I . t ' ' .8 THfe NEW NORTHWEST, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1881. 'f A Journal for IA Propl. - -- ' ' ' Independent in Putltit and RHlffloiiP- - ".. .4re off Zr wwi, andtfkorovghly Radical in Op- - poring ana jcrpoetng im row? qr jtiae. " SUBSCRIPTION RATES .V 'ADVANCE) On Ytar, ba Mod v W Xlonlkt, . TTkrer Month. - ir Jtf'MtfM i Cff iWrau (delivered J .M Ml , yMsertocme irl 6 Jnaerted at Reasonable Price. 4" .Iff 0TffgmwfiMV Mended for ptil-lieation tkould be ad- drved to Ik Editor, and all buHneM letter to th , .. DUJflWA Y PUBLISHING COMPANY, ' ' Aa H'ajAiHrfew recf , rftond, Oregon. rOR'TLAND.OREaOX, THURSDAY DECEMBER . WL HOT ICE TO SUBSCRIBED The date printed aftejr the adit rem of your pnper denote .Ik t'tn the rrptration of yomr luboeriptxon. OUR CHRISTMAS GRkETINO. , One more the regularly revolving yean bring round the anniversary of the birth of the Bon of Man7lf the "chronology' of the BiblCIs correct and the Christian calendar reliable, It Is eighteen - hundred and elgbty-one years siuce the birth of tb risen rl nee whose natal day we celebrate. Glancing back through the annals of the naysterl- oua past, we behold aa In a vision the child-mother of Immanuel, biding away from the abodes of men, and taking refuge among tbrbrutes,whiie 'gofng down Into death agony that the child whom human law had denied recognition might be ush ered Into physical life; No tender eye was there to see, no kindly hand was there to bjess, and no "lovlngvolce waathere to cheer the 'suffering mother of the Prince of Peace; but the stars of flod looked down upon the scene through rifts in the wjnd-rlven walls, and the-angelr of mercy kept guard over her destinies and brought to her the hallowed fruition of a mother's love a frui tion that crowned her "blessed among women." The days were lengthened Into weeks, the weeks Into mouths, the months Into years, the years Into -tf ecadesrt hsj-decadea-into-centu ris-,-atwi-al ithe while the spirit of the Divine In man as exempli fled In the life of Christ was slowly struggling up ward ; slowly but surely evolving Itself from the crude beginnings from .which,, all Nature ema nates; surelyjbutlslowly" rising up from the brute 'Instincts of selfishness and bigotry ; and gradually' but certainly emerging . Into the broader light of reason and Justice, until, in this latter half of the - nineteenth century, the teachings of Jesus are rec ognized In different and widely diverging locali ties all over the earth. They are held up as an example teeming millions of human beings of every belief and nationality, of every kindred tribe and tongue, wherever his name Is spoken. Diversities of opinion about the.. Trlulty may al ways exist among men; the doctrines of atone roent and resurrection, of fallibility and holiness, of baptlum andpedo-baptlsm, of Calvinism and Armenlanlsm, of Protestantism and Catholicism, joLJe wa anlUreeks. oLMohaiumedaue-aml M6r- "rnbnsTlnaylnever beautiful teaching of the Sermon oq the Mount will live and grow forever. The Oolden Rule will , never die, and the divine principles Inculcated by It will rise more and more Into prominence and power as humanity slowly emerges from its crude beginnings and more nearly approaches the broad spiritual life that belts the earth on every Christ mas day With goodly deeds and kindly cheer. .To our readers the broad land over, the New Northwest gives greeting. It salutes the matdea'ln her boudoir and the matron In her nur - aery ; the lover at his fireside and the husband at his hearthstone; the farmer at his toil and the merchant at his counter; the housewife at. her - tasks, the teacher at her books, and' the young girl at her piano. It aends greeting to women In lonely farm-houses, and does not forget the widow and the orphan In their bereavement and desola tion. ' . ". May the year that Is to follow be one of unusual Joy and gladness , to all who read these pages. May Justice ever assert her sway among them, that Mercy may have little need to Interfere In any of, the affalTfmen. May the divine pre cepts of the Golden Rule continue to grow and prosper till they shall overspread the whole earth as 'wlth-a mantle. May selfishness be outgrown, and .aujrighteousucja JbejCQXtw shall the annual advent of Christmas day bring all the people nearer and yet nearer together In , the fraternal bonds of a common Interest that shall yet grow strong enough to last the whole year through, and every day be made a day of gift-giving and goodly deeds. The Spokane Falls ChronicU fSloes not blame Mrs. Dunlway for her scathing criticism" of Hon. J. W.Graden for introducing Council Hill No. 130 In the Washington Territory legislature, but ivaahe did the jrotera oUhat couiity.anJlnJutlca Jby statlug "that he only echoed the sentiments of his associates voters, remember" -and adds; "Not' a decent man In this county but wllcon "demn the Insult to womankind." The" 'ChrtrkicU might further add that every indecent voter In the county Is opposed to 'Woman Suffrage." It ought also to bow its bead In humiliation and shame because of Us advocacy of the aristocracy jpf sex JUlSUklUlivllJgljf-olTers. auc legislation 'or the , worn en jt refuses rapresenTaflon MARCH INOON. .1 Slowly but surely is the veil of Ignorance, tyr anny and prejudice, that has for ages darkened the vision of human understanding, being lifted from the brows of the hitherto unreasoning multl tudes; and with equal certainty" does ttie sunlight of awakening Intelligence dawn upon the thoughts of the people, Inspiring thent with better and higher comprehensions of the Divine wisdom that "in the beginning" created them "mate and female" and gave to them united "dominion over all the earth." In turning the field glass of mental vision, that it may sweep the' dltferejrit parts of the-world whereihe question of woman's euTnnchlsement is being agitated,, we" find that much progress has been made In tlie cause since' the changing seasons ushered in'lhe Christmas chimes of 18HQ. Con servative England, with her Queen "upon the throne a Queen who wields her scepter over an empire upon which the sun never goes downhas made many advances In the right direction ; Rusttlawth the ghost of her murdered monarch haunting the halls pf her capltol, and the fear- crowned succemorof his well-remembered majesty 1 1 f ... a . a. . . living in monai terror oi uynamiie, nas nevertne- less had time to advocate the cause of the mothers of her people; sunny France, VI th her merouriat population and unstable government, Is consider ing the subject favorably ; and historic Italy looks benignly upon Its progress from the summits of her smn-iiimr-- The cause that owes its birth to the American dream of liberty, and its progress to the partial fulfillment of the dream, having crossed the At lantic and made Itself heard, in monarchical gov ernments,-has returned with renewed vigor to the e broad area of Its native land, and from Massachu setts to Oregon, from Nebraska to Texas, from Colorado to Indiana, and from Wyoming to Wash ington Territory, the cheering news comes up to gladden the hearts of the workers that "The fiat has gone forth and woman wilt he free!" From all the wide'domaln of both" hemispheres ave. even from far-off Australia and the nearer Islands of-the Pacl flc comes- tlie-re vlaiionr - tlwgood f glass moves In line, that Woman Suffrage Is marching on. - ; ' The press, the great reflector of human progress, has caught the rays of liberty's resplendence and thrown them Thto the dark pages of hitherto cov ered history, bringing to the light many a long- forgotten, because never before disseminated fact, proving that women in all the bygone ages per formed valorous deeds quite equal to those of con temporaneous men. From sunny France, from phlegmatic Germany, from sun-hidden Norway and Sweden, from historic Hungary and Alpine Switzerland, the newspapers come, bringing the glad tidings that the omnipresent and Inevitable woman question Is the living ghost of the nine teenth century that will down at nobody's bid ding. In our own country the press has almost universally changed ltshaseNoi-onlyre8TT goodly number of papers published exclusively lu Its Interest, but the general tone of 'the secular No Siecond" birth can retrieve the misfortune ig badly born at first ..:' '-.-'' dom seen In which the enfranchisement of woraau does not receive respectful mention. , - The people everywhere are getting ready for the change. Imperceptibly to the unthinking hosts, the rank and file, themselves Included, are irre sistibly, moving on. Oregou, whose Legislature gave no uncertain light-upon the question . In 1880, -will, beam .forth wlth yetbrlghter radi- a m a m. a " ' ance on tne neia 01 vision in. waz. ieoras- ka'slvoTce will be heard In a clarion cry for liberty next November.JHassachusetts knocks rearularly at the doors of her legislati ve chambers, asking permission for a "majority of her people to bask In the sunlight of freedom. Indiana wheels Into line and leads the cause right royally. . Wash ington Territory Is agitated throughout alU her bordera because of the unjust Judges whO"4! to avenge her of her adversary. Women are be sieging Congress for a Woman Suffrage amend ment, and demanding a special Senate Committee for the consideration of their claims. Good men no longer ridicule the cause, and bad men are rap idly losing their power 'to "hinder, Its progress. The Goddess of Liberty Is shaking off her chains. The beacon light of hope Illumines her classic face, the laurel wreath of victory Is descending upon her head, and the merry chimes of Chrlst fnas ring out loiid and clear in her behalf ; and woman, her friend and ally, bom bards' the hosts of tyranny with those paper bullets or the brain ii I . 1 . I . I . - I ! A I , that must inevuauiy result iu uuuuuuitiunsi ur reuder. ' ' . : The ladles' Latu) League Is so successful in keeping up the agitation In Ireland that the gov ernment has determined on Its suppression, and accordingly Is fitting up a Jail for the Imprison ment of women. The arrest of the leaders of the Ladles' League may be looked for at any time. m m - - - 7 The Christmas number which -.weflVr.- to our subscrUbers this week has cost much extra labor and considerable money ; but we shall feel amply tepaldJorthe, toll and .exrense jfjt serves to fur. nlsh an additional pleasant and profitable hour to our patrona. ;- . ' . '., A pure, sweet and, gentle motherhood has been talked aud written threadbare; Is It not time to talk of a pure, Intelligent and moral fatherhood ? IXJUAL RIGHTS. Decauselthlajourual is known aajnjy vocatejpf equal rights, divers and sundry women havefrpm time to time attempted to enlist thesympathy of Its rounder ana senior euitor in, w or some scheme to favor the unjust usurpation of the In dividual and several rights of others IfoaTreasons personal to themselves and In Jheir interest only. It would seem to be heedless at this late date In the New Noktiiwksi's career for anyone, to pre sume to thus enlist it against the rights of others. Yet, such is the perversity of human understand lug, when blinded by thelemon of self-interest, that persons may always be found who profess surprise that we, who advocate equal rights in spite 6f la w or custom, should not become "theirs most obediently" In so far, as our services may" be required In accomplishing their personal alms. While we have very little respect for (lie majesty of that human Imperfection called "the law.'lan institution that owes Its existence as it stands to the one-idead prejudices of the one-sexed class in power, it Is well known by all who are accustomed to reading this paper that we have the greatest reverenceforthe,Td!v!ne right.?' It is iei-fectly proper to V "render unto Ciesarj he things that are Caesar's;" but It Is equally right and projer, and oftentimes more Jast to all parties; to fjrst determine who Is Cicsar, and by what Judgment of equity or Justice he demands what he calls his own. -'Women who oppose Woman Suffrage 'frequently call upon us for favors, demanding the use of our time (and money, If needed,) to secure them po sitions of emolument and trust, their only claim upon our help and patience, arisiugirom our well- known endeavors to take down the barriers that all hinder women from advancing toward the goal of liberty. Such women growabuslveor"inJured" if we do not serve them ; while others, who claim to believe In equal rights, sometimes become equally offended because we will not stultify our own Ideas of right in. the Interest of their pet schemes. To all such we have. only one reply ; and that Is, Let Justice be done though the heav- -ens fall TM Journal hr notarespectcrof "persc-mr but of rights; and thla-bejng its mission, it pro poses to pursue the even tenor of Its way until the end for which It strives is gained. I N VITKD TOJARTICIPATH The senior eIUor acknowledges an urgent call from the officers of the National Woman Suffrage Association to be present at the annual jjqny.eq tlon In Washington during , the third' week of January. A grand convention is to be held In Philadelphia the-week following, In which she Is also Invited to participate. t - If the women of Oregon were financially.' free and equal with the-menof the'vHta1e, iPwould be no trouble, lor.inem to raise money enough to meet the expense of a delegate's Journey, f Cer- tatn-eitiaens of Portland conclutlet-receiitly-t send their Mayor, a wealthy bauker, to Washing ton on business connected with their financial in- pres. hahangedrtttll rst-darpaper is qaton JiaTbr ..., ti quirtnl for the purpose of meeting his exjenso than it would be to raise&!5 for a woman's use In a cause of Infinitely greater moment than dollars and cents. " ' . . In the letter of Invitation, Miss Anthony writes: Oh, Hint or National Aocltlon had iho ranh to pnr yur Imvcllnit cipfnm I nut we have not; and I far that your HlMie WoHeljr' will hot tvrl rich enoufh to afford IU Jrajr see tu It that prrp)n la irprrnented by aninebody here. If you en n not emie wmte t'onimamiii'i. Henmtors or lawyer's wife who may be In Waxhliicton this Winter. In compliance with this request, the Yice-Presl- dent-at-Large, by power of the. authority, vested In her, has written to Mrs. Thomas H. Brents, of ashlngtonTerritory, who Is an able advocate of the cause, and empowered her to represent the Slate Association. Mrs. M.-C. George, wife of bur Member of Congress, Is In Portland this Win ter, and the wives of our present Senators are hot known to be In sympathy with the movement. If our readers know of other Oregon ladles new sojourning In Washington who would be willing to assist, they are urged to Inform us without delay. : .. . ' ,-' ': . 4 ; . This paragraph Is In circulation among the cur rent news of the day : "Mine. Edmond Adam, the distinguished editor. of'theVourrfe licvue. In Paris, has won the long-protracted probate suit 1.. U A f A 1 i- J- SAHVf M.-. - ' wMigiitngmmet urroy neniroxner-in-iaw. Tnls gentleman In 1879 tried to upset the will of the late M. Edmond Adam, on the ground of undue Influence, the whole fortune of the deceased being left to his widow. Having lost the case, he ap pealed against the declsloivwhicli has, however, been confirmed by the Superior Court.!' It Is un fortunate for the "gentleman" that his appeal could not have been made to the Supreme Court of Oregon before the election of last year. That body could easily have discovered "undue luflu- ence" over a testator.who made a woman his heir: - - T m. I II t I ' I X '" j I A l . iTiui op in uuiuan irevumc , an , auvuraia ,iu Woman Suffrage. law-makers cannot much longer remafn opposed to It. .There has been much conjecture as to what In fluence was used to stop Gulteau'a ordinary black- gurdUm-and-Jieep-hlra-from-"ripplngup his wife's record," when sh was on the witness stand, as he had threatened.. It is now learned that her present husband sent word by Scot I lie to the asaasstn that he "would shoot him down like a dog" If he offered her any Insult, and was An protection" to rlsk.a shot from the Ieadvllle man's revolver, and behaved himself decently. THE CAUSE IN CONGRESS... if -An Associated Press dispatch of December 16th proves that Miss Antimony's influence is already making itself felt In the Uulted States Senate, It also proves that Senators who are not yet a wak ened, to the proper understanding of. woman's right to respectful consideration can still be found. Such men always boast that they protect women, yet theydo not scruple to raise ajaugh. whenever right-minded and honorable Senators offer a'reiT olution that puts such professions to the test. 1. Following is the telegram a1Iudjd to : . " Vest opposed Ilour'a .resolullon for a sieelleoinmlttee .. on women's riKhta in theJutereKt-of-eeoaomy ; the Heat had 41 efimmltiees with idle messengera and elerks; this committee would neceasltate six more tiiesnengers. He proceeded to makeayery. humorous speerh on the propri ety of referring Vonisn HutTraxe to the Committee on Her olutlonary Claims, which had. only eoiisldered one hlll Vn .lOyesrs. The committee was typical of that ecstatic voire th Watt's hymn ; , , 1 ' " "There shall I bathe my weary soul " Ju a aea of heaveatyrestr And not a wave of trouble roll Acroai my peaceful breast" However. If women could get this committee stirred up " urai pr i' I 'i'iyiM inpra, 11 wouiu ena lae question lor erer, because the public at large, himself Included, would consider that such a proof or female blandishment and In fluence that It would surrender at once and Woman Huf TTBge wiiuld become constitutional and legal. He would refer It toJhtjTnmlttee.riOst. 31 to 21. . " RjiyTrd moved to refer It to the Judiciary Comm'litee, m being asubject for grave legal consideration, and present ing questions not fit for discussion here. IKn, getting unanimous consent, urged a special coni m ItteeoTie'appoThted, and although the mornlng'hour bad expired, MorrlHaked thatthe resolution bedlsposedof. qurhees objected.- , This was received on the 20th: At expiration of the morning hour, Senate resumed con sideration of Hoar's resolution for a Committee on .Woman 'Huffrage, and Morgan addressed the Henate.after whlclvthe Senate went Into executive session. The WomanXurrmge resolution was Informally laid aside. No wonder ' Miss Anthony Is " tired -tired," This constant abrasion of eulightened. women's brains against ignorant men's ballots would dis courage anybody not Inspired by exalted hero ism. This question will come up again soon. Sttch-ftenators-asl f oaT,ayaTndT2ghwIir i aaa , If'- pun aown" tnaCDiie little v est before their work- is done. " ''..'' GOLDEN THOUGHTS. Tlie following letter UT the senior editor, from a well-known lady .of Salem, though. not written for publication, contains so many sentiments in common with the religious tenets of many of our readers that we take the liberty of printing It, feeling sure of forgiveness, especially at Christmas timer , ' ;, , r'!, . Secure as I have leen for many years within my own happyhome, I have scarcely given a thought to the homes of less fortunate women until comparatively recently. Home very sad" Incidents have lately come to my knowl- ' edge how, 1 scarcely know ; but I have been drawn to look. at the question of equal rights In many ways. Many times I-have marveled at your patience, your Indomitable perse- ire of ttiemiwi trying auappoTftririeiflf ahg discouragements. Your mlssloa for the good of woman la full of Inspiration, and will most assuredly result ln1ncal- -The more f niiisldeir" this question of right for woman, the plainer It become v that educated women , have great power already in their hands; power which Is tieing felt throughout the entire world. There Is an Intense spirit of Inquiry abroad In the -land. It Is being felt In every home In America, every home In the knowa worhl. . ' There is'one'great sustaining thought for the women of to-day; one which may not have heen Intimately associ ated with this great cause f woman's equnlity, and still It . may be the central l.l-s with many. It Is that Christ la for us. Christ, the Incarnation of all goodness, was given - to the keeping of a nebrew woman. The Father of all trusted Ills son to the care of Mary,ani that Jewish mother to-day stands crowned with the loftiest title that ever can - be bestowed pppn woma-n I speak It reverently mother of . Immanue.ljtkKl with us. The women of America believe In hiniywhaoii earth was full of truth and grace. Ilia life was spent In doing good. Ills dying thoughts were for the women who stood about the cross, his loving motherone of them. Women were first to meet him after his resurrection. He was. woman's truest friend; and to-day he Is her de-'" fender, her advocate: All through theagee ef the New Testament this thrilling truth runs like a golden thread. binding the cause of woman close tojils loving, Ood-given purposes. The power of. love has won many a bitter con. fllct.and with this pure and holy gift fiom God, the women are full of trust, and never will give over the struggle while hope Is given. .They will win at the last, not hyfhrute force, but by prayer amTthe all-prevailing power of woman's In-, fluence rightly employed. ; --...j. KISf J 1 N(t2f KWS FROM J ERSE Y HILLS. TrtxAriAvN. J.Norember218Si. o tiir Knirou or Tine Naw Nnnnvmn I feel sure that We shall cret our sneotal Standing Committee In both Houses of Congress this Win ter; ami ir we do, thed we shall have Just hear ings before them In January. I hope for good re- ports, .discussions . and votes In both Houses. Furthermore, the questfon of admlttlnsr Dakota as a State Is pretty sure to come up; and aa sure as ii does, both Houses will h divided on the question of striking the' word "male" from Ita institution. Mrs. J. Graham Jones, of Chicaco.- It ipendlngltCVlnter In-WahIngton-and-wlltr see each and all of the members and trv to inter est tnem in the Woman Suffrage question. We are worklmr hard at the awnnd vnlum of the-yrtmain?iifTrage History. The Xatlonal tfcnIs temporarily suspended to 'give Mrs. Gage better opportunity -to hurry up her portion of theStupendous work. We are all tired tired. Rut we will never rest till the cause triumphs, let what will happen. , . ...... . trrtittp ua iff lira agllAllon at 'V'allIllglou,, as yod 7 nave done in the past.. We shall see the end sometime. Ever yours. , Scram IL Anthoxv. D i '