U.J. 12 THE. NEW NOBTHWES EST, THUBSDAY, E DECEMBER 22, 1881. the house we are now visiting being no exception. Here mar be seen every trldence of thrift, enter prise ana prosperity.' Shoe of every description, whether, of cloth, kid, Kin, calf or pebble goat; slippers In cloth,, carpet, kid. satin or Morocco ; .- . boots In calf, kip, cowhide, rubber, patent leather ., or alligator's hide ; children!! boots and shoes In every style and quality r shoes with buttons, shoes with laces, shoes with elastics?: shoe that lace or button from the Inside, the outside, or the Instep; shoes with common-sense heels and shoes with , , beefs ridiculously high; shoes with swelled heels, and shoes with beel-tlp scarcely broader than a dime, are among the staple ana fancy com mod 1 - " ties this house has to offer. As there' is nothing in which a purchaser Is more easily cheated than In shoe leather, so there ; - Is no merchant that should be more reliable than ; ' the boot and shoe dealer, and Uray A Hons meet ' this requirement. The resident abroad, when or dering shoes, should be careful to send the exact measure of the foot, as well as the number usually worn, and should state the kind and quality re- Siired, lace or button, with beeU high or low, and e probable expense. This will enable the dealer to Judge fairly and select Judiciously. All such order sent to Gray & Hons will Insure satisfactory rturn. . -n. ' ' . ; ABKLL, THB PHOTOGRAPHER. ' ' The elegant photographic gallery of F. G. Abell, iiewwaaa, xhoi.' joT'tna io rirsi lixeei, is ine attraction now. ' Upright show-case at the foot ol the stair lead the way, filled with life-like reproductions of the "human face divine," and revealing the exquis itely moulded formsof beauty, grace, wit and wisdom that have patronized him in the past, thus exhibiting their good Judgraent.ln the select tlon of a first-class artist to catch the sun's paw ing Imprints In a camera and hold them fast till they are made Jndellble upon paper card forever more. In the hall are .other and larger show cases, each exhibiting new revelatlonsof the artist' skill and further tempting the beholder to -secure an equally faithful imprint of his own Image. Ascending the stairs, and not I nr the In vitation on the glass door that bids us enter, we pause for a moment amid the waiting throng that I ahead of a on the list, and then turn to the picture on the walla and behold exquisite faces In water colors, so real that you can almost fancy .that you both see and hear them breathe. You .... think involuntarily of home sunny-haired favorite, and Inwardly resolve to catch-It hadow," lest the Icy hand of death may wrest It from your Saze. You know that life wlUxhaDge Jt ILJeaXb oesn't, and almost before you stop to reflect you make an engagement that will Insure you a last ing picture of the little one whom you love so dearly. That panel picture exactly suits your own style and figure and would make the most appropriate possible holiday present to somebody If reproduced In your own Image. Boudoirs are prime favorite with young people of both.sexe ; cabinets are always In demand: card are cheap; large plalu photograpb-B-be had 1lfe-.slze If you prefer them; crayons are fine and expressive, and ltembrandt are Just lovely. Many who read J. these page will remember Instances wherein the heart of bereaved survivor have been hopelessly wrung because of the unexpected death of some dear devoted friend or relative, of whom no pic-' ture that could not die had been secured while yet the life, blood coursed through the blooming cheeks or lighted up. the eyes that .-beamed with raditnce never to be forgotten, j -jr qiyy my eauy'e picture I" I a the hopeless cry qi many -svbereaved motherrwbo perhap Trom an unwise motive of economy neglected from day to day and month to month to secure It unfading Image. A tut am th nnffln M clofJnrvf upon f death- r-ft robed form and khejvtorna beretOo.JbeEJoUtarx IfcboJe," how many 'a more thoughtful mother has feasted Jber eyes and. heart lu melancholy satisfac tion upon the sun-painted Image of her departed darling,. Inspiring anew her ercf "abiding bone that In the Hummer Land she. shall again behold her treasure arrayed In robes of immortality, Its features lighted by a new existence that no death angel can despoil. ; ' If we are earnest In this matter, It I be cause of It deep Importance. Thousand who read this statement will be Impressed by It; and If the Impression shall be strong enough to Induce prompt action In securing the vis age of the little onesjour earnest words shall not have been written In vain. This admonition applies equally well to adults, who are often ex ceedingly careless In securing unfading represen tations of themselves. If you are anywhere In reach of Abell's, go and see him for your loved one' sake. He will take as much pains to get a good picture of a day laborer as of a railroad mag nate, and of a baby aa a President of the United States. If you don't believe It, try him aud see. ' MRS. WE8Ta MILLINERY. , We are tbrougtmorallilng about pictures now, and so retrace our steps till we reach No. 27 -Washington street, and entering, find ourself within the elegant millinery emporium of Mrs. : A. K. West. : This lady 1 one of the most tasteful jind.popUlar mllllnere In the cityral way pleasant and obliging, and able to tell at a glance the exact hade, style and make-up that will best suit her eutomeialxvoraC!M , Among the Immense varlctlesTfrom which choice may be made are the broad-brimmed Pompadour and Devonshire hate, In exquisite shades of plush and felt, beside them the Jaunty and popular tur bans, made of plush and trimmed with peacock feather, finished by real bird: Dark green and golden black cock's plume, are also exhibited, and form an elegant trimming for many popular shapes. BtylUh poke bonnets In plush, satin, Ilk and velvet, trimmed In ostrich plume of rarest beauty, and flnlshed-wltk tie of mingled 'plush and satin ribbons; bonnet In Jet plume and Jetted laces, also finished with bows and ties of rare and beautiful. ribbons; rare, flowers, aa faithful to nature as to excite thetdea of redolence; cashmere and Jet passamenterle, and ornaments and novelties of every description, form the attrac tion that place Mrs. West In the foremost rank of artists In her chosen line. A glance Into her work-room reveals a bevy of bright-eyed girls diligently at work among plume and posies, rapidly filling the numerous order from samples aelMtd bv customers In the salesroom. Goods vary In price according to quality. Home of the plusne ami other rare gooas are or course ei I.. .lulu 4.r.t firl liL ahaloa .TWetWtbwirttyn suited and the wearer's hat be genteefand In the aahlon. Mrs. West baa lately become the agent for the Northwest Coast of McC'all'a celebrated glove-fitting Bazar Patterns.- Indies In search of employment would do well to call upon her and secure territory and outfit for this business. In struction a to terms, etc., will be furnished on application. . i . . , 1 'HUMAN HAIR.' Leaving our order and renewing our walk In search of merchandise and artr-we will now visit the well established hair goods store and general utility emporium of Mrs. 8.7"Was, i Morrison street. This lady keeps always on band a liberal supply of human hair goods,eonsiBtlng of switches, rolls, puffs, braids, Curls, wigs, wave and crimps; also combsrhalr-plns, mourning-pins, crewels, zephyrs, canvas, floss.' chenille,, braids, etc., and makes a leading special ty-of stamping, for which there Is a great and growing demand. Her late Importations of fancy designs for elabor ate and beautiful tapestry work are destined to In, crease In popularity from year to year.N By the aid of. patterns readily stamped upon canvas, silk, velvet, plush. HotlantCdoth, flannel, or any pre ferred material, elaborate deslgp In. the famous Kensington stitch may be wrought In shaded floss, chenilles or womeds, affording ladies who want some sort of "pick-up" work a tasteful and agreeable occupation, which must work a revola tlon in household decorative art a the year gflr on. Ladle desiring to learn the mysteries of the art can be accommodated by Mrs. was. There I no end to the uses to which this art may be prop erly applied. -The stitches Interwoven by the loved and loving hand of to-day may form "the Imperishable heirlooms of the future. Tapestry wa In vogue long beforethe Tmjan war. "n The various accounts of the" work of feminine fingers of the pre-barbaric ajres, when " "Achilles bade the att-nHnK meh and maids Plnre rouche In the pirn-h. nd over them, P4miw aumpiuou purple main, en which Jo Isjr Embroidered tnpratrln," . . ... . Are destined to be re-read with new zest under the Inspiration of this revival of a Jong slumbering art. The histories. of Arachneand Lydia are to be 7 revived, and patient-Penelope and white armed Andromache are to .form the themes of future conversation as of old. The time for our vilt Is up, but as we bid Mrs. Was good afternoon we cannot refrain from be stowing a' lingering look upon the shelved and counter to observe the famous llutterlck Pattern, with which she Is always ready to supply her cus In looking to the right and left for new objects of attraction, our eyes are directed to No. 103 First street, where they encounter an elegant show window that temptingly bids us enter a window which every lover bf.ihe beautiful In Portland recognizes at once as belonging to Morse' Palace of Art. A jnore approprlatename for this emo riumWild not have been .Imagined. After lin gering long at the expansive window, admiring plcture lnwatercol-or-.plctures In oil pl tures In crayon, pictures In India Ink, and etch? Ings; panel pictures, shell pictures, pictures In gilt, ami, pictures on easels; . Chrlatmaa. card, New-Year's novelties, and a vast unnamable col lection of unique bric-a-brac, suggestive of the famed palace of AUddln, you turn your attention to the picture frames and mouldings of every ITyWraTue'and fftfleiy UlBrTntorn the walls, or fill the aljacent work-room. Here, from samples chosen In the store, such mountings for pictures are manufactured dally a would proerlyJ 7 rare a aueeu's-nalaee. You ' do " not wonder, as I you pause to ponVc.anLa(laiire tbat.crdt?riLartt4lon baMiirlH New-Yorkr numerous and buHineMi brisk. , - Mr. Morse takes supreme interest In the per fection of his work. Long aoclatlOn with hi chosen art make him exceedingly capable as a iifdge of choice colors, qualities and combination, ,n accomplishment of which .hi many customers Et the benefit gratuitously. He also deals rgely In musical Instruments, Including pianos, organs, violins, etc, of which a supply Is always kept on hand." ' -.."-" ,: The beauty and utility of this Palace of Art Is further, enhanced by tne presence In the same building of the attractive " ' ' JRWELRY BUSINESS . Of Mr. Gove, a young genUeman of enterprise and ability, who displays a handsome show window, glittering with the newest and choicest designs In silver-plated ware, consisting In part of full tea sets, elaborately carved and radiant, like stars; castor with bells, and castors without; napkin rings of every style and design : tea spoons, table spoons, knives, fork, pickle dishes, spoon-hokiers, cytree urns, fish knives, pie knives, dessert knives', coffee spoons, Individual castors, butter knives, etc, all of which are warranted to prove as repre sented. Mr. Gove also deals In a regular line of .first-class Jewelry, comprising brooches, rings. ear-rings, bracelets, scait-pins, snawl-plns, ciiatns. watches, and novelties ; and keeps on hand and constantly receives new goods In "rolled gold," a substantial line of new-sty le jewelry, beauwui and chaste, chiefly oousplcuous because of Its re al most equal to solid gold, and looks fully as well, the green grocer's emporium" of Mr. J. W. Bailey. No. 83 and KV Yamhill street, where a fine and freh assortment of ' everything desirable In the culinary line Is temptingly llsplayed in good enough order for a dry or fancy goods house. The store is commodious, light and convenient, Its different department being so arranged that It Is no trouble to choose Just what Is desired for the table from the sample exhibited. Apples, the finest In the market; butter and eggs ditto; salt meats and flh In great variety; vegetable of every description, according to their season the best brands of flour, oatmeal, Graham, corn meal, cornstarch and farina; coffee, tea. sugarraatt, syrup, spice, honeyvlnegar and cider; all the smaller fruit fresh In their season, or In canalf out; dried fruits of every variety; bread, cheese, crackers, . soda, yeast powders, yeast 'cakes and hops; brooms, brushes, mop-sticks, buckets, paljs; everything or anything the, market affords, may be called for and this house will furnish it. The back yard boasts a goodly array of Christmas turkeys, fat a butter and sleek as peeled onions. Although Mr: Ilalley ha been a resident of Port land but a few years, be has, by fair dealing, small profits and cash trade, built up a lucrative and constantlv irrowlnir business, and forms an other member of the numerous clam .already,. quoted who are the. architects or their own suc cess.' A customer with an order for ten cents' worthof white beans will receive a prompt and courteous attention at hie hands as theveomml sary in quest of ship chandlery by the ton. He forms laHtlng personal friendships through In nate courtesy, causing those who. deal wlthrhlm to return and deal again. He makes -.aT spe cialty of promptness In filling onlersand It is a pleasure to deal with htnl; The comfort of a family depend far more upon the green grocer than the dry good merchant. , You can live for a much longer, time without the aid of the latter than the former, and it Is' especially dexlrable that the man who deals tn your daily food should be conscientious In supplying the demands of the stomach with unadulterated provisions. MOONEYE VALENTINE. ' Country and city retail merchants who had long felt 'the want of a Jobbing house in this city en tirely' tie voted to millinery and fancy goods, were much pleased when the announcement was made that the well-known firm of Mooney & Valentine Jiad changed their base of operatldnOrminhTreT tail to the wholesale line by establishing them selves at No. 28 Front street, in a neat two-story Af-brkkrff tlte-lepurroe-oi wrryrngant'h'gDodsTttiail of which full lines may always be found In their seasons, comprising a complete assortment of mil linery, consisting of felt hat,nlraw goods, flowers, feathers, plumes, silks, satins, laces, velvets, plushes, etc. ; great variety of hosiery, under wear and fancy goods In zephyr and llerliu wool ; corda,' tassels, corsets, handkerchiefs, ties, bibs, and general furnishing goods; buttons in every design and of every conceivable variety, and great quantities of other notions, too numerous to men tion, but always In demand among retail dealers, and always. called for by purchasers at rettfl stores, tevena yeartaguMjnOIoxle ously been engaged in millinery at Halem, re moved to Portland and induced her nephew, Mr. Mooney," to come out from New York and engage with her In the general mercantile business. Mr. Mooney had been brought up In the Jobbing trade In New York, but he at once familiarized himself with the retalL-business, and speedily' became a great favorite with those who dealt at their store. The business grew and prospered, and, Mrs. Mox ley. getting tired of-conmerclalpursuitrold her Interest to Mr. Valentine, a boyhood's frleud of Mr. Mooney, who was brought up in the commls- The members of the new firm applied them selves with vigor to the retail trade, but kept an eye continually to the Jobbing business, the senior member spending much of his time as a solicitor on the road, an occupation In which he .was signally successful. After proving their capabil ity to succeed as retail merchants, the young gen tlemen decided to close out .their retail stock at cost ami take a down-town store for the purpose of engaging exclusively in the Jobbing trade. Their retail stock, being com posed. of fresh and desirable goods, met already sale, and the Arm was established In its new quarters in time tat the Autumn trade, of which It readily drew a goodry share of patronagerasTMessrsrMooney- aleutlne,, being by this time well acquainted throughout the Pacific Northwest, had but to ad' vertlse their new business to Insure plenty of cus tomers. They do a strictly legitimate business, employ no "cappers," and rely entirely upon fair dealing for their success. Everything about the wholesale store carries with It the idea of thrift, good Judgment, econ omy, honest dealing and general business capac ity that characterized the retail business. No good areyniUrepresented In order to sell them. Indeed, there Is nothing to misrepresent, as the stock is always fresh and new, being selected in New York by the father of Mr. Valentine, the well-known commission merchant of that city, in whose house Mr. V. was educated for the business. rtifrsUpeflor facilities of these gentlemen for 'The -elegant furniture manufactory and sales rooms of ishindler A Chadbourne, First and Front streets, between Morrison and Yamhill. The City Dry Goods 8tore, No. 147 Third street, which, though new, already ranks high lu the esti mation. of Its numerous patrons. ; " . The extensive stock of McKercher A Thompson, booksellers and stationers, No. 103 First street. " The Hanta Claus' Headquarters of Wm. Deck A Hon, in Centennial lilock, on Second street. The bargain dry goods house of J. F. D. Wrinkle & Co., corner-First and Salmon streets "" The jewelry store of John A. Heck, on Front st reet, between A Ider and Morrison. The extensive Jewelry store of Henrichsen A Greenberg, No. 149 First street. The wholesale and retail book store of J. K.Gill A V . Xn 0.1 fc'irat at root. the .only difference between the two claserbe M'OTl markable cheapness. Thl Jewelry will wear Uturlng the best Clashes of fancy goods at Jobbing a a a m a a aa aa I anaataKms In B v A .ft c a am a 1 aa ll,A ,, A All . a as. . . aa 1 aa idertheprlce; belng"lnrfAv6rrtlie rihlrliisle worth of the latter com modlty, which wll Lai way bring "its weight In gold"r iflhrown upon tne market.' Mr. Gove deserve the thanks of multitudes of customer who feet that their mean wllliiot Justify expensive purchases, and yet desire to dis tribute appropriate present as keepsake or a article of utility among their many loved ones. "Cheap Jewelry" ha come Into almost universal vogue, It being scarcely osible for any but an expert to detect the clever imitations in the mar ket. The advantage In dealing with Mr. Gove lie In knowing that you will get exactly what you pay for. If you desire aii expensive. article, you will get It at its proper value; if you ask for an article of "rolled gold," he ha It at a figure which you can afford to pay. - With the advantage of tradlngat Morse's Palace of Art that are here enumerated, are many others of which space will not permit special mention. Every reader Is advised to give this emporium a calL r - ' BAILEY'S GROCERY. far havw wandered for so l61ig amongthrdTmr. t tryramt them ostTr them are the literal architects mandaof appetite brglnrtowuef themselves, and I hll each departr In obedience to the behest, we betake ourself to prices inhe Kast enable them to offer superior 'WTilleiheydolforThleud to underbid legitimate prices, they will at all times fell at the smallest possible niargln to Insure safety in their business. PORTLANU m'S IN ESS. COLLEGE. Among the well established institutions of this city, none rank -higher or Is more deserving of public patronage than the Portland Business College; Prof. A. P. Armstrong Principal, and Prof. J, As Wesco Secretary. It has been fifteen years In existence, Prof. W. Lynn White having given a numter of the best years of his life to It, leaving it to his successors as a' monument of the combluel skill, Industry and enterprise required In firmly establishing any line of business. The school has largely increased under the present management, ana the attendance I the largest ever known lu It history. There are over seventy Cupll lu the various departments, about a dozen elng ladles. Mr. Armstrong give a thorough course In arithmetic and' book-keeping, and Mr. Wesco superintends' the training In penmanship. A large number of the students are from the coun department Is excellent In It line, we cannot rfralifrom special mention of the su perior pen tn ansb i p of M r. WesCo, whose speci mens of. handwriting rival the best copper-plate. Nu merous pen pictures adorn the college walls, some1 of them so finely executed that they resemble steel engravings, the whole forming the finest collec ti6n of the kind to be found In Oregon. Such an Institution is a credit to Portland, and Is of great benefit to the entire State, Young persons, or older ones, whose education has been limitedcan be vastly benefited by a course of Instruction here. Graduates from high schools or college where comparatively little attention is paid to penman- ship or practical book-keeping should not consider, their education; complete till .they have spent A term within it wall. The proprietor are Inde fatigable in their endeavors tqenjploV the best am! latest methods of instruction..-. Such a college, deserves tfttexpatjonage it receives ; and the gentle- , men who'conduct It are public benefactors. ''r. -r- ' ' ' ; WOODS THE HATTER. From the most remote periods, man appear to have-made use of a hat. In some form to protect the head from the cold in Winter, the burning rays of the sun, or against blow in battle. It was constructed in various shapes and of the greatest variety of materials, according to the purpose' for which It waar 'designed. -A a part of defensive armor, the hat wa the helmetr which atill retain Its primitive shajepas a protection from the weather, It wa the cap, such as 1. seen In the ancient figures representing the Goddess of Lib erty. The ancient Greeks appear to have, em ployed several other .kinds .of head-dress, the names and appearance of which have been faith fully preserved in their writings, as Well" as' en graved upon antique gems, a,nd among the Romans the cap .was regarded as a symbol of liberty,, The first hatters in the Middle Age appeared in Nuremberg In 13(H), and from that small begin ning the manufacture and sale of thl necessary article has grown to a great Industry. The hat being the most conspicuous article of dress, and surmounting all the- rest, in early times it wa IrofuselV ornamented, and wa of ten, made to des gnate the rank and character of -the wearer. In later years, however, hats have been, made plain and unostentatious, and their manufacture has -been carried, to the highest perfection in the United States. Soft hats, stiff hats, silk hats and straw hats of all shaites and grades .are- man ufae V Hired In enormous quantities, and are shippel to all parts of the world. And even here In our own city of Portland this Industry Is ably represented ' by Mr. j. wotMis, rwpuiarjyBOwnjaar:ineu. baUer,walT"1 43 First street. His handsome . store unuer the. town clock Is centrally located and well suited to meet the requirements .of Kls -.-growing business. He not only Imports the hew est and latest goods of all grades in Lis line, In cluding ladles' ana children's turbans, etc., at all seasons. si located and his establishment have become a feature of the great Northwest; and as his enterprise is un bounded, he will no doubt continue to thrive as our population increases and this vast region Is developed further. ; .- - x luumg laujes- ana cnunren s lurDans, etc., ai an easons, but lie also manufactures to order any hape or quality desired. Mr. Woods' has been ocat'ed in Portland but about two years, yet he 73 TTCnlCL" ROBEU1K, Wholesale and retail clothiers, corner First and -Alder streets, come-next on our list. 'Here Is a clothing emporium of mammoth proportions and extensive business, whose proprietors have grown rich through fair dealing, quick sales and small proflts.Jliey--are-now4n4.he midst of a clearance sale, preparatory to Mr. Fishel'sTetiring from the firm, which will occur on the 1st of January. He will engage In a ilmilar buslnesslnSanErans ciBUti. .nr., iwuieris wiii.i'uuunue w vuuuuc vue store In this city. OLDS A KINU'a LAKOK STORE, At No. 186 First street, Is an exceedingly popular resort for customers. We find the spaclous'sales- ' room crowdel with eager purchasers. The popu- -larity of this well-known firm Is solely due to the Judicious buying, fair dealing, and thorough bust- 7 nes capacity of Its proprietors, assisted by their bevy of clerks of both sexes. BRIEF MENTION. "' Commendatory mention-may also bemade'Of the following houses; - . The splendid drug store of Wm. Pf under, corner First and Ash streets. . , Reside these well-known firms, there are many others for whom we have no space In this Issue for ". extended notice. : J s ... .A A new lot of diamonds were received on the last r steamer by IU L. Stone, the Jeweler, corner of First "T and Morrison streets. New additiou of all kind of first-class Jewelry have also been made to hi holiday stook. All good are marked In plain fig urea and are being sold at greatly reducel prices , I n f act compet ltionl-deueiC-1 Ii -long-e x perl--ence- and well-known reliability are a guarantee of the fair treatment of all customers. Mr. Stone also keep a large assortment of; rolled gold Jew elry, but none Is shown unless asked for by custo-- men. lie sure and inspect bis stock before tnak- , Ing your Christmas preseut. ' '.r '- . The "Household" took the first premium for the' Best Family Sewing Machine at the Mechanic' Fair. John B. Garrison, 167 Third treet.Port- 7' land, General Agents T ' tne 1 tnTmsOToTHllVerTlutter Uishea, a eacrxfat ACKennana. ' dollar Fine silk bat, from $5.00 up, at, Woods'. X,. ! :