The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, April 14, 1881, Page 3, Image 3

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ITble poem vm minted In this Journal several years ago,
and is republished by special reiusst.-fc.. , .
' Bhe tent half ao handsome H whw, twenty yeare agon,
At her old home In tTkelon.TMraon Avery made na one ;
The great bouse crowded full of guest of every degree,
Tbe glrla all envying Hannah. Jane, the boys envying
me. .; ,. : .. ' " ' ' ' . '
Her finger then were taper, and her akin aa white aa milk;
Her brown hair what a meaa It wu t and eoft and fine aa
Ilk; ' - -w-- -
Wo wind-moved willow by a brook had ever auch a grace, .1'
The form of Aphrodite, with a pure Madonna face.
-Bhebad bQtmesjrerachoollngt.hcrjiAle note, to raef
Were full of crooked pot-hooka,and the worst orthography ;
Her "dear" ahe soelled wtth double , and "kljn" witurrjtft
one . .', 7" . ' . I - 7" "
But when ouo'a erased With passion, wbnt's a letter more
or less?.
She blundered In her wrttlng, and alie blundered when ahe
j 'Wpokej- " s. . ' . '
Andvery rule of syntax that old Murray mail ahe broke;
But ahe wai beautiful and fresh, and I well, I waa yotHig ;
- Her foria and Jace o'er-balauced all tbe blundera of her
tongue. 'i.-- ' . -'x'r
I waa bat I tale better. - True, ld longer Iteen at school ; ,
.My tongue and pen were run,perhaps,a little more by rule;
But that waa alt. The neigbbora round, who bulb of u Well
knew, ' . ' ' -,,..7
Bald which I believed ahe waa the better of the two.
AH'a changed: tbe light of aeventeen'a no longer In ber
"eyea ; , - i -
Her wavy hair la gone that loaa tbe eolfTuree art supplies ;
Her form 1 thin and angular ; ahe allgbtly forward bends ;
Her fingers, once ao abapey,now are stumpy at the ends.'
She know but very little, and In little are we one ;
J"he beauty rare, that more than, bid that great defect, la
.,. gone. . .. .'
My-frctrrelat!ona now deride my homely wife, J '
And pity me that I am tied, to auch a etad, for life.
X know there la a difference i at reception and levee
Tbe brightest, wittiest, and moat famed of women amlle on
' ' ne; ' ...... '-
And everywhere I hold my place among the greatest men.
And aometlmea sigh, with Whlttler Judge, "Alas I It
might have been I". .-
When they all crowd around me, atately damea and brill
iant bellea, r f ''
And yield to me tbe homage that all great ancceea compels.
Discussing art and atate-craft, and literature aa well, . ' .
From Homer down to Thackeray, and Swedenborg on
"Hell," ; ' . - .
' ! : - .". j - - ....
I cant forget that from tbeae stroma my wife baa never
'r quaffed, - : V . ' .". .1. -S
Haa never with Ophelia wept, nor with Jack Falataff
laughed'; ' ' . v -
Of autbora, actora, artUta why, ahe hardly Xaowa the
namea ; 7... ;' " r' '
She alept while I waa speaking on the Alabama claims.
I cant forget Jnat at thle point another form appeara
Tbe wife I wedded aa ahe waa before my proaperoua years ;
I travel o'er the dreary road we traveled aide by aide,
r And wonder what my ebare would be, U Juatlc should
divide. - , ' T: ' -
- . - 1 '
She bad fmir hundred dollars left ber from the old estate ;
lln Hull wa in ii 1 1 ii ii, mill, Hull lnly iiiiaairil, fnrril our
fate. . . , '
I wrestled wltbrmy books; ber task waa harder far than
mine . : !;.;-.
' Twaa -liy ' t!i make two hundred dollars do tbe work of
' 7 nine. , 7 ' f . ' ' ; "7 .
At last I waa admitted ; then I had my legal lore, v - ' . :
.An office with a stove and desk, of booka perhaps a soore;
, She had her bekaty and her youth, and some housewifely
- akin, -.v . ' : ; " -
And love for me ami faith In me, and back of that a will-
I bad no friendsbebind me-no influence to aid;
71 worked and fought for every little inch of ground I made.
And how ahe fought beside mel never woman lived on leina;
In two long yeara she never spent a alngle cent for dreaa.
Ah I how abe cried for Joy when my first legal fight was
won, . ' . . ; ;. .
When bur eclipse passed partfyhy, and wetool In theaunt
The fee waa fifty dollars 'twas the work of half a year,
- First captive, lean and scraggy, of my jlegal bow and spear.
TTwetl remberTwherrinyToat tthefjnty one! had)
Waa aeeily grown and threadbare, and, - In fiict, moat
"shoeklng batl,M :- ,;
Tbe tailor's stern remark when l a modest order made t
"Cash Is the basis, air, on which we tailors do our trade."
Her Winter cloak was In hla shop by noon that very day ;
She wroiighfon hickory shirts at night that tailor's skill to
' ry; . ",.
. X got a coat, ami wore It ; bat alas I poor Hannah Jane -ISe'er
went to church or. lecture till warm weather came
Our second aeaaon ahe refuacd a cloak of any sort.
That I might have a decent suit hi which t' appear In court;
She made ber last year's bonnet do, that I might have a bat;
alkof tbe old-time, flame-enveloped martyrs after that I
KoNnegro ever worked ao bard : a servant'a pay to save.
ade herself moat willingly a household drudge and
What wonder that ahe never read a magailne or book,
Combining, aa ahe did In ope, nurse, house-maid, sentn
atress.cook I ' ,
-Whatwonderthatthe beauty fled that I once ao adored I
Her beautiful complexion my fierce kitchen fire devoured ;
Her plump, soft, rounded arm waa once too fair to be con
Hard work for me thateoftneaa Into sinewy strength con-
- gealed. - t
X was ber altar, and her lovVihe sacrificial flame j
Ah I with what pure devotloirahe to that altar came,
And, tearful, flung thereon alas 1 1 did not know It then
All that abe waa, and more than that -all that ahe might
'have been. . ' 4
ancceaa. Ah I then onr Urea were wider
abe, poor girl I where we
At last I won
I waa far op the rising road;
- iUrtei.
; I bad tried my speed and mettle, and gained strength In
, : . every race ;
X waa far np the height of life ah drudging at the base,
- ' - - . ' " .
81m made m take each Fall the stamp; ahe said t waa my
' - enreer;
Tbe wild applause of liafnlng crowds waa music to my ear.
What atlmulua had abe to cheer her dreary aptitude f ,
"Tor me abe lived on gladly la unnatural widowhood. '
8be coaldnt read my speech, bat when' the papers
Twaa tbe beet on of
. . .could read;. ... ,
the aesaion, tbeee eommanU abe
Oh. shame 1 hlush to tbihkrvrhat
And with a gush of pride thereat, which I had never felt,
8he sent them to me In a note, with half the words misspelt.
- , 4 :
I to the Legislature went, and aald that she should go -To
aee the world with me, and what tbe world waa doing
know. 'v 7 , . 7
With teavfol smile ahe answered t "No ! four dollars la the
pys ' ' -: -
Tbe Matea House rates for board" or mm la' juit that sum
per day." .-.' ,7 .. ..i;, -i
At twenty-elgbt, tbe State-house ; pn the bench at thirty
three;'- '' - i .
At forty, every gate In life was opened wide to me.7T
I uuhM-d my powers, and grew, and made my point In life ;
' . but abe.' 7 t - , '
Bearlngsiich pack-horse weary losils, wbat could a woman
- be;? ' : r . -, .
What could ah be?
ht haa ' -
The most unselfinh-of all wives to the seltlkhest of men.
TVesiplnln and homely now she'ls ; he'a lgnorant,lU true?
For men'ae rubtied herself quite out I reprefcenUlhe two.
7 , ' -- ...
Well, I suppose that I might do as other men bave'donrv
First break her heart with cold, neglect, then shove her out
The world would say t was well, and more, would give
great rraie to me '" -; .. .
For Laving borne with " ich a wlfa" so uncomplalnlivgTy.
' - . ' . v'-
And shall It2foI.Tlie confmct twtxt Hnnnah, tod, and
' me, . .
Waa not for one or twenty years,- but, for eternMy. --
Xo matter what the world may think; I know, down In
my heart, . 7- '.
That, If either, I'm delinquent ; ahe has bravely; done her
part." ' ... 7il . ' . . , " '
' .. ' V . ' - . . (
There's another world beyond this; and, on the final day.
Will Intellect and learning 'gainst such djtion weigh ?
When tbe great one, made of us two,' U torn apart again,
I'll klok the beam, for Ood la Jimt, and He knows Hannah
...Jane. ; , '' v
The New York Sun says the up-town streets and
parks are thronged every pleasant afternoon with
boys and girls gliding about in every direction on
roller skates. Children seern to have been, seized
by a mania for the srwrt. Jrents are .worried
and implored until the coveted skates are bought.
As soon as school Is out, the eager children rush
for the skates, and do not' lake, them ' ofT-until
darkpess sets In. Velocipedes, tops and skipping
ropes have been almost abandoned for the new
favorite. The parks are the best places to see the
children enjoying themselves. In Madison Square
Park, children of all ages dart here and there, and
skim over the smooth asphalt walks. With quick
Intultlon'the. children have learned how to use
the skates skillfully. They go forward or back
ward, describe curves and angles, with a. careless
grace. Little. tots circle about their nurses or
skate together hand in hand. The. older girls a're
full of frolics, and they make the Park ring with
their merry laughter. Their eyes are-sparkling
with exclterrtent and cheeks rosy with the exer
cise. They appear to enjoy themselves Im
mensely, and they take the greatest satisfaction
In being able to skate as well as the boys. Holler
skating h a picnic to" tho boys, Tlwy play-all
kinds of. games tag, prisoners base, sninny. cat,
hide and seek as well on skates as without them.
A boy when fitted out wears a round Jacket, a
pair of knickerbockers, red stockings, and a round
cap. - They form In .groups, haven-ares; dash up
and down the streets, and are . skilful enough to
avoid running Into any one.
Tbe children throng to Central Park after school
hours.- The nurses carry- the skates of the little
ones, and no child seems to be too small to skate.
They toll up the steep, smooth hills, and then
roaat down rapidly to. the lower ground. The
Park pollceme.n -look oh complacently arid talk
with the Curses. - The rattle of a single pair of
skates Is like that of a rattlesnake. A favorite
spot Is the asphalt circle at the Scholar's date of
Central Park. - - - 7 7 y
There are some apprehension that skating may
injure girls, but the statements of physicians do
not sustain these" fears. Injuries may- result from
over-exertion or Accidents, but otherwise, the ex
ercise Is decidedly beneflcia . Dr.. Walter Crosbie
says, and many other phy clans corroborate hi
remarks: "It Is a revelation to Pass by Madison
uareIrkTwo-years agot!iedaughters if,
wealthy families walked almut with their maids
for exercise. They were thin, pale, Land sickly,
and would never think of runnlnif. Noyr they
are to be seen rushing about on the skaies and
enjoying a healthful -exerclw .which - Miey woiild
not otherwise obtain. There Is no reason why a
girl should be Injured more than af boy. My own
children, boys and girl, usethe skates, and I
have observed only good eflej?f.'' , 7
' Cotopaxi, in 173x threw Its fiery rocket 3,000
feet above-its crater, while In 1754 the blazing
mass," struggling for an outlet, roared, so that Its
awful v'olegwas heard at a distance of more than
COO mlhjov In 1787 the crater of T'Jiiguragna, one
of thegreat peaks of the Amies, Hung out torrents
of mud. which danineil up the rivers. orened new
LhLkc-s, and, in valleys loori feet wide, made depos
its uou leet cieep. ine stream from Vesuvius,
which. In 1737, passed through Torre del Oreco.
contained 83,000,000 cubic feet of solid matter, and
In 1793, when Torre,- del Greco was destroyed a
second tlme,"1he mass of lava amounted to
4.5,000,000 cubic feet. In 17G0, AUna pouretl forth
a Howl which coverel 84 square miles of surface,
and measured nearly: 1,000,000,000 cubic feet. Oh
this occasion, the sand and scoria formed the
Monte Itosina, near Nicolosa, a cone of two miles
In'clrcnmference, and 4000 feet high. The stream
thrown out byEtna In 1810. was in motion at the
rate of a yard a day for nine months after the
eruption ; and it Is on record that the lavs of the
same mountain, after a terrible eruption, Mas not
thoroughly cool and consolidated for ten years af
ter that event In the eruption of Vesuvius,
A.D. 79, the icorlft mnd ashes"vomltedforthrar
exceeded the entire bulk of the mountain ; while
In I860, Etna disgorged more than twenty times
its own mass. Vesuvius has sent It ashes as far
aa Constantinople, Syria and Egypt; it hurled
stones eight pounds in weight to Pompeii, dis
tance of six miles, while-similar masses were
tossed up 2,000 feet above the summit. Cotopaxi
baa projected a block of 100 cubic yards in volume
a distance of nine miles ; and Sumbawwa, In 1815,
during the most terrible eruntlon on record, sent
ltt ashes a far aa Java, a distance of 800 miles of
surface, and, out of a population of 12,000 souls,
vujy twenty escapea.
; aiiEBirra aAUE. ;
ll by virtue of a decree and order of sale given and made1
by tbe Circuit Court of the Htale of Ureirou for Multnomah
County, on the lh day of March, last. In a certain auli
wherein William Oray waa Plaintiff and atrick Holland
and Manraret Holland were llefendants, whereby the aald
Itefendant. IhUrlrk Holland, waa decree! to pay anto said
William Uray the sum of Nineteen Hundred lUrtHAW
Gold Coin, and Interest thereon at one per cent a month
after said date, and Thirl y-el and fio-luo lutllara :M..f)
mats and dlsharsements, and that the parcels of land bem
tnafter described be sold to pay aald debt and cost, by
aald decree may more fully appear, which decree waa duly
enrolled and docketed In said t'ouutr on said 1 2th day of
March, 11, anl onler if sale and execution thereon was
,tiii lumi tn mm iiimImI b l li Clerk, and utfeler the seal
-of aald Circuit tVHirt, dated 1h lath day of March, WHl,
Now, by virtue or said Uecree, omes or saie ana execuiin,i
witt nrh at lyibtirr aortlfin t he Court House floor In the
City -of fort land In aald Crmnty.on tliel'th day of Aprttv
lt. at 10 o'clock a. m, tbe real property Jn aald drr and
order of sal U'-scrlhiHl, Iwln Iols num la-red Five ta, Ms
(rti.Meven (7 and Klitht i In Hlck tiumlnil r'.ltchteen (I8
In the City of Kat Srtlunl, County fif Mnltnoiiiah Hlale
of Oregon, toicel her with all the. estate, rlirbt, tttle-and In-cr-st-whi-h
salU fotrk-k Holland and Munniret-Holland
bad In or to said real property oa The lit- h day of He I Mem
ber, 1W2, or have situ aHUir" therein, to pay sai l debt,
costs, dllnirements and a-Tlng coats, said property -having
been by me levied on by virtue of said order of sale and
execution on the 'lid day of March, li.
Nherlftof Multnomah County, Oregon.
7 rortlahl,"March 2!, 1MK1. - mail St
for the Conntv of Multnomah. In equity. Moaea ti
HU-ka, I'lalntirr, vs. Klah HU-ks and Mart Hicks (his wife),
HVdnah Hoibtsen and Thomas Hod wen (ber butbandl, and
ElUwortb HUM, i-frodMnts. MuTMwe partition of land
nt account.-To the aUve-namtHl Klah Hicks, Mary
Hicks, Hvdnah Holg'n and Thomas Ho.lir-n and Klls
worth llickN, IVfcndanta i In the name of the Htate of
Oregon, you and each of yon are hereby not Ifled that the
above-named Plaintiff has filed bis complaint against you
In the altove-ent tiled Circuit Court, and as relief prays an
account- arir-taxes paid and expenses Incurred by Plaintiff
Tor tbe benent or me lieremianta cncerning ne tanu ae-s-rlbed
In the complaint, and contribution and reimburse
ment .from the lx-rcndanta amounting; to f htf, and for a
partition of the land mentioned, which is situate In Mult
nomah Count, Oregon, known as the north half of the
Iahan Hicks Honatlon Lnd Claim, and also aa the north
half of the northeast one-fourth of Hec. 17, T. 1 N., It S E.,
and for a aale thereof If nartltlon br metes and bounds tie
Impracticable, and for cwti aa- may appMr by said com-
Rlalnt, and that the above-named Court on the 11th day of
larch, 1MH1, made an order directing publication of sum
mons. In this cause. You and each of you are therefor
summoned and required to be and appear In the above
entitled Courtwi the first day of tbe next term thereof,
which will begin on the first Monday of May, IHKl.and an
awer the above-decrled complaint in' this suit j or If yon
fall to appear and answer, the I'lalntirr will take a decree
for the relief prayeu tor.
Portland, March 12,1881.7
Attorneys for l'lal nlff
r ' man St
- .... riTATIOX. .
X for Multnomah County. In the m. after of the Estate of
Charles E. Calefdeceaaed. To Allen Calef, Almlra Calef.
and Harriet A.7Towlert In the name of the Htate of
Oregon. Jy order of the- atjove-entltled Ctmrt, made
this 17th day of March,-ISHI, you and each of you are
berebv cited to tie and appear before said Court In
tbe Court-room thereof In aald County on Monday, the 3d
day of May, A. It. UMl.atthe hour of lo o'clock a. at. of that
day, then and there to show cause, If.any there be, why
the petition of Harriet A. Towler, filed In said Court on said
I7th day of March. IxnI. praying for an order of said Court
directing the executors ol ltye last will and testament of
aald diaries K. cater, iieceasi. to pay an allowance out or
the larome-f-1hee!ale of aald Allen Calef and Almlra
l aier, minora, ror i nnr s ppon. ana euucaimn, or ina sums
of seventy-five dollars (f7..0o per month for said AlleM
Calwr and slxtr-flve dollars tttWUlut ner inoiilh for said A 1-
mlra Calef.aalil monthly allowanceTTo dHt4T7rm the 1st
day or July, IK7S, sliouiu not lie grantel aa prayeu for.
Witness the Hon. K W.Hirr., Judge of. aald
isKAL.1 court, ine inn nay of Marcn, iMHi.
Attest i A. K. BOKTlt WICK, Clerk.
T R. A A. PrtiACEY, No," F ST. "Hi W., WASH-
a . m i a a . m ab-. si - a -mm svv san a-w - m
JL V imb"iii, i'. jirufintriors 01 I ue I r-.' I ir lis lir.v
tUUJ." Twelve years experience as Hoicltors of I'ntenta.
We procure Iatents on Inventions, etc., and practice Patent
Uw In all Its branches In the fn ten M Trie and the U. K
Courts. Our HamUHKjk on Patenta,wlth full directions
and al vice, sent Free. -Also.samplccftplesof theMH-lentlfle
Itecord," the cheapest useful artdfumily Journal pub-
iimiicu ; oniy m vents a year. ' - Uew-flu
the heirs of those Holdlersvrhdlel from consequences of
rvUwend tmji fo Kit) I Itjttnictlona In, Pensions
aim ait sinus 01 hoiajprs' mntms.-
, x r.M.Himi,eH
'Palas and Itouitty Atlsrarrtr
l-dtH V P.Q.Bo 21 , WAW11X QTOJi .11.
Rooms--Corner of First and Stark Streeta
, (Over Laud A Til ton's lUtuk.) ,
f'oatalaa Over EfaTltl Tbanaaaid (bale Baka
Dmrrroiw W. K Ijdd, P. C. Nchuyler, Jr., M. P. UnlT,
II. W. Crj.-tt, W. H. Hrackett, Arc. yibbs, ii 11. Lewis, lit.
W. Fechhelmer, 11. Falling, L. liluin. . '
, OrrtrnKa Matthew P. " Dendy, President's II. Fairing.
Vlce-lresident; P. C. H-hu)-er, Jr.. Treasurer: M, W. Kech-
neimer,! firresnHiing rx-cmury; itenry A.Oxer, Librarian
iiu iHuniiii mTiri Mr J (
U 8 C R08E PI L L 8 .
J 1 jL 'gildfn ehnnce Im oftre.l, thereby always keep
ing m. vert y from your door. Those who nlwavs take advan
tage of the goolcnanc's for nuiaing monev thht are n,ri
generally liecoine wealtlvy, while those who do, Jiot Improve
such chances remain in lverfy. We want' many men.
-, in- Him pins iimiin inr us njfni in mirown lo
calities. The business will pay mora than ten times ordi
nary wag-a. We furnish an exp. nlve outfit and all that
you n-ed, rree. o one who engages falls to make money
merv rsitltllv. "You can ilrmK iiuinrliiilailm. i. i
or only your spare moments. Kull information and alf
that is needed sent free. - Address HTIKao.- 4 JLO.J IHirtland,
. On Eamond Dock, at foot of Morrison street.
Hawed and unsawed, constantly on hand, fend delivered to
PO t V - JUUU8 HORENSKN, Proprietor.
engajre In the most pleasant and nmrliAhla IxhIiim.
Buuwn. r.Tcrj tuins new. capital not required, we will
furnish you everything, till a day and upwards la easily
made without etayUm away from home over night. No
nsa wnsi-Tcr. i Many new wot a era wanted at anee. Many
are making fortunes at tbe business. Indies make aa much
aa men, and young boys and glrla make great pay. No one
w uma ariuing io.wora.faua 10 maae more money every aa
than ean be made In a week at anv nedlnarv ,mnin,m..
Those wbo engage at once will find a short road to fortane,
a m fl mar w w a t a . ... w
" nsMiBir vv., i-oniana, jaaise. aos-SO
Op and after October 11th, UW0, trains will ran as toltom
East-aide Dlvlsiasu
" Mall Tralsi "
turn AaaiTRa
Portland ..T:19 A. si. I Rose burg. 7 aw P. X.
lUMeburg..... --..6h A. si. I lYMTtlaud : r, aw
Albaaiy Exatreaat TraUat '
T.KAvaa -Aaaivw
rwf lichii 4:00 p. m. I liCbanon
Lebanon...-.-.. .i:&A. u. l"orlland .
p. at.
1U.U6 A. aV
rTvlg-li Traisi
Poriland .......I: IS A at. Junction..
Juncttoii.....m . o:t. a m. INtrlland........:.M,,...-": Jr 'as.,
The Oregon and California Rail road Ferry makes eonnee
tlon with all lU-gulur Trains on Kaaislde Division. .
. . i- '
' "- Meat-aide IMvlaleau' ' -1""
' rnox: ponmxn to comvallij. v
;- Xsll Train 7 "
Pnrtlrinl..M...-...mM.,MaHsj A. x. t orvams...
Corvnllls... ' ,... :3U a. m. vrtlaii,l.,.
.AEJiivta : ;
'..,iif rn
...0 P. it.-
-,..i;-SrJ0 p. su
Cluso connections are made at Roscburg with lhe Stage ,
of the California and -Oregon WHgjt.ompany. . - -----
... Tickets fur aale to all the principal point in California
and the ljt,at the Company'a oitlee, .
t'orarr t aa rreat Wrerta, at Ferry lalg, rertlaaL
Htorage will lie charged on Freight remaining la Oom
winy's Warehouses over twenty-four hoVirs.
Freight wtll nt e received fr shlpmeui after h o'clock
p. M. on Eastalde DlvUlon, and o'clock p. M. on Westsldaj
Division. , J. WIANDT,
E. P. HOOERS, " Oeneral HuperlnUn.let. i
Oeu. Freight and Passenger Agent. , JMflUT
: ; :
: - ...
for' 8an Francisco.
7 as follows t
February.-.-. ...... 7
February....... ......22
March. aaessia asaaal"" W
A pril MMM H
Febrnary... ....17
M strrlle4MaV7Wisi.lrt
A plil ...... .a, aeaeaes H
A rtMSMlsaMlH
Htate Calltoraisaw
(PTCa.a. CK-.
February. '
Fetmiary.Mra . 27
Msrrhu.MSMb..M -Martli
prlt aaaaee aaseae asMoea IS
A prll , 1K
Right Is reserved to change ateamera or sailing dara. i
.Tiiaorrtn Tifgrra sold to all the principal ClUaa lit the
United Htates and Canadaa. 1 -
r GENERAL OFFICE-Corner Front and D street, Port-
- . - - A. 1 M AX WELL,
i. MrCRAKEN A CO., 1 ' Ticket Agt. a R. A N. Ctt.
Agtsu f. C B. 8. CfX ':: . T. F. OAKEK,
JOHN MUIR, VIce-lTes. and Manager.
Cv. Frg. f - P"-. Ag." 1 . ' 7- 1
The Most 8ncceuftil Ph jiician on tho Pacific Coait
Ilthe pastern Htates for the past finir months. The Doe
tor vlalffd all the principal med leal institutions In the large
Cities of the United Htates, and cornea bark wllh all the
modern methods, Inatrnmente and aiiptlancea known to
the most scientific men In tbe profession. The las-tor haa
also brought charts and manikins to Illustrate his lectures. '
DR. PAUL M. HltENAN haa been lecturing for 15 yeara
on the Lawa of IJfe and Health. In bis private attd publlo
lectures he has taught men and women the true system of
life, how to lie healthy and hnppvjlf they would fnly be
fuldel by hi wise counsel. Hut all cannot hear. blade
Ightful and Instructive lectures, nor can be tell everything
necessary for suflering humanity to know from, the public
rostrum In-fore a priimiscuona audience. There remain
much to lie learned from hlrn, as his Experience exteintw
over brond fields of active profcaslotiafl II f.-. This knowl
edge so necessary to (the welfare f aufferer can only be
gleaned by private Profoftslnna i VinHiillatlon at bla once.
jus iu vurioua parU of Kurope mul AtnrUav
gives him such opportunities of learning the deli'-ate dls-
eaaea wnicn me numan luiiiuy are proiM to, their mode of
treatment and permanent cure, aa no other physician on
me i-Hcinc ohsi can ciaifn. lie naa not onl v treated th
diseases iintsuevi'wfiill-y, but has lnul tticm n Hfcatu
aa a few moments' consultation wtll nrovn.
He haa tiecfime an ea-rt in the treatment of disease,
weakness ami derangement of the rt'-pnxlucil f or?ntisof
both male and female, Including diseases caused by the -
Huch as Hhvrm atokrii'RA, or hkmixai. Wr AKts. or IiOa
or Prkprtt Vitality. Nearly two-thirds of all iheChronm
DUeasca spring, either dtrctly or Indirectly, fnna some do
rangement of the sexual system, and yet Hits subject ta
neglected by the majority far the medical profession.
That persona wbor are Unfortunate enough to Im afflU-tetl
by any form of sexual disease have a delicacy f n calling
upon the proper physician In time, from a sense of mod
esty, and sometimes from Ignorance, and Mrmll those dis
eases to exist until their constitution become oorrttpfeHt.
their organisation broken down, and the ln.. of future
happlnesa blighted, until death become a w-l.Vme El es
se n kit to carry them out of their miserable exlxtcnt-e.
Those Who call tn time npon Itr.rP.VCL M. MtKVXjt
neel have no fear hut whit he will restore them to perfect
health and vigor, make their Unties rnd helr mind
content, If they will only foilow his aa vice and treatment.
Catarrh, llronchltls. Throat Iilseaiips, kln lis.ea.
Rheumatism, Kidney Complaint, ami .: 'iHacasc of tbe
Eye and Kur, Hiomach and lilatbler, liu tan rum without
fall. No Oii:u'k Nostrums used j no ,;i treatment ; no
false pmmis-. Everytliliig strictly omtVlentlal under all
-C4 .M ,TA TION FRKE.amf Itsf of -prtnterl nTrrirtn
sent to those living at a distance wbo cannot coiikuII bint
All Hiirglcnl niternt Inns tnerformeil. . -
omen Noi .l First street, between Oak and Iln. hm
JIours-Fmm 10 to ii A. M.. 2 to S ami 7 to ri p. m " -
All letters for profesxtoiial bundles must te a-liln-sscl t
Ir. laul M. Hrenan A Co.,W First strt. l1rtlaBI.or. a-7
U 8 E R O 3 C PI LL8 .
1-. -u J - 1 : : -
.Htates. Canada, ana Europe, at reduceU lu-laeaU Kb
our principal ofrle ljated In Washington, illrec.thrippo
"V..l!,.' 1 "i!-4 Patent tifflce, we are able to s(UmMi
ail Iatnt liuslneaa with greater promptness mnA dtupatch
and lea cost than any other patent attorneys, wbo are at a
distance from Washington, and who have, therefore, to
employ "associate attorneys." We make prl run tnary ex
amination and furnish opinions aa to ptental.tJ)ty free of
charge, and all who are interested In new In vest tons and
patents are Invited to aend for a copy of ourtHia'da lor Ob
taining atent, which la aent free to any address, and
contain complete Inatmctlona bow to obtain m tents, and
other va uable matter. We refer to the Oermaa-Araerteaa
National Hank. Washington, IX Cj the Ra-yal Hwcllsh.
Norwegian, and lasnlsb legationa. at Wash tag trm; Hoei!
m lTrf V'"u-S"' V :::VS?. -OMr "CviaUaailsOLlha
omctata uf ihe.tT. ft. Patent omce, and To Heaiatr and
Members of Congress from every Htate. - r
Addresei ImCm BACKiEU A CO.. Hoi Id tar f PatenU
aad AUornys-at-Law,Le Droit Building, WaaJUnfta,D,U.
. t
-f ...
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