The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, June 30, 1881, Page 4, Image 4

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-- .JC- ff bM,
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- W r'ilr, t. -& ..; ; 1 L :j:a
a'n ar ilifnaaftaa afciai fr W I
nJf 4
. r . ..
fOKTUutit fcEw. THre.tar. jtjse a 4.4
the pra-aa afrit VLlimited bomba about
i Wfrecaeh Favrt hM l yiTbe day it-
t2f btltoi bmM wrollfic tource of rath. Thl
- Ml Kato Kane, lawyer of Mil waakee. Wk, TVjmw of , Woeiaa SofTrre va depriv-d of
bit petitioned the Bo Aadermea toappoiat mmt it Uet and earileat f'orbri ! the death
a mi oa the poUee low f that city, to .of the FiTof IVjf4eM. Not'only the auffra
dt j at the fit j prtaon. Her reason fr makicg ; git of the liriiih Kiopi'jm but i Jbeof Aner
th rtQOi are-AofcuJ, ad are U-iA iq ; iea. til the k-t Bt It i po-ible,, ao4 pertiap
other eitae a veil a ltllvMkc. .' $tte eU x- ' tvtLW. iht' the m-eiititti U hi n-inrt oa
tetk to tbf miiiMf 1a irtikh tAd! lrrt 7 vMitYcae vilT kTf m'jf vei'bt rvl j
vme who are brueLt t the' fitiiwt tAtioo. llrri eore tteeti thaif vbile the MJ4emo J
a ad h&iMile the ill)rt viihot pkrrei. She 1 . liTict. Then hi otUTt Were rersr k !
thftt he votikeft rr Msvttfi, hetbef! j;' y -iih-tei b t& ot. Now tieir vidm oi truth f
tijiilj-, ihej'iTe ewy lwA-f theie ble Ir hetter im at"f -wutd. The, I'mg(uJ'
tixmiutd Atkd esrthed tjMBe.". V&J bw e- j iMTJ'r mji that be wii the ftit tpeinher '
cnMiilj mStt Mrr r 1m I w!t. j f the II&cm rf Coaini:. to m!Enate'utjt-f
roorw. tle"aucIie e4iVcm Milvmakef ef Woc&aa tsiCrwr. lii4Hi od the K-7W
per re ,dwj4eel -witb Mi : Kape wort" trm K3 i"IChelBf IheW -w6rl: . - 7 T
They eaJ! It her Mauhhy.? Wtli the eircUri- i lj T txiTuTa ctrr r" wtt-i r
l rrlk T Jail - Uw
1 araltaa ta rsll4 tm Mir '
ThrMgb their eoas metttft, the Aklermetk Lire u ahar W fiiU rwaaJUmwf or 4 k 1 t
hee Urre4 (mt airtmr ea the eitHmrwtrich t ar" tii 44"!: IK
rM vSffla la the; latere of aorlity. The r-L x"far'
j xrm wHiinwj.iM - - y
fella m Voorlar beYt Y'oIat. Krocn the 1 iaj - aara Tiae tMbiUUe are iox u vuirserer t
AtUatie to the Ffcrifk. from the Lakes t the 1 1 treatel
- cJt .. T1 Jrf4Ml tA UMtiA ! Mlmvlh, f aa Terheated imajrizia!
the fXiUIie artaailj tit at4 Semau4 it eosaMJer- 1 "r cWu- a "-n""
ajj0-l ' v 1 . 1 j the iMftran aa kn- aa he remaioe4:a member of ;
j4a larfe aaj attrartlre, "jrraatie -aal ! A romu dji wftl rier her tr ex ; " " """ " " " . 1
aa aaythifix tmre tla the farsaal -" ,4ror ri" PariUmeoUry franebiae to
if rerheatei 'iaaariftatia -iatil time in May. 1-71. ar-l .tlae
aril he taaralea atxi t ra ai iaaaa 4 a thov
aa4 aSerect maynttiaVa aa J Vfwa little aiad
We ar ar- ar frailer Mrav.r
Dry and Fancy Goodo
-'" ' ' JLT C O K i? : .
We aaif a
Lawax lariaai r lava
k. mm4 areaVe a: I a lata lb '
paMlr keateail a rMalag
fca- aawaalats.-- -
f iklv aal ai r ,ajr
Mir yanhaf at mmr
aBca4ar ; hratea lada fjucric fth atraina f j
faatriotie aaai nkartial aaaai. rr-l, ha4 aiai lui J- i them to aech ahai
aa amxaiaiea the work r4iAj HiT1 to BOTBrtlt-
aaifbU tnra n tbf attlreraarr hen l-T aaea. It ia tauticblarir trrisr and
amatpy bad, aame ladiEereet, acai ew cwal; sn- i WraIifcr to a trt-ntaa iaxvaeeat i eriaMv via
Lheae exerciea ot rariooa ooaJltr and derree. the l frocai exaxaisxatioa by. toe' vbor trr atd
The Bual Iiailaa trocUea are reporteJ4athe v
Majthveat, now that the had weather I paat aad ;
M7 Tiixd Street
r- ..V t
Baaeh Kaalk mt
ate Halt,
itb f fl, ahelter ai-i
rtre aeeanta nt
raiment. tKra-Jo ,
&.j-M.wAtAAiiMi s .a
eetitral Idea of U that the rthe41 better leeliaga are by rtaet with "iii,
i 1fa rwat. ifc-aaPW il la 1 tanMaraiiiv ia. KAnthaPn I t n
-k ' aanar -v a a - a i w. a a a a aaj a aw a aa a.a -
ouiteiuimi-ri in-. L.eadinsr r.Tuairs-DealGrnr
reatioe arotnan Leealy feehu r-he koowa it ia aefamaoettU ? wna ir the errffcr ca'their oars 3trrfil -L? w
aiaodury, Me will eall f roimi the fart-that t It haVtafgcarftaaarSriaS . .
Uto a tod it via lwe eaHy viae to hare- th
- ahe ia atiU Uie4 T vithet refeettM,
enaed wjtbut weibL afat held. aaeaaUe
theat is
ljLJDrjchADgg i w a fair
4zed, var'are exeelJeaL
"1avw-whk'hahe'rl -ia$'6 la aaXJiTt723 tiaEotHL HTiea ajv eearrdia EasSera
Womu raniaot yet e lebrate wjtb royal rooJ
Men frequently aay that lomaa ia vocnaa'a
vorat eoetny," citlo aa prma' the faet that voaaea
are ittocb quicker thaa neu I a eotxlemaiBg erriar
aiatora aad leaa villi n to rraa4 ieittecita aid aad
aaajataoee ia reformat ko- TLia a&charitaL4ebeaa
ad le fart of women i traeeatie diretly( to men, 1
vba bare eaabiiahw, a eode eornlart wbieb
lorbada wotwi to gire aay kind ot reeor-ultioo to
4be tinning of their aex, nnder -aaJty of aajffer
ine oatraeiam a!oor with the hKTaJ delioquetita.
Jntaavhy-aeaaa Uheir rriau r wtr and f rre-'
roatoia hooea to earth tb laiea, arrived tmm
foreia lcrta, and they do the work ak-ker and
better thaa men euajld do h. le4iea dereajbr
the aaikfraaKe and aJanewC abLteratia tlat aor-tifieatkaa.-
vbieb aeeon jaiaied exaCilnatKma W
The qae4fL, Ia ta-iiet aifeeed a art and
EtbewitatifcriT anawera in tfe affirmati re, and aaya
V farther, that, inienfition to tlie .camtera en- j
' rri, fewer worn .-a than menaiL Erery day the
j'artay cf eanraaaera ia aofmeotea bylarjre number !
i vtaen. who find that, with alirbt treraration
aa e i jaa mm wuj f-a jjer -wwt" i fc the work, tber are able to make rood iDcomea.
a aucreWul iaoe ia Milwaukee, aord tra4 that a
like rea!t atiH eetttaally be attained ia PUrtlaiI7
Sereral ladiea tbia ritr Lave tatiocied . the
Vmb in the vorid,-mea forre tbefr wire and aia
tera to ewmdemn the fallen, vbiV they are tbeo-at-irea
ftrofeaafng ' rbarity fr the anfortanate.
Bat vocnea are ' ' infmjnenfly faand who
Mr. A. NolueT annoDceTt he vIII hereafter
pre hia entire attention to the Wft)f Stof1nM,
CVinci for af ajmrtmei a.'-! the nir to Mer. Sutherland k
tor: worn and firtu, and Ihe tnatter ia taifv Cbrite, who will rooduet it In the future. Mr.
awaitioe aetion, and baa bee for'aacue time. S. baa been rxtoneeted with the arnal for rear,
Afitation ia naicn aaary to aenuasfCiah aay ref crnu - abd ia welVk-Down aa a rrible wHter and thor-
leren adii ji jJaitJj.aeaa draiart-trt-awraTiTai
menta for aaaea nder the cbarre f vme,i tle beaioexa dejrtmenL i
and are fear the iat via uot It jcained kbti! --x.--- -." ' v- . j
the wbjert ia fcarftf a for aomeUme. . The Hemrratrnr Iowa hare incorf-rattl a
Tl'lnlv 's va.L" s - -- - r-. . c-Larre aa t.r VvWr )v tnale that the TWnwaraf ie
freat.a atnie. ' "
to the treatment of errior atJrert Tber.
matter of ro rae, are of tle" nMtr.mitaded'
' rTaaa a omen of aound aeoae and icartiral ideaa.
A woman of tbia rlaaa who i vrtby of apeeial
notice. If preaa rerta are to be Urlierel, ia Mra.
Dr. Mary Pratt, of PLiladeifla. Uhe dreaaea
alaialy 'btrt neatly, and wnU tier hair hack
anyaotbly, rerealinr a bif h, bnaJ forehead..- he
baaU lal aataitltiit la allMvl.nM at - - - -
cfoaely vatehea' and earnestly Iiteua to tle
vliDrm. The exjreaaion of her lace Indieatea
r All aila.
fSrbart leada with a. acreti re j a prr ov fcPreett-4
Aaperta of the Indian Iubieaa." Nelt a eaaatae t a writer for the Glakrow AV'are aara th.V the
vrtterrjreathe arieva U "A Vaakee Farmer' on j matia for aiefider fire ia to he Uid at the iaF
The ReTifiooa Ckla of theAre. Anher j Uf fashion majruDea, where the human flru-ejaj
treiarhant aJlie iajiThe, Power of PuUie Plon- j iBTariabJy reffted entirely out i iorcrjion. !
der,' by Jamea Parton, vbieb ajala to the aona , :, i . ; : , . ' , -
of our men of rbaraeter knd wealth. n itrktie The wife 4 Henry Villari ia a daucbter of ti e
ar wal rar Catalocne.
107 First Street, Portland, Or.
(round, tociter, into jolitioa, and txome the I late W ill iam LJyd Oarriaon. He ia himself a
that ahe fear t!r fate laere agh-reaiterof aa err
hajc aiter dejieteia on ber ririlaree. ,Her miaaioo
aa not to etfeet the eeaj of the 'faUly, turnlnr
Harm free that they tifay return to a life of 4a and
ajhame. but to reform the retniUnt: and while
ahe aeek
to reclaim the rerr alae alao yXA firintf ,n aB Yn Ore, jaOent aheef.
oualy (Tuarda ajrainat tlte poaaibility of ntijut en
. afliea. h'be 1 fjren tle rredit of, taring, two
vomev from tlie gallows though in one eatae ahe
1 ra Mvd by Mia Anate MeDoweU, of the .?-
daxl.'rpnfjfif. Hhe ha ato Interened beraelf la
behajf of women accused of rarioua petty Crimea,
and ha in several instance loo nd them to be the
eidioia ta' maliciou peraerution and proaeeutioo.
.' . Furthermore", alie" 1iaaaiaeeeedel In-getting the
lasnMiment of many ofTender . made light, and
haa akied tin m in leading-vef at itirear'Iff ahort;
ahe y no attention to the unwritten lava of
aan, aalia tried and true friend, not aa enemy,
of her a? a, and I a;-proj'riately t'-aJlI "A Samari-
IiiJConrt." .
The Orj',uUjm 1 ha ring it aay about trade
anion, and aome of it remark are highly amua
to j-roo who bare lracJicJ knoaledre of
the Inaide vorkingaof labor organization- I lead
tkia, fr inatance: "Employer in one locality
make money by at ri Lea In another and can there
aaaona ta order men to juit work that K tley
find ft ifoCtatle to lnret money : to get up
atri kca tyilnrt t!mlr rival 1 t1e ame Itne-of
In-lvtrj. .. - 'v - - . j ".
-The Canvajaafvg lhjard, eorifiUiig of City Aud
itor Durham, County Clerk llorthwkk and Jaa-
Tbomaaaorj rtletled to the office of Mayor. Hia
majority Uane. lie reeeired hi certificate and
waaiaworn la on laat Thurwlay afternoon. Mr.
rUni friend baTe rarried the rae lolheJCrrr
. ":; yvilx Vourt, lai ml tig that the FWynl bad do rifrht
. i. A I ' iiig-lr-f-Ti- I I 11 ' 1 ' r .-WT
-3ba!ter atri rnrtrrrKSTMZi u.
--r Direct from French Importert.
Is . Mr, llenryXieorge dwell on The Com-1
moa renae of Taxation." The C-oat of Crueltr"
ajeente;l by Mr. Henry Ikrgh, and ,A f'tody
of Trnnyaou come from the rn of Mr. It&txard
. . . a a -i l
jieury XMooMara. . I
Mr. II. K- Kinker, of WrUis baa -ren
awarded a patent for a dre t hrt.
The aecofnt-liLl cutter anl fitter, will leave on
Mr. H P-W. PackanTa aon-in-lav. avikS-ttbe 7th of July for Nev York and Kan Fraueico
eyed and canting timpletoa named Harry V&J!&22 reereatirmnd lo byy aelrt t
m uuai u-n, iv. rut 1 1 1, vu iier return,
is adlition to ber preent"rielgterft, bare excel
lent aaaiaUnU from New Yort Mr. Litt will
continue toderot- hia time exclusively to ruauu
tactunng ladiea readr-male dnwae aixl ilolman.
fioblialaed by a debaaed and aenile inebriate, aoroe
dogrerel ia abaaeof the aenior editor of the Nrw
NoTMVErr, becauae thia jurual aaked the pub-
lavr vaj vv iar. a aaaaav ai aaa in in aaaaa a aa aa a Maaaai a ia aai ia t - .
log and falaifying In regard to Woman Suffrage
for the reaaon that on the aul-ject ahe 1 aa crazy,
aa'a bug. We maat again aak a gene rout public
(o be cbariutle, not only with the. demented
mother-in-law, hot the weakHniaded aon-In-law.
Tbee tmor torle are
their action and word.
l . a . . v a t a
reuiteman cnitaucu ni ouaineaa, a no III a oucce
ha alrraJy been proxed, for not, leaa than 3s to 40
band are constantly working for thia houxe. It
i tlte onjy one. in the Northwest which make a
Trialty of ladieVdreaeand dolman and miaea'
dreaaea, Ilead hi advert iaement under "New
bard J r accou ntatle , lor J TL iWee tT. Erfrwonl ofit 1 m1 Ut -1 rut lu
isucuoi toe win ue giren ue name oi toe cutter
who will fill Mr. Litt' place during. ber aUeint.
' We bare reeeired a copy of the Ayrtif llrmUlr
publiabed at labiladel4iia, Pc-ncu, by L. L.
Hmith. It ia deroted to adrertiKer' a veil a
agenta interest, and war on lrrepouible per
aon vbo ae the ftreaa .for the urjrfe of w ind
ling the public. -It print a 1M of firm and
cominie that are n;tder the lain of ".the pot
office deixtment and to vlom money ord r and
registered letter are not delirered. Tle, Pacific
Coati ntrff f mlitedjaith any of tbeae fraud. ....
On ThuraJay laat, at Vaneourer, Ker. L. A.,
Itanka. of the Iwrifir (Vnaor. va hpllJigQgJi:
tte thigh by Tbomaa Hperry, vbo took to himaelf
aome remark about a drunkard that 4heat ami
abuaed hi for vife till death put aa end to her
ml ery." The word mut bare at ruck borne.
The murdcrou aaaault will be conaidered an ao
miaaioa of their truth.. Mr.' IUnk may aufiVr
aome what from the wound, but the temperance
cauae will be the gainer. , , '
tt'ttt baa been greaijiy Improred of bite.
aaHlaitew Alteaer..
Mr. Iw-njamln I.H'ohen ha removed hi law
oftce to the suit of rooms numbered 20 in I'nion
liloct Mr. Cohen ha been appnintel rcaident
attorney of the Eauitable Mercantile Company of
Nev York, ami alao of the North American At
)Umeya and Tradeameii' Protective I'nion Conv
fny of Connecticut. Theae are two of the largeat
and moat reonil.le collection agencies in the
country, and claims placed in Mr. Coheir baiulji
mill receive careful attention and be vlgoroualv
prwwed by- the beat legal . Uleut in the - Cnitcsi
State and Canada., He ha alao engaged a com-
Kent aasiaUnt to aid him in the enforcement of
al claim.. . - -
L IV hey are now haraletl In Ihrlr New and Kntarced Hlon-
K'm, ai.Hlnliif ibeirold alanl, anl Invtie the lnjecinr
rtt the puMtc. i . wyl
Xea. A. J. Brwaell.
known modUtr, ha remove I to No. 011
atrect, between Fourth and Fifth. whr
ahe ia prepared, to do flrat-claa dreaa-maklng, and
would la? pleaacd to aoe all hr old patron. She"
The well-Morriaoa
Ulng by the
U prepared to teach cuttinsr and tin
eehbratMl 'S.mar Mrttani
Mr. Simmon, Tlleacher and Prccrr ha re-
Th "XrXa,i he ebea ewrrn-n?,rrr'nr
to buy. Wheeler & Wilson MTg Co., K8 Morriaon L
MraarMl. -: -
A fait line of Mwdrhea In rh.twfolorv Iavlnlbl Hair
Seta fr Frool.Oilirurea In all anatr.
lentl-mena Wlc maje to order. A erfet. Bl ruaran
yred. iry Hair a apectaJty. ,
ateamrr. Alan a foil atnrfc ut Slme. Iwmorvat'a raitern.
- -Meawf aiamp ft I II am rated ltarocoe.-l'aiwrnfaenThr--
mall. pt-piild. - .
So. a alorrt
C 8. WASS.
fttreet, roHlaaMl.
1a rirat Klreet.
' - i
CdeVrtecT THero"
Orrtiiii. Ir rnnianwliw HOME IS
"! tf vmir alillllr. : kIiimi.J vtai. rmir hn.Unl. fr yoat '
frtrn.l. neel anvthlnc In Iheiine W rBISTIXai. pica-
Orrcim. I.v nnuirulnv Huar If Di aTIT to tl.
tx-at tf ymir alillltv. : thiMiiJ viu. riir hhnl. at :
cal! on or atttlreaa
' -m Wtaalilaa;aai fMreet, relat4.
lU-f.a nOlnc"arat We will nranlee yott fn" wort
aH' liwrt living prlwa.
re- Macnalnea an.l Mwle fVk Iwwm 1 In th bea Mrle.
Iaal Itlanka uf all kind, for tale, an ttaHrae aent oa
ttpplieaihar j ' feU
Canaral Forwarding and Commlwien.
Fr-leht and tlartaae r.r-ar4t an.l 4ellTered with aia
atch. Manoa aii.l Furniture moved, vh-dere for Hacaa
pmmptiy attended. In, ly or MfhU
: - Mark, Care rf tX T. Co.