r - . , , " ' 't- - . .. . " , ... ; . . ' - ' ..j. lntrtlce with evergreen groves The snowfall is comparatively light because of the humid charao- ter of Western Oregon, whose mountains con dense the heavier cloud that rim; from the sua on th western slope, between the (Toast and Cascade range', where they usually fall In the- form of rain.!,' let snow-storm sometimes occur, ana it is necessary for the frugal husbandman tofpnrvide for his, flocks ami nerd during several - months in . the vekr if he would be both humane and prosper ous. There are many open Wlntera, wherein stock will have little need of other food than the graz lng land afford ; but straw- ricks and 'haystacks will keep for years in this" climate, and uo man needs' to ta without necessary food for bands of 'stock, however large,- if he Is at all vigilant. Let our immigrant now return to The Dalles and 7 - V - ' vV;;.- TAKE STAGE FOR IMNEVILLE, THE J XEV; XOHTII WEST, THURSDAY, DECKMHKU 22 18817" 15- A hundred and twenty miles to the north and east - ward, over an Immense area of diversified uplands, " all confined within tin) geographical boundaries of v Wasco county. The character of the country here via' much like that of Lake county; In Southern Oregon, except the difference in climate, which Is , much less rigorous In the Winter. In ' Wasco, Sometimes for two months of Winter there Is no snow at all. out at otner times the rail ranges from - two to eight Inches In depth. This, however. Is "uually short duration, for the "Chinook,'.! or .warm uinweia witia rrom me eaioaru, meitH It ufa uaahv ma erf o v tt gn iurt litn ufniuiti where It frequently lies all Winter. This part oi -the -country abounds In extensive table land,. bordered by tfalls of "rlm rock.'on -which the, stock cannot graze in hummer because of the ab- sense of running water. Here the native bunch grass grows in undisturbed luxuriance during the Hummer mouths, and forms a. reliable Winter rauge,when water is plenty because of the melt lug snow. This range Is Iiiexlmutiblera.lt-Can-J.ousMeiierv. The Siokan Hlver comes thunder fltdfsturbe4-oT-delroyed tn-lta-growing sea- Ing down, through ihtTYa rumbling onA awakening. eehoea that reverberate every where, - - I KPOKAN FA I.I J 'Is a border town, named from the falls of the river ron whose banks It sits, and J, one of the pleasant- est locations for a city that we have yet visited. 1?!V- l,e landscapes areoiien peojniruiiy diver " sified by groves of juniper trees, so reirularlv scat w tered over the plains and hillsides that they have the effect' of cultivated orchards." TheseJgroves ' fornl admirable shelter for stock, serving as a pro leciion iron Biuriiia 111 m imcr aim suimiiiiie in Summer. xrMEitorw -LITTLE VA-KPKYST every direction from the cafiohs all -of "which" are weII7"wateredr abounding'!!) game, and are exceedingly fertile. This part of the country is greatly in need of rail Lead out In and -uplands, In any honorable occupation without the exercise of economy, enterprise and, application had better remain wherever accident has" placed him, for he will surely be disappointed, let him go where he may. ..i-.. ' ' - T" EllKUCH UTK8 OORO E, j Our Immigrant, If fond of the strain: a ud beautiful in nature, will have been so com-J pletely enraptured a thousand times during these wanderings "by the diversity and grandeur of -the scenery that he has fancied himself surfeited with magnificence. U tit the gorge of thetlreat les-f s . ' m a a i ji mw & - I cnuies win aiioni nim so many uinereni, new and startling views of nature's wildest freaks that he will forget that he has been fight-seeing on a - grand scale lor a fortnight, aiuJ will stand awe struck and reverent at the feet of the mighty col- ' onnades of octagonal rocks that In some great con vulsion or by-gone eras were aeosiieu here, as lr some lesser world tiad fallen In ruin Uioii Che earth and wounded it nearly unto death with mis siles of destruction. IS WASHINGTON" TERRITORY. We must now retrace our steps to The Dulles, and crossing the Columbia Hlver, make our way northward by stage through the counties of Klick itat and Yakima In Washington Territory. Kvery where, as We Journey on anil on, the eye le ' holds the same Illimitable,-undulating expansion of area that has characterized these entire journey ings. Everything we behold is on the broadest scale. Middle ..Washington, like Middle Oregon, is a vast and comparatively treeless upland, abounding In auerior grazing and grain facilities, and offering virgin homes by thousands to those ..who will come and possess them, Her mountain ranges, like all the others, abound In the tallest -and fittest timber, ettmpr Mug fir, hemlockf sprocert piue;ceuar, taraarac, alder, oak ana ash, the ever green varieties predominating. KLICKITAT VAI.I.EV Looks like a desert in places, lut yields to culti vation everywhere like an oasis. The Interstice in the rocks are rich in vegetable mouldy and the very sands are -replete with fertility, as anyone can test to his satisfaction who will trust them I with orchanls or vlneyanlLwitha3opdresslng of straw to retalhlhe condensing moisture of the earth and atmosphere till they shall have taken' root, after which they will form their own pro tection with their own redundant foliage. As- cendlng to the highlands of Klickitat, our Imml- Jrraut will find himself upon an extensive undu-atlng-plateau-of alluvial soil,-marvelonsljrpn-ductlve, and so free from malaria as to have al ready become a famous resort for persons a filleted with bilious diseases; while It Is declared second to no place on the earth a an asylum for victims of pulmonary disorders.. YAKIMA VALLEY Is divided from the Klickitat by the Hlmeoe lXountansL high, grassy and densely wooded range.'uow almost uninhabited, and abounding In !",cUtul-dfsiliuYaitt derel at their feet by fringes of deciduous under- growin. mis valley, like all the rest easrof lhe Cascade and west of the Uocky MountaluV Is mouniain-waiietl, with here and there acpnspicu ous gap to let the rivers through. It abounds also in the same diversified rharacterintlcs as the others. It has the severe. winds of Snrlnirtlme the warm days and plea-ant nightjt pLBunime the dreaded snowidorm, and the longed-for "Chi nook", of Winter: the same braciiiz air. the same wohdrous, ferti lit v. and the same nronortion of unclaimed lands awaiting the occupancy of the tvlk...... II.. . . A 1 pKMit-rr. us nurrwunuiiig moiniaius are cverei with timber, are rich in miuefalsr and dazzlingly beautiful.- A natural oiemiig through these niountal os. o gradual In its ascent from the lua or the valley that the sensation of climbing is oareiy perceptible, IeaU out to the great uper uasin caiieti the bend or the Columbia Klver. and to the head of navigation, through' a country as broad Jn area and as fertile In resou rces as any of the rest. We will cross. thla Jmmense basin of what was once an Inter-ocean above the lildden bed of the river, burls now the Hummer home of the cattle from a thousand hills, and traveling In southeasterly direction, will Intersect the - ' I ' NORTHERN FACmcnAILKOAD. At Ilitzville, where we. can take passage for the" Hpokan aid Pn d'Orei He countries." Here again we are in a maze nf tMiwllderin31,HtRnc'llCiPi' Is palnetl and the brow oppressed with the lllimita hie vastness of area that stretches out unon every hand, bounded by the blue horizon, the great round gTole conveying an accurate Idea of its spherical shape to the sense ofCisiou as we gaze. and imprinting It there as a lasting memory. The railroad runs for miles through alternate sage and bunch-grass lauds, and In the neighborhood of Cheney encounters open groves of .piue timber, bordered by grandly pictiireiie and mountain (m, ,i iiT.Vwili.irii.i.Mi,vw1-J and hsve teen " . . . ' n . . ' I tiaklakrsfAMff Wtm liimikttsi i twaaiAiifaA tliAV mum amall iflf Mffi f la t f M I - w l'P lUIIIV i s-sfj j w v spisssasa enough for men to manage, the larger ones havlug Tlie river rises in tlieCourd'Alene Mountains and courses down ranidlv throuch a brad nralrie lrough7In"a sink in the plain so far below the level that at a littie distant its course would be hlttden J If it were not for the tall pine trees that lift their heads above the edges of the natural wall, as If i-oattTacimtevanirwiir-aoTroneHHNBvenem in waicningroreXeciei roes, me ueauiy oi ignore, very few years, immigrants. otmoierate means and large families would do well to possess them selves of these lands while they can (tehad for the homesteading. -TJie climate is milder than the North Palouse and the natural farming facilities are equally as good, A railroad will bring every virgin acre up to sio, 5 , and even l(Ki, when the advantages of the county are known. . Occasionalh' tersous come to the Pacific Xoj-th- -west ahd go away unsatisfied. Those who come with the unreasonable anticipation that they will find a sort of Happy Valley, ready made, with all the modern conveniences, are doomed to disap iK!ntment. The country IsTfere, and the virgin jtoil, and choice In nifmii. lnMtlfwi.yj-yi fHt, w n'"lll,u " ttccupatlon ailRe await the inteuigeiji immigrant. But there Is no royal road to success in any country; and the person who expects to prosper the pesy of Minnehaha and the majesty of Nlag ara are mingled In the falls of the Siwkan, as, breaking abruptly away from the level upland, thev. bound forward Over a steen Incline and are dividett Into several distinct cataracts by prom ontories of basaltio rock around which the suds- white waters rush with busy pertinacity, their seed augmented by the Impulse of -the near-by mountains tliut Is still strong within them as they surge, swell, rush, roar, sing, leap, dance, and do everything else but tarry, In their Wild endeavor to meet the waters of the Columbia and move on with them toward the distant ocean.-. Klectrlcity may supersede the waterfalls of the Pacific North- used .furever for grazing purposes, product ng-the . a . a is. a ... a. 9m a -- a .Ujyitf -Uit'iiLJinii-iwtBU'iii. imncr miuwh- hi-tij-unriri. serve this sublimestxrf nature's beauties from the rapacity of human enterprise, or retain its pris tine glory in unobstructed granueurror tne visual delectation of multitudes unborn. Our eyes feast ed, but by no means satedwith thks4'thlng of beauty," that ought to remain as it now is. a "iov forever." we sten with our InVhiltrrant Into a dally carry-all, bound for- MEDICAL LAKE, ,dozeiiWAli4anwlereWwKMler-l-W4MM4er awaits us ill the fohu 1f a' miniature .Deal Hea,; whose waters trassesa incredible mellclnal power, and whose sloping shores are covered with ever- jrreert trees to their very edges. This lake has neither outlet nor miei, ami is in. every way a curiosity whose eccentricities are yet-4o be satis factorily accounted for by scientists. It Is one of a chain of four or five contiguous but disconnected lakes, each differing from all the others In the quality of Its watersLSoine of Jheiii-being sweet and leaf as crystal, and others brackish and un palatable. - , Our Immigrant learns that homes for the home less are yet to be had for the preempting In places all over this broad domain: but be is not yet pre pared to make a selection : for he has heard much of Puget Sound and the great coast region of both Oregon and Washington, which he is next dis posed to visit. :.'''" WE RETl'RN TO TMATILLA, lly rail ami steamer, where, in order to see still more of this great Uper C-ountry than we have yet" visited, we take the stage for The Dalles, via Heppner, through the broad grain belt of Uma-. tilla and Wasco counties bordering on the Colum bia Hlver, our route crossing some of the finest wheat and dairy farms la the world, with plenty more Just like mem to be nai tor me noniesieai Inir. Reach Ins The Dalles, we embark again In a' Ealailal river teamer,-anililescendlng the Colum la t6 the confluence of the Willamette, wedouble the -Peninsular and land at Portland at 4 o'clock l'MIer-iifatakaateajneetha. next nioruiug our destination Kalama, the tefore mentioned lantern terminus of tlie Pacific Division of the N. P. It. It, s city of dead expectations, which was ouce Intended to rival Portland, but la now a way station and nothing more. Here we are trans ferred to the railroad, and after a ride of 1(4 miles over as good a roaa-bed an any in me m or West, we are landed at. tied to Its venrJP oin TaTnsfe. ah J mm o do w n a steen. aidelonff and seem- lRly perilous descent, reaches a broad, level plain through which the Yakima Klver runs, Its course marked by solid ranks of stately evergreens, bor- TACOMA, THE WEHTERN TERMJNl'iy A busy-town, with good prospects for further pros perityT cmnaudlnga.ilne view of the Hound and atljacent country. Hut our Immigrant Is not look ing ior vowns mau can ,Je,J"JHzfj5JlJ lie chooses o he climbs the almost perpendicular bluff's and gazes in silent wonder upon the heav ing waters and tree-robed walls surrounding Ta coma, and reverently exclaims, "The half has not been told V X . 'Walt till you've seen something worth brag ging about,' says a fellow-traveler in exultant tones. "Let's go up to the railroal office and take a look at the maps. You get only a limited View herei" Our immigrant does as he is bidden, and learns. ilsUwtohnot-tJatalJdediUriesjirf thepaclflo has a shorejlne. of and-Lcktdwatert of at least two thousand miles in extent, whose Islands, peninsulas, soussia, bays, and inlets form a labyrinthine maze of intricate meanderlngs of a magnitude to which ' the Urecian, Archipelago : - V- V'-' forma no parallel. Navigation Is nowhere lm- ieled In this great luland ocean. Any shin that sails" the Atlantic or Pacific can sail In or out of the Strait of Fuca and traverse Its entire length in au weathers without a pilot. Wherever there is water, the channel is good. There are no shoals or sunken rocks, no dangerous reefs, and uo point wueresuip-may not ssii yue In fKrtr provmetl me soundings are not. too deep for anchorage, Which at many places Is an Inconvenience. ATtllB KAD OK ApMIKAI.TV IXLETr Which forms an arm to tlie elU)W mado by 'tlie Strait of t Fuca, sjUJheJbefore-meutioned town of Tacoma, where sea-going vessels of all classes cau safely come and stay, or go, the only difficulty" here, as elsewherer-belng the depth of "the water. which" precludes anchorage except at uncomfort able distances from the shore line. J." " Numerous streams of Inconsiderable magnitude flow Into the Sound from ditterentdirectiona, their course marked by dense forests, and. the' bottom Jandott4helr borders being-wonderfully fertile Hops, potatoes and butter are the principal products, the yield . in all cases-lelng enormous. White Hiyer, a stream 4?f some lniHrtance, runs norm and empties into Seattle' llayt draining In Its' course a large area of good agricultural lauds, already occupied by farmers. , ... BEATTI.E Is a beautifully located city of several thousand inhabitants, and the seat of much business and general enterprise, Kxtenslve coal fields alnVund In her vicinity, and her, lumbering interests are unrivaled. Our Immigrant; who admired what bethought was tall timber in the Willamette Val ley, Is awed Into silence when he sees the saw-logs at Seattle and Port (lamble and learns that these sections of fallen giants, averaging from Ave to eleven feet in diameter, stood from Ji'sXto--850 feeir thus far baffled their skill In handling. The available lands immediately contiguous to the Sound are mainly claimed by el tiers, almost any one or whom (like all f huAnhabltants of uew countries) will sell - out his Improvement for OTaclr1tWthan tlielr cost andstart out again In search or new fields to conquer. - Itut there Is a yastjireftof tide land lnthe region kn'own as the ' ' - ' PKAOIT KIVER -DELTA, Convenient to navigation, and comprising from 50mtoJkMX)Q acrmj)fwhlch-jore tttan-one-half Is yet subject to settlement.. TbeJSkaglt Itlver ,' . ' , , , . .i-.t . ,.i i!r -!J? ' secondarily, a large upjer qeua oi exceedingly valuable virgin soil, by. the aid of long, winding tributaries, bonlereI 'by lHttoin lauds, heavily covered with growths of alder and vine maple, that when cleared are prodigiously productive. "The greatest beauty of Puget Sound Is Its Islands, that rise bold, high and heavily wooded from the crystal waters, some of them too heavily Umbered to admit the plow until stripped or their rorest treasures to supply the demands of the great saw-mills, after which they are suscept ible of a high state of cultivation ; or they may tie Orazlng, market gardening, fruit growing and dairying will be the great Industries of the coming years, while hayy oatsKnd hojs will be staple' productions as long, as beast, or nian shall live to consume them. OUJl IMMIOUANt'i'OMI'tllNS That his eyes ache, and his understanding is tuxed to the uttermost to comprehend the magnl- tutle, majesty aiullHlyofwatielliMJMCnn His appreciation of infinitude haa been indefl nitely expanded. His heart Is awed within him as he .views the silent majesty of Mount. Italitler, the hoary tangled head of Mount Ilaker, and the long line of snow-tipped lesser heights of the Cascade range that form the backbone of the Pa cific division of the great Northwest. Below the snow line a" dense-growth of evergreen "timber marshals Its regular hosts, and. as In phalanx after phalanx they regularly climb the serrated teeat it is not dllllcult ta imagine them endowed with: human sentience under the command of mlirhtv. leaders, so assiduously do they seem to obey the mandatory behests of the hoary-beaded monarchs or the mountains,- who watcit the 1ageant in haughty silence from afar. Itut he las yet to behold other sights, and we lure him away from the contemplation of these, sublime surroundings, and returning by steamer to;Ta coma, proceed thence to ' ( OLYMPIA. THE TERRITORIAL CAPITAL, A pretty town at the head of Puget Sound, where we spend a day .or-two among the solons of the legislature, and learn that every Interest and In dustry of this great State of the future Is being discussed by. representatives from the widely sep arated and remarkably different parts of the Terri tory, the legislation embracing lumbering Inter ests, stock-raising, grain-growing, dyking, drain Ing, Irrigating and mining. A member from the Sound advorAtes'clearlng off the forests in his km-t Ion of the country, and a member from the buneli-grass-plains wants great groves planted In the treeless uplands of another DarL Ous seeks alaw for protecting fish in one section, and another wants a game law for his county.- (Jold, silver, iron and coal come In for their share of public consideration. Wool-growing eialms-the attention of one section, cattle one, and horses one ; and so the work of legislating goes on, until our immigrant rightly concludes that there Is ample sco for everybody's talents and all peo ple s Industries In the Pacific Northwest, as well as ample room for the teeming millions of the fu ture who are destined to Ond homes within her borders. Hut he has yet to see much of Washing ton Territory, and we return to Kalama, and era barking in one of the fine river, steamers belong ing to the Qlt A-NCoC tliat make laliy trlta down the Columbia, steam away to Astoria, aud from thence in one of the little packets that regu larly cross the river to Knappton and Ilwaco. and heallngfor Itaker's Hay, land once more within ler borders. Here we take stair for a trio across the neck of Cape Hancock, our way leading for three miles through a dense forest of spruce and hemlock," when we reach thabrow of the last bill and meet face to face with the ( nni i iKfi aiTap ns- the nmv nrn, VIeague-long rollers" of-, the ocean, guarded by Jutting promontories, clothed In peretual green, with gray rocks protruding here and there; ami on the other is a long, narrow stretch of sand-girt upland.-sklrtcd by silent colonnades of trees, whose feet are laved by fresh-water lakes, abound ing In. fish and game. A ride of sixteen miles'' hringarits to the-neclrcT'Iieadbetter Point; a long rolling sand spit, commanding the southern en trance to Shoal water Hay.' We turn to the right, a ml. crossing the spit, nnd ourselves at Oyster vllle, the county seat of laclflc county, once the scat of a thriving oyster trade, that Is destined to Ins renewed in the near future by care and cultivation,- . - 1 - " HOALWATER BAY Is a broad, magnificent sheet of water at h lglji tide', and forms a great mud flat when tides are out,. , through the center of which a channel runs that Is uaYlgaiJle for steamers of light draft to the mouth of the Willapa, a large river affected by the tides to the head of navigation, and draining with Its tributaries an immense wooded bottom and tide-land district, In size, products and char acter much resembling Jhe delta of the Skagit on Puget Sound. ,To the north of Shoalwater Hay Is 11 ray 'a Harbor, another great Inlet fed by, numer ous tributaries, and surrounded., like all the waters of-lhe "Pacific Northw'eRt,'lth"denseJ primeval 1 forests."-; Settlers on any of these bays, Inlets, or water courses of whatever description,"' may rely iion sure returns for their toll. They can reach a convenient market by literally "paddling their nwn iinnM. anil nn mxillv nltali nml nFlm. for all tl? products or labor, whether of the gun, nsning tackle, garden, orchard, chicken-yanl or dairy. The.cllmate Is humid, and the seasons are kuown as the wet and the dry; though there Is more frosty weather and a somewhat heavier snow-fall than In regions of like longitude farther South. C f Our immigrant will now return to Oystervllle, and taking passage in a semi-weekly steamer, will float through the-channel-f Shoalwater Hay on high tide, and travel southward by way of the Pacific Ocean to the Columbia Har, which lie may once more cross In safety, and returning to Port laud, may take a seat in a west-side iwssenirer eoeiof t h YHb i." 1 trlfc1 tVa-1irfe7nd "proceet py ran mrougn me counties oi Washington, Vam- hlllr Polk and llcnton III Oregon, and out ftast Junctloin City to Drain's Station, where he will t a i stage that will cenvey him through the and down the Coijuille Hlver mee Coast "Mountain to the COOS MAY COUNTRY, . . Where he will find still another extensive salt water Inlet, much the same In character as that last" visited, (lardiner, Marsfi field ami Empire City already form the seat of a heavy coal, fish and lumtier trade. .The outlook for the farmer Is the same here as on the Sound; the general out lines of the country are much the same, and there" Is a striking-similarity between the tastes, habits and, provincialisms of the country people.-JrTh , same general description of the coast will also ap ply to Yaqulna and Tillamook Ilaya-and their nu merous tributaries: and our Immlgranteturns to Portland to meet his family and sum tin the re- ault of hit tour of thvestigation, ready jo cast his Jot among our people permanently and Invest at once In the line-of business to which he Is best adapted. ; , ;.0m' - HR HAS FOUNI Ample room In the Pacific Northwest for all his friends and his friends' friends. He has found a variety 'ojfocctijiatlons awaiting them of sufficient scope te accommodate the means and capabilities aii kf themliliotialre and thrpTasTitrthyTnan uracturer, 114 merchant, me. sutck-ralser, the graln-growerihe shepherd, the horticulturist, the miner, the navigator, the fisherman, the hunter, the lumberman, the ftork-maker, the dairyman, the fruit-fancier, the woodman, the brick-maker, the house-builder, and the luarket-gardener. He has found the" professions seemingly overstocked,' but with plenty of room yet "at the top." He has encountered sufficient variety of soil, scenery. climate and resources to suit all persons of ambi tion and Tndustry,lle4 nor pas. he been looking for celestial perfection In mundane countries. Hut he has found health. competence' and happiness awaiting all who will intelligently and patiently pursue them, and we take leave of hltfTTor the present more devoutly thankful than ever for the lucky providence that cast bar lot Inyouth among the Immense natural resources of the Pacific Northwest. ArvD. '.r' - ----- - ;- - ' ... Washington official society Is agitated over the fact that the new Ilrltisli minister, the Hon Lionel Hackvllle West, who Is a bachelor, has family of children, two of whom he wishes to live with him, and the query ot the hour Is, "Ought we to visit him 7" There should be tttf question about It. He Is entitled officially to the same , treatment that Is due to any foreign minister; but there should be no hesitation In refusing to accord him the social recognition that he has for feited by "belng-at once both a bachelor aud the 1 1 . 1 . .. . .--,-- . . urtui ui m laiuiij," ' (lulteau has summarize! hlg op ulons. and ylcws n regard to his trial, and sends them oat In an nsolent aud egotistical "statement." which Is published all over the country. It Is, a crying shame that publicity should be given the Impu dent vaporing of this vain wretch and wanton murderer. The New York Tim is a representative Journal and a desirable paper for those who wish to keep posted In metropolitan affairs. In politics it Is Itepublican. but Independent. Hates Dally.- fli 00 per annum; semt-weekly, $2 M', weekly. 11 00. " Tl4!kiUlrrti?t-Mvantm-, an Illustrated monthly. " published by Goddard A. Co., No. 6 Houd street, New York, at $1 a year. Is an excellent magazine for the young. Its engravings are good, and Its reading is fresh and pure. A single law for the protection" of an Inherent right Is worth more than all the chlvalrle "con cessions" to women that have come down to posterity from the dark ages. Here Is the North Beach of the Pacific North- weslTaff the fiuesl natural JrTve In the world - The beach for thirty miles up the coast Is as hard as a (all floor, and as smooth and level 11 s flnUrlui dancing platform, Onthe -us hand are the Jerful preventive an! reformatory agency, and.. shwMteferttcT-COiMITfcemTed by'tn phlfan throT plsts. . -' - - Tlie report Is denied that Mrs. Abraham' Lin coln has lost her eyesight. - f r 4 f t T " f t L.i. -, v , j v lr v v V:-,i-.-' Li.f niii'-aaiff