The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, June 16, 1881, Image 1

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    ? .-..--L . :. ,.. Fees ieei-h, Fbes I'remm,' Free PEonJsv-1. " . ' '-. T '
volume xya. 40. ; v .;:;; Portland,, oreoon, Thursday, ,june is, issi. ' - ; per-,YEAfe-ww-
' l . TON TO MOSCOW.'- "
though rn, AXD-mn rOVRTIl aRAMHC
j-Z The facility wlthi which thrifty, home-lovlug
women can adapt themselves to pioneer clrcum
stances In this far-away country challenges admi
ration. At Grangevlllerwherewe Temained over
for another day or two after finishing the lt
editorial letter, we enjoyed the hospitality of Rev.
and Mrs. Hall, school teachers for the town, and
patrotfsof the excellent Sunday school of which
-Ir Jr llr Robinson is Superintendents Mr. Hall
: and wife have resided here but about a year, yet
they have builded an'feunible home that is pass
Ing beautiful. Nobody needs to endure unsightly
walls In these days of cheap newspapers, and Mrs.
Hall understands It Turn whichever direction
you may In her house, and a new surprise will
greet you. Pictures from magazines are framed
in quaint, home-made devices of paper and straw,
Tand three or four rutlc frames are peculiarly orna-.
' mental 4n a casing of black velvety rich lnJts
effect as ebony.. . A rough boxneatly papered?
standing on papered legs and filled with Toam7
forms the basls.of an Inexpensive window gardeu.
,.Ylnes clng lovingly to. snowy curtains, and a
ibreQ uin -of cbea nt Gutter ciotn,- bleacneU ana
starched, is covered with a fret-work of pressed
ferns that carries you back to the shady, region
where they thrive aud grow. Bureaus, cupboards
and numerous unnamable knlckknackery are
made - of ' pine boxes, finished with paste and
paper. Nothing about the house . Is " wasted.
Thrift, utility, comfort and happiness-ifevlslble
everywhere. The school under the charge of this
worthy Christian couple is like' their home and
garden orderly and flourishing. As a minister,
Mr. Hall Is unassuming yet progressive, some
what conservative, yet never dull. The young
-people like him, the old respect him, : He disarms
skepticism by his lndu-trjuutalde of the school
room and pulpit, and strengthens the faith of the
r faltering by his devotion .to humanityVSuchTnnr
and .such women' are inestimable7 blessings In
" border lifel . -h;" N A ." .
M In ths -west of their toll the desert blooms, .
And the forest before theut tolls; - '
Their. Ubor hath builded humble homes, ;
And-euies wntrTonyhiu;-'77 ? r
,- We take leave of GrangeviUe with genuine re
gret. The people have turned out en masse to at
jtend the lectures, and the hearty,,Ood-speed with
"which they bless- t atpartlng i not to be forgot
ten.. .v , . ' . . ' , " '
We are on the stage and off toward Lewiston at
8 AJU The iaU rain has washed thr faceTof Na-
ture as clean as a' freshly bathed infant The
genial dame has pinned some new varieties of
rersJn-ber-bosom sln we-eame-overa week-
agq, and has half hidden others In her tangled
hair, which Is being combed and cropped by cattle
and horses here and thelre. ' The morning is clear
and the view glorious. On the one hand may be
seen the Salmon River Mountains, green and tree-
: studded, beyond them the snow-capped Bitter
Root Range, at whose feet Professor Proctor found
the bead Of his famous "dog salmon," and In the
other direction the swaying lines of the Co?ur
d'Alenes are limned against the azure blue of the
pellucid firmament. . . '
On the stage is lion. S. S. Fenn, exmeniber of
Congress, a gentleman of thought and discern
ment, albeit he Is In politics a Bourbon of the
Bourbons. He Is supremely happy over the
- Garfield-Conkllng fight, and snuffs victory for the
Democracy of the future in the air. lie knows
eYCry-jDanwomaaaDdxhildjDalhejoad, and.
should say Is popular with the people. He dresses
l(ke a miner, converses like a gentleman, and
jokes like a sailor. . 7
Break fastratr Cottonwood Station. .. ilere we
meet Mrs. W. M. Miller, formerly of Boston,
whose husband an . old .. resident brought her
here less than a' year ago. We can understand
her feeling of homesickness. By and by she can
understand our present relish for new countries.
The return drive over Gregg's Mountain is even
more fascinating than the first Journey. The
1 scenery Is of unrivaled beauty. Homes for the
homeless abound on every hand. We dine at the
foot of the mountains at the well-kept wayside
4na-of-Mrvan44 nWhlter-Ttwnwre hasten on.
ward, leaving after a while the alluvial uplands,
and travel down Lapwal Creek and past the fort,
beyond which we strike a rocky cafion, up which
the tired horses toll laboriously In the stifling
heat ", - - ;" ' " ; ; . "
Blx o'clock, and Lewiston. It seems like get
ting home again. Familiar greetings occur upon
every hand. We are almost too tired to move,
tat weliasten tothe post office, where we watt an
2wi&&UdsUry-mAm4mri9 'be "epywcdyemd
are then cheered by the Information that-our cov
eted mall has gone to ML Idaho! We are com
pelled to boil over In loinT"wiy, so we write a
growl to the Junior editor,' who Is not to blame,
and afterwards fait Into a troubled sleep, in which
all sorts of accidents have occurred at home while
we were beyond the reach of the telegraph. 1
" Our circle of acquaintance widens In Iewlton,
and we could spend another week here profltably
did time permit In addition' to the friends .for
merly mentioned whose courtesy we epjoyed, we
are pleased to name our old f rlends," Pr and Mrs
J. H. Htalnton, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. foe, Mrs. Ma
guire, and Mrs. Georgia Brlggs. The lad lea are
ready for organization, and we hope to have their
efficient cooperation In the suffrage work In the
near future. ' .. - . -
' A young stripItBgT an agent at the stage office,
treated us with some Impudent "slack" In a vain
attempt to be "funny," for which we are half In
clined to take him across our maternal knee (edi
torially speaking), but guess we'll let him off this
time, as we learn that. he lost his position the
next day. When he gets a little older and riper,
he'll learn a little of the wisdom that Accompanies
good breeding and always waits upon experience
Tnenext"inlrh o'clock,
we were on the stage again, our destination Mos
cow." The road lay on and over the hills, across
the Clearwater, and out through along succession,
of billowy uplauds, with undulations like the,
heav Ingiceatrabou ndlhgeverywhere. We turned
for a farewell look at Lewiston from the great
heights -where we first beheld It, years ago, and
where It yet remains, so far below us as we gaze
that 'It looks, like 'a pretty toy. We learn that
many of the residents of the town have never seen
it from this point They ought to, for they can
uever appreciate their home as they should until
they do. ; " "
After a long stretch of travel over the heaving
plain, we canfe to a beautiful mountain range, not
so high as Gregg's, but well watered and timbered,
and covered with grass and flowers We cross
this chain and drop over, InUr Paradise Valley.
Never was valley more appropriately named. It
Is as broad as Camas Prairie, and the soil as black
and rlduJThe-cllmate isjnuch the same In Win
ter, though warmer In Summer. Everything'
wears a hopeful aspect It is the Promised Land
of the farmer, the Paradise of the stock-grower,
the Mecca of the lumberman, and has nearly be
come the Ophlr of the gold-hunter. '
Yonder, In the lap of the earthen billows, sits
"Moscow eo changed since we last beheld R that
we cannot recognize a. former land-mark. Two
commodious hotelspne jpOhenOhe jarton
House, kept by Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, and the
other by Mr. and Mrs. Frye Invite the traveler
to' rest The stage leavesusattueiQrmer
where we rest till lecture time. A good audience
awaits us at the hall, the familiar faces of Messrs.
Cowan and Wilson of Portland and Mr. Arvld
III nma it-ofForetXlrve-appearing-aJnoiig 4he
crowd. ' I " . ZZ :
ICarly the next morning we ventured forth on a
prospecting tour, our tools a scratch-book, pencil,
and a ragged copy of the New Northwkst,
which had been 'loaned 'us by "a .Lewiston sub
scriber. -We raised the 'coior'Mn almost every
"an" In the shape of sllver,coiu. Hon. W.-X
McConnell was not In town, but his extensive
business and army of clerks were present, at their
head the efficient book-keeper, Mr. W. B. Ful
wiler, formerly of Yamhill, and then, as now, the
confidential custodian of the great concern. We
were also pleased to meet Mr. G. M. Wilson, who
was once in the employ of Mr. Ira F. Powers, of
Portland. Mr. J. G. Steel, brother of the Port
land Steels, who Is connected with this house, Is
now engsged In sinking a mining shaft a few
mi lewayrlnhectatntndtrmir
fessed that the specimens of. quartz he exhibits
are rich In gold and silver and calculated to ex
cite cupidity. On ourreturn from Hpokan we
will visit the mine, If possible. Mr. Arvld Hi n
man Is preparing to settle here with a stock of
merchandise, and Is well pleased with the out
look. A drug store kept by MrT. J. Craig and a
Jewelry store by Mr. H. Olsen evidently do a
thriving business. There are other enterprises of
different degrees of magnitude which we hope to
notice on our return. Hospitality, good cheer
and greetings are the order of the day Many of
the business men have ranches, on which their
families are living for the purpose of securing
homestcadsfAJnother sections of the earth,
the spirit of possession Is abroad among the worn'
en, and Miss Alice Johnston, an Intelligent young
lady .of Moscow, has taken a homestead not far
jsway. If she does not marry before her title la
complete, and thereby fall to get it as Mrs.
MIchaet Raney did, she may see the day when she
will be abfe to support a husband handsomely
iJjrniJ.ts roceeua-IJkolJheiupaxM jolihla. v
inland oouutry, there is great need of a market to
manding much attention, and it Is hoped that the
growing crop will relieve somewhat the stress of
the prevailing hard times In money matters,
f This sketch would be incomplete If we should
fall tq mention the weH disciplined, mchool-undes-
(he management of Professor Frye ; nor shoutds'we
fail to note the fact that In this little city of only
one church (here Is rooreof quiet and good order
than In many an older (own we wot of, where the
people are taxed to the limit of endurance to build
rival churches for the "needy parson's use on
tiundays,? nd which Are closedthrough the week
in solemn grandeur, leaving the sluice-gates of
iniquity open durlnfcslx.days but of every seven
to run their business without a protest The one
church Is occupied by the Methodists and Baptists,
ind the Presbyterians meet In the combined hall
and school-house, where they also hold a flourish
ing Sabbath school. '
- But 'one clergyman has called upon us, Mr.
Gamble, the Presbyterian minister, a genial Irish
American with strong good sense and an appre
ciation of Independent thought and action quite
refreshing to witness. We are glad he called and
became acquainted, for by so doing he has gained
a friend. We are always Jubilant when preachers
will letusllketheimiIt is" much better for them
and us to be on pleasant terms. But we cannot
pay the price of our own self-respect for their si
lence, so we are sometimes compelled to publish
facts concerning their treatment of our mission
which we should be glad to omit did truth allow
It facts which happily we are not required to
chronicle here.
But yonder comes the stage, two hours ahead
of time; and we hurriedly scrawl the closlug sen
tences of this long letter, and yet more hurriedly
pack our traps, and In less time than Is required
to tell of it We are on the boot and away behind a
spanking four-in-hand, our destination Palouse
City and Colfax. A. H. Bv
Moscow, June 8, 1881. I- .
-; - Uicrow, Oregon, May 28th, 1881
To the Editor of the New Northwest i -:
Believing It would afford yon and your many
readers pleasure- to hear how 4the cause In which
you are so earnestly engaged Is progressing among
us, I am prompted to wrltf. We have had two
called conventions sluo our annual -meeting In
August last - , :
The first convention was 'held on March 15th.
A goodly number of the more zealous advocates
9(Woman Suffrage were present, and a profitable
time was had. Several persons identified them-,
selves with the movement by signing our const!-
innEllutlon Cnsplcuous-amotig-them-Twerethe
youug eaiior oi me Mountain sentinel and the
ltev. jc. Klrkman, of the M. E. Church.
The latter gentleman was called upon for a
iJfJApiiyylDg-h had3urtconwF
to make an actress, but for the same reason that
a woman went out upon the b&ttletletd of Bunker
Hill, although he did not profess to possess so
much bravery as she evinced, fehe was urged to
go back, as she was in great danger and could do
no good. She replied she had only come out to
let them know which side she was ont Ife had
come out to let us know which side he was on.
He had seen so much of woman's work In the
church that he felt convinced It would be benefi
cial In the state, therefore he was. In favor ef
woman's enfranchisement
The second convention was held on May 25th,
as the Sentinel has informed you, and everything
connected with It was a success.
The opening exercise was an Instrumental duet
Tytrs7Tsh andMtss ettIe"McComas.
After the minutes of the previous meeting were
read, we were favored with a song, "The Old Elm
Tree," by Miss Balrd, of Brownsville.
jMsJor Magone, by solicitation, was present, and
delivered one of the best speeches In favor of
universal liberty It has ever been our pleasure to
hear. ' ; .
At the conclusion ofihe speech, we were enter
tained with the song, "The band that rocks the
cradle Is the hand that rocks the world' by Miss
Mary Davis.1' . ' ' '
Mr. E. 8. McComas followed with a Xtyt inter
esting remarks, In which he said that over twenty
years ago, in an Eastern city, he had listened to
the speech of a man Whose 1 photograph could
scarceljr belold from that of the tpeaker. who had
Just addressed us, If he had the two to place side
by side. lie alluded to Ossawattorale Brown,
"whose soul Is marching on' Although not at
that time In sympathy with the sentiments of
that speaker, he had lived to see the principle for
which Brown gave his life become the law of the
nation. .This speaker. was not nniy nw him la
person, but also like him In being a champion of
Jorlty of the people, and "Mr. McC. expects e live
to see the Major's theme of universal suffrage also
trluiriph.throughout the land. ' V
Mr. M. B. Itees((of The Cove, an "ever-ready
advocate, made a briefspeech. '
h The nest speaker was Hon. James Hendersbott, -who
remarked that Wm. H. Seward liad once "
said, 'There is an Irrepressible conflict approach-'
Ing; this nation cannot, exist half slave aad half
free." Subsequent events had proved his words
prophetic "Another . conflict.: Is . bo w. approach- .
Ingr The perpetuity of this government demands
that equal suffrage be conferred upon all Intel-
lectual classes." He recorded himself In favor of
woman's enfranchisement, and said we need but
wait patiently ; that the Indications are becom
ing more and more favorable every day forthe".
consummation of our wishes. A few years ago.
In his visits to the Legislature, not a woman was
given a place among the law-makers. Last year
when he was there, five or six were acting as
clerks and doing efficient work.
Mrs. Hendersbott Mrs. Babbington of The
Cove, Mrs. Prbebstel of La Grande, and Mrs.
Eaton of Union, made short speeches, and we ad
journed to meet after supper. .
in tne evening, we were greetea wun tne song,
"Overthe River," by Misses Davis, Balrd and (
Beldleman. ' . - . n .
. Another wide-awake speech was made by Major
Magone, followed by a delightfully executed In
strumental piece, of m usIc by M rs, Islu..
Messrs. M. Baker of La Grande and J, B. Eaton
of Union made brief speeches, which werefol-
lowed by a song, "Beautiful Dreams."
v A) vote of thanks was tendered to Major Magone
and all other friends who had so generously as
sisted, and the meeting adjourned till our next an
nual convention. ,..x:7; pz i i
The dinner and the supper given to Jncrearse
the funds of the society were a complete success.
There wm comparatively a scarcity of genUevaen
In the afternoon, but equally as many gejrtlemen
as ladies In the evening, and a good audience both'
sessions. - Indeed, we are proud of the ladles who
want to vote In Union county, and also of the gen
tlemen who want them to. v
' .' M.-P.-AME8,- 8ecfreUryr
In Tremont Temple, Boston, on May 26th, Just
after Susan B. Anthony-had made an able and
.telling speech before the National Woman Suf
frage Asociatlon3IayAVrIght Bewail, of Indiana
arose and in a neat address presented her with m
tastefully-constructed Greek cross made of gold..
The bar from which the cross was suspended bore
Miss Anthony's Initials, "8. B. A'hile upon the
point of the cross was the date 1848 and the Initials
ef the Association, "N.W.8. A.,whlle the reverse
bore the following Inscription t "Presented to
Susan B. Anthony by the Citizens' Suffrage As- -sociation
of Philadelphia as a token of gratitude
fojJlgXJUfeJQ"? dev"tlon-t-ilte I nterests Jof ?
ixman.5Iay7H88l.-cTeTjra a token more
worthily bestowed. JL .' -- - .
iFrom the New Orleans Democrat 'The women
are rapidly distancing the men In all the'profes
slons to which they have been admltte l. It was
shown the other: day that the M. D.'s graduated
from the Women's Tlledical Cciflege of Pennsyl
vania were making; an average of 14000 a year
better than most of the men who-have adopted"
the medical profession. Ah Investigation shows -that
the women lawyers are doing nearly equally
as well. There are seventy-flue practicing In this
country, and "they take in an average of $3000
annually. It Is scarcely probable that the mas
culine B. Xk's do as well."
The temperance women of Illinois have pre-
sented Mrs. Hayes with a huge album of six vol-
umes, each oontainlng 650 pages. - Its Inscription
reads: "From the ladles of Illinois who have ad'
mired the courage Mrs. JIayes has displayed In
the administration of the hospitalities of the Ex
ecutive Mansion. God grant that the Influence
of this signal and benign example may be felt
more and more as age follows age In the life of
this great Republic" . It contains (he autographs
of many eminent persons, and Is believed tor be
the most worthy-testimonial of the kind ever
gotten up, . :
From Uie Middle town (N. Y.) Liberal Sentinel:
."The present law, shuts out women from soms
means of honest living. Belva A. Lock wood, a
native of this State, a graduate of Syracuse Uni
versity, and a member 'In good standing of the
barjofjth? ftupremJurtjBf the United States,
was last year refused admlsslonlo the baTofnthlf'
8UU at Poughkeepsle, because the laws of New
York do not allow a woman to practice law. -Women
are also by law Ineligible, however fit, to
nearly all offices In the; State. These matters
would be corrected If women were voters." -
Two young ladles were killed b
lienrletta, Texas, on Sunday Tas
r lie!
1 T.f,Fr