard to tho quality of their machines, which indicates that there will bo a general improvement in material, work manship and finish all along the line. Iron Age. Cotwaacuinit y In Germany. Despite tho warnings of "medical au thorities, marriage between blood rela tions. continue to an alarming logrco in Girmany. Daring tho lat year there were upward of '-.000 such marriages, 1.-I2S being between first and second cousin 111 between uncles and nieces and 10 butwen nephews and aunts. Tho proportion of theso consanguineous al liances to tho total of marriages record ed is 1 to each 140 matrimonial unions. Berlin Letter. 3Irs. Cleveland. Mrs. Cleveland, it is understood, will retire from s vioty this winter in antici pation of an interesting event which is to occur in March nest. Several ladies of the diplomatic corps will lie missed this winter for tho samo reason, includ ing tho beautiful American bride of tho French embassador; Mrs. Yu. the Chi nese minister's wife, and Mr?. Ariaga Laza of tho (lu.-itemala legation. Wil liam E. Curtis in Chicago Record. titoclt ttr;ttHH. .'! v siiH-k br.titd i a cross Miind left I MKitildt r nti-l ni! !. ft th'ti. Kar inarkn, 1 uii'ltT half cri. in Ivntii rare. Range oil j Mill :id (mvi:i iTft-k. ! I'". I. I ill ItUtlKiK. ' E.-vjiviiNf nm fn.rt. j Any pt.h in iK-twIi -unty mi- rli.iMtiit .1 (Hum nf Tin WitVy II. Allen Co. i!iitinji th fair ut Portland. Or., can li.ivc. freight bill refunded if prewntett to T. K. Kichuidson, TJowhtjrg, within 15 days after purchase of goods. THIS WHALE Z LOADED. With n Danccroo.i Homb Under Ills Hide lio Challcncca Alt Comers. Tho steam whaler Bulvcdcro arrived from a year's whaling cruise Wednes day with only five bperm and right whales to her credit. When sho left port last December, she went iu search of sperm whales in tho South seas, but with poor success. Tho first ono that tho crows in tho boats got within reach of was near tho Sandwich Islands. It was a monster sperm whale, and all fivo boats put off in pursuit of it. Ono that was commanded by Mato'Philip Cook crept up to within rango of it, and a bomb to which a lino was attached was successfully fired into it, but tho esplo sives with which tho bomb was charged failed to work. Away the whale went, skimming along at a frightful rate jnst under tho surface and lashing tho water into foam in his agony. Tho long lino was soon run out, but its end was securely fas tened to tho boat, and tho frail craft was soon flying along in tow of tho whale. Tho monster did not seem to relish being mado a tugboat of, and ho stopped and turned on his pursuers. For a moment ho watched the occupants of tho small boat again slowly creeping upon him. When about half of tho in tervening spaco had been covered, tho whalo suddenly flipped his hugo tail in tho air and went under tho surfaco of tho ocean. A moment later ho roso within a few yards of tho boat and went at it with a rush, his hugo jaws open and showing every indication that a whale can of anger. Before another shot could be fired tho monster rolled over and caught tho boat between his jaws. Thero was a crushing of timbers, and all tho crew but ono went flounder ing in tho wake. The missing man was Andrew Cook, and ho sat in tho bow of the boat just where tho great jaws camo together. It is supposed that ho was taken in tho whalo's mouth, and as tho monster sank after his attack tho man was carried down far below tha surface and did not como up again. The men in tho other boats arrived and picked up their struggling com rades, but tho crews wero too much afraid to continue tho attack, and they put back to the ship with all speed. When the whalo nest camo to the sur face, he again made an attack on the boat he had wrecked, and ho did not leave it nntil it was smashed into kin dling wood. For five days after that tho whale remained about tho ship in viting attack from the small boats, but the infuriated monster was let alone, and now the South sea has a giant fish swimming about in its waters with a highly esplosivo and dangerous bomh secreted under its thick coat of blubber that is liable to explode at any moment. San Francisco Examiner. DO YOU TWIG! An Interesting Little Story About the Trcci, Leading Ladles, Etc. All London is laughing in its sleeve just now over an unexpected incident in Beerbohm Tree's family circle. Some days ago it was officially announced that Mrs. Patrick Campbell would be Mr. Tree's leading woman during his ap proaching American tour. This occa sioned surprise in London, becauso it was known that Mrs. Tree, a very charming actress herself, was opposing this project tooth and naiL The Trees have been married for 15 years, and as they have been blessed with no small twigs Mrs. Tree has been able to devote herself heart and soul to her husband and her art. She has been her husband's leading woman for so long that naturally she resented another ac tress taking her place. In fact, so strong was the opposition Mrs. Tree brought to bear that Mrs. Campbell's engagement was called orT, but during tho last fort night circumstances have arisen thar will compel Mrs. Tree to remain at home until after tho month of April, and the joke of the matter is that Mrs. Tree herself is so delighted that she has written to Mrs. Campbell and begged her to take her placo in Mr. Tree's com pany. 2ew York Sun. Capital XeedcU There. Consular advices received at tho de partment of state warn Americans against emigrating to Mexico with a view to permanent settlement with in sufficient means or without informing themselves in a reliable way as to the prospects for earning livelihoods. While thero aro undoubtedly good op portunities in Mexico for enterprise, frugality and thrift, it is, like other countries, a laud of varying conditions, and it often happens that disappoint ment is the result of emigration under taken upon insufficient; or misleading information or without resources which are always necessary to success in a new country. Many Americans have been induced by alluring statements as to tho cheap ness of coffee raising, etc., to emigrate to Mexico within the past year, and some have lost their all by so doing. For these reasons consuls deiro to cau tion Americans against the representa tions of speculators, who aro always on the watch for tho unwary. Philadel phia Press. Outvrtttinjr the Voraciou Hotel Keeper. LTaving discovered that tho vagaries of some of the Paris hotel proprietors in tho way of charges havo influenced a number of English and American fam ilies who used to spend some weeks at certain seasons of the year in the French capital to givo it a wido berth, or, if they do stay, to go to furnished apart ments in preference to a hotel, tho In ternational Sleeping Car company con templates buying or building houses in tho best parts of Paris and laying them out on tho Hat principle. Ono advantage of tho proposed system is that visitors will bo saved tho trouble of searching out quarters after their arrival. They will be able to (-elect, when arranging for their journey, tho class of apart ments thoy require, and if proper notice is given the rooms can bo furnished ia my stylo that is desired. Westminster Budget. TUe SrrStott W:t:cr 3oior Of capacities varying from 1 to 23 horse power. 14I lor 1 is tin smit-l convenient, hh r.omicai and reliable power for all lkht service. One of theo mav lie seen run ning at this eilirtt. Send for circulars. The IVIlon Water Wheel Go.. VM Main St., San Francisco, Cal. 2Xort:iK: Loans. $1000 to fdflOO or improved farm prop erty. 1). S. K. lU'ii-K. Go to tho Ilosoleaf for the best cigars. CHOLLY'S GOSSIP. raragraphs That Contain Information For tho Delectation of tho Select. I have received a number of letters asking mo to disclose tho names of tho "syndicato" that is making ono pretty young married woman so very happy by their well distributed attentions and favors. It would bo cntiroly unfair to telL Thero is no fun in starting scandal. It is only proper to comment upon matters as they are, as the world knows them and sees them. Tho syndicato and tho object of its de votion wero all to bo seen at tho horso show daily. Their names aro immaterial. It is tho originality of tho idea and tho woman's complacency that make the subject amusing. The dudes of tho Knickerbocker club aro having an iron extension built over tho sidewalk to protect their pretty var nished boots and greased hats as they pass in and out of tho club to and from their carriages. It really is a nuisance in stormy weather to get one's boots gummy or one's shirt bosom rained on while get ting from a cab to tho door, and I should think that other clubs would fol low tho sensible example set by tho dudery. Now, chappies, open your brainboxes wido and stuff this pointer in: It isn't "goff" at all, and if yon think it is yoa arc in such a hopeless condition of bad form that your lawyer can enly save you on tho plea of in cipient paresis. Nobody over tho water pronounces it "goff," except tho caddies who work for fippenco a day, and I am suro there can't be any chappio within shot of Delmon ico's who wants to be put on tho Eame level as a caddie. "Goff" is away off. Call it "gowff," and people will think you aro crazy maybe, hut yon will bo right English up to tho top notch, den't chew knaw! "Gowff" goes. See? Mr. A. M. Bagby requests me to con tradict as briefly as possible tho state ment that he is engaged in marriage to Mrs. Paran Stevens. It is done. Cholly Knickerbocker in New York Recorder. A ROYAL SCANDAL. Ilather n. IJad Breakup Uettrecn the Prince of Waldcisar and His Wife. It is impossible for newspapers any longer to ignoe the scandal which has been talked about iu every court in Europe for months past. Tho persons most affected are Prince Waldemar of Denmark and his wife, born Princess Marie of Orleans. The couple were mar ried in ISSo and havo three children. In the lat year or two there havo been frequent quarrels. The pair aro now apart, the prince remaining with his children in Copenhagen and tha prin cess'stay Lng wi th some members of her family in France. If the friends and relatives do not succeed in reconciling the young people, there will be an ac tion for divorce. The princess accuses her husband of unfaithfulne;sand it is alleged against her that her eccentricities havo made her name a byword in "Denmark. It is asserted that she is a habitual taker of morphine and an excessive smoker of cigarettes, even in tbe public streets; that sho has shown an absurd and im prudent partiality for the firemen of Copenhagen and is constantly attending conflagrations and distributing cigars and cigarettes among the officers aad or dering liquor for the men, and that sho was so lacking in good taste as to have herself photographed in fireman's uni form, with the result that copies of that photograph aro to be found in all tho fire stations. Furthermore, the princess is accused of having upon more than ono occasion insulted the lato Czar Alexander, and also her niothcr-in-law, Qacen Louise, to tho great pain and annoyance of the entire family. Such is the husband's case against hiswife. The latter has made no statement of her grievances, which are understood to be numerous, beyond the general chargo of miscon duct. Copenhagen Letter. John Hull's Greediness. Ono of tho recent incoming steam ers brought Max O'Rell again to our shores. At the usual entertainment held the last night at sea for tho usual cause the benefit of the seamen this accom plished foreigner and critic of all na tions was chairman of tho evening. In announcing the programme M. Blonet remarked that the preeecels cf tho even ing's entertainment were for tho benefit of two American institutions and one English enc, "though, " he atlded. "they will probably bo divided in just the re-, verse proportion." Having thus em phasized John Bull's greediness, 'ho went on: "Every effort has been made to secure all the talent to bo found on the bhip. The cabin has been invited to cot! tribute, anil the steerage would prob ably have assisted if it had not been so busy drafting a new constitution for the United States." New York Times. The First Was Last. The race between tho ttosmcrs De lano from New Orleans and Darlington from Galveston for the honor of being the first cotton ship to enter tho Man chester ship canal almost ended in dis aster. Tho Darlington . arrived in tho Mersey and anchored. The Delano, ar riving a few hours later, mado a dash for the canal entrance, taking tho risk of tho unfavorable state of tho tide. This made the Darlington's captain augry, and he unwisely followed, vith tho result that he was stranded on a mud bank and had to wait for several hours for a turn in tho tide, tho Delano, of course, eai!y winning tho race.. Manchester Guardian. Mrs. Cleveland Said, "Good Luck, St. Loafs." Mrs. ( 2cve!ai:d did not say, "I christen theo Sr. Louis." Sho" said, "Ucl luck, Sr. Louis." This is official and authentic St. Louis Republic. Csvtarv or J1jUjjsc'ii:s fur Catarrh ttisii Contain Jlercnry. a- to. rcurj- will ,i,re;y destroy tin- eM- of Min-ll nd completely tlt-r't!ie the hole .-Mer.i nlivu mtorins it ihnnwh itinwi- urfcue SMH-h un.eles l-.iul.l il-vvr tv used rrcM nn preseri;.tiin irrm repniabli- i!i.ii-lu.-.. th damage thi will,!,. 1.. !hm.-,l vm 11m poo-iLly !rnc from them. SUIlS :iiirriv t'liri.' maiiuf tnre.1 by K. J. rheiiev A Co.. To .odo. (., eon lair i-Kh-nurv. n ml K tatru in tcrnally. ;H-lilix din-etly upon ih- W.huI unit muw.us Mir ! Ihe-y-i.-lu. ),, iMiviuc HhII ("iilarrh run- tx-.-un.' v,ni -;-t the eeniiiiu-. It ak.-n iulerii:.lly. ,m.i .ua.lv i- Ti.k-.la, OUlv, ly K J. t'ii. ney . r,.. t'ofimountU, fm. rioid by lrat;;.ts, price "" v. itr bottle. Trespas notice printed on cloth for sale at this otlioe at 5 cents each.