t -8. r i 1 1 THR NRW NORTHWEST, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 188L TOIITLAND. OKEfiOX. TIIUItMDAYJlAVt'HT 1. im. TO Vnr HVBtiCRIBEliH. ' jJeaM notify us at oner. ; j IX)CAlKPlTOMK. Mr. D. Huksdorf, of White Salmon, W, T., Jiitbeclty. -: . . . . ,' "... ' 4Thecamp-rnftinKs lu Powell'" Valley have been largely attended. The county jail i well tilled at present with - murderer, burglar and thieves., ... Mr. ""A West, the Meli-known milliner, ha t;oue to Han rranclco on a bunlne trip. The Fall City is a new Democratic paper utarfed at Orecron VltY by Mr. John Chenoweth. It iaid the (). It. & N. Co. la negotiating with Pniit Vlavul tfr Mia liirotiUbUa rf tha lint tiir-t "' .. ""HishTtp tlarrta tf! II preside over the M, K CtitHvh C'onferetHSs which meets In Kaat Portland to-day. Xew Ice work are t to-reetel In this city by J. M. (J. Kallich. WiiKltiou Is the life of trade.". .:, . Miv y. II. Andni has n-Klgned as Councilman from the Hecond Ward, and Mr. Clias. Holman ucoeels him. , , Mayor Thomimon has reapiminted and the - Council has continued Mr. J. II. I.aiieiiH as Chief of police. -- . ----- Owing to the uierior finish and excellence of work, Abell taiuts prtemlnent a a photographer. Jive nun a can. Albert -Hoyt,,who made an assault on a little iilrl in Afctorfa, has been Kent to the enitentiary for twenty years. ' On Monday 'last, the feast of the Assumption of the Messed Virgin Mary was solemnly observed by the ithollcs of this city. Two gentlemen. Messrs.-Itandall and Hansen, living on ?orth Fifth street, were ribbed on Kt urdaylniglitjof $2;W by burglars. N This Is the season when the dreaded fever and ague are prevalent. Nip, them. in the bud with minders . r., -t A mail by t he name of John-Moore has le-n ar- "Tested on thecharge of attempting to cash a money iirder, drawn-iii. favor of James-1 la r ryv - 'v'Mrs. I. Ii. Illlleary, of Turner Htatlon, who-has4 ,.. een- traveItjsr-trr-hAstern Washington, passed through the city yesterday, en route Jfor home - ,Mr. jonnson uueneai nas commenced tue puoii--cation, at Corvallis, of the -Xrtv Iltnttm I)rnutrrat, ,lo take the place of tue recently usHnded lilmle. Tlie Htars. of this city, and the Ilulfstick. of Vancouver, will play a match game of barballat tue luist rortlanil grounds on Sunday next, at 11 o'clock. '..-. , " ' - A deer wan chascil through the central part of the city by-hounds .yesterday. The novel sight create! considerable excitement.. The deer had a commanding lead. - .( . The Manila rtl announces that its editor, Mr. T A. Sutherland, has gone to Kan Francisco, wherq he will wed Miss Sallle, eldest daughter of ilev. and Mr. W. C. Chattln. . ,( . Miss -Cahalis, of San -FranclscoTa lady who eomes highly-recommeuded from the liny City, has been engaged-for the coming yea r-hy 1. it. LI tt as cutter and titter for hlwplafIQtr tiouse. . ' . , . Cant. T.J. Ptumn diel suddenly on Saturday jrtTTli Hie pllol16ue of the ieamer8jolian,. about rive mlles aiKive the I'lne iree ltaplds.or Snake river.- He as burieil at Tlie Dalles with Masonic honors. " ' . ' A special examination for teachers will lie held lu the I'ark building'onlTue&day and; Wednesday,' the 23d and 24th insts., commencing at 0 A. m. Teacher: requiring certificates before October 1st -will take notice.; . r ' The number of school children In Multnomah -rtniiity-ls-T.-tliTldwl into" tort districts,' a ii.f the amount of money just distributed from the common tehool fund is $(1,231 4, or at the rate of S4 cents per pupil. , ; -Nort h Front -tttrwtTromfrto"7frha!i:,lKen raised to the grade nnjulreil by ordinance. The rilllfig rtulrcd 5.),0i0 cubic yard of cahli, which .was brought from the hills by the west-side rail road at 48 cents per yard. , Dr. Truesdell still continue hit Iccturca atth(r Y. M. C. A. Hall. 7Thls evening he sneak for the third time to gentlemen only on "Manhood snd Womanhood." He give free lectures to ladles on Wednesday aud Saturday afternoons. - ' - An excellent opportunity l now offered by J. F.I). Wrinkle Ac Co. to get dry goods at cost, ns their entire stock must Ik? sold in the next 30 days. JThlii movement Is Inaugurated preparatory to a change of Arm. Head their advertisement. Mrs. Jane Connell. wife of Mr. Wm.. Council. I at her home in -this city on Sundar mornlmr. in the GUI year of her age. Deceased was an esti mable woman a,nd an old pioneer, having resided In the State lor .V years. A husband, four daugh ters aim vwtraona Burvrve n Tlie ladies of the Open Temperance Association, M ho pave such iHmUlaf Entertainments last Win ter, have arraugtHi for a conert on Saturday even ing, (or the benefit of the society,' at the . M. C. A. Hall. ,A musical and literary programme has been prepared, and It will be followed by an Ice cream sociable. r . -r - - Mr. N. Holden, ofr the--flrm of Johnston A . Jloldeu. of this city, was drowned at Uwaco on Friday last, only a few ml from the place where Kva Curbank was lost. Deceased was a popular, upright and. energetic business man. HI wife was on the. beach at the time and was carried . fainting to a teiU--:-!-----rr---- - Miss B.-J.-Tbackcrjrwcll-knownin rortland and several other places on the west side, has gone to Oregon" City to establish a writing school. Her pupils. In other towns have expressed complete satisfaction with her methods of Instruction, and there I no doubt that her excellent work will be appreciated in the Fall City. Mrs. M. A. Hank, wife of Rev. L. A. Bank, of Vancouver, died at her home on Saturday latfip the 'JZiA year or her age. and was burled Tn Linn county nr the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mtllhollcn,-I'mfi'ssor Joseph Kmory conduct ing the obsequies.- A7iulanL two children and "Mrs!: Mary Tuley SteelmanTwfe of Mr. k SteelV man aud mother of Mrs. R ti. Combs, died In this city yesterday of consumption, In the 6-'th year of lier age. IK'ceasetl was an excellent woman, highly esteemed by relative and friend. The funeral service will be held to-morrow ( Frida ( Friday , No. 411 morning at the residence of Mr. Combs. Klghth street. , .. . A number of delegates" to the Sunday School Convention at Seattle returned on Saturday from a pleasure trip to Victoria. Among them were Mr. Carey Johnson and wlfe.of Oregon City Mr. J. H. Foster -and daughters. Misses Maggie ami Mattle.of Albany; Mrs. A. K. Torrev and Mr. (r bblndler, ef I'orUand, and Hev. Mr?MIlllgan.nd wife, of Astoria. ' ' " The - residence of " Deput v Superintendent of Streets F.lwahger, on South Third street, between William and Meade, was destroyed' by 'lire on Monday afternoon. A small but unoccupied dwelling adjoining, the projerry of Mr: A.AIIen, was also burned. Klwau'ger's phertv was In sured for SI.UNt, and Allen' for but these ; amounts will not cover the loss. ' Ini; - Mr. J: W. Haile'V has removed, from No. 47. to No.iK:t and K amhilstmf, letween Fourth and Fifthror two Mock VerTf htn Hid toc'atlo'nr No finer staple and funey groc'eries can le found In the city than" at his neW, neat and commsIlous establishment. :' His prices are the very lowest, as, he sells for cash. All orders promptly attended to, and goods delivered to all part of the city. - Notwithstanding the success of their present scheme for disposing of goods, Ackerman A yC'o. have not abandonel their old line of business and method of conducting It, but have reserve! one half of. their commodious store, for it, the only change being a radical reiluetln'of prfee, and. fkatroui can purchase crockeryvglalww.artS cutlery, silverware, fancy articles and notions at retail at prices that wcTclornierly whjidsajej. i -Olds & King are how comfortably ensconced In" their new quarters at No. lxi First street. This popular firm, by courteous and fair treatment of all customers while n Tldrd street, , built U) a trade and reputation-secoiul to that of no house In the city, and it is pnslieted that they will lose nothing bv their change of base.' Their new store r- is larger, lighter and more commodious than the bid one, and their many, friends' can rest assured of better treatment, If Msslble, than ever, at their hands.. . The StDihtrr Albiua correspondent says of last- Saturday's - thunder storm "The electric fluid struck In two places back of town and tired the timber. Fe-witnesse describe the fiery ele-entwtmirng-'ln-thehaTwrofartialtscvcraiteer In diameter, which, when It struck , tlie . ground, Hew Inuevery direction like molten Iron.. The .heavy rain extinguished the fire, preventing fur ther damage." A large fir tree In Holladay's addition to Mast l'ortland was also struck and set on fire. : -"' ' ' -f ; Through the energetic- action of the committee Jffsollcitatlon, eonslstlngof Messrs. iXmald Mncleay,- J. N. IMph and W; M. Ladd, receutly HiH)lntel by the Tortland Seamen' Frlenl So ciety, the deficiency of-?2$30(), necessary to raise the plelgts to $10,000, for the Mariners' Home, corner of Third and D streets, this city, has been wcurcjl, and the building will be commenced without delay. O round was broken yesterday. Chaplain Stubbs bas worked faithfully for this consummation. ' The "New No. 8" is the cheapest sewing machine to buy. Wheeler k Wilson MTg Co., 8 Morrison st. SIW THIS) WEEK, IT STILl CdNTINUES. t yVe thank the public for itp appreciation of our etfortb to give ouch large vallueo for ' ; - ONE DOLLAR. i We must repeat our gruarantoe that we are working: lu the very bet faith for tue interest of our patrons. We assure everyone the sale itself is far from being: profitable to ns, But wo want life and activity in our business, and, no matter what the cost may be, ; , . . J.5 . WE MUST We offer now DICCER OPPORTUNITIES for Darealns than ever. No house on this coast In our various branches can compoto with us. We are HOT IM HT3DIIQ .And only buy from manufacturers.: " i ' !- DONT TAIL TO ' COME AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. ''' AT ONK l)OM.AIt. AT ONK IK)LIlt. A ItTlCI.lX () F A -VA LIT K OK 1V) HKLL1NO AT ONK lM)i.LAH. AltTICLMS OK A VAUTK OK $hs) HKLL1NO AT ONK IK)LLAH. AHTIllLKrt.OK A - VALUK OK ?7" HKLLLV A1?TICLKS OK A VALUK OK HKLLlNd Ai;TICMCH OK A VALUK OK $40 HKLLINfl AT ON K DOLLA It. irri ci . us ok a i valu k )Kf35:.:SKLiax( at onk ikillaiu AHT1CLKM OK A. VA LUK JJK$HJjKLLl SU AT-OXK-IK1 LLA H. AHTICLks OK A VALUK OK 8KLLINO AT ONK 1K)LIU. 1U11HSC from . nil .vour wiiiiIm iiimI jrot yoiir rrleiulM to purohiiMe SEW THIN week; RJVATE-L E CTURE S t TAIt f ltrflKl,f. WIU. HKI.IVKK TIIK THIftll I iui AGK EUM A Nf8 DOLLAR STORE, 87 & 89 First and 86 & 88 8econd 8V Portland, Or. in ttt hi rivle euurntltiiKf Ullcliirt -r Thi4Thttriday) Evening," Aujrnit llr" Arr 'riiK-v. 3il c. a. nWt,i7 ' MnniuioOl Oil piilnliiiKu blcwl fuiK tlon of uw In IllUHtralioii of fvfry JS1 ANA W PWQi ANi. ADXINNIOX.. Kivo Leclurwi to Ivllt'. WrttnlHr nnj Stiiurday . IKMI)H Ul J OVIlM'k. . F.v-ry lntrlllicnt tn.ui nn( wonmit' .houlil atW-ud llnw kll-lmprtMiil lntni-llii tu Manhood and Womanhood, Health and Disease. KIIKKirr MAVK. i..-. 1JY VIUTITK OI' AN KXKCI'TION TO MK I1HK(TX.K. i inuUfd ouVOf f ht ftHiiily Court of tli Htp ot (in'xun lor Hie Cnml"of Multnoiimh, uiMn Julirifnl rf nlrr1 In Coiirton IIipSHi iUv of INH-elnlMT. lCH, In fnvor nf J. H. ITiw, IMalnllfT. kikI HKHlnM A. It. ICI iunlii, w r-ril- nnl, for hip nm or four nnnurcd nni r iny ana inerunrirr Hum of miip nt W-HU iN)MHrMf hjn.w, wnn inurPHi i m rut of 10 pprtnt iN-ranniini,'iipmtif Kiiilaud accru InvroxtH. 1 dM.on Iho lHli uy of Auiruxt. IfMI. pvy uunn Hip Kbovpnantpfl iH-fciiilHni'w nitl ropprty, alliiHlPf In Multnomah IViurit, hlatp if Oirpm, to-wit i IxHa nmn IxTPd Hpven (7) and Kiglit (Hi in UlorK o. XJi. I'lly or land. Multnomah County, Mlatp of Or-((ti, una Iit mini lprpd Four (4i In Block No. IN In l'ortland llomeatPMtl Ai ao lation, Multnomah Count v, Htntpof Orprin. Now, thprpforp, by virtu of mm Id pspculton, on Saturday,, the 17th day of HpiMpmopr, lfNt, at th hour of 10 oviocfc a. at,, at thp -Court Itotiap thmr in anld Cfunly, I will h( iuhlle auptlon thp aMye-dpprlpd ral priprty of aaid Ptdnntto1hHfhrt-hMrtTTirrTiKhtn t. COln7 tuaatlMfysaldciwnitlon.eoaUand aocniln rta. JtlHKI'lI BlM;llTKl, ' KthPrtff-of Multnomah County, Orison. DatPd Auicuat 18. IhmI, - f , 6t THIRD ANNUAL CXHIDITIOrf ..OF.. THE PORTLAIID, MECHANICS' FAIR WILL COMMENCE OrriCEBSt W. B. HO.NKtM AS, KM... W. M. f.!n, Kaq .. A. IL MdROtN, Yq ..;."...;JTPiTpnT V I op- lrpldp(it .....-..-.Trraau ir JiHpcrptary .MuppHnUndeut GOLD, SILVER AVp BRONZE MEDALS J .. ... :.a.:.- .'.-u-i "V DirLoMAa or hoxok HI Will b awarded In merltorlouj fihlhtUl th kalac, Kulationa and IVrmium U'lof thp Kalr. Ap pllealiona Wr apac at tb foilhoomlnt Kalr ahould b DIp1 at aa paiir dt with theandpralirned. who will ehprfully lurpUih aijjnfvrmatloq couotriilng tbt fmirXt)tJailKT.,M, fOfv II. H. LITT. Th mmtx elwf I. tllpa' Hmit IImim taip -arllie4'Mt. atnl MiaTuH. fatrtwry r Naaaalf UMda and for wlaipr aeerrl a rlptl. XADIKM . la tfca wwayy-oM Im nta 1 1 rapllal ran watlaln mm ayppiry lr mjr - - tl3 IKIiM. : hit nin tn wvrlrt. th Tnlrl and Alder, v - Third and Alder. SUIT HOUSE. , " , . H. D. Lltt, tho only one on the face of the globe who sends Ladles' All Wool Dresses and Dolmans to any part of the Northwest with prMlogo of examining, and If. not suitable, charges are paid by him. ftrad alar kwat. lMlt mt tt a ad aklrt,- rwlr, mI whplbpr l'rlMPMr Baaair. UaDIRM ' il.t . WOOL t it.a. am; , 4 SUM. .-. . . . ii isms ..,'., as.A. !.. si IRCMN.NAKI.U - HrMrw. Iilt, pwial4fprar T IjmHh mf Taut la In laalna; mtm tm Ik Marlliif. -OrHTITOItK m krlrk alr. Nam I LETT- mm alga. , OLDS & KIND Have Removed . V. v ,.Td.. NO. 186 FIRST STREET, Between Yamhill and Taylor COME OVER AND SEE US. Closing ENLARGEMENT-OPOUR-8TORE; Ac ia M U3I3Ili:i IM,- llrai liml, CROCKERY, GLASS AXTX PLATED WARE,. The Celebrated !Hero!!-Oil. Out Sale AT COST! osi accoi'mt or CHANCE IN FIRM. We will sell for the next Thirty Days our entire stock of Dry -and Fancy Goods IH15 JJ A CHAMCE TO BUY fIRJT-CLAJJ COODt At Clearance Prices. "Partfei knowing themselvei indebted to the Arm will" please call and settle. - v ' , ' ' ' " . ? ' . . . J. F. D. Wrinkle cV Co.; jMLiiasiT mt. s-oaixiiatosf aatox; aulS USE R08E fl. M. RU8df P I L L 8 . Kolliwln aro my Trlwa until the SWlMf t PjH WW lI i Plll 1 1 Dentist. 1 ., iutprr nPECTFUIXY ASyaVSCK TO THE PtTRIJC THAT thpv aro now InpatMl In Iholr N nl V' n ) m rmA him. lUxtni. adkXnliiK tlirlr old ataitd. and Inrlt the InnDPcilual0" arfaaawablliM u.. ... - t.-wfe ":yf tTl TKirllai( -ai 1 1 n nmXt mm W fK r rrpl ai iT Oai ll riatr - . H KBPr. - 7 h. om I. Twlli..:..7........... r. OLDKXDoarr. nmm'u . (in n vu i wmTia,IWii'n.; rvmy ' i . f inn imm'm mntWXVnrmvcrrmrinma, or. y W U a H U U U VlkWO.- ' oar it am, all kara. .v jra