1 -e y..,,. THK NEW NOitTHWE'sT,-.THUK8DAY, DKOKMBKU 22, 1881. 13 r. LAURA'S STRATEGY; r -ft- rVr Jjaura had taught her school, and now he was going to gt her money three- months'- wagve, and she had had $30a monthand as she had paid for her board iu sewing and knitting, for Mrs. llennett had a large; family and was ftlad,lo hare her do so, he could have the whole (90 to use as she pteasetL iHooked like a very large amount to ,er, and a dozen times she-' had planned how ah as to sjieml it. r . - "The boys want the work honte to draw In wood." Mm.Jieiioeii saiaas sue startea. 'o John has hitched up Baoquofor you. He's genti enough, but he's a colt, mind ye, and,. the best thin ye could do is to let the whin alone. No need of the whip,' she thought: as the sleleh glided smoothly and swiftly along the well-trodden road. 8he was quite surprised "when sue so noon came in sight or the house where the treas urer lived. He was attlie door when she drove up. "I'll hitch your horse" for ye," he said, coming down to the gate. "Come after your money, I inAu T' i7 tmt It In 1in all roail v tnr Vnu f ' lucky you come now ; I was Jest about sUrtio' oft (tot the eoit, nave you 7 wen, J swan! he's a clipper.. .... I didn't s'pose Bennett'u4 Jet anybody drive him. ix)ine luLUlJtign-your.oruerand pa, you right orr. wnoae you want to see-your money pretty good little bunch of chink for a girl like you." r JallrA.1 With ) U'lfi .ktl IJIIUII Will V t. u m . 1 tlven got her nloney and started Jiome. v8he had not gone far in-iore a man on loot came out of a cross road lust in front of her. lie stepped aside ana waited loriier to come up. k Good afternoon, achoofma'am," he said. would you object to letting a leiiow ride a little? Irm pretty tired, andI. see you've got Bennett's colt. I'd like to ride behind him once." Laura stopped her horse and the man got Into the sleigh. Khe did not know him, but from: the way he snoke she supposed It must be some of the neighbors who knew her, probably a brother of some of her scholars he was a young man. "I .see. you don't know me," he said ; "it isn't strange, you see so many.. J've been around here all Winter," he added, but Laura remembered afterward that hejJid not telL-her-hU-name. 'This i colt does step off well ; doesn't seem tired ; driven him far?" 'No, only over to Mr. Bmlth's." "Yes, he's one of the board, I believe." Ull. la 4MauiM U . . , . w "You taught in a good district. Some of them make their teachers wait for their pay, but I be lieve this one never does." "I think not." - "jiaVe you long to teach ?" asked the roan, evi dently bent on being sociable. "My school Is done," said Laura, still wholly . unsuspicious.-...::....- - - :rr " "And you' ve been after'your money," said the mati with b sudden change of manner, "and I'll take" it,'1 drawing a revolver and pointing it at her - head. ; . .-. - - f No use to try to resist. .They were passing through a-lonely-Mrip of -woodsrnot a houw near tuem. ; --r rihe was a frontier girl with plenty of" nerve. Hhe rememlered she had two pocketbooks, one ' empty, one full. -r-Vlf you want my moneys get It," she said, snatching the empty pocketbook from her pocket and throwing itaa far as possible behind them Into the snow.-.- " ... "- ; - The man sprang after It. .... Hhe caught the whip from Its socket and laid It sharply, with all he force, the full length of llan- qu'av-ru4fcekrWUh: of Hike lightening. " " ' z - . The man opened the pocket book, and, enraged at his defeat, fired a couple or shots after her, but they did not touch her. -r "The -colt's run n In' sees eaat viivumu ajwMaa eveev se.vi iu she guided him up to the gate In good oi . - "You're plucky." said Mr. llennett, told the story, ana "She' a plucky one,"i away - with the school- ma'am," shouted John as she dashed in sight, but I order. when she 'said every body, when It was repeated. The man proved to be one of the neighbor's hired men. He was never again seen In that part of the country. '. - The Heal BcAKClTYArnnan went into, a bank - to borrow some money. He asked If they could let him have a thousand dollars for a short , ' . time. "Oh, yes," was the reply, "one thousand, . or. two thousands If you waut it," The rate of Interest was satisfactorily fixed and the borrower . ' was asked as to the character of his collaterals. "Collaterals? I haven't got any collaterals," said the borrower. "No collaterals !" said the banker; "then it will be Impossible for us to let you have the money." The man was silent for a few moments and then exclaimed: "I have heard a good deal of talk lately about the scarcity of greenbacks there wasn't money enough to do the business ofx the country. Rut it does not look so. I come here and find you anxious to lend me all the money I want. No scarcity .of greenbacks here. Rut before you lend It you re- -tlulrecolIaterals.-Now, that's just what I haven't . got and can't obtain, and have come to the con clusion that it Isn't a scarcity of greenbacks the nti7HrTitrfrerin;from laterals." A Michigan backwoodsman, young and hand some, but untutored and rude, has married the , accomplished daughter of a wealthy tourist, and . taken her to his cabin In the forest, where he chops-wood for a living. Her father, uAable to recover her by law, since she ws old enough to legally choose a husband for herself, has sensibly . taken . board at a Milwankeehotel, where he is now patiently waiting for the girl to voluntarily .return. mav be delayed three months," he ay. "but I don't believe it will be as many weeks. ' These little Incidents of travel are worrlsom not Tery serloos.' r . Amomr the remarkable novelties of recei rovery is the boot-blacking plant, a native of , New Houth Wales. The leaves of this shrub con tain a tough substance gifted with all the. proper ties and attributes of the finestboot lolih. Hqueeze them gently and they will ylehl some thick, dusky drops of sticky flrtd. which must then be spread over the surfacp-of the boot. Thla done, a K)lUh of . dazt lingbrllliancy may be brought out by a few light touches of the flnlsh- A e. but lit di- O0r6T5TTTScu"TYIx hair, for one dollar, at Ackerman's. . , " ,1 urn m . Elegant Bilver Castors, at the Dolla8tore. METRICAL MELANGE" A roiNTKD lrARNixa. Hid la the cushion of rhalr S Ther U a w plai Willie--. Thou, loo. If irrh4 Uoi it aquar, 1 Will b wevpln' Willie. " . . ... .FRANK GIRL. Hhe Uvisi'ln. an elegant aulle, 1 " -Ana wu UesiMMl with 'taallevt of tuite; To her lover ahe said, . - ; Aaiie atroked her fair head. ' ' It'a whlred aruund you're a-balte:w . OurOwHMtirhitfsttWi.O,t "'A REVEKIK. ' .. In the roay arm-chair, dearewt, . -j . j " When the old man U away, .J, . And the eoe.1 Are'a rutldjr l(adowa,; Round your atrlped aocka fently play ; When the randy la all eaten,, And ray leg- la retting lame, . " '11 put you on the other knee And hold you JunI the eame. . In the eoay arm-chair, deareat, " ' , Whi-u the vlttek U atrlklu Uu rill Badly put my hat on. And remark I'll come auln. And althoiiRh aome other fellowi' 1 (ioea aicalnat the aame cold (ame, ' " 111 be there aome' other evening And hold you Juat the ha me -' ; -' ;' , L-. An Kiixrimeed Young Man,. TIME'S MUTATION. About a year or so" aito. When I waa young and quite conceited, I chanced to meet the prettlestclr r I thought my eyea had erer greeted. . -I loved her, or I thought I did, - Vet found my true love had mlHcarrled; For when I nuked her .heart and band, ' She aald ahe waa already married.- Thla waa a year or ao ego,- . When I waa young and avntlniental. My. heart wae neartrtrikciTlliinT Now I don't care a continental. . AN IXNAXE IHYI. nrmeVWiove7 hefhelpirig-cTmar- Oh, come where the Thrunky woe pa ; r Oh, come where the JiiKidfe dimly bawla , And the raging Crooker aleepa. Oh, come, my lore, with- yohr eye of pearl. And your other eye of gnelMM, With your atuile of blue and your none of glue, WIUi your chin of gum and your ear of rlcev Oh, come my darling girl I We will wander, dear, 'neat h the' hookah vine. Where luacloua Earwlga c(uter; . We will amell the dellclouri Mandoline, And we'll lunch on the. linen duater. " Wa will gase ai wlLLou the gambo muun ; We will aall on the lake of beer; " ' M will tangle the flah with alnuotta'dlan-s : Made ot hoop-polee and balrptna anl fear. . O my darling, come aoon I We will alng the song of our grandfathers clock ; Wa will chirp It in pure Chloeee . . ' We will gather the tumble-buga Into my aorka, And yhevy I hem round .on any kneee. We will race with the celemua aeplaCoot; We will howl at the mad Bohea; We will linger to tarn the chamomile churn, rTllrd-wnmdelHrandTagriina-tear r ) love, Hat to iny ault! Biirrtntor, TOO UTTERLY TOO MarVEAOII. , There waa a reformer named MacVeagh, ' A atateaman wiae, and brilliant and geagh. And a wonderful lawyer, too, they aeagh ; A One-haired, aweet-acentett, lackadeag h- . Mlcal, utterly utter aort 0 a man, anyweagh, Who filled common mortal a with blank dlaineagh Whenever he made a stunning dlapleagh ' ' Of virtue and wladom In gorgeoua arreagh. . . Thla handaome mn, Mr. Weagne MacVeagh, -iot Into a lively aort of a freagh " With Senator Dnraey and General lireagh Dy, 'bout carrying malla fr too much" peagh.1' When the flgRt grew hot, 'tla aad to aeagh. He got aulky and wouldn't pleagb; He couldn't be ooased nor hired to etcagh. Rut got right up ami haatened aweagh.7 To hla home In 1'hlladelpheagh. ' Wnrrm (OMoJ Trihunr. OlTR UEATTEOUH LANGUAGE.- ltidember, though bos In the plural makes boiea, -The plural of ox- should be oxen, not oes; And rememlter, though flee-e In the plural la fleeces, That the plural of gooae isat gooaee ttor geeaea;. And remember, though house In the plural la house. The plural of mouse abould be mice, and not mouses. Mouse, It la true, In the plural Is mice, llu tt h l n ra I of house a h oufd Jehoi e, not h Ice ; " . A4 foot. It la true, In theplural la feet, Bui the plural of rot should be roots, and not reet.' 1 '-I'ltOOK roHITIVE. I know he's an old, "bachelor, a horrid grumpy thing t -A nasty, aplUfuf, cross-grained, Ugly fright I -. I wish, John, lfi at, such caller to your wife you would not brln, You knor as well a I do It' not right -. Why do think him alnglef WhyT Oh, John, I'll Kara a Hit . - - ' DidM ou . not near. feaby-"It-" you alnpld, youf lie called dear - TO MT UTKT FUMK Your eyes, serene aud pure, have deigned to tM-k on me, I Toxnr lnV " flattering bird, has lingered In my hand ; And yet the words I would, alas I have, all foregone me, Because yeor way and mine lie thro' surh alien land You are the rising aun that fair day folio wa after. And I the deep of night, the glogmy clouda and gray i You are a flow'r, a fnar.A itirt of tuneful laughter; I am. December drear, and. yon the, merry May. . -, -fAt. J. TiMrn. ATTEND XT Z - OHRISTXIAO NOVELTT SALE.' MISCELLANEOlTtl ADVERTI8EMENTK DIRECT IMPORTATION. HIGHEST GRADE OltMOnDS. My assortment of Diamonds has no su perior north I Franolsoo. - .--.-of San WATCHES ...ANn..: 7;: JEWELRY. My assortment Is complete. Beautiful Stock .-.or... BRACELETS ...AMD BANGLES - ...ASp , SILVERWARE ...or THK., Most Elegahf Designs. IMPORTERS' LOWEST PRICE8. J . VAN B IT E R 1 E N i .107 First' Street. Holiday Attractions MIMCELLANEOUH ADVERTIMEMENT8. HO LI GOODS. 33X01 Aa Elfgmt Stock of Russia Leather Goods, Christmas Cards. . -Gold fens, and i 1 - Fancy Stationery FOR THE HOLIDAYS. The Finest Assortment Lowest Prices. and the Mcltercher &, Thompoon, No. 105 FIRST STREET. BARGAINS IX.. DRY GOODS! JVPS HANK. If allowing 1 JLfiTREJL'Eiyj IRE-KOW V - Tun oit DRY GOODS STORE. Wo 147 Third Street. ril A. KHANE IlEMI'EfrrriTLLY INVITEH INTENDING "1 iiircliaeni I. make a careful examination of the full line of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Contained In theaeveral departraeaU of (he above store. rise pajbll are ree pert fall? referred lo Ihe BAleemeai I Ik eeeral alear(aaeaiie for eairreal rlee, whlcli I liheve to far lamer than In any oilier riMTi We don't eare to nuote prieea, as they re.4 well la pel at, but arecneraliy BnialeaaHae;. x ' -. . , - . ( v..-. -,. Tk r we XAKN MTORC In the city. Oar reai la a.aalaal onThIM street, and every aa leaaer geta the nirreondln benefit. - v . . 7 All g4n aaaraeal la Plata rig a re. ar ()ur t'loak Iiefmrtenent afjpeetalty. ,-.T. A. SHAN E( Manager. V. T. 9 No. 03 FIRST STREET. ' " " . .-- ' , Are offering at Wholeasls an4 Retail y ; THE riNCNT NTO K ' books; stationery, and fancy goods For the Holidayo! KVER IM1OHTKITO THIH .MAIIKKT. Oar Entire Stock1 wu. selected in the Estern market, bought for cath, and ia offered at the Lowest Rate. : , ' '' - . "-. . q15 'P V Iff J 0 A LIT TTAIjIjIII Confectionery and Oyster Parlors. I in ported and InmeetlcC1frara. on snort nonce. every style. lee freeman ade Ia order Fatern and Olemnla Oystra aonred In HAM. U BRA SI T, Srearl.ter. Handsome IJnea of New-Htyle Tlalds and Main Color DMEMM uvoiM) SO to 50 rente er yard ; Plain and llroeaded Hllka andKatlna ( New Waterproufa, Cloaklnga and Ladlea Cloth ; A Ire ettork of tXeAKH, I IJITEBH. BeOLHAMal aad 4 IM't'E.AKH, Krlncea, Ulmp, Rutlona, Mtlk Cord and Taaaela, ete.; . . A Complete Htork of Flannels, Hheetlnaa, Table Unena, Toweis ana Toweiinv. iieusnreeaa. troinror face Curtain and Curtain Net J New Laeee, Hearts, Tiff, Ribbona and Ruchlnga ; Coinfortera, Olankete, Si IU OLOTEM A Kutl I Jne In IJshl, Medium nnd Tark - Whadea, BeettrW AaJr; ' -- uoe Aaaortment of rrsiNiniiiu ALL or THK AMOVB KK)1S1 fOtn AT THE - LOWEST " CASH PIUCZ3. J.-FD.-Wrin1(le-&-Coe SI r I SUIT ST., C'OBIIIEJt F SAUV, . rohTLA n n. ee verasaeee eeaeee seeeeese.. OREOOM SLIPPERS! -SUPPERS! Wm. Gray & Sono Hate just receired a large and well selected stock of both ladies' and Gentlemen's CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS, Which thej are selling at the Lowest Rates. The j are also offering BOOTS & SHOES LOWKHT PUICKH. Remember the Place! WM. OKAY Ac HOISM, le rrat ieet NEXTTO MKUaHlMMtFMCRTHE HATTER. U 8 E IT O S Br P I VL 8 . Oyctero rin -Every Style ! AIISKY &: H2.GEI3TS, Fire a trees, ketweea Alder aad M.rrlaaa joairH kcaKHAan. PACIFIC y MORTO M. MPACLDIax. MARKET. BITRKHARDeY SPAULDINOr . And eal ra la Atl mda-nf "-r J. rnwH AnuuuHtu m&ath, RACOK, II A MB a IJRD, 38 and 37 B Street, Corner of Second. ' 4 PORTLAND, OREOON. v. Bperlal Attention leen to Happlylng Hhlpe, , ael U it-, HE- 4 t 1-i NT' .etr