7 1 THE XEW 'SOUTHWEST, THURSDAY,' i)ECKMI!KR 29 1881. 3 IXQAL AIIVERTIHKMENTH. PROFEHHIOXAU mikcemJLmeoum ADVERTISEMENT -if SELECTED -VERSE.; - ' PERSIAN WVR MONO. TII in, geatla traveler thou Who hast wandered far and wide, Meeil tha aweetest rose Mow, . And Hi bright! rivers glide n all that thy eye have wen, . Wbleh the fairest land hint been?" -- - ' . - 'i , , "Lady, shall I tell tliee vbrrv Nature seems most blest Mini fair, Far above, a(f climes beside ? -JT4aJwhere those, we love abide ; r - And fht llttleapot In blessed ( Whtelf the lovottme's foot ha pressed. ; ' ' TWO JOCH'XEYH. . ' ' ' "I no on a Journey far away," - lit (Mild and he stooped and klsM-d in thcu- Ov(!r the ocean for, ninny a day - Good-bye," "antt he klssed''me once again. But only a few short months haf fled, ' When again I answered my husband's kls; " 1 could not tarry .away.tlLhtfaaldt-. ii'J -': "There In never a land so fair as'lhU." Again I stood by my Inmbund's r' " "X go on. Journey, iWwt, to-dny ; , . ' jBsaawsr the river t he boat men g! Meaw .1..,, Oood-bye: I ahall linger. long away." , , 4 Ah. The will come Thick nonn7t know,'' 1 1 ' r I sild, an I stooed for Ilia parting kls." " -w " He ran not tarry, he told me so There In never a laud no fair a thin. ' . , " r- - ' - -'' ' " ' lint many a month and many a year .. U llav flown ni'iiee-my darting went away; ; Will he never come hack lo meet me here? , ' 1 1 a he 'foil nd the region of perftct day.? , Over the ocean he went and came; r:. : Over th river and lingers there I : ' - V ' T'f li, pallid boatman! call my name Hhow m the region ho wondrous fair. Lj : , -"" - - , . Tlw" ij jwy. - 1HUVKX i:Tv He's no son of mine!" said the angry Mire, An he bade the boy from hi tight depart : And the flash of bU eye betrayed the lire, '' That wan burning deep In the old man's heart. Xow, wife, remember " the troubled year ' . Had roMed her chWk of the light of Jo- No more give way to these foollHli team, - ' ; But do Jour lient lo forget the loy!" JittLihftiinjdrj 'Ah, love wm never yet eouiUired by trying?" The day .went ly, and though neither Mke Of the alwteiit one, who wan once their Joy, Yet every nook In the old houxe woke A thousand thoughta of thevnteaxt Ixy7 Twa here he mil In bli Httle olialr, A lovely Infant with mulling eye,. And In the corner, Jtint over there, - Ilia book,he atudled ami won the prime. . Andtti6 'piother afd, "There U no denying -m..' That lx)vy waw never. yi'LAionmifred by trying 1 Th farm; In a lonaly place," nlie nald. "And It'doea not follow when chlldreu ntnhi TliajTlnto the pal It of alii they tread, . . And lofte their love for their early home.' Ah, no; alTiTT'irheVor believe tny-boy : - . Ho false to hU notde trnltn ninlil ir But whihj nrTheKW day with pride and Joy ' He'll nurely come baek to li 1m home and me. For heart are true;' and there' no denying Jhal Love wan never yet conquered" Tyjryng !". The old inairVraveled and tolled alwut- ' : . . The mead(aB( flehbTln-hlN UNiial way, ind-tlld the choei'ai but there wan no dmit lie thrmgm Tfhrboyenmrj?'inrjrwa5n: Kor now and then he"would turn hU head, ' . .- Or raiae bl face, with no look of wrath, A If aome one he" Imagined dead Had' sudden come upon bin path. An, well-a-day I there Is no denying That Ive waa never yet conquered by trying How oft we say to the heart" 44 Forget , And bide ourselves behind grim redoubt, While we journey onward, remembering yet The jjoys we fancied were driven out. And day after day, though he wblnpers naught . Of his deep regret and sorrow,, 'tis plain That the old man's hope and his only thought" . . Is to have the dear outcast at "home again." - It Is fclwaya-so; and there's no denying . That Love waa never yet conquered by trying I Joaephin Pullnl,iH .V. Y. Mgrr. A fRINN'ET. Amor, che ne la mente ml nigiona. Dnnie. Amor vlen nel bel vlso di coatel. Vl.mmi. If there be any one can take my place ' vnd make you happy whom grieve to grieve, . Think not that I can grudge It, but believe I "do commend you tw that nobler grace, Tbat readier wit than mine, that awecter face; Yea, since your riches make, me rich, .conceive I too am crowned, while bridal crowns I weave, , And thread the bridal dance wltlt Joeuud pace, For if I did not love you, It might be ; That I should grudge you some one dear delight ; But since the heart is yours that was mine own. Your pleas a re Is iny pleasure, right my right, - Your honorable freedom mat e me freer--" And you companioned, I am not alone., . ' ' , ' -H.'hrUtind Kaiwlli. . V ,.! THE SEAHONH. , X blue-eyed child that slta amid the noon, ' O'erhang with a laburnum's drooping sprays,. Hinging her little songs, while softly round Along the grass the checkered sunshine plays. All beauty that la throned In womanhood .. . ' Pacing a Hummer garden's fountain walks. That stops to smooth a glossy spaniel down, To hide her flushing cheeks from one who talk.. happy-fnother-wltli her falr-faced girls, : In whose aweet Hprlng again her youth she sees, . With shout, and danoe, and laugh, and boond. and ' BOOg, J i ''' Htrlpplng an Auluuin orcbard'a laden -w aged woman In a Wnlry room . Frost on the pane, without the whirling snow Reading old letter of ber farroff .youth, -Of Borrows past and Joys of long ago. xjuxiaMog4MUa Trears, but to be eloquent ln oh la lLeiUr 5r .life-time. A" :" '.'''"" We lose the peace of year when -we hunt after the rapture of moments. Jiotki r niiEKirm male. 0 Jamm W. (Jotx. vs. Oko. W. luoHTet NPEIl AND BY VIRTFE OF AN ORDF.R OP MALE Sn4 derree of forecloiiure IkjuimI out c,r ihal'lreull Court of the Ktateof Oregon for the County of Multnomah, on the lith day of Oeeeinber, Ikhi, lo the above-enfltled aetlon, wherein James W. Oolng, the above-named FlalntllT, ol tallied a Judgmeut agattiat Oeo, WsIHght, II. Rllalman and L. K. Oaiinan, hU wife, V. Ii"lieljuhmutt and M.C. Iteljuthmutt, his wife, lfendaots, for the sum of Three Hundred and Nine Ilollara (.., with Interest thereon at lu percent per annum from June lDtb, 1MMI, and the fur ther mini of (our 1 1 and fell and HI steeii and 2V1UU Dollars (MltL'tf.). with Interest on Three Hundred Ullara (tfiouu) IherW t the mle.st mi- er center month, and Interest on Kighty.Three and WlUu Dollar (Vwtiri) at 10 percent per annum, from yie lt day of Deeemlier, IWO. and for ronbi and aorrulrtk cost. I dld dulvievvion the l.Uh dav of De cember, ikhi, upon the Defendant's real property situate In J Muiinoman Louniy, male or iirvgop. l mm coin mantle! lo ell the following deiu-rllMHl real eatate, to-wit : All of lol Five (5) In Block y. In I'aruthem' Addition lo the lty of Iortland, being the lo on the northeaat corner of Water, If extended, and t'aruthers atreeis, n said city of Iortlaud, Multnomah county, Oregon, together with all and singular, the appurtenances and hereditaments thereto belonging or In any wUe appertaining. Notice Is hereby given that, on Haturday, the 14th day of January, Ittti, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court IIouk door In said County, I will, In obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreeloMiire. itell at public auction the aliove-descrllted jreal proerty of said Ilefendant to .lha.J nlghest bidder Tot caNb .In I . H. gold eoln. JOHF.ril Bt'CHTEI . - .....-.,Hherl A of Mall imnmh Coont y j 4 iregon i aiei -oriiann, ! in txr , .h - :-';-"- "-'; NISfMUXM. 1 IS THE CI KCUIT Ct H' HTOFTHE HTATE F )UK ION for Multnomah Countv, w. Tlioiun O.-DaviMtn.l'laln tifT, vs. Mary K. Davlmni, Iiefendant. To Mary K. Dtrvhton, Jicfeiidant': In the name of the Htate of Oregon, you are hereby required lo apiear and annwer the m-, plaint tiled agaiuNt you In the alove-n-tlt led suit within ten days from the date of the nervleeof llilimuninoni uixtn you, If servml within Multnomah County, or If servetl in any other County In this Htale, then within twenty days from theilateof JliMnervlce of IIiIn NummonN npim you, or If served by puhlicatloDof-wmmons, or otherwise, then by the flmt day of theliext regular term of the aUve-enf Itled Court nest following the expiration of six week publica tion hereof, tik-wlt : Monday.Uhe Ittlh day of January, A. D. 1HHJ; and If you fail to amtwer, for the want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wit : -for a diMwdution of the marrfago eontriu't exUting Itetween riaintifr and liefendant, and for suen omer anti runner relief a equity urmmnia. The service of this oiiininoim tiMn you ly puldlcatlon In maue in pumuaiice-or an onler titaile hv the alajve-cntllleu 4'ourt on the 61 h day of leceinlHT, A. D.1HSI. directing that It ptthliNhed onee a week for nix eoniecutive weeks In the. Nicw NoaruwraT. ' HEAI. A AMKM, ... deMBl Attorneys for I'lalntirr. NI MMOXM. ' IN THE CIKCl'lT COl'HT tF THE H.TATE OF OltEOON williln and for Multnomah County. Mary A. Vacqiilcr, iwffr-sr-neni.v A.ioiiiii vanmtn-tPTen TarriTrwnr In etiulty to Ulxnolve -t her marriage contract. To Henry Adolph Vacquler, IWeudant: In the name of the Htate of Oregon, you are hereby numiiiniied and required lo be and apear In the above-entitled Court on or lcfore the flrat day of the regular, term of said Court next In he held after the expiration of six weeks from the ft rut publication of t ht nuiniiioiix, to-wit : on or In-fore Monday .the IHth day of January, A. D. IKK.', and ahu'werthe complaint of I'laln liff fifed axsinNt you, or for waut of such an answer the rialntlrr will apply to the Court for the relief demanded lu -such complaint, namely t for a-d4crna dissolving the niar- rlaee contract existing Itetween I'lalnttft' ami vfendant and awarding I'laintlfl'tlie ciiNtMly of Nidouie and Hylvaln Vacquler, minors, sou and daughter of the part leu. Thi" u Minions Is publiNhed. pursuant lo an order of the irom timeout mou, juuim or tne niui i ouri of t of iregoti' for I he Fourth Judicial District, made and eii' -teredatH'hainbersthlsMthdayof Nvemer, A. D. Itt. HENKY F Mi-OINX. delist. Hollcltorfor the I'l sin tiff. IIMOXN. IN THE CIRCITIT COTIIT OF 'THE HTATE iFJHE gon for Mul'nomah County, sn.-Mary E. ltoditlaugh, I'lalntirr. vn. T. H. IbMlabaugh, Defendant. To T. H. Itoda bangh, the ahfve-pamed la-fendant : In the name of the Htate of Oregon, you are required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above suit on or lefor Monday, the lrtth day of January, ltt, that being the flrxl day of the term of the.alNive Court next ueceeillng the ex piration of six weeks' from the fl nt publ leal Ion of nahl .uinmoiiii.i ou will lake notice tbat if -u fnii to apiear and aimwerjjhe I'jalntlfT wll LJsik .4''''TtT'Tfe, rf againni you ror ine uinsiiiuiion oi me marriage eoniraci now exlMilng between I'lalntlrTaiid liefendant, ami for the ciiHtody of .the minor children of said-marriage, and for their maintenance and the costs and disbursements of this action. ' U ... This summons Is published Jiy order' of Hon.'Kalelgh . Htott, Judge of said Court, made on the'jmh day if Novem ber. lq. - LEANDKU H-OI.M EM,. '. del et- .( . - ' Attorney for l'lalntlfT. , RErERErN HALE. IN THE CIRCUIT Ct)irBTOF THE HTATE OFOUEOON for Multnomah County. K. I'. Canlwell, rinintiO, vs. H. E. Josephl and Rachel I Hawthorne as Administrator .and Administratrix of the estate of J. V. Hawthorne, de ceased, and Louisa H. Hawthorne, Catherine Hawthorne ,and Rachel L Hawthorne: Iiefwndanls.-lu pursuance of a decree of the above-entitled Court, male and entered In the above-entitled cause upon t lie lilt h day of leceiiibcr 1HH1, ordering the sale of the properly hereinafter described. ana appointing ine unuenugnen as rereree lornaaesucn sale, I, the said referee, will procee4lo sell at tlon, to the highest and heat bidder, for cash utdlc auo hand In Kid coin of the United Htatea, at the door of the Court iuse of Multnomah County, In Portland, In said County and Htate of Oregon, on Haturday, the 2Mb day of January. A. D. 1W2, at the hour of ten o'clock lu the forewarn of said day, all the right, 'title and Interest of the above named parties to this suit In and to- the following described real estate, to-wltt The East half of It Five (.") and Mix t) In the Houth half of double ,BIwk I In the City of Portland, County of Multnomah, and Htate of Oregon. . r r;-- , WM. It. UILDERT, .-Vla- Referee. AUHiniNTKATOK'N WALE or MEAL ESTATE NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN THAT. BY VIRTUE Of a license and order of sale duly made an entered of record on the luth day of lcembr, 1HH.I, by l he County Court of the Htafe of Oregon forth Countv tif Multnomah, In the matter of the estate of Michael Reese, deceaaed. I will, at the Court House door of said County and Htate, In the City Of Portland, on the lth day of January, I.', at 14 o'clock A. J.,sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, all and singular the following described real property belonging to said estate, ltuatcdJn ..said Multnomah iuhty, Oregon towlt t Lots N. One (1). Two (-1), Three (S), Four (4), HeVen (7). and Eight (S), In Block No. Hixtv-Heven (7), In the City of East Portland. Deeds to be made at the expense of purchaser. . P. WjOII.LETTE, ' Administrator with will annexed of. the estate of Michael Reese, deceaned. December 12, MM. " ' del.iw ST. CHART.FiS HOTEL, , ' ' ... . Carsier Prsit auael Mrrtaeai , "Jtreta, lsrtlaaMl, "7 (On the EumpeanJIan), ." " Til OH, ilflXEAM.u-.... ...................FrsBrlar (Late of the Arcade, Hacramento). THIM-HOTKL W THOROrOHLYnnE-PlUK)F, AND : I contains VM elegantly furnlsheal suits and single moms. which have been refitted and refurnished In modern style,. Free Coach to and from all trains and boats. "m oel.llf 1117CT business now before the public. You ran make I llV I money faateratwork for us than at anything else. Capital not required. We wll ITitart you. ,Ua-day Ibnd upward made at home by the Industrious. Men, worn-, en, boys endjrlrlswanted ever where to work for us. Ntw 4jspi!fst4j4vwwiFr,'wt,sjrtewWPWwpea.sjsaewy whole time to the buslaess. You can live at home and do, the work. Ne other business will pay you nearly as well. No one can fall lo make. enormous ay by enraging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made easily, rapidly and honorably. Address Jvu A Co., Augusta, Maine. deJ2 J. V. UOLfH. K. IVBKUXAVOH. JOHBrU StMOK. T. A. UOLFM. ' DOLPHj BRONAUCH, DOLPH A SIMON, A ttorn eyt-u I- La w, ODD. FELI.OWH' TEMPLE. PORTLAND, OREGON. iMOtf O. P. MASON, a;- .ittorncy-atiljfiw t'tiul Xotary Public, IUmjbi 10, Onn FI.M)Ws Taapi.a, 11RTLAMWitEGON. J. J. HALT. ' W. U MUTI.aH. .- " - DALY, BUTLER,', -Atlomfyaa t La w. . OFFICE M-itit Htkkkt, Dallas, OarooNi ' ,r l ... - mii'iMII tr CFM-IAL ATTENTION' WVKX TO ALL LEGAL ItUH- kj mesa, - - .' DR. J. WINC OLIVER, JfoHurjHtfhir IViytictan amt'Suryron, HAH REMOVED OFHCE AN D ItEHl DESCJI TUTH E NT E. corner of Alder and Fourth streets, diagonally across the street from the IhiplUt church. MRS. DR. OWENS, 7 V FTF.R THREE YEA It' ABMfNCE, HAM REhUMED J. practice.- Krit terer PI u miner's drug store, corner First and M'n streets. . , bWHihs-IiiI at tent Ion given lo dloaes of the Eye and the Ear.-' sel MRS. DR. FORD WARREN.' OFFICE-Rooms 4 and 5, MoniiasteN' Building, ItiT and HW FlrMt strwt. . t . RfXIDENCE No..ai West IMrk street'Ycorner of Htui k). s4rHMclal attention given to DlNcaca of Women njld Children. jal SLIPPERS! v SLIPPERS! Wme Cray & Sons Have juit received a large and well selected stock of both Ladies' and Oenrlempn'a 1. CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS, Which they are selling at the Lowest jlates. Tr-They are also offering ."...AT TIIK. jL, O W K N 'T P 11 ICKH. Remember the Place! W3f7 GIIAY" At MOIVH, II t'rmmt Nlrret NEXT TO MEUHHDORFFER THE HATIER. frcntlunia bInc Orgaulaatlaii s.Y,,1'il.JS4.aS Eaaea alsie Urgasilaatlafi.y I,S.1.'J'J. Aaaeta, Janitary I, laal , 3,II7.M lainr plus far Hal Icy llaldera. SI.77.1T MelMSHranee Steaerye..... I74,a.ga I- ,.,, ' ' INCOME, 12 MONTHS, $340,641.00. " CEO. L. STORY, Msasgtr Irregan. WaalilaKtoN asitl Mali. Corner First and Htark streets, Portland. D, R. Bl Mil. Jr.. Mpeclal AgeMt. sel OH ACCOUNT OF CHANGE IN FIRM, Fiohel & Roberto WILL oma. INTIL JAN I' ABIT lat, EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS i ........i - Fine Clothing, : Furniohing Coodo, Hato and Capo.. - The Very Best Opportunity to Purchase EXTRAS-QUALITY OF (CLOTHING A1t VEY 'ow,',!l,,,'E ; JTI S II TZTLt Ac 1 1 O IJEIIT8, . Cbrnmr First and Alder Streets. i. . . . . ' . r JO HIT A. BECK, " OpaMil lk Easasi4, HAM Jl'HT RECEIVED FROM THE EAHT A LARUE HUak of ! - Which will I sold at IlKMA RK ABLY LOW FKJUItKS. Call and see him before purchasing your presents. UOE ZLOQE PZLLO. - firHrffTiei1. WiTTlnk. Evarytbina new.. I'apltal not reoulrad. U'a wilt furnish you everything. Many are inakint; fortunes. I dlea make as much as men, and tioys and girls make treat pay.' Reader, If yon want a business at which you can make treat pay all the time you work, write for particulars to II, liAt.Lirr ACof'ortand, Maine. . d21 BUSINESS COLiIiEGE (Old "NATIONAL," Established 1866), It Frant Htrt. Ss. WajlilB;tsi and Aler., PORTLAND, OREGON. A. r. AKXttTKUXU J. A. WESCO....k...". ,....SrllMl .....HMisiaM m4 HTtry Designed for the Business Education of-Both Sexes. Students, admitted on any weekrday of the yearNo examinf tion on entering - . J. . StATE "OF tl'lTJOMj M IlULAStKIIIP, Baslneaa t'asirae.... TELEUMAPIIY. 4'aaaplet Issnt S3 WKITIXU. Per MHth 5 PEITWORK of all kinds done in the moit artis tic manner at reasonable rates. &end for esti r mate.- The "College Journal," containin; information of Course, and cuts of Ornamenta? Fenrnahthip, free. Address ' ? A. P. ARMSTEONO, Lock Box 104, Portland, Oregon. I cheerful I v recommend lb ireiM-nt mnnairemeiit of the Portland liindueNs College. Mr. ArmstroiiK, whom 1 have known for many years, U an exiH'i-leneed Teacher ami a practical llUHlness Man. II. M. lKr ItANCK, aul President old "NiUlonal" College. HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. OF CALIFORNIA. oitcjATNiy:i:i a. i. ihih. 4. F. HOlHHTON,'Vn-B'l L I- MAKER, Vlee-Pri'x't s'l. I 'll AH. R.' -STORY, Hec'y. x't. It. II. M ;it.l.,Oen'l Af't. totyerybody ! Free V Beautiful Book for the Asking ! 1Y APPLYING PERSONALLY AT THE NEAREST 1 office of THEHINOER M AN L'FACTD KINO CO. (or by pasUal canl If at a distance), any mluit mtwmi will lie pre sented with a beautifully Illustrated copy of a New Book, entitled - GENIUS REWARDED. ON., TheStorjr of tfSSewiffg' Machine;" (ntainln( a handsome and costly steel enraync frontls-pi-ca ; also, W finely engraved wood cuts, and bouud In aa elalairata blue. ami gold lithographed cover. No charaa whatever Is mala for this handsome book, which eaa ba obtalnel only by application at the branch aud subordi nate offices ofTha Hlnger Manufacturing Co. - THE SINCER MANUFACTURINQ CO., Principal Office, M Union Hquare, New York. CATARRH fiMtK MOHT PREVALENT BUT LEAST UNDERWOOD X of all diseases, Is the cause of much aeed leas suffering and thousands of prematura deaths annually. DR. KECK haa made this disease a life study, having besa m graat suf ferer himself until curel by Own Which he haa for thirteen years In his practice- the threa last In Portland, Or. put to tha severest tests with the most satisfactory results. He baa also treated several physlelaaa. With this accumulative evidence, we are warranted In T' Ing that no other preparation for the cure of this dlseaaa la any of IU forms wll I givs such universal satisfaction aa Dr. Kock's Sure Cure for Catarrh, Which you can get of your Druggist at home, or of DR. KECK of Jortland,.Or., at l per bollle.or sla bottles for S&. Tha ISMlor makes a specially of the treatment and curs of chronic diseases, especially . ; . Cancer and Diseases Peculiar to Women. Young men, mUh He-aged .or old men who are suffering from tha errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decayrloaa of manhood, etc., should consult DR. KECK. Everything strictly confidential. All proper ques tions answered through the malls promptly. Enclose a. three-cent stamp, and address DR. J AMEm KECK, - No. 136 First Htreet, portlamd, Oregon. ' The trade snpplle.1 with DIL KECKH MITRE CURE FOR CATARRH direct from tha Laboratory of Ir. Keck, or from Hodge, liavla A Co., Portland, Oregon, wholesale agents. - t- wy BBBiieMBa&BBBBBI THE PORTUNO UIRARY ASSOCIATION. Room Cornmr of Irat and Stark 8trt (Overlaid 4 Tllton's Hank). C'omImIm Over Eight Tfcwsjasm Mki ess.es. A Jl IA...ses OVER ONE HUNDRED PAPER AND MAQA.INEH. MEMB1W8HIP FREE TO ALL. "MONTHLY DUEH, 11.00-PAYABLE, QUARTERLY. . Diswtoks-W. H. Ijidd, P. C. Hchuyler, Jr., M. P. Deady, tl. W. Corbett, W. II. Ilrackett, A. C. Ulbbs, t', II. Lewis, M. W. Fachhelmer. IL Falling, L. Bio in. Orrrnw Matthew p. Heady, president t IL Falling, Vlc-resdent P. C Hchuyler, Jr.. Treasurer TM. W. Fecfi--helmer.Corresponding Hocretary; Henry A.Oaer, Ubrarlan and Recording Herretary. , ' : , OIL PAiNTlNQS, ENCRAVINCS AND CHROMOS I f . MMSMtorUH VAJUSB ITHMN VICTOR VOXIfEY, . rief ra frsai Wsktr. Frames Male-to Order. Old Frames Re-nilt, niack Wal nut Composition Ornaments I'retmeil. rMsysjayrsassswajasasaasistswis iaw(f isaMIMsBSBaau mi M ' 7?"'""", jtTVTi ..-y ---rjjfgjl fminedlalely'attenSed us -wat Cmraar Third aa4 Biarrl Rtreeta. rrtlapel, 9)n . USE ROSE PILLO. ( ft it : t I' r j i' i 11 t -V A" v. v.'.-"..; J"