THE PLAINDEALEit ISCBKD EVKBT XOXDJLY AND TIIBRSDAY BT THE PUINDEALER PUBLISHING COMPANY Subscription Ratcc: One Year pyblc In advance oo Six Months. " " ...i x oo Three Months. " " 50 THURSDAY, JAN. 10, 1S95. PUBLISHERS' ANNOUNCEHENT Ju posting' our books for the year JS9f tre find there are a number of person in debted to us in small amount trhicJi aggre gate tercral thousand dollars. Lite al most erery body else, tee are sadly in need of money with tchich to ;xiyotir indebted ness not for investment or speculation. Our creditor are in tlie same .fir, and are crowding us. Consequently tre are coin jHlled to urge tijHM our friend the neces sity f the jtayment of the small amounts due us. Thereore ire trill at the earliest possible moment render a statement 0 accouitt, as appears from our books Janu ary I, to erery person indebted to us. When there are so many small accounts it is ncjt to impossible to leep all of them cor rccJly, hence trhen you receire a statement and think it is incorrect, erct if you hanjmd it and tre jailed to gicc you credit, don't "fly of the handle" and get wad, but write kindly and tell us abont it if ym can'l tcrite kindly, write any tray, for tre want fc hare our looks correct If you can't pay the whole amount of your bill, a portion of it trill 1 thankfully received, and if it is not conrenient for 50a to pay any of it, lei us knou: tint fact also. We tceuld be pleased to hare erery ferson re ceiving a statement of account to acknox ledge its receipt at their earliest conven ing. PLAIXDEAI.HIi PUB CO. Unless all siyus fail, there aro jo inj lo be some very ugly stories afloat in Oregon immediately after the senatorial election. Of course, success is the primary object of any bnsiness, that is what the Puuxdeaixk is. hero for: but a newspaper owes mnch to its patrons and thir success must be made a de Nderatnm. The publishers of the I'laixdealeu feel wry grateful to their many friends and patrons for past fayors. and sincerely ttnst tbt the Pi.atxdealeb may continue worthy of their esteem and patron age. Tho qnestion cf linildtn;- n M-bool house in tho southern part of the city is lo be voted upon aMb school meeting to be held one freek from next ITontlay. The capacity of the present building is now taxed to its utmost to accommodate the children, : and it is therefore necessary to make j some provision in tho near fntnre for i rnore scholars. This hpinc the Plusdealer is of the opinion that the intere-is of ail would be best eryed by the building of a new school house in the southern part of the city. In his- biennial report Superin tendent Downing recommends the establishment at the penitentiary of a woolen mill and a broom faetorv. That is democratic doctrine, and will not be ftvorably considered by a re publican legislature. I Iia vcrnar mills ic this state find it a difficult matter to ieep their, looms running, even under the present circum stances. The state shonld not en gage in any industry that will in any considerable degree conflict with free labor. Let the convicts be put to vrorfc on the highways of th state. The "knowledge" of the press on some questions is shown up in greet shape occasionally. Previous to the time that the sale of the Oregon Pa- j -e -1 . . . 1 cific road came cp before Jndj-e Fol ' , , , . . 0 ; lerton there was no opposition what- j ever to its confirmation and the cred itors all favored it at least that is what the press of CorTallig. Albany, Salem and JPorlland staled. Bat it appears that when the sale did come 1 np there was nevertheless very con siderable opposition to its confirmn- tion. Is it possible that the school book qnestion is in a similar con dition The 15th biennial session of tho Oregon legislature will convene at Salem next Monday. It is quite likely that the officers will be selected with but little trouble, and tho first real-work will be the election of h United States senator. Tuesday tho two bonses will fake a separate vote, and on tho following day thev will jneet in joint convention and ballot for a senator. Should there be no election on the first ballot; they will either proceed to take another ballot or adjourn until the next day when another ballot will bo taken. They are required to ballot at lea3t onco T.. T """"b j election takes place or tho time for I 1 J , i ---.,-.Wv-. Ullll C3. The Sonthern PaciSc'n economical streak has already cost tho lives of three men, and there is no telling how many more will become its vic tims dnriny the year Lit Tbnrs day the L03 Angeled express and a work train collidod in AUnmjnt tnu nel, near Livermorc, Cal., killing tbe engineer and fireman of the express tiain and also another man who was riding on ths locomotive. Tbe caiiro of the accident whh a mistake made by tho train dispatcher nt Oakland. .Recently the Sonibern Pacific com bined several of its California divis ions, thereby doing away with a number of superintendents, dis patchers and clerks, thus doubling the work of fhoso remaining. Tho dispatcher, C. R. Sims, who made the awful mistake, did not try to fihift the responsibility, but tho evi dence shewed that he had more work at the time than he conld do, and in tho rush overlooked the work (ruin, i I( 13 6nul lliBt tho order for retrench ment comes from 0110 liij-li in author ity, nivd he will not listen to any of his subordinates who object to his methods. If tho relative of tho men who were killed in tho accident could secure a few hundred thousand dollars as i1riu:i-o it tni-jlit have tho effect oT chnnuin; his ideas in regard to tin twin 1 :e:d iua!iiienient of a railro tl. If atiiM ;is argument there wouldn't be a free Silverman in tbo state of Orojjou t I10 would dare, show his head. Howot.-r. there must be a few of the "silver iunntic-" bobhinj np serenely, ju.Jjinj- from the umouiit of space devoted to them by those papers the editors of which are Vonnd on tinanee.'' Coles Valley Items. The r.irmors will l-cgin plotting and ecduii: MHin. WV lme hern Imxin ctHithleruhlc frost ant snow recently. I.atrenco Xelou of Clrvtttuml is milk ing ery frequent liij-s to our valley. Our school took a vacation dtirin the holidayr, lilt is aj-ain unit 1 fall head way, with J'rof. Frank Uorcl! n rliari-e. Ho is meeting with excellent success. V. It. Clarke, the Millwood sawmill man and editor of the Times of tl.nt city, was in our valley l.-t wtt-k. Ilerenorts news very scarce in Ms neighborhood. Some of our nimrods while hunting re cently killed a fine divr. It probably had an owner, however, a? it was marked with a crop otT the left ear and a hoU- in the right. W. P. 1 ley don was m this vicinity one day last week looking after business mat ters. Mr. lleydon has for the past year been busily 1 mwged in surveying throughout Douglas county. Tho statement in the Review in regard to the young foUs of Cleveland and Coles Valley bein given a party by John urns, 13 incorrect, ine youn,; lotus re ferred to insisted on having a party at Mr. Long's residence ChrUtmas eve so that they might have an opportunity to congratulate him on the res tit of big case in court. John Bocsh will put out St-vera! hun dred prune and -pjJe trees on his farm in the spring, and he will ll.rn have one of the finest orchard in the v-Hcy. People here are beginning to realise the fact that there will be money in the fruit raising business, am! in a few years henw Douglas .county w i!l exceed anv oiher county iu the tate in growing fruits of different varieties from the huckleberries to the apple. Glendale Items. Hay Hamilton is quite sick Kith pneu monia. Wicfield Booth of GilesviHe was at G,em,ale toda-T- .nay oce of lhceo PteUS sets of hacd- iwmieu glass ware at Kedneld's. Wni. Bocebrake of Rcseburg went out to Coskydell to visit the Hedfield Bros. DjvhI Albro cf Canyouville W3S visit ing his daughter, Mr?. Fd. Holts, this week. orn, a the amity rehh?nce a: Glen dale, January 0th, to .Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Plotner. a daughter. Jessie Clerness was a guest at Hotel Glendale this week. He ia sntferin with a felon on hi- hand. M J Kniu.!r i.f - :!..- I i.. .. ... 1. ' daie hiUi .1 cliLMCe lot o: "ixxi.--. H'hKrh ' sells at very reasonable rates Gus Ita: low cf the Tem.eee minea was at Gler.dale this week and bad some very nice coarse goM .token from bis claim. 'SJou-Jiy Bel" ofTunuel 4 cills to or mind onr Thanks -ivins: item 111 re?td to the weddicg, so wc rise to explain. Do you Snow, Bet, there is- nothing sore on this mnndane sjliere except death and the tax collector, andin this case Hie conrse ot true love did not run smoothly, and the other feltew is now Oh, dear, : ... . : . I . , ,n tt- .11 . " vjtu.rv. uuh iu itrii. t n, t ou Ills , , , . ,, , . watch our local?, and m the near future von know. alL t Miss M. Hamilton nil! ive a tnaHtuer- ade ball at the ball on the 1Mb of Feb ruary. Momc by Hamilton and Ingram. supper will be ierted at the collate wbicb vtili be prepared under tbe diree tion; of Mil's II. A good lime in antict- Wed by the young i-eoje. Mollie Camas Valley Items. Jeck Frost ba. been vUitin hen: for several days. Bob Martindale i? EutTtrin iiU a sote throat, trbicn along with bis broken sim may lay him up for quite a tthile. Henry Dcnn went oter the lnotintuin on a business trip the other day and re porls his intere-ts there in a flouri-hiin: condition. John Inheir Fays he i.- jj-mm to Mexico In the -prinz. It rnatra a fellow feci like oinj to a warmer p:.:cc than Mexico. I!nt, never mind, John; if like a think yo-i can't gel otr it bnt yoo can. A. E. Crouch Matted Saturday with a crew of men for Kdcn Valley to try and get bis Block out, but it iu the opinion of old timers that they are 'all dead, a I la- snow mut lie Fcvcra! feet deep. UncleClmlcH Doner, ttbo bns been in i . u ,.,... '.i"uIMIIIttIIOIIJWI I'll III , Dr. Bradley of Uosebnr is entitled to the jrreat praise and practice he i re ceiving, aa this ras tvai thooylit lo be lippelese, but it now looks aq though the old ntan will c.t-t well. If V. F. B. and olhers tthoare telling us ho to make good roads will co:ne out and go ovr the Middle Fork rosd and then tell us how to fix it they will get n great big chronip. Of con we tto ii:B!i uithout the aid of tho county, for if you want to get a ride on the toe nf the counjy's hoot, just mention 'the .Middle Fork road and ton will get it. Hoping to get an early reply (for our road i iiu paiihle; wo will Hticfc to our word, ani1 fi'e Oxer. A Wkkk. Will Visit the North-end. About Jariunrv 20lh I will !? in Yon call.i to repair watcbes :md docks. From there I will go to Klkton, Scottfburg and Oardiner. I would inott reaped fully ,iSfe those who have work iu my Hue that tliey want done to hold it for me. Very respectfully, Jehhv J. Wilson. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hlihest Medal nnd Diploma. OUR FRUIT INTEREST. 5. A. Clark Makes Some Timely Suggestions. To Douglas county fruit growers: Thero was a largo niwe'i-i of fruit grow ers at Spokane, last February, represent ing the etnto of Idaho, Washington, and Oregon and the Provim-o of British Col umbia, wlmro preliminuy steps were ta ken to organise tho producer of this region fur mutual piotcctiun and infor mation. The) adjourned to meet at Portland for permanent organization and M (INcus al' questions of iittetest. The Slate Multicultural Society -f Ongun wa- to meet 011 J.uu:rv 12, but arrange nients are made to have great covou ti.jn to ai.swer all puriwes the hf't of Jai.uarr. It will not lie Hsih!e to hac two .suco-ssfnl fruit growers gilliprtug--, and it t-i tlicicfotcd-cidcd to have a gener al coiiventi.m meet January 28lh or'.tlth The interests uf the Noitliweit are i-o iden'itied and the fruit pro b'.ct so siuulai that such a convention will pos-ess unus iiiicicM toall. itioto esHX i.illy .is the Ameiic-i'i I'oiiiologii-al Sm'iety will nbo i lurg.-ly repitvented t that time, l'ho annual meeting nf thai society is to be held at i-acr.imeiito Jairiar l(!i;to ISlh, am! iiiauy of tho most distihguislud horticutiirits of Aim riia will viit ('a! iforni.i :i that oc.iiou. As Sicielari oi the Notihwe-t Fruit giovieia Auyciation I have united their prence at the con vcniiou the dilleie.! rout ties of Oiegot. lime cordially exteMled such in vitations. A delegation will 11 cet thrm reprcsontating.tht-ir s tictics at the city of Portland. As we have assurance, of their iuvclaiico f more aiut thorougl corrcsjvjndeiuv, we antii ijxte tlmt their 1 presence will add g-c.oly to the value of that convention i our fruit gtowe's. ; I would nrge up in the vple nf Divig- ; las couniy i!ic iitip'trtaucv ol tins in- uustn uore. an-i tnat :t;n wilt e an opportunity to ma'e kuo vi! value of iheir rejiju stud th of tticir products. A transport tnittee :s i.egottating far except ijaal'y low rates of fare; Portland hotel 1I1 give reasonable rates. Vtiitors can I 0 well cared for at $tt)J a day. By all means have the le-l pu-iWe diplnv of ' tilth much ber.-nt, I am s2Jtkd Itooi'sSarsa tresh and iried fruits und let those for-! r.!St'S!Sffi etitn visitor. know Hliat yon hate got 1 and tthat tot: can .In. My personal acquaintance ii!i L':niqiia valley en ubles me i y tliere is no more health- ! ful, irodiH'iivt and delightful resimin the Pacific cons: ; certainlv none ttl-ere the fruits of lhi iLiun i pru-it: .l n greater txccKpn.-c and few ke-.- tliet grow in equal a'.nmUiK-e. J5- A. Cl.ltKK Sicy. X. W. r. li As.-n Riddle Items. Wo are having more weati - :i pleates the miners. Ilev. Miller rilled bia;Kintn:erjt t tre Satuiday and Sunday. Our townsmjii, Mr. Jjiiics, htsln sotTcting severely from s sore ete. D.-. Strange of Koiebury tt.- duiiig work ia Kiddle Friday atjtl Saturday Miss Millie Huitu offipnttii'e the guest of Mrs. Cuni.iueliam s- w e We have ha J no tor 1 from Niciel mines yet. and don't knyw "a we eve will again. A. I'.iddU- u4thcrei liiiti tek .--.rf ribs fiml euuss; t:i the -'it kUt-t t ! 1 1. :r op- tbf -ray. j .Misa Xaoini Sirictland and MisoJ-n nle Ihii.cait .-eltKfhit to Koteburvr-.r, M:n- dat'OYeriarn". Agent and ltv.- are ! . m - j ogam irum iiieir vin lo .lb!.u: :. Mr OiiitKHt: Hi-i.l : 1'iTSi.: 5 hiVua; v.', ...I .... . - .. fiowe Irani .1 tiii ik toantv njji. Jake NicIk-Is and lv Ivxn ere aiticng theru. Was not the edition of ihe )sc- ' gt:ii:t grand? It jnst can't be l-ear. j Hurrah Utr tlte Or. gontan. May it lite ' foreter. Dr. l.radley oi Kcfebnrc urns . , , 1. ... ... ... 1 . iitM ic niiiiEBn? w a ho 1 very tick. We are clad to write that she ! is much improved now. Alfred Wollenben; of Oanyonviile us iiere Sucilay looking for h'u bro'.her-in-la w to cotce on the train ftoMi Par. Fra ncifco. .;.., Brockttay Gleanings. Uainy days awl frosty morning. Mis Nora IloMnser iu taking le-n-s 011 the volin T.e road- are v.-ry muddy atid are ipiili: dull, y Mrs. A. E. C. Whipple lias rinih-d !er term of school iu the Win-ion dis trict . 1-ate Belinda if Kotebnrg. formerly of Washington, is fuopjniig wh!i hU uncle, Mr. Bkbard Will BoutNna of Myrtle Creek who lias re viriliiig Iim ewter. .Mrs.A. Hichaids Aiitl Mi MaJ-e Bobbins, has returned lo hi home ' Tlioinas JcUl.'u v.enl to itoscburg Sund.y h-t Mr. Johnston is thinking of engaging in the grocery business iu Hobirg in 11 e near future. I'rof. W. M. Sutton, taught the Brockway ?c!kkI ibii tvinter, lm- re tumeil to hu l.csne at WiliJir. I'rof. Sutton li t- many friends here who miss biiii greatly. J. I: Martindale of Cninas valley p.iMtl through here on hi way to Bosc burg .Monday I.tst, to secure a dcclor to alien i Untnilpi Djney, win h lying at the pomt of death. I. h. Nicii ls, our Btockwaj uterchaut, has on hand j lino stock of goods, which he is selling at v.ry re.isonablu price-i. Givi! him n will. FKi.sirrrt. Calapnoia Items. Kd Stephens, mid the Bi.-rftopgirl have returned from their visit nt lioieburg, "X" came iu here with snow and a bear Joe Colo and party had a lively chase after one. OrttJr (Iorn-1 has been at home ppaiid ii'g the holiilays, but returned to last f-'tind.iy to pursue studies. "Vi; have no marriagrH lo report this week. Mil Ihureuit! several that would like to le married. Shall wo report thorn? Oats have advanced 10 pt-rcont, horhc (liQcing Opfrccnt and axln grease 25 per cent since IloM. I.tdimun has re turned. Denth visited lis Sunday and took uwav tin; infant boy of .Mr. and Mrs. Joe Colo. Thf death was very t iiddon. '1 ho icmaiiiK v.uro laid In rest in tbo family couieteiy Monday. The young paicnls have thu sympathy of the entire coin '"unity. Tinci: is a Wekk, January 0, I6jj. Orcat Opportunity for Prune Farming On a Large Scale. 1720 acres of choice valley and low hilleido land, all under hoard an I wire lence, iwveral hundred acres iu cultiva tion, the very best of fruit land, hns good natural drainage, freo from frost, rood house, wood, water, etc., threo miles fioui railroad. Tho vicinity has fino or chards and this is a 1 are ehiinco for a colony of piuno growers. Tho property belongt to absent partius and must be Kohl. Prico $10 par acre, $ cash, balanco in eight annu il paynicnts .with (5 per cent interot. (Dincounl. allowed for cash). Have lands of every kind throughout the county for low price and easy terms. I). S. K. lluieic, KoohurV, Oro.t For Adoption. A gitl nl-out six and !i half years of age. For further particulars enquire of A. F. tka-ah, Cuunly Judge. ('all at Marsteiu' ding stor. for blank mid uietuorandum bookn. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. Jirs Viola Emery Indigestion, Cramps 1 tho stomach, dyspepsia r.aJ catarrh 1 iwels, caused lnvwlfo KTeatsuSerlng. S :en taking llood'3 Sarsaiiarllla and no j been taking Hooa'3 sjrs.iarl!U an now has ruTiiii gTiT-rrr-Ti-r nir i n-.. , i SicB "exrellcmv'1 -OOd?S' SaVS irtatiou com-! L &yr-y-v& VCIY parilla nonocttliesesirr;'t. rr.s. ff lus Improved I 1 ;jk? (1 ana welch. Ib-vcilso J 1 t2. , taken Hood's fc.-sar.v TfW&Sl rill, for Scrofnln and Clfncral Dctiilltr Hood's Pills- n.-" U-.t. liU, KUIoajnasi. .. . - gp; JU. rcir-A IT Will. Nov CURE. IU An agrecablo Iaxatlvo BniKnrrr T&src Sold by Draeyista or sent by tnalL SjcCCs. and 81X0 per yacjagc. Earaplca tree. Wlft 19fA J10 Favortto :::t3 rI3 JOp Ja.VfcrthoTcethaadIJ-catb,23c. Forct- iy V I Ita p. Vr.zglt.. las EtC 3 SHOEri? THE BEST. FOR A KING. 5. cordovan: 435? F.tCirsKA.'itusca gs J.F0UCES0LES. -n iir-ni... -EXTRA rillC- . 2.i.7?B3vs'saBasja. 3KCCKTCrCMA33. Over One Million P-opte wear th: W. L Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AH our shoes are equally satisfactory Jhty Ki e the bt t alue Jor the rnoncv. TSey cqnsl 011:0 rho-i In style and fit. Th-lr warinc cuati:ici arc uasurrais-d. The rrlces nre unilorrn. -st-nped on sole. From t to S3 jvcd oter othrr makes. 1: )0ur A'-.'.-rrTinot sc;;'..- ,xx wt can. Sold by dealer etery where. Wanted, agent to take exclusive sale for this t icinity. Write at one. ...v. lied tousBSiaea9a?RS3e789H9ioteaoeEeBu3sifs9HeHeBeBnieaeBH w9 J, T e ArJ Dialer ir: PRIME BACON, HAMS, LARD, G AM) rRE5tl MEAT5 ir !r- iiU.i A.i.l IhUm ndFrrc anr j.rl . ( -hi-1 U; This Space New York ROSEBURG, M JOS STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. THE McCLALLEN HOUSE. NEW MANAGEMENT. WILLIS & WILLIS, Proprietors. :isi-:iti;u;, oiii::ox. LOCAL TIRADE SOLICITED. Free Coach. Commodious Sample IJcoms for Commercial Travelers. BOWEN & ESTABROOK, BSacksoi Sths and Mach i n ists Are now located in their new shops on Stephen Street, between Oak and Cass, And arc prepared to do work iu their line! with neatness and dinpatch. Givollhom them u trial and bo convinced, Notice or Aiitial Mcctlnjr To llio FlinxchriMers (it the Odd Fellows HulM Aspoclntlon of Hoseburg, Oregon: You re hcreliv liotlfcil that tho annual meeting of tlic Stockholder of tho Odd Fellows Iliilldlug Asso soelutloii ot Itoscburg. Oregon, for thorleetlon of n t niitd ot -even (7) dtrectorj, to tetvo durliic the cnstiliur yenr, mid for tho tninsiictlon of such otlicr tmiluet n may lio lawfully brought be fore them, will bo held nt Iho Odd Fellow-Temple, Jiimmry Mh. lS'Jj, nt 7:: p. 111. Ity order of the llonrd of Director of the Odd Fellow 9 llulld Inx Arsoelnllon. JOSEPH MICEM,!, Feeretary. Tlic ClmrclicH. IIaitist Clll'ucit corner of I.nite nml Itove itrects. Hutiilay Service: l'rcnehhiK, 11 0. in. and ":;lup. m.: Younij People's Union. r.::Wp.m.; Jlrs. U. N. AuiiCN, I'refcldcnt, Sunday School, 10 c. in.; Jmnes Chamlierlntn, Superintendent Pruyer Meetlns, Thuiwlny cvenln;; nt 7::W. I'.EV. 0. X. Annki, Pastor. UeMdence, No. S'il Main Street. METiioniNT Cnur.cii-corncrof Main and Ime streets. Sunday Service: Preaching, 11 ti. 111. nnd 7:20 p. nt.: Sabbath hcliuol, 10 n. m.; Dr. James ISnrr, Superintendent; (Mass Mcetlnr nt close of the morning servlee; Epwort'i league CM p. 111. Clure Hume, President. Prayer Meit Ing, Thursday, nt7:n p. m. N. S. IlccKSCit, D. D., Panor Puwonngc, corner Main nod I.iine. Pr.KsitYiKiiiA.v -corner ol fiws and Ilo'C klrcct. Sunday Service: Pnplie worship, It a.111. nnd 7::S) p. 111.; Sabbath School. 10 a. m.; Y. P. P. ('. K-, 7 p. in. l'rayer McetliiR, Widne.s day, 7'XO p. in. It. P.. Uilworth, Piitnr. ! AN AFTER THOUGHT. TO-DAY - after Christmas- you will posihly dis cover that toil have tliDiiuht of eveitbody and everything ex cept your feet, as if SHOES m tt inter were a : secondary matter! If voir purse looks eak and consnnip livo after the Xma , campaign come to our store. A sum that wouldn't buy ; a poor pair of shoej 1 in some places buys ' a good jmir at our ' store. i PARROTT BROS. EXCLUSIVE HOOT AMI SHOE DEALERS ! 32.1 Jackson Street, ROsEBUUG, OREGON Nursery Cp; W. D. iMcQEE, Proprietor. rE low hate a lane -toeV of flno. larje. T ' hralthy ln- ol all UnK InrlndiiiE Apptt. I'oir, 1'earb. 1'ruue anl Cherrv. which I are )tuaninier. troe to name and fie from ln j wis nl ;.: " 11 at tcry reAnsble rates lit perxjiis Jcsirin trees apply tit 0. L. GOODRIDGE, A-ent. CANYONVILLO, OR. IouItr, I"I,li jiml name, in Se.'ison ity Meat Market, OP ALL K1M)5 Rosebure;, Or. Si Reserved for EPH50N?S Cash Store, OREGON. For a Few Boys Suits : Men's Suits Men's tfet Weather Shoes .. . Men's Underwear Latest Style Hats Boss of the Road Overalls-Best riackintoshes at Greatly Reduced Prices. Ladie's Dress Goods Reduced 25 per cent. Th Boss 1G ALEXAflDER THE P0PULHR HOME FURUSHERS.... ;;-.'i ar.d Jacksnn t. Htl. Oak and Washington. A HAPPY ftEW YEAR We call the attention of our friends to our beauti ful stock of Our Stock is Unexcelled by Any House South of Portland. ALEXAHDER STROrtG KOSUUURG. OHEGO.V he Long Winter is Here Prepare unusualh- I C. W. PARKS& Till- Tn Ik ni' iho Our Factory Has Keen Kiiiiiiin; Steadily to Make tti a Fresh Stock, and ton can j;et The Kinest and Most t'oniplete hine cf . . ' 31 APE Niece's Candy HBHeEe8asnHano3sss;c5csH55oa3oiaciHensHeneB339aensaa THE e B S e B e s a s e PELTON WATER MOTOR. Of capacities varying from i to 25 horse power affords the most con venient, economical and reliable power for all light service. One of these may be seen running at this office. Send for circulars. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL CO., 121 Main Street, San Francisco, Cal. a s a a JO Days. ..$1 7 50 50 00 75 00 50 These goods have all been received within the last month, and are the latest st'les and not shelfworn. Don't delay this golden opportun ity, and call on d 5TR0J1G $ Easy Rockers Bed Room Sets Parlor and Dining Chairs Rugs and Carpets And ail Household-Articles SO TROUBLE TO SHOW fJOODS. the roprijiR HONE FOKXliUElS for it wiselv. We offer whv von good reasons should buy from us. Everything offered for sale is fresh; bought for the Holiday Trade and sold at very reasonable prices. We have a very choice stock of canned goods, including both fruits and vegetables, to which we invite your special attention. Our line of Olives, Gherkins, Pick els, Sauces, etc., is also complete. We carry the largest stock of to baccos iu Southern Oregon. CO., Qr ocers. J Ibn't Kat Stale Cindtes iVannts or ropeorn Thev ate not Kit to Eat. i. Dandies of All Grades FUnsi! EVEIJY PAY AT Factory, 0-0 Jackson 5trcct. o sa a 9 B 8 H a H e a a a s a a a st a a B a WOODWABD THE Does Up ALL COMPETITORS! We aro always in the Lead, and mean to keep there. The Golden Harvest is upon us, nd farm ers aro smiling because Woodward lo to their interest. Full Trimmed TEAM HARNESS These are all ,Jjatlier aDd Warranted. SADDLES At Reduced Prices. Consult your parse and be mre and sec Woodward before having. W. 0. WOODWARD H. 0. STANTON lis just received u nex and extensire atoek o DRY: GOODS CONSISTING OF Ladies' Dress floods, Kibbons, Trimmings, I lirp. f-'.ti-. Yip- -ALSO A FINE STOCK OF BOOTS AND'SIIOS Of ih: beit qaality and finish. GROCERIES Wood, Willow and Glass Ware, Crockery, Cordage, Etc. I Aleo on hn I ia Lirga qnactitie an-3 at prices tc Jait tho time. Aim a large stock of Custoiii-Made Clothing AVfcicli is certd at x-st price. A fall and select &tock of SCHOOL BOOKS Constantly on hanJ. A Ljthe LATEST S0YELTJES IS STATI0NEIO. , Oenenl ajent f ti every variet y ot subscription ' lxt3 nl pcri.'!ifali puLluhed in the United Etate. reruns trj'sriin reading matter of any V'ti.I will do ts cie rae a call. kW-ljtf6 litems MAXCriCTCRrD BT 1. D. HOLDF.N, Stockton, Cal. THE Breeder t Sportsman The Turf and Sportsman's Autboritv of tbe r&ciGc Coast. All the Latest Racing News of the Country. The Best Medum for Advertising Stallions. And everything atiiortainiu: to tho Turf and Field Sports as well aa for Sporting Goods. Medicines fnr IInrs.. imf nll.. animals. Kaciu Gear, Champagnes, etc. The leadiui: jaier of its class west of Chicago, and the representative of the vast breeding interests in California. Special department conducted by Jos. Caikx Simcsox. I It is essentially a newspaper cotming all ! the Gossip and Sportind events of tho ! day, given in aoch a bright, cntertiening , unt' reaJable manner aa to make the pa per a neceisty to evervbody interested in horse matter and legitimate sport. Sam -, pie Copies aro free, and will be eeut on application to any address. THE BREEDER AND SPORTSMAN. 0I0 Rush St., San Francisco, Cal. I". V. Kelley, Manager. Mineral. Railroad. Aricultural. H. G. POTTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ij3L A w AV V HOG (1 St., X. tV. Washington, D. C. For many years In the tie ncrnl lend Office Examiner ot Contests, itinera! vs. Mineral vs. lisilrouil ami Agricultural claims, and Late Chief of the Mineral Uivl'iou. !Bf- Correspondence Solicited.