The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 10, 1895, Image 4

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Subscription Kate: I
One Year payable tn advance a oo I
Six Months, " " x oo
Three Months, ' " 5
THURSDAY, JAN. 10, 1S95.
Document or All lilndi and Witnesses
Jlstt Bo Presented to the CItII Func- j
tlonary Tho Trials of a Youn- Couple I
or American In Berlin.
It is often almost impossible for an
American to secure the papers necessary
to mako ? European marriage valid, es
pecially in Germany. Tho lovers are fre
quently obliged to wait uutil they can
repair to somo less iuqnisitive land.
where a priest or legal functionary win .
consent to nnito them without asking J
rnperflnous questions. nen tuo con
tracting parties are themselves Euro
peans, tho formalities are probably for
midable enough, for besides tho actnal
marriage papers there are settlement
papers and various preliminary docu
ments to bo drawn up. But if you are an
American of conrsoyon are a suspicious
character, and yon will find it even
doubly difficult to marry tho girl of
your choice. You must first prove your
right to live and breatho and have your
being, and your bride must provo her
right to livo and breatho and havo her
being, and your father, and your moth
' er, and your brido's father, and your
brido's mother must also prove that they
were born in duo timo and have lived
irreproachably ever after, and in case
they no longer exercise tho functions of
living, breathing and having their be
ing it must be shown that they ceased
to do so in a sober and godlike manner.
All this and much more must be set
forth in a quod erat demon strandnm
fashion by raeans of documents before
you will bo allowed to bend your neck
to tho conjugal yoke.
The truth of these remarks was illus
trated a few weeks ago in Berlin, when
tho happiness of two young Americans
hung for a long time in the balance un
til German authorities finally consented
to let them join bands and hearts. Tho
young man was an Egyptologist and
found it necessary to be in Egypt at a
certain time. He hoped to take his brido
with him, but almost up to the last mo
ment ho was uncertain whether he
should have a bride to take. For months
ho had been trying to bring about this
marriage, but the requirements of the
German law were enough to drivo even
a man accustomed to the complications
of the Tel-el-eh-ilanah tablets to de
spair. The bride had lived formerly on
the other sido of the world, and as there
existed in the cautious German mind
the possibility that she might have gone
through the marriage ceremony cn some
previous occasion it was necessary to
publish the banns weeks beforehand, not
only in the Berlin papers, bnt also in
the journals of her native American
town. Both parries were obliged to sc
curo certificates of the birth and bap
tism cf themselves and their parents
and to furnish an cpitcme of the family
histories down to uzte. There is a rn
ss to the number of times certain rela
tives had been vaccinated and the sue
CCS3 cf the operation. The young worn
aa's father had died when away from
home, and it was rather difficult to sat
isfy German authorities as to the man
ner of his taking off. Finally all the
papers arrived, and tho couple repaired
cno day with their friends and witnesses
to the office of the lesal functionary in
whose hands their happiness reposed.
The legal functionary, of course, had
witnesses on his side. Tho Germans
never transact any business except in
the presence of witnesses. If you quar
v rel with the cnard on a railway train,
he immediate v summons another guard,
not to settle the dispute, but to witness
it They put their two solemn heads to
gether, shake them at each other and at
you, make copious notes of the facts
and Snallv take themselves off. This
bridal couple and friends were silently
surveyed by the band of witnesses.
Then the bride was placed in one chair
and the bridegroom in another at a re
spectful distance. The papers were .pro
duced. The bnde told all about herself.
and the bridegroom told all about him
self, and the friends and witnesses told
all about both of them. The mother of
the bride assured tho assembled com
pany that this man was not insidiously
defrauding her of her daughter. The
company began to breathe more freely.
The bridegroom heaved a sigh of relief.
The tired brido moved in her chair
wearilv. But tho legal functionary was
not going to let them off so easily. He
shook his head over tho papers, pursed
up his lips and then turned on the
whole crowd and asked tbem fiercely for
their passports. Of course no one had
such a thing about him, so tho jaded
bridegroom had to rush off in a drosky
to been re a3 many as were necessary.
Mean time a German couple appeared.
Their papers, of course, were all right.
Tho German bridegroom took possession
of the American bridegroom's vacant
chair, and the American bride, who, by
this time, was almost in tears, yielded
her seat to tho German bride. By tho
time they had been safely launched upon
the sea of married life the passports had
been found, and the Americans again
took the chairs and were finally made
man and wife, to the satisfaction of the
legal functionary, themselves and their
That wasn't all, of course. They had
to rush off, after tho legal functionary'
fee had been paid, to do honor to the
ordinary conventionalities, array them
selves in festal robes and bo married
again by a minister who spoko the ng
lish tongue, shake hands with their 500
friend3 and catch the first train for
Egypt Berlin Cor. New York Sun.
A Simple Remedy.
A teacher of hralth culturo declares
that a simple reuiwly for removing tho
blood from a tOD active lirain is to excr
cise tho muscles of the feet Stand firm
ly on the ground and then raitc the heel
and rest on the toe for a Fecond. Do
this for a dozen times or so in succes
sion. It will bring a certain degrefljw
relief after a hard day's mental worT
OIl-AHHCZH2Cllt IllnnkH.
Mine owners who wish to take advan
tage of the law exempting them from
assessment work for the year 1894 can
obtain the blank forms at the PLAIN
DEALER office.
Notice is hereby given that all persons
banting upon, removing wood from, or
otherwise trespassing upon the "Bushey
estile," will ba proze:uted.
liosebnrp, Anz..8, 1891.
D. S, K. BncK, Agent.
Only 50c. Read
rtociinrs, slovcs, children's clothing, etc., etc." Tho way to begin real economy.
OI1H SPECIALTY Ear' month wo tell yoa how to RCt a complete suit for from
vuk arav.iam a. e,aoo to gtjj.oo tailor made. Just how to do it.
Where to get it, Alt tno material, even to tho minutcit llttlo article of trimming. Just
how to mako It, etc, etc. This alotio will bo worth fifty times tho cost of tho subscription
to asy woman.
A PATTERN and nny four of tho following etnndard books, bound in whlto and cold, now
lirce type. Rood paper, all font free : or tho pattern and tlx sheet of music, such as would
cost you 40 cents each in a store, delivered f res in any part of tho United states or Canada,
if you send atoncetwenty-flvoSc, stamps foranewyearly subscription. Wo loso moneTDy
this, but once a subscriber always a subscriber. Can select the pattern any tune. Mention
tho numbers of tho books you want. Don't wait'till its too late.
I. Twr. Yrtiow ItasicWilUe Collins.
. Kokgiso tuc Frrrrts Mr. Alexander.
j. TiieOCTOsoov MiM M. F. HraiMon.
4. Thc luo or Iluwiot.-t;eor tM. IVan.
a. 1.ADY Ciace Mrs. Henry Wood.
4k Ths StjiitK lUiUNi. Charlotte M. Rrae c.
t. The Smrww or a m Cnarlotte M. Hracmc.
fi. Reytvifs of a IUchu or. Ik. Man-tl.
9. The t)t hess "Thc Hachtu."
13. SlXStE ItE K-T AND l0'. StE 1AC Chat. Rc Jt,
11. Ck ox the lit art Cha. Iliclcat.
It. A Wicked Gill Mary Cd Hay.
ij. Mas. Carol sCrcTMN LtCTvaas. D. Jerrali.
14. uuuj hack. huq iaay.
Address, THE McCALL CO., 46
" . SA
Bicycles. )rsWr
Light Weight and Vf Superior material
Rigidity. Every Ma- iNSHHi and Scientific Work
chinefully warranted pSKx maashlp. . . .
iiir.est Honors i hi World's CcIueMan Eiposition.
Sind ta-o-crt snmp let oar cr-sc Catalopie-A Drk ol Art.
Monarch Cycle Company,
PO 111
i re ra
AND potassium
Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
and Scrofula
P P r per - tie blood. bsili 05
the wc acJ c'etiUtlAleO. c;e
trecrt! to ekccl Etrres. cai
Cti . cieJnx tte ;n .at hcill h an4
bapptneM wbre -. rV-.'.
leeiuvn o! law. i-c 6 i yr-Ti:-.
For prinary tecsHbrr ezrl tmirry
ta ail bkol srvd l'a lt
cfofcccs. jMttpjc. c:a r -pr,r .r r?cr-.
tetter. eoM bultaik in i
3--e ciT in. V ' .r i :
ostraJlrtlro.itt v. P P.- f -;!- :
Uorxl a rtoer Ira the- .r. r Vt
rxaitlre. ipe!y aii rcn
in tlx esjes.
ladleiTtafJi! - i
Uoo. Sa to oer at : Irr jr !
. .
, 7
are peallarly t-eor.--. 1 tjr
crtlea ft P. P. P - It -t. . V
your roeciciic i ""3
!iAC3t3. fief: y J. - 1
33 TBI i. tf;"r -Hit
- 1 '
ShllcU-s iD-j-p. r.t t 'itf.'-i.
in. tnelerp7 i, f y'fa
mz Uniizt: rrU- . i it. i.-
ca oortlo of ycr P. I". sa-i
ctoerfanj tar 1 tiai i-ce- r-- :vro
rood tca anj rM I hyo over uttr.
I can recotaau.'t ycer raeoicaaa to zil
S Scrers ct tS ibOTi c!iscne.
mr?. 11. li.
EprtjioJil, Gre;a Coc-. ito.
What is the condition of yours? Is your hair dry,
harsh, brittie? Docs it split at thc ends? Has it a
lifeless appearance? Does it fall out when combed or 5
brushed? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp itch?
Is it dry or in a heated condition ? If these are some of ij
your symptomsbe warned in time or you will become bald. J
SkookumRoot Hair Grower
It what yea need. Iti erodcctlon li cot in accident, but the remit of metn ltlflo
research. Knowluiea ol
ciiiuuw lotreaiiDeQ. -seooeuei -cot luiqs ceuaer taiaeraif nor one. It
la not a De. trat s cJellghtf all coollas and refreshing Tonic isj atlmslatlnz
Jbo follicle, it Hops Jailing Aa(r, cures dandrvj and grxret hair on bald
. sir Ktp tbe tcalp clean,
and dtttnm the hnlr-
iv -mj o. roorv asm
If your drorrlit cannot EBftly yoa tnd direct to ui. and we win forward
prrriaW, on receipt cf rrtcc Grower, 8U r bott: ; 6 for JJXft Eoap.Wc
IrJar;6fort2JC'. ti
New Era
M.-mtifacliirerH of
tlic CfleUralcd
IlrniiclH of IMnur, X. C F
Bran, Shorts, Feed, Etc, Constantly on Hand,
Highest Cash Pries Paid for Whoat.
This All Through.
Newest noslsns. Lending Styles, rcrfoct ratlcrns
for Ladles. Jllises nntl Children. Superb llliistrnlluim.
Fashion Notes". Health mid Beauty. Funcy Work,
ltcaullfully Illustrated Kitjtccstlons. Ktorlin. children'
l'aro. lractlenl Vagti. l"ractlcal, useful and economical
hlnU of nil kind. lTc-cmliiently tho Fiuhlou Journal
for tho million. A valuable, clean household papir for
only 60c. a jear.
Tbo Celebrated McCall Bazar Patterns
Established T.enlj-Flvo Yeart.
You may think you cannot afford nnothcr paper. You
cannot afford to bo without it. The Qceem or Fashion
will actually savo you from fifty to five hundred times
to cents bvlts hints ."How to mako over old drosses.
it. A Rocve's Lire Willie Collini.
li. Mors Tinr 1'as is Titr Nigiit. n. llarrajen.
ir. A Sicdv IX Scrlet -A. Conan Doyle.
is. Wedded and. t'lmm Charlotte M. Drae e.
19. My Lady's Money Wilkie Collins.
ax Maio, WtrK oa Widow. Mrs, Ateunder.
si. lucit to TiiE Old Hour. Mary Cecil liar.
jj. A Yellow Astex lota.
3L liLACK Iiemjty Anna Sewcll.
:j. OtAELOTtE Tijihe. Mr. Kowion.
jt. The ItEIK or Ltssc Robert Uuchanan.
si. The Mas in Ulack. Stanley J. Wcrato.
27. Dooo. E. F. Ucnson.
East 14th St., New York.
the Best.
LakscnJ Halstcd Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
nimLt: HLU1UH:5
and old sores
Arc entirely maarcu by
rrfci'I Aah. rot noct mud Pctai
r!cr. it rroiUu: t:oo-l .a riisr 03
AeteT'-e . 0.. Jaly CI. ISSl-
G-: Dcas t nwosht ito:tIccf
j 3.- P. it Hoe SjKi- r..rS. i-:l
I: ui' mdo i3oro r"-'! ' t-.en
ninnLki-trir:ta.:rs- r ?r" ""
ttj! ifcrtc to:i C i
jaS. :..
Aucro-i. ti . l if. 3.
c-k- j- 2'
Tf c!J viar t ri; ..
Z7 tetT ut U v.ult-
cl v. r. :&r rr" i -rl
lac rjlr
E'l.c. i tr!co-. -. .
.. 13. '
t-'---' -- .ffl.
ZUir. Cacr ir.rctf.
yrta3rj; -. !Jvrir.
rw.Ts-.,.'.:i.-5 M. J'PS.
i'..i-au. Urraas f 50-. , ."itaaciS.
C:. x wyas 1 1 ir.'j ; jcr 1:'
( . , rarjKia?i: ueri.c. Eii7
" "1 a'il -icr,oc tilrtr year
n-l : nl crer.t 11
...-tic tct 3B1 renre3 all !r-
r -r-K I Trarvstatin Srcr,rla bottles
" '-c r M: that cjsot hoc coarra
i : rcllor-l
t-iwolos. Voart t.-jT.r,
Ci?T. f. . V.. r.IT3T.
. it:---my st lw.
is m Sk3j5
iac I5ice2i,IiaYanala,Ga
the dbeaaes of tbe r tr and scalp led to the dlaeoT. ar
bcaltbr. axd free from Irritating ernpUoni , by 1
aoap. li cejtrojs rxirt uuis tiuccu, ttAlcn Jcta c
A. M. K0SE
Roller Mills,
A W 1 T Pr Ct'"lH pCr Hack
5 8 fr
L 5 I 0 R CC"tS Pcr HncU
Louis (jlobe0"nocrat
Eight Paars
and S'Vida),
Paaes Kvorv Wceli,
is, beyond all comparison, thc biggest,
best and cheapest, national news and
family Journal published in America.
Strictly Republican
in politics, it gives all the news and
gives it at least three days earlier
then it can be had from any of the
Metropolitan weeklies.
It Is Indispensable
" to the farmer, merchant or profess
ional man, who desires to keep thor
oughly posted, but has not time to
read a large Daily Paper.
Write for free samples to
I.ouis, Missouri.
By special contract, we are enabled to offer
The St. Leuis Globe-Democrat twice every week
in connection with Tin-: Pi.aixdbalkr for only
?2.25 a ysar, provided 'on subscribe before April
i, 1S95.
Considering: the character of the two papers
the greatest of national Journals and the best of
your home papers this offer has never been
equalled. Do not delay but send in your sub
scriptions at once.
1. Location beautiful,
of temptation.
2. Best instruction in
and Business Courses ; also
State Diplomas to eraduates
3. Board in West Hall, Club Houses or private fami
lies, $100 to $200 per year for board and tuition.
4. Fall Term opens Sept. iSth. Catalogues soit free
Address C. C. Stratton, D. D., President,
or Thos. Van Scoy, D. D., Dean.
rach Tiuwday
out a
class of
Job Printing
that is
to the
" General Run."
healthful and free from all places
College, Preparatory, Normal
in Theology, Music and Art
of Normal. Diplomas for all
Sheriff Sale.
Elalc ol Oregon, for D.mla. Conul.
Feudal Sutlierlln, I'inintin.
Vm.(i. B. Dixon and Nan BcuMon.
nio J.U. Dixon, Defendants. '
State of Oregon. 1 ,
County of Douglas, j
To the Slierlff of Doul.i County, Oregon,
(i reeling:
Wliertiua Fendul SiUI-erlk1, plaiiitln above
ltainvd, at the regular Dccciutivr term, lti'Jl, ol
the Circuit Couit of the Htata ol Ore u for
the County ol Doulue, to wit: on Monday
Hie 1 Till day of Dcccuilier, lS'H. recovered a
ju Anient against the raid defendant, Win.
(i II, Dlxim ntid Manule J. C Dixon, for tliu
miu of JTIWI 'Jo, with lnterebt thereon at the
rait: of 10 (.er eeut per aiiiiuin from the 0th
ilay of Norrtuoi r, IH'M, for the sam of ?T.0O 00
alloineya few, mid for l'!.iiutifr eoets and
dUtiir.eiiient taxed at $I3.oO, and ni.-njud
in -lit and derre of foretdo urc ugiiimt the fol-
lo'.viug dejciilie.i itgagid preniiteit, to wit:
'I he Mini li hsll nf tl,r. RunlinviKt im lrtir of '
! ereliini Uvi-nlv nine C2'i). the Ills i.tiiiibrrert I
ctvi n Hiul eight (7 andS) of nciton thirty
! the north half of the imrilictsl quarter, the
MHilInnrit iii.irter ol Hie nortlieaUijuar'ir, tne
I r-ipilllicat iiiurter aud lots 15 und 4 in ci'tinn
I III, wot half of ecctlou Ml. ail o' raid tract'
li'.'iuz iulotvuKliiG toiilli, 01 riga . wcet,
Willainettu Miritltan, Doil45 r jiiiily.Orcgoii.
The iiurtliwcjt iiiarler and th. eou'Ji lmlfof
the Kinlliwri-t i(itrtcr of tretion 5, the east
half ai.d the iat tialf of the sotilhu'pet ijiiHrtcr
aud lolt nunilierid : and 1 of section 0, the
northwest quarter of icetioit 8, the cast half of
the uortlinest inurter, the northeast quarter,
end. the mothi-aA quarter of the routhwet
quarter and hits numbered 1. 2, 4 and of
t-ntioti 7, nil of maid la.t dceeribed tracts being
in towiinhiii "7 umlh. rangij 5 went, Willani
..II.. t ..Ml.... 4 1... II.. lt.,ntfnn ft.,lrn .-.f
1 William .f. Martin aud wife, bcinif claim No.
V). in townnulii f toulh. raiitre5 wct,
No. -11 In townMi 27 eoulh, range 5 west,
il.i ni No (ii In lovni-liii 27 fcntli, rungc 0
wt. and eUiui No. 01 in toniiahili 21 south,
raime C if St. A5o the Donation Claim ol
Daniel 1. Uariica, being claim No. i'i in town
thip 27 (outh. range 5 nest' and claim No, SO
in limii4hl 27 toulh, niuge U went. Alto the
north half ol the tou'.hivct quarter of BCCtiou
Sand K'U ii'tmbcred 1 and 2 ot section 0. towu
ship 27 ninth, rau 5 west, Willamette Mer
idUn. Donglas county, Oregon, excepting from
Ilia above the nortii half ol the donation cUini
of William J. Mai tin and wife being claim No.
.VI hi townfliip 2(5 Mmtli, ranze 5 west, aud
claim No. 4$ lu township 27 south, raugc 5
uc't, and claim No 0J in township 27 south,
raugo G nest, am! clilm No. CI in township 10
eoutli, raiue 0 wrst. coutaiidiii 321.17 acres
more or !cm, bIjo rxe'-pting blocks 1, 8, J and
10 in Dixon' addition to FrtiUvale, containing:
I'J acres, mil all of block No 2 in Dixon s adili
tinn to Kmitvale ronta'iiing full 15 acres ac
cording to the aincr.dcd plat of s-aiil addition
on file and recorded in volume one luge 24,
of plat books in thcolliee of the County Clerk
of Diiuilai ouitt, Oretrou.
And whereat it na further ordered by the
-fealrt Conil at the raid time that ill of the
right, title and intereet of the f aid defendants
to raid tiroterlv on tl.e 12th day of Dccrinber,
1 1!, or at any time thereafter, together with
I Hie hcreditau'icuU anJ appurtcnanew there
! uuto belonging or in anywise appertaining, be
i told in the manner prescribed by law, and ap
ply Ihe proceed", arising tuerelrom, nm. to
lh tosti and exjientcs of su?h i-aie, sreonJ,
to the i-ayraent cf the cost and diiburseinenta
of tbl action, laxed at (It JO, third, to the pay
ment of MOO.OO attorney' fees, fourth, Ui the
paym?ntot Ihe plalntiirsjudimcnt of thc sum
nf f 7091 25, with Interest at the rate of 10 pcr
ceut pcr annum from the Olh day of Novem
ber, 1S9I, and the crerpluj, if any there be,
pay over to the sajd defendants ,or their leal
Now. therefore. I will on Wednesday, the
j SOth day of January. 1SW, at thc hour of one
clocK P. w or sam cay ai tna uoart uouse
door in Koscburg, Douglas couuty. Oregon,
sell at public anction to thc highest bidder for
ash In band, all the right, title and interest
the said defendant Wm C. B. Dixon and
Nannie J. C. Dixon, had in or to said men
tioued and described projierty, on the 12Ui
day of December. lS5b or at any lice, there
after. C. F CATHUAIIT.
Sherifl, Douglas (.onnty, Oregon.
SherilF Sale.
tn mr. riKfriT cocrt
1 of Oreuon for thc Comity of
MasHb Sehrot'
, rtiintiff
S. A. Cm .inja, Defendant
9r.iTKorOmo.x, (
Connty of Docglaa I
Notice la hereby piTen tbat l.j vutuecfan
exeentiun duly i uct oat of th4 abaTe named
Court and muae 00 tL 17ih day of December,
A. IK, 1S3I. upon a jaJifrnent made and eu
trred of record la aai l Circuit Court in tbe 11th
day of December. 1591. by foreciaaure of a. xaort
j .- in favor of tbe above namel ptatatiff.
staria h SehtoteD, and a;aicit the. aboT naael
defendant, S. A. Cumainri, and axtinit tbe
Lereinafter raentioael an 1 aei;r:b-l mO;tj(f;ed
propel ty. for the sun jf !t).33, lilh interest
at the rate of ten per rent per arnnia fion the
11th day of Juc. Hv!. nl fjr the eurn of
513.31 the atnoui.1 paU bj for tun,
and for the aim of 52W, attimey ters, in.1 1
eoeta tavel at jil.U, ani the eta and ex-1
pemu cf .afcis? the rale, uid mart ed pr'.p- i
ertv being particularly describe I aa followa, to- '
wit: I
lot Ko. in rroitvale nldilion to tbe city
of Roaebnrg. Doujlas County, Oregon, as the !
wot appears per plat on cie ami 01 rccoia in
the oISn nf the Coar.ty Clerk nf DocgUs
lacty, Oie-on, aaid lot being in the Donation .
I And Claisi ef 5. C. Itraden, Douyla eonnty,
Urezon, Tovmhlp '."7 S , It. 4 and 6 West; W il-
tametti Meridian, eonttintnr ten acre
ather with thc teneuata. hereditaments
appnrtenancea therennto belonging or
taming, all in Docila muntT. Oirgon,
Xo, therefore, 1 will on tTedaesdsy, tbe
9th dny of Jananrt, A. D., .SS, at one o'clock
p. m. of raid day, at the Court h3Ge dur in
Hoaeburx. Dooxlas coantr, Ortgon, im.11 at pub
lie auction to the highest bidder, for cash in
hanJ, all the risht, titli ant intereat vhich tbe
aaid ldaiit 3. A. Cumraing bad in cr to ,
aid premtua oa the 9th ibky of April, A. D.
liVl, the date cf tL: etecction of said mortgage,
cr at any tlm? Hereafter in or to uid above I
mentioned and dearibed cortgagtd real prop- j
erty, and trill apply the pmceida of aach sale, 1
Cm, to .the payment or the coua and expececa
of aaeh nle, Mrand, to th pavrsent of the ecsta
and ditbnreementa beiein incurred, taxed at
11 3. Third, to the payment of fli.00 attor
ney fee. Fourth, to the payment of the sura
of (243.13 with Intereat thereon from the ll'.h
day of Jane, 1151. at Re rate of ten per cent
per annum. Ar.d tbe futther lun ot Hi. St.
the amount of taxea pail on the said real prem
ises, and the ovarplos, if any tbete be,
I llt pay Jinto tkwsaid court to be further
applied, a by law directed, tn the defendant or
hta lezal icpicacntatiTca, aa by order of said
r.)urt in said evicution and order of vale to me
directed and delivered on the 17th day of De
cember, 1391. c. r. cvrncAKT,
then! of DougUa Ccunty, Ore.
the County of Doujlas.
ol Abraham, Tlaintill.
L. C. flcarJsIy, Teter Hutne, E. 11.
Treble, Marclia A. Rvges anl T. It.
Sheridan, Ewctitora and Executor
of the entjiteof r. U.
ceawd, The Or gun tc t'jlif.irr.ta
lumber C)., a orporation. F.
Horn. . W. Condon. Diat. Atty.
for Daugll Comity and Ada Heard-
lei, lvfendanta.
To 1.. C. l'eardalay, the above named defendant.
In the name of tbe Mate Oregon, 3011 are
hereby requited to appear and answer the com
plaint fileil f gainst you in Ihe ab jts eutit!ol suit
on or Wore thc flrit day of the next regular term
of lid ciurt, for said County an 1 iitate, appointed
lo be held ani to commence on Mond.iT the ISth
day of Match, A. D 1K5. that being the first
day ut the term ufsid court lesnlarly following
the expiiation the time prescribed for Ihe publi
cation of this Rummons 111 and by an orle- herein
made by the Uoa. Judre ot a-tid couit and bear
ing date the 31ttd.iyof Decrmbir, lsDI, tor the
survtce of ttii enromon j the puMication there
of for C eonatcutire weekr, and if you fail rn to
appear and answer aaid compliint, the plaiiitill
Leiein will take judgment against you and a de
cree ae follow:
1 For the sum c( fn79.'J7 nith intnst at the
rate of H pcr cent, per annnm, from the 7th dar
of OetoUr, 1S93, and fur the further rum of $100
aa attorney's fees and further for his cuais and
2. That the following described premises,
to-wit: lot Xnmbir Nineteen (19! in RrooVe and
Feldtn'i Addition, the same being the llrooksule
Addition to the City of Koseburg, in the County
.f Douglas, State "f Orrgon, according to the olE
cUl aurvry and plat of said addition of record in
the office of tre County Clerk o' Douglas County,
Oregon, oontiining Nine (9) Acres more or less,
together with the tenements, hereditaments and
appuitenancei thereunto belonging or in anywise
appertaining, be sold by the Sheriff of ssid County
and the proceeds of (said ale be applied to the
payment of tho above amounts, and that you and
all persons claiming under jou or sn"cquent to
the execution of the mortgage sued w herein
shall be barred and foreclosed of all tight, claim
or eiiuity of redemption in the said premises and
that execution Issue against you for any de
ficiency which may lemim after applying all the
proreeda of the sale of aaid premises properly ap
plicable to the satisfaction of said iuJgnient.
3ttS Homey for the Plaintiff.
1 lid Office, l!o.veburg. Ore . !
December 1, 1MU.I
Complaint having been entered nt tliU oilice
by Cliarles llbhop nguint Moses Furlong for
abandoning his Homestead Entry No. "Vil,
dated June 1, li, upon the XW'4 SK'4. X' ,
SWJi. SWJj SW'4, Section 12, Township 2! S.,
Range ft Wett, 111 Douglas county, Oiegon,
with a view to the cancellation of .aid entry,
the said parties nre hereby summoned to ap
pear at United Slates I.m.l Office, Rosebtirg
Oregon, on the lilh day of January, 1VJ at 10
o'clock a. ui., to respond and furnish testi
mony conceriiiii;: said nlleged abandonincnt.
SnlUcicut evidence having been filed to show
that pergonal service can not be made, It is
hereby ordered that service be made bv publi
cation in the I'i.uniicalki: at Rosc'mfg, Ore.,
according to law. K. M. VR.vrrii, Register.
K. 8. SHKntDAN, Receiver.
Sheriff Sale.
of Oregon, for Douglas County.
Fendil Sutlierlln, l'lniiitlir
I'uytoii A. IlarrU, Elizabeth
Harris and U K. Coznd,
County ol Douglas,
Notice I.i hercliT clven bt virtue of
cxceiition'and order of tale duly Issued out of
thc above named Com t, and cause, on thelth
day ol December lfcOt, upon 11 judgment made
and entered of record In tnld circuit Court on
the lltli day .if Dvcember, ls'JI. by foreclohure
of a mortguise In favor of tho above named
plamtitr nua BKnIni.t thc above named defend
rtiilH, l'.tyton ,. Harris unl Ktlzabeth Harrli,
and HH'iiu.: the IitrcinutltT mentioned and
ib'nerlbed mortKugeil property for the turn of
f;!S.S with Interest tneniin at the rate of 10
lu-r cent icr aiiiiinii fruni October -Dtli, lH'JI.
und the Mint of fii.W nltorney fees and S27.C0
ciwta and di-dmrnemiMi'.'.
Now, thcieforr, 1 u ill o-i Saturday, the 21UI1
lay ol January, 1.YJ., at 1 o'clock p. m. of mid
day at the Cnurl Illinise door In Unscbtir-,
HiiiiXhiH roiint, urcdii, ii'ii at uoiie aiiciion
In I hit liMn-.t I.MiU-r Inr eahli In hand, all the
rlKhl, title HinMiili-rcat which thc haM lefentl-
mil... I'ayloii A. II.irri nii'l Elintielh Harris,
or cither of tlicin, hud 11:1 the 4ih duy of May,
Ib'J!, or ut hiiv time tlicrcafler in or to the bil
lowing described ienl properly, to-wlt: Thc
(iiiiiHtiiin laud claim No. o7 of JohnatliAn ii.
Cozad cud Kvelino Co.ail. his wife, in Town
ship 21 South, Kiuigc 4 West, certificate No.
notlilcall ni No. .M7, containing 3l9.7Uacre.
A No tho West H of tho K. K. L, tho youth J
ot tho 8. V. H und tho N. V. !A of the S. .
M of Kenton li, the West M of the N. K. 'A.
ami lot 1 of Section 7, mid the S3. W. 'A of Sec
tion 7, and thc H. E. i of thc S. K. of Sec
tion 7, nil in Township L'l South, Ttangc 1
West, Willamette Meridian, Douglas couuty.
OrcK'in, contnlnliiK in Ihe tutrrcgata
acres, excepting fro:n thc donation of Johna
thau M. V.otu and wife, ten ucrex of land
conimenclnK at the N. W. comer of said dona
tion land claim, thence running Hast on the
.ortn line 01 huh iionation land claim,
I"", thcucc houtli SlWi, thence
west 67
KimIi. thence North 1A linli to the ulace of
liCElunlni:. containing C10 acres, together wltti
all, and singular thc tenements, heredita
ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging
or in any wbe appertaioins ami will apply
the proceeds of audi sale, first to the costi and
expenses of such sale, and to the payment of
rosta herein taxed at 127.00, to the payment of
f.UO.OO attorney fees, and to thc amount due
tilnlntlir on said judgment to-wit: the sum of
t'VW.M with interest thereon at the rate of 10
pcr cent Itr annum from October 20'.h, ISO I,
and the ovcrplu. If any there be, nay over to
the said ileicndants, 1'ayton A. Harris und
Elizabeth Harris, their heirs, or legal asaiirn9,
as bv order of said Court, in said execution to
me directed, and delivered commanding me to
sell satil above mentmneil una ticscrilieit morl
KBJtcd real jiroperty in Ihe manner provided
tiy law. u. r. uaiiiuaici,
Sheriir of Douglas County, Ore.
By D. It. Sn-vxiiEOOC, Deputy.
Kxccuti r's Sale.
Notice is hereby uivcr. that the undersigned
executor cf Ihe last will and testament and
eMate. of Henry S. March, deceased, late of
Douglas county, "Oregon, has been duly li
cenced aud directed by the County Cocrt of
Uongu connty, Oregon, oy at. oruer ol said
Court nude aud entered of recOad on the 29th
dav of Ocober. 1:01, to sell all cf the real es-
elate belonging to the estate of thc said Henry
a. .Marfli, dccrtueil, said order iirovi t
that suhl executor may sell the raid real prop
erty of said deceased, which oaid real property
is hereinafter fu'Iy and tiarticularly described,
at ptivate t-aic.
Now. lliercforc, in pursuance of said license
and order, wbich is recorded in oL 8, on
nairca 24S and 24'J thereof, of the f orbatc Or
der Uook of said Douglas county, Oregon, I
will, from and after thc 2.illi day "of January,
iVJu, prcccea to sen at private sale accoruic
to law in fcurh cases made and provided, for
cash la hand, to the hizhest bidder.
all the right, title anil interest which
the said Henry S Mar3h. dece-scd. lud io or
to the hereinafter, described premises at the
time of Ids death, to wit: on the 22tid day of
April. ls'JI. to wit:
Sonth 12 of the NE 1-1, SE 1 i of the NW
1-4 and thc S 1-2 of Sec 31. Tn 23 S. 115 W
Willamette Meridian; also the NE 1-2 of thc
NW 1 I, sec 0 1 124 3, l: o W, Willamette Me
ridian, Donglas countv, Oregon, containing
4:0 acres more or lias.
Dated this 20ia iliv ol Decemter. 1S94.
"J. S. HUNT, Executor.
C. A. Sehlekedc, Ally, for Estate d27td
Notice of Sale.
undersigned as administrator of the es
tate of Jofcphus Uroct, deceased, will on Sat
unlay, tbe oth day of Jnnnary, lsos, at the
hour of 2 o'clock p. ra. of said day, in pur
suance of an onler duly i"ued out of the
County Court for Douglas county, Orecon,
the oth day of October, 1Si4, o3er for sa! and
roll to the hiahot bidder for cash, the follow
ing described real propertv: All of Section 10.
(excepting therefrom the X. of the X. E. 10
containing jou acres, xne 01 tne
of Sec. 9, containing JO acres. The 2. i ot
thc N. E. 1 of Sec 1."), containing SO acres.
The N E i of the N. W. Z of Sec. 15, contain
ins to acres. All of said laud being in Town
ship -X. S,, K. C West, Willamette Meridian, In
Douglas County. State of Oregon, and contain.
ing in thc aggregate '10 acres. Said above
described real property to be sold on the prem
lses. icrms 01 aic, casn.
Dated this 1st dav of December. ISM.
Administrator of thc estate of Joscphus Brock,
A' nnderdened have licen aooointeil execu
tors of the last will and testament of the estate
of residence near Elxton in Douglas Connty,
Oregon, within fix months from thc date of this
notice, and all persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment to
enneroius at saiu piacc.
Dated this.'.!: day of November. 10!.
Executors of the last will and testa
ment of Ansel Langdon, deceased.
C. A. Seiilbrede, Attorney lor Executors.
Xotice for Publication.
Land office at Eoseburg. Oregon, Dec. 13, 1S9L
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler nas tiled notice ot nis intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the Register
and K.cleier, U.S. Land Ofilcc. at Eoseburg,
Oregon, January SO. lMr. viz: HenrvD. Maxum,
on H. E. No. r.210. for theSW'i Section 10. Tp. 2U
S., R. ! west. He names the tolowlng witnesses
to prove his conttnuou residence upon and cm
tlvation of. said land, viz: Ricnanl Cook,
Charles I- Cox. William W. Cox. 1'etcr Burch,
alt of l amas altcv, orfgon.
iU7t5 It. M. VEATCH. KegiMer.
Final Settlement.
A Hint, adtnlnintrator with the will an
ncxetl of the estate of Edon Adams, dcccaseil
has filed his final account therein, and an or
der has liccn made and entered of record, di
recting this notice and naming Tuesday, the
Mil nay 01 January, isn, an ociock p. m., at
the Toilice of the County Judge of Douglas
county, uregon, as me time .mil place o:
hearing jVbjeetio:is. If any, to viid final ac
count and thc settlement thereof.
Dated the th ilny of December, lsu-l.
S. C. FLINT, Administrator.
Notice is hereby given to all hom it may con
eern that I hiTea ppointe-1 D. W. Mearnof Cala
poo'a precinct IVputy Inspector of Stock for said
precinct; poUiftice addres-.. Oakland; also A. J.
Chapman of Vilbur. anl Itilnh Smith, at Roee
burg, to act during my absence, and others wil
be added as parties inspected make tkeir desire
known to me.
Rosehurg. May 1th. 1SST.
Inspector of Stock tor Docglaa county. Or.
Architect and Draftsman,
Personal Supervision giveu all work.
No More Back Ache
r f rt l I or. n t llnn.l.a I f O .
! late deceased. All persons havlnjr claims
' z7 ' against said estate are hereby required to pre
FP . sent the same to cither of ns at our usual place
Is thc Lino to Take
To all Points East and Sonth.
It is thc DINING CAK ROUTE. Itruns through
Composed of Dining Cars Unsurpassed,
Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers,
01 Lalett Equipment,
Best that can be constructed ami In
which accommodations aro both FREE
and FURNISHED to holders of First or
Second-class Tickets, and
A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines,
aflbnllng Direct and Uninterrupted Service.
I'lillinaii Sleeper reservations can be secured In
advance through any agent of the road.
TICKETS To and from all Points In
America, England nnd Europe can be purchased
at any Ticket Office of this Company.
Full iufor-nation concerning rates, time of
trains, routes and other details furnished on
application to any agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Xo. 121 First St., cor. Washington,
Southern Pacific Co.
Express trains lca7e Portland daily.
South I
I North
6:15 P.M.
3:20 a.m.
Lr. -I.T.
Portland - Ar.
Riiebiirg - Lr.
San Francisco Lv.
8r20 A.X.
11:30 p. M.
7:00 P. M.
10:1. a. m.
Above train.? ston at all stations From Port.
land to Albany Inclusive. Also Tangent,
Shedds, Halsey, Harrtsbnnr. Junction City,
irving, tugenc and all staUons from Roscburg
to Ashland inclusive.
' Kosefirtrg -Hall Daily.
8:3U. M. J Lr.
5:50 p. M. I Ar.
- Portland -Rnsebnrg
7afl a.M.
Pullman Buffet Sleepers
Attached to all Through Trains.
West Side Division.
Ilctvreen Porilaud nnrl CoryallU.
MaU train dally (except Sunday).
7:30 A. M.
12:15 p.m.
ILv. -Ar.
Portland -Corvallls
Ar. I
535 P.M.
10 P. M.
At Albanr and Corvallis ennnert with trains
of Oregon Pacific railroad.
Express train dally (except Sunday).
l:iu p. M.
Portland -McMinville
Ar. I !5 x. x.
Lr. SuV) a. M.
7:25 P. M.
Throu;b TIcIicl!. 10 all FolutM In
the CtMcrii siaic Cacsda and
Europe can he obtained at loir
et rale from (."ciirc IMu, Agent
Jlanager. Asst-G. F.iras3.Agen
Family Groceries,
Books and Children's Toys.
Fruits, Xuts, French Candies, Confectionery
Canned Goods, Coffees, Teas, Etc.
Iwo Doors Isorlh of Depot Hotel.
Table supplied with the best the mar
ket affords. .Meals at all hours, 23 cents.
Special rates to families, and particular
attention given to immigrants.
W. L. D, DEARDOIlfT, Propr.
fi SLrYd
1 04ubij uviyriuvjy4iuniT;atj 4ivmfMik
31 r mDcat position- ExcTusiTc territory.
el Exrcrienco canecesarr- rccxliar
f( aJf antages to beginners. Liberal
commission to local part-
tlrre ?nt3. Largest
aurseryE fcrta.3rcliard.
sto:S. f.. mr lawn ind eardsa.
We antyoono .nails
the frol t to loatn r u so
ixporuau no .w.
dTancement. Oatflt and fall par-
Tlcnla 1 frc. BROWN EKOS. CO nur-
Mrrnien.rortiano.ure. noisauuaso
reliable. Kama tils paper. Eaj
J)r. Gibbon's
u corner of Com
mercial, San Francisco,
CaL. Established In
1S&I, for the treatment
of Sexual and Seminal
Diseases, such aa Una.
orrhrn, Gleet, Strict,
ure, Syphilis, ia all Its
forms, Seminal Weak
ness, Jmpotencj, ami
Lost Maiihood perma
nently cured. The slct and afflicted should not
lail to call upon him. The Doctor has traveled
extensively m Europe, and inspected thoroughly
thc various hospitals there, obtaining a great
deal of valuable information, which he is com-
?ctent to Impart to those In need ol Ms services,
he Doctor cures when others faiL Try him.
DR. GIBBON will make no charge unless he ef
fects a cure. Persons at a distance CURED 4T
HOME. All communications strictly connden
ial. All letters answered in plain envelopes.
Charges reasonable. Call or write. Address
DR. J. F. GIBBON. Box 1S57. San Francisco. Cal
Ely's Cream Balm
Cleanses tho Nasal Passages. Al
lays Inflammation. Heals tno Sores.
Restores tho Senses of Tasto, Smell
and. Hoaxing.
A partlclo Is applied Into each nostril and
Is agreeable. Price 50c. at DrmrgUta or by
mall. LYBK0TnEK3,ga WarrenStew Yort.