. - , , - , -. - -r . '' ' ; : v ', . : : T,------ ' ' ': - - . --t rJ 'i1 V . j' " " "TT'-T- v '. ' - .. ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' . . ' ..V.- ' ,, ":-'--'-r -;: '' ' '" ' . ' ' ' ' ' - - ' ", - , '. , . ' . -r- ... . . f ' , , 1 . ,. , ... ' j" - . .j : j. .. Li '! .j. t ' ' . ' ji ., , r , : : ; - 2 '"" "" " "j:" VOLUME XI. yOrj6 ; - - - ; --r- TOHTLAXD, OREOOX, THUIWDAY. DKCKMHKlt gaHswi."-- - :; , PKIt YEAIl 00. J ; i -it rwrlftea for Ui New Xortliwmf. CLAIflE. ... ' A NEW-YEAR'S STOHV. bt abiqaiL nam vvthwaw "JT wUh father could see me to-night !" Bhe stood before the mirror In her aristocratic cousin's city home, aud gave the last touches to her simple toilet by fastening" tlustera of ' scarlet petaled fuchsias with their deep-green leaves and royal purple hearts in ber raven halt and snowy bosom. ; " .. . "My drew wiU not be rich, like Augusta's' turning toiurvey herself at futl length. ''It's noth ing but cheap mull over red tnoutretins delaine, trimmed with cotton edging; and hers Is cream tint satin, rufHed .everywhere with Point d'Alen eon. Her train would make me a respectable suit I" glancing at her ownTabbreviated skirts with a little shrug of contempt; "and her dia mondrareJast lovely H6w critically sh,e eyed my cheap de Jftlne when I unpacked my trunk, and how daintily she; touched my cotton-lace. She'll be ashamed, of me at the ball. I wish' was safely back at my home in the wilds of Coqullle. Why did I ever come to Portland, wouder -: y ( "Why, Claire !" exclaimed her elegantly-altrred city cousin, as she swept into theroom in the full-fledged glory of fashlonabu eleganeer-w I charming you look ! ..Those flaming bows, that .objected to before you put them on, look lovely over that white mull. Your complexion is just splendid 1 Who but you would, dare to wear those glaring scarlet aud purple fuchsias? You'll make a sensation at Mrs. Lofty's New-Year's ball." 'Then ybu won't be ashamed of me ?" "Forgive me, 'Oustie 1 rTilhWtTriean- toflwnd art. . a . I II a a juuiJLuLJV!8ninisuaiijwa nrniini nrrnra I urn 1 r - i m - sweet know the ways of city pepple, and I'm terribly afraid I'll do something 'silly and n i "Nonsense, Claire I ' Juut act your own self, and everybody will be delighted,!'; Alanson Lofty, nephew of Honorable Solomon, juorty, and heir presumptive lo aa-oid KugiiHii .estate, was to be the evening escort .of Miss Au gusU Stylish, aud he did not seem at all pleased nhenhe'yuung-lady7-who7wadeerappearance iffldfrom4teKl4o-foet iirynuwy rephyr wTap1 . pings, was accompanied by a veiled and hoodel Miss, who looked to be about a dozen years of age? "My cousin, Miss ValeMr. Iofty." The young gentleman bewed coldly at the . lioodetl figure. u ' "She has come to end the Winter with Us,' said Mis Stylish, faud I took the liberty of In viting her to accompany us to the ball to-night." Mr. Lofty was vexed, aud Claire- knew it. - She would have retreated had there been time; but her cousin nervously hurried her. down the steps i andtHtplh.e.carriage, and they were . whirled away to Mrs.-Lofty's up-town maunlon and ushered ' ; Into the dressing-room before -she had time to analyze the. heart-ache that Intruded Itself unbid den. - Miss Stylish readily removed her wraps and re . adjusted .her laces. '. Hut Claire was less fortunate. The mesheetiftter hood were, tangled In her halr,t and It took some time to remedy the niUhsp to. , her abundant tresses. Other ladles, even more grandly arrayed than Miss Stylish, buzzed about the room, or stopped to stare af her, thereby In K - creasing her nervousness and lighting up her face with ruddy hue which fairly niatehed her ilam ing mousneline tie laine, and made her painfully conscious of appearing at double disadvantage. "We are ready to Join MrLoftyjioWj Claire, sald her 'cpus'IaTLeVa go'down." . -( ' "Butrsee Texclalmed Clairer exhibiting her . white glove, with the ml and purplestain of a crushed fuchsia upon It. "lean never appear in company with a glove like that I" "Hide It with your handkerchief, then. Mr. Lofty Is looking this way. . Claire looked ud and encountered a set of. hand some teeth-beneatlv-a-heavy-brownmustacheT and a pair of keen blue eyes laughing at her from under a broad brow, crowned with light-brown air. , . , " N'Pori my word,Mis Vale, you remind me of a humming bird I" he said, gaily. "I thought you . were only a child." ' CTarrJJdHnonyTTTe rtoolrhergiovetl hand, with the fuchsia Astln wrapped snugly In' her handkerchief, and closed his arm"over It with a gentle pressure, and led the way to the dancing hall, which was filled with revelers. Miss Stylish led Claire to a seat, and joining Mr. Lofty In the mazes of a waltz, left the country maiden to her own reflections ' ' "IIow handsome Mr. Lofty is, and how ifoble !" thought Claire. "Why is It that Jt,wbo so dearly I become the wife of a wealthy, refined and rul turel gentleman like Mr. Lofty, and rise to a high. position ?. I wouder if 'Hustle loves him, or If he loves her?1" Heavens, how I coul-J worship such a man !" . f . The waltz was ended, and Mr. Lofty led Miss Stylish,' flushed and panting, to a seat, "Of course I claim your hand for the next dance, Miss Vale," he said, bending low and gazing at her. With an eager, hungry Unht in his deej-bluy. "Thanks, sir. I do not dance." "Oh, Claire I For shame !." exclaimed liss Stylish. 4You dance divinely. It's your one attraction." A - ' : .v' "She has seen, me dance the Coqullle jig, Mr. Lofty," said Claire, getting redder every moment. u"But I couldn't get on, the floor before all these .people. "Ixouldn't, Indeed." "What Is the Coqullle. Jig,' Miss Vale?" "A country dance, sir." "". ' ." -' "You",ought to see her In It, Mr. Ixfty." s4ld Miss StytlIsh.1T--'You cold! never stop laughing." Another gentleman claimed Miss Stylish for a dance and anotherand hen a third, and Mr. iofty and Miss Vale were jeft alone for the next hour. , - v. .." "Would ybu like to step Into the conservatory, MtsrVale ? You look bored." - " . "H7lar, sir?" , ' , . "You look annoyed and disgusted. "lam ourofmy.elgnigBtsJXi 1 lxlflig In th wild woods." ".Why do you keep your hand bound up in this handkerchief ?" he asked, playfully, as he drew It once more within his arm with the same gentle pressure that had sent the hot Castllian blood to her cheek when they first met ; a pressure that awoke within' her the fires of a new experience now an experience as thrilling as It was fascinat ing. . . 4lLi nti titled m v irlov. sir. and It Isn't at all "A good answer, truly. Mere is the conserva- if t's sit down leIiTidthlacacLa tree. Iet me see your glove. How did you hurt it?" -' "With a fuchsia, sir." . , "Ah, I see. It's lucky It was not your heart that was wounded. Now tell me all about your home' and how you' live, and about your father and mother, and the cows and chickens." i'There Isn't much to tell, sir. Mother is dead and I live with father In theedge of-lblaclencd lids;. "if Mhe4su't a stunner!. Ton my word, I'd said Augusta, the next morning, addressing Clat rather have her for a wife, rusticity and all, than to be tied for life to her hlgher-toner cousin. But I suppose I must marry, "the, cousin. , Helgh-hp ! My word Is pledged, and there's no honorable way of getting out of it.'.' . ' Promptly at tlie appointed hour on the follow ing day he rang the door-bell, and was admitted Into the stately presence of Mis Stylish. v" MLhad hoped. Uiau&L Miss Valelli saidrfter the usual greetings had been exchanged. "IXes she Interest you so much?" -; uYes, There is all the freshness of a wild rose about her; and she's such a mere child. I'm afraid I did last night!" wrong to monopolize-lier company Augusta's lips assumed a well-defined pout.: "Call her, please. "V J p Claire, obedient to the summons, entered-the parlor in a flutter of embarrassment." Her flaring mou$eline de laine had given place to a gorgeous suit of. plaid, toned down by black ribbons of. the exact shade of her abundant hair. . ' "How Is the wounded glove, Miss Vale?" ' "All right, sir; I removed the stain with ether ; but the poor fuchsia is dead for good and all." "Can you give us theiQoqullle dance this morn ing Miss Va.le. ?.. you prom Isetl, you know." "My cousin promised, sir'; not I. Let her try It." "I promised for you, Claire.- Pray oblige me." Claire appealed to them toexcuse her, but they -Igrew the more jirgent; andsite advanced to the ceuter of the room and pirouetted with a sort of tremulous, vibratory motion for a full minute. "I told you she was a humming bird," said Mr. Lofty.'- . ... . : Claire heard the words and seemed to catch their spirit. For full .fifteen-. minutes she seemed oblivious of their presence. The wild abandon of the Jig,' to which she devoted her mind and body, held the two spectators spell-bound. j WJjenltwas.over, Claire retreated to her room, clearing, in a house built of logs, with wild vlneal trained over them, where humming birds come to build their nestsin Summer. There's an arm of the sea conies near our home, aad the wean beach is about two miles away over the rocks.? "I wish 'oa would Invite me to visit you; Miss Vale. " . "Oh, sir, If you nly would !" . , s "I will, next Summer." . i. . Mls.tftylish found them an hoatlater,:and chided. thera.ftr abseutlng'lhemsclves from the revelers. t r. " ' . 77" "I didn't thluk it had been so long," said Claire. - "I'd have sworn we hadn't been away ten min utes,' added Mr. Lofty. . t- ' -Your aunt will hardly consider you a gallant escort," said Miss Stylish, haughtily. "Lunch has been In progress half an hour." Mr. I)fty begged pardon and made haste to re pair his breach of etiquette, . ' During the remainder of the evening he devoted himself to other guests, paying little further heed to Claire.- -, j- '" : , "May I return to-morrow and see-that Cofiuille Jig?" be asked, laughingly, as he left the ladies on the doorsteps of Miss Sty Hub's home and bade them good-night; "j " "CerUlnly," said Miss Stylish. "I Ip wcomMjtou 5!Lasked rial re. . ' . ,, ,. "Never mind. Don't be a goose." IleMI 'rume, and you'll dance the Jig, and we'll have a merry laugh, and that will be the end of lt,". :.-' "What Is that stain on. your dressrthere,ver ypur heart?" asked Mhs Stylish, as the two girls stood before the mirror In Claire's bed-room. Claire looked at her dress and then at her glove, "I stained my glove with the fuchsia, and then7 stained liny dress with the glove VVhat-wlll father say ?"- "If he's an adept at reading fatalities, he'll say you wounded the fuchsia's heart and got you r own heart wouuded In turn.) Be careful, .Claire I You're treading on dangerous ground. Tills looks like an omen of trouble." 'a ; ' . Bahf-PmiiotHupefistUlousJLl: , . , "Nor am j ' . ' "But you're JealousT ;. ' Miss Stylish laughed contemptuously. The Idea that she should be Jealous of a wild wood bird like Claire was too absurd to merit a reply.' Mr. Lofty returned to his bachelor's quarters In a musing mood. - "By Jovel" he exclalmedt ja vjl .'- JoviuwchU Iifeajid.ultifnoW4eri abashed bey oud measure atTherowiriemeri tyr "What will he think of me? Oh, dear 1" she cried, throwing herself upon the bed and giving up to a paroxysm of tears. She appeared at dinner, with swollen eyes. f "Mr. Ix)fty has sked permission to accompany us to the opera to-night, Claire," said her cousin. "I excused myself on the plea of a K JJirill WIIU MII1IIIII1A JUlr MJIU 1IIUI JUU WUIU JJ sas. Aa wun mm, ana you musu" slrangeTTTrltl paset through Claire's an IntermbigHngj'ftf delight and dread. "You'll go, of cjHirset " "Willltjjepropt'r?" nerves "(Julte so, you little goose. .Mr. Ixtfty Is the same as your cousin, you know," v v The mother of -Miss Stylish fell 111 of a fever, aud as the young lady was confined at home dur ing the remainder of Claire's visit, the humming bird, as he still called her, became the constant companion of Mr. Lofty in all his walks and drives. He knew It was not right, he said to him self; hut lie quieted his cxnsclence"by ; the fancy that he could not help It, when In living over agalu their many Interviews he" had recalled Claire's passionate gaze into his eager eyes, as he had explained to her that Augusta was cold and Incapable of loving as he loved; as he could .not! help loving the woodland sprite who had taken him captive in spite of his betrothal. " ' "I am going away uiaire. "to-morrow, Mr;-Ijofty," said They were returning from the theater lu a closed carriage, and the ride had been a long one, thanks to the extra fee placed in the driver's hand y the girl's obliging escort .Going away ! Pray, what will do, Claire V He had cauglit her lu a strong embrace which site had no power or will to resist. 'T cannot do without my humming bird; Indeed I can" - "Papa is coming for me. gone. I'm a wretch, Mr. awy from 'Uustle.'! TMie uoesn i care. 'Because she doesn't suspect It" "If she loved me she'd suspect" The Winter Is almost Ijofty. I've wou you Claire's heart echoed the words. "If you were only free, Alanson I" she said, pas sionately. , Marry roeTo-nTght,-Claire," and then you'ITi have a right to claim me. We won't tell anybody for the present Then, when you go away with jpour father, I will know you are mine, and will hayea-rigbUto-you, you see, I-wlll telUXIIssl ceremony was irforniedhvjjnjatir urpllce and. wJjgJ.tJBa-einn ffce. and Claire-uttet't-J her'low resDonses with her soul In the words. , S I'ti nlaw mti li Iamsi Sllki ft av j v v ws iviik mmmw ajisxajv re at tho breakfast tahle. "Vmrworo nut into "It didn't seem long to ne, and I didn't realize that It was late," was Claire's Ingenuous repl ' The country home In-the edge of the blackened clearing had no longer any attractions for Claire. She drooped when the dark days kept her Indoors and moved listlessly about the house, taking no Interest iuler-su rroumllngs. When the bright weather came, she spent hour after hour upon the rocks overlooking the white-capped jsurf, and lis tening to, the breakers' roar. The Ides of April came and went, and the first days of May brought Mr. Lofty to her humble country home. Together thejr wandered by, the sea shore, or scaled the rocks for birds' eggs, or gathered wild flowers from the billowy hillsides. "My business will be In such a shape that I can marry you openly by next New Year," said Mr. Lofty, fervently. : - "But what of 'Hustle ? : :r: 'The match Is declared off." "Then I'll write and tell her ofbur engagement" "Not for the world, dear Claire." "Whynot?" ... "Because you must trust me utterly. My wife must have no will but mine." Alas ! poor Claire 1 s It Is so sweet to love and trust; so sweet to rely la. PDC s entire, confidence upon-juatrong-rlght arm; so easy, when one is true and pure, to Judge, another by one's self ; and there Is so much bliss In It, that there Is little wonder that women make mistakes,. And Claire was so young, too, and motherless t .jv Cr. Mr. Ixfty returned to the city, and Claire kept on In the even tenor of her way, Wandering In the woods, clambering upon the rocks, or sauntering on the beach among the-glisten Ing dunes where' her lover had often traced the jr marriage tows In large. whlU Isttera In-the ehanglug sands. nalre's-fatherpald-llUle-heedjlQ. her ways or wanderings. He was an Innocent-minded rustic, like herself, and knew naught ofthe outer world and Its qulcksaud;r... The long Sunimer came and went and the Au tumn moved slowly by, coloring the sunlit air with gorgeous dyes that left their imprint on mi- of many-tinted glories. Nothing was changeless Except the ever-changing sea. N0VeTntS?r WefrtTarid TKniheT wasaTrhost goiieT" "He will tie here to marry me on New-Year's Eve," said Claire, to her father, holding up his parting gift, a ring with a ruby setting, and klss-ing-it reverently. ' T1ie morning preceding the New Year dawned ami Claire was In a flutter of delight . "Pit wear tbeousseHne de tain with the mull overdress, and look lust as I did when he saw me first," she said, as she began to array herself for the expected meeting. . T , She had forgotten the stain on the white mull overdrew until she stood before the littler glass to arrange a cluster of the well-remembered flowers In the simple laces at her throat fuchsias that she had cultivated for the purpose all the Autumn through. She was nervous with excitement Iff her haste the purple heart of a flower was crushed between her fingers, leaving the stain upon her hand. "A letter for Claire," said a vlllsge maiden, who had come over to assist at the simple nuptials. Claire tore the envelope open, leaving an Im print of the purple coloring of the flower on the white paper, The letter was from Augusta Stylish, and con tained the wedding cards of herself and Alanson Ifty I Claire did not shriek or faint She busied her self mechanically about her duties and kept her own counsel. There was an hour to spare before the expected arrival of the groom and clergyman, aud -she would take a walk, she said, as, enveloping her form in a cloak and hoodshe wandered xiutalone. . The Winter tides surged over the white sand duues and lashed the beach In an agony of anger.' nea guns sougnt reiuge among wie rocas irom an. approaching storm, and a whlte-wlfiged schoor tliat sometimes touched at the slimy little stood well out to seaward, while all handsreefed tier sails. The day wore on.andT the rusiio ' neighbors sought In vain for Claire. The jrfrht wind raared like a monster maniac, but retreated to the iar-oML mountains when the mornjng dawned. Then the tide went out, and the watchers on the beach saw a stranded figure, robd.ln red and white and wrapped tnsea weedat rest upon the ocean's surf beaten edge. 1 . It was the body of Claire. In one baud she still grasped the letter that had brought her the news of which none but herself ha1 JWfi aware, . J n the .other was , a crushed . ruelisfa, embteMiatio of her own wounded heart, i letter was clutched with a death erln. It Stylish and make It all right with her;at4 1 Will come to you as soon as my business is settled." They drove to the bachelor, quarters of T ft rei tnantf minima am flAswnlrAsvn lt j sf viiuiuf p m uu ww u'iir u viuu txrvuja where a mature woman Would not havegone for her reputation's sake, If pure. 1 IcreaT marrlageijera on that-Nc Wt Yir's Day Id sublltmuwbn- as removed untoru from the Icy fingers, and Its mportr wheh deciphered, told the truth, and vet not all the truth. , , MrAlansnnJjofty-fecelved her numermttrT-al aelouihess of the. fact that concernlnir tlis nronJ man whom she had thatmorninff wedded, her country cousin," could she have spoken, would nave truly exclaimed: , :y- "Yesterday, before Clod, I was his wife ;v to-day, . before the law, be is your husband --- t ( i A spend my days la the back woods ? -Why couldn't phant6m danced attehdance upon hit closed eye- : ;: . . . : - -.-. v '" : 'V. . ; . . jv .. ; , . . . . . .