The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 14, 1895, Image 2

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Subscription Itatc:
One Year payable in advance $ oo
Sir Months. " . . x oo
Three Months. " ' 5"
In posting our books for the year lSlU
iccjitid there are a nmnlxr ofixrsons in
debted lo us in small amount which aggre
gate several thousand dollars. Like al
most eirry lxfy the , we are sadly in need
of money with which to pay our indebted
ness not for inrestment or speculation.
Our creditors are in the same .ax, ami are
crowing us. Consequently ice are com-
pelled to urge upon our friends the '"'" J
due us. TAmfonalA,rftof1,hew,,,,lr0f . xot ,h lf '
possible moment ,ender a statement mMWiuUlo cUbhhn.iit o' tint
account, as appears fnn our looks Janu- j llow luetroj.iditan eily. a cily Ibe
nry , Jtt.f, to erery jvrson indebtal to us. wealthiest accortliu;; lo iwpnlntiun of
Where there are so many small Account ft I any rily in the United Siobv, nud
is next to impossible to keep all of them cor-' contnitiiutj nn etiterpriiiu;; ciliaou
rectly, hence when you recehea statement hi, eeiuparabln with any on th
and think it is incorrect, tret if yu ( Pacific coht. Then tho only promi
hacepaid it omf ire jailed to gire goa mun men of that then Milage, worn
crrrfit, donW'llyojrthc hamlle" al 5rf Dauiul II. Lowu?!iiU, Capl. Conch
mail, tut write kindly ami tcU hs ahont it i , r ., . ,
if you can t write Lindly, write inv way, ! , . , . ,.,,
, . . , . I Lowustiule m tho wiaior oi lbVJ
jor we want to hare, our nxts eorwi . ...
youciin'tpaythewholeamvHHtofyoHrbiU, mto com. from Uhformn
a inrtioH of it will le thankfully receirct, ! K''1 fir' ivp-4lolliir piece
and tf it is not convenient for yvn to jwy ! ?o -happl on th l'acilio iMst. Tho
any of it, let tt know that fact aho. We writer of thia articlo fur:ii-he i the
iroiiMfcca.vdofcfliv erery jKrso re-; prccions metal for that p'sr-c A
cfirinyaffafjHfitccctHint lo acknow-, -liort ti:uo aftr tins coia;i l'u
... ... ...... vVn.c. .
iVncc. rLAiXDKALKR run CO.
Tho Oregonian saya the peopl of j ab.mi ou dozou scholars was kopt in
Oregon expect Senator Dolph's elec- a Httfo loj houso, ovt-r which Ja-oph
tion. The woril '"expect" was no j Smith prosiiletl, an I soiueypar.-: aftr.
donbt nsetl advise.lly. J this samo Smith reirooutetl Uregon
j at Wai-iiintoii. Jn thie vrly jfars
Tho assertion of JReproenintiyo wt IvMight nr f IVtiicrovp. Wo
Sibley that "the time has come when ' woiihHjaml him a !Hr. nnd toll
there should lo something more than J him to t;io us a dollat'n worth of
brawn, belly and brass Jo his govern- smrar, to which he v.oold ay. go
ment" may not have been parliamen- down to that ?hwl uml got what yon
tary, but it stated tho facts. , want. It eme5 ho was nncon-
j cerned rhethtr wo look ono toiind
When the republican party adopts : or n ttHWHii.d. It was black Sand
a free silver plank iu its platform. a-J ucl .-lit;il gar, in those times
it will surely do in a yory few years, w.f bnnitit htr ror-ly ns ludlast
it will be laughable tost-e the Ore ' for the ve5e!s rtitftio the month of
gonian attempting to get iu tho baud i lb ColuiBbin rivor. Sugar irnsts
wagon. That it will attempt ; i a, aod monopolies wen at thai tiiuo nn-
foregone coocJumou.
. Tho whiter of which w wriUv MO,
Thentnonnt of stale tsxes to bo w doil in Portland, and ifr. Pet
paid by DonUs ounty this year is l'vf having -wld his iutorest in thf
$14,129.55, as against $23,GGL2S for : vil!aR- to DaoW II. Lownsdale
1S93, And yet h may expect to pria:ig to muw his family
bear the democratic press bowl about to t0me oth- locnlity, an.l in be dis
rapnbhean extravagance from now en P o household furniture, we
until after the next electiou. w.m iato puaAssion of soiue of it in
!tbe tKunuer ler described. Ur.
Editor McDowell of the Mississippi i l'e"SroTo was a prettr good tachre
popnlist at Jackson has disapnesred i l,,a-ve"r awl w .v i)aA ,h
and the paper is uppende. He left j '"aK- H 'n"11
the following note to his emplovcs:; for his lrIor w actl
'I leave two lampp, a bucket "oud tbv iuv"v. ' "he rivuh m e
dipper, Ja coal Scuttle, a sboyel. a18'4""10 l-rfiuo of ib. chairf.
broom, a washpau, a coil oil can and ', antl lb-v nwl onr "log rabn,-' in
about 700 pound. lof coal. Divide' V"lk f niioibvr of
tho Farce between yon." jear?.
. Thero was tut whisky iu Por!ls:iJ
rr-i , . . r it. i- . - then tbetVs otnf: tler iiuar. On
ihe output of the irtoe niuw,,. . ,
n?5r Baker City for last myuth.was onstBias a aowbar of h wautl a
17.000 in gold, and it was brought in little jol!ihctka, o got a pr
to the First National bank of that scriytiou from Dr. Drs.-v S. Btkr
ri'o7111 a h!c5,ln- JUB,5'' wortu!-tbetlwn 'ouly pb-.steiau took a
19 JJ an ounce. The silver quostion i , .., , , ,.
isn't bothering them verv much np rowed orer to Ft W
there. Statesman. conver and ob!ainel the ueearv
And that is jusl abont as much as ingredient to raise our ipirils : ibe
the Statesman knows abont the silver uiSl,tet CfaristiaRs day. We
question. In Baker county at least , faa(1 8 j'j li,ne through the day, and
four-fifths of the people are iu favor j al D,Sli w had a daoe, aud a fine
of Ihe free coinage of silver j Christmas supper, .;tbe finest of tho
j kind in Portland.
It is amusing tesec Ihe gold bug!. The cit,ZSBS of ljr!kfl aw- l,in
press trying to read republicans who la" on Ims"" anjl Inions
believe in the free coinage of silver v,amls' womW scar,v,-v ,1'n ' l
oat of the nartv. TLo
riter has al-
ways believed in the free and n-iu,u " 5BW m 10iJ- ia-r
limited coinage of silver at the lG-to 1 0,01,1 Hot lU! together a
ratio, and at the same limo Las been I BPIMr -l " r"'l
a firm supporter of the republican : IlH,a,,Jo ,H,a, to mtUU of ,beir
party. He believe the republican fr;a, aa1 a ,he ,,m4f- WJ
party will bo the first to again rccog- ,aenL "N J I'!o m 1',r,hn 1 or,i4e
nize the rights of the white metal, j wberB aro bel,er lap-
and ha therefore nrorwc slaving
K x . 0
r . 1 il i it r i . i
mm luu piiiy regartiits oi wua: me ;
goldbng press may say.
The tail of a northern blizzard has
Bwept 2cross Ihe peninsnla of Florida
and destroyed a large part of il
staple crops. Millions of dollarp. it
is estimated, will be lost lo Florida in j
consequence of tho storm. The pec-j
pie of Oregon are fortunate in being (
free from climatic disasters lo Jh-ir i
crops. Our T.i:riers may ho a liiilo!
moist, sufficieul to fcoep thf "ireb"
on ub Oregonians fairly growing, I
but tho blighting blizzard and Iho
dfifitrnrtivn rrrlntm ni-Br .Irit,. ir.
t . . , ,
ror to our hearts, nor bring lwverty
A j- . M ... , .
ana distress lo tho inhabitants of this
. . , . . . . ,
highly favored region. Onr people
can surely congratulate themselves
on being in a land of peace and
plenty, and where failure of crops
never occur
TheOreoman'.-, hn ji.'int f.
silver and free fcilvir candidates and
free silver views is futile, and wcari
Borae eveu to thoso who nro iware of
the ultimate reiiill jf fre silver coin
age if carried into practice. Th
majority of tho peopln believe in
"freeeilver" and will not be sHlbhVd
that they are wroutr until 4,frfd til
vpr" is given a trial. Tho peordu ft-r-l
they have been oij)reEed and denied
their rights and they ntlribnlc their
wrongs to Ibe financial power, to the
money devil, in bnef. lo thn demon -
etizatiou oi Miver; nun iuey itntv
hopes of correcling iheso evili by Ihe
adoption of tree silver coinage, imd
nothing betwixt heaven and earth.
Horatio, will chungo their views or
swerve tbem from tbeir purpofce hut
experience, no matter what the con-
"pqnencos, unci tlii is proper. V!
d - not believe i tho nniinrivi of free
j,,. CQmif,0f m . ,
lliat "tho voico of iln j oojilo is Un
voice of God." in a wn1, titul IIikI
no other rulo lull tho i uio of tho poo
pie i-t permissible in ropuMiu.
beuco wo aro willing lo s.lud" by ilu
wishes of Iho pooido in lh. m i:r of
'free silver" n- in "Y-rvihitiir ols-
porUi'ii ".r m 1nsj.vruiMnl. Ki-.t
7ii.V .l.V .voir.
Ono of the dipiirhters of our towtih
inan, Siphon 8'nnb, wu Imni iu
I'ortlnn.l i: JtHiiirtry, KS1S). rf.jw
mnuy children wete Iwni in Mint' now
populous city ! thai timet
Lot (ho hi-doiinu ruhum-. Then
thero wh- hut oi.o lnn in I'oitlautl.
Ca), . Cr05hv ,,,,, K.W, and
jtqqj it contained mull not
-itfftpfr- nvo-oollar riifvo.-i I wr in
' circnlation ton liuiilfnl os'fiit. At
, this iimo. JSiU, n m-Iioj, uuuiberiu
-. known to the eol.
u B ,rnS81 s we
.H.l Z it a . r ttn y . .a
: z it a . r tan. t . .a
I".naa w9 iue wir p.oneers,
although in tbe Jasr dnysi tlwj
.may lie ssljW "ni j-sb.icks" and tho
I enemies to or.-"re. e aro re
minded that .-:iae iu lb- Plainmaleh
forbids furiticr uot til Ibis tim-v
Jim Biidd hn lua'ignraii-.l go,ci-
"or last Friday,
faded away liL- n
K-ti-'" roliti'St
-!: n-t.rm -u a
suicmet my.
Protection Dells on Fics Traric Sheep
P-wintt ouLt
F. W,i s of A-Hisid
of Kiiin y iSt 1'ri.TMt,
t:,e hardnar.- iwn, yestenlay. ix
i cIK a! contracted
with Henry Jud, the fadtilctv ami liarncs;
, ... , ;. ".
man. tr a hke number of leather sir.ij.
U . . , , .
(Mr. t-IK times whei. w..ol sroAiu"
I was (rofi,gW, , Msl8allv r.,., 1-rge ,,aml
( 0f Uil at i-rcsvi.t liasuwly COO head,
, and l.e find- ibat the evalen' low price
A v.i!l not jntify him in goinj; to
j the exjeiie of luriii ftenierfor tlirtit.
! Ho Ji hug lot ujwn a h Ih-uh.- lo rcduire
j Hie cost of the! Ihey iiroitcre. ar.d
projwei! l jt a Ml on the t;t k of
every lal . of his nei.. He will
tlieii let 1 1 ifiii run and t'Xf:l Ibat tlio
tiutiLibulittiiuaof tix bni.dn d I ells aid
resound ttiiouirb ibi ir ratine and warn
awaj- coyotes ami oiIht jircilatoiy ani
n:ali, tlie bells iwrtutiniiii; tlit- servi -csof
a herder without the monthly i-x;eiiM-.
The llri-t i-ost of the bfcH and atraj.s
iimiyitil-ij to attorn liK-if . tier lienJ. Mx '
btinired I-ellg iinin for protection;'
i-arry the neaa lo Wilson Iti'l Wilson of ;
WeH Vlrgiun !
Final Call. j
All jterfroriM ne heieby noli'itd to !
make itiiuiedi.iti-tj(lliiii'nt of th ir in-
J ilebtediKiM lo the Ih!: linn of S. Mai La:
&. Co ; .tbciirc tlutMiiiH will l,a placed
iu l.nnd for vollrcli u. I'ltu,; iie Ihitj
call prompt atlenti'jii und 1 !iti avoi l ;uj
(liiionnI COrl-'. ASIIKk .MaJlK...
Ad:ninitralor of folate of S. Marks i
& Co. I
It Is Three AHIIs Upon the Total Tax
able Property of the State., Jan. 10. The State Ikkw1, coii
hihtinri of the pmiiiir, iho miotiiry
nml iho l-.eumiier, nu-t lotliiy mill pritcti
elly Mgiecil Uion the tax levy for llio
0X11015108 ff the Mate for 1805. Thuir
OtiniHte of t ito H'llsos, ineluiliiu lt'
fiekjoeieti of IStM, in $01,r-J 1. I'hij in
oliule .'tJ,(H.O lor riuient oxiHliipea of tin)
Stale militia, ami i3 V 00 foi ths mpport
of the.htjte iinivoibiri, whieh, niior to
UQ1, waa r.iisid by sjN-eiil tiixo.i- for
these Mir,oKCK Thei-e ium uio llxeil
in iho Us of 18::;. leoeniiinr Use hiiul
In:; la vv afmesniil. .IihIpo imlnilt-s d;
fluieiirira tf ci iitiu fist !s f IMU. li
nml. d Ktalwnt tl,0J. To meet tho.u'
oxpu!(! dto I Hand lisf H-l itl n ba!
ance oi 217,SI2, Niv.i m of fund.
heitilofore lsvil fjr t!u oxjiemoj of
and 1HII, tin rti iit!-!!tiin
roceipt of IS II and (he mliio tiel mi-cjl-l.i!.
eons letoipts of KS'.l.) nutotiiiliiiK lo
S.i-Sti. making a Vtd xarpliu o! $!43,
apnliciWe to the pivuiMt of tlm
items set uirtii in lhi lev.. fliU loaves
b.dnnco of !al,l.!, !ddi u ill be.
raietl by h tax of tint milts on tola'
t.txnnln prcjiotly of ihi: !.t. i.s rlinl
wed hy iIk M.i'.e btmid ol rutilizat:on.
Tlie ! y thh eari- ler than foi
many er. l'jin. the vshinihm iiu
year a 40 III Ivy, for thnnnuut iretvfe
sary to Ini raided thi e.r, would no
only t .vo ami tuo-tltir-.i tidlj a against
a levy of four and three tent In mill a
yearao. Xotuitlusia tiding ihe 5 w rale
of levy, the baud hi, i i :Mi ov.i.o ite,
l All k J.f..n.ti..! .tll.. .rlt.i.......j.f....
vw.n ..... .... u t.v ui'.sruii
for the maitituiuauiv of aii !! i intilu-
tions for urn i-x?n4 .1 1 1 f jt siuh
additional ub!ie li.iil-lit:' .is may ba r-
ui.-ed. The eilimitj rf tlu bnid wdl
8hoivii!Hel bdti'M d v-m n iio
d 1- 1 i'i 14
oi 7t.0JJ.
I Or i-t:t. unt it
diy d-d .n.-a-wij; the Sow r il .'u;i.U, whiJo
the t-' d?.'iewn :i.' of ibe uuiae biou texiii :tra hut fid .0)1, htn-ts Hie
snudlttst aaiouut of leOt-iei!cies facing
the legislature i .evera! ye-irj, while the
surplus is by far the )t.
Couldn't Stand Republican Doctrltt:.
Consi leiinc 'b ioiiti.-al fi uiliun just
now lha f .. lowii front a teller to IV:er
Uuui, from a lr:eul in atouilv ia this
staio hithrlo s !i 1 y le n rui- lmi ooa
sending a si'id reptrdicait delui-Ki to
the leiilatQre a t ri-1 , v u ' so
"I have b?a eu;:.-d to ri-i it
Uiriff items far o it (4ier .. ! I, r
Itas dcliaed to prin : a-rr- ui -.i.i.ig
some id bis de'ii''.'uii imIi-uu in ip
thepij-eri' lie wi'ilw ii aoy mir. I
told him that il :);-! nn- 'h- -.i . I
aocKI gt up arilitj.', frr I '.. ii.ii am; jo
feel t at any i-wj"- t srj v s v.i tu
hand', f w if av dl i j .rl
bear a w-jr.l on M.v otih-r i-i .r take a
iwper on the otlutr tide, r t' ir mind
was sj cont-scted and nrw that Ihey
couid Uiteren read a ft , i!iciein their
ioeal na;r. f was afraid ibat any fur- stat,1,r "i-on ito fa.-e
th-r Bttai;l would kill li ui, at 4 I do ,f "l,' ll,n on- ' d 1 ue!iy i cre
not want to feel that I was tho means of j,eJ !,-; (.ort-nuron:, tiio :. 8h -uid
suSi a dreadful lbin-. m I wuid ou;t I ha !h? fu.. cimval.t , h mher. Si!-
aud no! write any re.
' l said if 4teeatiels oi so dnaifnt
bUu.-mih i mi. .1 - .
" - wv,w4n i . i ircuitBcraut.
; tint Uuy
Irian I reply to l! n aa j -t
But UOt 4 (-4 ! I ( (; .-, .ill
a 111 H-;i K tp.-r f .-ir t:i re in jin! -
ed. I hV" ii M.-.l .f i le.- uii.i H. in !!..
euuor Ktiag ! zn-i .-.-! U- this
world, hvj tt i !...- . i a vrjii
inj! a is r.sii i s- n,,. r ni-
Tbe L-rl&iiiarc.
Nov ibai b On.-. - ; -ji.j iii!. , it,
CtaahHi evKiit'f.b a.n.ttn ica.l n
lef i(t.-r i'-i'.l at s !!. iit .j itn!.
L.tcj ni wst5- j-jper in it a,j !e
new?. Tb" sisttn i. ;,.t ,
lJer br:s't, n v
wel! editcJ li r.-K.-rt lUu i - roreed -
iispa in detail cn:ry ,5.iv, ti x orrr -
Your aenatoi a. id
stated ,.!,t -
wet -kcttii rn a
form, ;ildd t. rry
pabeia fl reforiu. Yoi
want to i
walc! tlwir course iu the IcitUt are anJ
sec whether or nut they resisted true to ; a
toair pledges. Tn S-JitodU;j i,i;ciej2
yoaallof this and murr, so -, f ir it i a J
uewwer ia every hmi- ot li.o wtzd and J 9
erery day oi iUi cea. Tlie daily h :V3c o
a mouth. The Id? 12-r-art Weekly u (1 ;
a year three n; nibr, iOe. AHr ss all j S
com-naaicttion.- ami male all uvu.iy 'o
payable to Statesman
Sj'eui, Or.
rublUiiing Co .
At Headrjuariers.
Orcgotiiati : A apirit of kit.ciinese per- j
raded the Faltoc-Toi.u- senatorial i
hen-'quartera yesterday. Sc; alor Pulpli j
fcela confident f re election. Hf -aaaj
bfrsitgod by cjllcrs nt bin olfic ewttr-!
day, and recrive.' ma:.y aiirai.ct s of!
auprt. j
nn: T u f.I . . liter- :l Hon i
UlMrlo- W. V niton and !lm. Hi .mas H.
Tongue, an-1 in fj.-i if,, i,,-. - i!viT
forci h .it 11m; l'crkin J i rli r.'.iv i:eii!ei
an a:j.miled a;eaMi:c-. In :i.ti:i;e
eoairas'. to th .- car.irt-cof thm-.--1 re,
Wis the ciddi 0l and giim lht jic:
v.;del ili Djlb leniliiasiterg. Tlie tc
men lw bii:i(t roun t these J. mints jcj
Itr.lay Im.l Iwia fidisi, indu ativo ui
blit-tfl b ijH-a h' diaji;ioir:t-j unt.
Ynu jay you money and take our
cb'd' e
1'iofa Joinery
Indigestion, Cramps
la the tm.i I-. il)stif isia .i:l r.itirrli o( tlio
bowels, caust-il my wtfocreatniiltcrinc. Shu lias
been taking Ilcod's barsaparlll.i ami now bai
m.i I-. iljst'
tusfil my w t
11 Hood's h
parillu i
noao of these syiiii-ii t:
Iu5 Improvcl i.i I '!.
utnl relclit. I Ii.i . i .-iNu
taken Ilooifa ton.n- 'iVSya'
tllla lor f'ciorulii ::,il t;ri:,-m! Dcljititj
with tnuvh tit-ni-fit. I :r-i Mi:i-Ii-1 IIixMfg Satsa-
ftrillH Is a Milenitl'l t.ittln an-l Mood piirlMer.
Iciuiak V. Kmerv. Whiatlibi. Portland. Ore.
Hood's Pills cureaH Liver Illi. Btll(H53nesi.
"Lego" Presents His Views on
the Question.
All money is honest money. Money,
ho called, which Is not h legal lender iu
uuy ami nil Ftui'.P, ind m'coituhlo f .r jil!
coiiiimxliti' s, duo.i. pioeiliis. ai.d nur
victf, in not luoiioy. (!ld euin is honot
money, having the full fiiin;lii;ii- of n
lejial loi.dor. Silver coin loingititcd us
money, heiii a lial lender in any ami
all minis, would llo honest nionev.
(irrenbtu-ks, tin itsuo of the government,
h-ial tender for :dl duUla and dues t it
faro, woiiM ho honent money. Tiie.-
el.ises of money would ba honeht.
Kiist. liecaiiKO of a national ileciou
which makes their HCcoitiiuee eunipub
sory for :dl dethj mid dues.
Second lh.'eano the two Ibat-naincd
!ne- tin iat r iiifcic vhIiio t qu il lo the
vhlue of bullion in each legal tenders,
and i hatiKoahle at the mints of the tfov
eit.ment at par for its abrasion and wntltj
without lots lo the holder.
Tliir.l T!ic gfeenlwek (weio it cn;
dowel with full !! tendir ter bc
cansoit wouh! be the tii.iul.ilory exmee
hioin.f Iho Kovcriimei.t, the n veutuin
will, EupMteil and iihold by all the
piojiertics ol the iniiion. niul, beinfe-'an
iiititiumem of coaiuiitent use, m!1
alavo distrust by its iiuerel.m.ahKity
for gold and tilver'and rouveiiibilfly Into
ibe iiitoii'St-loMiin binds of thotiaittin.
Fourth, liocaiiie tln;i three Lindu of
money are one, ia tlu -eii of m accept
ability aiid use, Ailhinlho limits ol the
nation, unattended with any demand'-
which it i-4 not .11 tdj hi ausaer, art I fit
..!.-- 1... ,.1 1 ..
; j.'ervceiiAtiu -i 1; u weaiin 01 Uic
11 1
' tion, leiin eschanK!ablo for its hihept
j seeuriiiee.and having a perfect money
j 'alje.
i F.fih. iVuuste lid- liutitstt niom-y :s
mde l y th; coveriuneit, toesefcaiiit: an
adorjuate'.intrinsic value iu its roinajo
and an indestructible sivority tor lis
paper rii.useMatior.s 111 the proirtit of
Ibe viliole iintro;'.
The 11.. uev ever ha.1 i-ame to
the it-ople In.-.i the uovfinuient ; notM)
other is ain.ii.'(d to. make money,
"llouert tieii.ej" can onls mo trom
the jt-veuuenr, wl even tlten the issue
niiia: b" a lea! U-i !cr in all m:iii, fer
: ..i.-. u!l I orw.-i : ..f 1 :-. w. I t Villi
j ou; ' r,:;l ' : I" ''y in money.
! ,!" '""' ' th" c wm.ih-i.1, it
1 nei'her leme
1 n 1
' eotf.l
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How's ThisT
atj-Ji , i
i.K.t.i-.-i SKiiLirt lii-RarJ fr
if !'!..'.-: :;sai inosn: u cum!
j. .. . na.1.1 . . i... iitoi., fMii .:;.-. -ou;i; Kin- W.-t W.M cii taiiiina
u- .j-i.! i j,.-..- tauwn y 1.iW,ci.a t-1 : r.-.r..iU t.s i,i ,,.. n.t
hen. x iff it s.- I.t I tt Wtetfr Uim hrt(li!M.. ni . rnrn., i. 1 L.
jwnniij rf.:i,.iayic in ui iwnn IrstiiacUt-n
n- a ;j cr.-.-y ..ui ai.y t - Mlca -
.rc.1? lawn- i. i iir-.r tj zn.
... A "-'i,- inuin. i.-MMli. li
:si ?iaa.- u,vta- IHUjf-
: Hfc.T' , , . v
u;L;r ' sr,snsrjf?
. ttusti;.
p-.-r t-!il.:. SV.!d hf
'" - " - " - """" -
; J. tSiiZCK,
( 9
I. Tu i..
City Meat Market,
. 2
fi J
! 4V
:. !
i '. i- !ii rxii Knx
m ihi. fit.
to injr i -ir;
- O
i his Space
New York
, NEW V!ANA(ilirU:NT.
! WiLLIS & WILLIS, Proprietor..
uo;-ii;itrit:, oui-uok.
Fieet'oai-b. Commoiliotis Sample Knows for IiiuiUt.-.
lacksmithsand Machlnls
Ate n;iu located iu tlnir new fhop-i on
Stephen Street, between Oak and Oiss,
And aro prepared to d work in their line; with noatueaa utul dbpatih
Givolhetu thetu a trial and be convineod,
From'Roed Ufst. Nc. 8.
Yoxc.u.t.t, Jan. 7. I h.iw an nrliele in
the i'i,AiNni:u.i:u of. bin .Id concer.dng
onr mud ho'os s'uiietimes called codnly
roads. Tlin writer warda to know it tho
Hiitorvhr h . a rudtt lo w.-ik nml repair
lite roads? According to the road lawn,
ho has Ho can work the whole jeuron
thrm, Mid then theio is anot! er law for
tho cour'. to l'iiy what il p'ease?. 1 am
not (biiliinr fault with the courts of this
coiin'y, tor I always loce'v.-d inypiyin
full during the fo ir yours I served as
' sunprviMir
Onr M-iid l.r.vs mo not what
, tliv should bo
A ingle mail has to
liy f: rimd lax leciebu is LM years
old, ai!d a man ftO yoara old with tJ)fO of
afUKfd i n peity pn).i i'. road tax. 1
don't think $1! is to much for a s-inylo ninn
to my, but 1 do think thut it U too small
for the man who is worth ?.00J to pay.
In all countries wheiethey have 00 d
ro.idsjou will find null ixim hieti, gimtll
wage.", 10 hours a da n w rk :ind no es
oiiii'lion from ro.u! l.ihor. I tl.iril: the
; l.i'v sihoul-1 (jive each towm-hin the tiht
to led ioperviior, coiiht.i'.le, clerk
and justice, uiid.lhen f.-nr u:n to have
lbs tight to levy n r ud t.m siiiu'Io to fix
th rostl, or tis much as lha people can
sltnid Srtn.-ii.fci:.
Per Adoption.
A Kill ul-otit '.x and a h.tll tear- of ago.
Fur father enq-iire ,?
A. l- Stkahvs, Com. ty .Imltv-
Tlit: CliitrcIicH.
K.ll'TOiT I'ui in ii corner i.I Lam- imkI Riwc
tmls S'.mluT Senile:!-.l.i-. It a. m.
nil ":-!0 1. m.; Young tVoU:' Union i',..Jl ui.;
il.U. N. Anne. VrvsUent. SunJay Seliml. 10
e. m.; Jiuaes Chnmbcrtain, aupLTiiiic.i.lciit
I'mycr Meetlrf. Thunday cvetilng nt !.
"ititv. O. X. Asst?, futor.
K-viilnec, Xo. l Mail, httvt t
MJcruonrr'baCitcu (urucr of Mn.a niul Iaiu!
slreeM. Sotnluy Btrtlec: I'ru&c-biu?. II a. :n.
ami 7: p. ta.: Babbath ts-hool. 10 j.. m : Ir.
Jasae Barr. Superiatctidtn;; CLius 5iivtain al
close ol tho ctontins ncrvtee; EpwortU League
to. Clare Knmc, freldeot. Trajcr Meet
Ins. TnlT. at 'sto o. m.
S. H. Bl'i ajcaa, D. !., yn. r.
ranunASt, comer Mailt auJ Lane.
l"aiWTT2!-.!AS Cak'ncu -comer of Cav- t:.l
Ha$K JlircU. Sunday Service: I'uiilic MorUir-,
It a.m. and 7:3) p. m. : Sabbath School, 10 . r.-. :
y. P. S. C. K ,7 p. in. Prayer Mcetinjr. WeJ:ie
liar. 7-Jn p. m.
I I'. In: !'i.-t ...
Dr. Price's Cream IJaklng Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
t. An agrceatia Tratlv r.-iiNrnvE Toxic,
soy '7 Druc?irra or ;cnt 1'7 naib Se COc.
acd SLC0 per package, eaaplea tree.
if ft Tbol-avorito CC:T3 r: 13
! - ' y '. ! Kjpi-. l'Mi.jj"8t.
SiiorilT's Sale
tn ill:, t i
r i it- fi
L 1.1 IC
i-i ,
U l-.-.:
ul"l,i'' A;:'CI i
rinXcc-1 . i-
' N-'.Sc! t ' y si-1 1:
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'LU !:!. est
li 'lii oi Ti
jndra. .-! ;fr r t. - . Ir. -n .
ibe- raty r. a:
t'.H-r 'ti. .: . o---UiJ
.m l ac .:.-: ;.
i '1 w
i. .K-ccf.'-.r. !-;!, at
anuunt. Btvl t!i.- fit-'
' li.-'-ir :-j.nt l.-retn
-!lou!: - .' . v rlt i at-
, MLU 1... lii, .... ' 11..
TKfc .ill li 1 .,.h.. VV I .1 . .... T
tai-nnl tcl pr
j S(r, Iht r.-f..r-. t utii. , i t'.- j.h
: ;itij. J-siT,. aj oar. !
iim.i.. . .,,... fc.. . ...
i ci. iI falil ilr -,! . i-:w.
. '- I.ish
'CH:lJ.K-r W-iyi-;. ia ii.t-.-I.
. ioatttsviv-t t.Uh a .u-
;i s!i. r.;.i. utic
n !:.: In 1 on tlu
: ... - z-k-s.
.-l!.r'.;.. li
i), r.
S'tmltr;., risli ami Canif, as
lit Scasan
ii.a ,
Ol Al L klVU5.
Ro&ebtirjf, Or.
Reserved for
Cash Store,
For a Few
riackintoshcs at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Ladie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent.
These goods have all been received
within the last month, and are the
latest styles and not shelfworn.
Don't delay this golden opportun
ity, and call, on
The Boss Store.
AlexAiIDER d Stroug
oJ'i arn! ill's .Im kMKi Si. i!et. Oak and Wuihini:ton.
We call the attention of onr
friends to our beauti
ful stock of
Our Stock is
Unexcelled by Any House
South of Portland.
Jf tf Mi
uon si-
is Here
Prepare for it wisely,
unusually jood reasons
'5V.. 'H'.SI. ..f jJ. .
Our lnctory lias lWn Kniinin Steadily to Make tin a
. Fresh Stock, and tou rati tret
The I'ltte.-t and Most
e -
Complete l,itie
Niece's Candy Factory, , t325
' Juck.-on street.
5 ....
Of capacities varying from i to 25
horse power affords the most con
venient, economical and reliable
power for all light service. One of
these may be seen running at this
office. Send for circulars.
121 Main Street, San Francisco. Cal.
Suits $i 5
Men's Suits '.
Men's Wet Weather Shoes
Men's Underwear
Latest Style Hats
Boss of the Road Overalls-Best
? !
e :
Easy Rockers
Bed Room Sets
Parlor and Dininjr Chairs
Rugs and Carpets
And ail Household
. Articles
SO TROUBLE TO ft- it y-S
4 a
We offer
win vou z THE
should buy from uS.
Kvery thing offered for sale is fresh;
bought for the Holiday Trade and
sold at very reasonable prices.
We have a very choice stock of
canned goods, including both fruits
and vegetables, to which we invite
your special attention.
Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick
els, Sauces, etc.. is also complete.
We earn- the largest stock of to
baccos in Southern Oregon.
CO., Grocers.
li,..- ...... i...
Peanuts or ropconi,
They are not Fit to lit.
.'auilies of All Grades
Does Up
1 Wc are
always in the Lead, and mean to
keep there.
Tho Q olden liar vest is upon us, and farm
ers are smiling became Woodwail
loois to their interest.
Full Trimmed
These are all Leather and Warranted.
At Reduced Prices.
Consult yoar purse and be sure and see
Woodward before buying.
Ilaa juit receiTwl a near anil extensire stock o
Ladies' Dres3 Gocils, Kibbons, Trimmings,
Laces, tc, Etc.
Of the let quality anil flnUb.
Wood, Willow and Glass Ware,
Crockery, Cordage, Etc.
' Also oa hant ia large quantities at pnecs tc
' Jait the tuaes. Also a lar; stock of
Custom-Made Clothing
WTiich is offered at coat price. A full and
select stock of
Constantly on hand. Also the
General a tent f.,r every variety oi subscription
boois ani prtulirals published in the United
States. Peric wishing reading matter of any
kind will do Ui jjire me a call.
I. D. MOLDHM, Stockton, CaK
The Turf and Sportsman's Authoritv of
the Pacific Coast.
All the Latest
Racing News
of the Country.
The Best Medum for
Advertising Stallions.
And everything appertaining to the Turf
and tield Sports as well as for Spotting
loods, .Medicines for Horses and other
aniruais. Kaeiug Wear. Chauipngnes, etc.
Uio leading paper of its class west of
Chicago, and the representative of the
vast breeding interests in California.
Special department conducted by
Jos. Oaikx Sistrsox.
It is essentially a newspaper cotining all
the Gossip aud Sportind events of the
day, given in such a bright, entertiening
im? reaJable manner as to make the pa
per a neceisty to evervbody interested in
iiuisiuaucr ana legitimate sport. Sam
,'. v.uiica uro iree, anu will be eent on
uiincaiion to any address.
01o Bush St., SanFracciseo, Cal.
F. W. ICr.LLEY, Manager.
Mineral. Railroad. Aricultural.
i mwi A
f ! 0$&.AA&y
I IUW li M.. X. W. Wushinstotl. D. C.
For .many ears in Ihe lie i.iral Innl Office
hxfitaiiu-r if Content-. Mineral vs. Mineral vs.
uailniiul ntul AKrteultiiml claim., anil Late
thief of the Mineral Pivl-iou.
1 ! 5P Corrcsi-ondence Solicited.