The Plaindealer. (Roseburg, Or.) 1870-190?, January 07, 1895, Image 3

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MONDAY, JAN. 7, 1895
Ho, Ho, Boys, Look Here.
Come and too our Lard times (20 suite
and ffl.&0 pants. Guaranteed for one
year al Chicago Tailor', in with Mllli
ken. Probate Court Notes.
The personal property belonging to the
estate of I. B. Nichols, deceased, has
been ordeied sold, as also has the real
property txlonging to the estate of Win.
Cochran, deceased. V. F Barter, ad
ministrator of tho estate v.f S. P. Hamil
ton, deceased, filed his final account,
which was tins morning approved, and
ho was discharged.
Trouble Is Brewing.
The enjinoers on tho passenger trains
arc no; at an saiisiieu with their tuns,
and trouble is brewing. Tho matter -will
be considered in San Francisco this week,
and . d. S. Eilioit, a member of tho
grievance wmmittee, leaves for tho city
tonight It is understood that tho en
pi coots tun press their claims very
strongly, ami, unless the company ac
cedes to their demands, extreme meas
ures may be resorted to.
Mask Ball Prizes. '
The xaasqucrado ball February 14th
yruinises toV the largest and tnott
brilliast affair of the season, as soiuo of
the prizes given will bo very valuable
and useful. Yc car. not give a complete
plete, but will name following; 1 mw
dolin, 1 guitar, I autoliarp, I gold chaiu,
and 1 fioe engraving, "Evening party in
Paris," richlv framed. Wo will add to
this list each week. It is our intention
to g:ve enoasrh good prises to encourage
competition. T. K.Kicuacdsok.
Real Estate Transfers.-
G. W. Orcutt has sold his place in
Edenbower to M. E. Buck, recently of
Kansas. The price was $11,00, and Mr.
Buck certainly a bargin. It con
tains 10 acre, tnd is one of the prettiest
places in that neighborhood. Mr. Orcutt
recentlv purchased a 10-acre tract in
Fnsilvale, upon which he will erect
residence at once.
Q.E. McDaniel has sold his fine Happy
valley farm, the consideration being
$2-4,000. Anna Garner purchased a jo
tion of it, paying $1S,000, while I. L. Mc
Daniel purchased the balance.
A. Salrmau, tho reliable jeweler.
Jerry J. Wilson, tho (slow) jeweler.
J. T. Bryan, tho Busy Watchmaker.
County court will convene "Wednesday.
L. BelGls, watchmaker, Rosoburg, Oro.
Repairing a specialty nt Langcnberg'a.
For a good 5-cent cigar call on Mrs.N.
A choico line of stationery at Maraters'
drug store.
For first-class dentistry go to Dr. Littlo
of Oakland.
Eastern oybtors on tho half shell, at
tho Kandy Kitchen.
I'me fresh candies manufactured at
tho Kandy Kitchen.
Harness of all kinds at low prices at
G. W. Woodward's.
Judge Fullerton is holding an adjourned
term of court today.
Key West, imported and domestic
cigars at the Roseleaf.
A regular meeting of tho council will
bo held Thursday evening.
I'acilic Coast and Eastern oysters
any style at the Kaudv Kitchen.
rmu caomei pnoios only J2.00 per
dozen at Portland photo tent this .week.
-Myrtlo Creek flour, only SO cents per
sack. Delivered free. A. C. lloxrc
Mrs. D. C. Courtnay of tunnel 4 is re
covering from a very severe spell of sick
Dr. Grange's dental parlors are. in tho
Marsters block, over Richardson's music
A new stock of tied just received by J,
Abraham. All the latest styles and
For good blacksmithing
cheap, . go to- McKiunev & Manning,
.Heals at. all hours ut the -Kandv
Kitchen, southeast corner Taylor & Wil
son block.
Boats and shoes made and repaired at
L. Langenbers's shoo store. First class
work and low iriccs.
Genera 'Lish Applote Bnfferinir
from a cancer in tho right hand. His
aflliction is proving seriou.
We will remain here for Inniness only
one week more. Cabinets $2.00 per
dozen. Portland Photo Co.
It seems,hardly possible, but neverthe
less it fs fru'o, that on nn nvenugo every
fifty-fifth person wears W. L. Douglas
Shoes. Did yon over realizo what an
imnienso uuacrtaking it is to supply ono
nrticlo of wearing apparel to over ono
million icoplo?
The vote on tho echoi.l book question
has not been canvassed yet. It is hold
in oboyanco to receive au opinion from
Attorney-General Chamberlain to sco
whether Miss Nellio Stovona or Mr.
Carter, of Union county,.havo tho right
to vote on the question.
For rent. A placo consisting of two
acres, located wmnn mo city limits;
three-fourths of nn ncro planted in straw
berrics; small orchard of choico fruits,
berries, etc.; six-room house, barn and
outbuildings; will bo leased on liberal
terms. Apply at this office
Lane county has another adultory case.
This timo it is a married woman and an
unmarried man, and tho prosecuting
witness is tho woman's husband. Tho
woman is over CO years of age, has been
married SO voars and has a family of
grown -Kens nnd Ono daughter.
letter received from It. W. Ben
jamin, who is attending a ncntai coucgo
in Atlanta Ga., states that on December
31st last tho thermometer, registered
seven degrees above zero... That is 13
degrees colder weather than wo have had
hero in Southern Oregon Ibis winter.
On Wednesday i evening of this 'week
there will bo joint installation of tho
newly elected fotucera of the 'Knights of
Pythias and the Rnthboriie Sisters
Therehas been an interesting programme
arranged, including an oyster supper,
and an.pnjoyable lime is anticipated.
For some lime past "Puppy" Gilder
sleeve has been suffering from a cancer
ous growth on the side of his face. Dr.
N.T. Ozias has been treating him, nnd
Fridav morning removed tho cancer
"Pappy's" many friends will bo pleased
to learn that ho is iow regaining his for
mer good health.
" The prayer meeting exercises al tho
Baptist church Tuesday evening were
well attended, and n spirit of devotion
seemed to pervade tho largo congregation
i there assembled. On Wednesday eve-
j ning also tho prayer meeting was ob
! served at the Christian church. Not
withstanding the stormy evening it wa3
well attended.'
Stato Board of Equalization Raises
Portland, Dec. 3. The stato board of
equalization completed its Mission at
Salem yoatorday. A summary oi tno
ery important work dono by tho board
is found in tho nppeuded tables. aio
total assessments of tho several counties,
ns returned by l no counties nuu uo uijuu
izod by tho board are found in tho fol
lowing :
Baker f S.sCJ.S-i
Ilentou 3'-.f
Clackamas &,.14,IS1
ClaWon 4,201,878
Columbia l.CiC.RU
COOS 3.N9.09S
Curry " C1G.852
Crook 1.710.MJ
Douglas 5,uG3,117
Gilliam WhhS
(.rant ViWJS
Harney - 1.C79.4S2
Jackson J&S'ASA
Josephine 'tSMS;
Kiamnui .
Lake 1 ,-179,814
1-ano.: 7.151.?
.Incom ."
Inn - 8,001,275
Malheur M'.'.'''
Marlon .... ,-i
Morrow.... .Kt'lsJ
Muunomnli "'rSS!
Plicruian ''"cM
Umatilla . 'm'?X
Union. -
Wallowa -Si
Wasco -.. 3,194jl
Wiuliliicton 4,4127j
Yamhill. u,3ll,u
Tim l'i ii ti! Iias a number of
irythe Household Dyes. The wmo UteeraeJ corrcipoaaeula over the county,
package colors sue, wool, coiion or !
j feathers, at Marsters' drug store.
Shops Shut Down.
Courier: The round house ami repair
shops of thisriiy have become very quiet
the past week, all the hands having been
removed or laid off except Engineer
Sampson and Fireman Ferree who will
ran the "rusher" bctwten here and
West Fork when necessary and do tLeir
own hostling and wiping. The bringing
on oi the big six-wheel engines did not
do away with trie "pusher" as anticipa
ted and that indispeasiblc auxillury will
probably be allowed to remain a fixture.
Wes Biggs, Harmon, and Engineer Mc
Cartygoto Portland; Ed Gray will be
hostler at Rosebarg while tho fonr wipers
have been laid off.
hut not cnouch of them vet. If there i
lanvthicg of interest happening in your
Cabinet photos $2.00 jr dozen or IS j community, if your sunt from a distance
elegant little ructnres 25 c;nt.
week only atPortland photo tents.
Protect yourself Jagakst cold
This j is visiting you, or somebody died or was
Ibirn.we like to know it. We should
and ! like to have everv section of the county
represented in the fre
: quently.
Notice is tiereby given to the public
by the undersigned that I do not allow
dead animals to be buried on my prcm
iscs, at Roseburg, Oregon, nr garbage
dumped thereon or sand or gravel taken
therefrom., unless the party taking sand
or gravel first contract with mo for the
pneumonia by wearing a chest protector.
Fine ones at Marsters' drug store.
W. F. Horn, an employee of the Sugar
Pine Door & Lumbfr Co., has been ap
pointed postmaster at Grants Puss.
Catarrh is a constitutional disease.
Hood's Sursupariila Lh a constitutional
remedy. It cures catarrh. Giye it a
i right to so do
-.w. Tresspassers nli bo prosecuted ac-
bperanzt ol Milan, Italy, gives vocal and t cording to law. Aako.v Rose,
piano forte lessons. Terms reasonable. 1 Roseburg, Oregon, March 17th, 1S91
Residence at Mrs. rallies. , Wavne Jones is special farm agent for
The funeral of Mrs. A. J. Chapman at ! the "old reliable" Continental Insurance
Wilbur Friday was quite larsely attend- Company of New York, which has been-
ed. Several persons from here went i tested by passing through and paying all
over on the local in the morning. ; of its losses in that grpat-conilegraiion of
rv nnt Nil tn Mil nr :rnW fnr i Chicago in 1S71, by whtcli over one hun
1,514 210
?153,'0)J)I5 159.510(03
The various items are us follows :
Horeand muleit 5
Cattle .
Sheep and goats
hivino .-.
Money -
Notes ami accounts-
?hroa of stock
Impts. on umlccueu
HouialiolJ (ur't, etc....
Mdse. and Implements
Town lots
ImpU, ton ii lots
Ilallroad !hiiUs-.........
Wecou road lands...
Uthcr uuimp. lands
improvements onuecu-
cu lsudi .
Ilallroad track
Telegraph lines-
.? 3.RS9.457
. 3,5T19
. ,CC3,9i
3fl,ui .aw
17,37 1.2SO
J 3.1C3.125
1.0J 1.025
of ?40,103
S. A. Clurke, the pruno buyer, arrived
from tho north yesterday.
T. P. McGeo. the Myrtlo Creek mer
chant, is in the city today.
Miss Maudo Hume of Tacoma U visit
ing with her father in West Roseburg.
Miss Eva L. Dealey of .luonol 4 is vis
iting relatives nnd friends in Roseburg.
Miss Dollio Davis of Camas Valley
registered at tho Van Honten Saturday.
J. W. Weaver and John Hall, promi
nent Myrtlo Creek fruit growers, are in
tho city today.
0. E. Price is now a passenger con
ductor on tho Northern Pacific running
out of Missoula, Montana.
Tho Misses Mollic :iud Fanny Day,
after a week spent in Roseburg, left for
Wilbur Wednesday morning.
R. A. Booth, cashier rf tho First Na
tional bank of Grants Puss, registered at
tbo McClallen house yesterday.
W. II. l'itchford, who has been seri
ously sick for several weeks past, is
again ablo to attend, to business.
Mrs. II. Ralph of Ashland, a sister of
Mrs. D. S. K. ISuick-, returned home this
morning after a week's visit in Rosoburg.
Mrs. Bessio Carr look Tuesday night's
trqin to. visit her eisfer, Mrs. Thos. Her
big, at Roseburg. Grants Pass Courier.
:ilr. and Mrs. Smith Bailey of the Van
UCWw hotel, Rosoburg, were visiting
i T2 fs '.I.. :
A Special
of the Board
School Board Meeting.
v A meeting, i the board of directors of
this school custnet was held Saturday.
Several important questions were con
sidered, among them being the building
of a. new scbool house in lbs southern
part of the city and the levying of a tax
for the ensuing year. The assessed
value of the taxable property in this dis
trict is sboct i3O3,G0O, and to conduct
IUC 111 ICMUUC u tuul-UJlil . - . , ......
Tf H u tht flriH, to hnild 1034 failures in the Pacific coast states
nl hone 1 th athPrn Mrt of the I Enanin,eeU at reasonable prices. , territor;e3 for the ycar lsWf divlued
your dentistry; in Marsters block, over
Richardson's music store. Fifteen jears
successful experience in his pr ofessicn
If yon want the best of dentistry go to j
Dr. Strange and have it done by an ex-.
All work
.1 1 1 I T Cf.l.. T .. i
acre Vflmpany oi term, urv. mneu.
A word to the wise is sufficient.
The Year's Failures.
Bradslrcet's mercantile agency reports
city an additional tax of two mills will be
mjnired. That the new building is re
quired is x conceded fact, but whether a.
tax for its construction can be carried is '
altogether another question.
Death of Miss Mollic Teney.
Miss Mollie Teney died this morning
at tho farrily residence in this city, aged
23 years and 1 day. She had befn an
invalid for several years, and her death
was therefore not unexpected, although
it was none tho less a shock to her many
friends. Sbewas an estimable young
Iadyand highly esteemed by all who
knew her. The funeral will take place
tomorrow from the family restdenee on
Kane street, Rev. Geo. N. Annes offi
ciating. Interment will be at the Ma
sonic cemetery under the auspices of
Eoeebont lodge No. 13, A. O. U. W., and
Reno post No. 23, G. A. R., of which
organizations her father was an honored
member at the time of his death.
Shiloh's Cure, the great Cough and a, follows: California S27, Oregon 110,
Croup Core, is in great demand. Pocket Washington II 10, Arizona 7, Nevada 5.
size contains twenty-five, only 23 cents. The following are the causes assigned
for lailnrcs: - Iccompetency J03. inex-
Secured a "Scoop."
The Salem Statesman tbas secured a
"scoop' by announcing that the S. P.
Co. have three projects under advisement
now which are of great importance. One
is the re-establishment of the Albany
local train, the second is the mnning of
two freight trains each way per day, one
being a local train for valley trade and to
run to that point only, and the third pro
ject, depending somewhat upon the sec
ond, is the establishment permanently of
a competitive freight rate to Salem from
Portland, so as to bid for Salem ship,
ping. Now, if the Statesman bad gone
on and run the local through to Califor
nia, and shortened the lime of the over
land several hours it would liaye done
the thing np brown. Soch reports sre
generally circulated during the early
summer, and by publishing them now
the Statesman proves itself to be several
months ahead of its old slow-zoing co-
At Orants Pass.
Matt G. and Jesao T. Wilkins and
their families went out to Grants Pass
last week, where they are engaged in the
hotel business. Regarding tbem and
their house the Courier says: "Tho
Redman House under its new man
agement will be greatly enlarged and
Improved. Plans of an elongated
show tbo principal entrance in tho
southwest corner of the building. The
dinning room will be located on the A
street side and the ladies' parlor will be
just over the offlco in tho corner of the
building. The hotel will be built on at
both Sixth street and A street ends and
fine Buites of rooms will occupy both
first and second floor. Thenamo of the
hotel will be changed and the "Wilkins
boys' repntation as hotel men will go far
toward attracting both homo and com
mercial trade. You will hardly recog
ntrAttiA Kedman house when the im
provements have been accomplished.
Is to be bard-finished throughout."
Children love it. Sold by druggists.
Prof. F. H. Appelhoff has been en
gaged as instructor by the Myrtle Creek
band and orchestra, and will visit that
place once each week ia the future.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
Blood, dear your Complexion, regulate
your Bowels and make your head as
clear as a bell. 25c., LOc and I.C0.
Snow has again interfered with traffic
over the Southern Pacific and the over
land trains due Thursday and Friday
nights were delayed a number of hours.
Captaiu Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
CaL, savs: "Shilcb's Catarrh Remedy-
is the first medicine I have ever found
that wonld do me any good." Price 50c.
Douglas county for vegetables as well as
fruit takes the cake. Last Saturday Mrs.
Boyd bad some cabbages, the solid beads
ot some cf tbem being 40 inches in circumference.
Joe Pnrdom 13. now railroad agent at
Grants Pass, having been transferred
from Oregon City. P. W. Ellis, the for
mer agent, resigned on account oi con
tinued ill health.
One dollar wins a $150 ring Ad Har-
moo-of the Resort saloon wilt radio a
diamond ring January 12, 1S95, at the
above place. The stone is a gem and
weighs two carats.
The W. C. T. U. will give a pie social
at the residence of Mrs. Ida Marsters
Friday evening Jan. II. A good pro
gramme is prepared and a cordial invita
tion is extended to all.
There will bo a protracted meeting
held at the U. B. church in this city, be
ginning Jan. 13, to which all are cor
dially and kindly inyitcd to attend.
W. Reynolds, Pastor.
Those having second hand etoves,
furniture, etc., for salo can reccivo the
highest cash price by calling upon N.
Rice, tho furniture and supply dealer,
221-23 Jackson street Roseburg, Or.
Dr. Davis has practiced dentistry in
Roseburg nearly 14 years, and wo know
ho Dr. to be a ekilled workman. Par
ties patronizing him will savo money.
Dental parlors opposite Slocum's hall.
Hon. J. Hall of Myrtlo Creek was in
town today. He says he has one carload
ot prunes yet to ship 'east. He will re
alize, ho saya, about 5 cents per pound
net far belter than wheat raising, ho
A series of meetings will be held at
the M. E. church commencing Wednes
day evening, January 9th, which will be
continued for an indefinite timo. At the
close of the meetings at tho M. E. church
they will be continued, at other churches
in the city. Tho ministers and members
of tho various churches will put forth
earnest efforts for the advancement of
tho cause of Chrietianity in Roseburg.
perience 75, inadequate capital 510. in
judicious crediting 23, extrava
gance IS, neglect and bad habits 1C, ex
cessive competition 21, unfavorable cir
cumstances 50, speculation 3, fraud 47.
I Installation.
1 At I. O. O. F. hall Saturday night ll.o
following officers were duly installed byJ
D. D. G. M. Joseph Mkclli, viz: Lee
Whnberly, N. G.; Geo. Carpy, V. G. ;
Wayne Jones, R. Sec; W. F. Benjamin,
Sec.; R. M. Conkling, War.; A.
Salzman, Con.; H. Parry, U. S. N. G.;
E. McBroom, I.. S. N. G.;'F.W. Carroll.
R. S. V. G-; Jamea Fletcher, L. S. V.
G.; Carl Hoffman. I. U. ; 1.. cchmeiser,
Total tl55,S3i,29j
There is a net reduction
taken by county boards from tho forego
in!? sums, nhich makes the totals as
Mr. W. G. Hunter, of Island City,
Union countv, chairman of the stato
lAJdlu ui , .......
Iein vesterdav. tho board having com
pleted its labors in the morning. "The
board was in session 30 days, eai.I Mr.
Hunter," and worked continousiy dntir.g
all that time. There were fewer changes
from the returns made by the counties
than last vear. The assessors' work wes t
more uniform. There is an aggregate
raise in the assessment for the stito of
$3,743,214, which is 13 than last jear. j
Multnomah county's assessment was j
raised 10 per cent on town lots and im
provements. The lioard was impelled to
this action by a variety of reasons. The
total assessment for the county Ehowed a
decrease of 23 per cent from 1S03. We
did not find that the assessor had pur
posely made a horizontal reduction in
liis assesiment. except, perhaps, in some
localities First street, fcr instance. But
we had some knowledge of values iu
Portland, End taking in consideration the
equities of other counties, wo concluded
that the increaso must bo made."
The greatoit change made by the
board was in the one item oi town lots
and improvements, tand a number of
counties besides' MuUnomah were af
fected. In this particular Benton, Cooa,
Carry, Crook, Gilliam, Grant, ilarnjy,
Josephine, Klamath, Lane, Linsolu,
Morrow, Sherman, Wallowa,
Wasco and Yamhill were allowed to
stand cs returned; 10 per cent was
added in Biker, Lake, Tillamook, Union
acd Washington ; 12' per cent added in
linn ; 15 per cent in Marion ; and 5 per
c?nt in Umatilla. A reduction cf 5 per
cent was cade in Clatsop and Douglas;
10 per cent in Clackamas, Columbia,
Jackson acd Polk.
In lands, improvements, railroad and
telegraph lines, the following wa3 done;
Biker, Benton, Clackamas, Currv, Crook,
Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Jackson, Joseph
ine, Klamath, Lake, Lane, Lincoln. Mal
heur, Sherman, Tillamook, Umatilla,
Union, Wallowa and YAaseo were al
lowed to stand ; n reduction of 20 per
cent was midein Cbtsow and Columbia;
5 per cent in Coos; 10 per cent in Mor
row and l'olk ; 5 jier cent in Dougla? and
Yamhill ; a raise of 5 per cent was made
n Linn nnd Multnomah ; 10 scr cent in
Washington; 12 percent in Marion.
thuir numorous friends in Eugene laBt
Hon., It G. Smith, a member of the
next legislative assembly fiom Josephmo
county, was a guest at the McClallen
houio yesterday.
Mrs. Judge Bean has been selected as
business manager of the Salem Stales-
man's charity number which is lo bo
issued by the ladies of that city January
Hon. A. W. Reed and wife of Gardi
ner wore in RoFeburg Friday la6t. Sat
urday morning they lelt oil h visit to
Sail Francisco.
Hon. Walter Sinclair of Cooa county
was m-Koseburg a tew unya on Ins way
to Salem, where ho goes in search of a
job in the next legislature.
Miss Clara Bachcr, who has been
spending the holidays with Miss Mabel
VanBuren of this city, returned to her
home at Grants Pass this morning.
Mr. anti .Mrs. h. i-.iiiolt leave on
tonight's overland for San Francisco,
where tho former goes to attend a meet
ing cf th s grievance committee, B. of L,
K., and tho latter to pay relatives a visit,
Miss Mabl Powell of Astoria, who has
been visiting with the family of Rev. R
8. Dilworth the past two weeks, returned
to Eugene last Saturday where ehe will
continue her studies at the University of
Judge Fullerton returned from Cor
vallis Friday night. A very heavy rain
storm prevailed while ho was below, and
for fear of high water he returned home
sooner than ho would have otherwise
done i
Rev. L. A. Brosseau of Mt. Tabor
held services in St. Francis church of
this city during tho past week. Father
Brosseau is a very able speaker, as well
as a pleasant gentleman, 'and he made
many menus iicre during his stay.
E. B. Problf a few days since left for
Spokane, Wash., on legal business,
From there he goes to Renville. Mion
in the Interest of his client W. F. Beck
man, who will have to answer to the
charge of murbcr at the next term of
Mr. Joreph Hume of Brownsville, who
has been visiting the past week with his
brother Peter, Hume, returned on Friday
morning's local accompanied by Mrs. P.
Hume, who received a telegram ttiat her
mother, Jlrs. Walter, of Brownsville was,
quite sick.
Pursuant to adjournment tho board of
trustees met nt Iho city hall 'Ihursday
evening, January 3, 1893, and the follow
ing business was transacted: At roll
call the following mombcrs',ere present;
Trustees Shupo, Rapp, Strong, and Rico;
Recorder Zigler nnd Marshal Carroll,
Trustee Wright being absent.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read nnd approved.
Tho Saloon bonds of L. A. Harmon,
A. T. Thompson, W. II. Piichford, C.
W. Davis and D. W. Stephens were rend
nud accepted, and tho recorder ordered to
issuo licenses.
Tho bond of E. Poket & Rowell was
referred back for proper signature, and
tho recorder ordered to havo tho bond
properly signed and issue a license.
Tho bill of H. M. Martin for $22.23 fo
300 feet of 8-inch tilo was allowed.
The following resolution was presented
and read :
Wiiekeas. A call for aid has come
from the people of Nebraska, and,
Whereas, Tho interett of the
churches have been awakened in their
behalf; now, therefore, tha Ministers'
Association ot Koseuurg respectiuiiy rep
resent that any general movement in re
sponse to this call, by public meeting or
otherwise, inaugurated by your Honor
able Body, will receive the hearty co
operation of tho people whom we serve.
Bros. (Jrnleliueld ana Annis were ap
pointed to lay this paper before the com
mon council of Roseburg, Or.
R. B. Dilworth, becretary,
On motion the chairman of the board
was authorized to call'a mass meeting for
tho purpose specified in the resolution
In regard to D. O. Allison running a
push cart on the sidewalk for thepurposo
of delivering from his grocery store, the
chairman appointed the committee on
ways and means to examine into the
matter to see if they thought it advisable
to amend tho ordinance relating to such
There being no further business the
meeting adjourned to meet Thursday
eveuiug, January 10, 1895.
2lt 00
2 30
iv !
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the firm
known as Shoujb A Simmons has this
day dissolved partnership, by mutual
consent, II. C. Shougli retaining tho
business and collecting all outstanding
debts and paying nil liabilities of said
firm. Signod F. II. Simmons.
II. C. Siiocuii.
December 8, IStU.
Russell's Farm Gate.
slickest working thing you
It is the
ever eaw.. It -only takes
steps to open or close it .
or three
a3 this
patent is new and tho undersigned have
the whole state of Oregon, they want to
sell farm and county rights.
C.vesdbi: & Sl'ICEH,
Brownsville, Or.
Will Visit the North-end.
About January 2Cth I will be in Yon
calla lo repair watches and clocks. From
there I will go to Elk'.on, Scottsburg and
Gardiner. I would most respectfully ask
those who havo work in my lino that
they want dono to hold it for me. Very
respectfully, Jehkv J. Wilson.
Protracted Meeting.
There will bo a protracted meeting
held at tho U. B. church in this city
commencing on tiio l.itli oi January
1893, to which wo kindly and cordially
nyllo all. W. W. Reynolds, Pastor,
Dr. J. W. Strange is visiting tho south
end on professional business.
To Aid the Nebraska Sufferers.
At a meeting of the board of trustees oi
this ci'y held on Thursday evening, Jan.
3, !S93, the Ministers' Association of this
city presented a resolution scttting forth
the destitution and sufferings of the
people of tho western half of Ne
braska, and asking that the board pub
licly present tho matter to the p:oplo by
calling a mass meeting of the citizens of
Roseburg ami vicinity to take into con
sideration the propriety of making ar
rangements to collect funds, provisions,
and anv articles which might be of bene
fit to tho Nebraska sefferers. The differ
ent railroad companies offer to deliver all
contributions free at the headquarters of
the relief committee in Nebraska, and we"
are assured by a committeo appointed by
the chamber of commerce at Portland
that nil contributions will be massed intu
car-load lots at that place nnd forwarded
free of charge'. By direction of the board
of trustees 1 hereby announce that a
meeting of 'he citizens of Itoseburg and
vicinity will bo held at the court house
on Tuesday evening, January 8, 1S95, at
:30 o'clock to consider this matter, and
also of making the necessary arrange
ments for soliciting and rccaiyiug con
tributions. It is hoped that till will at
tend the meeting, and that the question
rclativo to the relief of the suffering peo
ple of.Ncbraska be thoroughly considered
and such action taken iis may bo deemed
advisable in the matter.
John II. Siiui-e,
President Board of Trustees.
Tor over Fifty Vcur?
An Old ami Wcll-Trlcil Itcmcly. Jlrs. Win
glow's Soothing Syrup has been used lor over
fifty years by millions ot mothers for tliclr
children while tcethlnp, with perfect success.
It soothes tho child, softens tho gums, allays
all pain, cures wind colic, and Is tho best
remedy for dlarrhoja. Is pleasant to tho taste.
Bold by Druggists In every part of tho world.
Twenty-live cents a bottle. Its value Is Incal
culable. He sure and ask for Jlrs. Wlnslow'a
Boo thine Syrup, and take no other kind.
waouJjrj PO JPW JH3HJ!d .PJoa
JOpMOd 2UJ1B0 VUV910 B,33Jd MO
Call for Your Watches.
Persons who have left watches, or
other work nt Jerry Wilson's for repair?
had best call and get them and pay tho
charges. Your work is dono. I close
shop on the 15th of January. After that
date I will dienoEO of tho woik for tho
charges. This is fair warning.
Jekky J. Wilson,
XiiicUlc'ii't Anilcn Salve.
The Best Salvo in the world for Cuts,
Bruiecs, sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chillbains, Corns, nnd all ekm Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed lo givo
perfect satisfaction or money rcfnndcil
Pricc25 conts per box. For salo at A
C. Marsters & Co.
Chief Shipping Point of the County
for Poultry and Eggs.
Oakland, unlike a typical agricnltural
community, has practically a steadv
revenue, earned and aid to her mer
chants every iay ol tlie year, wincli in
sures a constant circulation ot moncv at
this point, in sharp contrast to the
plethora of money in most farming com
munities dnriog harvest time, and a cor
responding dearth of the circnlating
medium during the rest of the year.
Thi3 prosperity which Oakland enjoys is
due Mirectly to the large shipments of
poultry and eggs from this .'point to tbo
Portland markets. The country imme
diately back of Oakland is especially
adapted to poultry-raising, and immense
quantities of chickens, dncss, geeso and
turkeys arc constantly being fattened on
theac lands for the tables of tho residents
of tho big city to the north. Tho finest
turkeys and geese sold in Portland dor-
iug the holidays are from the Oakland j
poultry-yards, and Oakland fresh eggs
are on sale in Portland throughout the
In-addition to tho shipments to Port-
Jaurlf Oakland nlso ships large quantities
of iKiiiItryand eggs to San Francisco.
Tiio importance of these shipments to the
prosperity of the town can bo appre
ciated from the statement that the
annual receipts from this source aluno
are no less than $300,000. This is n les
son for other communities of (ho north
west to profit from, and it affords a most
striking refutation cf the fallacy of tho
claim that small farmers :uo not pros
perous for the one reason that the" oppor
tunities afforded tho more favored classe
for attaining prosperity are denied them.
For tiio small amount of monjy invested,
and with the reasonable amount of effort
required, there is nothing that will pay
so well as small farming on Oregon soils,
and the success of poultry-raising around
Oakland, fruitgrowing in tho Willamette
valley and diversified farming in all parts
of tho state where the holdings of land
are not greater than can be worked to
advantage by a singlo family, furnish
more than an ample assurance that there
is a competency in tilling tho rich lands
of Oregon lo any industrious family that
will setilo on them.
Oakland has n population of about 500.
In addition to tho shipments of poultry
and eggs, largo quantities of fruit, wool,
and stock are stuple articles of export.
This part of tho stato is inviting to the
settler for tho reason that tho soil is pio
ductlye, and tho climato is mild through
out tho year, and wish the growth of the
rest of Oregon this section will continue
to mako tho samo rapid doyelopment
that has been noted hero during tho past
few yoars. Orogonian.
Warrants Paid for
dered the County.
Claims allowed by the county court at
November term 1S94, were as follows:
Geo. Kruse, mercandise for pau
pers ? 2
E. G, Young & Co., merchandise
fer paupers
Jr& W. White, inbbcr stamps. . .
Mrs. A. E, lull, board for pau
J. P. Bishop, lumber
Frank Schwenker, paintiug . ...
G. W. Noah, work on jail
W. G. Woodward, merchandise. .
S. Vanzile, labor
Mrs. Saunders, board for pau
pers G. W. Hart, repairing plows
F. F. Patterson, work in court
S. E. Goodman, lumber
J. C. Gillam, merchandise
Phoebe Kitchell, board for "pau
pers U. C. Stanton, merchandise for
A. C. Marsters,- merchandise
M. F. Rapp, merchandise
J. E. Blundell, work on assess
ment H. F. West, rent
Churchill, Woolley & McKcnzie,
W. S. Hamilton, merchandise. . .
L. S. Shipley, lumber
E. E. Labrie, woik for poor farm
D. C. & Geo. Churchill, poor
Abrahamson Bros., merchandise.
E. II. Fairfield, wood
Glass & Prudhomme, stationery.
S. Van Dyke, work for poor farm
D. W. Stearns, team hire
Review Pnb. Co.. printing
Mrs. Clanahan. poultry for poor
I'laindealer pub. Co., printiug. . .
M. F. Rapp, merchandise
Stearns it Chcnoweth, merchan
dise L. A. Sanctuary, plumbing
H. C. Long, Lumber
J. McKean. road work
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
8 40
13 S5
14 00
12 C5
5 40
11 75
IS 00
10 00
10 05
21 30
3 05
3 50
2 75
20 00
29 30
20 00
2 00
Tunnel No. 4 Items.
And still it snowe.
Johnny Goodnow was in Glendale a
few days ago.
Mr. Hock of Tunnel C is visiting in
Roseburg. Wonder who?
George Simpkinj, ono of the Tunnel 4
men, went lo Merlin to spend tne non-days.
Jim Wilson, the Tunnel 4 nigbtwatch,
spent the holidays visiting his parents at
Gold Hill.
Mrs. John Brocklev and son Freddie
are visiting mends ana relatives in
Grants Pass.
Mr. R. M. Bradley and daughter, Miss
Edna, were in Grants Pas ona day last
week on business.
Charles Frances, the kid from tho Tun
nel 4 carpenter gang, spent Christmas
visiting in Portland.
Mr. John Montgomery, the Tunnel 4
telegraph operator, attended the danco at
Wolf Creek Christmas night.
Misses Edna and Maud Bradley and
Eva Dealy were the guests of Mrs W.
Purdy one day last week.
Mrs. Wm. Dahlberg, Mrs. W. H. Hug
earth and Miss Meda McKenzie were the
guests of Mrs. O. S. Goodnow one day
last week.
A. Marshal, the Glendale track walker,
has had to walk several nights already
this winter on account of tho last snow
Mies Chloe McKcnzie of the Tunnel 4
boarding car went to Eugene a few weeks
ago to' spend tho winter and attend
Mat Scott was called to the Pass a few
nights ago to the bedside of his little two
vcar old'daugl.ter who was reported lo
be dying.
We understand that Mr.- Charley
Taylor, who went to Woodville on a visit
for the holidays, got his foot in a trap
married, wo mean.
Jlrs. R. M. Bradley and family have
all bieu very sick the last few weeks,
Miss Edna the worse, with that horrid
complaint, toothache.
Owen Purdy and brother went to
Glendale one day last week with several
ounces of gold which they were going to
I send to the mint at San Francisco.
Eva. L. Daily, who has b;ca visiting
at Kelso, Chehalis and Boistfcrt, Wash
ington, Portland, Eugene and Roseburg,
Oregon, returned home at Tunnel 4 sev
eral days ago.
Mrs. O. S. Goodnow's little grandson,
Ralph Loor.ey, arrived from Calilornia a
few days ago, to spend the winter with
his grandparents, aire. .Looney re
mained in California fcr the winter.
Mollie of Glendale had an item in her
notes a long time ago that there was go
ing to be a wedding in Glendale Thanks
giving day. We have waited long and
paiiently to know who tho contracting
parties were, but that wedding hasen't
came off yet.
Wm. Corder of Glendale has moved
his family down to our little city, so we
keep them company while he works on
the tunnel 5 section. Slouchey Bet.
Elkton Items.
We are now having a Jlittle o'.d-fash-ioned
Oregon winter weather.
The health of the people of our little
town and its surroundings is good.
Hence the doctor is off on a visit but will
soon return.
On last Monday morning life and stir
in all directions could be seen as the
young tolks were making preparations to
go to Scottsburg to attend the New
Year's ball, and by 10 o'clock our little
town seemed almost deserted, as some
18 or 20 of our fun-loving youngsters had
left us for the danco. But notwithstand
ing, there was a pleasant evening coming
to those of U3 who stayed at home, for
word and invitations were soon given out
that there would be a candy pulling and
social party at Mr. Robert Haney's, and
by the time the friends had all gathered
in, tno house was lull and the fun com
menced, and as all readers of the Plun-
dealek know what theEe little neigh
borlyand friendly gatherings are it ia
useless for your humble servant to try to
describe one of tbem, for I am unable to
do justice to the occasion. But we trust
and hope that all may be spared to wit
ness the retnrn cf many a happy New
Year's eve.
Michael Lieber is again heard from, sot
as an Elkton correspondent but as the
champion and vindicator of our county
assessor. May he continue the good
work. Alka.
Elkton, Jan. 1, 1S95.
Jack Abraham's.
You will remember that Goliath was
very much surprised when David hit him
willi a stone. So Jack Abraham's cus
tomers are surprised at the fine quality
of his gent's furnishing goods, and the
low price at which he disposes of them.
But Jack's rule i3 to please his customers,
as well as himself, by giving them the
best bargains possible. He buys with
cash, and therefore having no interest to
pay on debts incurred, he can Eell goods
at the lowest living rates. The ladies
cannot pass his store without stopping
and buying somMhiog for their "worser
half." Men meeting one another on the
street, generallyjask, "Where did you get
those goods? The answer always is, I
bought tbem at Jjck Abraham's and
sayed several dollars by doing so. Jack
has on hand and is continually receiv
ing new supplies of everything in tha
line of gent's furnishing goods, and will
fill orders for articles not on hand with
promptness and dispatch. Come and
look at his pins and gum coats, his over
alls and underalls, his hats and socks,
bis fine shirts and neckties, and his um
brellas to shield yon from Oregon mists.
As soon as you read these lines go right
to Jack's and he will bring happy smiles
to your face by a display of bis fine stock
of goods, and the low prices at which he
will take your shekels for the same.
Don't fail to call on Jack. Jack is always
happy when he is pleasing his customers
which he never fails of doing. Call on
Yoncalla Items.
Raiu, rain, rain.
Fine weather for ducks.
Now that the holidays are over every
thing is returnii.g to its equilibrium once
The Good Templars of this place cele
brated New Year's by having an elegant
and bounteous supper. Us common
' folks hail io stand off ami pee thpm eat.
13 73 1
" j Gues3 we'll all join and be in fashion.
. u. WaUins, who has been at the
14 00
S7 00
5 70
4 05
10 00
' county seat for a few days courting, came
McCoy, wood ' . ! . ! 100 20 j home ou tho local tod
W. A
W. A. Frater. postage, espressage. i
etc 10-3 00
A. C. Marks, horse feed 1 CO
S. B. Carr cf Scolts valley has pur-
! chased a five-acre fruit lot adjoining our
J city and is building a large barn ou the
I same. He will erect a good substantial
1 dwelling on the same place next spring. knows n t-ooit Uiini? uhpn lie sees
! 0 - o
ineteorologi-' it, and is therefore intending to raise
December Weather,
Following is the monthly
cal summary taken at Roseburg, for the j fruit with the rest of us
month of December, 1S94: Mean bar-:
ometer, 29.1)3 ; highest barometer, 30.49,
dale 24th ; lowest barometer, 29.30, date 1
A telephonoJino from here to Elkton
via. Snowden Springs and Drain is among
tho possibilities of tho near future. This
9th; mean temperature, 37; highest j js just ,That we need, as the R. R. Co.
temperature 5G, date 5th; lowest
1 refuses or neglects to put a telegraph
pcrature 20, date 2Mh; greatest tiaily office at this place, which ia needed very
rango of temperature 1G, date 13th; least iiaJiy.
daily range of temperature 2, date 3rd;' " . . . . . ..,. are rc
mean temperature for this month for IS . .. .,.., anil ' ,,.
years, 4-; total uenciency 111 leuiperniure
dining month, 191; total deficiency in
temperature since January 1st, 357; pre
vailing direction of wind, calm and
southwest ; total movement .of wind,
2059 miles; maximum velocity of
directum, and date, 2S, southwest,
G. W- Stalcy says that thej correspon
dent of the Revaiw has treated him un
I fairly; that he is nut a deputy sheriff;
that he was appointed to act only in one
j - . 1 .1.... 1 - !... , 1
- , 1 msiam u, aim iiiau lie u.13 uui uutru uy
1 1 1 . 1 , ... . .,.! t... I,
-.1 J pUIUieU UL'jHMV iiciccjju;, no cuucu hid
correspondent. Let us treat
Great Opportunity for Prune Farming:
On a Large Seals.
1720 acres of choice valley and low
hillside land, all under board and wire
fence, several hundred acres iu cultiva
tion, the very best of fruit land, has good
natural drainage, free from frost, good
house, wood, water, etc., three miles
from railroad. The vicinity has fine or
chards and this is a rare chance for a
colony of prune growers. The property
belongs; tu absent parties and must
be sold. Price $10 per acre, f cash.
balance in eight annual payments with
6 per cent interest. (DIs.-cunt allowed
for cash.
Have lauds of every kicd thioughout
the county for low price and easy terms.
D. S. K. Bcick. Roseburg, Ore.
Notice of Annual fleeting-.
Notice is hereby given to the stock
holders of the Roseburg building and
Loan Association of Roseburg, Oregon,
that the annual meeting of said associa
tion will be held at tbe office of Carrie
M. Sykes in tbe city hall on Monday,
Jauuarv 7, 1S95, at tho hour 7:30 o'clock
ra., for the purpose of electing seven
directors and an au tiling committee of
three, and to consider a resolntion
amending sections 1 and 2 of article 7 of
the byhi.vs of said association, satd
amendment being for the purpose of re
quiring future borrowers to pay a pre
mium instead of advance interest, and
for the transaction of such other business
as mav come before the board.
Dated this 20th day t,f Pecember, 1S94.
C.vRKiE M. Sykes, Secret iry.
T ... . . I I v.. ..
.lnH. . Ir.f.l mnrtntlnlln,, 7 9,. infhpfl ? I'1"'" """"I""'"1 "3
, i oi :..i. everyone fairlv and honorably and not
number of days on which 01. inch or more . J .- .
... orv . i l lei liut UUIUULUU VJI VUI,iuh,(; ouu-
precipitation during month, .77 inches;
total precipitation from September 1,
1S94, to date, 14 42 inches; average pre
cipitation from September 1, 1S94, lo
date, 13.C0 inches; total deficiency from
September 1, 1894, to date, .S2 inches,
average rainfall for 17 wet seasons, 35.99 ;
inches; number of clear days, 3; paitlyj
cloudy days, 12; cloudy days, 10.
Tnos Giiison, Observer.
The Dead Classified.
The dead from the Silver Lako fire, as
classified, are a3 follows : Seven grown
men. all of whom lost their lives in the
attempt to rescue others; 15 grown
women; 2 boys between the ages of 6
and 10; and 10 little ones under the age
of 0; total number of dead, 40 The
Ousloys lost 15 nieiiibsrs. Tho Wost
family all pcrishad, except one little boy.
Some of tho injured have lost their eyes,
and some will lose their hands, while
Bomo in nil probability will not survive.
As nil tho medicines of tho place were
consumed by the lire, the injured had no
relief in a medical way until Dr. Daly's
arrival, about 24 hours after tho fire.
Tho distance of over 200 miles was mado
by the doctor across mountains of snow
with tho thermomoter below zero.
vert justice. We have people in every
community that seem to know everyone's
business, and trv to discourage oil ad-
v.mcement of business education or re
ligion of their respective neighbors.
The sooner that those people pass off the
stage of action the better it will bo for
lhcioul soldiers will meet again on
Saturday to perfect their organization of
a G. A. R. Post here. We hope that
hey will succeed and give us a great big
bean supper. Mac Alla., Jan. 4, 1S95.
Stockolders' Meeting.
The stockholder? of the Douglas County
Agricultural Association will meet at the
court house in Roseburg on Saturday,
February 2, 1S95, at 10 o'clock a. m. for
thep.irpjsa of electing seven directors for
tho ensuing year; also for the electing of
one director for tho ud Southern Oregon
D. A. S., and other important business.
Every stockholder is requested to attend
or send thoir proxy.
F. A. McCali., Secretary,
Boots and shoes soiling at cost at
Langenberg's. Closing out sale. No
humbug. Call and be convinced.
Final Call.
All persons are hereby notified to
mako immediate .ellle:nentkof thrir in-
lebteduess to the late firm of S. Marks
& Co. ; otherwise tha same will be placed
itr hands for collection. Please give this
call prompt attention and thus avoid ad
ditional costs. Asher Marks,
Administrator cf Estate of S. Marks
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Cold Mcdit MUwiater Fur. Sin Francisco.
r-hest Honors World's Fair.
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret
om Ammonia, Alumorany otheradulterant