The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 10, 1895, Image 3

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THURSDAY, JAN. 10, 1S93.
Ho, Ho, Boys, Look Here.
Come and seo our Lard limes $20 suits
and $0.50 pants. Guaranteed for one
year nt Chicago Tailor', in with Milli-
A Social Hop.
The orchestra will give a social lion at
the Opera house Saturday evening, to
which all are cordially iuvited.
W. C. T. U.
Don't forget the dime pie social at Mrs.
evening. Friday,
Jan. llt!i.
livery bodv invited.
County Court In Session.
Tho rug.ilar January temi of the
county c.iurt is now in session, all the
members bting present. The reports cf
road eupervi-ors aro now being consid
ered. It is likely that tho court will bo
in session several weeks, as there is much
business to be transacted.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sincere thanks
to the many kind friends and neighbors
who so kindly assissted us in our recent
bereavement, and especially to tho mem
birsofthe A. O. I". W. and the G. A. R.,
who did alt Out whs possible to lighten
our cares and narrow. May heaven
bless eaii and every one of you.
Mrs Tkvey and Family.
Aaron Rose has already agreed to do
nuto one-half tho ground required for a
school house and grounds in tho southern
part of tho city. When it comes to en
terprise of any kind "Uncle" Aaron is
noyer in tho rear.
J. T. Itryau, Who was severely injured
two months ago by being thrown from
his tricycle, Jwas down town yesterday
for tho first time sinco his siccidont. lie
was warmly congratulated by his many
friends on tho streets.
Tiio bionnial roport of tho secretary of
state, shows tho amount of stato taxes
due by Bouglan county to bo $2000 and
interest on tho current cxpeuso tax of
1S93 amounting to '$S11.29. Multnomah
county owes nearly $US,000.
Rev. P. It. Williams of Portland has
arrived from California and will assist
tho pastor. Rev. Walter Reynolds, in a
revival servico at tho United Rrethron
church, beginning next Sunday morn
ing. Everybody invited.
For rent. A place consisting of two
acres, located within the city limits;
three-fourths of an aero planted in straw
berries; small orchard of choice fruits,
berries, etc. ; six-room house, barn and
outbuildings; will bo leased on liberal
terms. Apply at this otlico.
The halo Comity Examiner gives a
graphic account of a rabbit drive in that
section recently. A tight board corral
was made and every hotly turned out to
enjoy tho sport. Tho first day 1700 rab
bits were killed and tho next -day 1S0J
more were gathered in.
We learn from farmers that there is a
scarcity of wheat in Douglas county.
One and the main cause of the scarcity,
is the feeding of largo quantities of grain
to stock. There has been more wheat
fed to hogs this year than in nnv other
year in the historv of Douglas countv.
Boots and s-hooj nude and repaired at Notice is herebv nivon to the nubile
L. Langenbers's shoe store. First class by the undersigned that I do not allow
work and low prices. . Uead animals to ! buried on mv t.rem.
We will remain here for business only'ses at Roseburg, Oregon, or garbage
one week more. Cabinets fcJ.OO per (dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
dozen. Portland Photo Co. therefrom, unless the partv takini: sand
Try the Household Dyes. The MIue o" gvcl first contract with be for the
package colors silk, wool, cotton or "slit to so do.
father, at Marsters' drug store. ftT prosecuted ac-
, ur,iu.i. cording to law. Aakon Rose,
Roots and shoes telling at cost at ' !1seburg, Oregon. March 17th, 1S91.
Langenberg's. Closing out sale. Xo j The Rosebur.; orchestra is no doubt the
humbug. Call and be convinced. j most t.puhir organization that Roeolwic
Cabinet nhctos ier daren or isinascvpr "a- The music furnished is
gacization require the stockholders to ;-.,.,. i:.,;,, ;,.,- -v. ...nlJ ti,;. iapprec rated by all who have ever had the
uorrow uie mosey wnen mere are no ap- week on)v. a por,j photo tfnt?
Protect jocrself 'agaitst cold and
j pneumonia by weaing a. chest protector,
j Fine ones at Marsten.' drug store.
killed Bv Accident. Catarrh
Mason Woodruff of Palocse, Wasl,
Delayed by Sickness.
Owing to sickness in his family Hon.
C. A. Sehlbredc will be unable to go to
Salem as scon as he would otherwise
have dose. His wife has been confined
to her room for several days past, u bile
his sister. Miss Tillie Sehlbredo is also
sick, as is his daughter Emma. All arc
improving, however, and Mr. Seblbrede
will doubtless bo able to leive in a very
few days.
floney Galore.
At the meeting of the board of directors
of the Roseburg Raildiog & Loan Asso
ciation held Tuesday evening a loan of
f455 was made to L. A.Sanctuary, he
bidding eight months advance interest.
Aher Marks also borrowed $ IOjO, but
lie took it because there was no other
application in, ami lire bylaws of the or-!
it r . t r. t. - . i .
jiiuuiic ii ii. nie receipts oi met
association are now very large, and the
money Is going a begging
A. Salztnau, tho reliablo joweler.
Legislators ro gathering at Salem.
Jerry J. Wilson, tho (slow) joweler.
J. T. Bryan, tho Busy Watchmaker.
L. Belfils, watchmaker, Rosoburg, Ore.
Repairing a specialty at Langenberg's.
For a good 5-ccnt cigar call ou Mrs.N.
A choico lino of btationery at Murelers'
drug store.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Little
of Oakland.
There are now 107 boys in the state re
form school.
Eastern oysters on the half shell, at
the Randy Kitchen.
Puie fresh candies manufactured at
the Ivaudy Kitchen.
Harness of all kinds at low priees at
U. W. Woodward's.
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at the Roseleaf.
Pacific Coast and Eastern oysters in
any style at the Kaudy Kitchen.
Fine cabinet photos oulv $2.00 per
dozen at Portland nhcto tent this
Myrtle Creek flour, only SO cents per
sack. Delivered free. A. C. Hoxir.
Corresondents will please refrain
from sending in item? of a pjrsoaal nature.
Dr. Strange's dental parlors aro in the
Marsters block, over Richardson's music
For good substantial blacksiuithing
cheap, go to McKiuuev & Manning,
Oakland. "
Meals at all hours at tho Kandx
Kitchen, southeast corner Tavlor A Wil
son block.
Committees Appointed to Solicit and
Ship Donations.
A maps meeting of citizens was held at
the city hall Tuesday ovoning, tho pur
poEo of which wrs to mako arrangements
to solicit donations for tho Nobrnsku suf
ferets. J. O. Fluok was chosen chair
man and F. M. Zigler secretary. A
commilleo of three, consisting of S. C.
Flint, J. W. Hamilton and Row Geo. N.
Amies, was appointed to name oiibcom
mittcea aud to mako all necessary ar
rangements to push tho work forward.
Remarks were thon made by ttoveral
persons present, after which tho general
committee mudo tho following report:
We, your commilteo appointed to sug- i
gest and arrange a list of committees
necessary to carry on tho work of solicit
ing and recelviug contributions for tho
Ncnraskn MiHerers, would respectfully
report that tho following committees
should bo named, and would present tho
names of the persons attached us mom
bers of tho said committees:
Committee to solicit subscriptions
Mis. Julia Abraham, Mrs. II. C. Stanton,
Mrs M. B. Conkling, and Messrs. James
Fletcher. James Goodman, J. F. Barker,
R. II. Dixon, Howard Martin, S. I).
Evans and Enoch Wimberly.
Committoo to receivo and ship contri
butioiiE lea F. Rice, C. W. Parks and
George Fstes.
Wo would respectfully suggest that
theso committees shall roport to the
chairman a complete list of all contribu
tions received aud of all goods shipped
in ordeir that ho may bo ublo to report
tho same correctly to tho genoral com
mittee having this matter in charge.
On motion, the report of the committee
was adopted as read.
The meeting then adjourned to meet
subject to the call of the chairman.
pleasure of listening to it at any time
and under any circumstances. The
dancer given by it have always teen of a
high social order, and it is to be hoped
that tbe crciicslra will si e fit to continue
j w.uwiuuuuai uisease. :... i i .1 i .
Hoods S2rsjrilU i a constitutional Lrinir
a brother cf Robert acd E. T.
Woodruff of this coanty, Tues
day met witn a fatal accident. While
hauling a heavy load of grain on a bob
sled, he was thrown off by a violent
lurch of the sled, acd landed 20 feet
awsy, the fill crushing his sSull, and
injuring isira internally, Iram tae eaects
oiwrucnneuieaaiew noars aitcrwaw. : 1Sth wiu ,.0 on 3Croaal
His remains will be shipped here for in- rjvival serylce.
ternieat, acd will arrive tornorow night. I ., , A. . ,
, , .... . . . , . .i J're- Lynn, a pupil of the late Prof.
The bodv will be takea m charge bv Uie r. . .... T , .
nu r- n i .i t i -ii , , Speranzi of Milan, Iralr, gives vocal and
place Saturday. Tbe remains will be in- !" forte lesson. Terms reasonable, j
t erred in French Settlement cemetery. Kesideace at Mrs. Parties. j
Klamath Land as 'She Is." 1)0 to wllon Dr. Strang.- for.
juu ui-jn:u j iu .uAri.erb imx.t, overs
IZ mnt l-ltFrll f.l.-.-. iff n !
.... v..,v .. , i,,i. . . ,.i..i r r
t' 1411; auiiuji iuccill' Ul IliC 1. J. yj.
I F. Ilnililiii'' A-w.vii-.tfnn TiiAiiliv vAmn!
Puritr yoc- hkxJf tone up the ystem, tlu. foijowins iTKCtcri weP0 cJec.
and regulate the digesthv organs by tak
ing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all
The mass meeting which was to be
the court house Sunday, Jan
the ensuing year, viz: I. S. K. Buick,
B. Breckway, A. F. Stearns, W. II.
Fisher, W.T. Wright, Joseph .Micelli and
Mrs. Julia Abraham ; and W. F. Benja
min. F. W. Cano!! and C. A. Sehlbretle
auditors. The election of officer-,
of the board of trustees will be Jwld Fri
day evening.
Joe Simon for President of Senate
.Moorea Speaker, Maybe.
Oregonian: The organization of the)
two branches of the legislature next
tnn.-... .1 -.itL.1 1 -j:.: 1
ever issued bv a country newspaper 13 j r , . . . , . ,
41.- Lu. i-...u u.i,. successful experience io his pr ofc. ren
Express. It consists of eight psges, aud : " -vao WMt U,e f ttry go to : Monday will douottes be harmomocsly
besides much descririvcmt.Vntaim.;fc-Stra accompl.shsd There are numerous can-
views of Klamath Falls. Fort KUaathrericncedandrtHlfaldentuJ. All work for the amor positions to be
Crater Lake and other poinU of interest, i snneea and at verv reasonable r rices. , lf aa J lb-? . "1
1 I until 1 1 iwt. j .s I in!. 1 . I.( I. Kll.n.. f
At a mu.- meeting of tho citizens of
Roseburg held on Tuesday evening, Jan.
S, lS'Jo, preliminary arrangements wero
made to i-ollect funds, provisions and
any and all articles which would be of
use or benefit to the Nebraska sufferers.
At the same meeting printed reports
were read, and oral reports repeated, to
the effect that contributions were not
necessary, anil that tho people of Neb
raska were cot fullering sufficiently to
solicit any assistance from abroad. By
vote of the meeting I was directed by the
board of trustees to communicate by
wire with the Governor of Nebraska,
and, if jsossible, ascertain the truo con
dition of the e-ip!e. I accordingly, on
yesterday, sent the follow icir message:
Roseburg, Or., Jan. D, 1S93
To Hi lixetUtncy, the Uurtrnor of Stb
nuhi, J.inevlu, .Wi. Collections being
made for Nebraska sulferers. Reorts
printed say no need for fame. Please
sUteif true by wire.
John H. Sucre,
Chairman Board of Trustees.
In reply to the above message I re
ceived the following:
Stvte HoCkc, Ijncui.n, Nebraska,
Jan. y, lsUO. T- JA 11. Shu, Ift-6u-jt,
Orfjrvn Aid being thankfully re
ceived from within and without the state
for needy in twenty or more counties in
Western Nebraska. Voluntary contri
butions may be consigned to Rev. II. I..
LudJen, of Lincoln, Secy. State Relief
Association, who will distribute.
Silas A. Hotxouu, Governor.
From the aboe there seems to be no
question of the fact that many people arc
suffering in the western part of Nebraska,
and that contributions for their releif
aill be by them thankfully received.
John II. Sucre,
Chairman Board of Trustees.
W. C. Pei kins cf Drain is in town
W Bonobrako ofGrunU Pass was in
tho city this weok.
Assessor Sterling mid son oiime over
from Drain yesterday.
G. W. Peters of Oakland has been in
town several days this week,
R. W. Byara of Oakland was visiting
frfonds in tho city this week.
Sol Abraham has returned from a sev
eral days sojourn in Portland.
A. T. Ambrose of Yencalla was a guest
at the McClallen house this week.
Dr. J. W. Strango Iiiib returned from a
professional visit to tho south end
Dr. J. W. Strange, tho dentist, will
spji.d January IStu and 19th at Drain.
L. T. Thompson of Coles Valley ban
been in Roseburg sevoral days this week.
Ira Howard of Looking Glafs waa
doing Eomo trading in Roseburg Wednes
day. C. L, Cox, ono of Camas vallej't) well
known citizens, paid Roseburg a visit
this wftk.
Cliai. Clements and Sam Josophsou
aro back from their visit to Oregon's
Djyid Thompson and family of Civil
Bend were in Rosebur? yesterday pur
chasing supplies'.
Mrs. L. Chrisman left this morning to
yisit her sister, .Mm. Applegatc, near
Snowden Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen were made
happy last week by tho anival of a
bouncing baby boy.
Fred: Pago-Tustin, a prominent at
torney of Portland, paid Rosoburg a pro
fessional visit this week.
W. J. Rennet, the architect, this
week returned from a business visit to
Grants Pass and Medford.
William Casebeer, recently of French
settlement, has moved to town, and will
go into the teaming business.
"Papa" Gildertleew, who has !cen
confined to his room for several weeks,
is reported much better this morning.
lion, j . 1:. uiumieil 11 visiting in
Roseburg today. He leaves for the
scene of operations at Salem tomorrow.
Frank G. Micelli has been seriuiisly
sick for the past week. It will be pleas
ant news to his in nnv friends to learn
that he is able to be around again.
.Miss Stevens' Case.
The content relative to the school su-
i perintendency of Union couuty has been
Tnftnf IliA mfe vf tt"w! I I-nnirn rrj.r.a Illknl i I A TIV 1 1 1 f 5TrliI I .ITV-f! nnil ' - i
appear Charier Celi. CanUia ' Creep Cure, is in demand. Pocket ' mo,e important positions has appar- J of Judge Clifford circuit judge of the
Siemens, George Baldwin, Colo eel contaios twenty-five, only 25 cents.
Knigbt, Oliver Applegate. Charley Children love it. Sold by druggists.
Moore, "Worthy" himself, focr Indian . Karl's Clover Eoo: will purify your
school girls, ana other alrzens of more or
less .prominence. The entire issue re- your CoweiJ and make your head
flaets roach credit oa Klamath land, and clear as a bell. 25c., 50c. and tl.CO.
is a paper oi which wc may all feel
proud. It is well worth reading, even
by resident: of Oregon.
Circuit Court Proceedings.
Monday Judge Fnllertoa rendered the
loUovisg decisions: I
rnll.anc.A(l T C V--, -I. ..- TI.. i
t, ... - n obliteration of the hair follicles, whicn
Victory Placer Mining Co., the motion of! . . . M ..... ' .
the defendants to set aside the verdict
entlybeen settled. Mr Joseph Simon district in which I'nion ccuntv i situ-
ef Portland .will be president of the sen-jated, J. L. Carter, the former sup-crin
ate. It is now exi-ected that there will ' tecdent, vacated the office about No; em
i IV nfl nnrVMilinn t1 dtll in I (in mliintv har h II I. tr iwi.mif VaIKa
Blood rfer your ( Comdex n, regulate t aaJ Seaator c A j9 ; Stevens, the dulv dected surintendent,
. liVnlf n MAl'va flul ivimnl.i.i.n(..i. . - .1 r. i . r ....... I . , .1 .. : f. .1
--, w i- luuj j'ii..ji..i ... i i aivtQ iu fiaeuuic UL uunra. .111. VilliCI nds iliC
from the eight democratic senators who . incumbent at tbe time of her election in
represent the minority. June last, and contested .Miss Stevens'
Ex-State (Senator Walter Sinclair of right to hold odice on the ground that a
Coquille City, Cos county, is likely to ! woman was not eligible for the position.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cat., savs: "Sf.ik.rVs Catarrh Remedy
j is tbe firs: medicine I have ever found
ltiat would ilo me any good." Price 50c.
before rendered wa3 overruled. The
sime ruling wis made in the case of J.
B. Riddle agsinst The Victory Placer
Mining Co.
Ia the case of Maggie Davisson vs.
David E. Davison, for divorce, the prayer
of the plaintiff was granted.
To prevent tbe hardening of the sub-
j cutaneous Jtissues of tbe scalp and the
cause balaness, use Hall s Hair Re-
Tho election oi State Treasurer
Metscban as president of the State In
surance Company will do much toward
gaining the confidence of lite people in
the company.
One dollar wios a f ISO ring. Ad liar
Ia tbe case of Marv E. Smith vs. Rosa
i'ratt et at., a decree ot parut ion was i .
The demurrer to the complaint in the 1 mon of the Resort saloon will rallle a
case of R. A. Fellows vs. S. D. Evans J diamond ring January 12, 1595, at tho
was overruled. j above place. The stone is a gem and
In the case of E. C. Palmer vs. G. W. weighs two carats.
Sanders, review, the writ was dismissed ( S. A. Clarke, cf Salem, will in a few
and judgment against plaintiff for costs. ; davs ship eight more car loads of prunes,
making a total of over forty cars, or
, 1,000,XW pounds, he has ihipped in tho
Father Brosseau Denounced. j w c T LT a
Much excitement has been caused in j a, the re3Kience Gf Mrs. Ida Marsters
Catholic circles by a circular issued by : Fri)j3V eveniDJ! jan. n. A good pro
Rector A. Brocgeest of The Dalles de-. gr2mme is prepared and a cordial invita
noundng Iter. Brcsseau of Mount Tabor, tion is extended to all
The drenlai -accuses the latter of lyingl to Under ian schoo, uistricts
the archbishop, and of being too greedy gbonJ Ux
for money, and getting it by a kirmess, i ,. . , , , , ., . , . r, .
, , . .i- r , , reburary 1st, and lmye their levy filed
fancy-dres3 ball, or "disgraceful fan- I ... , , . , ,. , . . .
.... . . I with the ccuntv clerk by that date in or-
dango;" that he even went to the extent , . . .. ., , ,,
" i dor f r harn rrn nn Ihn lir r-rkl I
it&tfi IS?
Absolutely pure. v .X, ffi-,r
port shows
Royal Baking
Powder chemical
ly pure, yielding 160
cubic inches of leaven
ing gas per ounce of pow-
der, which was greatly in
excess of all others and more
than 40 per cent, above the average.
Hence Royal Baking Powder
makes the lightest, sweetest
and most wholesome food.
Meeting Held and Officers
Tho annual meeting ot tho stockhold
ers of the Roseburg Building and Loan
Association was held Monday evening.
Secretary Sykes submitted her report,
which ii herewith given. Tho profits of
the association are now accruing rapidily,
and it is absolutely certain that tho stock
will mature in less than tliren years.
Perhaps no moro flattering approval of
their judicious management ul the affairs
of the association could have been made
than the unanimous re-election of the old
board of trustees and also of the auditing
committee, with tho exception of S. C.
Miller uho, having removed from Rose
burg, resigned. The board consists of A.
Marks, A.M.Crawford, II. Wollenberg,
J. I. Chapman, W. F. Benjamin. C. M.
Sykes aud E. S. Elliott, while the audit-j Tiie election of a. 17. S. senator will be a
contest. Many republicans I meet with
aro in favor cf free coinage of silver,
He Writes on Topics of fluch In
terest. Rocekts Cbkek, Or., Dec. 31. To the
Editor: Please allow me to express a
few thoughts through the columns of
your paper. The law-making power of
this state will soon be in session. I hope
to see -ill laws that havo been tried and
found wanting repealed, and good sound
laws enacted in their place, most espec
ially the present "'assessment law," that
has proved such a hardship on many tax
payers. Also, soveral state commissions
have been found wanting and are draw
ing thousands of dollars from tho tax
payers, tlu railroaa commission not ex
ceptet . I think the legislature conld
make a schedule of rates between the
railrcads and thu people that would be
more acceptable and cost less money.
ing committee is composed of F. W.
Mw John Fullcrton of West
sc.'i, M. F. Rapp and K. L. Miller. The
Rose- ! finance committee consists of II. Wollen-! and would like to see a senator in favor
bnrg, who has been seriou iy iin!i.-t-Jsed I lergi J-I- Chapman and E. S. Elliott,
for some two or three months, is making ! r. meeting of thoboird of trustees held
slow impiovements towards recovery. j I uesday evening thu following officers
weie elected: President, A. .Marks;
I vice president, E. S. Elliott; secietary,
Miss Carrie M. Sskes; treasurer. I. I.
Chapman. Following is the report of
the secretarv;
Thomas Johnson having told his farm lb the officers and stockholder of the
Fred II. Hunter, who spent the holi-
days with his parents in Roseburg. Tues
day morning returned to Drain, where
he is attending the Suite Normal school.
of free coinage elncted When a man :s ;
elected to represent his county in the
leghlaE&re he is supjmsed to represent
tho wishes of tho majority, not a few
leaders 'of his own partv, even should
they attempt to read htm out.
Brother B. last week asked for an opin
ion ou roads. I cannot agree with him en
tirely, as he seems to think tha the land
in Camas valley, is now in Roseburg '. Roseburg Euilding and Loan Association, ! owner should make as much county
making arrangements to go into business ; of Roseburg, Oregon : Your secretary
here. Ho will soon move his family to ; respectfully submits this the sixth an
the city. nual statement of the Rcseburg Building
Miss Myrtle C. Compson, daughter of nd n Association, for the year end
the railroad commissioner, was married I ln Member 31st, IS9o.
a: St. Francis Church in San Francisco, : nECEtrre.
Satcrdav, Jan. 5th, bv Rev. Dr. Spauld- l-"a uu " .
- 1 port
ing. to Mr. Geo. W. Long, ot that city, ; .Annual dues paid
wtncti will be their home. Accrued mtereat
Advance interest
Expense fees
tine3 .
Geo. M. Brown, Esq., is the rigiit man
in the lisht i4ace. The voters ol this
judical disirkt did well in casting their . I-oans repaid
suflrases for him for prosecuting attor
ney at the last June election. George s
earnestness in prosecuting state cases at
this last term of court in Roseburg re
ceived the commendation of all parties
S 50
4.520 00
1,294 SO
057 33
100 00
SG 11
100 CO
be chief clerk of the senate with no op- i .Many
complicated questions arose
poncnt so far to contest his claim. Mr. lout of the case, as, for example,
Sinclair arrived in Portland yesterday, J Mr. Carter made out, forwarded and
and is at the St. Charles. A. W. Sever-, filed with the state board of education
ence, of Tilliinook county, who served as j b's vote for text books prior to the is
calcncar clerk in the senate, at the ses- ! seance of the order by the circuit judge,
sion of 1S&3, is a candidate for assistant J Miss Stevens coming into office Noveai
chief clerk of the same body, aud D. W. ber 2lst, claimed the right to vote on the
Coolidge. of Lane county, also wants the I school took change, and the question
same position. Mr. Coolidge is clerk of ! has jest been decided, lhe state board
the state board oi equalization. J. W. 0f equalization after reviewing the
Hobbs, representing Yamhill county at I authorities and relative decisions in the
the las', session, is a candidate for calen- j matter concluded to accept the vote cf
dar clerk. J. 15. Huntington: of Harney Miss Stevens, aud her vote was ordered
county is slated for reading cie'k. filled J f,ed and canvassed with the forty other
for several sessions in the ;ast by J. B. i Vutes for school text books.
Eddy, now a railroad commissioner.
The Bohemia nines.
Cnas. Hayes, of Junction City, arrived
here last evening direct from the Bohe
mia mines. He says at the present time
the snow is only about four feet deep in
the mines while last year at this time it
was twenty on a level. Tho Annie mill
is not in operation at the present time
Paid out on real estate mort
gages Paid out on stock mortgages. .
Paid out for surrendered stock .
Paid secretary's salary for It!
Paid on office safe
Stationery ...
Hauling ?aie
Attorneys fees
7,456 79
3.350 00
2.351 75
1,095 70
120 00
05 00
1 50
1 25
3 CO
10 00
? 7
,001 CO
555 59
. ..$33,350 00
... -1,133 SO
124 00
I 00 i
71 33
42 71
1,291 SO
125 00
435 59
of calling lorth "from their safe retreat
holy virgins, cloistered nuns, by their
rules withdrawn from the baneful in
fluences of winking eyes, that the beams
of God's countenance might rest upon
them witbont alloy, and these he placed
on exhibition on the profane and money-
der to have it goon the lax roll.
There will be a protracted meeting
held at the U. B. church in this city, be
ginning Jan. 13, to which all are cor
dially and kindly invited to attend.
W. Revkolds, Pastor.
Tho Eugene Register is now publish-
jingling world, by their exhibition to I lisbiug a creditable daily morning edition.
mcve people to greater liberality." Its news report is excellent, while the
While we don't know any thing of the mechanical work is far superior to that
merits of the case, yet it appears as though ; usually employed by country papjrs
.rattier urongfeti might have useu ian- Those having second hand ttoves.
j furniture, etc., for sale can receive the
' ..tali I ... ..nil!.... ...... "V
iMKiit.ii, uuu; life t allium UWVil 1
gusge more befittinz his high calling.
Joint Installation.
The joint installation of tho officers of
Omega Temple, No. 2, Kathbone Sisters,
and Alpha Lodge No. 47, Knights of
Pythias, which occurred at their hall last
night, was a very pleasant social event
that will long be remembered by those
present. After the installation cere
monies were over refreshments were
served in the banquet hall. Following
are the officera installed : Omega Tem
ple No. 2 Miss Elallendrix, P. C; Miss
Qaeenie Kidder, M. E. C. ; Miss Inez
Hamilton, E. S.; Mra.Nettio Wright, E.
J.. 3Ire. Madeline Conkling, M. of T. ;
Mrs. Winnie Graham, M. ol R. C; Mrs.
W. T. Wright, M. of F.; Miss Myra
Brown, P. of T.; Miss Agues Brown, G.
of O. T. Alpha Lodge No. 47 C. Y.
Benjamin, C. C. ; K. M. Conkling, P.;
D. Looney, M. of W.; Geo. Carpy, K. of
R.&S, ; Joe Micelli, M. of F. ; W. T,
Wright. M.of E.; S.L. Kidder, M. at A.;
Thoa. Brown, I. G. ; A. L. Norman, 0. G.
Rice, the furniture and tupply dealer,
221-23 JackEon street Roseburg, Or.
Jjr.iuavia has practiced dentistry in
Roseburg nearly 14 years, and we k low
the Dr. to bo a skilled workman. Par
ties patronizing him will save money
Dental parlors opposite Siocum's hall.
If some of the jwoplo living in tho
frozen and blizzard regions cast of the
Rockies had been in Roseburg yesterday
they would think they were in Paradise
The sun was shining as warm m spring
Wayne Jones is special farm agent for
tho "old reliable" Continental Insurance
Company of New York, which has been
tested by passing through nnd paying all
of its losses in that great conflagration of
Chicago in 1871, by which oyer one hun
dred companies equal to the State Insur
ance Company of Hatem, Ore. failed.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
Ex-Senator Crosno of Benton county
wants to bs sergeant at-arms of the
ecate, and senatorial courtesy may
make a clear field for him. J. M. Stott
of Portland is also a candidate for the
the same pla;e, and E. M. Hartmau of
Clackamas c iii-it? h also seekin-' the
Mr. Charles B. Mosraa of Marion
county appears to have the inside track
for speaker of the houe. Mr. Joseph A.
Wright had been Rjpjiosed to be scekitin
the place, but his non-arrival from Union
county, and the fact of his not having
made a formal announcement of his can
didacy, is thought to indicate that he
will not enter the race. Oscar P. Mills
of Molalla, Clackamas county, who
served two terms as chief clerk of the
sena'c, has strong hopes of occupying a
similar place in the house, and so far
there is no opposition. A. C. Auldon oi
theLakeview Examiner ii making an
energetic canvass for assistant clerk oftho
heme and Mr. Turner of Yamhill county
also has a rod up for iccognition in tl o
same capacity. Glen Holman of Port
land, J. W. O'Connell of Clackamas
coanty and A. V. R. Snyder all want to
be reading clerk, and tho namo of Wil
liam kupus ot this city is mentioned ;iu
connection with tho calendar clerk's
desk. For bcrgeant-at-arms, S. A. Dur
ham of Washington county, S. B.
Ormsby of Marion and S. J. Finch of
.Multnomah aro candidates. Chances
scorn to favor Ormsby. He was a mem
ber of tho lower house two years ago.
Regarding Certificates.
At the recent meeting of the school
superintendents of the state at Portland
the matter ol teachers' certificates was
brought up, and it was decided that
several changes t-hould tie made in the
present laws. A cj.utnittec was a -ointed
to draft such a law as was pro
posed. The bill proposed to be introduced
Balance cash on baud
i Real estate mortgages..
and probablv will hot be for some time. . Lams on stock
However, twelve men are at work on the ' Delinquent on dues
propel rnbnioP development tunnels. 5
Quite a ercent.ige of the ore in the mine , Delinquent on interest
cannot be worksd by the machinery at Accrued interest
hand, it being what is known as "process Safe ..
ore," and is very rich, assaying about j Cash on 1,and
150 to the ton, therefore it is highly j
necessary that new machinery be pnr-: liabilities.
chased, in ad Jition to the present plant, j 37S shares in 72 months pay in $27,210 0J
rotover t.veniy men aru now at
Ill till; tUlllU (1131111.., .11U .IIU'1 Ul tuutK i
preventing all prospecting. A big rush ; .. .
lsexpecieu in uic spring, rour can iUabcr of shares on roll at
Francisco capitalists left Cottage Grove; last statement
tint innniim' In Innt- nt t!n Aimi mini, i Number of shares C:UlCeHciI
with a view of purchasing it. Eugene i
Daiiv Guard.
road and a little mere than all the rest of
the count-. Now, Brother B. knows,
when he 'gives it a little thought, that
every other taxpayer is equally benefitted
with the farmer in good roads. The best
tray Jo gti Qood roads is the question.
Tho old law is wanting in many respects,
First, I !think road overseers should be
elected by the voters of his district,
which conld lie easily done at each June
election, to hold office two years. The
labor tax on property should be repealed,
and a very low tax aisessed on all prop
ertr and kept as a road fund, and all
road work shorn I be done by contract,
and let to tho lowest bidder, the law
describing just how the work is to be
done. The larca amount now paid to
supervisors would be greatly reduced.
i have heard tho remark that: "The
amount paid to supervisors in this county
last year, would have nearlv done the
work if done by contract."
As the law is, some, of the supervisors
have troublo in getting the work out and
spend their time in overseeing ono or
two men at a time, also seme of our
county roads arc injured by work not
properly applied. No road should be
graded up with dirt and left without
stone or gravel ou top, for the wet
weather makes such roads worse than if
no work had been done. P. CoorER
$39,00 2S
work Unearned interest ..
for Over Filty- Year.
Au Old au.l Well-Tried Remedy- Mrs. Win
.kw Soothing byrup has been used lor over
fifty years by millions of raolhcri for their
children while teething, with perfect success.
i to I it jootacs tae cniiu. soitens rnc gums, auavs
' j all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the bes:
S 749 79 ' remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste.
Vn'-V, 40 I by Dragsrfsts In every part ot the world.
- - ",;w -' xwentv-ave cenls a bottle. Its value is incal-
dnrtng year
Number of shares now onjroll.
, Actual cost per share. Jan. 1st
A "Fanatic's" Opinion. j Nu,nl,r f lhUJ!rs Jan."
' 1st, ls9o
We venture the usscrtion,that if the i Loans mada in 1S94
i Total loans made to date . . .
lluhcU number of months in
terest n.iitl in :ulv:iru'i
would carry in the allirm.itive by at least J .0wet.t number oi months iii-thrce-fourths
of the voteis of the state, I terebt paid in advance
notwithstanding that the Orezonian Averano number ol months m
ratable. Re sure and ask for Mrs. mnslows
393 j SoothlaK Synip, and take no other kind.
15 Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
37$ I AwirJeJ Gold Mtdd Midwinter Fiir. Sia Francisco.
Results as Arrived at by the State
Board of Education.
Salem, January 9. The state board of
education, consisting of Governor Pen
noyer, Secretary of State Geo. W. Mc
Bride and State School Superintendent
E. B. McEIroy, yesterday finished the
work of canvassing the votes of the
thirty-two county school superintend
ents and the nine state examiners for a
scries of text-bocks to be used in the
public schools of Oregon for a period of
six years from October next.
The all-important question to be
answered at present, more especially for
the benefit of the general public, is
"what book company is benefitted there
by?" and the answer is "the American
Book Company." Instead of it control
ling about ninety-five per cent of the
book sales as at present it will in a few
months have the entire control, or as a
prominent educator said yesterday, "it
will come near handling 195 per cent of
the sales." The canvass as made by the
state board exhibits tbe following results :
No text-book has received a majority cf
tbe votes cast under the following topics:
Orthography, spelling blanks, drawing,
physical geography, rhetoric aud compo
sition and English literature.
There has been no change in the fol
lowing text-books that are now in use.
and they have been re-adopted for use in
all of the public schools of this state, to-
wit: Swinton's New Word Analysis,
Barnes New National Reader.Spencerian
System and Copy Books, Fish's Arithme
tics, Nos. 1 and 2, Brook3' Mental Arith
metic, Monteith's Elementary and Com
prehensive Geographies, Smith's series
of Primary Text-books in Physiology and
Hygiene, Steele's Physiology and Hy
giene for high schools and advanced
schools, Barnes' Primary and Brief His
tory of the United States, Locmis' series
of Vocal Music, Barnes' General History,
Monteith's Popular Science, Robinson's
Algebra and Geometry, Bryant and
Stratton's system of Bookkeeping, Steele's
Chemistry, Botany Physics, Astronomy
and Geology.
The text-books that have teen changed
are as follows : Maxwell's first book in
Language. Introduction to English
Grammar and Advanced English Gram
mar have been adopted instead of
Barnes' Language Lessons, Sill's Eng
lish Grammar and Clark's Normal Gram
mar. Peterman's Civil Government,
Oregon edition, has been adopted instead
of Young's Class Book.
The additional books adopted that
m3y be used in ali grades in the public
schools are as follows: National Num
ber Table:?, Song Wave, Gow's Morals
and Manners, Kid's Elementary and
Voal Culture, Johonnot's National His-
Jorv and Historical series of text-books
for supplementary reading for primary
and intermediate schools.
For advanced schools and high schools
tho following: Geographical reader, Irv
ing's Sketch Book. Irvings Tales of a
Traveler, Scott's Ivanhoe, Scott's Lady
of the Lake, Scott's Abbott, Scott's Mar
mion, Scott's Woodstock, McCanley's
Essay on Chatham, Shakespeare's Julius
Caesar, Twelfth Night. Merchant of
Venice, and Midsummer's Night Dream,
Webster's Bunker Hill Orations, DeCov
erley Papers, Arnold's Sohab and
one question of the free coinage of silver 1
weie left to the votes of Oregon today, it
in the legialati-re provides for four grades j ,iesi(.nalC3 .,u holding to the views of free
Mask Ball Prizes.
The masquerade ball Fobruary 14th
promises to'o tho largest and moet
brilliant affair of tho sesson, us somo of
tho prizes given wll be very valuable
and useful. Wo cannot t-vo a complete
1st of prizes as our list is not yet com
plete, but will iiamo following; 1 man
dolin, 1 guitar, 1 autoharp, 1 gold chain,
and 1 fine engraving, "Evening party in
Paris," richly framed. Wo will add to
this list each week. It is our intention
to give enough good prizes to cncoiirago
competition. T. K.RiciiAitii.iox.
of certificates, instead of the maiiv kinds
now in use. Under tho present law
there are three grades of certificates
issued by the county board, then there is
a state certificate, a state diploma ami a
state life diploma. In addition to these,
certificates can be issued by the state
school board and by any chartered insti
tution of learning. The new law places
the entire matter in tho hands of tho
county boards ami the state board, there
being provisions for two county certifi
cates by the county board, and two etate
certificates by the stato lioard. The
wwer of issuing rcitificMes will bo taken
frum chartered institutions of learning-1
The standard of tho second grado of j
county certificate will also be raised, and
the third grade will require examination
in fiflcen studies instead of ten ns at
Moss Shipment.
Statesman : A few days co the Cap
ital City Nursery Company, of this place,
shipped eight hundred .poi'mls of baled
moss by the O. R. & N. boat to tho Mar
shall & Wilson nursery at Fresno, Cali
fornia. This nrticlo is strictly nn Oregon
production, and for packlug fruit trees
and shrubs for shipment cpn not bo sur
passed. This shipment was made up
hero iu Salem, thu moss being gathered
in the woods in the inimcdiato vicinity
of this city. Rumor has it that the moss
is worth $50 per ton, delivered nt tho
nurseries in California. Ii tli'i i3 truo,
thero is no icneon whv people could not
mako money gathering and shipping this
plentiful product of Wcbfoot.
coinage as anti-republican, aud as fanat
ics of the fiat money class. Silver i3 the
money of the poorer class, they seldom
having the opportunity to clutch a
twenty-dollar gold picco iu their grasp.
Tho United States is the !e?t country on
earth, capable of producing all of the
necessaries, and most of tho luxuries of
life. Let her regulate her own currency,
independent of tho "guld bugs'' of Wall
street and England. T. A.
Gems of Art.
Hood's sarsaparilla calendars are al
ways genif of art, and those for 1S95 arc
much prettier than any heretofore issued
The calendar is made in the shape of a
heart, and is ornamented with two child
faces, representing summer and winter.
The usual information about tho lunar
change? and other astronomical events is
given,"aii(l tho calendar, besides being
"a thing of beauty" is also inselul eveiy
day in the year. It may bo obtained at
the druggist's, or, if his supply is ex
hausted, six cents in stamps should be
sent to O. I. Hood & Co., proprietor
Hood's Sarsaparilla, Lowell, Mas , who
will forward a calendar free.
Call for Your Watches.
I ersons who havo lelt watches, or
other work at lorry Wilson's for repairs",
had best call and get them and pay tho
charges. Your work is done. I clo-o
shop on the 10th of January. After that
dato I will dispoio of tho work for tho
charges. This is fair warning.
Juituv J, Wilson.
lerest paid in advance
NumlKir of shares loaned tiio!i
during year
Largest loan during year . .
Smallest loan during ear
Average loan durini: year . .
Withdrawal value per share
Jan. 1st, 1S93
Respectfully submitted.
C.Miuti: M. Svkes, Secretary
1.000 to
Io0 00
O.'O 72
rU'. 30
Golden Honors
from the
Golden Coast
RobKiiriio, Or., Jan. 7, 1S93. 1
Wo hereby certify that wo havo ex- j
amincd the within report of Carrie M.
Sykes, secretary, and find the same cor-1
rcet. F. W. Benson. j
M. F. R.n !
Auditing Committer, j
Stockolders' Meeting. j
The stockholder' of the Douglas Countv j
Agricultural Association will meet at the j
court house in Roseburg on Saturday, i
February , 1S9", at I.) o'clock a. m. for I
thepurposo of electing seven directors for
the ensuing year; al-o for the electing of
one director for the 2nd Southern Oregon
I. A. S., and other important business.
Every stockholder h icquestcd to attend
or send their proxy.
F. A. .McC.m.l, Secretarv.
Final Call.
All persons are hereby iiuti'ied to
mako immediate settlement ot their in
debtedness to tho late linn of S. Marks
it Co.; otherwise th.-tpamo will lie placed
in hands for collccti'in. Pieaso givo this
call prompt attention and thus avoid ad
ditional costs. Asm-it Marks,
Administrator (it Estate of P. Marks
Dr. Price's Baking Powder
California, empire of the Pacific, salutes the world.
Her Midwinter Fair closed in a midsummer blaze of glory
Second only to the Columbian Exposition in extent, variety
and splendor, the coast display was a veritable triumph.
Out of her abundance the state poured her treasures and
the nations of the earth came to aid her in her noble
Memorable were the exhibits of gold and silver, of
wheat and oil, of fruit and wine, of silk and wool of all
.'tat man and nature could combine to produce. And no
exhibit attracted more attention or excited warmer approval
than that of
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Official tests showed it to be highest in leavening power,
purest in quality, and most efficient in results of all baking
powders made. Accordingly, the Highest Award and Gold
Medal were conferred on Dr. Price's at the Midwinter Fair.
The triumph at San Francisco confirms the victory at
Chicago. The Midwinter Fair verdict sustains and vindi
cates the bestowal of highest honors on Dr. Price's by the
l; jury of awards "at'thc World'sCoIumbian Exposition.