THE NEW NORTHWEST, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 188L . a-- 9 PORTLAND. OREOOX.TIIURHDAY. DECEMBER 22, 188L ', . LOCAL EPITOME. 1 .... , , ' asaaaaB .......... - The StandnrtTt Illustrated holiday Issue In large and creditable number. ' ,. . Sheriff Kelty, of Yamhill,brought down a patleut jor thejnsane asylum on Tuesday. t T. AW Andrews, convicted pt. arson, was sen tenced on Monday to fifteen years la the peniten tiary. CaptatuIUabe.'slarc:e hrtni, ' near the insane i i a :r"r i . i iicai, wwk and ?ive inrt jwrrnrmnpo rrr tliA m.rt - " --"! " WftftJft7 nVOUVIHIIVUl V V ... on 12,000." The new street railway company has been grant , ed a francblse for thirty years, oue mile to be built yearly. ' - - ' T George Wright Post, O. A. R., will glVe their second annual masquerade at Turir H&ue to-uior ' row evening. . . The Oregonian tells some fearful bat true' tales of youthful, depravity, which sliow Portland's ' need of a reform school. :"' Rev; Aril: Bradfordof Mont CIaIr;N7X7 posi ttvefyrlecltnetrthe pastorate of the First" Congre-- gationalj Church of this city. '' ( There Mas solemnized in this city last week the ' marriage of a couple' so slim that it might be termed a wedding In skeleton life. ' - jfiusanna IBarrwliO-iiaabeeaJnthepoor , house for the past ten months, was found to be -,, insane on Tuesday and committed to the asylum. ' Robert Lambert, who killed Julia Clark In --September last, was found guilty on Saturday of manslaughter. A motion was made' for a new . trial. ' The building of thflLProposel railroad between . ' Salem and the Waldo 11111s issaid to be absolutely necessary -to the r future " of Salem's ' milling interests. - - The case of Jack Powers, who was sentenced to be hungto-morrow, has been appealed to the Supreme --- i'ourt, andJudge stott will to-day probably grant a stay of proceedings. At the last meeting of the Delta Literary Circle, the following officers, were elected : President, Miss Minnie A. Carson; Vice-President, C. T. l)icklnson.;..fc5ecretary, Miss Florence -A. Hmith. Mayor Thompson has gone to Washington as JTh"L.. e-reWnativeToTthe fter Congressional appropriations for the im- V.Ml ?f.i'i!J dr. rV lbe 1 lels ol Uie Wlllamt'lte ana " (after Congrei ;provement of .Columbia Rivers. i The Russian. Immigrants In East Portland are rapidly recovering from the scarlet fever scourge, owing to the prompt actlotvof . the city authori ties in supplying them with proper food, clothing, bedding, and medical aid. . 1 - The "Dolls' Fete" at the Unitarian Church on -Friday and Saturday evenings of last week was a novel and pleasing entertainment, In which old and "young were, alike Interested. A handsome sum was netted for the church fund. , " -The-en tertai n men tgi ven-at t heTay lor-street (Church on Friday evening for the benefit of the Hall-street Church, with Miss Luseas the leading attraction, was a decide Success. The lady is a fine elocutionist, and was ably assisted by some of the best local talent In the cUvr-"- - On the 1st bfTJanuary. Mr. C. A. Lelnenweber jrill remove his boot and" shoe factory from Asto ria to this'cltyTTn orderT.baXTre may have er sonal supervision over both the manufacturing anu selling, lie employs rorty nanus. Tan hery" will remain at Astoria." The directors of the O. R. A N. Co.have by unanimous vote increased the capital stock from 912,000,000 to $1M,000,00. All share-holders J n Portland have expressed the intention of subscribe Ing for. fifty per cent additional, stock. Rook were opened yesterday and will close on January 5th. ' . i-Y A fire In a clothing store almost directly under the New Northwest office on Monday evening did damage to the amount of $o)0. It looked for a time as though the building would be gutted, as a quantity of doors,, sashes, blinds, oils and Ealnts are stored in. the room next to the' store; ut No. 3's quickly "got a stream of -water on the fire and soon quenched it. - A bona fide, clearance sale of their full stock of holiday goods, consisting of toys, novelties, stationery, art goods, etc., has been inaugurated by the New York Novelty Co., No. 49 First street, between Pine and Ash, and will continue until January 1st. A rare chance Is offered by Messrs. Halberstadt A Kann for Intending purchasers, of such goods to get them at a bargain. Read their new advertisement on page 10. "Is Christianity of Divine Origin ?" Is the question for discussion by the Find Philosophical Society on next Sunday at Sand 7 o'clock P. M. It will hj a Christmas treat, as a number of minis ters, attorneys and other first-class talent will speak pro and con. We are informed that three or four ministers made it very warm for our lib eral jriendspn last Sunday ; also that the essay delivered by Miss lloss was mosiexcellent. -Jn .one vereu oy -miss oss wu most excellent, in t No m (ttptn groccrl f replug JIarvey- Deity to an audience of 1,0 persona. establishment. His prices are th the Officers of the Board of Trade and several prom .Inent capitalists have been discussing the .feasi bility of erecting a building to be known as the Chamber of Commerce. It is proposed to put up a four or five-story block In a central location, fitted up in modern style with elevators, steam heaters, etc., the first story to be rented for stores and the other floors for offices. In this building will be brought together, if possible, the Board of Trade, the Merchant's Exchange, the Merchants' Protective Union, and offices of a similar charac- -tef.-Ultlmately-ft-fs-expecled to establish a produce exchange, .fit Is understood that ten fapitaliftts have expreMseL.a wilfingness to "sub scribe $10,000 each to the enterprise Silk OraiMfittL An entirely new manner of ornamenting (equal to hand painting) Silk, Linen. Cotton and other fabrics suitable for decorating Odor Bottles. Tidies, Pin Cushions, Lamp Shades, Satchels, and In fact any article made of Silk, Linen or Cotton. Sample packages, with full directions, sent by mail for 60 cents. WM. Beck A So, Portland, Or. TurtTAns for ladle ariTeWftrenW-irA! Tnnrirre weuTal AWxMiiaLe iijcir. Handsome Work Boxes-rw In great variety, at Ackerman's. . AMUSEMENTS.; Jew "ork theatricals generally are doing well, but on the road compaules are bursting up every day. . It Is understood Miss Annie Louise Carywlil support Pattl In opera after the latter' s concert season is over.- , ;- . . Haverly opens the California Theater on Christ mas Eve with "Michael StrogotT." J as. O. Barrows will be a member of the company. Alice Dunning Llngard has returned to San r raneUco knd rejoined her-husbaud, William Horace. Tkey have fourew plays. - ' ' ... JThe Sheridan company, will return to this city next week and arive' three ierfornAnop. tor the meucing Wednemiay evening. rhevStmkoscU Italian Opera Troupe has been singing Jn Baltimore with great success. MMIe Mrla Leslino was the prima donna of "Alda," and Mme. Gender of ''Linda." t j A new tenor has arisen In Hamburg, who re calls Theodore Wachtel In his palniy days. ' His voice is unusually fine, powerful, sympathetic and voluminous ; 'and he, too, has, been a hack-driver. i.Ou December 8Ui, the Cincinnati -MusicaTXs-siaton(,.TIaK)dQrejrhomasdirecUrr.will-iug Handel's "The Messiah," with a chorus of 000 voices. The feature of the occasion will be the presence of Adelina Pattl as principal soloist. -, Itobert Me Wade, whose, excelleut "Rip Van Winkle" and execrable company art well rehiem lered liereprlll present piece callei "The Battle of the Amazons, or the Shower of (lold," at the CJraud Opera House, Sail Francisco, for the holi day. .. . . - " - The New-York San saj's: "The advertising deecmaryTaiidlrs. Jfollnghuysen vit-e oi an scireHs ai itiansneiu, nio, was 10 sianu on a trestle bridge, scream wild ly when a train approached, and then climb down to a lower beam, letting the cars pass harmlessly over her.',' It was Kathertne Rogers. v.l " One of the "societv vounir meiiTi who aitstidpil In drawing Patti's carriage from the theater to the hotel, in Brooklyn, the other day, remarked : "It was worth the money, sor, bejabers; twenty-five cents, sor, is none too much aftherwaitin' two or thray 'oors in the coold." . "The Lady of Lyons" Is to be produced at New Market Theater about the loth of January by a company of amateurs, the proceeds to be used In refitting Trinity Church. Using the play-house BB710 Lord In. How time does reverse things. .i TThe quarrel between Anna "Dickinson and Fanny Davenport has resulted in a suit brought In Phil adelphia by the former to compel a return by the latter of the manuscript of "An American Girl," the play whose failure caused the disagreement. The author says that the actress ruined the piece by making inartistic Interpolations, and the actress replies that she did so In onler to arouse audiences to some faint Interest In the perform ance. ... . ' There Is something refreshingly codt and self asHured In Florence's remark", if. ltfs not an ad vertising dodge, to an interviewer, and which it was thought; worth while to telegraph across the continent. William says he will leave the stage soon, as he Is aging rapidly and needs rest-wWdi lie-proposes to take njjxtml In tlip jgwTtion of United States Connuror M In inter. The civil ser vice of the country would -hardly be Improved by making u an asyiura lomecayeu actors. caiu - TheIaftdeTahiUlIaydn Socletyhas scon ent by-rmrtractoTf will belnstttnf ed sooirrandeT other sacrewi. and new laurels have been irlnel Section 40.5 of tlie revised statutes. Jje.ljjymaoylof ilte-JiMllvidual members-wls-efff4a4 AflxchaigetAgUatleiflfe-lniknatla-i In the vivacious; sparkling and popular opera of "The Chimes of Normandy" will long be remem bered with, pleasure by the large audiences that eat lie red toirether to hear them. Of course, from profeMsional standard, the soloists would hardly Ubear-close criticism; but the entire production was creditable. It would have' been hard to im prove; "upon the chorus, and the orchestra was more than proficient, no better one having ever been heard here. Mrs. C. 11. Woodward and Miss Annie Griffin, In the respective, parts of Serpolette and Germalne, sang well and acted fairly-rbettet than most novices. The latter lady In particular soon became a favorite, and was compelled to re spond to numerous encores nightly.-- Iter voice Is a clear soprano, and when her method has become more perfected, she will rank as one of our leading local vocalists. Mr. J. Van Beurden, whose pleas-" lng tenor Is always welcome, Is Improving .Jn stage business and acting, and consequently seems to sing easier and better at every appearance. Mr. C. A. Lombard, who essayed the difficult role of Gaspard, the miser( showed ability In the charac ter line; but he was. slow, and prolonged his "business" till it became wearltome. The re mainder of the cast was equal . to. that of any former effort of the society, and the. entire opera was rendered with a spirit and attention to details of which the society a' an amateur organization may well be proud. L remove! from No. 47 to - Mr. J.-W. Bailer has i Nos, Kl and 85 Yamhill street, bet ween Fourth and Fifth, or two blocks west of his old location. en can be found arid commodious" prices are the very lowest, as he sells for cash. All onlers promptly attended to, and goods delivered to all parts of the city. . Hats make handsome and appropriate present for old or young. Remember that the stock of holiday styles at Woods' Is unsorpansed, andja also sold at the lowest figure. . - ' t'm i Elegant assortment of Music Rolls, at Acker- man's, f- Younir ladles. If you want to keen "solid" with yoarjadnrable makeJiim. AjL21irlatinaapreeut-of- oneoi vtooda' nne nats. " Fine Store. - Silver Mugs and Goblets, at the Dollar Owing to the superior finish and excellence of J work, A bell stands preeminent as a photographer. Give him a call. For an the cake. elegant assortment, Ackerman's takes mtryreereT-nr HandAomeTAIbums, from 25 cents up, at the TVill&p Kfrr. , : ' t , ' . . GENERAL NEWS. Congress has adjourned until January &th. Tht Senate-promptly confirmed HoweTafosf-maitter-Geiieral. Hawaii will enter the universal mmUI uuio'n on the Ut of January; ' - . - Tle deaths by the burning of Ring Theater, Vlenua, were :7l4. - ; The lIouie has pojtponel conKideratlon of , the Utah J)elegte content until January 10th. There are over 5000 men at work laying the track for the Northern Pacific Railroad westward. 1 The fund for a monument to President Garfield In Golden Gate Park, San Franclnco, reachec$!, 500., . ..- ' . The Guiteau trial was suxpended on Mondaj a Ujd-Tuesday on account of the death of the wife of tfjtnyruan. Thrateamer Coma sailed from Boston for Liver pool last week with 1775 cases of rifles marked "hardware." Miller, of California, ha Introduced a bill In the Senate to incorporate the "Maritime Canal Com pany of Nicaragua." .Congressman George has been appointed a mem ber of the House Committee on Commerce.., Page, California, Is chairman. President Davis of the Senate has appointed the w4jow of the late John Weickei to the charge of tlte restaurant of the Seuate . Tt'hief J u t Ice Gray, of Massachusetts, succeeds, the late Judge Clifford as Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court. ' tin. Washington, on Tuesday evening. Ex -Secre tary and Mrs. Blaine gave a brilliant reception Jo At the Congressional, memorial services. Hon: James G. Blaine will pronounce the address on President Garfleld'a life and character. The affliction Is almost here. - Oscar Wilde, the "utterly utter" English poet, will positively sail for week for the purpose lot pro ducing his jplay and lecturing. - AVm. H. Vanderbllt's youngest daughter, Miss Illa, and Dr. W. S. Webb, son of. General J. W. Webb, were married In New York- on' Tuesday, with great ostentation and display.' i , V Secretary Blaine's letters to MrIjowell In re gard to a modification of the Clayton-Bulwcr sensation In England, re- r " Olymi'IA, W. T., Dec 20, 1881. 'To thi Hkaikiw or THI NlW NottTHWawTt ' Our capital lias relapsed" Into its usual condition of quietude since the adjournment of the Legis lature, Except t hat there la some growl I ng among the disappointed In the manner of distributing public spoils, there seems to be nothing to remind us of the previous existence of the Honorable Body whoe deliberations and peritonei has so ac ceptably occupied so much of your valuable space of late," y - j. . ,,. ; ;"Tlie Jblockade has at last been-ralsed between this place and Tacoma, bringing the latter out of quarantine aud dispelling the forebodings of many here wlii looked dally for the advent of the dreaded small-pox lu our midst. r Ty- The woman question, to whtch the New Noktii A' kmt Is so earnestly devoted, has been the general theme of conversation In social circles recently. Among the more prominent recent converts to the cause with whom I have had the pleasure of con- verslng, I take pleasure :,Jajtiamlng,RvJJft. Thompsoiir, astorbf the Presbyterian Church, and for many years an active opponent ; Professor Conine, of the high school, who used to be so bit ter against It that it made an advocate angry to talk with him : Mr. O'Brien, the efficient Clerk of f the late Senate, and Mn Billings, formerly Sheriff of this county. So many of pur-leading-men have long heen Woman Suffragists that It la a r leasure to be able to count the above named gen lemen with them, even at the eleventh hour. A friend Just over from Tacoma Informs me that Hon. El wood Evans says that women who object to his "Married Persons' Property Blll'l don't know anything at all about what they are object ing to. In my Innocent simplicity" I had fancied that I knew right from wrong, Justice from Injus tice, and assistance from hindrance. It la true I am no lawyer, but I knew, perforce of my Innate consciousness (a quality of virtue that strained by human law), that your showing up was Just and timely, the only objection to It that any woman can offer being that your article was not strong enough nor severe enough?, and It ought to be re-written and shorn of Its "taffy" In order' to let men behold It In the same-light, as applied to them, In which women aee It as applied treaty are creating a vlg44ichHUoao ' Yuur Yak1m-ismctroo7idcmlilU the Isijimlau canal. H. II. Riddleberger, Mahone's friend, has been chosen U. S. Senator by the Virglula Legislature, Readjusters and Republicans supporting him.- It was announced that he was not pledged .to the support of either party iu the Senate. . Ijegal proceedings have been commenced to put the property -tf the defaulting cashier and teller of the' Newark bank In the hands of a receiver for 'benefit of the depositors. These thieves have in? rested largely In real estate during the past few years. - " - Daniel Dale Haskell died In San Franclscojast Saturday, a broken-down, vermin-Infested beggar. InarlyayrhewmamanageT-nf-AdamrACD'a hanking and express htrit-r, Tfth an Inrnmri nf means In an en deavor to save the. bank. Postmaster-General James will strike a crushing blow at members of the star-route ring before he leaves his. office.- Civil proceedings to recover for the passage of ,a "bill abolishing the law pro lilultlng marriage with a deceased wlfe'a sister. As the measure received 140 votes to 4ft In the House of Commons last session, and 30 to 19 In the upper House, Itis likely to be successful this ses sion." . ....... Rebecca .llates died at Seltuate, Mass., on the 14th Instant, aged 80. She and her cousin, Abble Bates, were the two girls who. In 1812. hid behind rocks with a fife and drum and sounded the roll rail when several boat loads of British troops were about to make a landing, and caused them to re turn to the man-of-war. Abble still lives, aged 89 years. : " ' 7 General Joe "Johnston aocuses Jefferson Davis of having stolen over $2,000,000 in specie. He says -a carload of It left Richmond when Davis moved the civil government south, and that there were twenty, wagon loads In the train at Greensboro. He does not know what has become of the money, and says Davis has never given any satisfactory account of It. . Gulteau's former wife and her husband called on the assassin before leaving for Leadville on Mon day. Tlie scene was quite aflectlng. The tears rolled down her face aa she called htm "Charlie," and expressed sorrow at his condition. At part ing she said; "I called to say good-bye, for I, may never see you again."- Guiteau -was Impressed with Hie remark, but he graciously wished tier a i'happy and prosperous life." ' , . """Secretary Frelirighuysen on Tuesday sent a tel egram to the New York Ifcrald, stating that James Gorden Bennett's yacht "Jeannette" was truBfiril byicirwthei It ft 6f UstJ u ne 1 irlatlfti dif RoIlelJte8,-AorforTjnedoltar, at Ack ennTis. . KErCKECH MALE. I. Jf THE rilirtITC)rUToKTIIEKTATKOP,ltEM)S for Multnomsh intr. K P. 'rlwll, Plslnllfl, vs. H. , Jowrtihl and lUchH I. Ilswlhom an Administrator nt Adinlnldtrslrls of the rnll of J. Hawthorn. d rrntuil, and Iiila II. llatftnomr, Cathrtno llawtltornt pni Hkl 1.. Hawthorne, vronlanla. In parsuanroof a diMTtw of thi aimvp-pntltlp-J Court, martw-an4 ,nter fn th ahovn-rnlltlml raua nnnn lh Kith day of Ismlior, jKhl, ordfTtnc the aal rf thf nrofx-rty hrrHnaficr d-Tilw, and anpointinK tnw unifraicni a rcr-ri tomakvauch lh aall MfW, will iitwfM to aril at pu hlhMit and iiwil tiddrr, for raah In In. I Hon, to Ilia ulilk aun- hand In roil mm or in united miiM, at tna noor or in t'onn lions of Multnomah CVntnly. In Portland, In a I1 County ann iaioi umton. on rxuiiniay. tn vwn nay or Jannai falaa Im thla anil In and m llu' hillnwlm Hl'ai'MIH'll fSSl ' AJtlfSSS t alat, to-wlt I Th Kat half of lxla Kla (.1) and Kli IS) In tb Houth half of doubla Itlork I In that'll of Iortland, imumj or Muiinoinan, ana niai or i tri-ron. d3 U ; 'llfers, LETTER FROM OLYMPIA. the nail squarely on thejiead when she tells pt women whose whole liver are -spent In unre muneralive servitude, for whom there are no pro visions in Mr. Evans' bill. I don't want to be guilty of the falling of dispensing "taffy" In my strictures, of which I have Just complained In you, so I cannot help saying that a gentleman of Mr. E.'s good, strong sense on. other subjects, and with a heart so nearly right as his on the Woman Suffrage question, waa simply enacting the role of the astute lawyer whose business It is to "make the worse appear the better reason," when he framed that bill. It is worthy of Mrs. Packard, or any other Insane person, but It Is not worthyLrvansindlam sure nobody knows the fact better than hlraself.It U conOlcC--IHg and coniradliquiv, and wluuoneasured by the stands nl of Justice and right, from tKeslaudpulut of equality, regardless of sex, It becomes a filnry fabric of human sophistry, resting upon a rounaa- I nave carefully stuaiec tne wnoie tion of sand. structure, and can with difficulty refrain from money fraudulently ntned from -the Kovern-lpjtnjr thejfntlre Jnstntment.lnobedlenoe to your suggestion to MriOvana last week, only, for tlie sake of greater accuracy. I would substitute tlrufiet t fr14blotH lej" trnd rire-vrrtft, rt oindicate- "husband" and "wife" wherever the words occur. But as yoa have, asked Mr. Evana to do so, I will wait awhile and see If he com piles before proceed- ing lunner. l ours lor equal riguia, A f.M A MXTEJi. For low prices and gdod goods, the Dollar Store forever, , - 4ksVsasaaftav , . , S Elegant Cut Glassware, at Ackerman's. 1 THE NEW NORTHWEST XL lOOQ f THE WOMAN ML'KKHAtJlHTM OK OUEOON I Tit it Ncw Noktb wrst for 1HS3 will h tha urn candid and nutaMkn Journal aa in Ihfmat: Ma JMirnal ttr tha XHtlt tixl'H'ndnt In MJltlra and n-llalon. allva io all lira laautis, and thoroughly radical In opMtalnc and eapoa InKlha wrongaof lhemaaaa.N Tlia Nsw Nktiiwkts primal duty under Ihla platform will to to urg and advocate the recognition of tha princi ple of tMiuallty before tha law, aa It la firmly convinced that the greateat and graveat wrong of the maaaee at the present time la withholding from woman her natural right of aclf- goVerTVliielii;" 77 north and longitud.157eaatTtbaMlielcTalTh- 4)omng Ttmf wllle a trying one for the Woman anu crew emoaraeu in iiiree sman uoais ; uiai two of . them, containing Captain Debong, Engineer Melville, Dr. Ambler and 23, men, reached the mouth of the 1ena River on September 19th In a pitiable condition; that the third one, In which was Collins, the Herald correspondent, had not been heard from. ' Huflraglata. A legislature la to be chosen that will ratify or reject the pending equal rights amendment to the Con stitution of Oregon. Much depend on the efforts that are mad before-the June election. Candidate who have wroiff Impreaalona of the movenuut muat be given light jdjjp,t tr"r t"ari ''-1''', iiiirteTTraTTitTRgTrT .A on of (he meana of wark. U be employed, tt would b well to circulale tha Woman HurTraffe papers. Therefore the HufTraglaU of Oregon are asked to use their endeavors to estend this Journal's circle of read era. Aaaiatanee J . alao aouglit from friends. if the movement In Washington Territory.- . "7 ; Tub New Notrnvitr eontalna a large amount of good and pure literature, great care being eierclaed In the pec pa rat ios of Its various departments, and la an excellent paper for the home and family. Tha terms of subscription are f a ee a year, or ei for six months (In advance), ('anvaaser will be paid M per. cent eomm laalOn J or the sender bf three new yearly names. iiyi smiuiat l iiMg DI'XIWAT PrBUMIIXU COMrAlfT, - '" Proprietors New Nsthwkht, ......v.i.- .No. Washington street, Portland ,Trgoa. ; t ( i If - r 3, V-TJ. Jr.,