The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, August 26, 1880, Image 1

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    )t hn Woxtly&tsx
.. iiiitjujinuia cairui, mprman.
A Jearaal tor tha Faofl.
larotaU toUa IsWraaUef Baataattr.
laAaaeadaal la FoltUee aa4 Baltgioa.
AUve to ail Lira Iaaaee, aai Thofeaskl
O t f ICE Cea. Pscst W as i Baron hum
Badlead la Opaoalaf aad Csaeatag. I
Wroataof tba Maaaaa. .
Oae rear .
HI a oulha
) aw eS I
ii Sli if f W
Taree MoalkaM
rasa Braaca, Faaa Paam, Pasa Paorta.
' ConwoendaaU wriUaf varaaaaataa also
tMa aat saaha kaowa their um fit. ao aMaatloa will he flva.lHalt
ADTKRTISKMElfTa lassnee) as JUuoaa-
I wtoiBiualaatloaa.
aia jarama. .
Ae-raioa or ;mtb bid," "run novo,1
aoa a," kami aeaaisoe,"
, ... rACT,ATB ABB r ABC,"
arc, arc, a IU.
- tEalo-ed.amoralngioAetof CoesissOBlhe
Jr 17 la lb offlca of Iba Llbrarlaa of Coa-
gress at Waahlnatoa, "AC.)' . - -
coci.osio. .
.The rnoonllgbi
room with a alive radlewee. aad played
at bid eed sash with Tirsah's flowing
betr as It lay lb half transparent nrN
Bpon bar ido; plllowl A esnsry In a
gilded cage warbled 'a roaadelay, as
though It tbooght Ibe mora war break
- "God, I thank Thee I" softly exclaimed
tbe Inspired to valid, aa aba laid bar tbia
baada apoa the haul of bat brother and
Tatar. . . -J. 0
:Tba eselsmetloa aroesed
from a bely reverie, 1
- X
-Will yea forgive me, 'Lima T" aaktd
tba long-gone wanderer, aa ba boa-ad
lav la tba presence of tba glorious
waaaaa whom aa trial bad conquered
ana bo aisappoioimeni sou id crush.
Job a 1"-wee the 4
palsies aoswsr. "Could I d aeght
aba? Asa aot bona of your bone aod
nsen at yoar Desn r iiss aot our
Heaveoly Father aalUd aa from Iba be
glaalagt And could I help myself
.Wbea, la trying to barbor reaaataaant
aga'oet my awa self, I fallad T
'But I waa weak aad wlekad, LIm.
I abaadoaad yoa la a cowardly wey;-
"I haow yoa did, Job a."
"You would bo have traatad ui ao
badly aader Ilka circumstances."
"Maybe act, John." '
"""Tbeawbv do yoa -oat despise met""-
I7:'nowdo.jfoa k oow but that I do?
Please rlaa ta your feet, air, aod beve a
ebalr. I'll ring for lights, ao wa aaa aaa
Joa snore plainly. Whao did yoa ar
rive r
Joan Ingleton, with all bla experleoeeJ
la tba world'a affairs, could not aaally
earn prebend a womea'a moods. 'Lisa
bad baaa avrprlaad Into a aaddaa ba
treyal af bar feelings. Womsa-llke,
-aba waa road tad to-Tcco vcr toervaDUgs
, : - Under tha glare af the gaslight It was
.easy to aaa bow greaUyJier lavar bad
ebsBged. Hie aaea deader form was
broadened by years, and his ooce boy lab
"i-"rfaoa waa thickly covered apoa cheek
ad sbln wltb a bandsoasa beard. There
: t were I lees af thought sod au (Taring upon
bla forehead, and la bla eyes a bengry,
,. eager look, as though bis vary heart bad
beamed through tbam.dnrlug a long
. . . deferred but almlees searob for bis other
aslf. ";T
...."fatr Joba r aald Tlrsal., la a h ladly
tolas. Yoava gatheredj;rayjialjrala
KunTuTToeks, and growa old la
vary way, haven't yaa T"
"Yea, sister, fiat. I don't aara for
yoa lb er age. If only at last
t may flud I
bspplaeaa." J 4.
"Hsva yoa news of par brothers aod
alstera, Ioba V
" Yrs. A ad It Is tba' beet of as wa. I
tee aeea overhauttrigtha nardloe and
Hard pa a title ta tbaCblaoapla Barrene,
and bava found a flaw ta-tbe deed. . The
Hard loss aad Hardpaas ara bo looger
tba awaera.ef Cli I oca pin Oak a, tbaakJ
MTha'nk tinA r
. "I didn't euppoae you'd accept tba
paws Ilka tbla, slater, seeing you're tba
wife of Joba Hardlos.
"Yea, brother, I'm bla wife, but not
far long. I'll be Jbe bride af tba A ngel
Death la a few weeks, bow.
"Oh, bs, yoa won't, Uriah. I've
eoma.beCk ta claim yoa for a visit ta
your aid boms la tba Bis tea. You're
rich la your awa right aewt la apt to of
rsatowara alrcassstaocea." .. , ;
"Oh, Joba I If oly tbla good aews
ama ta ma while yet my father
aad asotber coald bava enjoyed It t Bat
It la too lata aaw."
"JJa, Tlraab, It Isn't too lata, aad t
woa't allow yoa to asy ao," aald 'Llse,
puUIng her baad aver her! sister's
mouth; playfully. "You shall get bet
tar, aad go back aad aea year aid home.
Tba Jwaraey will rectors yed to health,
aad tb property will bring yaa lode
peadenee. You aaa da aoylblog yaa
Uka with Joba Hard lac If yoa eely bava
plenty af meeey."
Tba Aroawrty srlll wa ta eta, cat
Joba Uardloe'a, 'Lisa. I am not a legal
entity, yoa know."
Is It pom! bla tbaltha weman'e rights
agiUtloa baa reached Oregon r asked
Joba iBgletoo, la surprise.
"X! ss tba qalet, answer "and
'Lisa aod I ara Iteepea allies."
Ha loakad at 'Lisa earaeetly aad In-
...i- - Uew 4Maattfat aha baa grawal" be
thought, "aod haw peerleaa amoog
T wemea bava bar trlale made bar. I
' wlah I aslgbt dare ask bar ta go with
Bsc as my wife."
"Yaa aad 'Lisa eaa go beak ta tba old
home," aald Tlraab, "for there's Bath
lag la blader yoa, Yaa ara not mar-
"Is saarrlaga each a direful thing,
liaat" ha asked, rlelog aad advsoelag
ta meat bar, what (be ttooi by her al
lara bee a, r!s t-J lrt-r'l--.
tbaCJt i .
. ' V .
Ha pat bla arm around bar aod gently
draw bar toward bla. .
"Won't yoa allow aaa ta prove that
atarrlaga la aot always a dalualoa aad
aoare, darling V ba whlaparad, fondly,
"Yaa, Joba,w--waa tba aooftdaat ra-
poaaa, aad oaoa aaora, aa la tba aoora
tbaa qaartarof a eantury gona, ba praand
apoa bar Hps tba para klaa of batrotbal.
"And bow, aty dear brotbar aad ala-
tr,M aald Tlraab, "will yoa not harry
ap tbla long-dalayad anloo, and allow
ma to raallaa a kaUla of jrour parrVet
bapplaaoa bafora I aaa ailed away for
good and all V . ' :y
Tba.Jovera wara, aoddanly, raaaUad
m tbairawa aoalaay by tbla patbatta
appeal to their sympathy aad eoaeara.
Dear Tlrftah, don't talk af dylog
wbeo wa are ao happy," aald 'Lisa. It
la too arael tv Thlok at Wa ara aot
ready la glva yoa a p."
-UI hse prayed for dealb for twenty
years," was the qui at soawer. "and toe
reepooss to my petition Is naarly ready."
"But tbluk ot your children, dear."
"Alas, they ara bot mine, but anly
John Hsrdlna'a. - He's taaght all of
tbeoa but tba eery smaller ones to look
apoa saa aa a servant, or necessary sell.
always alck and always dradglng, but
of bo acoount except as tbelr mealal.
Wbea I an gone, tba whole family will
ba compelled to leara my Worth."
"Compose yourself to sleep. Tlrteh,
and forget these- morbid faaetee. You
ara weary to-night-" "
"Yea, 'Lisa, I am weary, and bses
been for mora than twenty years. But
I'll bava rest by and by. Yoa" may
leave ma alone bow. If I need aaslet
sues, i will nog."
Tba lovers lingered for a tlma la tba
corridors, Indulging la tba cooing by.
play wblcb mother Nature has loatllled
la every bamea bearta-Thea they re
paired to tba parlors, where tba new
aomer..wes'lotrodaeed as Colooel Ingle-
loo at Washlogtoa Ctty.
lira Tubbk aaw at a glanea that her
lover was to ba tba lion or tba evening,
Tbey wandered ap and dowa Jha par
lors, receiving and bestowing aompll
menu, and sba was much surprised to
eneosoter Judge Orlamlo, who bad
pocbelad bis cbsgrla at tha result af bis
welt-koowa mairlmoalal attempt, and
dealred ta take fooma at bar bouea. la
tha bopa of baaklog aoaietlmea fer'tha
uanllgbtAf baa prsaaass. .
aanounoed a long linaotnevrarrlvelsln
the city, among them General Bate-
mpt. whose eompany Mrs, Tubbe de-l
sired ta eacura at berjtl
and whom aba bad prevloaaly made sr-
rangementa to entertain. - . .
"Colooel Ingleton, wlll yoa ba kind
enough to accompany me to the steamer
and levtte the General to my lodglnga?"
"Certainly," be replied. With a look
bis syce of kindly Interest la both
qaeetloa aad questioner which wss aa
cwerad by an rquslly esroeat gase from
herwgUIafortoiiiirnTst Lshould
bsva Juat arrived. Luckily I came
averland, and so am on band la time to
mast tba OeneraL'.'.' . ' , '
"Will you sacuae as for half aa boor,
friends r' asked the boat eaa, turning to
bar guests and bowing herself out, etltl
leaning apoa ha arm of her betrothal.
"A clear case of ns-l'ar-oloy V
elalmed Judge Orlando, who oflsa at
tempted to ba witty, aod who bad never
become reconciled tohle failure to as
sure the widow's band la marriage la
three months after ba was himself a
widower. You may ssfely ealeulsta
that there's a weddiug brewing la tbe
r -- ; "
"I'd seytt wss brewing la tbeir hearts
If I were la Judge from appearances t"
siclalmed a dlatlogulihed bachelor, wbo
bad alao beea suapeeted at ope tlma of
harboring hopes la a like direction.
"You're all apposed to strong- ml nded
womeni-added a third, "aad yet I no
tice that each a wemaa Is oever a dreg
la tha world'a matrimonial market. I
doQ.'t belteva there's a bacbeler In tha-
rooaB who woe Id decline to marry Mrs.
Tubbs If ha tboaght ba bad any show ta
He'd be a fool If bo did decline,"
said Jadga Orlando, "for sbe'd make
blm a pttdUt living. Wba la this
fellow, anyhow T I mean this Colonel
Ingleton, by whom she's evidently been
entrapped wltbia half an boar." ' 3
"A relative of bers, tbsy say; a brother
of Joba Herd! os's wlfs,"aplisd a gea
tlsmaa from Cbemeketa. ,
Tha coavereetloo taraed at this polo I
to Mrs. Hardlaa'a will, aad tba discus-
alow '''Sjewbacl' r,4cj!mwTaa'
lied. In a eptrltad wordy fuailade,
which waa suddenly aaded half aa boar
afterward by the satraaaa af the WtlKj
lant h oat aea and her escort, accompanied
by Osoeral Baleonan, wba waa latra
deeed to tba aompany aa aa aid time
friend wba bad come to Oregoa ta aea
"Aad I came for another paraoss.
h," aahf tba Gvberaf, rabblog' bis
baada, "I aaasa le wltaees tba eoaeum
matloa of a wedding which begaa ta
balld Its ateraal foaadatloa aa the
Fourth of Jaly, 1846. The etraetare has
beea delayed for many a year, for tba
ballders made mlstakse which It has
required mora tbaa a quarter af a sea
lery af their Uvea to, rectify. But tba
tuu nds t log 4e aH complete at last, with
aot a flaw la It, aad aot o-atagte Jolat
or ertwa beam oaf of Uaa. - Mrs. Tubbe
; t' "i eveclr-t Ictrozsed t yoa my
-IT"' - 1 I " Itlr rj
turo to Introduce the Mrs. Ingleton
that Is to be."
Tba aoogralalatlooo . that followed
were aamerous; aad If tba nettle of
envy or disappointment rsokled la any
boeom, Its presence waa successfully Ig
"If I bad dona my duty, gentlemen
tbla lady would bow bava borne my
asms for Iba past twenty-five years,1
said Colonel Ingleton, fraokly.
rile evidently mesne to asy thatjioUaua garruloua, and white folks bava
was ready ,t any time to be caught,"
laughed tbe widow, as sbs looked archly
lata hle.eyee. "But he's altogether
mUtakea. 1 aoahl aot leave my seat bet
wbea-alraametaacea foreed blm away
fro as our early horne. The fatee and
furlee bava eotieplred sgslnst as during
all these years. But tba obstasles that
we bad placed la our ova pathway bava
at last beea removed' by a merciful
Providence, and tba anion tba Geaeral
Speaks of, which begaa aa maey years
ago, la to be aoaaummaled la a few
days. I maat bow. give you warning,
gentlemen, mueb as I dial Ike to, for yoo
bava all beea very kind to me. Uni
month my bouae must aloes, aa I shall
ba aalled to tha East. or. rather.- tbe
Middle West, aa important bualneae.".
Murmurs af mingled regret and con
gratulation were beard apoa ail sldea.
"I go beoaeeejjjoloeiojhe oltlmaJtt
triumph af tha right, gentleman, and devotvea jopoo ma to avenge.
as fsr as may be, tba wrongful act of my
sire, wbo couaplred, yeara aso, wltb tba
father of the aujust Judge wba lately
robbed ma of tha beneflt of my mother's
She was Interrupted by tba entrance
of bar daughter, wbo aououneed, with
frightened voice, that Mrs. Usrdine was
JUa flw t tba bedetdc, ta And bar
alster and friend In a very precarious
stats from hemorrhage induced by tbe
sodtleo excitement of tbe evening,.
It Is nothing sbBU. bc better pres
ently," she gasped, la rsply to her .si
tor's look af terror. "Bend for a lawyar,
pteaae ; I do aot need a pbyaletaa. My
newly-reeovered pneaeseloos unit beH
looked after ; and there will yet ba an
other opportunity to test the validity of
tba will of a Mrs. Hsrdlns."
Genersl Batsmaa aad Judge Orlando
ware buib mooed to Tlrsah's side, aod
for sn tiour ihs cocnple myatarUa of
legal laim were-onload by-ihaas-into ssa 1
teoeee tbasensa of which, wbea ehora
of ambiguity, was Intended to aonvev
waali ssaiilisrfTfiaiTaTFai fsihii's
eetete to- bar abUdrea aad tbeir heirs
and awlgneesu Eilsa Hsrdlna Tabba
wss named as Admlnletratrlswltbout
hoods, aod Joba Ingleton was assigned
tbe guardianship of her minor children.
I want John Hardlne to ba pun-
lahed. If. possible," shs eiplalosd to ber
brother, "for com pelting we to deaertmy
poor parents after tha law bad robbed
them la bla fotbere name." '
Yoa really must not Ulk, Uriah,"
said her slater, la a aootblog loos. .
"But I must, 'Lisa. Don't tall Jpbo
about Iba will till after I'm gone. I
mean Joba Hsrdlna. I won't ba afraid
blm then nor of Mrs. Bspplogtoo.
either, thank G
"Aod now' said aba, after tha lustru-
ment wss floUhed!llJemeoiBrorITEorget me, Tlrsah; aad teach tbe ebtt-
to know that aeltber Joha Hafdlae nor
odge Hardpen wllj.hsnrile any mors of
my poor father's money." '
"Poor child I" ssld 'Liss, aeide. Sba
dosaVot know that tha will of a mar
ried worn a a la null and .void ao long as
bsr husband lives." : " "
"Don't toll bsr," wbhrpcred Colonel
Ingleton. "11 ae rather strive la get
ths laws amsnded after sbs Is gone."
"I bava another request to make now,
dear friend," aba said, la a difficult
whisper. "I want you, John and 'Lisa,
to be married before I die."
"We are not ready," waa bsr slater's
wnmsa-llks response.
Then get ready and send for my
ehlldreo. plessc, aod all.tba rest af the
Hsrdlns family. -Whea o dismiss
yoar lodgers, you'll bsvs room for tbem.
Mow that I awa a large share of Chinos
pi a Barrens la my awa right, I propoee
to aea a part of tha proceeds la my awa
way before I die."
'Lisa asw that ber project of taking
Tlraab back ta ber oldea borne was Im
practicable, aad aba reluctantly aban
doned It. Her siller's life wsa ebbing
rapidly. Nothing remained bat to carry
oat berwisbea to tba letter, and this the
brother aad sister resolved to do.
Tbe lodgers foaad other qaarter aad
that Bafag hmityyaha aewelelBg'-e)4
lor alone excepted, Ailed tha great bones
with aepbewa, alecea, sisters, eoualas,
Bncloa and aeats. ' . '
Tba aewe of tba return af Colonel Ia
gletea revived the early romanaa eon-
sera I eg himself aad tba well-kaowa
berotae af my story. Tba press
heralded bar ebaaga of fort ana, aad so
ciety aoastaatly aeat ap Its aarda, ;,.-t.'i
"Bat for th great sorrow of Tlrssb's
that ' aocaapaalee our Bewly
found happiness, I believe I eboold die
for Joy, Joba," sba aald, one day, after
tbey had spent aa boar la each etbere
society alone, occupying tba tima la
vividly rseailing tba trying occaaloa
wbea tbey had mat while yst hamaa
law bad .bald tbem apart, aad wbea
each had foaght tha baula-af destiny
with adeeperalioa skla ta aaadoese.
"I meaat to despise yea, John la-
tti KM; fcr thars'a aa ty-'.rj itl
plantloe- herself bdoo bb) kaaa aad
stroking his hair playfully.
"Tbso why didn't yoa t"
"Beesase I couldn't. 'It was wot my
fault that I forgave yoa."
"My darling, I want, yoa ta knew that
I awa my life to poor old Dave, tbe eoi
ored oracle. I called Usee bias aa my
way to Portia od. It Is doubtfol whether
ba will be eblfjo soma, bat I want blm
to attend aar wedding. If possible." He'
spoiled blm a good deal, bat he's as
good as gold and as traa aa steel."
"True, Joba. And there Is another
duty before ev We-asae eed letew
my wrot her, John, Hsrdtne."
An eiclamalloo suapleiouaty libs ao
ealb eeeaped bla Hps, but 'Lisa would
aot llalea ta bis obJeoUoue.
Poor fellow I Hie sunshine frlsuds
have ail forsaken bias. EveO Judge
Hsrdpan 1 ' " '
"Your old suitor, Bam f
"Ysa. Evan be ao longer befriends
him. Though, for that mstter, bis
frlsodshlp lan't worth much any mora.
After all bla boasting as a Jadga about
maa's protection of womso, be baa come
dowa to living on bla wife's Income,
and Isn't able to pay for a dsrkls's
breakfast aulses she gives bias tba
ooey." ' -- -
ilWilt 70U.WT1U. for Joba4o pome r
I think not. lie must ba managed
Judiciously; or ba will not noma at slU
I want blm to see Tlrsahand confess his
wickedness before sbs diss, for It will ba
easlsr for blm ta repent In this Ufa tbaa
la tbe bsbL Bn, If you are willlog.'we
will go and fetch blm."
Ia the great bare farm-heuae which
Joba Herdlne bad builded aa a menu
meat Id bis awa ovvr-reeobing -a build
log aa stark and anslgbtly aa bla an
eeiflebaeee aad ae comfortless as hrs lifs
long greed tbe triumph Ant breaker of
ble mother's wilt and the bank reel de
spoiler of bis msrrisgs roof-tree est .In
y , deenlatloiiy-hla-head ea-ble
breast aod bis syss riveted to tba floor.
The entreooe af visitors did not arouse
blm. Aod, wbea bis slater knell beelde
blmsnd wIULeDdearlug wctr da sought
to win bim backr to coosolouabess, ebe
saw-Xhat ba was dead. Near blm was
aa open letter, addraassd la Tlraab llar-
"I bava not committed suicide, bat I
sm dvldg Tr paTpHanoo of the heart."
heJiadjrTttUu 1 ."and, aaw that myaad
la aear, I will aoafess ta yoa that I nave
aot been bappy because I have been an-
iliinrrtng rorglti me, . Ttrxalt.
wronged you because, ae a husband, I
bad tba power, and as a mao I had ths
wilL to da It. Yoa ara left a beggar
you and tba children ; and may Heaven
grant that aur. daughter may aot be
come tha wile of such a husband as I
bsvs teen. Tell 'Llse that I am sorry
thst I robbed ber. I would atoae if I
could. Write to Joba Jngletoo, and tell
him, for sae, that my father drowned
his horse Reuben To tbe run below tba
Widow Rldgsway's garden. This was
ths ret act that drove Joha sway from
home to seek
to seek tbe means to pea - Wst
fatber'e creditors. Tell 'Llse to forgl
Joba fur deserting ber. . tt waa more
atoned sgalnat than sloolog. I have
ssd forjelfand Jw)l!dls aaJLllrad.
drea that there la but ana road to happl-
snd that road leads to many a
Stopping plaasof kindly deeds. I woeld
restore my mother'a form ta 'Lisa If I
could; bat It's too late too lata."
Tba letter elnsed as abruptly as It be
gan. There waa no lima for lemeala
tloa or teara Dave, Ibe eraels, who
bad growa evea mora rheumatic tbaa
wbea the reader last met blm, was seas
mooed aod dispatched for aid. Tbe
farce af a Coroner's iuquest delsysd tbe
funeral rites, aod Tirsab, wba could aot
account for ber slstsrs loog absence,
grew fretful and Impatient. Wbea
Lias returned to her side, pale aad pre
occupied, and bearing la ber bands tbe
explanatory Isttsvsbe did sot grieve
oor start. 1 - -
"Poor. Joba I Ha fostered self at tba
eipeasa af bis aaa happiness ss well as
mine," sba aald, sadly. "It la eaougb
for ma that ba baa at tact aoafeosed tba
truth, Psrbapa ba will ba able ta begtu
anew, oa a higher plaoe, oa the other
of life. Maybe my father aaa
mother eaa forgive blm there," : .:
"Aod It Is hoped that hla sad awsk-
snlng will aaaas mea to see tba eaor
sally of their ala agalnet womaa la
maklbg one-sided laws," said 'Lisa,
earoeetly. .
'Al wyc vfaMoat aad ;
Lie,11 exclaimed General BaCemea, ad
Irlngty, while Joba Ingletoa gsaed
poo, bet la silent raptors, aad Bava)
the oracle, wept aloud. .
"Procure yoar saarrlsge lice nee and
aall tba eblldrea, Joba. Remeve ma to
tba parlors aad call a magistrate. I
waet ta sea tba ana dream af 'Lisa's lifs
resitted before I dls and we haven't
aay Uma ta loaat?!-..-'-;-,j-
Tba flowers that adorned the bridal af
tba lovers fostooaed tba casket af tba
Tba abasteaed bspplaeaa ef tbe
loog sstrsnged eoople waa beaatlful ta
wltnesa, aad tba fatherly solicitude af
Geaeral Bateasaa waa aa wsleosas aa It
Patleat readsr, there la little mora to
telL Mr. aad Mrs. Colooel logletoa
weat East aa tbeir bridal toer, aaesm
panted by Oeaeral Eeleasea. - Tbey lla
rsrsd lor la lh!r hlt'-ra tt.
tloo at Cblncapla Oaks la tba year 1876,
Joel thirty yeara after tba day of tbeir
betrothal and my story's beginning,
Genersl BatSmaa, wbo waa press ot, wss
lovlted ta officiate as orator of tbsfdsy,
but be declined, oa account af advana
lug years, la fa vor of Colooel Ingleton,
wboea brilliant Wlfs was cboeen by ae
demotion to read toe iMciaratloa ar IB
dependence. . Her husband followed
wltb a novel epeecb for such aa occa
sion; for. Instead of ibe stereotyped re
hash of Bunker Hill, Tlopoderoga and
Valley Forge, tba American eagle aad
tha star-spangled -ban oar, ble aratloa
waa a- masterly- dslease of ther grand
fa nda meats! prtnclpleeef liberty as Im
mortalised la tba rlaglog words of the
Amerlaaa BUI of Rights, aad read la
tbeir hearing by bla noble wife. Tbe
people listened, spell-bound. Never
fore bad tbsy heard sucD logic, and
never eaa It ba forgottea.
Cblncapla Oaks Is A ally Bow, a point
where four great railroads asset. Few
persons aara ta remember tba pinched
face of Joba Hani I os seuior, or tbe prl
vstloos endured by ble family durlog
tba loog years of their pioneering before
cl vllisatloa brought tha steam engine to
tbeir cabin door.
Colonel aod Mrs. laglstoa will return
to Oregoa. The children af Joha Her-
dips, and -Tlriab, bis wife, are -their
charge bow, as ara the aamerous eone
and daagbtera af - Peter-Tabba. Tha
Colonel le ready ta purcbasa ths Hsr
dlns property at Iba aomlng admlnle-
trator's sales, aad will provide aot aaly
for tba poor relatione of ble noble wife.
bat also for lbs declining days af Dave,
the oracle, who, having spent tba better
part of blsaarly Ufa as a servant with
out wages, Is as disadvantageous situ
ated, almost, aa though ba Were a euper
annealed woman. But ba baa ana com
fort, be says, aod that Is that younger
Lpolored mea wIU reap tba full reward af
liberty. Aad, aa I alosa tba leisurely
narrative that for nearly tea leag moot be
has empJaycd jmy mind at regular leter-
vala with lie many detailey IJolo with
my aoloreoTaovereiga la tba ardent de-
llretbst tba political end Jegal advee-
tagea bis race now enjoy ae. tbeir Inal-
ieoabla right, may soon accrue to my
sea aa Its ackaowledged prerogative.
""' aa aaa
Losra Boamch, August 7, 1880.
I shall never forget tba feellog of ao
alloyed delight wbea two weeks ago I
was permitted to leave tba bot streets
af New York to enjoy tba cool brectes
Loog Branch, nor tba aad looks ol
my follow tollers wbsa biddlog tbem
good-bye. The responses, la'grufi or
feeble tones, were tinged, I Imagined,
with Jealousy ( but I selfishly eared oot,
aod sallied .forth. Imbued -with 'that
Mark TapTeyphTIoeopTjy which impels
to be 'lolly Ooder aoy elraum-
stances." . ,
i . . . . t ... .
- - T, a.oew gp oa me ami my
"'-o -g
and boarded thetrala for
tbia, tbe Queen of Bummsrrssorts. Tbe
aoatrast betweea thie resort aod Coney
Island le ae great as eaa wail be laieg
ined. It exleoda from lheleacbTtaelf
ta tbe. hotels aod tbe people. Tba beach
Is abrapt, aad the aea breaks squarely
apoa It at high tide la a way that defies
the trifling af bathers. There Is ae nob
of fat woman aod lean men aod ebll
drea af all sixes fooling with tba aarf
bare. They must choose tba occasion
wbea tbey eaa hatha. The high haak
bidea tbe bain no usee from tbe shore
lew, sad ther to aot hi eg to mar ibe
glorious sea berlsea af tba arletoeratie
reeldeote af- Omsb avenue. There ara
da af boistsrouCejieufatoalsU
ever-raaoiog everything -
WfHon't waot tbem," aald aaa ef
tha moat prominent hotel proprietors,
"tor tbsy ara a damage la aay wstsrlng
place. .The pier here wss built la spite
of -wa. Wa aWt woat boats ta lead
bare ar bring their srowds. . Let tbem
go te Coooy Islaod." t ;.--
Before beloc there an hour f ander.
atood bias, aod , Understood, too, why
Long Branch la preferable as a Bummer
resort. There Is a quiet, geateel atmos
phere observable everywhere, iaelde
out. It strikes aaa rather heavily
t Arst, freeh from Nsw York, bat It
baa tba sweet seoaatioa ef peace and
Tbe air from lbs saa Is eool and freeh,
and when II comes from that directloa
atevsaJpg.,Ia,, , US fl. aeeara foe said.
ssmmsr. Oa ibe other band, a lend
bravte Is apt'toi ba aa warm as a Sum-
sr-brssas-anywhera la tbe aoaatry
Tba eontraat a fiords fashionable wemea
tbe eppertantty of displaying tbe vari
ety af their wardrobes. ;
Loag Braacb ctossTy-Teeembles, la Its
bulldlags. aad groaada, tbe faebioaaeie
suburbs af a elty. The Great booea
yaara ago flisd U aocUi ataias aa a
watering pis so, aad Nature will keep It
desirable ewe. At the West Eed aloae
thousand guests are quartered, aad a
large aamber af families await tbe
first vacant rooms.
During my short trip I made the fol
lowing esssrvaUeaet That a good per-
Uoa af, tha vial Vers at tba Loag Breach
botela are Jewa af tba mere geateel
kladT that theEattiiiors "glrle are' the
prettiest I that tbageatlemea at Lang
E ranch dlaaoarse meetly af blocks aad
fey tltt ioaa wba ware tba moat
7 r-ij;-tj rn r Lr-
Brancbsrs walla wltb Ibe arms extend
ed like a wind-mill, to tbe greet dinger
of everybody's dlgssU ve apparatus ;
that the homeliest woaiea wear tbe
largest dls moods aod tbe riebast drsa
that aoa of these womea let bar lap-dog,
a aaety, flop-eared poodle, drink nut of
the geaeral eap la tha care; that the
broad bell la gsnsral at Loog Branch ;
that tba fat womea ara sappurted la tbe
surf by tbe lean mea: that the aarf
knocks tba poetry out f a woman also
Ibe breath ; that the run oa teo-oeol
novels at Loog Branch la aomelbiag
immense; that Ibe bar at Brtghtoe Is
divided air llks a dry goods establish
SOfTBBVfnff a aoet-urt awaaterja wear
aouator, a mineral-water eoeoter,'e gla-
sud sugsr aoa alar, ate. ; that I
things tbaa I can mention at
preeeot, esaept that my Summer vaca-
Uoa Is ended. AoocaT.
av xf. a. aaaaaa avvia
A society wsa formed some time since
In New York to defend tbe "Rights of
Children." fam gfsd thst somebody
Is giving attcolloo lo this subject. It
seeme to me that If It la right lo bring
eblldrea lata Iba world, tbey should be
treated like bumaa beings after they
rbofoJf ebtldjcto.arsoi aa.much
ImporUnee as horses aad cattle whv
aot establish soelettes for the "preveo-
tloo of cruelty" to tbem T Should Dot
tbey ba traatad as well as beasU t
A few years ago, tba "OranlU Mills"
disaster, of Fall River, Mass., tba burn
ing of eblldrea to death, wltb no means
of escape, waa a terrible crime and
where reals tha responsibility T Or le'
nobody responsible for such wholesale
craelty T Where were these little eblldrea-.
eeore the dreadful Are r - Alas I
wa are compelled to tblak of them toll.
log on from day to dayand sveo from
year to year, dragging tbeir weary
Ub Jt--aPtJliosaJong ilighU nil
atalra to ths BUle. where loev were
foreed to toil eleveo hours a day, la a
badly ventilated room, aod perbads an-
dor the surveillance of soma craven aud
creel overseer. All wbo bsva worked
tnaids tba walla of a mill know with
woai iii'ie eoneiieratioa cbiiurea are'
ofteo treated. Tha writer has
enough of the bareuneoe to eblldrea la
fBctorlea.-Tbs memory of It" wtrr eerve !
for a life-time! e
-1 somiMes feci, i thinking, over
W m a .....
euoh a disseter as that of Fall River.
that death, in many of thoae poor chil
dren, ss dreadful as It was, was Under
than life. What bad they to look for
or hope for tbe beoyaocy aod elect io-
Ity of ehlldhood all crushed Cut of
them? No play spells la the greea
fields! No opportunity to pluck Ibe
eweet wild flowere that grow In profu-
aloo ao tba.blll-aldee I No ebsace to
listso to ths birds' free song or lo tubals
Utaaploy-alr-af the shadowy groyetlJ
Boms limes the ehlldreo ef the Buaday
school, la bright dresses and with ebesry
feces, ara treated to an sxTurttoa among
tbe. fields and flowers; but seldom do
tba wheels of tbe factory suspend their
sordid whirl for Iba recreation af the
ahUdreaof the mlll."-Nj It Is toll, 1
ITtile prospect af release. Borne of ibe m,
aa tbey grow alder, and the. light fades
from their eyas, supinely aeeept thsir
fotaaafa. Others ; chafe la the bsroees,
aad seek redress, while yet atbera may
If Ml to, trusting la God,
though often thinking af tbe plssaurea,
tbe echoole, and advantages of rich
meo'a cbitdree, and aaklog, "Why la II
ear' !
But where ara the pereuls of the ever
worked eblldrea la the faetorlee 7 If
factory eblldrea themselves, or
sMbJset lo the tyraooy of banger aad
wsat, eaa tbsy allow their little ones to
labor, Ifte slaves, through all their
childhood T Have bay bo rlgbta which
parents are bosud to respect, either
before er after blrtb'T It Is the writer's
rettgtoue belief that It la a arael wrong
for mora eblldrea ta ba bora tbaa eaa
be wall educated aod eared for. Ba loag
aa there are aa welcome eblldrea, there
III be lahermeeloue homes, and esse
with paupers aad erimTeels la
lety. It Is marvellous that aa few
religious teachers take aay eogulseaee
la auhjoct. Telllag eblldrea that
MA . m. " ..... .
"mast be goad" right aod
proper, when tbe conditions of goodness
are possible J bat what avails It te tell a
ebild of wretchedness aad erlma, bora
n "Poverty Lena," where few can beams
tba preeciivxe tbemselvee to exhibit thslsioa. 1 sitoexi not tniaa Be eealdaait
"Christian graces" la sacb loeallUes
and -with - each-antecedeou. -1, the
Berlptare leaeoa aew to tbem, that seed
east apoa stony groend ocmnot "uka
rootr' Tbe soli ai net be cultivated
bafore Abowsad Is (eow., a.d wba. I.
emsrgsa from tbe earth It still aeede
"eoltore," end culture the plsot mast
bavala order (4 lbri.raJtad raw ayas
atetrtoally. " Bet If the plant requires
eultlvatloa,' aad the "lower aalmale"
Improvement, what doea hamaalty re
quire If eblldrea have any rights wf
birth ar ed uoa tloa, aaa tbey find tbem
la a bevel, ar by werkleg alevea hours
dsy la the aula ef Ave story fao-
But aot oaiy la rectory Ufa, er aasaag
the poor and the oa leasts, hot la out
wardly prosperous homes, ara eblldrea
deprived af tba righto af parental lave
aad ennobling tsnebteg. -The
U tf trrr" j ttt. :: est af Oe
household often has a tendency la
s rouse their combative feelings, er 4e
vslop the worst passions of thsir natare.
Ths flasbsd face, tbe trembling 41 p, tba
grieved heart, la tba highly sensitive
ebUd; tbe angry, flashing eye, tbe little
band ralssd la dsAanee ar aslf-defeoaa
la tbe more obeli oate, might bftea be '
avoided by aalanaes of spirit aad tba
gentle magnetiam ef tbe parsat. : A
tear af sorrow lo tba mother'a eye le a
mightier aonqusror tbaa harsh words or
bitter recrimiaaUoa J yet tbe mournful
fact Is , that, roolbsra tbemselvee are
often so worried by the accumolsUna
earea of tbe hoossbald and tha demand e
I "sterol ty that tbey are iaeapable af
seif-aovsrameat, aod so anflt ta moald
tbe plastic mnds ef their eblldrea.
And tbsnttbeebildreo af tbe same ,
family may require very dlfTsreol treat-. J
. . ... . . S "
wuh as a muiuvr ooce saia i
'There are plsou which eprlog lota
great vigor If tba pressure of a footfall
crush tbsm ; but eh I there are others
that sveo tbe peerta of tbe ligbl daw '
bend to ibe earth.?
Tbla was a matbsr wbo spoke from a
sad experience. She bad beea teegbt
to believe la a very strict aad etera way
of enforcing discipline, aad seat bsr
sensitive little Nellie to bad aba night
without ber customary kiss, because she
lbsd aommltlad soma faeimurlog the
I day. The child , had foraottaa. tha
ofleuee, aod stood wooderlagly before
ber mother, with quivering Up, aad
gathering teara la- ber large, mournful
eyes, wbea ebe saw that the usual kiss-
was withheld from her.
"I eao't go to aleep anleaa yea kiss'
his, mamma," spoke a sobbing vales, ,
later la the evening,' from tbe child's
bedroom. r
Tbe words foil upon tbe mother's ear;
but, wishing to. Impress tbe faatl mors
lodefrbly, she still refused tbe kiss,
though bsr heart yearned to bee tew It.
At lasl Nellie fell Into a troubled aleep,
pealing Jo .ber drvsm lHJllsS bjs.
mamma I Ob, do kiss asa, mamma I"
During the night Ibe ebild was laksa
wltb g hraln-fevsr, aud through all bsr
dslUlumr until the bear af bsr deatb,-
ber piteous cry west "Ob. klseaia
msmmsl I can't go to eleep I" .
"God knows," said the bereaved aod
almost frantie mother, "bow passionate
and bow unavailing wars my klsasa
upon ray dsrtlog'i ehesk after lhstfstaT
night I I would Aaea yielded up niy-
vcry life, could sbs but once have beea
eoosolous of tbem aod af my forcive
Thus we leara that ehlldreo have a
right to love, aod lo love's tree and holy
expression; a right to harmonious homes '
snd plsssaot surroaodlogs; .the homes
of peaces tba sacred retreat, where
strife, hsrdnees and Jealousy are as
known, and where all tbe heavenly
graces reign. , It way cost mnch efiort
to attune tba votoe and gesture to bar
mnny, but It will save asaseay a regret
and heart-ache.
Vine Cottage, Hepedala, Mass.
Mr. Rradlaogh's personal unrtonnlar-'
Uy ta England puts tbe principle which
be represents at a disadvantage ; but l
1'?'''" ll",1tZ
nie omoe sa memner or rarllament, "Bo
neia me uoa," Dsaauae re le aa atbelet;
and Ibe question of modifying tbe ealb
nee- neee reierreti to a epeeiat commit- -tea.
Meanwhile, a motion In oppoetiloa
to sdmlnlatertng tbe oath to Mr. Bral
laaah baa beea rejected bv a vote ef tHO
so . reriiameot long si nee abolished
the oath framed to e sal ode Roman
Cat holloa; It has struck out from tba
oath tba worda "apoa Ibe faith of a traa
Cbrlatlan," ao aa to admit Jaws; It bsa
perm i ilea a aim pie amrmaiioa te take
the plaoe af tba oalb, aa as to admit
Quakers, and sooner or later It will el
low whatever modifloetloa may be aea-
eseary to open Its door even to aa atha
Is.. - We ao not -admire tbe political
wiadom of "Mr. Bradlauah'a eonaUta
ante; but If aay English eonet Huensy -
enoosee so oe repreeeoMa oy suen a mso,
.00 res 01 jMigiaaa win aot perma
aenwy ueoy toem tne rigni. The 1
live abaegea ta the form af oathr
made to a1 -all ta Parliament Romaaleta.
Jewa and Quakers are prophetic af tba
nasi aamiestoa or aay repreeentaUve
wba la loyal la bla Cos airy, whatever
may be ble rellgloe or hie Irrellgleo.
Disfranabletag elbeloea will oot convert
atheists. Christian Union.
Use abo Abuse or Wbaltii:.-. Cot "
UtV?1 "y9t .l l! 1 "
It to possible for a maa ta die worth A
Ua aauiloa dollars la a elty full
want, where be meeta slmoet every day
the withered bead af beggary, aad the
woite lips ar ram inc. Uow a maa eaa
wltbetoud all that, aad bold la tba
elatahea of bla kaiul t want w mm iklMa
or b"
"ZLLZZZ .'"""t."""!
aot a dollar ta the werld, aad yaa Have
r ta anead It, spend It like a Klagt
rTDQ ""; r ? "7
rather aa i beggar aad spend asy last
Jdollsr llksa king, thsa aea king and.
tptnfmj laat money llksa beggaxt
It doeea'l mske half aa much differ
ence to tbe Bammsr boarder at tbe saw '
side aa to what the wild waves are asy
Ihgas It does to kaaw what tbe elerk at
Iba betel will aay If tbe Week's board
tsa'l paid oa the day It Becomes dee.
Da aot make a pretence af geatlllty.
aor parade tbe feet that yoa ara a do
seeodeat af aay eoteble family. Yaw
mast pasa tur jaet wnat yaa are. aad
mast sued aa year merit. . . -
Lady Ana Isatlla
daagbter ef Lord Byree aad etster af
Baroa Weat wort, baa last bt
verted to Rsasaa CathoHctoaa.