TTTtt STEW IITHWISST, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER IS, 1880. f GENERAL NEWS. NEW THIS WEEK. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISKM KNTS. The latest ship canal proposed is one from Chi cago to the Mississippi river. Judge E. B. Taylor has been elected to represent Garfield's district in Congress. Libby Prison was sold at auction on the 11th for $0725. It is now a. tobacco factory. Newport, a town in Arkansas, was nearly de stroyed by tire on the 15th inst Loss, $200,000. Sitting Bull swears he will fight the United States troops forever, and die rather than sur render. 'Two savings banks at Hackensaek, X. J., have suspended. J. J. Berrv, cashier of one of them, jU embezzled $120,000. The war between railroads centering at Chicago is ended, and rates for passage and freight have been raised to the old figures. Horace Merrill, a wealthy merchant of Oakland, Cal., was found dead of apoplexy in his room at a Philadelphia hotel on Monday. General Sherman has made his annual report to the Seerc-tarv of War. He says the army is too small to do the work required of it. Several New York and Chicago jolicomen are under heavy bonds for attempting to drag Tinted States marshals from the polls on election day. During the ten months of the present year, the exports from New York, exclusive of specie, ex ceeded the first ten months of 1S7S by $o3,770,S14. A construction train fell through a railroad bridge over Hickory creek, Texas, on the 10th, wounding thirty laborers. Half of them will die. Mammoth City, a mining town about sixty miles from Bodie, Cal., was destroyed by lire oh Sunday, and the residents are sultering some dis tress. Sarah Bernhardt says her reception in New York was more enthusiastic than she anticipttted, and that the success she has achieved surim.ssed her expectation. The election is over, and it cannot now be claimed that the votes of negroes are needed in the North, but the exodus from Alabama and Louisiana still goes on. The President has appointed Boutwell, ex-Secretary of the Treasury, as counsel to represent the United States before the newly-organized Franco American mixed claims commission. Woodward, the city cashier of Boston, is h de faulter to Lite amount of ft,2H-l. It is fiMiud that w!ien he was promoted from a clerkship to the cadiier's position, his accounts were short $4K7fl. There- is a squabble in New Orleans over the jnmicipnl ollices. The "ins" refuse to yield t-ieir places to their newly-elected suceesors, and the courts will have to decide which crowd is en titled to possession of the city hall. Representatives from ten States held a confer en?e in Chicago on the lfltii, and organized a movement for the complete divorce of state anil eeclesiasticism. The meeting was notable by the absence of the most eminent movers in such plan. The Congregational Convention, now in session fit St. Louis, has ordered printed a reiort prepared by Dr. Edward Buecher, asking Congress to refuse t admit to his seat the delegate from Utah, and also to refuse to admit the Territory as a State until polygamy is abolished within its limits. Secretary Bamsey is said to le much i license 1 at G;neral Schotield's rciort as to the association of white and colored cadets at Went Point ami his TO iking the Whittaker ease the foundation of re in irks not complimentary to Ids superiors. It Is thought that General Howard will be given charge of the military academy. Indiana's Supreme Court has made another blunder, which is more ridiculous than its now famous decision on the constitutional amend ments. It granted a murderess a new trial on the ground that two members of the jury that con victed her were incompetent to serve. The ridi culous part of the decision is that neither of the men it mentions served on the jury. On the 15th inst. the south wing of the Minne sota insane asylum, at St. Peter's, was burned. Many of the inmates were unable to escape, ami others would not leave, running up and down the halls screaming, erying and actinglike bedlamites. Many of those rescued from the building perished in the cold. They ran in their half-nude condition In all dilutions, and could not be overtaken or confined. The number of the dead cannot be esti mated, as so mariV disappeared. The scenes around the burning building were heartrending. The whole catastrophe is fearful to contemplate and impossible to describe. FOREIGN NEWS. Two leading Nihilist organizers were hanged in Bt. Petersburg on Tuesday. Several Chilean vessels in Callao Bay were de stroyed by a torpedo on the 15th of October. A cyclone passed over Sitka on the morning of October 20th, doing much damage to property. Hanlun, the Canadian, litis easily defeated Trickett, the Australian, in a sculling match on the Thames. A Loudon dispatch says the recent earthquakes In Croatia caused damages to the extent of mil lions of dollars. The election in Switzerland of members for the new Great Council has resulted in a victory for the anti-Catholics and Radicals. The manager of a Paris paper has been fined 18,000 francs for libeling the Minister of the In terior and the Prefect of Toulouse. The British government is discussing the pro priety or necessity of modifying the laws restrict ing the importation of cattle from America. Dispatches from Stellarton, N. S., report a ter rible explosion in the Albion coal mines on the 13th, by which some fifty persons and a number of horses were killed. Liberal- view with much apprehension the large body of religious orders settling in Spain. They point out that society contains sufficient elements of clericalism and intolerance already, and they want no more of the expelled French Jesuits. News tin to October 10th says that Commodore Lynch, witli his Chilean forces, continues his raids through the defenseless northern towns of Peru, doing immense damage. He levies blackmail on the people, who are panic-striken, and all who are able to leave are going to the towns in the Cordillera. Hundreds of Chinese follow the Chileans and complete the work of rapine and plunder begun by the Invaders. J. TAN B BURDEN 9 107 I'lrst Street, I'ortlaucl, lrc;'im. SILVERWARE, JEWELRY. WATCHES AflSD DIRECT IMPORTATION OF THE NEWEST FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PATTERNS. 3VXsilfH ii Spefinli y of ;li IMjiiiir'tuvt? of Diamond 2rouiitiiifr"S. ARRIVAL OK NEW GOODS BY EVERY STEAM lilt. T. U. IIAEKINS. , C. W. PATEESON. EAGLE GARBLE WORKS. HARKINS & PATERSON, DatilgnvrH and Manufacturer of MAEHLK MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, TOM IIS, TA11LBTS, AM KVKKY DESCRIPTION OK CEMETERY WORK IN MAR1ILE, STONE OR ORAN1TE. AAfK MAKE A SPECIALTY OF HEADSTONES AND MONl'MENTX Wi: CE .WIHINO lH'T THE P.E.sT I quality ttf Italian and Vermont Marble direct from the qiwrrie-.. ' ' '"' tcrv I" n-l. i with Stone Wall- and Capplnx or Stnite PomIm and Oalvanized Iron Ratlines ami Oat. ' art prepared to do work at u lower Hun re than it hn ever iteen done for heretofore in Oregon. We are al-o tretared to erect (irauSN- MoiiumentN or Head Stones of any style or dimension. We do not employ any acrenU to consume protttx and make th- work more expensive to the lain-haiier, bnt attend to or bualnewiountelvew, which enable lis to give onr cutdonnT- the U-o.-tlt of an agt-nt'h percental'. We solicit order- from the country, whirl) will be promptly attended to. We guarantee entire -atifuction. If you wnh any thing In mir line, and will write to n. i Inr a d-cripMii of what you want, we will wml -ihi de.tgnn to ehooe from, with price, of -ame. .eJS No. HO Salmon street, between I'lrst mill Second. Pleae mention this pax-r. Portland. Oregon. .tut 8 M t . JhSood Agricultural implement Moiss NEWBERRY. HAWTHORNE & CO., IMPORTERS AND DK.VI.KKm IN AGUICUjLiT URAL IMPLEMENTS. General Agents for the Celebrated Morrison Plown, Improved Whitewater Waoui, Reaper, Mower, Self-Binding Marvmrterw, Header. Thrtubers, Engine, "Farmer's Friend Irll." the Katerly Seeder and Cultivator, Itailmad Barrows, HaJIroad and Mining Shovel. Hoea, Scythes, SinVbit, Cradle, Ftrk, Pk-k, and a Fall Ltoaf Wood mid S( :el Goods. Nos. 2GI and 263' Front and 2G0 and 202 First Street, Portland, Oregon. ' rfj- Send for Catalngiu-K. EC So Lui CURE YOUR BACK ACHE m And all di-. umk of the KiIn- . Hludder and Crlnary fl La La Cur by AIISOKITIOX Nature' way) And all di-t UM sof the Kidn-. Illuddi-r mid Crlnary oriruiiK liy w uiiiin tiie Improved Excelsior Kidney Pad. It Ik R MAKVKL of IIK VLINti and RELIEF. Simple, Sensible, Direct, Painless, Powerful. It Cl'UKS where all elae f.IN. A UKVKLATION and KEVOLI'TION In Mlle'ii.-. V ordirert applira tion,aoppe-d toun-iii-f:ietorv Internal meHeinp. Semi for our tn-atle on Kidney trt.ul.le; sent fre,-. Sold by dniKXiHtti. or -ent by mall nn receipt of price, 8-. Address TIIE "XM- M X PAD CO.. AVlllliuiiH IllocU. Detroit. Mich. tt Thin i the Original and (tcniiltie Kidney Pad. Ask for It, and take no other. LUNC DISEASES, THROAT DISEASES, BREATHING TROUBLES. It DIUVES INTO the system curative aeents and lKmllnc imMllcincs. It DRAWS FROM the illseahc.1 partu the im.his that cause death. THOUSANDS Tentlfy to It Virtues YOU CAN BE RELIEVED AND CURED. Don't despair until you have trlvl till- Sensible, Kaslly Applletl and RADICALLY EFFECTUAL Rcminly. Sold by dniKKixL--, or sent by mail on receipt of price, 82.00, by tiik "ox i.i r.rxc ivi co AVIIIIniiiN ItlocU. Detroit, .Midi. er Send for Testimonials and our iook, "Three Millions n Year." Sent free. not Cm SIIEKiri-N SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION TO ME DIRECTED, Jilted out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for die Countv of Multnomah, upon a Judgment rendered In said Court on the Ifith day of February, 17(5, In favor of Plnrbe Iliimascn, Executrix, Plalntin, and asulnst Olbbs, Walking Canlwell, Defendants, for the sum of Thirteen Hundred and Seventy-four and 7I-1U Dollars (8W7I.. I , with Inten-st at the niteof 1 perc .nt vr month, and costs of Milt and accnilmr costs, I did, on the 21-t day of October, Itw), lew uixjii the alKive-nametl Ix-femlanth real pniperly.Klt untI In Multnomah County, slate of Oregon, to-wlt: That certain real property In Multnomah County, State of Ore Ron, known as Iita Three (3l and Four ill In Illock No. Six ((5) fn what Is known as the Portland Homestead, ,as de scribed ami laid out on a map reconhsl on page 1.71 of Hook of Eccordsof Deeds of Multnomah County.Statc of Oregon. Now.therefon-.hv virtue of said execution, on Saturday, the 4th duy of December, UWH, at the hour of llUiVloeU a. M., at the Court House door in said county, I will .sell at public auction the above-described real projwrty of said Defend ants to the highest bidder or bidders cash .to satisfy s-ild execution and accruing costs. JOSEPH 111 C IITI'.L, Sheriff" of Multnomah County, Oregon. November I, lfWO. il USE ROSE PILLS. ESTABLISHED 1808. G. O. BAILEY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Ship Chandler. Ship .Stores. Crockery Ware, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Feed, Garden and Grass Seeds, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, H. i' corner B nncl Second Ntreeta, Portland, Or. sell! tf MUN. A. J. IIIIAZEIiIi, Dressmaking Establishment, No. 1.11 Third street, between W'tishlngton and Alder. TinOPRIETOR OF THE "I X L," A NEW SYSTEM OF X Cutting Iidlos'and Children's Suits: In will cut evory species of garments. Call and sue It. Agents wanted. octHtf THE LARGEST PIANO WAREROOM AND LARGEST STOCK OF PIANOS AND ORGANS North of San Francisco, now opening on Third Ntreet, one door south or Old A Hint's. SUPERIOR INDUCEMENTS ! Offered to persons wishing to M'lect from n number of In struments of the following make: The Famous DECKER IIROTIIKRM, The Popular J. t C. riSCIIER, The AVell-Unoirii K.1IEKNOX A- DUNHAM PIANO S . The Celebrated CI.OI'OII A WAUUEX ami IAI ACE ORGANS. Instruments sold on Installments of ?f, anil $10 per month, noli lm W. T. SHANAHAN, Agent. USE ROSE PILLS. JOHKI'jr nUItKKAKI). MOItTON M. SPACI.niNO. PACIFIC MARKET. BTJRKHARD & SPAUIDING, B-atcliers and Packers, And Dealers In All Kinds of FRESH AND CURED MEATS, R.VCON.HAMS A LAUD, 35 and 37 B Street, Corner of Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. Special Attention given to Supplying HhliM. sol6 tf OREGrON FURNITURE MANUFACTURING CO., S. LOWWSTEI.V, President. M. kAPltSr Seerelary. Okpicbaxd Salixhooms ( or. First and Yamhill Strt-v Factory Corner Front and Madion Street, PORTLAND.. OUEGOJT rinilS COMPANY MANUFACTURER ALL KINDS OP X Fnrnlture, from the plalneM and cheapest In Um jauat, elaborate ami costly. It maintains Its leaW eliaraeUsrli Uc, ortriiml and a r si tic designs and superiorttT of woffc-iitanshlp. the o. r. jr. co. Also keeps constantly In stock a complete tine q c k i? e rr s : Which They Ofl'er at Very low Prices. sel tf ESTABLISHED IN IE52. SPOKTSMISIV'S KMPORnjiM, WILLIAM ECK & SON, Wlioleside and Retail Dealers in GUNS, RIFLES AND REVOLVERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Wm. Moore's, W. & C. Scott L Sen, Remington,. Parker Bros., and the Famous Colt's Breech-Loading Shotguns. A full Hsortinent of the above famous maker eonstantfx In Mock. RIFLES. Wllteheatei-s, Sharps' Mallard, ltarge-', KennadA & Skfventt'. PISTOLS. CiriKe, Smith A WewonV, Hopklnx A Allen', and tk famons Ilritish IriII-Doks. Aim, a full line of Metallic rarlridjren, Hrceeh-Loadtr Itcaw and Iair Shell. Cajw, Wads shot and Sportsmen Implements at the LOWEST PRICES. Corner Trout niul Aider Sts.. Portlnud, r. !ehi lm O. SIIINM.EK, I s. t It VIHIOCKNBV Portland. San Francisco. Established 1857. SHINDLER & CHADBOURNE, Front and First Sts.. bet. Morrison nntl Ynnihll!P PORTLAND, ORF.tJON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Furniture and Bedding I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mirrors, Wall Papers, EtCr OLDEST HOUSE IN THE FURNITURE TRADE. Hendepjarters for School Desks Fine Furniture uSpeciRltj', FACTORY, FOUR MILES FROM EAST PORTLAND. .selOtf SWOPE & LENT Are now prepared to do Printing, Engraving and Book B in ding ! At I)wur Rates and In as workmanlike a manner an i any" other establishment on the North Pacltlc CoaNt, at their STEAM PRINTING ROOMS, No. 109 Front Street, Portland. rir Ordors by Mail will receive prompt atlontIon.-S' oc21 lm JOHN A. BECK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, No. 149 Front street, Portlnud, Oregon. A Fine Assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SPECTACLES AT I3W PRICES. Repairing a Specialty All Work Warranted, . Purchasing AMERICAN WATCHES Direct and forCaah, and having the advantage of Low Rent, I can snfoly prom ise Iwcr Prices than any other house in Oregon. Doing competent, I will repair Common or Fine Wntchc satisfactorily. SPECTACLE and 01TICAL GOODS a Specialty. Elgin Silver Watches S18J50 to M0.0C Wnltham Silver Wntches . ........SH.OO to JW-fC ocl 3m