28 W . jm' unci . - - f-i g" . raJrsgr r. - , . l I 111 -'" . . s i i ta- . I . . W WOJIAX SUPPitAOE I" OFFICE OF TUB iJ-UrrKK I.NC.-KATEWW.AT AMI1V., ,' ilEAK iuwbws or nis . - - tiful country tnei? can t founu no spot more charming than the sejuestered foot- j hills i under whojs lee the town of Pallas nJca. . Thi. town itself is situated uponK level plain ; i Hf 2ie rolling Iandscani adjacentijflcked b$tyl. jy town in the State. lowy, tree-dotted hilIs,7rosentavn"of Aranianyf -Are had not been long at the hotel before ire loveliness that, in thrf budding Sp'ingtime espd- ciauy, bailies the artof pen-pictuf-ng, and would;! gladden the eve of a' painter. The town has im proved rapidly sine our last visit, nearly three years ago. The ron horse now cantors daily through the labyrinthine ma7,eof a crooked rail way track, andthe old statje-coaeji no longer awakes the sleeping villagers with its weekly visits as aforetime. Enterprise gmiles at you from every quarter, and prdSperityjhj making Us mark upon all things, whether animator or other wise. " Our old friends, Mr. and Mi. ParseiUh of aiii&r also maoV the same statement at the lecture In sewing maohine fame, jfarmerly of -TtuMCnd, areUie evening. JJut we were surprised to find in the here, engaged in the .hotel lwsin!fjj& making .jmaiingihab part, of tlie reuorLiwtruc, for tho money, if we can judge by the nwllJtff custom tiiey tWsOhuQR.Hft tlellveretl th& package of iw,pera to have. Then, too, a great nwry supported Women5 ; the hu&atil of one of our lady subscribers, instead in Dallas kedp boarders, thoby increasing thor cdwnlut1ng them himself, as lie was bound by husbands' income, and wotrlbuting much to tbeMvKo $lu;. aim the said husband, upon whom the comfort of the supporting sex. Jf vifie f. postmaster had attempted to pass either a WeTiad. only time to note these pvldonces A jokfe or an insult, hud ret'urnud tlie package aa ppws.Barity on Friday, after .which a good aleop4) above stated. We Uien called inon the postmas- far rW&shed us- that we made preparations fr a course of lectures, -vich began on Saturdayven ing before- a crowded house, a.nd continirid titl Tuesday night, net omitting Sunday, wAon tlie la rgaefc audience ci the four gave heed Ut 'Woman and the Bible." The woman movement was the theme of conversation In all circles' during the week. It was received with greaV-avor among the thinking abuses, thougn it Was of eoutse lamllv nhni&A toVv the jii nit imioraiit and disi- j VVJV - v .4 jt patod voto, But to ollsei the objections oi"i tbiW- 5 the able support of , the best, wisefr Cnu most prominent men in die csmmuni.ty, and I" 1Mb aid of all tne better craas of women. . ' The Polk County Woman .Suffrage Association vras organised on Tuesday, tiie M i nst., in tljp Court Hdase, and was made auxiliary to the Ord? gon State Woman Suffrage Association. Follow ing is tlw list of officers : President, Mr. Jf. if. BUM; Vfee-rrosldcnt, Miss Fanny Grerj Go sponaing Secretary, Mr. J. L. CoHins: Itecorcl Sec rotary Miss Jennie Brown : Treasurer. "Mr. It. w T II V ' 'ni Iii he even'- JU .-..inusiaiitfeittfTilcatio'1-i p heW, away oeeause t , ' u. 540k"' Mutton Dodw.n, C, A. INeJiie Coiiihs, fr. A. Brown, Miss Hettio !f,veil, Mr. R. M. Sit, Miss N. Riley, Mr. Chanu Jho aSitllrvan. ExecuttofrWminlttet' Mr. R. N.,Buf- Mr. George Hoop, 3ii."Jeni-y lgan, Jflss Majf Ellis. Mrs. Beatrice Grant. After at: addrt of srtilwur by tle umlersigned, abort, sharp arfd hit resrfifg- mjeches were made by Mr3. Colling Daly end .P?s. Considerable auotqpe:t wum! JittOJao t$tMMe of Hon. J. J). Lee, State semUor-frm FotV, who had spoken lid v ieti tn na 5enti against the iiVagg ameiui.flnt. riving a M reason therefor that it is 0Kan'8 right to b srpportcd and protecttxUn tiKjionio; that aiau 8onW be the husband and ;tir and woman ie wife awl mother thdH'n f. . m of course bjrig that the ballot In woman's a -..' woild, in hif Plnio' change Uieec relations v sbifttntc meray uPri nmn. Jiut Mr. Leo etoo-i tii gnnd hravclr. and made a good nttard TIl!,ei hi vrB perfectly wHliuf tosiuw. , an opinion win-never jiit,yMiijniis wei ncovdh iiuwnabid. He auenaeo iw tei-Uiroa- tlftojNgd gaye uiriH!tjty heed to the argu- rjnir himaulf j ""bVised.In 4p .jjjlittlojjt t,,at Iiko Hjf ijwhb toixs onoa opposed to c.;:rraKe, h wilUbn-array his Iiifluence, '.y no rof'isiiniOnsiuerRlile, upon tne ''.de. -' stht Prwiideni of the new SufTrage As , Sif tho 'County Clerk of Polk, and an rai pojw&f ?nan. M1. Co MI as, the Cocre- TMfc,f8t(riJaial!'pronneiit lawyer of Ol41 - 4 a Benubl'JaMiin poMUon. Judge J, J- Mr. DdSMksWK aturti-r fwrtrvftii n1 n raiil IKftter. r from whlclt nj1 n !l I c.TO-ifw: ch.tnim,Athnu 1 " advancing js intercut,!. )f Waht of isrl. " -'""o "i."--.-r-- - "ri qauu i. .auowgu iiie posi- ''Hi, wum v.v-yn i wju prurnsnr UCIiido.- iiit fr CiMming! yadr wero , master anu rhpieton to make a unon tondeuce, andPiofc I- nday'a train ltu-ximA V.. 'Mi' wjll be sen. the Womruiufrrug Aaoo ioix of glk cow ty is iinirfe 0 J, norto tir.imyviWi ai pq but; WiQgtsgMwJ) ofn prinuns SUat .fcs lu wjen - ni graudr thyfi wet tty- Ol: vQrk yasiot balc9yer in Dallas, bufcoud ptira- was up, vaSup. Wo had, prflpaisod toaturn to iltVs.pnAlqesdayj.apd u yere up aj fades d,.bfl' d)flerry 8Ltlun, where were KjUiiu solitude for six mortdl hours. gglfld train. The waitiijg.,;as oyer at hififfand' Htliree o'clock we were afcefur place f deHuatl'f.d comfortably eussconced in the li - lC House, a iu-w hotel 4ha would do honor to UfertNcalled uion by twp gentlemen, one of whem pforfted us that t the- Story was goftreSthe rounds. that we had forwarded a roll of papers for new subscribe! to a certain prominent .Oady of he place for di trlbutiou.juyl that her llusband, in dignant ut wiwt he deemeffnJusult, had resented the imptideny by return! ngtfi,a to tho New Northwest fllce by express, markc. O. D., value 0()." We laughed at the report, mh! as sured the gentfeiuen that it must be wholly witti. out fouudativn, as we had sent no such instruc tions to the home otllce nor anywhere else. Wo ter, who said the' papers dyne to the otllec ad- Irest-ed to the lady in question, and Uiat he had delivered them to her lulsband because lis had no authority to do oUiorjvIse ; whereuion M-e ad dressed to the homy 0111(56, in his presence, the fol- lowlipg, oa a postal cam: "How came you to dress the package f impers to Mrs. ? Tli ? The ! IKniaster says yon did lL It of course madf Mr. J angry, Explain nflUaJio if von nmiJ.. It. ami i if ijpt, jfmi H oaUrUPfetniaator niaile t, Jiml H oaUfl'UiJlPOfetmaat.ir mallei till f HWilng tymlX. caiPis In our oHJo- ,3 - . t . " r loriuir. and half flrmiw:.. .1. . .... tefs storj, m, reinunju to thtf gto ol ol lVpplt'UMiaere (Jit -nnbam!,- jj.ffeirneTI Uie-iiicktB"ls1,Jnu'o.vw v . .V. ne"v'J"dhim fthe clerk nJf3' 'Uxi" V;t the jmpers had come '.W-'u' we had solicited her sulwo"3 ' V'. Kw ol' "west, after, (a- uW us. di- 1m1 abhi t tea it 1 K niW then, was the boad am ntof ,,r ofrcntUTiW Te' leave our i .iSfeault Wrtlera to 1 VMM rip1. t an l"aginarjftpjo,YQciU40tJ HeJjaa Vy that if his wife (iiliilB'r-she is i Jearn ivlird mid iniiu' o""-rt.iV"ruiausmirortlie.p lirc wuiiuai me movemmit and readv "?Rr'r'a dlm'iiVr Oih Is not 'o.Vlt""TJjt" at tlie satl peuuu uV w".. tI fcodooan't deir' totT' l 1 1 .1 . .Init-ttlirttit. mart t . too, o. Wo assured him ' uW not inwi ,w it was ssible that thgten, hnd boerC crusted io "o wu .i "wgKITviou; but. if t fault w.ere yith our otju, W1 ,,ue t$ her, and if tho error W(v, nn,iif, i,c gould judgoas ,tp wh:t otit- to UH. ,,m r,,, l.i.f T.' it . 'Jifc, ' u, due to uh. 'JfaYM qiies- HKn'lVt&)ff- fayimjjan, ifty ing been returned But it was pot fom H HKlditw AiiUe peiiei. We insisted thapffur wraprs wen- inwriablyf I iiiHiuiui. jjujiw.mii jii. ue upu-Aieu U Uii' v-Hvsaiu j . . . .. Poppltoti, who corrobonueilojur stit-i 1 1. Then the Poppletou mai'e It hts bho. 'xoluntufr the followiug "advd-A, ,. v or ftlrs. IMwalBMs Ln., -i "Jid.idviaa.lfei 'mLo krtiptf ill ttbou' iHP(P! TLuWa bttoffllwo physicians Aniity" hiwl failed t under' too much W o' rH7i iroou ; 1,1 ..l...H.I.HnB'fS. . . - Tins oin l'w.iair ittwavs VoucADjrarei in n to subsqrljjo firitu;orirfl' mpnufd,i mA " "Equal rig .W1 qrife veivuroit.to exnhuii, . -r1 3 mvntt Wfno-1 VI ,4ipss J,T ihij pr0oriiueuM)yaiiiwvir..uouhertteniork-lailn Jiuol the prOwiTor.lilIeM)yaftiivit.l; f u v-tSc o "HjJLi'"' '(Tc P uvauwHHfnuu, u."ui(jv your jagpo.it, , wi., v w jmcaagi- myaiimtkoJ audkeef aljput this miMerffij-TfaoU that's the way c nnmuntu look at U Ftill hoping th. fUow had a modicum of . ni- mon honeatj', ltxJ$ of his exhibits i f iyr- f unj, t wAjpi.Mioi.iinH nc were roerojy nuotaig ot ilactor w cuhvu, wuo, py losing plfjbf the origin ofa mjjfrke, and mjklng. fglppnorip4. i(!rijtjWoon$ MfePSyaccvwl.:,, motnK nity to amend ft; that , we g-Mm hhu erW1 n,lt "Ateud man, who had tWded povtycty4raV,f &$tienAZWtmm not3W' tarn Aviilnitiid.thn .a. ... . i nf Uie Ur.to fap liTeto, known wouldn't ituycolBrr Cfk, , alMenJfar.brtPfii-Srt thAMs i? the '$Ue; P j AT Wu ojuBniy?aniow jjer- forbufor V WW:" Pn,i1P not yet ;hen PJnpleton repeM f time: W ' .. .. . i'.Take my sul-je, and keejw ter ! for it loo hftd aev &vvt e.iir .iKf.i.f !f f it. tti .1 for VO iVMr.Poppleton, I didn't vM yon for adulpe,", wswiid, mildly. f ' . J thereupon this gallant women, 1 who thinks our rex,oug!ldf bonteut to lot masculinity to do our.rtfclh Vpf out of histtoref' "' ' Vc obeyed with Xlent iUfp JfM thoumnds of friends, wii wiU r.w. iu han, est indignation, to jje?rfn ttyrUJ wtil" not try to insult us, and i iucy ,iannot sqeceed in Hie attempt. , 4 Tnis aflaU should eost I'tniaafex Hoigln his plsce; Lut.if itwilich hii ,u-' atiesof. post master, his term,will!nt htf be wholly devoid infif ttx hlmsnlf. AnS -n " dmmuuj? o'f v . ' , land get money U rm a 'or will bo.gaa U) borrow fitnds'lu ave hiii from bankruptcy,- from the clerk whose wife teciies scuooi lortucTOgney to pay for her New Nhtiiwest. Tlie sa)d?,clr.k Is a gentleman by inUinct, whiuli we are sirry .we cannot say for his oinployer. That he Ithe clerk) got angry UI did a foolish thing wo cau excuse," boejiuse of the cinpanj' he was in. He will not bo guilty of such a ridiculous assumption of Ionian's rights" a second time, for ho has the gou; sense to be ashamed oi, ms act. liut enough othis. We are sorry wfchave beon compelled 16 tle so much fcpuce to & small a tempest, but the nJftitcr'wH forced un us; and then, we had iw, fdea of taking thatopplotoa'a "advice." For further Blhations in regard to this "tem pest in a c-a-poi," w refer our readers to the junior proprietors of the New Nokthwkst, who are airply able to set it right, so fur as tbey.a'e ooriifriie(I. 6n Thursday afternoon, tlie frlonde of cciuul ad-Jrights, to the number of thirty or more, aasombled.K at the Belt Housa.Dariota.aa ner nrexdow UDoint' t the Belt IIouajmiira,a8 per previoiw mijixiIii; it, and orgaiiizodho Woman ge CluUi IndentMidanL-i witlr Hip f.U..wmg onicenr: l'rcs dViit. Dr. J. M'rai-.- oe-President, Mrs. -X; ' 1. Whitenker: secretary, Mi?s M A)len;v"'tr)0,"lin 'Secretary, Mr. Fli Young; Tfurur M1-J- IUilHtCSTJiu several commit- rtC8 were next aptMiift air, as folWws; On Resolutions Mr, ny, Mr. K. A Tharp.Mr. S. W. Smith On PntHaHmme Mr. IV, Magers, Miss Anna Vaughn, Mrs. L. Vlpey Mr. J. S. Sweet, Mra. S. E. Gray, Mrs. Samh young, Lr ; UIt;r. Executive Committee- . ,,x x, r V, r --JlarjiHh, MrsiE..: us, i;auas aim every wnere else, Uu. very baslcjl vlero we arrjv. IT hi hoitr's ride. 5111 f I Worn . . eaiuvij uououer tiJhecniaiO iIm ucr husua ur, uouchcr, aeniursLwho es- rted u to Jeir pleasant home nd "m,.,i rfftrements r a lecture, at tha aflflffiil.i innsn tit he evening vhich was largely oiton'ded aiitl well received. lunnou ine acquaintance ofel Dr. Gouol-;r, junior, uunjig his attendanco nt tTSSToitbr' nKlicabf aool i'. fyj.hmi, and, though he ha (et'graiatcHV be is ?llluj, I medicn'l bo&kai flja&aii extenslMi lMwl pra.g,y.u,as his fathers as- Rllrfil..'iiool i'i Kilaiii. nn. I fi. i... , C'Jrl 4aan.. This i .formation Is nWrfniu. ... . the 'euefit of tliOTamhui coitntv miblic, wlnVfTjurn -a s .. i J..J ..V.. ... '-i. jf nay -.jaieiy ram ajra 'i.feVli:uf(l it"iM5tJ,lt t the-atra TdennttSpU this clfcv. wh trary fn b(Jen misIcdAirSlglIUinforniai . Readers of , i tb Jnmj't5S.in iinber an ajtlcle published that Jburnnl.iort time siucttlo theell-t that - t' .. .1 li . .. . . r 1 st- u a e oi uislftcatjon ol thu iw. There being but den T(fs tloi," its ha jwpecRid of course - M&P$H,v?reL 'l ft-"" Tet thejtutlills that they Jrwctuott LcondnMs: m. tno ea?.- at all. n i,.w li.nii . pLhaa uejp for n .y sr wi- sprawl storv y m l" stJf.v ttliituitSjjonQTll Im gr. ar bablyigU6e allude1 h-.ui yeUyiaih In lt proposltioify, "itive the fcoon.' Tht doctor saysa pertpaO'tie Ocr-Mst rev tlj-V tooth and disloeatcl hr jaw, and tl.e HunYtaen't' for atUuul her-: but 'ie was unt atVlreatland on. jirpfcto'iiat buaj.Kss, nitfn- ulituiyl a m aln wnolicitetateri.bntfof as wo ha leu tlieoifronta ncniKof.iAnTTtr rrrrty's leadln 'CitJipjas, and are giveu Ifniple jiwtice to wormy and cottctenti(ni-, mejra Ourstay in Amity jrwyshojr!,, but we wore UoA 1 ' ' X .1 tL.iL .1 4iume 10 remain away over tne Bauou llvf hpre we are. at our own hearthstone, buivvun gaged in planning for the next oampaigafe, W M Vordandvrarch as, 1881. - ' t'& rrsr- ' LETTER FHOM WASHINGTON CSi'W&i. if J bk fnw i ua ooiuiiHFAimiK- o the -aw v'fliirinv'fwr. Wash rxoTON, March JBSQ. Thw nev, administration is fatrjy st&xtMujj&l its oareer, having been nnhered in wiGjf iim Ptratic7 on th uaiagm and good feeJIifg tan'oay tn Tjitratlon for years. The oj.juoiis have beertRlready'lreJy exroSoii;J . it . . i 1 - - ..K kas txinkhng and Canton vn, but this, jpe nearly aTIcan ascertain, l mostly sensRtfeiN (ut analyaia of thefabi-iet 1Vok pnutfranc of any of (iic elrucn(tl bemqre or lesaanta:rrnistic f ri lib fromAfdlsInterested standpoint, iltaU lAwjlHcely bala-nced the uiflVreot; all iflio factions must be ?atisti 1 of Wdeal fairly witlrthcm. whi'e hoUlftrf lit I & position to play them otragaintibj6ttt.e"irt I provide for his own renpralimtioh-lii JSB4ivT'ib Cabinet fa tlius tlie work of an experienced :ti Fjunite politician, and fe.jgpllreqe ytry. .xiow these various filemo gethor, is another question. fyJlI oone. so much over, these aBJiph iuocH finui iuu&k uu muueaie alppe stands outpromlnenUy fr the HUmlnistraUQn, , and, th" the -tar ofji'iretkeaJJ-,'fvl .-, pre vryTbutsfet tfciTPrasii'prf j ri. ara caJJaili upon to enuirilo questions. The situation beturtCD iartment and the natona wit action f the latter; najid?niaSvf tionof the 'finding bill in Oongfe' W .-t .... 3 matt.r of the uiac naa-ooupieit the jjerious atu l-auinet.. Tha bulldozing; tactics of thy bank in snrrenderlig legal tondew and withdrawllfe ihtir cinaulution wpckel, well QBougli wAile Cnu: ivastn Mie way. but. juw that the u-M.tt.i tak f v all back, tiieroiome(ubt whetfterit j jost lle thing to letter, do so. " Senate chamlH-r since Ms. Ut ajxi amonfel Bfc. mo ot th- ablest and nw&fc eatjnlimCtVof he TiPUtB' uriuCfeiut-. : J j i The forttii ivat OJ'WB taken the ae bW t . Chief among Scr.qriu or Tuvitnan. '' a id foe acre 'tliftj U4 oqunftry ha pro li."r he.rf We is a , du yr lari'r.oTltttfi "lryer, aid I iKlHtOr-a !tua k o Ueinoorafcj -Trd-..., 1 w tnjQJho other c onuK wneu nesni t-.'Slfelit -Ui ' a scPf " that, reall; f- iat iFinid. W i ti V cUllllii of Mr llKnnm'A p&lWmm. t ion hat he lit always bmi. i Itter in ?helr behalf J lift- J? a of egis':itfonfe.pecUIJvhof mvclv i tvi iiwn- ui innuuvpniment ti-.. .nl.'i.... r it ition lavebe'dP of friestiiuuole vait . ietit and wof Jiy hie successor in tv rfr-paps wlfL regret wifth- Senator " I h tli4tJ.?r3 1.... - t--.lK w4fo?e, KnSfeHfijvj.. like The, Hitoae of . other grfiianen'auliis ambition jcr toe P'rgui dency. H 4 ie iiOwWpld pS ajii'd nin likely t rt'turulc any 'ery actrye ppgHn nHbHSi)&. Sen- t lyi nnui v la mwnuri' W1H1 W1U Ug Jlllalr Ttiarev good deii of affection felt 'fflVQife nMurkikL .11... diamfirfd. Honest men love an hofciijjpMj'fc i e an hoafcriijiiifniifc ' aoxi lmra hglrter, who stands up sitifttl;nu" iiuuii im ncyer rtuixa loariinceorreaauery, . if.. .T. i . . . i K- ia4perx I'-njon Is such a mwl, and the strong men. on iHs Jigfibhcnn side like him. T.ikeThurman.lie hafi uftfays neoit on the honest side of Iwfcln tin,, rj " ..i . . . o " MriJonaiu Is also missed bv both parties. luit h utig enough to come hack some day, tsrkaoe, 'ullace Is aiLOtht'i- of the luadm-s w'luw lny will scrlrTlls one to his parts. Kernan, too, mrtflfe a bad break In the ranksTand hfela Kbh prdbauly been seen for tho lastlme in public po sition. The Republican loss flics been among tho minor lights, whose places have been filled mos; 1... . f s.. .1, i . .. Jj, uutiur iimu,-auu in iiusiiasii turn oi the wlie the advalitages have largely falleh oil that aide of the chamber. - Dear Pi5i: Buchanau,!tlie bogus medicar diploma dealer, Philadelphia, pn made a confession Am other things, he tolls of twenty-five colls? which Vend .bogus :.henskitis,' and say tAeru m. a oare- Hflir 'h t4f M- If.- fl are 20,000 of theafraudstej&Qi are 20,000 of theafrapdgdncA&Aerica antl 4QjaD . ' . r if 1 s , si - -wmm wMb Ie rJ,terAibllcaThutii Europe.