The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, August 18, 1881, Image 1

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YEA,R-$3 On.
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. v-Vf iURia'MUS hv Truxs.
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AftTOKfA, A6gllft 15, IkSI.
To the Rkadrm ok the New -Noutii wkht :
The all-absorbing theme that 'toccuphis the puln
lie nilnd In'AHtorla thl week U the : trial of Robe
don for the murtler of J. W. Robb. The interest
laWreat that, the coiirt-room wfll not accommo
date tlnrrowtU, that congregate to wit netn the
cuseri are leaving uo stone tinturned In their tf-
'fort's to secure his a'cuittal. ' The undersigned,
with quite number of other ladies, attended the
trial this afternoon (Monday), and witnessed, as
Ion as our. patience would let us, the legal farce
of impaneling a Juryr The statutes excuse any
man who, having heard the current testimony be
fore a trial, is supposed to have formed an opinion
upon. any given case; andeverybody in these
days of newspapers, post offices, telegraph reports
and common schools (to say nothing of current
-g68stp7tgcoTOpdled to form an opinion of some
proceedings. Much of the bent legal talent of the
Htate Is iu attendance, and the friends of tlie-ae- f Aktorias long lines of roadway and her numerous
time Indefinitely. Rut the clouds have hied them
away to the Northland thisarternoonahd the
view f nun the Parker House observatory ovr
locking tlie bar is so grand that it bafttes des'rij
tiou. The impulse of the dyjlng storni is still In
the heaving hrtakers as they 4,ruii and raven and
their angry orgies, aad lashing the waters" of the
busy river to a sudsy foam in their attempt to
stay the' progress of it mighty current. How
''many are the heart that arejyreary to-night'
iM'cause of the hapless fate of the unknown fisher
men who have crossed yonder fatal line and em
barkeuVwith tlieJboat manj'falelLupan-the-aha!-bwyTH'ean
of eternity we shall never know. " '
" .Kroni our ioftv. poiiA'of observation, we UhoM
kind unless he's a born idiot, and it is veTy hard to
t I . i . S A 1 l.ll a
mm m coiiijntiijrvi wrnTiuioi. rrom me IOOK8 Kfn.nllP nt. vtn W t,.H.ii t.m bnsllv entrairwl
tl-ju j .tnm.-nfrrrT-HpaTT-ne j , u WttU.,,lt? the rain i-ur In torrents, receiving
' number selected the first day), we should say it
was Impossible to rind them, for they are not ah
ignorant-lol)klng set by any means, It is imjss
slble at this date of t lie proceedings to Judge the
result of the trial. The prisoner sits in a dazeil'or
.defiant mood In his appotntetl place, and look?
nervously at the Prosecuting Attorney, and hope
fully In;"the' faces of his. learned counsel. We
callel upon Mrs, Robb to-lay, the widow of the
victim, ami, found her bearing her Wreavement
with apparent fortitude. The shock has, badly
wrecked ' her healtl.but she la resolved lto rally,'
and her menus tlyuk that wbeu the trial Is over
she will have-less excitement, and caiwthen Ih
- come better reconciled than Is iossible at present.
Te-lay Is the anniversary of : Eva Rurbank's
dreadful fate.' Her sorrowing. mother went over
to Ilwaco on Saturday to gaze once more upon the
cruel waves of the ocean as the
LtHuefflMnm.roh'ni tliumler on tb bem-h." -
Vordirtif'WMidoleiice'ronve'V' hfttnlng iu
sounds of hollow mockery to the stricken ear, and
their iverteratlonsL fall Mith unavailing force
upon, the bleeding heart of Eva's mother; ,iYe,t
'the long days have rolled themselves Into one of
the years of which she sang a twelvemonth si nee
and she Is that-much nearer the glad reunion
awaiting herself and daughter In the blessed by
ahd by
nother-niotlusr'aJMrtrls ch!ngn owr because
ofthyT wavesr-O -cruel Went hervReach, and
. ' wife' white hands reach out to thee In vain ; for
a sonand husband has fallen a prey to thy "fury,
- and Ir. NiJlolden Is thy' victim for 1K81. 'May
the Angel of Mercy fold her wings above the heads
of the mourners by day, and may she hold aloft in
her pure white hands by night the Itcacon light of
- Hope while guiding them down the dark valley
'. ' of bereavement aud onward through the swamps
of sorrow toward the gates of the Ivternal City,
where death and sorrow canuot enter. -
But av truce to sad. reminiscences. Our daily
business Is with the living, and we must not shirk
the duty until the work Is doue.
. As we have time to look about us, we are pleased
tojipte the substantial character of Astoria's new
buildings, many iiLthem, especially the dwellings,
being attractive, eonimoIious, airy and pictur-
esque. Wildernesses of exotic How eAniiiXpyyyv iMclraTy Mrsr-fVttlfmtCTrJTra
sheltered windows and bloom with an abandon of
- bewildering profusiou quite refreshing to behold.
Quite a number of our personal friends are living,
'over fctorvs on the flats, where the tide sweeps the
.foundations -of -their houses dally. Among the
acquaintances of other days whom we have met
in these houses upon stUts are Mrs. Hattlerarolh
ers, from Albany, MrsAnna Hawes, from Salem,
and Mrsi Johns, formerly of 1'ortland, whose hus
bands are engaged In trade on the first floors, and
: are doing weiriu their several vocations, happy
Ja-tne. iiuaession-oi pieauut. names,- pnsierotis
busl ness, and the congenial companionship of
capaule wives wlio wisifto voie. .'"
The town sits upon the mountain's edges with
4ta-sWts-dippingwatef. Its showiest part Is
; built upon artificially leveled spots In the corru
gated acclivities overlooking the Columbia bar,
Cape Hancock, Fort Htevens, Knappton and
r Baker's Bay, with tree-fringed outlines of sway
' Ing mountains sharply limned on h bold back
ground of the horizon across the river, forming a
pell ing us to remain much of the time in doors,
and postponing our iutended Ilwaco trip fqr a
wharves and canneries to the best advantnge.
?'Ever and anon thick otlors "not of Araby" salute,,
our sense of smelllike. the urt'U jilronie stench
from an';' Inland slaughter-house. What causes
these otrenslvei visitations we know not; but the
tide alone Is not responsible for tliem, nor can
anything but prompt and rigid sanitary rulings
abate the nuisance. The toutnyrvll says, vlod
help us If an epidemic shouKl cccur." W'o do hot
know that Portland Is hot as fllthy7l)ut"wedo
know that In any other climate than this of Ore
gon no people could exist amid sucl reeking
and returning visltsr eating big dinuers, and can
vassing and collecting fof the.NKW NoWhwkst,
to make arrangements for further lectures, and
too much absorbed in court proceetllngs -and the
twndinir murdi-r trial tiTirive nubile soeakinir any
f " ; " -
thought; 'We' have spoken with few lawyers.
though there are many in town, among thein His
Honor Judge Stott, and Messrs. Hill, Thompson,
Oaples, Mulkey and Yocum of Portland, and the
genial and irrepressible wit aud story-teller of the
ro(ession, N 11. Humphrey of, Albany, stylel
"fun." for sak of trevltv. Hon. W. tl Fulton Is
overrun M-itn business, nl s making his mark,
as also is MrAVIirton and our bachelor friend
Frank Taylor, who itlie last) deserves a sharp
reprimand for remaining unmarried.1 V; n , (
The Woman fyrfTrage, question Is popular here
among all the better classes. Nowhere have we
met larger humU-r of leading men who favor It
The women arej for the most imrt, earnest advo-
jgh once I n a while w
herllns anl pretends to ,be opiKscd to lier
"rights," while at the same time taking her own
and her husband's also. . We met bue of these with
her husband, the other day, and we'd give 'most
anything to see her capable of comprehending for
one brief minute the lok of mortification that
overshadowed the face of her tie win protector
when )ia fmrwrlnirlv Informal us in blsiiris'rtrlilirvLiMiilJilMiiiliwi(L, liLlu't liM-vnv V
uTTsTie "had enough to do to keep up with socle
ty,rand had no use for the newspajwrs." Hucb a
wonja n liasjnorigh t tojcomplain whensuchairtan
seeks ltitellectuarjcomunioiishlp awayfnm his
firesidei; but such a man li to be pitied without
stint because of his children, who will iit-cessArily
be mentally vapid like their mother. The man
who marries a woman rwUtraweairnra1tt lias
nothing but weak brains to look forward to in his
sons. We look for much mental vigor among
Astoria's future manhood and wohianhood be
cause her present generation of mothers are
generally strong-minded ; but this makes the few
exceptions we met the more noticeable.'
Besides the Intellectual lady ' friends of equal
rights above mentioned and those Included In last
week A report, we have met Mrs. JI, B. Parker;
Mrs.1 Wlnton, Mrs. Warren, Mrs. tlhlenhart,
Mrs. Turley, Mrs. McEwan, Mrs. Case, Mrs,
Munson, Mrs. Jewett Mrs, Charters, Mrs. Fulton,
Mrs. Ohlson, and many others, any one of whom
Is as capable of filling any lmKrtant station In
public or private life as her husband; and the
beauty of the matter is, that husbands and wives
who agree on the woman question agree Uon
other . topics, or failing . to agree, res(Hct each
other's differences of opinion and maintain har
mony In the home. Khow us a man who opKMH
what he calls "wimmens right,' and we'll show
you a man who " makes trouble In the family. "
We xrtre pleasoit tdrmeerMfrnriTahsoh Tin hTs
blacksmith shop, Mr. J. Bergman at the market,
Va. J.. Taylor at the lec'ture-roomrHheriff;A M.
Twombly and Reconler lt.j R. Hpedden at the
(urt House, Captain Hamlin, Messrs. Don Ross,
Trullinger and A. A. Cleveland at their
pleasant homes, Hon. I. W. Case at the bank,
Mayor P. C Ireland at the A torian office, Mr. K
CHoldenat his auction rooms, Mr. Chance at
the post office, and Mr. Brooks at the photo gal-
lery.-all of wtrom'are- goodrfrtends to theWoman"
-view at owee -pletureAqwen majestic awl grand;
kjo&teS4t14wPAMlltm beew rilnyfy-wH-' 4 rnirTrayywentenrarfd- may tsy retTtRtTrfioTrfo"
give It aid and encouragement In the coming
campaign. Mr. Wlnton made a telling Woman
Suffrage speech" on the Fourth of July, which we
hear favorably commented upon on all sides, and
Mr. Fulton's record In'The Senate l highly eu
'"tftaejl. . ' - .
The many friends of Mr. T. 1 Powers will be
glad to hear that he has fully nvoveret.1 from the
and bids fair to reach a grecnoldage in com para
tlve comfort.
Mr. Freeman Parker, of Petaluma, brotfier of
our worthy landlord, Is here with his son, Pitman
Parker, editor of the Monitor Argun, paying rela
tives avisit, and are well pleased with Oregon
and Its prospects These gentlemen have resided
Tn California for thirty years. We are glad to see
them in Oregon, as we know their estimate of our
Mate will iea faffoncr tf ursehcyrerpro-;
gressive men and Woman' Suffragists.
"We should le almost afraid to sleep In a wood
en town built on jllcs;'and bridges, as Astoria Is,
were It not for her efllt'lent tire department
two -good engines with wide awake companies for
each, and a hook and ladder dlvllonf-tnvtnc-Ibles.
- ; , .. , ,
Rut the clock strikes tenand we suddenly stop
to count the accumulated pages at our right and
bid you adieu. To-morrow we are otr for Ilwaco
If it doesn't rain. Ai-H. P.
W j . . 1 ', - -. H -
a double sense because she ffofsn'f kntm I .Tle
wash-tub adds to lier glory ; the mop-hamUe ex
alts her dreamy, do-nothing existence the cook:
stove enhances her graces; the churn-dash In
creases' her charms Her tired bark-aches coyer
her face with smiles. -Dish-water doesn't qI her
(ifcas illuminates her. Kitchen smoke ilihen .
her. She has nothing to do. She makes an len .
of the house without an effort, and possesses tire
fairy-like power of doing everything while never
knowing that sho does anything. Wliat a glo
rious thing It ij"to be a woman If a fool l"
Ry this time Yours Truly, who hat learned long
ere this to talk and work at the same' time, had
Index finger wl.rt'f piet of an old glove, ami wf
ready to attack the next old garment, s
"I wonder. 1f there's any prospect of a change. in
the-wefither?" said Jim, dryly, "i
"Wliy, dear?"
- "Because I'm going to town to get help for you
to-morrow, if V have' to wade to get there. I'm
tired of this InfVrnal grumbling altout the worku. ;
'Then you don't believe there's any truth In
bosh'l" - V
!S" IDE.
-cr tH KM AKK-A-MfTI.B 1-K'lt.
Ahotiref1ay7r'Tou rsTriily1 supiort-il aud
protecteI existence had come to a close, and she
wasKclted at .thewofk-table In the lamplight,
mending her adorable's ducking overalls, think
ingof the President's condition, and mentally
going after that bullet with magnetic tongs, wish
ing the while that she was a faHiqiis surgeon so
she could attempt Its removal Tn reality, .when
Jim, who had forgotten his pledge and had beerf
devouring the dispatches In silence for half an
hour, suddenly recollecti-d himself and began fo
real aIoui from a stray newspaper, In'Jie follow
ing Instructive strain : ' Xv '
What la nuirw. fhsrirtlnr' HiHiiNun sffnlil-, fnrffii
woman? Urm snd thffA mH ni who pf -as thy.
ftrj-llkf jMw-r f t'liuiitlnc ulL ubotit tnr. Noniettmm
she U Ijcnorsnt lurwlf of tie nnitflrnl Influnc', whl-h la,
lifw-ver fur tltwt rrason onlV th or prfefL Her Wm
rnrr ltklitu iii1lie homr ; her spproiu-h U likivhr-liHn-
wsrmth t ps"''" hy, f 0t we urm content i-! stays
swhll, antT w srp hspv. To tx-litiM hr Is to Hv J sbs U
th aurora wild a humun f-; h has no nerd to do more
than simply to lx ; nh Hiitkrmtn Kdenof the houw; pars.! tn
hrt sl IiI-k rmm Iw'r, ami she i-uiiiimihicntes this dfllcht
hUpUTBCa I tmlit wll liniiit liiklnnf-iiij-greatfr lnu.l Ibsil of CXUUn
Im'kIcIm Ihfm.., lit not hers an inelltnalt ElflT
"Isn't that splendid, wife ?" asked Yours Truly 'a
adorable, In a transport" of "enjoyment."" "I tell
you, dear, that men admire women 'a great deal
more for their ersonal charms than for Intellect
ual development. Women -don't appreciate their
own enchanting poweTrrWhoever wrote that uu-
YouriJTruiyjdidn't-waiit to, shock her lord by
leading him 'by a too abrupt departure from the
ridieulous to the sensible, lest he couldn't bear It,'
so she said : . " .. .
: "How did you get so murlt pitch on the seat of
these overalls ? It's like Stitching through oakum
to sew! on. this patch." .
. Jim must liave acorhid to answer a question ao
commonplace, for he read again : "'"
"What Is more chartnlng thnir an M;rette, gramful
woman T . '
Whether from seeing that the sentiment didn't
exactly suit Yours Truly Just tlenorjiom a dim
consciousness that "It was sickly swash instead of
common sense that had soelatadhlin, Jim dropped
the paper, and Mid, severely: v '
.'What's the matter now?" - , . .
"Xething," said Yours Truly, as she tugged In
vain at the refractory needle, that possessed an
apxintedin these later years because you fake
such a prosyiew of things ?'
"I can't fithlany poetry In ducking overalls,
especially when I have to patch. 'em through
blotches of dried fir pitch, not even If I am 'an
agreeable, graceful .wonjan,' with 'no more need
to do than simply to U.T""Reud that again, my
adorable nrbtector: read it again," demurely ex
claimed tours Truly:
Jim blusheland
, tTTT t... i .... -...i i.i.ii.. i.n - i V-t .?,nt di"criei Y
and bleeding, and she gladly dropeI i he dirty
bifurcate a soon as they were flntshctt irrd picked"
ui the jais.'r. Me cleared her throat and read
aloud:' - -.
Skmetlmsi h Is liKrant bervelf of the angel Iml Influ-J
enre, wnitn is, uuwever, ror iiim teason only the mors
trfert. .'. ... , i ' " ...
A light began to break in upon her senses at
once. Here was the whole itory, as Brother
Acton would aayt'lri a nutshell.' Khe a rose An J
madeTtfie foIIowing'sp!ech : " Woman Is a charm-
Paradise breathes from her.' Khe's. an embodi
ment of beatitudes, and he charms everybody In
that partbrUpluAfter all eh, Jli
"Believe It ? I believe It's hot
Dldiyouyhat-it-was sj.lendhl a little
while njpri?" J -
Jlmjookel serious.-
liYoutakijL alLtUeromancc oiit-iilanfi-whcnever.
I begin to expatiate on the graces of womiin,'r Ite
said, curtly.
. "Because; like all men, you're a. goose on that
subject, my dear. Now, don't get angry. Listen,
while I tell you an unvarnished troth. . A main,
may have good sense upon anytther subject, but
when he tries! to comprehend woman, he will
show himself a conceltwl-thTncer I'll venture t
guess that the slljy paragraph that you've read tn
my hearing and that startel this conversatloTk
will le publlshel throughout the length and
breadth, of this land. There Isn't an Inexperienced
young editor on the tripod who struggles feebly
with a weak mustache who won't copy It ami
think it grand.- Ion't' think you're the only
goose In existence, my dear. ' Men aro all that
way. They all think that woman makes an Eden
of home without an effort, or cpnverts it Info
IhVllam by a wisli. They all think -the home)
machinery runs without friction, and that all do-
orls-are ready-made, like fcathersH
a ieacocki And when one of 'em is forced to un
derstand that such stuff as they print about our
'magic Influence' and the 'paradise, thatbrcathe
from us' Is the result of.-the hardest toll and often
of the lowliest drudgery, they call the. knowledge
we Impart 'Infernal grumbling, and forget all
about our 'Inestimable gift of having 'no more t
do than simply t be. Don't they, now ?
JIm4lldh't re4yrnd YoaTa,TrulyTohflnuel :
-lt yn -mn--t mean th Jgi ,jpf-y uu-uould
onlydlvest youjsaelvea of the Intern vanity that
leatls you to think of woman as ft rrcatur mad '
for 3'otir own rithfort, without any reference tfc
herself or her own convenience or common sense,
you would" are yourselves the exhibition of such
stupidity as hreathra ihrough that effusion which -you
call -splendid,- my dear. But lo let us lay
aside this subje t and talk of simc thing else.
How's the President?" v r
"poorlv enough. The newa Isn't t all encour
aging. What a , pity . they cannot extract that
bullet r - , -
"Viinnot, Jim! They've never trled.1 could
get It"
- "NVhen dtd you turn surgeon?"
- 'N ever, except In theory. But 1 ilo think a ,
little common sense ought to teach the attending
fhyalclans that he won't get well while he's
roubled with that disturbing cause." -"How
would ytu manage it ?"
"I'd" have a deMcate Instfupient made u I
Irresistible attraction for thepJlcJUiLwJikklLwaa, Ll!!JLl,JIJ
TmbSldd'hl ' npTnKheiredteratthe end of a spring
nothing - hate ver. tule, and I'd have the proier Incision made dl-
; "Do you knont" said Jim, "that I am often die- rectly over that ball, and I'dgo tr it and get It
anxintedin these later years because you take out." ". .... ...
"But suiqirtse you killed him?"
"I wouldn't." "
"How do you know you wouldn't ?"
"I feel It in my nerves I" "
Mrs. D.,you ought to have heanljitn laugh. Of
all the pmvoklng annoyances that ever come try
to ruffle the senses of "a "protected angel, who
makes paradise breathe ovpr all abont her, with-
out any greaUr trouble herself than to exist spoir- t
taneously," the most aggravating, nonplussing I
suu uii-Kei-over-muie is ui jonar-urawn fftitraw fit
your a4lorablo, who can't talk you tlown, but
ifours Trul v. as
she swept Indignantly out of the presence of her
snarer in joys, "liei nim die and te at'yf He
ought to, because he's a roan f A woman can't
express an utva but a man must. ridicule it to
scorn"" ' -.- ' - k.
JlnV suUldeil. vr his laughter djd, and the last.
Yours TrulysMW of him (as she peeped through-.;'.'
the partly open door before she fell asleep beside
IN umber I wo; ne waa diligently, studying tb
"splendld" paragraph about an '"agreeable woroAT
developments in that direction evolve anything
worth relating, you may hear again from
. '. ' Youm TRUtT. v
: is i