The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, April 14, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ' - "1 THE NEW NORTHWEST. THURSP A r7 APRIL 14r .183L f u r t i v
v RRC0K8TANT.' . '
" CABOLimiA. MA0., x" .'..
Be Ilk th ran, thai poara IU rsy
To (14 and glorify tb : day '"
B Iikth moon, thai bU llifjlfht '
, To bteM and beautify th nlshl.
B Ilk th (ra, that prkl on,
Although Xh0 aua sd mooo b goa. ...
B Ilk tb aklea, thai atcadfaat are,
- TbouKb abaent sua and noon and eUr.
Application for Copyright fonrarJed to th Librarian of
. I CQngreaa at Washington, IX C
A 'Wluter't mornln&'voldTffrt deoIat. Th
"raiir -wM falllng,-not ;ln drop,-but In blinding
lieets, freezing ai it' fell, producing m stinging
leet that' -mw mlmont unbearable.-" Pedestrians
who were com pei led -to face the blast harried
along with beads bowel In Involuntary submis
sion tp the Power that "rides the storm." Even
tlie animals seemed to share thb spirit of general
depression. Btray dogs-moved along with an air
of strong disapprobation, and endeavored to make
friends with every passing tranger.WlIorses
tasned their beads from side to side and Jerked the
reins Impatiently, thus testifying their dislike at
the change from the comfortable quarters of their
stables to the driving rain and slippery Ice of the
jtantllngnn fhft ttmrliln stgpa-tltst h?ad In to one
ef the fashionable club-houses, were two persons
engaged In rat hern heated controversy- match
girl ami au over-dressed serving-man,
"If you would only let me stand Jut here I It
Is so cold out there that the gentlemen will not
stop, and I must sell something to-day."
"But I tell you, you shan't! -Why to-morrow
we'd, have, everybeggar ia the city crowded In
here, , Jfow, go !" . - .
CIIe poke angrily. - He had left a comfortable
ilre and chair twice before during the- morning to
drive her away therefrom,He now discovered an
ebject of interest In the street. He leaned out a
HUle farther and called, ooaziugly t '
Here, Gipl Here, dpi"
A small yellow dog came boundiHg op the steps
and fawning at his feet
"Don't you know any better than to run out In
the street a morning like this? Why, yoajare
eoid fcnd wet." . - -.
He was one1 out of hownany men ? that
would give sheltor to a dog and turn a woman Into
- the street on a cheerless morning. " -
"Tl4nan led the dog along the hall toward a
nalf-o!Mt diwrjJthQUgh which It . disapiwared.
Tlien he returned once more to the, scene of con
fttct 'at the entrance. .:rUri-
Are you going to move, I say T"
Yes, Tm going." " ;
Tlie girl folded jter small, faded shawl around
her shoulders, and turned to go down the steps,
Khe had turned so quickly, that, she struck vio
lently against a man, who, with hed bent and his
hat drawn over his eyes, had started up the stairs,
twostvps ata time. : - ; .; i'
Oh, excuse meH . . X
"It's noboly but me." x :
The. alnguUr ureplyijwtKLtherman' steps,
H looked back at the girl on whom ordinarily he
-woald-not have. Wito 4 ed a second, though t.
"Are you so accustomed to being knocked down
: that you expect it?'!
."Almost; sir." i :
'Humph I There's no use trying to sell mate ies
avnernlng like. this. Oobackhpme. 'TUn't de
cent weather for even a brute to be out." " .
And the msn, whohaJgonelnslde the entrance,
threw back his heavy, fur-lined overcoat, andj
taking off his hat, shook the glittering drops of
water from his dark curls.
."I cannot go home now," the girl replied, sadly,
"The Prince told me I must sell some to-day."
The man stopped with his overcoat about half
eff, and stared at the girl lo blank amaxement.
"Who told you?", - .
"The Princes." '
. "IMnceset Princess of the Infernal regions I"
."Yes, sir, If you please." :
The m Jauglml aloud- '
."And who may you be? A maid of honor to'
Her Royal Highness ?" . ,
"I am only Meg." - , :
The girl's answers were so honest and respectful
that the man dropped his bantering tone and In
quised more seriously i ;
r "Megwho? What Is you other name ?" . -A.
uri?rUed, puzzled look 'crept into the girl's
face. - She hesitated moment as though trying
to remember something, and when she answered
her voice was low and despairing.
. "And your father?" . ,
t -ry AtherJs dead, too." , .
T7W man studied a moment He liked theglrl'e
looks.. t'Qllke most of her class, she was civil
. modest. Pwrlysvnd coarsely dressel. wl th
te-ombet hair, and skin which soap and water
K-rrlly af piled would have benefited, she cer
t ' "jclU'.not make anHirttraclIveTcTure. lei
(" 3rts a gentleness, a tractablllty In her man-r-
which compelled the man's respect.
"Harmon! -Harmon!" the man muttered to
himself. "I never knew anybody by that name.
and yet I could swear that X have teen that face
before," . U- ' .
"Will you buy some matches 4hls morning,
i-n- u ; --x , . ; V
Iter words were addressed to a young man, who.
unseen by the man Inside, had ascended the steps.
"Matches I" said the man, looking Into the wet
basket, .'D$ you sell a wrlogeand dryer with
each bunch?" ' , '
"No, sir." ;
"You don't? That's an oversight on your part."
' Then, stepping Inside; .
V'Hellol Bt. Claire."
Oood-mornlng, De Ouerry." --
"It's nothing of the sort I "It's beastly H con
tradicted Jack,senteutlouslyJ r ,
. "James T . " , -- I.
De Guerry called the servant, who had long ago
become tired of the conversation between Ht.
Claire and the match-girl and withdrawn to the
room . where be sent the -dog. He was com
fortably sleeping, when he was aroused to earthly
troubles and tribulations by Jack's voice.
"Here, James VI.
Z-The man appeared, moving slowly and deliber
ately. - y ' ' '
"What's -your hurry? I could have waited
while you put on a few more rings and chains'
. St. Claire commenced to replace his hat and
overcoat. James, who was-only about half awake,
thought De Guerry had called him to put on St.
Claire's wraps, so he assisted him ofllclously,
while Jack stood watching the performance.
Having completed the Job tok his entire satisfac
tion, he turned to Jack. . '
"Did vou say that youwere going with him,
Mr. De Guerry?" ,
"Ob, yes t I said I was going to church, to pray
to be delivered from the temptation to kill you.'
St. Claire listened In astonlehmentTT m ; ;
"De Guerry, I think that you are out of temper
this morning." , --.. -
"Then you are mistaken. I am In temper, the
worst temper you ever saw !" ' ,
'"By this time James understood that he was to
remove the gentleman's outer wrapr- This done,
Jack passed on Into the room. . Lv '
I" The "fellows" who were standing at the win
dows looking out In the storm saw St. Claire start
out at a rapid pace In the same direction from
which he came. .One of them remarked that he
would have known whether he was going to slay
or not before he came there a day like that; and
another turned to De Guerry with the inquiry :
"Where Is St Claire going?" :
"He Is going to a picnic,'! Jack answered, as he
picked up a paper and settled himself to read. 7
.Jack did not ask questions himself, and he usu
ally succeeded In silencing anyone who did. "'-T:
Meg had left the steps as soon as Jack had sum
moned her persecutor, and went slowly slongi the
street crying ner matciies. iier T"jn afni vnH
no protectlonlagaUtsi-ihe Wl'!ltlef7her face'was
purple with cold, and her teeth chattered so she
could scarcely speak.
St Claire never altered his rapid pace until he
had overtaken Meg. She turned as he stopped
beside her, and looked up with a motion of the
head, a lifting of " the eyelids, that was so familiar
it startled him. He knew now where he had seen
the face before. It was not the same, but so like
that. It could be no chance resemblance. I All this
passed through his mind-like a flash as the girl
saidi gratefully f ' ...V --.v- -
"Then yott do want some matchetiafter all V-
The man silently hande! her a piece of silver
nd put the matches she gave hi ni ytnThls-pockety
not wltliout some secret misgivings as to the
probable result - r
""Meg, do you like chIldren?!l,
' "No," answered the gfrl, laconically.
This was certainly an unpropltlous beginning.
"You don't like them well enough to be a nurse
for a rich man's child V' questioned St Claire. 11.
"Yes," answeml MegVigaln In the same deci
sive manner. "If It was clean and dhln't cry, I'd
like It" - r .
4'Has this Princess' any claim on you VI
"I live there." '
- "Would she let you leave?" vr.
"Yes, and be glad."
"Would you. leave her and take the place I
speak of If I can get It for you ?" . l
To take care of a child a clean child ? 'r
"Yes," answeml St Claire, gravely. v ;
""Would !? Oh, sir, I would work like a slave
for it r ; j . .
The girl's face lit up with a glow that seemed to
warm It Into new life. She wsjted a moment for
her companion to speak, but, as he remained si
lent, she cried out, eagerly : " .:
"Will you take hie, sir? Oh, I will be so taitb-
MI !"
"I cannot promise you the place, Meg, but I will
do the best I can to get It for you. Tell me where
you live, and I will meet you there this afternoon
at four o'clock."
Mymother,t-name-wa-Hannonrnd-ihe 8t ClafreHook note-book and pencil from his
pocket and wrote down the directions as the girl
gave them to htm, saying, as he did so: .
"I didn't know that there was such a place In
the city.".- . , ' . . ; A ',.,,
' . VOh, sir, I am airraid you can't find It Let me
come to you." - ? - ' - ''
"I can find it I wisbTto see the 'Princess' and
have some undersUndlng with her." ...
Tdeg Jf onilsed tobsrthemrttn arpotntedtlmeY
and the two separated. , . j ...
The men In the club-room had seen St Claire
talklnv ta thm. rr. and thev DUt tbelr-OWB COH
traction on the matter. And, notwIthsUnding
what Is said of -womenmen are not usually very
charitable In their Judgment of each other's faults
when speaking to other men. Jack heard their
comments, and, although he said nothing In St
Claire's defense, yet he was convinced, from his
acquaintance with him, that he was hot "making
a fool of himself," as the others open! avowed,
r: St Claire called a cab, and was taken to Wyi
cllffe's office: Without any unnecessary delay,
St Claire explained the entire affair, telling his
friend that he had heard him say that he wished
to get some one to replace the Inefficient Jeje, and
that Meg had J wo Jhlngslin-her favor capacity
and a desire to please. '
"I will tell you, St Claire, I would Ilkelo o!
you. You are the bnly' person of my acquaint
ance, I thlnkjjrho would dare to make such a
proposition to me. I have no faUn" whatever in
the honesty of street walfs. But If you can get
this girl away from the rest of the gang cut en
tirely loose, you under taud I will take her."
( St-Claire thanked him "heartily, and promised
it should be as he requested,'or the girl should not
be mentioned again. - ,.tr".ZTI-.--..'-
"If anyof her sisters or her cousins or her aunts
Intend to visit her, I will not be annoyed with
her." ;- -''-.jh'
"I understood;-from what she said that he bad
no relations." t ' " .,4
"AH right, thenfc I will glveher a trial, and see
how good a judge pf character you are."
There was nothing said to the. mother. Her
consent or opinion was not asked, t could make
no difference to her who had charge of her baby;
Wyel lire considered it his child. Ife pnH tho
JiuFeJL0course,. Jie would hlre--honxJm pleasj.iL
She had no voice In employing JJe, or' that care
less Frenchwoman would never have entered the
houe. '
- St Claire had even more difficulty than he pad
anticipated in finding Meg's home. Some wri
has said: "Home Is not the space between
square walls In which we live; but 'tis where af
fection pronipts and love performs unselfish acts."
Judging by this criterion, Meg had no home; It
was simply a stopping-place, . "
- St Claire entered an alley filled with dirt and
filth of every kind, from w,hieh the noisome vapors
wereso stckfning that he covered his aristocratic
uoe with his handkerchief. , ' . ..
"Oh, IiIII,lookee!Jookeel Here comes a reg'Iar
swell l' 4 : '
About a dozen ragged little Imps, youthful rep
resentatives of the genu homo, turned their at
tention to St Claire and hailed his appearance
with Jeers, obscenity and derisive laughter. He
sincerely wished that he had purchased a -suit of
clothe, from a rag-picker; as they would have
rendered him less conspicuous In this . locality!
Dy the time he had found the house and started
up theereaklng stairs, he was pu
mob. Jllnwuetn ' tlisj luoSt venturesome did
not dare to follow him up the steps, but contented
themselves by shouting after him: " . .
"He's going to see the Princess I ' He's going to
see the Prlncessl' - ; ' . .;.
After mounting to the third story, he halted be
fore the nearest door and knocked repeatedly. It
was finally opened by a bold-faced woman attired
In a gaudy-paper-sllk dress of a bright red color,
trimmed 1n gold lace. There could be no mis
take this musttbe the "Princess" and St Claire
other name. lle would be compelled to Inquire
for the match-girl. a , ; -- ; - . . .
"Is Meg at homel'JL '- -
- "Yes. Come In." ' .
She moved aside for St Claire to enter the room,
which did not look nearly so bare or uncomfort
able althe location would lead one to suppose.'
Hie floor was naked and; black with the accumu
lated dirt of ages past, buf there Were several
pieces of carpet laid here and there7and a rug
which had once been; elegant The chairs were
all safe, If not comfortable, and St Claire seated
himself and looked around for Meg. -The woman
answeml his Inquiring glance. '
"Meg told me that you's going to git her place
to take, care of a child." ' ;
"Yes, madam." i . r '
. "Well, I can't let Meg go, you see. I've tied
her ever since her ma died. I've gone to all the
expense of dressing her and boarding her, and she
lies never brought me in a cent till lately. She's
m-owlut'jhe" a great deal of money lhat must be
Tlie girl Is no relation to you ?"
Relation ? I should think not I Why, I be
long to one of the highest families In England ;
but I can't prove it yet J will some day, though.
Why, I'm a Prince I"
"Indeed I England should never allow her no
bility to wander off to the wilds of America. How
long has Meg's mother been dead?"
"Over eight years. Meg was six years old when
she died. JI've hed all the care of Meg all these
years. I' ve dressed her and boarded" ' ' r
"Has Meg any relations In the world V ' .
"Xpt that I knows oh.- But I've been parents
and relations to her, and she hes cost me heaps of
money. I've dressed her and boarded--"
"Then there is no one who has a legal claim on
hcr?y . ' .
Thave,Ir, for her board an J clothes for eight
years." ' ' . . ' - . . . ;
ATidhownnich may thxtheT 3
"I heven't counted It up yet, sir, but I wllL
And, my Lord excuseme 1or saying 'my Lord,'
but you see we do that at borne. Ai I was savin.
If I should open my heart to part with dear Meg
gle for I have no doubt it would be for her own
good, now that I am m wanderer from the castles
of my posterity If by your winning words I
would consent to let her go Jor a while, would her- 2
wages be enough for her to pay me for the care I
her given her?" , m . .
"Madam, jrtie. would "recei ve 'no wages for the
present only her board and clothes. And if she '
goes, you must give her up forever.. Y'ou will 1
never see her agaln:,r" ' ' , . ; H'
"And not get any pay for all the trouble and -
care w:, .' '! ' ' . ' ' . ........ '
J4I will pay-you a treasonable amounVmadam,--
pn condition that you give up all right and title
In her." rr - " .
"I can't do 11 sir. -TTwould not bo fair to Meg,
because, you see, my Lord, I hev: promised Meg
that when I get to be a great " '
St. Claire rose wearily, and replied, quietly :
"Very welL I presume I shall not meet with' '1
much difficulty In. .finding .a . person .more suited
tor the position, and without an Incumbrance In
the form of a royal Princess."-
The woiuau failed to understand the latter part t,
pf his answer, but she saw he was going to leave
without Meg, and wlthput paying that boird bill,
which probably hb one else would everotter to as
Bume. : Her avarice outweighexl her'arrectlon.
You did not say, sir, how much you would pay
me if I would give up this child, that I love like a
Uer." ' . : ..
' St Claire looked straight at her and replied,
concisely:- - pr-
"I will give you five hundred dollars If you al
low Meg t o Icnve this Jiauso to-dy and never at
leuiptio Mee her oriiuIJanyxijuiiniinlit ion with
her agaI'u."-----r " " I "
JIe-eaThcwoman's eyes .gleam and a crafty
smile cro4 her lip.- as he named the'amount so -far
In excess of her greatest expectations. But
she endeavored to hide her surprise as she an
swered, in well-feigned astonishment: l, -
"Fjlve hundred dollars for eight years! One
liar a week ! Sir, I cannot accept such " . .
(I will not pay more, so that ends the matter.:
I thought the arrangement would be agreeable to
all concerned; but If Meg prefers to remain here,
all rtghl
"But she does not prefer tb remain here."
Both turned at the sound of the interfering
voice, and saw Meg standing there with folded
hand71Ips tightly set, the light of a new resolu
tion In her eye&
- "Meg," said the, woman, angrily, "go back I I
will settle with this, gentleman." -
"Yes; you wilt settle that I am no
I will. You have no right to keep me. I wish to
go, and I shall." . ' - ; :
The Princess ""HKpnrprlfie rrt)u W'uliV
decIslojLJWie had always cbnsldeml Meg a child;
wow he sxke like a woman. There was only"
one thing left for her to do. ...r : f ! . ,
'Of course you shall go, MegA '''The gentleman-.
Is going to give me a small sum ofrxmoney to pay
for your board and clothes for the last eight years
thatr-" " -
"Board, when I have always been hungry;
clothes, when I have always been raggeuN! How
much will you give her, this woman, who has
treated roe like a cur?!. 0 "
"Five hundred dollars, If she will renounce all
Interest la you." .
'L have -not cost her fl vehundred cents In'these
yea rsf and as to In terest, she never had any."
The woman, remonstrated, and was profuse In
her protestations of affection -forthe motherless
girl, .All of which Meg received with the most;
unequivocal scorn and contempt j
- After much controversy, St Claire produced a -paperwhich
he had drawn up for the purpose,
and, after reading It aloftd, told the woman that if
she would sign lt he would give her a check for
the promised amounf; She demurred at first, but
when the girl assured her that she would leave ln
either case, the "Princess" delayed no longer, still
asserting, however, that the sum was Insufficient .
-St Claire gave "Her Royal Highness", the
check, and bade her adieu. He told Meg to follow
him, and then left the house. He was assailed on
the street by the same rabble which had escorted
him to the stair-way. But when they saw Meg :
their noisy clamor ceased, and, not knowing that
she was with him, they greeted her kindly though
roughly. St Claire hurried along, and soon they
reached amore" habitable loc&lltyTThis weather
had not Improved, and It was growing dark, so
St Cr&Ire called 4 carriage, and he and Meg were
taken to her new home,
ITo b eontlnned.1
t to go. But . . , 1
Adelina "Pattl spends her mouey freely, and
drives hard bargains With managers. But. she Is
charitable, and helps many a broken-down artist
with a quiet munificence of which the world never
hears. Her kitehen costs her comparatively little,
her tastes In this direction being simple. When
she Is going to sing, Pattl dines about 4, the meal
being- an extremely-1'ght -one. A long-nap fol
low,! and she is fresh for the evening's work.
Her refection in the Intervals of singing Is of
various kinds, now a raw egg, now a glass of lem
onade.: She has even been Known to take a cup of
tea. After the play she Is often the life of a sup
per party.' Though lacking the gift of wit he
enjoys It keenly fa ethers, and has a lively sense
of humor. . The secret of her charm lies. In her
animal spirits. So is gay, and makef others gmy.-
-ThValla.Wa4ltW thinks that4nJudlclons
and l.ndeerImiBate newspaper puKs have made
more fools out of men than wine, women and
brain fever put testhar. .'.-