The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, March 31, 1881, Image 2

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'. 'A.-. sai it
J -ojjta$: witr '
: .-b awl Irt . pal .
CI ".e wide wtiii.M-.
n I, said J, !fi,.
T -iqj; my ,01 :
"I -ifuueb Ki. b a ri;
Tt :hk at all. ' -t
. .7
iMrera Mended,
fcfouajaWall soft rain,
i? atrata.
T.- Mnl J8n.
- "eemcd k
ft..- KuraiatT ;
T "ItHX aa
Ai s ' I 55f
ttt Bi tv -
fVfcl'G ' dl
tMrh bi'An ar
Tui am- w '
.-io tfni n
n t)i lialwsys Mi,
"t o VtAaUy their slzh inc.
-All ... .. Ull .
( ,. .... W.. lipHII,
. ajr khoattfl try
his itMta or slngta
fffftti. at surely :rinriiur
" Ped dime;
... present a
. ' . ld gray time will'so.
. it, tnd no more fore
ih hint from all The reat;
v.. Alike; how cutild I net
- ;iVr arltb the speckled brv-it
m ! - nose .k. r sting at eve
il'' - a i -i. 'rs adly grieve?
" dt-t It ni(t-- ? "?tkaat is mg that linjrara
i iaitnw , hut tit! tremor; c.'..t -.w as bin,
i. - 'mi m v i-ii l-4 Tin -, -oW . u ltbered its!
Vi.f Ape tl Rlu.'i- rujens tau: surely la.
iapsfit. but ! 'vj be n.x! .tat sons,
1L" jrriy tte up l-a.l ! hin d (. 'iOf.
i!tfJ Wir! of i
?.-- sun 1
lilace nd uw hiat dtetn
truv U
UC but to Tl mvnMi. 1 1.
-w wiw ' t ..or. 1 mot ker a girl thnt thft
iTLTSSS1 rmt lovho h-BHiKtertd ! would not it
T7kL . UOp" 1 k The mald U;
wut, inweui DROK IBIOViv
v w wui gni ui-jw!i, tHBTiog we maa to
pumie tbe evva tenor thih way. - He traa rigrt
he li.wl twrrer sud JI Mruug IjcIoi -. - rt.
Early the following jay KRym9o4.Bt tobM
Agatua. H- met iCt Hie in formats
ehe urn left the dapecu. Bhe haXi
they kni n-t w liiib, ?V "
Gor.v 1 Va it podialij&t nhewaaleaW to Elm
aga a ? But no ; .Mniuol bolieve 1.
"Did tfjfi leave iv vHjiee (r Isalrl tig frlenda ?
Is there nS due U heKaent wm'tota
Kone whatever, feysa ioseS- hat he had
left ou tbe outbwtial jteuiaor,ybich hiftd auiid
at daylight. It w m?--Buvosition, however.
They had nothlpg otiw I k;h Uyhase their coneSu-
8ioM beyond ffio fsofrof Vtrjewty iepmrttirb in a
carriage, with aS her dttjfre and serVanta foi-
i "MytnJTjv
"No, & 4
Mot -sv:,
yrlse fbevitrid,
kinuea in Lh ner-
g alone-"
von were welting HDmtfjker
V. ,
v cm thtfi. 1- M I and ttrert,
,'. ri?rclim wd5? tnou an diSrt
!. tne t4:Uitit intjiired,
Iao'j tHy- If Art fled.
1 if A1 4i
c hart
t t..
k. Nov EI.
'.y'si. coam.
,' ForwJeiLto the Llbrar
1 1 '
,QMtf24"i. ivaymood turned
pn iadftiTi him again. She
oflflV fHi-m-.if nod gone hack
he h ipt- thus to escape him?
tt ft- shod Id have taught her
1 she steamer h
: 1 wa the came one
n this knowledge
uv had !f!ed for hex
. ; n'fipany'p ,??re a1-
'( ii: iuic.-j . atnn "i
v. iitu;. of saiMAr, t!a-
nmn'f- -est noe, out Into the -tft-t. With
'" coiJK-iu id aet J or volition. with it think
er earing where he went or what h: di-1 !i.
-"Jtl beek to hit vr n apartments at t h hi t
' the par- arid glanced orr tN
i 1C STe hd not t-xfct tvtttl anyth.'ti; t
. tnt at
mfti :
- uirnf a v
v- and ijMftweV. a!l -iti-aup u
gth h familn.r name a 'j?li!
' 'lt,l 'n prominent oer-ons is'-
l jKion was tne name of
v ifb a !oug description .
" - am ;
"ri waa .
! '.uerw
t h p er
- pi. H
ti l t1
er coild '
' -niciti m
A imiBhatiCTi on the )r ?
- ,jAfpnl th- pai.r tii'i'tft
T.ijjlit vanish from i in ea-
fti. i Sim tm tiiir? Jed wit:
iu ih- (itragrapn over and c r
!(t. hljrred nettle hi fijjiJ
nil !at.: it waMUiere. wlfnot
r .m.-sion UliitifMiletter. . m r.
J lowing.
Battled, a
away. The
, had dtoeovl
j t" Rnglftnd.
Her experie
I f ttcr. He itnw ft
had come over in, kiv v
hich left that1Sa6A ,
Streufrtnened hlf telfel V.
fornv-. alur.M of ref ;p4
13 nrr-rt
the p
the:: ...
nito of sj)el, and the probability of being able to
land in England as soon as she did. AVhon lie
reached the ofliee, he found them greatly excited
The "Ainszon," which had sailed ten lion be-
; lore, nan been siglited out the harbor, slowly re
i turning to the port she had just left.
J "With a low-breathed prayer of thankfulness,
itaymoiid went with Mk.
await the approach of th crippled vessel. Slowly
Uie ungainly monster rotmled in to the quay.
Orders were given that 110 one should leave or
aboard her except oIliceH ami 1:,0, inunediatelv
Interestetl. The agent went abonl, aceonipnnieil
by Raymond, the former to discover te cause of
tiie return, the latter to searcii for tht missing
woman. Well he knew that to find her wuiid be
no lifcht task. If she had gone to her state-ivpn,,
and chose to remain there, it would be innmssiW
io discover her retreat. He searciied fai...'.,!.
fbove, below, but no L-ltmiw. nf tin.
Plt rewardetl his eiibrts. He leaned ttxailnw.
rinecoi,iHa.uo,..WKy uneertain how to
unve to niRKc nexu
attracted liis attention
A refractory doll dropped from v
erj'ing iMtby and fell upon the
"Why don't
asked Jack, m" .
"I didfetk i s
ioug a time
-That was aW !
jack " in'r.-u
more excitensvnt
-ut ah hwd no furt'r need 0 my j apiay-d, "Ju-k.
u going Ijoto "
sot with yo r
- 'ii&ined in NY York.''
'rly reeK trom 4 ooufJIc eruo-
memor) hid Uwo at-akened, anil when he speaka
again, it will be uc. ;i different subject."
the Ftglish iiKer, Has
he refrainev i iV901'"' jl
clonely to - ..w-f of t;r
ls.dy' frtiiv M'ernts. but
tVbje?U yot. u. f
wl; it -In you Ki.-
"Vi-r'iiBLy, ,f .
j 1 J.MJjjl !
' .if. i' to Hi'!
i'i- ' h
tbrti i.
.inquire into the matter?"
t ally.
e why be ett America for so
ed the odJest !"
1 nted Jack. "Quite likely.
' frs. De Guerry, with a trifle
aer manner than she usually
-: ' ; you confine your comments
lore convorsunt with ? Pray
)f Mr. Raymond's life while
. Guerry."
iabell, don't allow your im
... :y with your reason. If Jlr.
v r done anything disgraeefHl
Id probably have hoard at it
It wa !
au one Tioit
votxmn mt'kt ! hit
v ute iftn tl rc vv. nji
v'':'iiBs hi the ei
"y&rrfe ' ctarrie; .
H v.yemi .1 thtt w,rf till it lost all meaning,
' tt-t.i;;iblp .jf
!a-t, att
f r.iii-! pa'-..
i fv uad 1 -
1 i'T eur, bbi hope- were t 4
wo n- laaitinje wwartied. Jf JW
e haowT. in the mo.
..otficr woiaj,, , n
V"UeMltV to h
T want swept aw
.-i-e a? late. Ko' he v
frr jtar-. ot
u m' the item caref .dly
I. . . T -
"".-it ind on his waj
Mti U . 'ur woulI be. Bette r to
. '-. f. r her anger and reWlueut
a'i(t 1 u violence. kMmp s. L,
;; Hi-untiiae that the man whom
-'"ji i
fi the
1 him
i 'i-ar j
1 1 t-.ur
lie V. h
i-l.fctl i
hvv ol 1
: - 'C
:; i'!
."J! yo 1
4- He
for i' -
ht risfle. h I
:t-ii tract; had forfrottm
::..ui of WiPl hf had bc jll
ne iiiahas her h us bund,
u. t reeiv? th infomati )n
1 '. tl. tii hi- on. v
ii i- own thou4itf thai lie
1 a m..;i'h voice aonndet
' s to d'rect me to"
': tV Uifl ' til.' vV,
-! nn.' ,4'U, r !i i -!okimr
'-it 1..'. : ;auV. bto'-R. ifh
havior, arid, as she had been handsomelylreinu
nerauHl for r;ti3 loss or inconvenience she Would
otherwise iiuve suffered, slie did not seek to inter
fere with her mistress' private business.
Convinced that further inquiry in that direction
would be ii", ,ess, Raymond apologized for his in
trusion, an.), slipping a piece of L'old into hei
her.iJ. vs,h!r w to his state-room, where he-rc-nusinfcu
-.q!' they were in port. '
.-".li i possible, Kaymontl started asH"1 ror
' Vjo ;. Tt'.ioh he reached after an absence of
'' w -three weeks of time totally lost!
V- : .1 :i . ' now remained to gwide him in the
so .t in srch. She had had time, great
p(rnj, . time, to go anywhere1 within the
bordurs ot civilization.
2Te was sitting one day in the club-room, con
versing indolently witli some friends of the last
opera, the new stars, and kindred matters, when
lie turned carelessly to one of his companions with
the inquiry:
"By the way, f)utnB nf tu ahtge, what b'
came of- that wonderful nightingale, Mi, Har
grave, that you were all raving about when.I left
here last month?"
"I guess that no one knows just what did lie
come of her. I supiKse that she went back to
merrie England.' She came here under no en
gagement, you know. She whs at liberty to leave
when 3he chose."
Raymond's further questioning was interrupted
by a "ire ntlenian "'hn x"a itting by the window
i:"i'ir v .-n,-.f!y t another party on a iV ent, ai-1 .iio now exrlaloiwl, loodly :
"TBv i r v ! Here she ocinea now V
' llftrxl nf u
decR , ...
atoorMHl, picked it up, and gave it to the :f
i.rfectlv did the word accord with Ray-
at t, wha Monr- ,nvenwtio;.. that fefore he k.i w what
A oonverstition near hiiu ' - wa d.. he i- the window f tut stood
mi it down -n- tne o saw, not tne
woi' t oi wh"!' lie hwi bot'n pkh; hit
youitt lady. tjtcHei in srrt rUU. .mJ elt-
MI1M. .... .f .... An t'. a u)in Of th PU'turfi. 1A '.'law.
wearytlooking mother, who said, kindly . , n. . -:rtreBj. o,?i -niaM
"I think tlmt we have Wen fellow-voyager be . oreraho. u whk.h hd jn4 .eWj ieav.
fore, rnless I am mistaken, you came over r. in it hut Levoim u.rMh Sh ramcX Luv
i i .. .... . . . . .. 1 wm
wic msi inn wun mat uimous nnma uonna."
"Yes, I did. I remember now that '
Passengers witli their nois" -"""Or . tr.,-
l -t 1 i itu t!4n u'Aninn f
ween ivaymonu aiMi -...v... tl ( , ,
... Tiriit. ...... r lie liad hoflnl rnni CTI I x.
1 7 - mm.,r, ,
I . . II. 1 At . I
course was ueierniinw. n? lomiu i c agent, j Qttrr. .
.... 1
The steamer had met with a slight aeeid t which Mmll
. jt disgraceful ; I didn't mean
that Rut I tliuignt lie rmtl met with ?ome great
sorrow or disapwintmont."
"Perhaps so,J acqiiiosct-d Mrs. De Guerry, with
a look of relidl like a person who had mot and
overcome a dnjided obstacle.
Jack closed lis lips tightly, with the firm Uotir.'
mination to inbrm Bell of the nature of the dis
appointment of Raymond's fife. He would wait,
however, until'ilrs. De Guerr.- was out of hearing
Raymond was not a favorite vith his own sex.
He was cold and haughty, and, although always
ready to grant anyone a favor, he never asked one
in return, and his very politeness y roved a barrier
to any attempts at intimacy. Maneuvering
mammas witli marriageable daughters angled for
his attentions with a pcrsevorance worthy of a
better canso But, if he was aware of their tie
signs, he .ever betrayed his knowledge by wool
or ivok. Young and stronir, possessed of talents
v'iiich the world needed, he was drifting through
life, and would pass on to the judgment beyond,
leaving the world n better or wiser for his exist
ence. Tiie 'world thought him a man living for
tlie pleasures of to-day, without any definite ob
ject in life. That would have been bad enough;
but the facts were infinitely worse. He was work
inc steadily, but blindly, toward the fruition of a
hop. that had wrecked his youth ami was wasting
his nanhood.
The days lengthened into weeks, the weeks
rolled fu months, and still Jasper Ray mend was
apparei: no nearer the end his search than
when ho -turn.-i from hU frnj.css wn arroa
the A.'6ath
(To eoattnaed. i
o. -
t is
t 'Tttemntuous tos of h.
1 m '
' boot unprotected from tl.o
head, wit:
t she ?" inqutmi Kaymoi f, ial'IMta jj
could easily 1 repalretl, and would 011
them in )Krt a short time, lut long e
. riiaf feijjiini to get his luggage aboard. Then, -1
AAtli Tof a liberal expenditure of wnvt he v
in securing a very desirable stateAon,.
Tlie waiting which was so UrVaoiU to j.
passengers was certainly a lucky Aroko
rich intor -t . ithc-r in tr or
uv of u. t'-li. a this Wi$rr; lak
x U.:
tSunflc invu had flt .- ftt4Tfc-uitv
. 1 jzji --v oar ar
uetain I faMi 11 1 " , xuoh tn hr ,.,. . . They nopeu
ugh f.r I to gJn a amil, for theif reward, ut upon O0di
the adj. ing Hie pavoineut they failed 'lo tfud tJ miaolng
cfdoverhof. .
.frKbbot making any rer to hd' Infer
&WMrT&, Itavmortd left tl i roo- ' ent lute tbe
iatSb m.- . 1 .. 1 :
MiTo i.r a, iw epigrwucoatic eaying
nire authors. llo osy how m
ph.ioetiph. 'iow fnuch it hard fte:
es dn i Ancy V
Tbf ultimate eftVt of niarrimgpe trpon a m- - j;
i i(ake ail w own appemr lovely OEeeit her
H,.v married."
find .1 1 i ' "J " " - - ' v ..--. ,
t.inr kill ' . . .. j. ml. :i .1 t . .
w , iiiius ut wniiwit ' v i auciuci uaiuciui u' lM-u'pu noon destroys ail hope of sympatny.'
"Marry in haatf ana repent at leHu . no
trot r than marry at leisure and repent fo-ver.''
"She wuo converts her lover into a husband
tr.t nsforro a worshiper into an intolerabUdesp . "
" fatrimony is the thorn on the roc ofToi e."
. 'v r a woman who has long been a . death
: errors.'-.
-V f 1 J 1 t . ..
wyM mituren ntve air -a's-v
i ..
rt.-'Trv, I.
fortune to Raymond. He had comiVto:! u.: fcit f. J
rangements and wits perfectly triumpKnt, wiicmWiti!IQie gracious inqn
Uie wneeis turneti, uie venaei 3UW ttiy nil(j
1 journey was begun.
T - . . . m 1
for tne nrsi inree uays iMnmiif? wasweiv of
miufress or inaid, but on the fourth day thA luttei
appeared on deck for a few moments. Raymond
went d.wn stairs and sauntered crtUssIy through
the main saloon. AVhen he liad iienVli' made tlie
circuit, his attention was nttctedby a blaek
robed figure moving on before 'him. He tried to
overtake her, Imt she glanced hack, and ho saw
that her face whh covered by aAavy veil, wiiich
even his sharp eyes could not perietrate. Site
walked more rapidly, he increase! his speed, and
just as he overtook her she gilded into her state
room and closed the door.
Raymond smiled sarcastically at his tWouLfmd
looked up at the number. It wa,3jfcah turned
and walked away towwlt for tiuothei bpjiortuiilty.
He could not nave told, ty havufved his life,
on. i.-rJUtom
iwn in frnt of her
"No uMmaii is a heroine unless she have her
hero by iter side; awl then heroism I
. 1 1 . i - r .
ilex 01 ine nero vires."
rne rwffii uwnsji
ng any bravery.
a l)ie re-
he reason a woAmaji is alu-avshonefnl is In.
. never iiiidersUiiMling Aerff, Sv
:!el4;!i;."unvl,H,go wouui & t
absolute despi
n Greenleaf AViiittiet PQnt i.:s ....hivut
t4 William Uoytl GaiKo the,. SSI? I?1
. 11, a a
s.c-g y
.! l .ook iiae a
in (hat way?"
jht was sv
j.aalon," said the man, touch! .v
Vit, a in 1 'hu-. betrayiof that he was a servsrfU ;
can j
U U li WBTi" -7 O"0S HJ-
i.uot. I aii 1 r r in the ei s n j-
or not the wornai. vslh
1-1 rri. ... .
r.-arcHiuir. unit, 'wwh,
was otA'ious. That he ro.-n.bK !
lnilTe. He went to.' 'purser.
ltboni 13? Mf; a widow h-,
her Kutld.': '
t'tWftime ? '
. ym
. iing h l
-i'-'ti the 1
"-n.I.'iit nj.
. ;ri.Tid. Baymot
i.iswer.-d curt
1. rwiMJ M ft, . 1 'nisiiifc
r t ti ( orie 1 teeting, aov wio, again
tnO wih
qtetulldesfl. Bi
saUb Hedfe!
the al
td that
"'a hmisf lf, ;.nd "osso.-kn
a ni.'m
ii hiat from p'ac- to
,1 be
n.. aaaKfaf)
".' Uion Symon
t-waa f "Will 1 :
-ot as ndstreaa ini',;:
j hert'bre:.rTi
" nanihil'
. at- .
: tvoMTntra,
?but he Wiuld
to try tl-e
n could l.e
tirttahaaaw .and often
"Oiuderolla. will vodwy on the shoo?"
'nie girl extended hejj hainl in pleased recogni
tion. '4
"Mr. IlayinAiU ! T m g to see yon again."
Ifcvmoml sked aa'd receded iiermiseion to ac
company her in her walk; axd, bowing to the
defeated and fcconilUed atlmrreM, they strolled
slowly away.
Raymond had met Isabell De Guerry on the
Continent, n-u if his heart had not already been
given past nWll, he Mould undoubtedly have
fallen a victim to her brilliant beauty and rare
fascination. 1 As it was, he adaiired her very si-
fferely, andwasirlad of an opportunity of renew
ing an acquaintance whlelt lmd afforded him un
alloyed pleasure.
And Miss De Ouerry? gh1'1 to 8ti him
nothing more. Tlie time came when she heartily
wished that Jasper ltoyWnd had never crossed,
hr.un, f ,t I ht :i !...'" i'TtvlMuld. Nowf.
. 1.:... .1 rtj . i'
aAfpiea ir,M- w M Mt - runn.n, -av Bafe
ke a au wno 1 .i liistorv. and t iy Uie oack .Try, . ,
""'II, who eucouriUjM hkntcSiat, r.,
uie talent lo '. 'liitged. Vhil
''' in nd - d OaJWaon not to ' .
.... 1 rt.,M . t hu
iwskT--, kiff. w j"1 im 1 i"w -i-c i'tv v ui. m. twit 1
"Beeaus he s-f-mfff M Wpg for some one,
"the brightest i V.
o imM from think '.nor t-w..
riage nor giving 5n marrisiat!
Tile way to Hym-u's temple is orer tfc-
re tl at she
4a iu '.ht -
tr 'ove. n nn n
sure it is the unco.t
ho dsnd."
"Une of Uie greatest taug&or wo
eowartllce. sii is so eowardifliat sh Mimnf
will not appnciate eourasre in n-r sist..iK, 'nt,ta
she declares iiHiecency, and so discourages the
brave of her sex fom showing anv brvir
u nder the otlice d.M.r l r.. ,i-,.ar . 9UeKg U
r5 iuut .".... r '"-1""""! Gar-
: . 1 1 . ...
v - - JWC7C37H art
was. nuoiisnet . anil the ti.. . . .. . ,
to .hint by the carrier whi le Wh'iuTe. waswoVkC
it .,
WC reuirning tn work, which he onlViw5 "h'J
uncle called him. Garrison liked iVt ,
VllUMIIll. in tl... t ... 11. V "Oil
. ... iniv iu ni-r .null iu MJO UICn.1
... i :.. . .- . 1
bisry oof .tgrrr ablo to ren5ftm1H Sfcid on.
u?ty, whet. eakiDgXK him
"Whatar usumm
1 - 'if
hy do j
""" Ton J .'Iff I rn.kP0 7 8 WIB snenn," "''iatsted Jack, her
ieiTmmoyjBBv4wwpmrn t trrepreaaiuo
t 1 19 1 thi-thtytheP
' ayah' nf'pexr or. dei k.
'i , -- 1 t llOl If ff.-jHM'.f'
h .. 1' ' v " '
tl their
Sonata, who vas iti4raii
her inteii rfvaaond.
W;;h-t bwuTVx.,. :.niI 1$ j, , ntJ
ucd .
'" rV . ' .1 H .. , ,, . .
. . i "- igeted
- etp7
M if sfrtie drp:ea
froru w.fl darken hh face,
A eerVu e'iitnoof a week
bad nttni ig more of
paper ir.-
to annom.
tiee of Stopping the
iall ah i 1 kSVff aO aM.- " ' -- -
".Mt rr iupocc car i
2r" we oms as, follows : 'rWe
fru - w ui
fMNotefcffMfltuet to
cHtn '
.nJf b oonaldered . u
discohtlnuts his vi.-tt-