Hi--.,. mtra vtwtkt v iflHTOST, THURSDAY, MAHOH 31, 1881? JLXlJLi JUJOMIJ'"- - -Af QHIbD'S BBADTIFUIi -PRAflfBBf - - "T -MISOBLIjANBOUS A IV BHTISftM BNIMl " " Fathor, now the day is past, ' On thy child thy blessing castj Tear "my pillow, hand in hand; " ' , Keep thy guardian angol band;. , And throughout the darkling njEhtr Wbm mo with a cheerful llcht. . ' Irfli me rl!o at morn again, ' 'Free from every core and pain; .Pressing through life's thorny' way Kp me, Father, day by day." Cnmpoted by a tMrteeninarottt boy. The Crtat Cbrnro . JRortl Tim It haa A.'P riLorlea Of Wl fi!.!ot!ie'3tt t-r- -a r" Br- Mm 7 11 enter of the 3ftmxe. Oigmi.ana:thTr- LT2TTER FROM NEW' YORK. - vxnturc socxai, center amjSkic an CIIANOK CirATTKR A SWIHJUNCS-SCHOO IjAW JtEAL PROPERTY VAMJKS. ,,a, ;u,d ew Orl i.M)UIm. Ubi Pi X a; iBRUUAX C0XBJKlaHB or THF 3TKW jfWTBT,J Xbw York, March 12, 1SSL Americans do not sufficiently realfte or appre Oiato tlio frtjedom-granlcd the public by their ho tels. Tlia American landlord throws open his "office" to .the crowd. The "offiee" is simply. a great hall, in which tpiy decently dreael and le cantly behaved poison may enterf In New York the grand center and depot for the meeting of public men for informal caucusesind diseuKion., and for seeing the traveling and local, world of notoriety, is the Fifth Avenue Hotel. It is the public social center of the city. Drop in for a few minutes, and let us see whom we may. Yonder is Congressman Townsend, of Ohio ; near him, Congressman Rice, of Massachusetts ; near by, Colonel McComb, a railway magnate of Dela ware, a gentleman in appearance of the modern ized old school, who might pass for a brother of Dr. John Hall. The next man, almost a giant proportion, straight as a ramrod, with an enor mous breadth of shoulder and a flowing sfly beard, is the ex-Confederate General, Srling Price. On leaving the hotel, I nut Managpr Gillig, of the American Exchange in Europe (who, by the way, like the rest of the world, was going to "Washington), and asked him about the truth of a rumor that the Exchanje designed to set afloat palace steamers which souW carry neither cattle nor emigrants. He thks there is a demand for such a line of steamfs. Though the Exchange does not care to engne in such an enterprise, yet Mr. Gillig says thpublic must have what it wants. Lucky puiic ! You may expect any thing in your star-room from a silver foot-bath to a point-lace ngut-cap, and anything on the bill of fare short ortolan eggs or a slice of cold missionary. Ju? now the Exchange has its hands full of eircularnotes, accompanied by letters of identification. Tlie notes arc backet' by United States bond.s.nd the holder will rind thm as a- rl '"Tjy where tr j onU?. Ii WfM'y tli introduction of a 's.-.--in "f iuter :JMtjU'iidl urrejM-y, which .m: ti grow s we bftoomi re anl ;uir. iuf.m:'...-.vith our couxin H.fi- '' 'ei an1 tfrlec-:!.y a- the ladies Uike Co tam.'i aione. r or -.cv yra,-- me xctusi-ir' lav-! Mie part of --uefi.il !"idcncc to bai Mxl" who wouid et Ui, .tj.d it is coiui i- 1 Ually in tn-ing in elliclevy. itneral Jo. ih ft DWK'l' OOttt ' IfCtLft: . ' ,A'11 wSt . tats ri'i Ma M'f T1 (UreWMMt V v, n m t h s ume Uu hammw iml li.-rJ in a!i par t( the efty -, IS dSin tot - .,.! thit J' iu4e-MMU aMn Wtnfc ,. 'ho ..'irii mrcb of ft rofh. W3 no a . 'i ' 1 i''-"Mra- ptylor between thH n rorlj-i !-. Ux- ' r oVuuly incwfl,8 KriuUqraJ !,Mi.JcjJ rtrHi in 4. 'Ritmu Mlttnu'W'W trHmtnrv to or tnnlni"1 thtecity, H will ntsfrrqui- iw.ro tuin tt-.i 3-tn wU the ojulatln of onr beautiful and gnmfn cHv to UJKd mml. llvla a taneer territory tlmit Sun Fraui-' to suprt it, we may -onOdentlj. iuwert that in less nan a quarter of a eemary Portland will bethefore-umm- city on the coaiit in ikjIjiI of w1Ui and population. i" will here enuniernte the many railroad enterprise. Irry maiixu uea. .mi- en (.newt are roitHinicted, and oth-rxin process of construction, all tunbing ijieir termini at t!iin city. TUB 3(OICTIUUt' l'ACIHC I IwiWInjf rapidly west from Dulutb, on Ijike Superior, andalk from the Columbia River ast, ami will becom pletetU.it an early dny.tluw vonnectinub with all our whiter Stated TUS OM1MOK AJU CALIFOKMA K. K. Termaate8 here, and U Ravins an iiniuvone patronage. TUB WSSTEKK OREGON K. K-, Formerly the Oregon Central, is doing n eood buftlneiu. biYoad ratu to man uie Kruie country on the wet side he Willamette uivor, ana n si.ntiK-rn tenniuuK at pnVcnt Is kt Onroutv, VT nities from Portland. THK UTAH NOKTIIKKN K. K. iUe built Utrotieh hundreU of nilks of f-rtile lauds, the produce of Mrhleli mad be brought io thl cit v for uhlp uient. Vhls road will connect with tli. Lnion I'm el tie It. it., thu.urin: two competing lln-s from the Atlantic to the PaeUV It is now a eettled fact thai tiie i1arr.Axn, iiat.t.b ajsii salt lakk k. r. Will be eoVtmrted at an early day. Thi will give us three trana-eontiental road. NXW HAIUIOAJ) BTBKMtMES. A home eAiyjany, wkh nnlimited capital, has beenor nized, undr the name the Oregoiflnn iUilway Co., to construct iianW-fHag-joad tpMn Ull clty Ul the l4.rir poillonsof t h J Sta4e nlUm ;it i .unoctiiiK with the Cen fral Padne,w3h braiiones whereTer Hricf innt mar of fer. Thin entrprUe te bclnR pu.luil viK..uiy to ,,inpl tion, ao that'it may be In readinesi to iiu; tills Kail's crop. ARTICLES or IJCoKl"OR rioX Have been fllAd toeonMrurt a rood from Buttl" Mountain, Nfvada. in the direction of Oregon, to connect with the rti.imi it IT- i-n with the liiiike l'ortluml orte of he cr-atct railroad center In the Tnlon. W 4ui" on be connected by rail with the Northern Tniac K. It.; al with Chicago nd the Atlantic cIMcm. ThoatendRof Immigrant are (mtantly arriving from all part (( the civil Uel world, and the lnllllonH of acrra of itirieultural lands that lie otill nnhroken by the plowoare, and awaiting the advent of the Murdy fanner. uoini ii'wi conciumvf iv 10 ineiiiei inai au eni or pronerit v l alrettty dawning upon this fair young Ktate. When tbe imnui;ution h;w renelieu Its full tide, ami three million of acrelan-under cnltlvathm, then will regon be known a the a-althleat .Slate in the Union. DR. PAUL HI. BRENAN, ,; The Jdost Successful Physician on the PacififcOoasfc ., IN TIIK TREATMENT 01 ALd CHRONIC AND DIFFICULT CAS S'AR T. mtKKD AP KU AX KXTKNHiVlf TOUROT , Uie K. cem State f .r t he pn fo r maUiM Jm Vo visited tit the prtnc'put medical i ntltuUbnlt tiie Jargc 0lMgO( the I'nHed piatex. and com eft bH OK wWltaMI the mi tnjnn Ubi 3 Ti ui urn hi SlahikiSTtolUastte I 1 4 haZ Mitt We4ring for wmsm ma me mwi oruarMM it ana, .mwmsr:' aw a DmmUMv.i 'or Ifiyeaw vat uavawc (ma inutn ni mMrom haf MiHrb to M'4 over broad fl edge f neeew kives him mu iTrsf. .in th V" ind aft- i-rU tlfAIl ft rilan-' . . !,ilid hts u; r 7 LXXSAJi col ft- will ron a fjSSawM atn nsedurg. . 7:00. ic Oi'Uuii, - 25r . :& p. j ,?naiio;i.... .":A. fcl.wtland. . y ?i f. ii ' !1 'I !' I ' . IV '., re rei only he ilia ee. 1 Amerl a f&BOtBlt.tda . - - . treatment and irm.iBejt tarrn, 1 ,,lV treated these dlHeases most a. vHuruli;-, yLl HafewinouteBtkcwjuyarl' ,lt ,,f disease. Frefarti' Train , i.;.im i -; !r.T - ':i )A)t. Wct'iii '.. a X-' r'Trtlntii --- ? wl i rtllTirnlj KallTft-! l 'errv :n!t es ejliir JA : puiat Tr-1-..aon ttJ''e iiivik. u. it'Muit. iu nip (iirreiioii n wrrguii, (i criii on Ionian Ibiiiway Co.'k road, and m.ike I'n miiiiik. Thlx whl glvo ua direct oinvm ru-hen: fcilver iuUh- m the worTd, and will 11 I'IiTI.AXI CITY l!3mSTK.VI. The laid in this enterprise Ilea adjoining the cltv. and U only fnii ten to fifteen rain tiles' wiUlc fr-m the (Jonrt House. sk,l a let dlctunce than that from one of the bet BE! both male and fen. ale, rtf FOLLIES Such SfEKMAToRl .TiI A of Pkkkect Vita lit . ... ... t. raneement irf th :u i -r neglecteti ' n i'.'njo-.;vo i"- " rm if I TRUE WdumHK ap 4 ! jy the FM ty A O " K I - -, Or Mryn hlrcw irai i eunrouic I i . some uc-fli'- mbject la i i-t'in. n l.r. 1 : M. 'ii. 1 t pr. i i i.. aftllcted . . .u calling n-n Of mod- e-rn t hosadls ni' -MTUB4ed, ' ! tf future ! me mes- mtHeraMe exiKtenee. Dr. PAI L. il. BRENAN ill restore tbem to perfect That nersonawlio are sn by any loriu oi a.wi upon the proper phyleii, etv, and HiinetilBea from i ca-c to exUt until their c thitr orgnnlaatlon broken happim bUghied, until d. .. enger to carry them out of tin Thone who call In time up. I K n v-i rkk fmw Iktlt U'lltl! health and vigor, make theiro.lle pure and their mind wntent, If they will only follow hi ad vtceanu ireaimeui. Catarrh, Bntnehltla, thn. I1,,',,.1 Isklkln 1te?' Kbeiimatlmn, Kidney tvm1iln. and all Ia of the Kyeand ICnr, Stoinaeh andjrd;'J r. ue cu" cu.re w'tnolt fall. Xo Quack Nostrum A1 : no V?P f'f,1tmn.t; n.? falM! promises. KveryUili strictly conndential uihIot all CX)NULTATIOX FRKK. rtd a lint of printed questions hent to thoHe living at a distance who cannot commit him )teronniiy. All Marglcal Opera tkut" performed. trricE o. m riw -'n-ei, Tnn lit f . w tn."iAnl All lotters for profet-sional .u.ineK mwt .be addressed to ir. P m isrpiian t-. Kind -treet, lrtland,Cir. ft-, lra'f Porrifliid. ... i or -ill Is Wri! BlvUion. roKfusn to chrvai.i.iv. Kail Train a. . (CorvailU A. n. j Portland. ilRsref . Iany. . 5 Wiaai point reQMplMA C!oe erne tion' a.-- i ade at R.. v,1j wHh tk' oi :iit' l a.l' i'- aixi i' n sirs: T.ckeUfr'" i:e l' -ill " " Pfia and tt) W". af Llle ( n,i; aOJ loraer F una freet at r?j Laadlag, 1. e will ie i,.ii! on Fr ijfht rei'ialu.ng.kl'Oob nanv'warehoiixe over twentr-fi.niliour-. - Freljh twill not reoei'ei for "btomeiit after i. i. n Eatf ide I !i l-!on, and 6 od)--k p. k. on K. i: ;i:rs. (teoaral 4nrlni if-n r reint and Pii-senger Ajrenfe 4 1-H ; . .,, u I i. Ml : . J OESGOK RAILWAY JlVB MfA?I0A3OS 06l tXA-V JI"fMMr. - a.- n Oak and Pine. Office , rfEAHKB IVB XV JUKI ftTB DAY AT jL ft. I7Joi.i.x. t follows; ; NO PATENT, NO PAY! PATENTS HTAIXF.D FOR IXVKVTORH 1 THK UXITKD 'trmAla. 0 our principal Ktare. Canada, and F.xTolx. at rnlucetl prieii. Wilbj ' . ... T . I U fc i I I i Kviia uii c i w imuir , " i ite the fuite.1 suae IV"1 1 'Hiee, we an- able to attendM f 1" nil 1 ni miHinev W ' 'i'hii'iiit-w uhhi:i. anil lew cost than m other patent attorney, who are at , distance from. Wanlngton. and who have, therefore, p employ 'aaaynaattorm-yii." M'e make preliminary e- , niiilnatlonrf furuwh opinions a to patentability freeif . charge, a who Wereated In new InventfonK aftd patentare i invlled to end fot .,py of our "Uulde for Ob rainlnS'"11;' w,hl,'h M'nV,w to any addreaa, and , coiiuin cnmidele iMHtruetlon howv(btHn patcnhLand , oth" vamanie miu.tT. n r reirr i. ' " . 'V; r 1 1 1 a n - A nirr lc n tnai liana, wMniniHin, i. .; in -iweoin, Ui i-"-br-- ir'. .. March . prtl prU r Ft h roary.. mBUJIImm'J - -c( It. cm a. tr o March .1, April. .d,,Mingiw . April....- .2SiMy -H2: i rhaiiMiaweffwaajimar.w. tar t'jrtJ Is riT i '. tii .tTiir Tti rvra uila 1 L-,,;. is. ..!,.! law-- ,. NV'I I. OFr !ri" tiui'i, I'fgon. pnblie i ifty l.. . h'ioN In the dt v . i mm i ! f.--t it u .iivi.ri ire. wt . ton; Son. mtti to senators .jtndi A ' ! 1"! ltl f ir we h, put .", i- r i i', .rl-m ntr--i I ' 1 rhrxet, r " ','.: V I .PI' M-'f 1(W ' . tn ( - it. m f I. ll!fl. 1'tir. 'll-IHllll. ,-.!. i nl I! ! .f :. 'or T'i' t" w !.. n ! m.ike - j i a chosen it Prt-- 't i f, frniu ,u :o:ir ' -t prcnnn- ni ,.tJ-o; - itii't-.t-jil, .if- 'wSon i Uu!iness nerve, s v!l ns for ii ' ni ty and personal i itegrity. , - j,a-?i thf Al!f 0? l,egi valuer" , ..niijr thai Ui.- u- '. fire r:i. fc.-i t -v iuiminr ! tf.Uiht to ci'tUi ., i..u..i. ... tii.,";,i" ii. i r.ni Jii ii lum - zr r !.! . th .. UtK .. ti l ildVi .i nt. !V) id h t in'v- Mftker- 'i did v- .i -i 'v Ti,'-iTiAfti ui ill.- nitmia r- 'ie !iatatorium-', btabl.-ii- WttlMiwo.vui.i.iie noua wfi.' cruuo aj- "6 all'lll! rlr n lo. t mid, .ii. .) .,, ' Von w (..i !f 10 r. . ii-.'.. nii i' , it.i- t , " , pit ..( tlif . inde v mon- ! Hill' t .:.n-. '. tioin art ' -wimmiinv a . th iitn-t of t were a d zeu inlu ji it va Mtandinff on iu Jie wa.'.if ot Wateifti uetvl oonumirum Jut vi t.le thi :i it is t '-'e hoi far ) "t . W"1 ' P let V i . mi tilDW i iiriHL1- tile WUitti )v-l j muauai tlii.'VJ nee a w . : i 4IHwtci;i and Kkitiy -rOd. Whether to mk or swin,' That all forms of property .have felt theirecte of our great pro-bparity is ev3neel by the reporte of the advance i rente, e ocretweU activity in the real eeie market, and tte higher price Uiat are obtained for parcels tVat ae sold. It i not only ithi city and viciity that these plienom cWiiave appenred, bt the same is true in h eiSbtr or leiiB decre in many lpts of the eoun- ytry. In Chicago, fr inetsnoe, there ian advMiee in renta of from to 60 per cent. Real estate was the laet lorm o' projKjrty to miner from the panic. It has been t-e last toeol the effects of returning prosjerity- What is? called a "boom" may not coine in real estate immediately, but it is highly improbable thut tlJ prices of all forms of than wodttiee sliould inijrense nl Uie prico of real estate should remain stationary, and that money hould seek investment witliout investors' finally turning Uieir attention to real esttite. August. 'eM-nliHjn nll, Uie lady's college at Cambridge, UnelaiKl, hag Mx' resident lecturers and ninety students. MThs Mlnturn, daughter of the late Robert Minium of New York, is one of Newn ham'a alumrta "ICaow what good society is? I reckon 1 do!" crisd Mr. Oriir. "Why, I've boon put out of more than twenty as swell' ailirtrs as wore over rotten up in tbte city." , Those u-ho havo triod It confess that a larfcc, hoalthir tnilhlunl Tllnntnr wnm nil thfl buck f.OIl- . . . I - . .wa. - - - - - uMn.t. 1 . . 1 J A. uniiio inoie neat iiian.a ueavy overcoat. .T'TI-H-li - v -i san Frtn- . .t nmr hej j . that '. i I .hi- ! rall i.r a i r- in Kile hi i. .e Koawt lt : notwHW'tt !! 1 I le -l -liT.T i.r . ' t 4 &'. ! I ITI 1 I. , ii.il nr' " p nl. wl; i exi n : . .-iil ' ttnt-d vet-i,: .... v,nine!i', 'It i l - rB'i , r. upi n i itjr u 1 K ' III til ( ill. ! ' ! " ' i renin- : v U 1 - Hi,- , ' " - ' UI.CI -.; -1 ' ot' . fm rr-nre i i". . pavinet.tf 1 " !.i , 'I-- n-.rt- -i exact!!!; laniil'iv don't foi:o T'i ' noi :nan ,ri . .-j.-,. m j .- mji.. fri.n ':m.i"i ' tu-h: for - i(. l -x.ie.e of t. Ik , ,.,l l -Irof 'il I tuxit-- H it !. n , t.i rei4den of l'rli. i , Him iu for th:it Wi.tfui 'L l.t i. n dei-iifco tli-.- d.i -f Miur. th, -v ' " I.- lit":. That of all real entate in. .v. nil houi -t-n.! pltm is the tet and Hafent.-w allwh- U,, , r, ,. in mas. Inf the whole property mure . Vai.U. r- . 'ur- . ii, - .sup P'. Abatldn a )ouon hi , aa H o,-u a I tad.loiii- v K ifPta the benetltof A's 1 Vm,-meni rl.fl.. A U in,. inja. He reby. Tula pniioopn wm apply to tbe entire J AhavedaiauaH lot to each of t priitclpal churches, ior ciiuivii i' -., . w .iv vt apart lor puiiiw school pnrpoaea. , H.UiKOAll 1TRH1 Vt The Overland, Onion and f '.ilifornl.i and the Weatern Railroad Companie iwive purchael laud from the east line of thedoineateaU Ninth -ti-eii to the water front for fhelr termlnu, ilepotn, machf "'bop, etc.; alao th main line of theOreKwalan Railway ompany (Uiaited) will have ita terminua near by. Tbif 'he -n utest rallrnad center on tbe laeiflt Coaat la.m In elow proximity to litcae lot?. Thla purchaa haa eauNt-d a ri,' ji all surmundhig property of ICO per ce.it, maklnsthr li.m i iii Jomeotead XHni 75 to I HO per eonivneaper tban nn oritur real estate In Portland. Inaamueh ;m thlo Koin.w..,! w-n advertlaed to be mad for a gtlpolated prtee huawn the rrceat advance, un pleasant ax it Im, we shall trictly ith' re Wiour Mlvertuted contract with the public to aejl fhfv; tot Mr JHO each Mr tiie next ninety dava. The two linndred lota that wer rewrveil Hwuual aetflei are now all aold, and the demand io ,'.; Uttn beliijt m great, w have been compelled to i : ui .re ium on the market from which the pnbr.c n- ,f fr the next ninety day. Thia nffordi an opM.r.uiiiy f.ir ienams o de Hiring t purchaac tiie mont tif.nii.:iiLi-i si.,'...,. erty. to TXterttm iihsikio To-'prwiiisK. Thla property ti ow aelltnv Yery ra pil I y , k D4 tlnwe wlah biiC to buy will d well to call or wi,d lntin.1 itly for a ha or lota. All but 4he nmt inMailment mu ,r. paid at the Hanking Houeof Jadd TiUm., in the -ity . irtlMMl. l3sof!lo, a iimt,vm k Deslrlne a lot, majrivarrl Sfum tothe;flr ml Mnnneer, and a Itond wlU Wn?t"cl.vforwiine,j Money may ?i,?t??5? wxliien-d letter, money OrderTor AVeli"'' Co' Expre, at tn rtk. For further picula. amity to .f, M.. 1UCE, thmeml Maneet. poitiand, Or. Or to JiAiuui a MCLAi fJiiij;!?., - .Unrruoii Mnwi. '.rweian. and Daninli ijcaatlonH. at asi j j.. t'aaev. late Chief JnMiec l". s. rourt of Claims . i ofllclaU of tiie U. K latent OHlr, , mad Mem bem of Omareaa mm e-ery tate. 1 iiiCic u a izuvo a rii Snlleitv of I . Uoriiey-at-baw,LeIroit Bui ldluit. WaahUa'N PATENTS. o , . . I..VCKY, No. SOI F ST. N. W., W.H Surofi, It. C,. proprietors of the -x IKNTlKIC RKC- W vmenre Pnten'K on Invention, etc.. and practice Patent 1 .: . iu all iu branches ia jjie- L'aatnl rYn-v and the U. s. i .'i s. ur Handbook on Patenln, with full dlrectinnt .-, i .dvlcNent Kree, Alao,ampeeaieaof the-etenffic Hi" -' 'I," the cheapeat Ui-eful and family Journal pub-, ;.,. -1; only 23 Centa a year. de-M l LL WiUDIKRS IMHABI.Kii BY SICKNFX8 OR INJ P. 'HN MUIH tien.Fr-a"'1 1 S. CO. A. UJa3TWElC tleket Agt R- IKh Thwraa ACl- ' y huJ USE ROSE flU,, 3il -'i- , i jf. m N R. ' I. r i HVRrBTr,rvBN"t(6-UJ rm )' lecn-e amtordar of M '( -u ( . ..f the OI OT'-C! ':if:v. tt..- !-2tu -My of uaretu iss u . . . w:u- ii.iiatacan i'oi .m 1 wtrcTVftfcHf' lIoUuiidjwaaiiHK' . !! of N! etenl;: in' re-t Ihvlo'i at - m madt- nltiKxaah riMi wl,ll In llle Arnn- r. i,a.i . t. toe hfrfra of thoe fJoldlf m who.fie.1 from con -? e no-. .,( t w'l! alfo. .if Pensioitii iioiiee. Hend ntnmp for run inHtna-tlonH in ar.-i all kinds or Moiuien.' ciaitni. '. 51. SITUS a Petition mid Itomily Attorneys. iei- J. . Box 21. WAMllXiiTON, IX I. THE PORTLAND Rooms Corner of LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Streets First and Stark (Over Ladd A Til ton ' llauk.i f'holcc Itoolis tlnliiH over l!Iht TIioiisiiikI Axn . JIUNU1UCU PAPERS AH I) MAGA.INKS. Ccrtlflcntc: T ceriSf Uiat I am UieoiWi&rof tlietnda'n thePorUnnd Catv H?ne,!,S"d-VM 0U thorato hi erfaei, l.lnr ft U. S. .vinr-nnd i author! .r. 1. ItleiJKellyild nrt.nortv on Iter,..-o..ow J , 4 ,Vm.Itold.nankirj irim..l. h. Mhell.Ex r. S. Fehflior; in I. If rZntxfhtWA ft TJnlnlrli.. M I btmt-l,rl.lVi.. 't nrwJ chant; ilplr .trrnnlCjloroliRnil; fee... II. li intu, l-'riiitj-'rv OVER ONK MEWBKRSHIP FREE TO ALL. DUES, I1.0P-PAYAKL.E QA.RTERW MONTHI l)Iacrow-y. . liatld, P. a Hchuyler, Jr.. H. W. Corl-', W. II. Itrackett, A. C. ibb, C. M. KechheMier, 11. Kail ins, I- thum. -y- ti. : d 'larjrrne: ! fei-dnn', P. 'n't' .r! ir. !! c .- and Ii' -f'T viev !' i . rw r .. ', .- .i lei m'vi ' .' t . 11. Ins . , .' 1.1 ! ' Mil I .1 1. by ' rl lt ;t Port . . I !'. it iOo'. 1". vmrr f an 1 . tl.'jCIt' ffnrelroii. H r i w -i h im . r., .,, Ix r, ,i nil iaivuvaa mm5i f atMwiuta aoli fhe mm 4aBW'y fhe i laa lav unlai fta S-lars I9I Hie 1 i- -f Tb r"-.- t.. K'i ' .Old t i full v. .J taf r.f--j'.fl ' and , iat tbe i iHS. wti.-i. '"-OtlBty r urn. r a 1MB'' -e!)f land la ? CteVV i.l'V, w wii li n : 1W' ef tion r0 ml C'niry,oW' in att iS'n i . . tnd k eti Ml i- i .in tw KU .t. in F'ortlan'' - ith all rty . -t. lit i .Tick H"l -i.d " l : ' rn !i - nnd ?r " '' :u" . on bv , A I. !ue i.M ii of M ' 11 f M. P. f"f II. Lcwl- Pf.'r Kiel ., P. Avdt l.i f EIlsv tt and Hcviounu -jo i i iff of : m . Jff'- MM MOW. I I". V Jul; lay rertii wa- thMxw itirt. In t Of Apr! mlRllitaPtin M!anaMhv t riirat,tW ' and r- vbm, HoUat ' trSSFof Septet . tuv K.aa3i o'.-ntfireww i rt ? .his I " A ... nvl'HtllnK. trt.BMJ'nt P. I bIiik-i. ! 't.mp. urw. reen- " swi-m. , ' " - - ' ...... , . . n.ii- , , OrncBB-Matthew p. laflmar.CVfrcaponuinx cretnry; Henry A ana lieeoioiB nry. 4a-ndy, Trenldent: . .V.?, IJbrarian Tn?TA- YOUIIBEI.F BY M AJCINO 2. JLi JLlI IL golden chance l onerMl. tKhpb 1 Inapoveyfnon yonrdrM.r. Thnwh,w-v1 EY WHEN A always keep- liurpveyfrin yonrdnor. Those wty'"".y" .V ' . oi. ..I. ...,... ..... yionev iniu are ouervu seneralli N-oine wealthr, whil ty"' ' "ol improve inch oh3ncea remain hi povory W want many men, women, boy and srlrls to work r ,ln, ,n t,u,'r own ealMM. Ttie bmdnosN will more than ten times ordi nary wnce8. We fiiniNb ..a exp-anlve outfit and all that you nvti, free. No one who entrant mlla to make money vcrr rikily. Yon can devote yourwholellme to the work, or ob)i your spare moments. Full inforiiiatlon and all that la iwed! aont free. AddreM ms0 A Co., Portland, Malae. ntA-m U S1E ROSE P I LIlS. PIONEER WOOD-YARD, OtBwnoiMl IJock.at foot of Morrison street. AT.I, KINDS Ol' WOOD, Sawed and unMWMt,conKtnntly on baad.and delivered to nil Pans of the city. noU tf JUMfS .SOltKNRKN, Proprietor. 92r OUTFIT SENT FREE TO THOSE WHO WISH TO SP'vo'rvlhinJ'V.e' P-Bt i ,U prinU known. 15very'n,lf',w. Capital not re,ulrel. We will rom hiie owr night. No riBk wHiilovor. Jinny nw wrkn wanted at oncev Jinny lire making fortunes nt the bualiiau. iJuMea liiakifrft tiiuoh ilS titon, nn7l yoiihg boys And rtaif ireni iLr o oflS who Is wllln to work faila toiiiakailn thftn tn ft'e inn f!n wcTk n? iSSImwy SmnloB? Aflilroi j LJUttm A Co., PqmaiuI,MBTnT nolo i )!'lt 1 - .; ! '!. i.'ali 1 Th-irir -.Vn.l:.i. ue ki,.i- Mi.'lrc. KVflnali llloAn ntnl rtif.nlrui Hoi1iri'n mill IJw Worth liteta", Dfnidant: In the name of the t.i'l of Oreiron, yWi ami ewh of you are hereby notified thatine a-ove-nfcl Plalntltf Uni filed his complaint ar:iir.-!jyf in tbe abovc-emltl.-d Circuit Court, and as relief pra aa account for taxe- paid and expenses incurred ly i'l.Jnti for the benefit of the Defendants concerning the bull de scribed In the complaint, and contribution and reimt'irve ment from the IwJatidants amounting to Slft'i. n:iiUir partition of the land atentloned, which is situue ii: Mult nomah County, Oregon, known as the north half of the Ijiban Tlicks ivmatlon Iand l.'Iaiin. and aluo as ih north half oi the nordieiiat one-fourtii of Sec, 17, T. 1 N., I'. V and for a Hale thereof If partition ly metes and tMuitb Impracticable, and for costs as may mppttas by taUi iwore plalut.nud that the above-named Court en the llf.i J-yof March. Mil, made an order dlreetilnr pnhlication nnm mons In thi eiiuae. Yxm and each of yon are tii'-rfore miminnned and reonired to be and appear In thr .tiHive entitkHl Court on the first day of the next terw tJirMkif. which will beirln on the first Mondny of Jlay, and an swer tiie abov-ileerlbeiI complaint in thi wilt ; or if yoa fail to appear and answer, the PluinUfl wi'l take . -Ieen?e for the relief prayed for. SHATTUCK A Kil.I.IV. AUoruys for rtauifin Portland, March 12, 1S81. m.i 17 at CITATION. IN TIIE COP NT V COURT OF THK RTATE OF onFJGON for Jlultnomaii County. In the matter of the i ...-af charlc E. Cnlef, deceaaed. To Alien Calef, .llmiru Calef, and Harriet A. Towler: In the name of the Hme of Oregon, bv order of the above-entitled Conn, miwle this 17th ifny of Jiarch, 1881, yon ami each af vu are hereby cited to be and appiir before saj.i o.mrt iu the Court-room thereof In nd County ou Monday, tbe id day of May, A. D. 1S81, at the hour of 10 o'clock a i. i tliat day, then and there to show cause. If any there Iv, why Uie petition of Harriet A. Towler, filed in said Court o said 17th day of March, 1SS1, praying for an order of wiid Court directing the executor of the bust will and teatnment Of said Charles E. Culct, decca.-cd, to pay an allowance out of the Income of the estate of said Allan,. Cnlef -ami Aim Ira Calef, minors, for their aunportaiut adaption, of tbe suina of w9iity-nw dollnrs fJ70 pW TnBntli for said Allen CWBfainlslsto-ib'ailoIltjis (535.00 ,pwc mtinili for dAl- lnrnt Chior, sain moiuuiy allowance io time iron- imcj dav of July isiu.anouiu nofc-aesroawu h im."'" Witnewj the Hon. S. AY. Rick, Judge . ai ' IskauI Court, tlio 17tfi day of March, 18S1. ls 1 Attest; A. E. BURTIIWICK, t !. f I I