THE, TSJ&W y.QRTH,WEST, THUBSDAY, PEOEMBEB 16, THE 'MIRTHFUL MUSE MISCELLANEdUS'ADVERTIBEMENTS. -MIRnRl.T.AMFOTTH-AnVKRTTBBMENTBgg: uEBOFP.BSrONAlt CALLING THE TURN. Put the arm-chair In the comer, Near the brightly glowing grate; George and Mabel will be in it When the kitchen clock strikes eight. PRIMAL. BRAVERY. That man had sure a palate covered o'er "With steel or brass, that on the rocky shoro First ope'd the oozy oyster's pearly coat And risked the living morsel down his throat. CONJUGAL FELICITY. The stars are brightly shining, love; . And at the club I'm dining, love; It's Joy for me Sometimes to bo "Whore I can't hear your whining, love. HE WAS NOT OBTUSE. Her lips were like the leaves, he said, By Autumn crimson tinted ; Some peoplo Autumn leaves preserve By pressing them, she hinted. The meaning of the gentle hint The lover did discern, And so he clasped her round the neck And glued his lips to her'n. A GAME CHICKEN. A ohicken lived, a chicken died; His drumsticks and his wings wure fried ; His feathers, by a dealer dried, Were very shortly after dyed. Soul he had none; admitting that, How comes it there, upon her hat. His plumes a mortal chioken's rise, V glorious bird of paradise? THE SABBATH BELL. The Sabbath is ft day Designed for all to keep; Some stay at home and rest, Some go to church and sleep. We've seen the thing ourselves; And then, again, we've found That lots of people go ' 5"o simply stare around, This kind of folks, we fear Who go to church for show you'll find some, day will be Guct&s ot the man below. iSEMPBRjFIDELIS. -J)mr .partner of my waking hours, Companion of my 'sleep, 'Where'er I go, o'er fields of flowers, Qr by the rocky steep; .At day's decline, or morning's blush, Or when the night lots down "The mantle of its solemn hush On sleeping vale and town; In hours when hope and plensuro blend. Or In my moments sad. Thou elingest closer than a friend, JJy faithful liver pad, A "CANDIED" REPLY. Wht shall I give yon, my love, my own ?" Sakl the enraptured youth to his lady fair; Bangles and bracelets for your white arms, Or Jewels to twine In your golden hair? A shawl from the looms of the fervid East. Or satins and silks from thoe of France? What shall I give you, my love, my own ?" And he turned upon her his teoderest glance. And the maiden's eyes they brightly shono With the light of Joy am! love and truth, And her breath came quick as her ears drank In The honeyed words of tills ardent youth ; Round her slender waist lie had placed an arm, As he toyed with the curls on her sunny head. "What shall I give ywi?" repealed he. "Not quite so much tally," she arehly said. THE VASSAR GIRL'S OPINION OF SLANG. It's in the Houses, on the streets I bear it everywhere; If there's a plan to put It down, Yon bet your U(e I'm there. There are some riris, I know, of course. In whom I eould excuse it ; But really, now. It knocked me cold To hear Miss Simpson use It. She always seemed so stlfT and stem, With lots of style to back It ; But since 1'tb heard her ail alone. i' ve mm men w ner racKeu And there's tlmt very fresh Mfcw Jones, I used to think so nice; Somebody ought to come along And put her down on Ice. She asked me when, the other night, I talked my very best to give my tongue a holiday, And go and take a rest. And when I asked her What she meant. For goodness gracious' take, .She said I ought to have a belt., Awd that I took the cake. She talks about that "beau" of hers The Junky, shiftless lout; If I had such a dizzy gawk. I think I'd Are him out. Now, I must go and tackle Greek My Greek is rather queer .Or .on examination day X shan't eatch on. I fear. A Aw York Cttmr Slumler. A remarkable divorce suit was commenced in one of the Chicago courts a short time since. Re becca Kalen, a girl of seventeen, seeks a divorce from Jutlel Kalen, her husband, who is also her uncle, on the ground that she was forced by her father to marry the old man. The father even went to the extent of performing the marriage ceremony. MBS. M. J. ENSIGN, DressmaJier, Rooms over Plummer's drug store, cor. First nnd Main Sta. SUITS CUT AND BASTED FOR ONE DOLLAR. MAS quoradc and Theatrical Costumes made to ordor nnd for rent. All the Latest Styles of Fashion Plates kept. In structions In regard to trimming given free of charge. La dles aro invited to call and examine for themselves. de9 SIRS. T. II. CANlV, Fashionable Milliner and Dress-maker, At the store opposite Stone fc Go's Grocery, on Front Street, Heattle, W. T. no! tf MKS. A. 3. BRAZEM., Dressmaking Establishment, idL No. 131 Third street, between Washington and Alder. every spec octlttf 'imyfFWS111115' "T"E CHIEF? .JOHN R. GARRISON, Agent PROPRIETOR OF THE "I X L," A NEW 8Y8TEM OF Cutting Ladles' and Children's Suiti: in tn, u Sffl les of garments. Call and see It. Agent wa FliEIS C HNER , MAYER fc CO., Front and'First streets, between Ash and A, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. FALL SEASON. MR. MAYER HAS MADE VERY EXTENSIVE PUR chaacs of a full line of jHLLINERY GOODS, Direct from the Manufacturers and Importers In New York. Our Stock will consist of tbo latest styles and shades of Feathers Plumes, French. Flowers, HATS, SHAPES, Plain, Gros Grain and Fancy Bibbons, SILKS, VELVETS, SATINS, ETC.,1 To which we Invite the attention of the Millinery Trade of Oregon and Washington Territory. Being the only Wholesale House In the Stato Importing MILLINERY GOODS direct from New York, we will be prepared to offer extra Inducements to our Friends nntl Patrons. &-52 USE ROSE PILLS. LDS & SU ERS LAMPS! OILS! Crockery and Glassware! A SPECIALTY OF LAMPS AND OILS A Complete Assortment of the Latest Styles of Chandeliers. HOLE AGENTS FOR John MadddCK & Son's Royal Somi-Porcolaln, The Host In the Market. mHE CELEBRATED "HERO" OIL BEST IN USE-FOR X 1 V' us only. Orders fn tilled. Semi ami try HERO OIL Orders from the country promptly ERO OIL. Satisfaction crttuntnteed. We are here to please. OLDS & SUMMERS, No. 1SS First street, Portland, Or. c. sinshLEn, r. ciiArnoritNE..a Portland. Kan Francisco. Established 1857. SHINDLER &THADBOURNE, Front nud First St., bet. Morrison nnd Yrtmhlll, PORTLAND, OREGON, "Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers In Furniture and Bedding I OF EVERY UKKCRIPTION, Carpets',- Oil Cloths, Mirror- "Wall Papers, Etc. OLDEST HOUSE IN THF FURflfURE TRADE. Hoadquartcrs for School Desks FlnoFurnlifffoaSpecInlty. FACTORY, FOUR MILES FROM EAST POHLAND. solfltf t. j. jtfffiJsTox. if. nohbis Johnston & Holden. PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, 108 Front Ntrccf, fatneen Morrison nud Yamhill. PORTLAND, OREGON. All ordors promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges moderate. Sole Agents for Z7mt Springfield Gat Machine, Deanc't Steam Pump, and 8e23 tf Stetoer' Iron-Stone Setccr ripe. ESTABLISHED I8G8. G. O. BAILEY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Ship Chandler. 8bip Btorcs, Crockery Ware, Lime, Plaster, Cement nnd Feed, Garden nnd Grass Seeds, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, 8. E. corner B sad Second Streets, Portland, r. selO tf JOSEFjfJllURKJLWtn. SonMs H MACI.Xr0. PACIFIC MARKET, 'r- iSaKHARD & SPAUIDIKG, Bti.teh.ers and Packers,, nMlan In All Vltifta K ' f FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BATON, HAM& 4 LARD, 35 and 37 B Street, Cornor of Socond, i P0RTLAfD, ORBO Special Attention given to Btippl? .tM iHltf USEFUL HOLIDAY GOODS Wc have in stock a Large Variety of Goods suitable for the holidays And offer the best Inducements to buyers of DRY GOODS OK.. FURNISHING GOODS. Our Holiday Stock consists of articles having INTRINSIC MERIT. e? Substantial value guaranteed for every dollar's worth of goods bought at our store. OLDS & KING, No. 117 Third Street, Portlnnd, Orcjron For the Holidays ! NEW GOODS AT LOW PRICES ...FOR SALE BY O - M . O ARB., No. Ii7 .Second Street, ......IMfOnTKIl AM) DRALEK IN GILT, WALtfUT AND FANCY MOULDINGS, Steel Engravings, Oil Paintings, Chromos, Panel Pictures, Clock Shelves, Crayons, Brackets', E'c. A Fine Assortment of Goods for the Holidays received by the last steamer. Picture Frames and Window '.rnu-.-s made to order at No. 27 Second stn-t, Irf !.in 1. Hn jtt de REMODELED ; NEW TEACHERS, NEW METHODS. Devoted to the preparation for business aflalrs of cither sex or any ag. In a pcclal roiir? of lookkeeplng, pen manship, business calculation, forms and usages, commer cial law, business correspondence, and a practical training In the English branches. For full Information, call upon or address W. LYNN WHITE, Manager and Proprietor. Office lSSFrontstreet.orRox 101, Portland, Or. nu2G mar inquiries promrtly answered C CTfcBf ETT'S LIVERY, HACK' AWtf- FEED STABLES, Corner NcconiF rfntj Trtylor Streets. jM'Hblo nmrn. , r -d hoarding. Hack orders pitimptly attended, I .r h. WOOnw n i . A JAjQO.0Nfc JPruprletors. THE AURORA RESTAURANT, Kortltwwt corner ' -,,nt nmffATder streets, Is the Only Ploco In Portland wliefo you can get A GOOD NQUARE HEAL -K a GENTS. 5 WASHINGTON STfiKfc'? PORTLAND. OREGON, RE spctfully requests all the readers of the New Nokth u'est who have work In his line to call anon or mldmsa Mm KHtiimites l'Ivpii on iinff)lrrtdin j nffl nil " W1BERC & KIERNA'fty 1 . DEALEK3 IK BOOTS AND SHOE'S-, ? 145 "Front street, bet. Alder and Morrison, PprtlandOr HAVE JUST RECEIVED An Immense Stock of Hew Codds. 4 JOUX II. KITClirLI- giT.Tg X. DUUBtT, MITCHELL &. DEMENT, Atlorneys-at-Laio: ; OFFICE Corner First and Morrison streets, In rooms for merly occupied by Buchtel's Picture Gallery. t-SS J. X. DOLPH. JOSEPH SIXOX. DOLPH. E. a HltONAUGH. DOLPH, BRONAUCH, DOLPH & 3IMON, Atlornet8-af-Lawt ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE, PORTLAND, OREGON. 2-Wtf JOHN M. DALY, Atiorncy-at-Law, DALLAS, OREGON, TiriLL PPVCTICE IN THE DISTRICT AND UNITED T T States Courts. BENJAMIN I. COHEN, Attorney-at -Laio and Notary Public, Agett of tue Law Jocenai. and na LAW Publications, N. E. corner First and Stark streets, Portland, Oregon. Will practice in all the Courts of Oregon and Washington Territory, and the U. S. District and Circuit Courts. Collections promptly attended to, and pressed with vigor. Particular attention paid to business in the General Land Office and other Government Departments at Washington. Eastern Correspondent, CapU JOHN MULLAN, Wash ington, D. C. del 6m RUSS &. BOYCE, Fifth Street, Opposite Post Office. Best Rubber Plates J15 00 to $20 00 Gold Fillings.- tOO" ZOO Composition Fillings 1 CO " 3 00 Extracting Teeth 00 Extracting (with painless applinnce) . 1 CO DR. J. C. GLENN, SOHUWWr PfiniF PIP1 aPd Yamhill streets. RQRTLAND, OREGON. MISS DPf ANCIE L. FORD, OFFICE Rooms 4 and 5, Monnastes Building, 137 and 169 First street. RESIDENCE No. 91 West Park street (corner of Starfc) na-Special attention given to DJseases of Women and Children. " " Rfll MRS. DR. M. J. SOLANDER, New School Physician, HAS RECENTLY ARRIVED IN THIS CITY, AND" will pay particular attention to the Chronic Diseases of Women and Children during her stay. She can be con sulted free at her office, Room 2, McKlnnell's Block, on Second street, between Salmon and Main. She is prepared to furnish special remedies for the diseases of Women. All consultation strictly confidential. del MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. OIELIESGi-OIISr FURN1TURE MANUFACTURING XO., S. LOWEASTEIX, President. Nil. kArUSr Secretary. Officb and Salesrooms Cor. First and Yamhill StreeUf Factory Corner Front and Madison Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON rriHIS COMPANY MANUFACTURES ALL KINDS OF X Furniture, from tho plainest and cheapest to the most elnborato and costly. It maintains its leading characteris tic, original and artistic designs and superiority of work manshlp. THE O. F. 31. CO. Also keops constantly in stock a complete lino of C -A. OR PET S ! w, Which They Offer at Very Low Prices, seta tf ,. i i. O'SHEA BROTHERS, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL BUTCHERS, And Dealers In All Kinds of FRESH AND CURED MEATS, ETC. Stalls 22, 23, 24 and 25 in Central Market, TORTLAND, OREGON. SHIPPING SUPPLIED ON REASONABLE TERMS. solO tf Coluiiibia Soot nnd Slioo Store WALTER CnOSUV. GEO. W. BILES, G. W. BILES & CO., 171 Second Centennial Block, bet. Morrison and YainhiJj, s-d Dealers In Boots and Shades! From the Lcatfrn Manufactories 6f Ihe East CALL AND AMTNE OUR STOCK. sclStf USE ROSS jPZIilSV Hi PIONEER WOOY At the foot of E street. AM, KINDS OP WOOD, Sttwed and unsawed, constantly on handand'cfelireredVti all porta of the ritv. w null n I n I r I ortj-c.xTcirx .