ORIGINAL DEFECTIVE V, Fkke Si-bech, Fnr.fj Pkess, Fkke Peom.k. V UME X. NO. 32 PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 21, 1881. PER YEAH $3tJ0: J EASTERN OREGON. MR' tflWAY AT TUB JJAM.KS GKA1MIIC SCKUTIOJCS OK SCBXBKY. I)K- t'STV WOX AX MXFHKAOB ASSOCIATION UKSrKBA TION OF KMtMIHS. Dfai. H. thi th:.J wh.'i hol J .i portrr 1 .in? ver met aol- s with v oaks r and v.! that 2 Tub DAU.US, April IS, 1SS1. r 1ER6 OF TM3 XKW XOHTIIWBSr: . m wish you could all be transplanted to . t . iiftil Eastern Columbia River region, might view it in the month of April, ,- r r tog is in its glory. Then you would be i - on for yourselves that pen can never ul poncil but faintly delineate. The -4 triver.uams through gray basaltic -n.ging forever the mighty monotone of uid the majestic uplands, terrace upofn i retch away in the distance, clothed in Vi.-itly more enchanting than any instru the human eye can reproduce. The . -i verdure everywhere takes on innumcr .. i and blendings, always interspersed messes of ever-abounding green. The willows, now in full leaf, form a striking pleasing contrast to the somber pines heir evergreen fronds in the April brez-, a d the graceful poplars, tall and slender and break the natural outline of tjie ver- ii': sc i, ty their prim and cultivated regularity. It . a - .tter of wonder that, men in planting tree-r t t cony Mother Nature more accuratalv. ai. 'udiciqus old dame never follows regular -tngles, but always makes brjjaks and :u ' Indentures in all her out: iat '.ii rtll t hereby proving her universal cJ Ute ingenuity. Not so her feeble iruita t. od women. We level the hillocks and of .iade" and all-abounding sun.-bine that e?ry where m-l otir delighted gaze. Thv a r as asr ; balmy as the tropica in midwinter, and bracing iurves to makex eight angles, and w j as the arctic breeze In August. Thb c igtafo tcba 'a. tees we cultivate till they lose their j aspleudid elimate for a conaumgHv- . this par an i freeilom, and then imagine tliat we ticular season. And yet, m"-- BO ati urf in-. i i ! . A f a.: . . 1 i l 11. i. uiai I, iiPw n4.L. 1 - iiriisnu lunuvuuuiis upon tne IiaiHfl- aearcn oi ueaiui wu rr"i-v - Tuqp: uosMble from a Wfeir immm uregm in th SpringtiM d. The iim. ( ur - 1PS, air: tors, : br. l:'r pruu grai ns'.- rnu v work i (i '.r i,. the order of mechanical euterpriv. w'.i;h The Dalles visitor notus sroMv-. ein.rir.o'i dix-l.fc a.t t tnnahinu Hhos lttheT)repr P.-'2vj anu v Ljation Company. These v- are stanti- i massive, and men by scon - - d corei art bu"; ;-y and night in attending multi-tudiuc.i- t ransjwrtation dhtios, whie lone ren der the nderful prosperityof this u4 le -ountry posslbl. We if ' notice an elevated sidAa'k r :chiu fwna t .t (!ocks to the town, near(v a .j'.-t-r of mile in i- ngtli, and so high tat it uake -a dizey to look over the railing, far -!w ,hi l! giant irins and busy trucks aid ltiixl n . buss--mu, Bii'l numerous and brlcate in :ieir wind- inir 'hat, It would srem to nur.v man act 1 to ep Uieir respeiiive tracks kj f. it wi, and accidpit, all thi es the nt-v UinauHn .ljfijtiii', which is also formerly of Salem, and as genial and pleasant as of yore. "We did not have time to visit the public school, owing to personal indisposition and the manifold duties of our sojourn, but we hope to, next time. We had the pleasure of meeting Professor Wortli ington, principal of this .school, whose many friends in Portland, Oregon City and Astoria will be pleased to hear fromtoim in this connection, and to whom we are pleased to say that he is in stalled here as a prosiKJihig and popular occupant of his chosen Held. Mr. P. S. Price is also ai; able and successful teacher in the public school, and deserves double the pay she gets for her eiUj cient services pay wiuth would ungrudgingly be accorded to her if she wtre a citizen and a voter. There are many tine and tastuful residences in process of erection or nnvly completed, among the F" Ai.it.f n. .i a. it r ml - more nouiuie.oeingnieyegantviinioi ir. j. nomas mented dwellimr. and 6oth belnc of the modcrni style throughout. A disastrous fire occurred one night during our stay, in which the barn and! horses of an industrious citizen were consumed, signed the constitution, and the sooiety starts-out under favorable auspices. In the evening, after the organization was ef fected, the public convened, pursuant to previous call, for a ratification meeting, a large- audience being present. The undersigned was appointed as a committee to inform Mr. Crandall of his elec tion to the olllce of President and introduce him as such to the public The gentleman, though taken by siirprise, proved equal to tliQ occasion. Ilil? extemporaneous inaugural was eloquent, de cisive and grand, and took the house by storm. Our own argument on the constitutionality "t the suffrage resolution came next, after -which a large majority of the house ac in response to a csill for an allirmatn'o vote for Woman Suffrage. The nj call for Che negative vote was answered by one woman, an elderly lady and mother in Israel, whose actioli brought fortli prolonged applause Miller and the haudsonfe home of Deacon lieezlyai from the hoodlum element in the rear. W iiskd the latter a bay-windowed and profusely omtwj the good sister to tell us why she had "voted that she didn't want to vote," but she answered that she had "forgotten her speech." We assured her that we were glad that she was living in a country where she could thus freely express an opinion; jm x t and which, but for the timely exertions of thej we rejoiced that we had been enabled to brave the well -disciplined tire department, would havej opposition we had encountered from such as her sprcad everywhere. I self, until many laws had been passed for her On Thursday morning, accompanied by Mrs. cAbneflt, and we projosed to press on in the work Donnell, we took a drive ujion the picturesque, up- WH oyery right was guaranteed to her that the lands, our outfit a lively team and Mibstantial Kov"'9nt granted to negroes. After another buggy from the livery stable of R. B. Hood, Esq.fi rousing speech by Mr. Crandall, the meeting inl and our driver a wide-awake vounir fellow wlAi journed. i'uinirgl " 0 knows everybody. . -ivgain, as in tlio begi then inquired the name of the good sister of this letter. wfds fail n-. No pen liun uortiy ; w'ho had bad th courage to vote against voting the Kltied bleudiug of the loi!ndlesJeotitit tty and in fs ol overwhelming numbers, saying we . J I . t . m . . . ... -At i.' oilier scawon is the cliu-iu, would like t know her hotter, when suddenly, like a thunder-clap, aame down about our ears an angry scolding fmun the church beagle, for Tiav Injr, as the mercurial man's rights brother as serted, "insulted tlit lady !" It was easy enough to se what mlled Uk "protector of women." The last splinter of opposition on which he had been standing had beeasv ept away by the arguments, land iwiu floumletmg in the ragim; waters of Tin Pt Winter has ihwu vurv defeat, to h was ver- aimry. His attack unon us ti!. snu.r having Iain for u Ion tim ujr?- 'Medly pBfpfe'i)iiian in its niye and fustiqji and la k of trutti a. id courtesy, but we consoled I . 1 1 . the Ltrtii a"pin oi mree or l..ir fot. W.e wfc delighted to Hnd Hin. ti many old? wraelf with the reflei-tion that man's right must ! friends acquaintance in tu ith..ii oi Mm. be expected to writhe a little in its deatli agonies, : V. S. y.ler. of Miller's bridge. ThU Ia Jy' bridKtr ' and we tried to be .-baritable. A brotlier clergy Mr(y tie Dewhutes River va,tict- washed i man (a mans right man, of course,) also rebuked , yj me noou during tlie -t inter, but iv for what he called 'an attack" upon the lady, ' .onHpppn. .-nu in' eneiyeti.- i:ity, Mnsfsjliua- i I'd's Inti-rt- in tiie Moiiuiiienui miuti keep hi gen. -rail away from b-.ine. 'moiand the in jon.K'i re-R't f all who k;i-w her by her t4 ylibe deportment and financial feiiM-. ja whereupon we cuileled our brain for what we had id,nd have finally resurrected It, as above. We ako wrote to the Mister, saying we were work ing to erfn, but had no intention of hurting her fceliug, and if we dir? we wore sorrv. nml rwiiK- lto be fbrviveu. Kut the truth is. as anv inlIH- gent reader cn m, that we said nothiinr tliat tlie ntj,! oecaaion did noi warrant, and nothing that under the.jHkc cimi'raitanre- . would not be justified' in Clubt yng again. Hie lHdy took a public stand iceities, music, readings, solos and duets wura ngidnst us, and it . bonanza, of Ji-lr8t WagtBtiula, Tlie pe order of the evening, and a teniperanco iiaporj) """so and show her the error of her own. If we - TJ .1... .i . . wrci iiniiuaii,uii nm aixiu in leiiiiieniricf i this district, w.- getting readv fr a arwo- Co-ao..!(tan Hot 14 15tt,e v? beyond,, is also ks; bui they do ,j-,T, '.'hicano, and on Motelay nijrht a iigs out-iden-1. Ir-' ell testimonial va tenderi niiu iu lap; -i Chm. ! by the Jihie HibUm C n t); Si? st -a TV) octure, and its proprietor Is evi- ng money. Ixng rows of saloons, fluids, restaurants, auction-rooms, and a occupy the remainder of the business iu; ' First atreet, a tlioroufhfar which badly is ;i;unug, aim -which catiiioM)o appropri uely .. dastreet while In iU prijaW dilapidated e' ;it'.; i t-eeotrd street is in'jiomewiiat better trim. . hre we find the principal stores, and a Tucker, was exceedingly! had not suueeeded, the two or tliree opposing ate. Mrs. T. was iinaiii-J brethren woftld not have beenTtjigry, We men- i.un.i . r .coey, neat and comfortable dwellings. iray, now the popular pastor of the First Raptist; 'I i- in Tlie Dalles four churches, an operaChurch of Portland, finding this edifice too small V- lublic school building (not nearly larg. for his congregations during his sojourn here, had edited anil read by Mrs interesting aim appropriate. ..Mrs. T. was unaui-rl "reiureu wouiu not nave ueen nuery, mously chosen acting President of the club during t this circumstance here baouuwo wish our Mr. barman's temporary absence. The attend-1 uiousanus oi readers to see that tlie Arnold ance at the meeting was large, and the testimonial' inkelrieds, of this movement, who break tl exceedingly gratifying to the veteran worker in the ways of right. Our regular lectures were begun on Tuesday evening in the Baptist Church, and were held during four consecutive evenings. Rev. .1. A. le , jf i'-r the inmates), two inwsnniw.rs au. -u.i 'cr and tlie Times), and the new Aco'i ti.., u A-hioli the citizens take commendable irkU ' m Academy grounds comprise an area '"jfcG 1 ,,umlro, fs?t square, and are situated It h ;jowi Imposing jmrt of tlie upland, overlook, -ini (,v. i and river, with snow-capped mountains 'n 'm stance, and striking, grand, broad and Uni.i. ., tr hunllLr nmri'ii'luiru Tlio KiiM.i:.... i substantial and well-built edifice with lodecn ihjprovcment, light, airy and and well adapted for tlie purposes in- v splendid spring breaks out from tlie of 1 -; all u ch it teiK- lr 4- Slit With lC ' I A- ent e of the grounds, amply salncieot for . me for his congregations during his sojourn here, had a gallery constructed around three sides of it, which amis mucii to its seating capacity. It i needless to say that the citizens miss him ; bitf their loss is Portland's gain. On Friday at 3 v. m., the friends of equal rights! met at the church and organize the Wasco vouuty woman buiirage AssociatidnT The pro cecdings.were'spirited, harmonious and enthusias tic. Hsiij. Jacob Consor and (A. O. Holnian ad- dreif the meeting in earnest advocacy of thej causo, eh pledging himself to vote for no man. for the Legislature who would not bo pledged to vote e for the ratification of tlie suffrage amcud-j ri. Mr. W. H. Cnuiflall was unanimoffslv Austrian phKlanx of opposition, are often com polled to carry away barbed arrows in their own hearts. And whenever we venture to pluck;those arrows out and cast them back at an opponent, somebody always claims that somebody el "has been "insulted." Well, well: "it's all riirlit. but it is sometimes vary annoying. With the excep tion of this episode, there was nothing to mar the perfect harmony of the entire proceedings. 4 We were much pleased with the spirit of inter est manifested by both ladies and gentlemen in the cause, and we are sure it will not be th fault of the worthy citizens of The Dalles if Wasco county fails to render a rousing vote for Woman Sutrrage. Rut she will not fail. The spirit of this movement is iu the air. It is no more possi ble for tlie opposition to beat it back than it is possible for them to dip the Columbia River dry with leaky thimbles. Mr. Hare, of Hillsboro, brother of Hon. V. D. Hare, ex-Collector of the Astoria pott.. and a school these be the limits of women's opportuni ties, and that, too, when thre.e-fourtli3 of tllepro--tected sex must make monoy.or perish- When : women get the ballot, the different doors atToccu- pation that are now closed against thoncwill Tbe swung-wide, and they will .not be comQelled to "eat each other up," as now. With these cogitations for company,-and tho nervous unrest created by the preacher's criticism' and the beagle's heartless insult before (Tescribed,. we went aboard tlie Mountain Queen on Friday night, ami listened till daybreak to the ceasoless roar of trundling trucks. Our destinatfbp was the'5 Cascade Locks, whence more anon. A. S. D.- "RIGHTS OF MARRIED WOMEN." ' PohtIjA"i, Aprilrfo, 1881.' TO TUB EltlTOK OF T1IF. XKW KORTlIH'KST Z H. J. Hendershott, of Cove, wishes- to know what rights tlie "Act entitled an Act to establish and protect tlie rights of married women,."" passed by the last Legislature, confers upon women which previous laws did not grant, or what addi tional rights it conferred upon married women. The question cannot be fully and certainly an swered until the Act has received judicial c61i Ptruction. The law i. certainly not in the language which the friends of equal rights and fair legisla-- tion would have desired; but perhaps it is the nearest approach to such an Act that could, be at tained by the body that enacted it. Tha first section reads : AH law which tmpuft or recognize civil (HmbilBfesupoa a vrifp vrhirh are not iinjxxod or recocnizet! a-- ratrntc an Mo the hnslmnd, are hereby rcix.iiliHl : 'rwftWf, tfint this Act bliall not confer tlie right to vote or liolil offiee upon the wife, oxceiit as fc. ol henvlso provided by law; ami for any tinjtil nnrpation of her property or her iintiinilrfhts, she shall have the sanif rli?ht to appeal In her own name alone to the courts of law or equity for redraws that the hus band ha. Just what the first clause' means, is a disputed question, which perhaps will not be settled untR tlie Supreme Court has passed upon it. "Has it abolished 'tlie estate by the curtesy' which, the husband had in the wife's land at her death ?7 and "Has it dispensed with the necessity of the husbaud's joining in the deed to the wife's real estate iu order' to convey a title ?" are still open questions. It would certainly have been better for every one (except lawyers) if tlie Act declared ' that Section 30 of Title II. of Chapter 17 ami Sec tions 2 ajid 14' of Title I. of Chapter 6 of Miscellan eous .Laws, .were thereby repealed. Then there would havent'en mMrouble, no chance for litiga tion. It is barelylrolsible that a court hufycon strue the Act as repealing those sections, but it if not at all certain. As to the other part of tin same section it is entirely superfluous,, as i; neither restricts, enlarges, modifies, explains, re peals, nor even effects the law as it stood. Tlie second section of the Act declares tlie lav to be just as I understand that it has been fo years in practice in our courts, and therefore " entirely useless. It is deceptive pretends to c something that was already done. It looks wo. on paper, and was well calculated to catch th-. uninformed. I believe that there is no one now willing to father the Act, or claim eithor affinity or consan guinity with it. Rut perhaps it is all that could have been done under the circumstances with the material. The Legislature was principally elected' upon other issues for other purposes, and of conrs the true friends of human emancipation couldu ot j expect much from them. Perhaps by the next ' nl,i..i;n.. ..... ...:n i., i i muuuuii nt win ue iioiu io semi men mere who will have sufficient influence to have something better done. I rejoice at every progressive step. Legislation should be fair, plain,.sim"ple and com plete, and not requiro to be construed by a court -to ascertain its meaning. Truly yours, Lawyer. auoiiu muiiw ui uiiuiii riKuis, iinsrecontivsroinoveu It JLII HIM mmMW I I in BTM H Wn(IT SUA m . . 11... 1 ..t V . 1 . . m - ' r- - I dieted tofci Zit ZZZuT rZ l Tu , ,H'niTum I?'r t Tite Dalles to engage in the moadtile busi- jeted to fern qn.t revenue for the j :ng ynr, and Mrs. r. lonnell uas chosen Vic. new. His oxwllent wlfa ton coMrifV .n Mr 3 li "' wnplymg tf.e upper portion of tlie town ! PreaMem by a similar ,te. Mrs K. J itaWnJ Pn, J Vi " ".. - ITZ J1 t tt i . . . .vw -v" w v . u i bi ii i jfj riiivatr iia 2&m-i i. viiifi laireat water. We were shown , ,na-le Recordiug Heeretary, Mrs. Lou. DonneU nic- -f Mrs. H. J. II.dcn.h.. of Cove : so it is Tunler kJL TTl "f"' iofrv,,iKmU?n1pk S"4T, and.Mra M. R Michell wdty ne,-e-aary to y tht$. fche, uke her hu Yner and Mrs. Col. Fulton, and -..-re j Irea.tirer, all by Hi...mmous v.-.r- The h- a' band, is a stanch Woman Strflragist tne nnt-n-uiK-d gen J. man for ;n rinttd tlntrfollowmg UuUc oiM.u.uees : OBj Mrs. M. (Mover, former: of Dayton W T has n in regar-t to the purposes anf pn , Jmlutions H. . O.HoIman, JudjrR. Whit- a nice milllnerv ?w hr -...t kq " wi itch ty r ormer i teu : P. Watson. On Programme Dr. Wt business. Bub tho trouble with wunen. her- as n.-u , !. ttoblneon, Mrs. Jenny O. Curry, Mr. P. J. CoW elsewhere, Is in tlie fact that th uVmntUk ..... , vne school. Pmfew 1 t" Willamette Vi hllZT : ' . ' "llMl t f"' 0IT .luTnnU' Mre-V- Tuer. Patioii open to them are so few.and narrow that . Mrs Hi'r,:.'- ' '-'-;r-- MecunyowminiiM encu trios to underbid the other, in overcrowded v . " ..--. :. .- ,. iw !. it-ii. L. i.'irry, r,. r i. nenuerson,! lines oi worK, and it Is all " ' " " pfimtry oipi' i- l xton. g. jMupwpipror ji ra. . A. tsimno. llon atr getting ou ff ail viu, mruL nwut. w rwuiunuu gciutniepi "reas-maKiiig, musle-tenchtug, teachiug GARFIELD AND THE WOMAN QUESTION. fProin the Claekamas Deinocrat.l In hinaugural, President Garfield graw- elo- -quuht 6n the wrongs.of three millions of negroco, -butSvas dumb a. an 03'ster on tho wrongs of twenty millions of women. He claimed that the Vo.r jiojmli was the vox LtL and at the same time knew that half of the people of. the land are denied all voice in our representative government. The twenty millions of women of. the land, the equals of the men in intelligence and diBcriminatiou, are ui&franehised bw osx. though all agree that suffrage, is not the appurte nance of gender. Garfield knew all this hawfce wept over the handful of negroes, and yetkBerhad no word of encouragement for this ncxicrmui class of tho disfranchise!. Women hare - ifctter right to the franchise than the African7.fo)(nKie better MaUHed to exaroise It, and yet acaraiKMmt' the franchise in only one Tenltory.. H tbe abundance of his tears for the African, th Rruaf deiit mfght have dropped one pearly gJobularuyeifc the altar of woman's disfraiiohisementRidivo bt did not, God forgive his Inconsistency and. nit 7 ins blindness for the women can't. r