THE PLAINDEAliER, ISSUED EVERY VOKDAY ASO THORSDiT BY THE PLAINDEAIER PUBUSHIKC COHPAHY Subscription Rates: One Year payable in advance . 8a oo 'six Months, " " Tbreo Months. ' " . X oo MONDAY, JAN. 14, 1895. BIG POKER STORIES. THEIR TEXT THE REMARKABLE VA GARIES OF LUCK. Senator Wolcott's Lucky Draw In tlio "llracc" Gamo Tlio Old Kcd Ear Story Keloid In Coadensctl Toriu Tlio rcraon- - ! al Confession of Ono of "tho Company." "I suppose Senator Wolcott is ono of tbo coolest men liviugwhcai engaged in n gaiao of chance, " said Albert Watson of Denver. ' 'Liko most men whoso early manhood has toa spent onthofrouticr, ho learned tho ralno of a poker baud and tho best way to keep cases as soon as ho , learned law, and ho was known ns a lim it' player all over Colorado before his famo as a lawyer had spread ontsido of Denver. When playing faro, ho always U1U iU4ll J . i--v. tarn of a card as tho dealer will allow him to, and when ho sits in a poker gamo tho other peoplowant to keop their eyes wido open and play their cards mighty close tip to their chests. "Wolcott on co found himself iu a gamo of poker where thrco of tho other players wero playing a sure gama Thoy were professionals and were after a big bcndlo of money that ho had in his pos session as well as looking for that which tho fifth player, a mining operator named Durkin. was known to have. Wolcott know in 20 minutes after tho first hand was dealt that tho intention was to rob him and wearied his wits 1 trying to find a way oat cf tbo gamo J without making trouble, but ho couldn't discover a means to savo him. At last ho was dealt a pat flush of diamonds mado up of tho 5, 7, S, 9 and jack. Ho I skinned theso cards over and did a mighty piece of thinking. Ho felt in his bones that a Hush would bo no account ' in tha world when it camo to a show-) down, but ho chipped in and staid to ilraw cards. To his surprise, ho wasn't raised before tho draw. "Ho looked over his bright red dia monds and concluded to draw a card, in order, if possible, to strengthen tho se quence. Ho pandered a long time be tween discarding tha 5 spot or tho pic ture, and at last tossed away tho jack and called for a card. The dealer looked surprised at his wanting any, but gavo him tho card. Wolcott picked it up and found ho had got tho G spot cf dia monds. He never turned a hair. Tho betting began, and he nursed his se quence oi ciamonus ami just staia ; along, letting tho other fellows do tho raising. At last it got down to Wolcott ; and ono of tho professionals. Finally there was a call, and the other man showed fosrqueens. Wolcott laid down tbo 5, G,t7, 8 nd 0 of diamonds and swept in tho pot. Tho gamo stopped ' right there. I reckon that was tho great-' est piece cf lack that any man ever had in a poker game." When Hr. Watson had concluded his interesting recital anil tho wonderful draw had been expatiated upon, one of his listeners remarked that ho reckoned it was his deal. "This is a story of luck, too," ho remarked, "butcf a different character from that experienced by Sen ator Wolcott. A friend of mino who lives out in ilaryland was playing in a littlo poker came not long ara. The paraphernalia of the game was primi- j tivc, consisting cf a single well thumbed deck of steamboat cards, with grains rf ! by a, regular tempest of bad luck, and his corn was down to a very few grains. He agitated his mind for a minute or two and then suddenly announced that ho had forgotten to give his horse water and would have to do it. He went out cf tho house, and being familiar with the premises made his way to the comhonse, and putting in his hand in tho dark got an car of com and put it in his pocket. Then ho went to tho stable, after mak ing a big noise at tbo pump to let tho fellows inside believe he was moistening his animal, and returned in a few min utes to tho house. He sat down and pro ceeded to pull out tho 'chips' ho had placed in hi3 pocket when ho left, and which bo had substantially added to meantime. Yon can imagine his con sternation when ho found that he drew forth his original dozen whito 'chips,' with twice that many red. Ho had man aged to find in tho dark tho cnlyrcd car in tho ccmbouse." "I'll mako a personal confession after that," said Henry Miller when tho laugh subsided. "Somo years ago I was prono now and then to indulgo in tho delights of draw, and t hero was a friend living near me, over in Georgetown, afflicted with intermittent insanity of tho samo sort that visited him at inter vals coincident with my own. Conse quently wo usually hunted tho animal together. Ono night wo came over this ddo ot tho creek together and proceeded ! to a place on Ninth street, whero a pub lic game, with table stakes, was pretty popular. Along about 1 1 o'clock wo both got broke and concluded to go home. Tho eight had grown stormy, and it was sleeting like sin when wo left tho 'club,' as it was called. A search revealed that wo had bat ono car ticket between us. The bobtail car?, without a conductor, were then used on tbo Met ropolitan line, and wo conceived tho highly original idea of splitting that ticket in half and dropping tho two pieces in the box. Wo boarded tho last "car over and carried out our scheme. Yon may knock mo down if both pieces didn't fall in the box white sido up. The driver glanced at them and then started to open tho door, but wo both made a break and got off tho car. I mado up my mind there that my luck wa3 too utterly Lad for a poker player, and walking home through that blizzard I determined to try no more poker, and I haven't touched a card in a money gamo since." Washington Star. Cheyenne is a word of doubtful origin. Somo say that it is from tho Indian aheyenne, meaning btrauger; others that it is French, from cliien dog and that tho town in Wyoming of that namo was called so from tho prairio dog villages common on tho plains. Notice 18 hereby given to Hie public by the underBisned that I !o not allov dead animals to be buried on my prom ises, at Kosebnrg, Oregon, or garbage damped thereon or sand or gravel taken therefrom, unless the iarty taking sand or gravel first contract with me for the right to so do. Tresspassers will be prosecuted ac cordinz to law. A.wtos Hoke. RoseburK, Oregon. March 17th. 181. Boots and shoes Belling at cost at Laneenbcrtt'tf. Closing out nalc. No humbuK. Call and be convinced. Only 50c. Read Tha ttocMogs, cloves, children's clothing, etc, etc" Tho way to begin real economy. OUR SPECIALTY Eac' month wo tcU you how to get a eomplcto tult for f rom uun orm,niii i. e,0 0o to 8,5.oo equal to tailor mado. Just how to do it. Where to petit. Ail tho material, oven to tho minutest littlo artlclo ot trimming. Just how to mako It, etc, eta This alono will bo worth titty times tho cost of tho subscription to any woman. THE GREATEST OFFER YET. A PATTERN and any (our of tho following standard books, bound In whlto and cold, new largo type, good paper, nil rent tree : or tho pattern and six sheets of music, such as would cost you 40 cents each In a etoro, delivered tree In any part of tho United States or Canada, if you send at onco twcnty.flvo Co. stamps for a ncwyearly subscription. Wo Ipso money by this, bnt onco a subscriber always a Subscriber. Can select tho pattern any time. Mention ' the numbers ot tho books you want. Don't wait 'till its too late. I. Tun Yttrow Mask. Willie Collins, t. Koccing the FcntK-Mn. Alriandcr. 3. Th Octoioox. Min Xt. F- HrMnn. 4. Thk Kao or Duuosns Oorre M. Fcniu t. 1.ADT Oaaot. Mr. Henry Wood. 6. The Scenes Hailing. Charlotte M. Brarme. t. The mi ado w or a six. Chatlotte M. Brume, . viiiri or a monroa. n. iiunL o. The Pecmss, "The tiuchtii." KX SlKCLE llEAET AKI DOVBLK KaCE. ChtS. KcJe. II. CXICEET OH THE IlEAETII. Chu. Dicktm. II. A Wicked Riau Mary Cecil liar. rj. Mej.Cavdi-CvetaimIjectvis. D.JerroM. 14. Ct Itli Back. Hoih Conway. " Address, THE McCALL CO., Kins: of ell Bicycles. Light Wdght and MtTjmS Superior flatcrial Rigidity. Every Ma HH and Scientific Work chinefuliy warranted ifZl 1 maoship. . . Iligt'Sst Honors at the World's Colombian Eipositioa. Scai two-cent stamp (or ocr 34-pae Catalogue A work ot Art. Monarch Cycle Company, tv-x -i, Wahvh Av-. Lake P. PRICKLY ASH, poke root AND POTASSIUM Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula the weak acd debintatnl. kIii-s urcnztfc to wcaEcocd ncrrcs, eA-ls UMvi.jTlT;tbcpaIlcollisatri ami fcx(-?trscu wiiere ntars, cmf feUnci csd laisitsda Cm prrraik-t. For rrtnarr tmniturj irnlcj rrrhthi. tor Mwl rn:lic. rarra rial T-iL-i n. rr.alA.lx. Cjsir,ii. ril In All t-kyvl an pain Cits. bMeiio. p-s--Lp, old rhrr-otc ti--rta, tetter, rcul bead. toil.. errst(l5. cctetria we m j nay. witticci Irarnf 1". P P.Hthctx-rt. Mood rmrtScr In the wntM, anl rotn fx-miTe. tpeori-r S peras-ii mm Ltdlei trhoeo TJ-tct p..3l Ed chaso biootl 3 In l3p5fi rnr. -Uon. dne to r-r-i:rt-al ItTrsralirstM, ara recsltirly heceSsed try tbo non derfol tonic Wood elesssjsc r"r crtlMof P. r. J'.-Prtctlj Azi, Toio ErsrTCTn-rj, Mo.. W. 1 can apeat ia ti fcliu 1 tu-.. J.C ; terms cf -rtrrri-isdicl-io Ircarar -sci---rson-.J k&owlodse. liT532cct.Tritarirt eiei. plctrrl'r ad rtecrsalL- -r S3 -run. a treated by the rcry l-cus pbTJcJaas sai sr-nt tinntreO 1 1 hn. tried ercrr Luown r-u-ieJ "Ith-c-rt tsdrair rrllet. ItSTr ocly liken oa-t Doerlo ot jr-crP. P. P.. ard tsa ebeerfany ssy it has dose moi"--.r3 sood Uian anjUilnff 1 bare cTer tatcn. 1 can recoacurs'l jonr taedldao to all mCcrtm c tv aSx-ro Atxaim. MRS. U. U. Tr.AUY. fiprlc2eli. Oreea Ccocty, ZLx 0 Real Estate Bought and Sold Farms, large and small, to Rent, AND IMMEDIATE Stock Ranges, Timber Lauds and Mining Properties, Prune and Hop Lauds of best quality, in choice locations, iu quantities to suit intending purchasers, at reasonable prices and easy terms. Inquire of ID. S- K. BTJIOK, A RON HOSE. ROSE ruontiEToits of the N Era ew Manufacturers ol J t!ic Cclflriilcl Ilrnuds f l'liiur, C F Bran, Shorts, Feed, Etc, Constantly on Hand, Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat This All Through. owes i lKsigns. iionuinit styles, rorroct rnttcrns for Ladle. Misses nnd Children. Superb Illustrations. Fashion Notes. Health nnd Beauty. Fancy Work. Beautifully Illustrated Suggestions. Storios. Children's Paso. 1'raoUcnl Pago. Practical, useful mid economical hints ot nil kinds. l'rc-cmlnontly tho Fashion Journal for tho million. A valuable, clean household piper lor only 60c. a jcir. THE QUEEN OF FASHION ILLUSTRATING tlthhthi Hcfhll Rmr PuifRMis EtUbtUhed TwenlyFIro Years. Ton may think you cannot afford another paper. You cannot afford to bo without It. Tub Quits:? or Fashion will actually savo you (ram fifty to fire hundred times 60 cents bvlts hints. "Hot? to mako over old dresses. 15. A Koci'E's Life. Wilkle Collin. IS. Shim That 1'au in the Nicnr. D. HimJtn. IT. A Sll'DY IN SCAIIET. A. CoTlAn Dorte. is. Wepdeo and I'aeted. Charlotte XI. Ilraemt. 10. Xtr Laiit's Money. Wilkie Collini. xx XIaid, WirE oe Widow. Ha AlcianJer. 31. Hack to the Old SIowe. Mary Cccllllay. si. A Yellow atek. lota. rj. Hlack Beauty. Anna Sewell. xi. Chaelotte Teule. Ir. Rowton. it. The Heir or Lynne. Robert tluchimn. si. The Man in Place. Staaltr J. Wercun. tj. Dodo.-E. F. Uenjon. 46 East 14th St., New York. Absolute!' the Best. ind tialsted Sis., CHICAGO, ILL. PIMPLES, BLOTCHES AND OLD SORES CATARRH, MALARIA, KIDNEY TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA Are? cattrelx Rinoml tjy P.rJC. -PrtelJj Aab. Pcto Eoct ad Potas atcsi. tbo createat blew J pcrlCcr 00 eartb. Arrrrrr-e. O.. July 71. llj-srrs Umts Bros.. PaTrLnnab, Ga. : rt-AXCiss 1 tcasht ahottloof -roorP.P p. atnotSDrd'p'.Ariuuw I;ba ilnono tncro rrv -i t Vn lr rscst' tnt-aeat at tiit tscp. Sjnd tirj t-oetles C t. IX. ifccrJccn, Eroca CV Ccr-c. Z. C. -c -t. Ts tit vn i! TZ'.f rn-rti- I ,rrr v-tl'rtotLe-. nl.-ri ' -.rLcr oi P. P. P. for fr-trtS"?" ' - 't. t tiCrrt-1 whuIJ' -r- "-33m-rlcttlr taJ tli-zsn-' ' ..!" r:r I -j--. 1 trir.lfv v .. unc !y Lw. La T-jla.Ttafll r wjvstl. aadtaMveUa''; lWEwe-lL J. V. - .'ST?:.. TzntmTTZfrxa He iV.T Srf-tz. Til. SErjcrs,T.. J-itnr M. W- Gv: hmUmtxl bvo trl- I jrar V. V P. f ..r a disease cf tbn tm, ts.iity Z.ztr s atin ocer,ot lii'.flr rrzn' arr.-.hnc, id .'caod creat te2c?: :t t.ibobloo-l and r?tcm all !r ii: iVa I rwci Hie scat ct tbc illeata an"- rreTeat-i any frrre-linc rvf if a -.T I f.aTotatcnflTocrrUstottl'; ri :t"troct;dontt!f.ta3'HScrrrar tuI eject a enre. ItltaL-orcllorrt trccUee. a'onra trulr, CiPT. W. it. KCST. attorsv at Laxr. 0 m FR2. ALL DHCQGISTfl SELL 17. LSFPftfiAN BROS. rHOPBlETOBS. Llrpnm'i Dloete3gTnnnh, Ca TOiSESSION GIVEN. 4Vaf ?iaa A. M. HOSE & CO. oiler jVills, 11 I T E I'o CcwtH per HncU -J O J L 5 I 0 R 5 CO,,t" ,,Cr HacIt st. Louis (jlobeOemocrat If Kiglit Pages mh Tuesday 4 - and Friday, Sixteen f Pages Kvery Week, ...ONU'. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR is, beyond all comparison, the biggest, best and cheapest, national news and family Journal published in America. Strictly Republican in politics, it gives all the news and gives it at least three days earlier then it can be had from any of the Metropolitan weeklies. It Is Indispensable to the farmer, merchant or profess ional man, who desires to keep thor oughly posted, but has not time to read a large Daily Paper. Write for free samples to GLOME P HINTING CO., Louis, Missouri. By special contract, we are enabled to offer The St. Louis Globe-Democrat twice every week in connection with TiiK Plaindeaj.KR for only S2.25 a year, provided you subscribe before April 1, 1895. Considering the character of the two papers the greatest of national Journals and the best of your home papers this offer has never been equalled. Do not delay but send in your sub scriptions at once. JOB Poor Printing Pays Poor Profits. PLAINDEALER PUB. CO. Portland i. Location beautiful, of temptation. 2. Best instruction in and Business Courses; also State Diplomas to graduates courses. 3. Board in West Hall, lies, $100 to $200 per year for board and tuition. 4. Fall Term opens Sept. 1 8th. Catalogues sent free Address C. C. Stratton, D. D., President, or Thos. Van Scoy, D. D., Dean. PRimiriG We get out a class of Job Printing that is Superior to the "General Run." University healthful and free from all places College, Preparatory, Normal in Theology, Music and Art of Normal. Diplomas for all Club Houses or private fami SluriffSnle. In the umcuir court ov the Etute of Oregon, fur D.u;lai Coui.ti'. Feudal Sutliurlln, I'JaintiH. Vi. Win. (!. It. Dixon anil Nan . Extcutio:i. nluJ.U Dixon, Dcfumluiiti. ' Statu of iirion. ( . County of DimUs. j to Tii tlio Shcrifl of U-iul-a County, Oregon, (irci'tlii: Whereas .sJull.erllr, !:iiil11I :iliovo iiameil, ultliu reu!ui- December tvrin. It'.) I, ol the. Circuit Com! of the Stale ot ttri-z ufr tho County ol I)ou;laf , to wit: on Muml.iy ilio lTlii (lav of Di-tetiilier. 1VJS. lecovure-'. a jiiVment iiuiiiit the tuld ilufeml.inv, W'ui. ' (! II. Dixon mill N.umio J. (!. Dixnn, for tin- nun of filKM .t. willi inUri.'t tliriton at the r.itu of 10 eent per iiiinuin fnnu Hie !)m il.iy of November. 1V.U. Inr tlic um f i'.OO (Hi : ntloiiieys f. en, nr.d fi.i I'liiniifiV ro-ts i,ikI ll.-liurreuieiit4 thVeil at srJ.riU. kimI !-. In. I ' tiwul iilitl ilurru of furcelu lire n ih-j-t !li fol lowing ile Ji-iili.'.i miirta, d premise:", louil: Thu eoutli ha' I uf the K.-utlnvtet itnartirnt M-cliou twrnly nine (stl), the 1 1! nuiiilx-ri d lvi-ii and eiht (7 and S) i( . leitoi. thirty l:M), llie norlli ! aif ul Hie u r lifast qn.irte. the Miulhe.i-t iUirli i ol l!t. nof llua. t ipiarer. llie illlheaat ill.irtiT and hil :i iul l m Miti.'ii III, west half of melimi 'M all (' tanl liuet. in tmviiihiii "0 niulh, of x"iffi " we-t. Willaniflte .Mefidian, l).)U-ii.i ' jiuitv.Oreo'i. The northweft quarter and l! . Miulh half ol the f-mithwett iiiirt r of c!iii S, t'ueetut half a-nl the east htlf uf the Miii:ivett H'mrter and lolt iiuinherid 'A end 1 of 8-eli"ii 5, the uorthtvet quarter of teetioti rt, the eatt Iialf of the northe6t )UarV ', the r rlheaat quarter, unit, the noitheast (ii.irter of the outlnveit (uarterniiil lut uuiiinered I. :, 4 and cf puetimi 7, nil 'f mid hist deserlhed tr.ict liein:; in towihiji "7 Hiuili. rane r -iiit, i:Um etlu Meridian. AIpo the Uiinitiun (Wmol Willinm J. Martin and wife, I eni cluim No SO, in towi!shii "G south, ranjre 5 it. claim No. 4S in towiisfhiji 27 mhiUi, ratine 5 west, i-laim No (i'j in lowr.fliip a7 south, taiie t uti-t, and cUim Xo. Ui in toAiiship 'Jl" south, r.ineO w,bt. Al.-o the Donation Ciaim of Djiuel t'. llariKsbeini; elaim No. 4'J In town i!iip 27 fou'li. rane 5 tti!t and claim No.:;'.) ill lown'-l.lp27 KOlith. MDite 0 ej:. Al'n ll.c inirSh iialf d the sonlhwe.-l iU.irter,f c:-ii'ii 5 and loU noiiihered 1 mid 2 of mftlun 0. town ship 27 hiiuth, r.mue trt, Willaiuitte M.r idi.iu, IIouIjs eouuty, (Ih;iki, excepting 'ruin the above the nor)1: half ot thu (lunation eUim of William .1. .Mai tin and w:f beii claim No :M in louii-hip 2l unilli, riue5 wt, sod claim No. IS in 27 south, ranu 5 e.t. and claim No 2 in township 27 south. range 0 wc.-t, aiet clilni No. 01 In towusWp l(i noiitli, nui.e 0 mtt. e utaiuii S21 17 ultc more - life, also i xc-pliic bloeki 1, S, Uand 10 in DixnliV uddittoii to Krni'.VJ.r, containing Ulueio, suifallufbhiek No. 2 :u Diaoii'it 'iiJili lion t KruUvale eoi.ta nin full 1.1 aerri ae ciirdiu to the ni:u-i.dil plat uf said addition on li'e mid rce rdfd in volume one pie 21, of phit books in theollicc of the futility t'l-Tk of Dmiilai ou itj, On-."'ii And whereas it a. ( or-U-rn! Iv Ha. iaid Court at t!ie ta'.d lime Hut 'ill of the riht. title and iute-e-t i-f the said ilefemiau'.? tii aid i roi ertv on t' e I2;h d.iv of Dteiiii-r, 1S, or at any time thereafter, t'ether with the herediUineiiU an 1 appurienaui-ci tln-re-mito Ireloiiiriu:; or in atijuise apiiertainiu, b- eold In tlic ininuer pret-crihed by law, aud ap ply the proctrcrff, ari-inir therefrom, firs!, to llie cojta and cxyen-e of mi- h tale, second. tii the loviucut el the ciirts and uiilmrenuiit- of this action, taxed at S VI M, third, to .lie u- mentof SoOv) 0!) attorneys lees, loiirlu, l llie navuicntol the nljintill' inJ;mcnt of the sum of ?700l 25, Hith at l!o rate of 10 per cent jieraiinuni (ro:i! the "JIi ilayol ?oveai ber, lbtl, and the .en'u. if any tiiere be, pay over to the iaid defeudjnti '.or their leal reprcscntatiecs. Now, therefore, l win on vndiiciiwy. uic :0lh ilav of Janu-irv. 1S'.5. at the hour of one o'clock p. in of said Uy at Hie Court Iloie door in Kodcburj;. D jul;i eouuty. Oregon, sclt-it public auction to tin: h'sh.-il bidder for rsuh in hand, all 111-: iktlit, title ami lntert?t the tald defendai!'.- 'im (. IS. Dixon and Nannie J. C. Dixon, had in or to said men tioned and dcscrit'cd pr;icr:y, on the 12th dav of Dcccintr.r, IV, or at y time, thcrs affer. C F CAfilCAUf. Sherti!, DobjU-i Ccnnly, Oreoo. Sheriff Snic. N Till". CIKOCIT CDI'RT Uf THE STATE of On.';"ii Cor Ihe foi.uty of DoulaA Marlah sehn.tra, I'Kiutii 8. A. -iraminirj, iJefemLiat St.if. or OntJMx, ( County 01 UongUi t Notin ia l.eittv xiten tli.t l tiitue to" an eiceation daly iml iHit itl tl abvtf nasx94 Court and caurc on tS.,' ITit day of IiBbr. A. K-, 131, spun h juliaat rawle anil er. I Ured ut reeurd ia tt CUcuit Cmrt in the HOi I day of Dccenit-rr, 1 f 'J I . l-T forcUrri( - loot I- I rart in Ukt of the above iMiet pkiatuf, J itaiuu ttliiuUi), ml iin; thf abuv uitaM , il-ftinUnt, r. A. Cunai!:rJ, an-t a;iimt th-? heretnitUir laeattgat ul i.'i-nb-I uvostiiced ; propeity. fur ti- arn of 13. it, with ictt at the at of ttn prr rent uiiss real tti lltli iLiy or Jcr.. ls'X, u.1 It umi u( 13.31, the etaout.1 .ill by rUiutilf for tixca, and tor tl u-n of JiW. AturaiT iaJ cell taxcl at fjl.JS, ani the cuita azxi ii- rciuea vf maainif the Kile, and raortAreJ pn.p. ertr bars particularly ihscnbal as fultoira. tu- it: I Ait Vu. 2. la Fruitvale uihiiuon to th ci'y of Ii-jKjburc, Ldu;Uj Couaty, Usts.Ki, aj the ume appears per pta: un ate auit 01 reeota la the o!5 of the Cimn'jr Clerk uf D.,kU ?ou&ty, OrejiD, Aiid lot mia 13 th? Duaatijc 1tad Claim ot S. C. ltradtn. Duj;U c-.-unty, Oircoa, Toorudiip ?7 a , K. i u! Wat; Wil Umetti Mrilitj, eja.iiaia t-n aerer, to getber with tie tenement?, hneditiisf nla tni apportenaacej tLexcanio t!orp;r. or aprcr. taicia;, all in DomrUx cuuMy. Utor.. Now, therefore, I vill qd Wednesday. Ihe 30th day of Jnuir, A I)., 195, ut.e o'clock p. xa. of said day, at tu C'ouit Loose djur in Koebars:, DouiU. couatr, Otrn, '.l! ti pub lte auctiun to the hlglt hiiuer. for oaah in tan-i, all the lijlit, titU aat interest nhuh ttv said dfU-nd jt 3. A. Cumrair3 hsd iu or tj said prrmti4 on the 3th i.y ui April, A. V. l&C, the dzle cf the execution of said izHKttrae, or at any time tleraftr iu ir to raid abjve taentionol nnd djrild laurtg-jcd real prop erty, anil uill apply the pro- ee-Ia of ach rale, tint, to 'the payment of ite caiU n.I cxpenici of such tale, tecon.1, to th payarnt ot the mts and di.bnrtnnt hettria incurred, taxet ut il3S. 'third, to the payment of fj. 00 attor ney tee. Fourth, to the tyeient of tbe um of fJII.3 with intenat thereon fnai the ltth day of June, 131. at t.e rite of ten pir cent per annus. And the tuithtr sum ot $11.31. th? amount of ttxes iitoa the said rral prem ises, acd the oitrjlKj, if any there be. I will piy ;into tbe raid court to be fcrthtr applitsl, aa t'r Uvr dirccteJ, t'l thn defendaht or hi hval ti-piejcntativcs, as by order of said court in said eTicatin an t or.lrr of sale to rae dirt?d and CelivcrrJ on tl- 17:h day of O.. crinlwr, 1S9. C. V CVrilCAltr, Shciitt of l-ljurns Cuaty, Ore. sumriiONs. IS TUE ClUCCir CyCET OF-OREOOX FOI! the Comity of Iou jlu. Sot Abraham, riiictitr. L. C. IhrrX-ly, Peter Hume, K. IS. Treble, Iartlia A. IiivAlanl 1. tt. Sheridan, KyiciiIi.- ainl ieeutor of the rliteof V.K. It -tf,;, de ceased, 'the Vr iT''n C.tlifiiiia Lumber Co., a c irp irl:nn, K. ITorn, M'. t'ondi.n. Hut. Atty. for IXiut t . Couaty and Ada ItiMrda lei. Itfeodint. To 1 C. 1'eardciltiy, the atiove named dtfcnlant. In Uie name ot the Mate of Urejrcn, you are hereby resinned to appear and anjvttr ths cum-I plaint tileil aiicst ou in the above eulitlelauit on or before the first day of the next regular terru of aid court, for s.n.1 Cjunty anl State, appointed to be held and to cvrcmpcce on Mondav tbe 15th day of Match, A. 1. 1SU5. that UIlb the first ihiy of the term uf S.11J cotut rentulirly followinrr the expiration tbe time prescribed far the publi cation of this snmmons 111 an t by an or le herein made by the Hon. Jcdire of s-itd cimit an l t-eir inirdate the 3Intd.iv of L'ccemb,r. ts'Jt. lor the service of tbi tuimmons by the pul-Iicatii'ii there of foriJ consecutive ireeki , and if you fall ro to appear and answer a-ttd corapliint. the idatittiit neiein win late judgment Hims: j-ou ami a de cree as follow 4: ! 1. For thesum cf J70 97 with intrcst .it the rt ol 10 per cent. pr annum, from the 7th day of Octolxr, 1'J3, and for the further sum of $100 ad attorney ' fees und further for his costs and dlsburneuicnts. 2. That Ihe followii'., Cescribol premises. towit: liot Xuaibtr Niutteen (It) in llrook's and llelden'0 Addition, the sune beiDj; the llrixikiiidc Addition to the City of KoM.'bur, in the County cf Dtmglhd, State it t)iegiiii,accordiDjr to the olH-1 clal survey and plat of said ndditian of reoord in the ellice of tto County ChlU o' Dauglaj Couaty, Oregon, coutaininc Nine (0) Acres more or leas, together with the tenenieuta, heiiditaicciits and appurtenaDcct thereunto belungmc cr in anywise appertaininir, be sold by IheSheiitI of sui.l County and tho proceeds of Hul.m!e be applied to the payment of the above aninunls, kitd that yuu and all persons claimiiu; uniicr ) oil or nubscquent to the execution uf the moitife sued on herein shall bo barred an 1 foreclosed of all riht, claiia or cipiity of redemption in the said premises and thtt cxccnti'in issue ucuiust yuu for tinv de flciency which in ty rem 1111 after applying nII toe proctitis f the salw of satd premises rroper'y iy plicible to tbe satisfaction nf s-ii 1 jn lunirut. Al.natlT AltitAHAN OSltli ttt'iriiey lor the 1'l.iiiititl N0TICK. tl. S. Uiml Ollicc, Rinebunr. O.v . Heeember 1. t-u Comphillit haviiis been entensl at tin-. ..i bv Charles ItUhoii tut.uuat J,om's Kurlot to. Hunniloiilnrr his Kutrr N. dated June 1, 1SM. ujuiti tlic N V k f I-' ,. N' HW'J, SW.1, i'4 Si-cliou l., l'oni:slii': . UilliKe ! Vet. Ill I' eollllt, Oieyt. with ii view tu the ciiueUhltion ol mii.I e ii rj. the said 1'iirlies are herebv miiiuuoiii'.1 to aj pear lit United Slates Uufl Otlice, KoMrbtioC Oregon, on the lbth day ot Jiiiiunry, Im'i, at 10 o'clock a. in., to rcpiiiii and furuMi toti nioiiy coticeriiliiit K.iiil nlleseil aliiuulotiineiit. Hiillleicnt eviileuce hnvmt; been lllid to thoiii that lierMiiuil hervleo cull not lie made. It Is hereby ordered that service le liuiJo by iubli cation In the Pi.uxik.u.i:u at ltosehiire. Ore., nrcnnllne to law. K. ii. Vkatcii, lteRtster. It. S. SitKniDAN, Receiver. Sheriff Sale N THE CII'.COIT COUItT OF TIIK STATE -- of Oresjon, for Douglas County. Fendil Sutherllii, I'hilutlir V5. I'aylon A. Harrli!, Elizabeth Harris and 1-. K. Dffcml'.iii:-. rfr.iTri nr Ui:B..ijr, j Couiilyof lloiil.u. Kutleu i.i hereby girt-ii 111 it ) virtue of &u exieutloujind outer of wile duly iwutd out of the ulve inimeil C'otiit, and cnutc, on Hie 17th ihiy ol Deeember laUl, upon a Judgment lmulc and euterL-d of record In atild C'iriiilit Court on the lllh ihiy ol December, 1J. by fortehwure of ii mnrtKHiw in fnvor of the above named plaintitr rikI niulnt the ttlxivu named ili'taid niitH, .I'll) lun A. U.irris un.I hlhiabctti Hurrix, and hkhIii" ttie hereiiuiter menlioiitil mid dcMTlUii inortKui! property tur the Hum if 3-itijm uitti ii.ti.rcFt tiii'r-i;ii lit thu r.itu of 10 piT cent ju r milium from Oeiuber .1th, Vn'Ji. an l the mini iI fWM nitoriiey fie iid $J7.t0 costs nnd !l:irii'U!. ut-. N'liv, itreforc. I v.'ilUo.i .-.iliir.l.'ly, he 2Cth iny o( Jonuair, I-5.'-, at t oVJuek p. m. uf mi!! d.iy e.t i n- I oiiii .Ifoiiw tor h KiiSttliiirr, I i.iiittlr.h tot nl. On-. on, mII a; public aurtiou to tin- htjlicxt idddtr for iux'i In !ia:nl. nil t.'ie liglit, title nnd inU're.; wuich Ihe Mid defend-itub-, i uyioii .S. II rri.'. ui.'l Kiiiniheili Ilnrri, r either of l.-t in. H,e 4t:i ihi) of ilay, ts;, or ut ii:n ilifre-tittir In or to ILc fot I iwii.js iIiti!i pp;rty, to-ivlt: The .1. n:ill.iii land (litiiii No. 37 of Juhniithnii 51. i'i'wl and K.eiiiie Uotsd. his wife. In loivn hlp 21 hot.jh, Kange 4 Went, certificate No. 121, Xo. M;, cnntiiiuint; 8PJ.70 acre!1. AIo the e-t U of the tf. E. '.. tne t'cath ol the sj. W. 'A Mild thy N. '.V. 'A of the f. W. 5 j of Section i., the West $ oi the X. 1 H. und lot 1 of Section 7, and ihe S. W. ' of Sec tion 7, and tho S. K. yt of the S. E. of Sec tion 7, all in Town. nip 2t South, Kauc 1 '.Vest, Willamette Mtridisn, Douxlag county,, conUlnlnK in the tL?jtrcgutu ii rts, cxeep'-tnif prom the doim'.loii of Johua tn;tn M. Coal and wile, ten acres of I.u:d coinineiii Inc at the .V. ''.'. corner of sutd ilona tlnn Und I'Ltiin, thvice runnlnx l'at on the North lino ( paid donation laud claim, !7 Kods, thenee South Itotls. thence West &7 ICod.o, tl'u North 23 Kotts to tbc pines of ISiniiili', containing iio acres, tocth-r with nil, ai:U ciiigular the tenements, hcrtdlta ments uud aiijiiirtcnanees thereunto litlongin or In any wine apKrtain.'ns and will apply the proceeds of such sale, first to the cosU and cxiena of such sale, and to Ihe payment of emu herein taxed a: $27.00, to the payment of tM.Vi) Htioriley fecx. and to the amount due tdiiintiil' on s.tid judgment to-wit: the sum of M.Hi wi'.h intereil thereon it the rate of 10 per cent per annum from October 20lh, 19I, mid the overplus, if any there be, iay oyer to the said di-leiMldnl, l'aitou A. I.'r.rri.s and Elizabeth IIarrii. their heirs', or lezal amisns. as by order of said Court, In said execution to me directed, nnd delivered riKnuiatidirj me to iii said alKivc mentioned and deserilicd uiort- CBBed real property In the manner provided ov iaw. li. r. UAiiiUAKi. Sheritrof Dou;Ia.s County, Ore. Ity D. K. SiiAsnRoOE, Deputy. Notice ia hereby iM'in that the uti ier iued txccittur rf thu lust will and testament and ilatc of Henry S. .Marsh, deceased, l.te ol Douchta lounly, "Oretfon, ha b'cu duly It- ceHed and directed by the County Court of uoo"Us conntv, tlre-'on, by ai. order of mik! Cour: in ule and entered of iccu.d on the 2'J'.h day of Oeobi-.-, 1:91, to mII all tf the real is Male bciuiiiiii: to the unlJte of the said lli nrv 3. Marrb, den-ascd, wli.-.-h said order provi I s thai taid executor may sea the raid rtal prop ertv of said deceased, whieh taiil real pr Jtr'tT is hereinafter fu ly and particuisrJy d-scribl. at lmvale sa.e. Now. therefore, in ;-arujno of said license and order, nbieii is recorded in Vol. on ID-'ta "15 ami 24'J thereof, of the I'orbate O; tier !5 oK of said Doola county, On-on, I will, from and after the 2.VJ1 ay of .Jaucaiy, lsU. proceed to sell at private sam sceoruin to law in sui-li cases made zud provided, for cath in lianii, to tbc lii'hesl bidth-r. ail the ri'kt, ti'le and interest which the said Henry S Mar h, deceaccd, hid i t or to the herciujifter, described premises at Ihe time uf h'u death, to wit: oh the 22: d day of Api:l. to wit: Soutli 1 2 of th NE 1-4. 3K 1 i of the N'.V 1-4 ami the S 1 2 of Sre .'Si. Tp 25 3. 1: 5 W, Willamette Meridian; aUo ills NE 1 2 of the N W 1 I. sec 0 Ty 2t S, it 5 W, Willamette Me ikluu, Douglas county, Oremu, conlainin:: 4;0 acres more or !e?. Dated thU M'.ii day ol Decemr. "J. 3 HUNT. Executor C. A. Seiiliirehs, Atty. forEtale. d27td 'tlci of Ssik1. HT1CK IS IIEKF.UY ;IVEN THAT TUE 1 an.teni!gueit ft administrator of the es tate of Jop?iUi Kroct, deceased, wilt on Sat urday, the 5th day of January, at the hoar of 2 o'clock p. m. cf said day. in pur suance of an order only issued out of the County Court for Daugiaa county, Oregon, on tbe Mil day of October, lyji, offer tor sole, and sen to tne nigne-: rxttuer for ca;u. trie foiloir in? dcan:ii real property t AU of Section 1(1, (excepting therefrom the N. H of the N. E. K eo.iiaiiain mi aerca. tne f ;2 o trie .N. t-$i ot Sec. 9, eobtoinlna; HB acres. The N. i. 01 tne X. H. y, of see. l-i. eontoinlni MJ acres. The N E J j cf the N. V.'. U of Sec. 15. conuiu iii acre. Alt oi said laud, bein? in Town--hlp 20, S.. It. G West. Wilktraette Meridian, in Dj.ikIo. Court?-, State of Oreeon. and contain ing in the f.grgreate T14) acre?. Said above Cis.-ri'jfJ real property to be sold on the pren; iac. Terms of sale, cash. lUeJ this l:t dT of Koceoibor. D. liKUCK. Administrator of the estate of Joscphus IlrocV, ueeeaacu. Executor's Notice. "OTiCE H HKREIiY GIVEN THAT THE umlersioeii have Ixeti appointed execa tors of the last will and testament of the estate of Ansel taction of Douqla County, Oregon, late deceased. All persons harinz claizas aitaiin,t said estate are hereby rcijuiretl to pre set the stiii- to either of us at our ucal place if sp.Lfisiv i,ar Kltlort in tl-nIii frrnnlv. Oreson. wiUiin six moctii-s Iron the date of this notice, ami Ml persons Indebted to said estate are n:u,uelet tu make imutediate peyment to eitner 01 us at sam piace. Hated thisolh day of November. 19I. A. H. LVXtiDOX. JOHN HEXDEHEK, Exet utor? of the last wilt ami testa ment of Ansel Langdon, deceased. C. A. SEtitxszDE, Attorney lor Exccutors nsti IN'oticL' for Publication. Lacd o3ce at Koscburj, Crgon. Dee. I", lC-L Notice i hereby civen that the followln: uaiacd settler has fileit notice of hU intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that sal I proof will be made before the Kegiter and Kcieer. l.te. I.ind Oiuce. at Itoscbnrs, Oreeon. January . viz: Heury D. Maxum. on II. E. No. IK10. fur theSW.'i S, ction 10. Tp. i IL weL He names ihe tolow lns witnesses to proje nu contimtoc. rttaence upon ami .ul tiration of. iaid land, viz: Ki.-hanl Cook, unarie u. uox, uiinsm v.. lot. i xieruar.xi. all of Camas alley, Oreson. dlTO 11. -M. VEATl'H, I'.ogiste Final KrUlcuieni. MOTIl'E IS HEltEUY UIVEN THAT S. C Flint, adiniiustrator with the will an nexeil of llie estate ot Edm Adauo, deceased, has tiled Iit-s hnal account tneri.1.1 und an or der has leu made and entered of record, di rectini; this notice .nnd namln; Tuesday, the sin (lay ot January. at 1 next p. in., at the othce of tho County Judge of Douglas County, Oregon, as the time and place of nearitis;otoeetions, it any, to s.iui unai ue count aud the settlement thereof, liateil thesth day oi Heeember. 1j. L S. C. FLINT, Administrator. Notie 1 hereby j;:ve:i to all i.honx it maj- con tcra thi I hive ip;r.ntel D. W. ttearns of Gila too: preeiiict Ueputy laapctor f Stock for said prtciurt; postotace aa -tress, Oalar.a; ali A. Ch.1pm.1n of Wilbur. anl It ilph Smith, at Kose burr. Ui act during lay absfnee, and ethers wil beaiMcil as jartiea laspecteil mas- tteir cesire tuownto lae. Knastur Jf.17 tth. 1SS7. TIIOS. SMITH, In.pictor ot stoca tor DoirgUs Or. W. J. BEfittET Architect and Draftsman, KOSUnUUG OREGON. Personal Sui erlloiigivtn all work. No More Back AcHi J AL. Ap-f y !t C0 NSTI PATIO M, INFLAHATIOH StfC BLADDER. ahD 3 ALL KIDNEY DISEASES . FKOM TKUMIXAli Oil IME1II0K I'OLNIS JilgiORTHERH) Pacific) KAIIiROAD la the IJ110 to Take To all Points East and Soutli. It Is the DINING CAR ROUTE. Itruns through VESTIBULED TRAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO (NO CHANCE OF CAE!)) Composed of Dining Cars Unsurpassed, Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers, Of Latest Equipment, xouicis'r Ni.i;j:ri.; cahs Best that can be constructed and in which accommodation arc both FREE und FURNISHED tb holders of First or Second-class Tickets, and kleuant hay couches i Continuous Line connecting with AU Lines, nflbnllug DIrcet and Uninterrupted Service Pullman Sleeper reservations can bo secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUCH TICXETS To and from nil Points in America, England nnd Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full Inforrmtlftn Piinspnitni. mft Hm. .if trains, routes and other details furnished on oiiioniuu 10 any acnt, or A. . CIIAItl.TO.-Y. Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First St., cor. Washlnston, PORTLAND. OREGON. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Erp. tes trains leave Portland daily. SQ"th I I Xorth 6:l.jl.3t. 10:ti.t.jr. I.v. - Portland - Ar. Lv. - Koscbnrg - Lr. Ar. - San Francisco Lr. 8ra a. x. 1120 r. X. 7:00 p. M. Atjovr. tr.itn ctii pi nil El.llnn. T7m.w. Tn-, 1 T ...I Ill l..l 1 . 1 . . . , . . . HHIU.-IH. aim: luneui, hhedds, Halsey, Hurri-ibuiTr. Junction City, Irving. Eugene dnd nil stations from Koseburg w .uiiuim i.iviusivtf. Hoselmrs jncil Daily. s:::u. m. j Lr. - Portland Rosebnrg Ar. I 4sur. m. Lt. !7a 5-JM r. jr. I Ar. DIM.VG CtAIIS OS CfiSin ItOUTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers AND Si:C0MJ.CI.AS5 SLKIU'ESCJ CAIt-S Attached to all Through Trains. West Side Division. Itetvrecn Portland aad Cort alli. JIaU train daily (except Sunday). 7:30 A. jr. Lv. -12:13 p. 31. Ar. - Portland - Ar. I Corvallis - Lv. I 5:35 p. x. 10 P. ir. At Albany and CorvalUs connect with trains of Oregon Pacific railroad. Express train daily (except Sunday). l:tup.jr. ILv. 7:25 r. ji. j Ar. Ponbind - Ar. ISiOa.jt. McKiuriUe Lv. ( 3-jO a. m. Throusli Tickets to nil l'oiiit in lUe Uaslcrn Slater. Canada, and Cnrnpe can tie obtained at I o u et ratc Iroiii Ccor;c &,fc, Acnt ZlOHChllT. R. K0EHLEE, E. P. ROGERS, ifanagcr. Ast. G. F. i Pass. Agen PORTLAND, OREGON. MRS, ma BOYH? DEALER IX CrtOICE- Family Groceries, DISHES, Books and Children's Toys. 1 FULL LINE O- Fruils, .i:Ls, Frsitcli Candles, Coufectionerj Oanneu' Goods, Coffees, Teas, Etc. UIl'OKTED KEY WEST CIGAK3. CHOICE BUA.DS OP CIGAKS DeardorffH ouse Two Doors North of Depot Hotel. Table supplied with the best the mar ket affords. Meals at all hours, 25 cents. Special rates to families, and particular attention iven to itumisrants. W. L. D, DEAKDORFF, Propr. TO THE UNFORTUNATE. Dr. Gibbon's DISPENSARY, f!9q K1SASXXST., vj-io corner of Com mercial, San Francisco, Cat. Established in 1551. for the treatment orrhen. f.eer. Strict- .iire, aUits 'Ksforms. Seminal ireafc- feiww, Jmiiofency, and vviLost Manhood perma nently cured. The sick and afflicted should not fail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled extensively in Europe, and inspected thoroughly the various hospitals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable information, -.vhlch he is com petent to Impart So fhose In need of his services. The Doctor cures when others fail. Try him. DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he ef fect? a cure. Persons at a distance CURED AT HOME. All communications strictly confiden ial. All letters answered In plain envelopes. Charges reasonable. Call or write. Address DR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 1S57. San Francisco. Cal mm FEVERlii TryiheCurep USS.I 1 Ely's GreasnEalm ! cneanscathoKasalFassagos. Al lays Inflammation. Hoala tho Sores. I Restores tho Senses of Taste, Smell i and Hearing. A particle Is applied Into eaehno.itrll anil U Bjtrceable. PrleoSOc. at Drutcglata or by Ball. ELY BK0THEltS,5u Warren St- Ncw York. H SataiTaadexpccfespald weeily frcm srt-jj 1 Penaacent position. ExclaaiTetcrritoiTjaH tt Expcriesco tmnceessary. IVcnlirK X adrantageato beginners. LtberaiP 2 1 corasilssloa to local part-j. 1 J time agents. Larst -vmM a growara jftQXhq fruit industry la bo i mTJL jtJimTiortAat. Good chance for 1 K-WUrascfmeat. Oetflt and full par- fl kjlcalawfree. BROWS BROS. CO- nor- 9 Baerytnen. rortland. Ore. CTnisbouiaia 3 "reliable. Samo thjapaper. Edj M