1 A- . . V. THE NEW NORTHWEST, THURSDAY, MAY 2(y? 188L 8 , GENERAL NEWH. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. TRAVEL. f. ;.' ; Ia 1 . 'i 4: i i is i X 1 "L !1 1 - i f. - CoogreiM bu adjourned until Deceniber nexL The Chinese In Chicago have formed a Maaonlo , society. " ' Mrs. Garfield ha iierljr recovered from her re cent sickness. e " ' Colonel Thnc A. Scott died at Clifton, Tenn., on Saturday last. Commissioner. Williamson of the General Land . Office has resigned. - ,..',;,'.;: 1 Register Bruce of the Treasury Department has , commenced bis duties. ' , , Blaine Is reported to betaking a harfj In the ;- fight in New York orer the tienatorshlp. The revised New Testament was published In full In the two leading Chicago dailies of Sunday -last. QUIT HOUSE. are Aider ' It. B. LITT, tb only one on the face of the globa who sends Ladles' All-Wool Black and '"' "J? m7 JJ and Dolmana to any part of the roast, C O. II- with prlrlle,r o( exsmlnlnr, sad if n e madly as 'h.'T'I77i paid ay him. Send Visa of bust, length of aleeva and-sk.rt. HnWI Dress-making by MKH. L1TT. Third and Al streets. Portland. Orrron.. . . i ' - . NOTK The nbava statement la without doaht tha most legitimate advertisement ever Insertedln ny news Plr. All thai la uM la trial ; II m altera not what distance. Prices ar ranging from to aa In French raahmrra or A 1 1-Wool fabrics : Blark Dolmana, from SIS to IU. Styles are renrrally left to M IIH. IJTT, the admitted leading lrr- anaker. ljadlea who have Uietr mi Uresa Moods ran nave uresaea maae up at rcasona-Di? prwn. fni, All Wool Irese Oooda on hand at aama prices as th leading dry goods stores. - N O f ICE T O M I L Li I N E R S . - Thi New York Timet Is completely showing up all the dark transactions of the "star' route postal .gang.- . .-. Becond Assistant Vot master-General Elmer, Brady's successor has assumed the duties of the ;. omce. - -v . .:. . Henry Ward Beecher sanctions most f the changes In the New Testament made by the re risers. ' : - - . .-7 . - Commander Glass, of the Jamestown, has as- sumad . a - proUt-torate over property, rights In . AUska. . The Immigration arrivals continue to be heavy, and efforts. are being made to get the new-comers to go to the Houth. .. ' - O'Brien, a New York Congressman, has ob tained a divorce from hiswife on the ground that she maltreated hlm.i Dancer has Just woo the six-day "go-as-you-please match In Han Francisco, making the best Wcldc Coast record, 61 miles The steamers Ganosafad Pembroke collided near Boston on Friday, Uie former being sunk. The loss will be about &UO,U0O. " Postmaster-General "James says no clemency will be shown to any-"tar" route swindler, his - motto being "let no guilty man escape." General Grant has written a letter to Senator "Jones, of NevadArln which he expresses himself In full sympathy with Conkling In the present fight. . . r. ' The only saloon In :Lompoe.-Cal;) has been blown to pieces by a large bomb. Lompoc Is a temperance colony, and this Is the second saloon destroyed by gunpowder there. . ' ATesMolnes Iowa)"dlspacir'saysslx young lady compositors In the Leader office have struck for a raise from SO to 22 cents per thousand ems, and that their places cannot be supplied, -j On last Friday, a cave In the GoTden Terra mine at Terraville, Dakota, killed a number of miners. Nine men were covered up for some time, but .were released with only a few bruises. LeJand 'ntanford, of California, through ; the New York VommerrJat Ji ultettn, has been elabo -rating his views on railroads and their rights. " He thinks they have a right to all they can get '.' Kalloch has gone' East, and ' will probably oV - trade himself at the Baptist anniversary In In . dlanapolls. If he seeks recognition, he will create --breeze, as there Is ' a pronounced sentiment against him. ' - " The reports from" Albany. N, Y., are somewhat -iconflletlng. One-dlapateh-reiwls-that-Conkling - cannot b reelected to the Henate, apother says he will form a coalition with the Democrats, and till a third positively assorts that he will be re turned as a straight Republican An explosion occurred In a saloon at 6U Joseph. LMQ..on Tueadaynlghtt and a number of colored men were killed. The walls were blown outt and the barkeeper, a very large man, was caught by the feet onder the falling roof, and burned to death while stmggllng.deserately and appealing : for aid. ' : ..... , . ' , ,.. O. L. Whitney, Custodian of the Treasury De partment a t Washington, s found to have hNn engaged for years In a system of -systematic pecu- latlon. Ills business has been to buy everything needed In the treasury, such as furniture, carpets, ' soap, etc.. and it Is imt rtalned tmtt he has for six years yo(atcl the law requiring him to purchase . by contract from the-loweat bidders. He has bought from his friends and favorites without - making coOracta, paying them whatever they - charged. No system of books or vouchers has been kef, and everything has been run loosely and without business rules. : The Heeretary of the Navy haa ordered Rear . Admiral .Wynian, commanding the North Atlan r,tlo fleet, to Immediately send one vesael of his squadron to Merlda, Mexico, where the American bark Acacia, which put Into port In distress, reported to have been unjustly aelxed by the Mex ican authorities. . The Captain and crew are not allowed to remain on the vessel, and the Ameri can consul's request for her surrender Is unheeded. The matter wil( be left In the care of naval officers. This Is the first case under the uewadmtulatratiou calling for armed Interference to maintain the honor of our flag in a foreign land. Xatharal Matbratt: Matkeratlt Are you aisturnea at night and broken or your a a a a a a . . . jast-oy-asiCK cniui auuering ana-cry inff w excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle 6f Mr. Win8MWs Hootii IWO Sthup. It Will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately depend upon It; there Is no mis take about It. There Is -not a mother on earth who has ever used It who will not tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the. child. Derating like marie. It Is Perfect! v safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the oldest and best woman physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. , Twenty-five cent a bottle. . : " 7Ja7TswV?Ii4 Ttrfr:: : Should be atopped. Neglect frequently results In an Iucuroble- Lung Disease or Consumptions JjROww'aBimNCHiAiTBWHFarcertalairive relief In Asthma. Bronchitis, Coughs. Catarrh, Consumption and Throat Diseases, For thirty jean the Troches have been recommended by physicians, and always give perfect satisfaction. They are not new or untried, but having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an en tire generation, they have attained .well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Public speakers and singers use them to clear and strengthen the voice. Bold at twenty-five cents a pox everywhere. " ;r. . ; '.ir,.:::. " ,r - '-v. ;- We are pow opening otur-.Jr- T -xx'x tVllLLIHE R Y CO O D SI IHPOEIED 1)IRECT 7E02X THE EASTEE5 MAHTIFACTUEES Whloh we will ' Sell Lower than" Any Other Houee . . : on - the . Coaet . - . . ,' ... : Jolnmbla. Orrgtn. . California. Oregon. Columbia - ;! ... '. May 2h June 4 Juna.;. 9 May W June 'j June 10 ,. Special Inducements Offered to tfilliners Starting Business. r4 LEVV IS & STR AU SS, atroot, lQjrtlmx cl , MELLlQ BROG. & CO. Mroa. IIXiLiINERV! Wliolooalo or THE CnOICEStrASSOaTXXZSTSjf' THE TASTIEST TBDf HERS I ; : THE LOWEST FBICES ( Send for Cataloctie or Call and ' Exaxniiie. ... . ' ' . tti Ilw'. - Flrt Street, ELLIS BROS. I C0.7r:;;2 ;;tt 1 20 Front Street, "maJSilT PORTLAND, OREOOS. rVL. MADDVX. HADDUX, Car. rink aa4 WMafclnatra NUk, rartlaattf, Orn : DKALKRa I!T - . ' STOVES, RANGES, .AMD.. I Ioumo iFuralMlitnsr Gooda. WK MAN CFACTt? RE ALL KINDH OF COrPER. TIN, and Hhr-l-Iron Ware. HMt1na, (lutl4rlnff ana Joh bine a Mperlalty. We do our own work; defy eompptltlnn, and guarantr aaMafartlon. . inylwlf Vh E ROSE PILLO; HUMAN HAIR GOODS! Direct from French Importers, CINHWTINO or TICK tATET NOVEI.tlEH or THE Hraaon. iUawi-JrulUlna-irf-atwUahaa in Cbttlaafolora, laialll Hi Nfla for Kront lollTurra In all ahal"a. Oentlmena Wlr mada lo order. ray Halraapavialty. A.ferfpct fit fuaran- RITTERtrKU CELEBRATST) PATTERNH by arery ateamer. Alaa,ull Hock of M me. liymoreafa Iallenia. H-nd at amp r Itluatrated Catalogue, IVltrrna aent hy mall, poat-pald. ; MRS. t. 8. WASS, ap'JH . X. e Karri ntreet, Iartlaai4.' BLAD WOOD. For the next three months, I will sell BUb Wood attl 25 per load, C.O.D. Orders left at We idler's Hill or with drivers will be promptly attended to.- x. jTTVERSTEEO. WHdlrr Mill, Marrh St, INK I. maJllf pionccn wo od-yard, On Eamond Dora, at foot of MWtaon atreeL all kirds er Ween, Hawed and nnaawed, ennatantly on band, and delivered to -all parta af the city. nall -1- lJVLCVa XQUXWiVi raoprtator.. -H v i DLOOD 18 THE LIFE! IT HAH A MARKED EFFECT wherever there la an alonlc effect of the Viae ral Muarular Coat, aurh aa Iyapep ala, lleatlaehe, Neuralsla, Vomiting;, Biltooa Attaoka, - Kheumatlam, Ialna In the Mtomarh and Bowela, - ' Irrearularlty of the tiowela, Coatlveneaa and Conatlpatlon, which are ao olmtlnate and - v . j-et aV common In cltlea, where peo- - pie of lieceaalty muat llVa a aelen. ... tary life moat of - the -year. . . ?. A tM4y tm Tk la City who had been a anffcrer for years from ohatlnata Conatlpatlon of the Ilowela, and had t been unable to oMaln relief from other medicines, waa relieved after one week by the nae of the celebratel "OREtiON BlJtOH PURJKIER," . . and subaequently waa PERMANENTLY -:- CURE1) by Its use, and Is now nalng It ' r oecaaionally to prevent relapse , . ' .... In this caaelt la apparent that the "Oregon Blood PurlflcrH aa iiir- nr.MMn mucn neeaeu. . il orrectea tna 1 torpidity of the Liver, overcame the Inaction of tha -. Bowels, and restored to them their wonted func tions. Your Irua;ist keeps It; Insist anon : ' aettlns It; take no. otbr, remedy Instead. rlee, pr Stottla.il eet wr Six Hatllea .man . fsr $i ee. CAT A R R II V' flnE MOST PREVAfJJNT BUT LEAST UNDERSTOOD X of all diseases, Is the cause of muchnrVdless auffeiinf and thousands of premature deaths annually. DR. KECK has made this disease a life study, having been a great suf ferer himself until cured fey . TT1 g Own H-oiTLocly, Which he has for thirteen years In his practice- tha threa last In Iortland, Or. auitto the severest testa with tha moat satisfactory results. lie has also treated aeveral physicians. With this accumulative evidence, wa are warranted In say I ng that no other preparation tu Lhacurs of-4hta disease in any of Its forms will give such universal aatisfaetlou aa Dr. Keek's Sure Cure for Catarrh, Which yoo can get of your Drurrlst at home, or of DR. KK(.'K of Portland, Or., al f I per hoi tie, or sis Unties for S.V .. The Doctor makes a specialty of the treat nit nt and cure of chronic diseases, especially - Cancer and Diseases Peculiar to Women. Young men, mlddle-ared or old men who are Buffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weak ness, early decav, toxa ff man hood, etc., ahou Id consult DR. KECK. EVeO'tnliKStrlctlyeonfldential. All pnrer ques tions answered theongh the malls promptly. Enclose a three-cent stamp, and allress DR. J AM KM KECK, No. ! First Street, Portland, Oregon. -Trie trade supplied with DR. KECKn'ttURE CURE FOR CATARRH direct from Iha.IlMtratory of Dr. Keck, or from Iloilge, liavls A Co., ltrtland, Oregon, wholesale agenta. " Juy . D . J. MALARKEY ft' C O . , a, le nasi 19 KraM BU, lartlaad. r General Commissibn Lloroliants, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN " Floor, Feed, Prorisions and 8taple Groceries. V further their Interests by corresponding with us. let ters of Inquiry promptly answered. Weekly prices current mulled free on application, mr liberal alvancea made on approved shipments of Orain, Wool, Flour, Hops, Hides, etc., etc, . j. ma24tf UOE ROSE PILLO. 0REC3MTRAKXFER COMPANY. General Forwarding and Commission. Freight and Baggage forwarded and delivered with dis patch, planoa and Fnrnlture moved. Orders for Hacks promptly attended to, sy or N ights W. Csr. f4eraa4 aatd Stark ata. W Mark, Care of O. T. Co. - Bfosrroif m. apAOLomo. PACIFIC MARKET. BTTEXHAED 4 EPAULDDTQ, Dntoheri and Paokeri. And Dealer In All Kluds of -FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BACON, HAMS a LARD, 38 and 37 B Street, Corner of Second. PORTLAND, OREGON. . ' -upsetai Attenttow gtvra to mpplyThf Ships, sell U, 0RE00H RAIXWAY ABTD ' KAVIOATIOJf CO. ." I . -'- u ' ' t-r , - J OCEAN DIVISION. Between San Francisco and Portland! la ar sfeeldastt ta tha iui. .r rail, (ha fallawlaia arhadaila sr aalllaa- aava sf ; ateSMaera kaa aaai arranged. tawt . LEAVE aA!t rAXCtaCO. t-ATg roKTLAXIl,7 1 Do notice will be given of any further change.' ' Right 1 reserved to change steamers or sailing days. - Tiinoi'iiu Tirgm sold, to ail the principal Cities In tha United Htatcs and Canadas. . ' . y RIVER ,ANO RAIL DIVISIONS. Columbia, WmmetteandTambill Eiyri, . -f m , ' ' ! ' FEBRUARY 1, iNKl.' . ' Leave Portland fob Dalles, Walla Walla.) I'matl! la, and other up-river pttlnta. ) -Astoria, Kalama, Ta- t wmt and Seattle.... Victoria and New I Westminster..-... j Cat hlamet, Hay View. I . Hkomockaway and llrookfleid westponiuiMnanu - Knsppa. j Salem and Inter- ( medlata polnts...... To points on Hnakei River , ,, Dayton......: Mon. Tues. Wed. Thu. KrU Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam saaaeseas .aaaaaas. 6 A M -Trttm Sam Sam Cam asaaaaa 6 A sf aaaaaaa 0AM ,. SA m ........ Sam .....L. 5am ........ flAM Tam .'.. 7am J. Tax HaU Sam Sam , i Saw 1 Sam: X3ENEBAL OrFlCEM-Cerner- Froot and I streets, Port land, Oregon. i '. . 'I. - K. L.IAXWELU J. MrCRAKEN A CO., Ticket Agt. O. R. A N. Co. Agts. P. C. S. S. Ca T. F. OAKES, , JOHN MUIR, " ( - Vlce-Pres. and Manager. Oen. Frgt. and Pass. Agt.' OEEQOir AND CAUF0BS1A RAILEOAD CO. On and after October llth, 1H0, trains will run as follow r (DAILY. EXCEPT UN D, YW) ' Eaat-ald stlvlslasi. . ; , FBOMi lOBtTLANI.TO StONEBlKa. - - - ' Mali Trnla ' , . , LEAVES - ARRIVES Pfrtland......7:.10 A. M. I Roseburg .....7.- r. M. Rose burg .....J:W a. M. 1 11rtland..i............4:a5 p. x, - , Albatajr Exareaa Trnlai . LEAVES - . ARRIVES Portland...... ..,...-4.-00 r. m. I Ibanon...............:20 p, m Lebanon I;ua. m. I Portland., .j,..10U5 A. M; 1 i ARRIVES -tt.no p. m. rrclahATralj Portland. . Sn(lHMHH(MMMw esp.M.. The Oregon and California Railroad Ferrr makes con nee tlon with all Regular Trains on Eastalde Division. . . - Weatilda Dlvlalaa. rROM PORTUSD TO COBVALLia.-. "- -v. Mall Trmlai LEAVES ARRIVES ' Portlanrf.-..-.-;......:ftl AVTrrt Cnrva1tta...;..smo r.it Conrallls.... ..Jt:M A. m. Portland...MM. ..a:P. M, . Close connections are made at Rose burg with the Stagea of t he Cal ifornla and Oregon Stage Company. Tickets for sale to all the principal polnta in California and tba East, at tha Company's oftice, laraer f gad rraat Streets, at Ferry landtag, rartlaad. " SJgorate wtiMte-rtiargedTMr Freight remalnrngla'Cotn- pHiiy-s arenouses over iweniy-rour nours. Frelsht will not he received for shipment after ft o'clock p. m. on Eaatslde lHvlslon, and S o'clock P. m. on Westsldr IMvlslon. J. BRANDT, E. P. ROOERS, ' General huperintendenL Oen. Freight and Passenger Agent. 2-Mtf MSraMia BY THE USE OF l.i THE HENDRICKS t ; And Abdominal Supporter, Which Is a Caannleta Keller to those who are thus afflicted, ami In ninny casca a Perfect Cure." This Trofwls In every way different from any used, hav Ing an Elastic Pad which Is a sure Retainer soft as the Uesn.-trof never neaTlng." " " It Is not like the Elastic Bnhd Truss, which hinds most where n-eled: nor like the Hp Tmss, so at tochsfe and Injure the spine and pelvic lames. It Is simple In construction, and easily adjusted to aqy case of Rupture, whether slight or severe. ' It has been examined hycoinpetent physicians, whoread( Hy endorse It, and pronounce-It -Must the thing needed." This Trims has received unqualified recommendations' from all who have used lu Mauy columns might be filled, with certlfleates.,lf needed. This Is the only Elastic Pad made, and Is ao composed that It is nsillng to the flesh and also healing. Manycure have been effected in the short space of ninety days. 1 lie inventor waa nimseir one of those nnronunair-,-and, after trying all the principal trusses wit hunt beoeflt. waa driven to Invent some apHlanca to enable him to at .T-iiti t ma uan; wirra, mill iruT lie is nimi. . And now. In proof of bis confidence In Its value, he In vites alljhe aftllcted to a fifteen daya'lrlslof lUVlrtnes. Send the price by Money Order, I rat or Epress,and If. after this trial, you prefer ymir money, send the Truss to ma or my nearest agent. In- rod order, mlnns reasonable' wear, ana your money will e promptly rem naeu. i far none harvcr been returned, lvrsons wearing A3T oth En Tat'sa are invited. mylJtf Address I. W. IIENDBICKft, Na, BSarrlaasi rartlaad. Or. THICAMESliCAN ', Stoam.OyoIng and Claanlng Wose DYE AND CIJCAN AIX KINDH OF SILK, WOOLEN and mixed goods, after tha best and newest tierman . Snd French avstems. Kid Gloves and Fes the rs cleaned ami., led by a new process. Blankets and Jurs cleaned niceiy- Cleanlng and dyeing OenU' Clothing a specialty. ,T?iKAtt m t 'r No. 10 Salmon street, Portland, Oregon. Ir" aslllslTfflrTT'"l-T"f"M' rO' . v , A . A -A