The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, October 27, 1881, Image 1

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, w pkr YEAR $3 00.1
- ... -
(). S. W. 8. A.
.expedient to antagonize voter by adopting it.
I The resolution was premature. - -.. "', V
I Mr. D'Arcy advocated the resolution In .the
T-ourse of his remarks he used the-urordaIT.I am
ever-so unfortunate as to get married."'
' ( ' t "T -- -
frage Association In Y. M. C. A Hall on Thurs
day last-Weire characterized by a notable Increase
In attendance. - - '"Y , , -
The morning session was called to order at 10:30
o'clock by the Vice-President, Mrs; Duniway. jT
The Secretary, Miss Maggie Foster, read the
minutes of the preceding session, which were duly
approved. . .- ' ...
The Committee on Resolutions reported the fol
lowing: , -i , Jy.:i ' - ' ; ..
JirnJvrtl, fhat a republican form of governmentls banctT J
' upon the eternal principle of no taxation without repre
sentation.' ItlKhts and. burdens must correspond.
' tiwft That any man who forget these principle I
- fain to liberty., . . "
"Mr. .D'Arcy spoke upon the first resolution,
argung Jitrongly against the Injustice of taxation
wlthoul"representa,tlon', arid ""claimed that the,
' principle applied equally to men and women.
Mr.' Benjamin stated that' the usualargument
, wa$ thawomeri M'cre-repreaenteAL-bccausc-Ciiu-
merated. ' ' 'K - ' ..
'Mrs. Thompson said that this-wits the argument
applied to negroes In the days of slavery.
The resolution was adopted.- . ' , -The
second evoked considerable discussion.
Mr. Collins, of Dallas, thought the .accusation
.toxiswccDiniruA riiaawas not necessarily false to
liberty who was opposed to, equality of taxation
' and representation Honest men sometimes op
posed Woman Suffrage.
' Mrs Thompson, Mrs. J ohnson, M rv-Marti nT
Mrs. Martin find Mrs. Jxoghary spoke in iavor of
the resolution without change;
Mrs. Duni way offered the following substitute:
Rnmlvnt,' That any man who object to these principles
falla to comprehend the spirit of liberty;
Mrs. Thompson objected. J
Miss Foster favored the substitute; thought it
correctly expressed the idea intended to be con
veyed. . '. . ; ; ,
ponton or class on aeemint of Hex fat tyranny, un warranted
and criminal.. - -
Rev. Dr, Ma', formerly ralblTf the Synagogue
fBeth Israel, upon being called for, spoke for a few
minutes In advocacy of equal .rights for men and
womeTfT-He was glad to see -the mothers of the
IraetUtiterested In 'thUrenfjraiMditseiHeutr Hewa
a disciple of Moses, the first great emancipator.
lie asked women to place their standard high, and
urged them to repudiate all wrong-doing in their
"own sex as well pa trim err.
. 'Mrs, Dun! way said that men had often accused
women of tirades against them. She did not with
.. to give them opportunity 16 truthfully accuse her
-sex of that of which they were not guilty. Women
like men and must study to make them believe it
The substitute was voted down, and the original
resolution was made a special order of business
for 2 o'clock. ," . - ."
' Adjourned to golocltiM.
-- Called .to wder at 2 o'clockr the Vice-President
In the chair.
The resolution that' had evoked so mudi'discus-
slon at the morning session was replaced by the
following substitute :
Rrmtlv!, That any person' who objects to the' theory of
Mno taxation without representation'! falU to comprehend
"the spirit of liberty, and In not an advocate of a republican
form of government. . ' . . .
The following was next offered by the Commit
tee on Resolutions and passed without debate:
Hetncerf, That the rlfht of self-government Jnherea In tlu
Individual and Juntly belompi to every human belnf, sub-
Jeetlotheobllgnllonathe right carries with It; and an the
prlaclpleii of liberty were never baaed upon, the distinction
of sex. any aystem of representation thatirnpoaa lgalDla
abllltlea upon sex Is not republican In form, becaune It doea
not Include "every cltlen.M
Judge Holme offered the'foHowing,-whIch also
passed unanimously : . i
Wberbas, The object of government la the protection of
the people In their natural and relative right, by the
passage of equal and Just laws, operating on all alike; and,
W M eke am, la all governments- there are many vicious.
Ignorant and -Immoral persons, who- endanger the peace
and safety of society ; therefore, -
JtfMiJved, That It la the sense of this Association that the
elective franchise ahould not be confined to one -sex, but
should Include -both sexes, upon the same grounds, tests
and principles, and should bean universal as the peace and
safety of society may warrant. y
. ' The second resolution offered by this gentleman
Was that State governments should be established
by law, and that testa of suffrage should be based
,upon a defined Intellectual and moral qualification.
Mrajhompaon made a strong speech In favor
ortBe-TCgotlo". Bhe wai
ignorance and vice to vote."
Mrs. Martin agreed with Mrs. Thompson.
Mrsi Coburh objected. She thought the. wise
thing for women would be to secure the elective
franchise before they undertook, to limit It. This
resolution. If. pawsedtWOuM have as much power
to e fleet its purpose as the pope's bull against the
comet While, abstractly speaking, the principle
it enunclatedwas right, It was neitjier wise nor
Tha chair sui7L'sted that heoutrht not to use tha
word Vunfortunate" . In referetiee to marriage
when so many widows were preterit. UulS'ersal
merriment... ' V , . -
The ; gentleman modified his expression and
mildly , rcbuked.thejchalr Jor. Interrupting a do-.
bate. (Iiattghter and applause. J w---y
Mrs. Johnson was called to the! chair, and Mrs.!
Dunlway.spoke against the resolution. She was
reminded of the mice In council, who passed a
resolution to bell a marauding cat, but failed to
find a mouse to put the resolution Into execution.
. . . . . . i . .
The resolution-was lost by unanimous vote.
.The following resolutions were passed without
debate : ' '
lirn&reii, Tliafwhife we hold that a true, enlightened ad;
vocateof a republican form of government will freely ac
cord equal rights toall law-abiding snd Wx-paylngclUrens,
we abtpsvcognlxe the fitct that our opponents art honest In
their adverxe opinions; therefore we en II upon thenitodls
paxHlonntcly Investigate our claims by the light of "reason
under the demands of Juntlee.
Rrivtrrti, That aa wohian If an Integral part of the body
politlc.she Is Justly entitled toall the rrKhts.privllegei and
Immunities guaranteed to man, the right oMuiflruye In
cluded., ... .:. , ". -
llruilretl, That the pmrrcfof liberty to n claim of persons,
while withholding the means of securing Its blesklngsrls a
mockery, a shaut and a cheat.
t Ion of the proceetllngs. ThanM,. w.ere also-ex
tended to Dr. C. IL IIall, of Salem, for his Kind
ness. In attending and addressing tho meeting;
Hon. ''w; ...F, Iknjamln of Rosvbiirg, Wm. Lloyd
"TRe-v.-Dr. Atkinson spoke" briefly, in'refiKmse to
an Invitation, giving many: cogent reasons for his
opinion that woman should become a recognized
factor In the law-making power of the land. Ills
remarks revealed close, study of the subject, and
were deeply Interesting. . t
Itev. Paul A. Smith, a Unlversalift clergyman
from Polk county, gave the movement his hearty
endorsement. . - " . . &
. A goodly nurnU-r of new mum- were adiTel to
the constitution. u " V
Adjourned to 7:30 o'clock !. sr.
-1- - Z .--KVKXIXf HESSIOX. ' -
The- largv.t audience that had tluis farassem
bled greetl'd the members of the Asaeciatlon.
. The meeting w.s opened by President Heroy,
and after-the regular onler of business the foIUw
Ing programme. was rendered J. :" .
satoTMrw. F. Owent wh
pleasing manner.
Music piano
was given In a
C.J, Curtis followed with an lotue4t-addreMsv
An essay entitled "Maid of Athens' by Dr. C
II. Hall, was rendered In a masterly mauuer and
evokel hearty applause.
RevrTrLrEliotHntroduced Wro.-LIoyd Oarrl
son, Jr., who made an-excellent address. The
Ortaonian pronounced Mr. Garrison's speech "the
main featuret6i the evening."
An elaborate essay on the raw-relating to the
construction of statutes and amendments ., was
read by Judge J. L. Collins, of Dallas. Mr. Col
II ns particularly dwelt on the construction of con
stitutional amendments, and evinced thorough
familiarity with his subject.
The meeting concluded with a solo on the piano
by Mrs. F. Owen entitled 44 Oarfleld's Funeral
March," which shelayed In a feeling manner.
""On molldnTheonve until
Friday momlng at 10:30 o'clock.
The Convention was callel to order at 10:30
o'clock by President Herdy.
The reading of minutes was deferred until the
afternoon session.
The session was mainly engaged in conferring
as to the bestdistrlbutio-eleottflty-worlcflncom
pi lance with several suggestions of President
Herby, published In his annual message. The
meeting was spirited and harmonious, amk the
ladies . devoted themselves strictly to business.
The nomination of county workers was partly
agreed upon, and left 16 be qomple.tsl In the
afternoon. "' - - ' " ' '
Adjourued until 2 o'clock r. M.
The meeting M'as called, to order proinptly at 2
o'clock by President Heroy.
..... Minutes of preceding sessions we.rcJcad
The Convention then proceedel to the election
of officers for the ensuing jear, with the following
result:- - - .
A. IxmgharyofariThlll
county. .
VleePrejMdent-at-Iiarge Ms. A. S. Duniway,
oflVTultnomalfil.,- r - , "
Recordlng'Secretary Miss Maggie Foster," of
jjinu. - -r - - ,
XtorrcMjKMidlng Secretarj' Miss Ana Fearn-
side, of Multnomah. - ' '". "f
Theseofllcers are ex officio members of the Kx-
ecutlve Committee. Mrs. C. A. Coburn, of Mult-.
nomah, wat clioHen Jlie, fiftltjnember of Jhejpom-I
in it tee.
Treasurer Mrs. KlIaWth7Johryon, of Multno
mah.' "
On m5flonthe retiring President escortel the
President-elect to the platform anl presentel her
to the Convention. In a few appropriate remarks
ai?sTTiugtia'y Acknowledged the honor conferred,
and assureil tne Convention that no efforts to fur
ther the cause of Woman Suffrage would Wspared
by her. '
A vote of thanks was offered to President Heroy
for his uniform kindness and consideration while
occupying the chair, and for services rendered by
iiim in that capacity.
Mr. Heroy .replied very happily, and regretted
that his labors had been so light In promoting ijh'e
movement. -
'. Mfs.-Dr. Owen-was called upon and read an ex
cellent address, entitled "Woman as a Physician."
- A vote of thanks was tendered the Oregotdan
for Its fair and fulITe ports of the Convention, and
White might not have had the opportunity to
converse with Intelligent women J that perhaps
Us Intercourse was with that clasaof-womeu '
whoae elevation to society was comparatively re
cent, and whoso ..early education., was neglected;
that- from initialing .with such society he might
lave 'been-; led to write the article wherein the
puoted words appear; that there were thousands
of American woiwii, goxMl, substantial farmers'
wives, of whom the world never lieard, who were
competent to pass upon any question or pollticsor.
tUtory that might be submitted to them; who
never traveled abroad and never 'met the average
newspaper correspondent. Such men's heads
wereften turned by society that would not tol
erate them If they were Pot looked to a ''Jen
kinses'' to write up receptions arid parties for the
public press.
After Mrs. Duniway. concluded, Mrs. It. W.
Scott and Miss Mien' Chamberlln favored the
audience with a duet entitled "Bird ef Beauty ,'
which was exceedingly s well rendered,- Mrs. II.
Y. Thompson accompanied the ladles on the piano.
Rabbi May followed in a few well-chosen ob
servations, which Indicated that he had bestowed
much thought upon the subject of equal rljrhts.
MIssNShelton, of Olympla, W. T.f invited the
members of the Association to that city.'
Therresident announced that a busmefs meet
ing would be held the next morning at 10 o'clock.
The Convention then adjourned.
arriottr JrtJlostQhTWf.IL.J. 1 Collins of
Daltas, and all other sjeakers, for their generous
utaTieeTto-JIrgrVoolner, ;the City Glee Club,
and Mrs. Owen, for music kindly supplied by them.
Rev. Mr. West closed an admirable essay by a
spirited eulogy-of M re. Dunlwayi4jh
res)ondtHlwlthrarTeelIng tribute U Wm.
Tady . resondtHlwlthrarTeelIng tribute U
Lloyd OarrlnOK, Sr., Lueretia Mott, Susan B. An
thony, Kllrabeth Caly Stanton and others, beside
whose noble work, she said, her-own cfTorts were
uuite Insignificant. U : -v ''
,The-following namea were-suggested by. Mrtv
Duniway as Vice-Presidents of the different
counties of Oregon : Miss Maggie Foster of Linn,
Mrs. J.DeVore Johnson of Clackamas, Mrs. R;
Fito'n of rnlon, Miss Mary Douthltt of Grant,
V I iT TCHi A V-HiOS I NU 8K88I0N-, ;
Called to order by thece-PrcsIdent. ,.
Minutes of previous mecthigTcad and corrected.
Miss Mary K. Sheltoi of Olympla, objected to
Uelng called "MlsrJol la SheltonXin the reports.
This mistake had crept Into all the japers. Miss
Julia was her coyslu and had not beenprcsent.
The name of Mr. Moreland had also been printed
Instead ef that of Mr. Martin, in connectionNvitlt
the debatesjpf th6 third day. Corrected.-1? "
TUeSeeretary reported-th fUTrclptsTifrthe
Convention ai f 01 50. Bills were presented and
warrants Issued for $31 00, the total expenses.
'Mr.- J. De Spajn of Umatilla, Mrs. M. A. Daltori
of Multnomah, Mrs. M Mlntoof Marlon, Mrs, A.
M.-Alartlnflf Yamhill, Mrs. C. Donnell of WaWo,
Mrs. Ineit larker ot "Clatsop, Miss Kate'TIibrntoti
of Jaqsun, Mrs. Iottle Ream ef J a ne, Miss Cora
Bay ley of Benton, Miss Lucy P. Hay of Douglas,
Mrs. Werden of Josephine, Mrs. Kmraa Rlcker for
Coos and Curry, Mrs.M. O, Mooreof Iitike, Miss
Iittie Cleaver of Itaker, Mis Kllen Scott of
Fearnside of Tillamook and Mrs. ICugene Bemple
bI.Col umbl a.. '-" ." "; -: . ' . .,
On motion, the meeting adjourned until 7:30 r. M.
Convention called to order at 7:30 o'clock, with
Mrs. H. A. Iughary, President-elect, In the chair;
- Tlie exercises opened with' a short address by J.
F. D'Arcy.
Revv,.H. K. Hlnes followed rln ,'an excellent
speech. ; 5
Next on the programme was a vocal duet by
Mrs. II. W. Hcott and Miss Ellen Chamberlln.
The selection 'was a serenade by Schubert, and
was very well rendered. : Mrs." II." Y. Thompson
presided at the piano very effectually during the
rendition of the duet' -
Rev. J. A. Gray was next Introduced.and dellv
ered an eloquentaddreaswhereln heclted ltkh
ard Grant White as saying that 4a deplorable
Ignorance existed among American women in re
gard to political affairs; that not three women on
of ten In the betterclass of American women Tri
the cities of New York, Brooklyn, Albany or Bos
ton could tell the name of the Governor of the
State in which they reside, or mention who was
Senator or Congressman from their district." He
further quoted Richard Grant White as saying
that "almost every woman living in the United
States during the civil war had one or more rela
tives either killed or wounded, and yet were those
women to be Interrogated as to the principles for
which those men, bled, but a .small proportion
could answer correctly." Mr. Gray said he hoped
flmtanyUtetnent-made 4lke-thatn
American women, and hoped that the time was
coming when the women would be accorded equa
privileges under th law. This gentleman's peri
picture of the coronation of Queen Victoria was a
.Lmarveioualy beautiful display . of eloquencaand
feelings - " , , , ,. .
. Mrs. Duniway asked permission to say a few
words in regard to Mr. White's article wherein
that quotation appeared. ' She. said, that Mr.
Balance on hand, $10 60.
The -Executive Committee
authorized Mrs. J.
DeVore Johnson, of Oregon City, to nrenare a
clrcplar letter of instructloiiTTor the use of Vice-
Presidents for the different, counties in urirlnir the
claims of the Association uton nomlnathiff roiw
ventlons and members-efect of ttie Legislature for
isfr. ' -'"'", . !1 -
' A vote of tii,anks was tendered to Mrs. f. W.
Scott and Miss Ellen Ohamberlin for-their very
acceptable mnsic at the previous evening sslon,
and to Mrs7 H. YTThbmpson for piano accompa
niments, . ,.
Meslames Dalton, ivlmunds and Torrey, the
efficient Committee on Programme, received a
like vote.
Mrs. Duniway was specially invited h MIm
8-t tthelton, of waahtogtonerrltoryT-4ovUlt-the
Legislature at Olympla during the coming week.
--Theeffieers were thrown into momentary con
sternation by the discovery that the Janitor of the
hall had emptied the table drawers containing the
files of letters, essays, etc.," which had been read
before the Convention and ordered printed, and
had inadvertently burned the entire collection.
This fact, with accompanying regrets, was ordered
spread upon the minutes.
Adjourned tine die.
The Yamhill County Woman Suffrage Asaocla
tionLwill convene at North Yamhill on Wednes
day, the 16th of November, at 2:30 o'clock in tha
afternoon. The following programme will be
. Afternoon Session. Reading th mlnqtee ef the previous'
meeting;; appointing committees t attending U such other
preliminary matter as may eon before the meeting.
Evening Hess Ion. Musks; essay by. Mrs. Cal breath, of
liAfayette; address of welcome by Mrs. It, A. Loughary, of
MeMInnvlllei addresa by Mr. T. M. Draper, or the H'niM
Ommtlf hum. - . - ; .
Heoond Day. Ulead ing the minutes ot tha.previooa i
slons discussion of resolutions and such other matters ae.;
may come before the convention.
Evening Hesslon-fUnglng; reading of tnlnntes; esay
by Un. H. A. McKune, of Amity addrcs by Mrs. A.S.
Inanlway, of the Nkw Nohtuwkst; shorf, volunteer
speeches b maiiibors and otheni
1 "We liope there'will be a full attendance- of all
well-wishers of the cause of equal rights, and espe
cially of the voters of Yamhill county. We want
them lo coma and hear the ctr In fvnr nf
11 L A.l 4 . L A . . I t . A I . Z - '
wiav Bintcmviiv now irue, vnni ne oiupnea xo t cqujy Buffrage regardless of sex.T
, t .;, Corr. Bee'y Y. C. V. B. A.
Tlie JjlarU, Rev. J. JI. Acton's new weekly
Journal, made its appearance last Saturday. It Is
prlnteden tinted paper.and ltsiypography is fairr
Frem4tiietatryywe learn thqHt-wHh'assamtr-.tgcover,
a number of fields, includlngVoman
8uffrageAVe. welcome it as an ally, and will be.,
thankful for any assistance It may render us.
..5 .x-:::
Jl ttill,,. .