The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, April 14, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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A there havebeea numerous cmpUlnU from city sub;
oribers the past two weeks at not receiving ,tbl,r papers,
be publishers of the Nxw Nokthwt hereby ftVr a re
4 f L . rard fV)r Information that will lead to the arrest and
' yonv WUtat t any perkon guilty of purloining this journal
nm rlye door-steps of He patrons.- ' , .
- - -
".'V.,:,f'T-'- , - --. r .
S Mr. U. A. Cone, of Buttevllle, ft pioneer of 1851,
Atied on the 7th lnstarttT . r .. .
- Miss Carrie MofTett is ljlng dangerously ill at
the resilience of , her mother. . , ' -
Governor Tliayer has commuted the sentence
of eight or ten more convicts. .': ----- - -r. " ;
s Hie X-'street bridge acrons Couch VLSke to St.
Vincent' Hospital js completetl.' . .
Canyon City was recently Hooded by a clouitl
turnt, and conIderable damage vras done.. ."
Ptark street," WtweeirFront and First,"! re-"
"reiving some much-needed Improvements.--"-"Home,
Sweet Home" Is not complete without
A bottle of Pfunder's Oregon Wood Purifier.
- Rev. D. J. Pierce, formerly of the FIrt Baptist
Chirch of this city, is in Walla Walla, W. T.
sT Mr. I. 8. Woods, the hatter, has returned from
&n Francisco, whither he went for-ew good.v
, The bridge suit, now pending In the United
States Circuit Court, Is attracting much attention.
Owing to the superior finish, and excellence 'of
work, Abell stands preeminent as a photographer.
Give him a call. J:.
-The omeerajof-ihe -LadlesUlfellef JPoclety made
their annual report last week, showing eiiectlve
work In the cause of charity..
Tlie Willamette Conference of Congregational
Churches was in session at Oregon City on Tues
-day and Wednesday (yesterday). ..
Mr. Pierre Manclet, the well-known restaurant
' keeper, died on Tuesday at his residence in this
? Uy, after an illness of.slxty-flve days, ....
It Is rumored that the O. R. A N. Co. is to pur
.?hiVe extensive grounds in AlMua, which has
. given projierty in that town a "boom.," -
Judge Stott and District Attorney Caples are at
r3t. Helens, where a regular term of the State Cir
. f tilt Court for Columbia county is being held, a "
The Oregon Transfer Company has received the
first of Its four handsome and richly upholstered
landaus that are being built to order-in San Fran
. risen. -- -. V . -
-IIonrEureneSemple's many friends in ihis'citjr
. aru leaed to learn that he naa been annotated
County Clerk by the Commissioners of Columbia
ynnnfy, ; - r , ': i :.
Lumber and stone are belnar haulel to the loca
tion, near Salem, of the new insane asylum build'
Jng, ana work on the foundation will soon be
commenced.: -. 1 - 1 '
Captain Pennell and two seamen of the Govern
ment tug General Wright were drowned in Ye
qulna Hay on the 7th instant by. the capsizing of
.fl, tnuM boat, "t"
Mrs. H. Denlinger, of this city, at the recent ex
aminations of the Women's Medical College of
Pennsylvania stood at the head of her class, com
poed of seventy-six ladles.
" Tlie Jfew, Domestic, with It light-running at
tachment and other Improvements, still retains
Its triace In the lead among sewing machines. E.
F. lleroy, No. 225 Second street, is the agent.
The O. R. AN. Co. will this week make through
.connection by rail between Walla Walla and The
Dalles. Wheuregular trains commence to rurt.
Walla Walla malls will reach Portland in twenty
four hours.- ' 1- '; -
Mellls Rros. A' C'o.h6werthelr usual enterprise
Tnrhvt Monday-f their openingdaytbycharterlhg
-the street carsr-whlch carried, passengers free..
Large crowds thronged the immense store and in
spected .the.dl8play.ofmUIinefydryand fancy
gooas. . - . .
, Mew-jr. Olds A King, the reliable Third-street
mercHant,' announce jn a neat advertisement
-that they are' now opening a most complete stock
M dry and furnishing goods, both staple and
fancy. Every word they say. can be Implicitly
. Acceited. '." - v . . v - : - -.
Mra. C. L Henderson will shortly deliver, on
;fon'U 1 1 ve rea nesday-e ven 1 nfrsat Uie Unl ta-
rlan Church, a course of three lectures, descriptive
.ct life at the South during the rebellion, the first
date being April 27th. -Tickets are placed at $1
for the course. ' '.
On Satiinlay morning last, a little son of Cap
-lain and Mrs. D. E. Buchanan, of No. 88 Wash
1 Ington street, was fatally poisoned by drinking
rom a bottle of medicine containing belladonna,
found In a roomer's apartments, ana died on the
following day. y j
Fishel A Roberts, the clothiers, merchant tailor
-ud hatters, corner First and Alder streets, have
, received jthelr new goods' In enormous quantity
ana great vanety...jvs usual, tney leati the van in
Spring styles. Mr. Flshsl personally selectel
their elegant stock, .
Mrs. Lillle Eaton, nee MJss Llllle Thomas, com
mitted suicide on Tuesday by taking poison. - She
had separated from her husband, their weddH life
ibeing unhappy, and had. been 111 for some time,
lately she had grown low-spirited,. and it is
thought she took her life In a nt of despondency.
Anniversary exercises of tke Young Men's
Christian Association were held at the Congrega
tional and the Presbyterian Churches on Sunday
.evening. The annual report of the President, Mr.
I. A. Mac rum. was read at both meetings. Rev.
J. A Grav delivered a thrilling and practical ad
.drm at the second-named chnrchr' ;
From yesterday's Oregoniatit "A German
woman and her eleven-year-old boy, living on
Skookum Chuck, Chehafls county, W. T.t have
cut this Winter seventy-five cords of wood. Her
husband all the while waa engaged In cutting
railroad ties. Truly, she rlseth also while It i
Ljet night and glvetb meat to her house bold. "
On-Mondar morning-laat. th rommnnlfy waa
i fhoeked by reading the announcement of the
death on the previous evening, from heart disease,
f Prof. W. Lynn White, of the National Business
-College. He waa a man of lofty and generous im
pulses, and was universally respected and es
teemed. JIU knowledge qf ajl branches of book-
- ":. ' -.. ,. '
keeping and commercial life was comprehensive,
and he had no superiors and few rivals as a pen
man. He had lust completed arrangements for
introducing In Eastern cities his admirable work
on penmanship. His death was lnatantaneous
and painless; 'A wife and Infant child and" a
grown son by a former marriage survive him, and
a large number of other relatives and friends
mourn with them their Incalculable loss. " .
" Mr. J. W. Bailey has removed from No. 47 to
Noh. 83 and 85 Yamhill street, lietween Fourth and
Fifth,, or two blocks west of his old location. No
finer tai1e and fancy Groceries can', be found In
the city 'than at bis new, neat and commodious!
establishment. ills prices are.tne very lowest, as
he sells for cash. All onlers promptly attended
to.andoods delivered to all parts of this clty.
Two noted temperance lecturers and workers;
Geo. M. Dutcher of ..; Delaware and Mrs. Judge
Watson of Pennsylvania, arrived In this city Lust
week, and have lnce tteen actively engaged In
their chosen work. -Mr. D. has spoken twjee at the
Congregational Church, and his lectures were, of
much force and Influence. He has also spokeu In
the Taylor-street 'Church.'" Mrs. W., whoTreprc
sents tlie National Christian Temperance Union,
began her labor., in. the .East Portland Bapt 1st
Church. Both of them spoke on Tuesday
afternoon In the Hall-street Church be'fbre the
Women's "Christian rTemperance" Union. --The
New York OurUt Urn Advocate advises church peo-
fle not to "receive Mr. Dutcher ami Mrs Watson
nto their houses nor bid them God speed," but it
gives no reasons why they should not be .received
nor a word In Justification of the innuendo. As
the lecturers both bring god references, the
churches of this city dislike to discountenance
them'ln compliance with an insinuation. On the
other hand, the churches dislike to endorse .them
until they are clear of suspicion.' Thus tlie matter
rests. , -
' The proof of a "Bird's-eye View of Portland" ha
been shown in the Nkw Nouthwkst, ofllce. It
exhibits not only Portland, but Albina and East
Portlawlrwitlt-ilw-Columbla Itlver and theCas
cade . Mountains in the background. The work
upon the view is very fine, and wherever exhibited
it will Impress the spectator at once with the
beauty of the scenery and the richness and gen
eral thrift of this city, the houses appearing just
as they are, handsome and in many cases-elegant
In their construction.: Mr. Byuon, who has
charge-of the enterprise, is meeting with good
encouragement from Individuals as well as cor-
K rations. Subscriptions to the work,- ranging
m $ 1000 all tire way down to $10, Abe price of
a single view, are freely made, most of the large
subscriptions being for the purpose of sending them
East and to Europe as the best possible means of
Inducing immigration by showing the elegance of
the commercial metropolis of the State. A few
hundred dollars expended In this way will benefit
the city and State, and will be money well spent.
Kven the Citv Council would well subserve the
uublle-interest-by ar-maliMrorrtlatlon, and't
would be well sustained by tlie taxpayersof
Portland. "
Oxford won the university
boar race in Lng-
bcofjest of some of his
House of
fishel & Roberts;
ClothiersMerchant Tailors and' Hatters.
" J And opiiliu up" - .
"Wo Load with Elegant Spring Styles.
-t, ' mm
Oar Store U Crowded in Front, in the Bear, in
the Middle, and on all Sides,
- - f . ' ! ' ' r
Willi Hltx kTe xctlling sny provloua oneiare vr bought.
We cull 1p4cll Attention to our Magnificent sad
. ( Mirnmre wor ih M-
. .
mr.K rortllnl Inrltui tndel to all toenll n4
SU1I110 ur UmmU, f lieihT tl'jr puivhkuie or not.
for.' rir-i AMr JUi
Thomas Carlvle made a
books to Harvard College.
Bradlaucrh has1 been reelected' to the
Commons from Northatppton, to fill the vacancy
caused bv nnseatlnrhlm. , , - y -
A new Irlnli land LIU has been presentl in the
liruisn i-arnamentJ4 11 is nuite liberal, ana ap
pears to protect the'Vights of tenants wltheut in
Justice toflandlords. The J W says . that ten
years ago Gladstone would have considered such a
bill revolutionary. - ti
A secret society In Xondon circulates the report
hat it has found Gladstone guilty of the rmirder
of two men in County Mayo, Ireland, who were
killed by police acting under the Coercion Act,
and that they are deliberating as to the means, of
executing hlm.f . They sayr they consider the
Queen a nonentity and hold the Premier the re
sponsible rulerr" --- . v.l..-...l...-.a
,The city of Chlo, on an island of that name In
the Meillterranean Sea, destroyed by earthquake,
presents a terrible scene of devastation and yeath.
Thousands upon thousands of. people were killed,
their remains being buried in the ruins of the
place. A large portion of the remainder of the
population is destitute. Large quantities of
blankets, medicines; and provisions are being sent
to the Island. The work of extricating bodies
and interring them goes on slowly. -
. The Czar's assassins have been condemned to
death by .hanging. iThe prisoners were calm
throughout, the entire trial, and professed their
willingness to die for the cause of tlie people. -On
account of Sophie Fieoffsky's noble birth, her
sentence will be sent to the Cxar for confirmation.
She asked that she be dealt with regardless of
her sex. Jellabbff requested that his , last speech
In his, defense be printed and published word for
SPRING. 1881.
We are now opening
Stock for this Snrinp'wOl be
larger than ever before, and comprise!
all the NOVELTIES and STAPLES, in
the selection of which every care that
Tears of experience in this market can
suggest has been rigidly obienred. We
reel connaent mat no biock oener sonca
to the wants of this community Can be
foana, ana onr T
An examination by erery. buyer ii
' ' --- respectfully solicited.
147 Thlr4 Slrtfl, hU nrrtm mm
AI4er, PrtUae.
A number of prominent ladles of St, Louis -recently
formed a society .for the Improvement of
that city's morals. The members united in pray
ingfor a better Board of Police Commissioners,
and In a few days two Commissioners were re
moved to make, places for-two pious men. . This
was regarded as a great victory. But prayer is
not the only means employed. The women de
mand the closing of the theaters on Sunday aand
are circulating petitions for that purpose. They
have adopted the Boycotting system, by resolving
to buy nothing of any merchant who refuses to
aign. ' . . .....
Miss Hattle Duell, of Iowa City, who, from
convictions of religious duty, has been abstaining
from food, passed away on Monday, In the forty
seventh day of her fast. Her mind was Clear
about everything except, what she sacredly re
garded as her duty. A vott mortem examination
showed the stomach to be voldof .any aubstance,
and that there was not a drop of blood In the
body, which weighed but forty-hve pounds.
"White lying" Is pronounced generally sinful
by the Afethotilst, but It adds: 7fThe puszle of
moralists has. been to either lustifr or eotlrclv
condemn a class of such mendacities. :LFrjBxam-4
pie, wnat shall we do with the hopeful word ef a
physician who has no hope V c
; The "New No. 8" Is the cheapest sewing machine
to buy. Wheeler & Wilson MTg Co., 88 Aforrison st.
lVMrmr BiramonsIeacherand rressef.cTiu
Main street, city. . ..
IT HAH A WAWCKD KFTKCT wherever there Is an atoale
- eireet or tbe 1-r-rt.l Muerular Coal, eurb a Iypep-
sl,Hed4he,Neur-.lcl, Vomlllnc, Blilona AtUu-ka,
Rh-umatUm, pain In the Htomarh and BoweU,
Irr-fulaiitr of the Ilowele, CoHtlveneae end
Conmipatlon, which sre eo obstinate end
yet mo common In eltlea. where peo
pie of neaalt7 mnat live a aeden
tarjf life most of -the jrear.
A l4y im This (11; who had been a sunVrer fer years
from olMtlnate Conatlpatlon of the llowela, and bad
been unable to obtain relief from other medlrlnee,
waa relieved after ene week by the noe of the ,
eelebrated "OKEfMJJI BM01 PURIFIER,"
and uheequeiitly was FEKM ANKNTI.T
CURED by Its use, and la now uslns It
occasionally to prevent a relapee.
la this ease It le a fa rentthatthe "Orrfon Blond Parlfter"
was 1 m r. HKNiui mnen neeueti. it exrrertea the
torpidity of the IJver. overeame the Inaction of the
liwwela, and reatored to them their counter ftino
, Uona. Yonr lrairvi"t keepa lt Inalai npon
, l getting It 1 take no other remedy Instead.
rrte, per
ttl,tl Mi er
la Dottle for S3 OO.
---- ' ' '
Oregon, by eneoaraglng HOME IXstrMTSiT to the
beat of your ability. Hhould you, your hiiMband, or your
frt-td need anything In toe fine of IBIXTJJ, please
Istgto-i Ktreet, rortlnsMl.
Before sending abroad. He will guarantee yea good work
at the lowest living prteee.
SUV Maaraalnee and Mnale Books brain l In lha Km itrlM
tiegal Blanks of all kinds for sale, and Catalogues sent on
3A?tg? T. ,11. OAWNr
Fashlcnakle Hilfccr tzi Drcss-c:cr.
'TTAX the store opposite fttoae A Co 1 rowryTosTT
. rrwsi twooS, ImMK W, T a4 -
WEMirins a a ek. , . ...
sale to me dlrerte.1, laaued out of the ClmilL Court of J
Htate of Orvipm for the County of Multnomah, upon a
luditiiient remle--d In aald Cirt on the lh day of Marrb,
141, In favor of Wong team, llalntln. and amtlnat Lee Mam
and Ie You, part iters In bualneas undt-r the firm names of
ltng Kee and toung Ye Ixiong (.IMoixlintii, for the
mini of rvvrn llundreil K.lhty-Meven and fiO-luu Dollars
($TS7,"illi, wth Inlrrvat at the ntte of Eight (Mprr eent per
aiiniiin, anl rvmia or anil ana arrrning eoais, i am. on vu
lith day of April, ll, levy upon the above-named Ilefend
antM' rtal prop.-rty. ailuuted In Multnomah County, Htate
of t trt-tuu, tn-wll : All he bulldlnirs and Intprovetnenta
rrM-til on the following dfaerllMMl n-al eafate, situate In the
City of VrilMiut, Multnomah rountv, male or urwoni on
th KhhI J) twt of Ht-Houth One-Half of lx)t No. One $,1) In
IllocK . Twrntr (jut, me r.nai au rtei or inn wiuin viw
lialf of Txt Xo. One (11 HI ttlwk Xa Twenty (aut. Lot No.-,
Two (2 la Work No. Twenty I J, the West Hi) feet of IX)U
No, Hveh 7) and KUlit (Hi in iiiul'K 10. rineen iioi, ana
lxt No. Four (O in Itloek No. Nineteen (!, wit the lease
hold Interest of said Defendants In and to aald real estate
drarrtlMMl. i- . ' '
Now. therefore, br virtue-or aaii exeeuiion ana omer or
aale, on Monday, the Irtih day of May, IMKI, at the hour of 10
iiV iirt a. if., at the I'oiirt iKiuae amir III saia UMinvT.i win
aell at public auetlon the above-deaerloed real property oj
ai.i 1 wr..ininnia loina niiriieai nidiier ror caan. in u. n. uuio
Coin, to eatl-ty aald execution, with Interest, route and
aeerulng coeta. JtmKPH 1IUCHTEU
Rherlfr of Multnomah County, Oregon.
Portland, April 14, ImkI. -' 6t
. iir.Birr'a male...
ante to me (lirectiol, lueu out, or the f'ireuit Uoun or
tlie Male of Oregon for tlie "ounty of Multnomah, upon a
jiKlKment renib-rml in said tvnirt on the izth day of Maren,
1HMI. In favor of Won Un, Plalntirr, and ntralnut le Ham
and lxe You, partners In business undeathe firm names of
Long Kee anl I'miiif Ye Ik)ii (11,, liefeiulnnta, for the
inn of Three Hundred and Nine Dollars (HUMID, with ltt
lereid at the rate of Klitbl ) per will ier annum, and coats
of ault sniiatH-ruiiig eoata, 1 OKI, on ine inn uay or ftpni,
IHMI, levy Ummi the above-named liefendanta' real property,
altunted fn Mulliiomnh tVmnty, Mtate of Oregon, to-wlt r All
tlie liuUitlnK and Improvements ereeted on the following
desert lied real entate, situate In the City of lortlaud, Mult
noma.h CtAintv.Xtate of ireron t on the Kant 'jn feet of the
Houtu One-Half of Ixit No. Ine (I) In Block No. Twenty (20),
the East mfnetot the Houth One-Half of lot No. One (1) In
llliM-k No. Twenty (JU), lxt No. Two (2) In Block No. Twenty
(')), the West m feet of ltta Heven (7) and KUht (ttl in Block
Nil Fifteen (15). and It No. Four III In Block No. Nlne
4eejiiivwllutlie li'iteehold Interest of saJd Defendantaln
anil lOStmi real ewiaie ueMTioeii.
Now, therefore, hy virtu of aald execution and order of
aale, on Monday, the IWli day of May, INSI, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m., at the Court House eoor In said County, I will
sell at public, auction the above-described real proMrty of
aald Defendant to tlie hlarhest bidder Air eash. In I'.rVOold
Coin, to aatlHfy aald execution, with Interest, costs and
accruing roat. J oh E PI I Bl'CHTKU
HherllT of Multnomah County, Oregon.
. Portland. April It. IM. M
sale to me directed. Imunl out of the Circuit Court of
the Hints of Oregon for the County of Multnomah, npon a '
Inrtgment rendermt ttt sabl Cttnrt 00 th iJth day of March. .
JHH1, n favor of Hackney lleuo. Plalntlffk, and against
Lee Ham and Iee You, purtners in busineaa under the Arm
names of tang Kee and Conn Ye Ismng Cu..tefendanta, .
for the sum of One -Hundred Forty-Two and W-lU) Dollars
(tin-.V), with inlerexl at the rate of Eight (S Percent per
annum, and coata of suit and accruing coats, f did, on the
I2tb day of April, lie I, levy npon the aliove-named Defend -ants
real property, situated In Multnomah County, Htato
of Oregon, to-wlt 1 All the.ibulldlnva and improvesients
erected on the following deaerlhed real estate, situate In the
City of Portland, Multnomah ("ounty, Htate of Oregon 1 on
the East 20 feet of the Mouth One-Half of Ixt No. One (1) In
Block No. Twenty (20), the East Mi feet of the Houth One'
Half of Lot j(o. one (i) in iiiocr wo. Twenty wn liiw xo.
Two (21 In Block No. Twenfy t2D), the weal iej reel or Jjmt
No. Heven (7) and Eight (HI fn Block No. I1f teen (151, and
lil no. rour (O in iiiock no. nineteen ob who in leaae- .
bold Interest of said DefeadaoU' in and to said real estate
deaerlbed. .
Now, therefore, by virtue of aald execution and order of
sale, on Monday, the Ittth day of May, lietl, at the hou r of 10
o'clock A. m., at the Court Hwuse door In said County, I will -
sell at public auetlon the above deaerlbed real property of
said lefendanta to I he h Ighcat bidder for cash. In U.K iiold
Coin, to satisfy said execution, with Interest, coata and ;
accruing costs. ' JohKPH BtTCIITEL, - .
- - - Sheriff of Multnomah County, Oregon.
. PorUaad, April 14, iwi. U '
Goldd n R u I e Bazar.
No. 17 riral atrwet, rortlaant. Or .
that be la now prepared to All orders In
Crockery, Olau and Plated Ware,
F&noy Goods and Votiong,. . !'
Clocki and Flate4 Jewelry,
- Baby Crrltg-et and Croquet Sett,
At Lower Rates than" ever sold by any. Jobbing House
( . In the Htate.
A Full Line of the Above Goods Con
stantly on Hand.
Orders from the country solicited. Address - 1
17 rir atrool. Pwrtlaae, Or.
Mew Millinery Store.
; A New and full Llos of
Attht Tort-Oflci miUnery ttati,
No. 0 Morrtaoai Btroot,
Which will ts sold at DOTTOM P1UC1 ' f
aHT OaJl and see them. No trouble to show goods. '
"3 . ' - UVM. DEAIV
uoo noon pillo.
Northwest eorner Front and Alder streeU,
N U the only Place la Portland where yoa can get
-. -.