A ' i' THE -NEW NORTHWEST, THURSDAY, JUNK 30, 1SS1. 5 PORTLANI. OKWKi.V. THURSDAY. JUNE .10. . m IXXJAL' KPITOMK. - The prent'I-lhe, third week of Mr. Halleu Wk'a revival. -i " V . Mr. George A. Fteel lias received hU commit on lwt master. . - Kvervhotly buy hi Fourth of July hat of WtKK unaor the city clock Senator rover wa mrrenade! at the 'Hoi ton-; to,amJ good delivered to all partaof the i)tyr , Jloupe lartlliurwtay evening: -.?r- , ' ArraiiKemeW for the Fjirth of July, eelebra- ' The State Fair opened at Kalem yeHterdayT tloii In Portland have been made on a Errand wkle, vr from thUclty and return -in $2 75. . . as will' be eeirby the extensive ami attractive Hoiu-J. F. Caplea has accepted -the Invitation "10 deliver the oration at lloaeburg on the Fourth V flwlhVtthe superior finish and excellence of vork, Aoeii aianuM prvviniiieni as a.pnoiograpner. "Give him can. French residents wllf celebrate on July 14th, their" national' holiday the anniversary of the fall of the llastlle. . L-Another transcontinental excursion to Chicago and lWeton and return. Is announced to leave this I.. I.. lOtl, J.... -V, ' Dr. J. I York.' the liberal lecturer of Han Jose' was a passenger by tne State nf California, lie Is probably at Astoria. Miss Masrsrie Foster, of Albany, has been visit 1n friends In this city for several days Mst She will return home to-ttay. 8. Lipman & Co. apecUIly invite visitors to rortlaml on the fourth to nirpecjt tnelr nne stock .of fashionable dress goous.;' , AVHen-you iWide to give up and pay your elec tion bets, If they are ImtscaU otrNN oods. He lias the finest stock in the city. The fourth annual reunion of the, Alumni Asso ciation of the Portland 11 Mi nrhool is announced for this eveqlng at Turn Hal lA ' Residents '6ii North Eleventh, TTffth-nd Thirteenth streets ask the olice to stop boys from bathing In uulM lake near their homes, lartnamerl Jamcsr 1 1 acheneythas been missing isliu:eJmulayV4liglHeasila8t-eenn-the ashlngton-Mtreet uock. and ltJs feareu he Is .drowned. : , : : ' -T -r- The interest In Olds & ICtxrgsremoval sale Is unabated. Theytlil week call the attention of l - . m . I. I . -.1 . I. . 1 - l . t. purvnnaers mini me interior io. uie Murrain uiey are ottering. " . . ', -V Mr. Wood, the popularhatter, though slightly lnliinoel for the ast few days, has a competent asslstant. ii) charge, who faithfully attends to the wants or customers. - y The Open ..Temperance Associatioir'sJjiieetings show no, aiwtementof-interegtr-SfaJor. A.. F. Sears and ex-(iover nor Oibbs-tTelivered addresses on last Saturday evening. .. District Attorney Caples and his'assistant. M.F. Mulkey,-have ,seeurer a conviction in very one of the. twenty-three criminal cases triel duriug the present term or trie vircultcouru LCMcKero, last of the Turner robliein, and a cora- Knlolt named Smith "were a rresttnl.yt'stenlay pear ittevilltv It is thought they are the men who robbed Dr. Ihesslng and 1 Jtesser on Tuesday. Mr. C. J. McIougall,'attorney-at-Iaw, adver tises money to loan oh farm and city proiierty, In amohnt to suit iMirrowers. ' Persons liaving busi ness wi t h h i m w i 1 1 fl nd h I m cou rteou s a nd oll i gl n g. The-KevHtoneltestflufant.-utiiter"thmanai7 men t of Mr C'ohen, hns.rapldly risen. in public iavor, isone tnit-lne is?st rooks are employed, and meals are furnished for fifteen cents and up ward. : , . ;A Hon. J). V. .ThoimHon was given a serenad, last Thursday evening, after It was decided ;hat he was reelectel Mayor. AL large crowd gathered in front of his residence, and he made them an address. - i .The little pro iHltf( California has leen sold to ;oubt Steamship ( omitany. the Pacific Cou J not k itow-tH The sale w1tt TmtJ The price trrterfiru wMt- the Portland-Sitka roujte, as the uewiowuers cou template no cuange. A , - '-Dr. fleoT H. Hill 1ias' returnetl from the F.at and Kuroe, whlthee-he has leen for some time to perfect his. medical education. It i rumored tltat lie contemplates matrimony and will make his home atJVYalla Walla. : L-The proprietors of the Farmers and Mechanics "Store present another- characteristic announce- 'ment to the public this week." After reading It,' no one win ne surprised thai they have met with - their present-deserve I success. : - Ueceipt Is acknowlelgeI of tickets to Mellls Itros. A (Wo grand brass baud contest at Mechan ics', Pavilion oh Tuesday evening, July 5tli. -It will be followed by a grand ball under the aus . Pices of George Wright Post, No. 1, O. A. It. - On account of his increasing business, (1. Net meyert the. merchant tailor has. recently secured i ne services of a new and excellent cutter. The suits thrned out from the establishment, No. lit:! -First street, eoiitiuue to be the nobbiest tn thecityr . The Vntst Office Gallery Is the cheapest and ls?st place In the city to get gool pictures, especially tin-types. 4 card pictures, $1 ; 2 rabi nets, 50 cents; l gem pictures, oil cents. Gallery opMite the ost office, on Fifth street, Portland, Oregon. On every Wednesday during the Summer sea son, the O. R & N. Co. will dispatch the Km ma Hay ward through to Ilwaco. After' July Oth, the Ilonlta will run through to Seaside Landing on Saturdays, returning to Astoria on Sunday evenings, Kx-Chlef of Police Itesoer.and Dr. J.-If. Thes- sing, tf Milwaukie, were robbed on Tuesday evening on the .White House road by two high aymen One of the footwls covered them with a gun while the other relieved Mr. Ilesser of f 8 60 and Dr. Thesslngofajratch and chain. Those dull and sometimes severe headaches, the dizziness that overtakes you unexpectedly on the streets, the pain and weakness in the knees, tell vou that your blood has been poisoned by malaria. You should at once apply the right remedy. It Is Ifunder's Oregon Illood Purifierf a never-failing preventive and a sure cure. "Mrs. Dr. B. A. Owens numerous friends are glad to welcome her hark in I'nriliml H Kh een absent for three years, two-thlnls of thejlmel winrenenjmt tnesinlJCaTcnllM'A In Ann Arlmr. TrftlV anJXuroian hNpiuls. The lady will soon resume the practice of her profession In this city.' Messrs D. W. Prentice & Cti. will be fouud rep resented among our new advertisers this week. I Ills reliable firm has the sole agency for tlmse iiiue-irieuauusuperior instruments, trie celebrated Weber pianos and Kstey organs, and in addition have a fine stock of musical merchandise of all kinds. The Nkw Nokthweht cordially .com mends, them to its readers. Mr. J. W. Tiallcy has removeii from No. 47 to V . ... I . , - . l ill . . . . . . .rvi ni i laiuuiii street, iKtweeii rourtu and rift h, or two blocks et of his ohl loiatlon. No finer staple and fancv cnH'eries can be found in the city tlan at his new, neat and coninuslious estabtlshmcnt. His prices are.thv.vcry Iowesta he sells for cash. . All onlers pnmitly attended programme announced in our advertising col umii. .Indications are tliat tht attendanco I mm the Interior will be very large. Half-fare, rates will prevail on all transportation lines to the . ci ty.The Hie work i n t he -even! ng wi II be the finest ever seen on the North I'acinc t oast. - . Jdesrs.l Henry Villanl, A. J I. Holmes, J." N. . ILJ.,1, 1 L'..l,l..- it If II. lll k!.,t...l.. 'vi'm, it. nutiiiri) . i. i u (null) aui miHiuri George J. A Ins worth and Joseph Simon have filed with County Clerk ltorthwick articles of incorpo ration or, the "Oregon and Transcontinental Com pany. The objects are to construct, a railroad alone the south side of the Columbia from Port- land to Umatilla; to cover Oregon and Washing ton, and Idaho with-a network of roads, and to establish overland Kastern communication. The ea idtal -stock-- is- fl xed -at-fod.tim.noo,-! irron,0t)0 shares. The principal office is located In Port land. Messrs. Dolpli, Prescott and Sehulate are authorized to organizelhe Company and 0ieii books for subscriptions. The graduating exercises of the class of 8 of the Portland High School were held at "New Market Theater on Tuewlay evening, In presenile of an exceelingly large audience. The essays were carefully written and well read, and showed much study anil thought In their preparation. JtevJ.-A, Gray delivered the address to the class. It was short, terse, vigorous, and. replete with good sense.f The following young ladles and gen tlemen received diplomas r ( I .aura A. Hell, Ca--tnilhr-M.-lLCoiiinv V1tkte C. DunlWay'Kinma I urk he I tu erGertr udeU alllck, M I uul-) ray r Curtis Holcomb, Annie M. Kellogg, Iter! Iia Kali n, OFFICERS U'UKMlliKNT ...... ... ..:r.7.T.;:.."nr.rn:.TrAi; 71F.REU DlvlslN Marslialst . Krsnk . Alwll. . i Usi. V. Hvmru, Jox-li K. Wll y, , ItlcliNrd Ornir. oratoiu . . . . . sF'iiojr. clwuou cvasn ItfNilprtif ItM'iarittioii. HON. JOHN MiH'IIAKKN LJNh-I. ;..Ar.-.-..-.ll. C. WIIITK. Ki. t'haplalu. ,RKV. R. WIT.R MoRRIh . -" - . -j ; Rerepf MMttteer ' " Hon. l P. TlioiuiMon, CliMn. Ilraln. ' The wise man looketh at the bottom of the item to see If the story Is to le run Into a patent medi cine local; but the f sd takes leap In the dark," remUon, and concludes with the use of pro fanity.- -', . . . '- .' STEW THIN WEEK. IN Far m an d C ity P roperty , ' AMOrNTH TO SCIT DOhltOWKHS. C. t. NrDOI'UALL, Jn: . AlUrafjrHil-Lsir, Noj IVLtlniLslrM't, Nrtlsnit, OrrKn. GOODS DEPARTMENT - 'aT' "r ' THE LEADING Dry" Goods House We c ill uperlsl attention to RE O Ell T ARRIVALS ,.r. Fashionable Dress Goods IX . AIX THK New Shades and Colorings, WITH . Plaids, . Stripes, Satins, Silks, etc., to Match, . V Jilch we nr now lllnc at ... SPECIAL LOW PRICES. Put-tlrs pnlhrtln to vlH Porllund dnrlne, thprrlfl.r4tUn of the t'aMrtk mt Smly will nnl II lulvanisrcoiiii, lxtli In our vrlJ m Mirtmnl wHI mn kirsllnM-ilr jrlc, Q xlrepii a clt. m . , kamplm mrnt In unjr part ' (hi country fre, upon MppllcSllon. JJElratAaa-WaaMngtaw-St f. USE ROOD PILL'S. SEW THIS) WEEK. 1776. 1881. CELEBRATION .nr.. Till: lY.-StH ANNIVEIIHAHY ..or.. OUR NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE! AT PORTLAND. OF THE DAY. II. V. THOMI-hoS Vlee. rrtllfalir Hon. Henry Fa) I lug, Jll. A.i Hh,---- -. Hon. T. A. ImvIx, i. II. Mtrphrnwtn, Kjh.. -r-- Kirk KlM-Hon, Ki., II. 1'. 1-oiiMrtl. K., Frsnk ls-kum, Km. OH A N l M A RMII A 1 .r:;..:r. Hon. P. Waaafrtnan, Hrm. AN'm Htron. - t'apl. (1. H. KlanUeni, IH-. Wm. Oiipln, -' llon.T. 3. MHtlut-k. Hon. J. M.lieaifn. '1k Ii. Or IV K W. Kmii., llanl'iilurv. Kau.. JMh Iliu'hnian, h.," Hon. W. K Nrworrry. . H. K HanlMtrn, r., 1'. J. Martin. K., IL U lilt, K. riOUIAMNE. : HI7NKIMK, h ' ralute oTlilnMii Gunaaiul ItlitKlng of Holla for an Ho XlKIX. Halulp of ThlrtyHht Ouiim. Kt'NHKT, Halul ofTlilrt(H.i..liunJk THE PROCKMftlOX Will, form rinpHy "nf "I0:-W VIaTc nd tnov jr- flwi-IV WI It O-ChHK. a ntliata-! , , Klrat IXvUlon will form on Klrat trwt, right roathif on HiN-on.l IHvUlon t rirni; rill form on Alder trt4t, rlglil ivMtlng on .tertruleJHhn,rlMrjre.lV-ta rri- Annte J. 3iaitxii, jfun M. iMaoiaiion, Alary MacCat. Alice rarrUh, Nathan I). Pinion, A'lula K Thayer, Lutle M. Wakenel.l, Kate A. Wallace, and Harah lleck. Whl'e the great niaxx of huinntiity cannot ln- dulire In the liixurv nf fine jewelry, vet in thin favoretHand of ahuiulam-e a irool watch and chain and other neat and uefui oriiamenti are within the reach of comparatively all industrious pernon. An' unuHually favorahle ooiKtrtunity J now oN ferel'ln thin city to any who delre to pim-haie iich kkI. Mr. J. Van Ileurden, No. H7 Flrt street, who ha dtirliiK hla buinet career In I'ort- laiHi KHliiel the conndence of all with whom he haa'had dealing, haij made a great reluction In the price of all article found In a flrt-ela" jew elry eatablifthnient. He does this. In order Jo make room for a very larire and tine Invoice of diamond, watches, Oiiera and tieM trlassew, etc., -which" has boeirhijetl to liiuraiVd Is now on the way from I arlSj and anyone who is thinking oi maklmr tfct a purchae in the near future should vail himself of this opportunity at once. Mr. Van Ileurden particularly desires to call the at teiition of, visitors to the city on tlie comlnir Fourth to his chanjfe-1n prices, and conlially Jiu VI tea aii -insectlon of his handsome stock. Ins on Klrat : Fourth IHvUlon will form on Mtnrk atret, right rVatliiK on Klrat:' - Klfth lHvUloivwIII form on thk street, right ratlngon Mrat. The IrxnUi vtlll mvi n af k A. ! - mrmtmt Ike follow I aa- Kowt f Nnrehi I'p Klrat to Main: down Main to Kront down Tmnl l "P "e to North Klral s flown North Klral In K j up Ktofliinl; up Third to i'oluniMa : then countermarch, re turning to the City Plata, where will lie had III following -j...l-lyerv -- -" t-Xddreaa of Welcome jr the IVcKldciit. ft-XInglog ly the (lie duo. . 4 Heailing of the Iteclarallon Indeiandence. .V-tlleHlln if Original IVem. r. : S-Mlnglng hy theWlcal'lub. - . 7-4rallon. . - I Hiring the Kaervlaea thf dlfTcrenr Hand will play a m rJely of ideeca. ' , ' ' Vldcttea. Mounted Police. Vldeltea. ; -. - - Urantl Marahal and Alda. " .'., - :. .Hand. . - ".' (idor Otiard. llfflwr of the I' n I lei I Hiatea Army and Xavy. ' umtvra of the Oregon HI MtaMllllla. Kedera officers. , r-r-Htale Oltli-era. ' tat tveatf Ktnhrn torero m e lit a.-" - Mayor anti ooinuitMt Council. ' tinunty mi city omcera, - - - IllVltetl Oueata. Ireident of the lny. Vlce-Ireallenta. Oi-Hlorff Mie iHty. Itnler of eclaratlon of Indeiteudeuce; . . iNiet of the Hay. - Chaplain. Commltleeof lOcepllon. '. MEfTOXn KIVINIOW. ' Marshala and Alila. , -i-f.-i. . Hnml. t'nlted Mtatea Tntii.' ' pftrlland Light llttliery. Vf-I'l"f'"" iiUiMlTMiipaiij A. ' City Klllea, Coinixiny C : mm i-stcan Vetera iik. (I rand Army of the HepublUv- V , Knigniaor ry th I mm. TiiiRni niviniox. Marahal ami Aids. ' . . . . Ilnnd. Chief and AtMlxlant Knrlneera of the P. K. K . VUltlug Kiremen. - ' Willamette Knglne Company, No , P. K. l. Multnomah Knglne Coinnny, No. . y. it. Cfduiulilan Knglne Coniiany, Nn, H, IV K. I. Protect If tn Knglne Onnpanr, No. 4, P. K. I. -. Tiger Knglnn Company, No. ft. , K. 1 1. Cfiiich Knglne CimMny, No. S, P. K. P. VlgH anew Hook and I ,Hlder Cotnimny, No. I, P. K. I. . , , lloanl of llelegntea, P. K. I. . Zy Kx-CUlef and Awnatant JCiiglneera. t'OI KTIl , Dl VINIOX. Marahal and Alda. . . Ilnnd.' Ancient Order United Workmen. Ilenevfilent eWa-letlea. - -JHirtland Turn Veeeln.- Oregon Pioneer Aaaof-latlon. -Independent Order of ood Templara. Kalher Mat hew Hoctety. v "Knights of Father Matliew"" Htale and MuUinllnate tlrangea. y : . lulling rHorleiiea. j rirrn imvinios. ' V . . v- Marahal and Alda. ?A ,. Ilnnd. -Mlilp fr Ktate, with Itoya flreaaecl In Cnlform, repreaelitlng . . . .... M....a . ... a. 1 riwr Hiiu irminrjr in me I II ion. ngahoremen, Mtevedfrea and Klggera PnMefrllv Tnjjjen ami other Occulta! Ion a. AgrlcullHrafTiiKl Mechanical Improvementa, drawn on Vehlcleal . - . Cllliens In Carriage and on HoraetaM k. riKE DCFARTMEXT A.1D MIMTARTCOXTMTN Iturlng the afternoon Running Ctnitat ty the Portland Fire Jeartment, and a Military iJrtH y theaererat MllltJa .oniani-al will lage'piaoe. riKEWOKUA. In the evening, al o'clock aharp, on the Mock bounded ly Clay and Col urn I.I a, Tenth and Kleventh atreeta, a mag nificent dlaplay of Firework will be exhlldted, ilnder lha anperylfilon of Prnfeaaor Jliighe,eonatlng of the follow lug lMauliful piece i . . Itrroll Wheel. '' l'-W-NarMdeon'a Pyramid. - 3 Turklah crtaw. JMaxon Ouadrllle. -ldka llattery. - 1 V-Hunker Mill Mimom't. f-Chapletof ICoae. v- H-Yahkee Windmill. Ite vol ring Konntaln. 17 Hun of fllorv TTToTnitr N rnr. r riiXeTrhTfiJ JVmr. . " la- devolving Irts. 2n Athenian Kmblem. 21 IVtpourti. ' ; TSHi I ver Caacade. -CTWlnrtitti gronr fWmTff Jua- 2t. and finale A- lirand -i ag laajai Ijaallf H. Ml MtM.aW 1 1IBil llM llfa 111 ' fU't dome aurmnnnted by the American Kagle, enchwlng the mfNKWM or -ts" and "July th. ll . with atar.ahlel.l ami other appropriate-omamenla, under which, mounted oa 7 Htaytif America. . a Itanee of LJberty. -Illuminated Waterfall to Inamond Crnaa. II Iteyidrlwg Hmttmv 14 Kntbtoni ftf IJIiertv an SEW Tllltt WEEK. ffwr columns, will appear the word Port tand,' Oregon,"' theaa again upported by l maaalre column a, and lnimf l lately oudcr the word "Orrn" will appear a large steam flee engine. The lop arch will contain tlie wortl. "Iexlag I.mi, April isth. 177V and the arch to the right will contain the wonla "York town. tN-toler. lWh, ITHJ," thua rommenio. rating I lie Brat and taat ienf. if th al niggle that accured tft u a place among the nation a of the earth. The whole to conclude with a grand rrnah of hotiiha, rocket and volcgt Inttea, terminating Willi a flight of pigeon. ' I Hiring the Ktrcwork the aereral Hand will perform a variety of Mpularar. . "i - -. JalyStl. 1 ' : ' .',4 II AXI ( AXTENT rOKt FBIBEft. - --1- A Reg a I If ! Row tag Matekea, Haaa Ball mm 'rtekei ClaaMeta, . Ulaua Italraaw R.neMaoollagv for rtrfaea Otvereal by (lo t:eeitle roawawlllee. AL. ZIEHI'.R, Uramal MaralkaL. - T 7' 'OHAND PROMENADE CONCERT ......... AX O.. ...... BRASS BAND - CONTESTS .AT.. MECHANICS' PAVIU0N, .roa . THREE VALUABLE PRIZES! ..orrsaKo nr .... MELLIS BROS. & CO. lit PMZE-tlOO UT - GOLD COIN, And Gold Medal for Leader. 2d PRI2ETt30ING0LDC0If And 8ilTer- Medal for Leader AN EXTRA PREMIUH OF$23JORIHE BEST UNIFORMED BAND. "'. Cfntet to take place at Merlianlca' Pavilion, TIKNDAY EVEHIXU. JULY Sth. ISI. Prise awanlwl on the evening ff the conteat. Knlrlea muat be mail In-fore July lal to W. H. klNRlrMM, Care of MKI.US HIM1H CO.. I'JB Flrat HU, 127, IJH Front MC, iNirtlHiid Or. FREE!. FREE! FREE! ELLIS) BR OA. a 0. laivlle Ik axablle sfOrf fmm, WcfablaiwtfMi mm I4kfTerrllarr to thla portawt eoaUeat. Tleketa (llwltofi) lo k k4 at Ikelr atoro Ij. wltkaxal ehatrge, aml after TaiealNy, jMtX Slat. era svm4 ! A. M . tatJ T 4 1. M, - - - ---- MELLIS OROS.-A CO. B. HARTMAWl & CO., No. 165 Third Street, abort Morrison. We Hare Tkla Datjr Oaeaml aauKaitlreljr Mow Mao ..or o LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, - CHILDREN'S BHORTDEESSES; INT ANTS' COMPLETE WARDROBES," LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. - t -Tawotlier wllh Mr Nsarlr Llae of FANCY GOODS AIM TRIMMIflGS A orit AHHORTMKNT iF Dr. Warner' Health Corsets, Dr. Warner's Flexible Hip Corsets, Pf Jrrnr! W IssesL Corsets, Dr. Warner's Duplex Supporters, la Larger aa M.r (a,ltt tkaa Ever Be for. , OUIl HPKCIALTY LINK OF jphyr "Worsted, - ' " Shetland Wool and Floss, Saxony Yarn, 1 German and German town Yarn, German1 and American Knittlnc Cotton and Crewels, ok wiiiar-WKmvirTTnrEp , . IH TlfK NORTH WFJtT. We are offering the aboTt Ooodvboth Whole ile end RetaU, aUUwjwett PriceL frdeirrom4ba::uaUyrw prompt attention. " :" "" D. r HARTMAN & CO., J ... .-. O. Baa rordaaat, Oreg;oa. .. . . . . . -' V-