The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 08, 1880, Image 4

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    VsV .4IV
-JULY 8, 1880.
you bUmc- iuc that I cannot love
As you can love, my friend;
1 (jii call me heartless, light of ulth,
fcccause iny fancies end !
I do not iay it is not true;
uh, nor your words are right ;
i;ut yoa who love, and I who-laugh,
Winch gains most In tbe fight ?
A n J why, If you ware seeking love.
Should yoa bare turned to me
I , a ho of all who net jonr gaze
Have sworn Inconstancy
i.ii further yet, poor heart, and tuck
Tor one who still can give;
Or, if yncr heartbreak prove too sharp.
Curse me, my friend and live.
V s, once I cursed and lived. A!a !
Tis belter tar ladle.
Hinds meekly clasped, and prayt rful
Kyes upturned to tbe sky.
1 loved too well as' you, say blend.
Are loving me this hoar;
Mj'-h loves die hard, an earned, we know.
With overwhelming- power.
My love went out as yotus will do
But after many yean;
And In those years I was not glad,
Ani bitter were my teats.
My love was 1 Ike your loan, ssjy friend ;
It met with no return.
1 n spite of passionate i
In spite of words that I
But yon who tore, and I who laugh.
May part at last In peace;
One day you'll thank ate for my word
one day yaajrvmla wall
It was coy,caIin, fragrant night In Summer
time, When through the dusky bosh no whisper
Save thirsty meadows mstung far me rain,
i ir woodlands musing with a sell and sleepy
A night when one would dream of dear and
lovely things;
or tender siH ana at 'tilts;
Of Orphean lyre or thmaody of rates;
or songs and sighs and stars and liquid mur
muringa. Thus musing, as I wandered o'er (he drowsy
I came upon nmarble basin whits.
And sat mo down hay an a the fountain-sprite-
licyond her damp, gray drapery In the nlght
breese blown.
And as I eat, I looked np; to! there gleamed a
A sweet-toned bell that once I need to know,
I'P In yon star-lorn belfry long ago.
To-night the nakedness of heaven becomes it
"O Voice of old!" I cned-"thou dear dead
Voice of old.
What sfonld I not to hear thy mellowing
Call back the scattered leaves or life again
Into tbe Book, between the asterisk! of gold!?
Vet hew eonld It reply, that long-disused bell.
From which the rotted rapes hnng scarcely
Whose be lfry-ladder,ln the desk-light brown,
Bent as the hastening spiders spun their webs
a adieu?
Bat hark! Was that tbe whisper or some voice
I knew,
It was so full, so sodden, and so sweet T
Nay! some far-distant bell with languid beat
Rolling np bows Into the horoscope of bine.
Attain ! Ah, sweet delay of rapturous surprise
That weary bell complaining far away.
With silver hammers in tbe shades astray.
Had touched nay voiceless bell to whispered
Back rushed the tide of memory fri .-n isles of
And through the night some nameless angel
Numbered lute' scattered leaves with pen of
And wrote between the stammering asterisks
of gold!
Wilt-ne'er at soft, still nbrhtlenance to hear
some far-off bell, melesHesM and alear,
I thJnk bow many towers In all the land
Kei p mystic measure to the ringer's ban I.
And .since oar lives, like living bt.'lf, must
lu member, like n bird tbe echoes w!n !
Or Joyously or sadly, as we will,
lim towers reaetve the song on t very biiL
Oh, sweetly ring these bells, in weal or woe!
Ij re's deathless echoes aoft, submissive flow;
And when we, too, in moss-deep silence lie.
Float up forever to the bells on high!
The "O'efearamanoliSated "
"They met by chance, the usual way,"
among the daughters of the wife of
Adam. Said tbe one neighbor unto tbe
other :
"Good morn in' till ye, Mrs. O'Mtara."
Said tbe other unto the one :
"Thank ye kindly, good niornln '
Mrs. McCrackln. W look in' wert this
niornln.' "
"Ach. but it's kiud ways ye have,
Mrs. O'Meara. Ye'd be wpnkln' the
cheerio' words If ye saw a poor body wid
a fut in the grave but I'm far from
feeiio' well. It's tbe old dishtrees in
me rbist. dear. It's airly ye'er abroad
the day, Mr. O'Meara, but ye'er always
so industrious au; unvin-."
"Ye flatther me, Mrs. McCrackln, but
it's only, in drivin' that there's only
ttiriviu'tl tiMwe times '.vltl God's bles
sin', avoeure." ,(.
"Throe for" ye,. Mrs. O'Meara, an'
tbrnly its snug ye air at home now,
mainin' but the honest words I spake,
an' no fiatttiery."
"Wid the blesain' o' God we're doiu'
fairly fairly, Mrs. McCrackln."
"I wus 1 could get Uk eaycret, Mrs.
O'Meara. My Michael works every
blessed day in tbe mines, but nothin'
stays wid us."
"lo yon collect naelNmenU. Mrs. Mc
Crackln r
"Asslaements, Mr. O'Meara! What
would I be doin' wid colleetiu' assiss
mentsT Bad 'eees to it, woman! Bad
cess to It, woman ! It'j the other way
wid us, for Mlcbeal he do be payiu' as
sfesotents on this an' on that Ivery
b!e eil n""h, nlmost."
!!Al'..",i." i" h" W tbra. dear?" i
"To tbe broker 8ho, ; shure, where
else would he pay thim, M t - O'Meara?"
"Why, to yourself, darllu "
"To me, Mrs. O'Meara?''
'Tflyouttelf! Where h. ..W be
be paylu' tlrfni T'
"What lor would be be payu. ,, .
ments to me?" .
"What for does my Patrick pav as
sissments to me, bat bechns I llvel 'em
on htm dear?"
"Oh him? An' what is it for, dar
liu'?" "It's for the stock he holds lu the eor-
p'ratlon, dear tbe Interest be has in
the O'Meara Cousholidated (Jo ye un
derstbaml that, now tbe O'Meara Con-
"What would that be. dear?"
"Originally It was Patrick O'Meara
andKora MeOue, hut was Incerp'rated
na tbe O'Meara' Consolidated In 1386:
first issue of stock in 1S65, will a Dew
issue Ivery two veers since. It's what
they call a close eorparatfon, I belave,
and I am both PrteWInt ami Boanl of
uireeiuors, bouki theoontrollir Infroet,
ami live! assise moats."
"I UBtft utHierstuaml It at all, Mrs.
O'Meara. An' what Is that fe livel tbe
aMlBsnieot on, dear?"
"un tiie stoek, to he sure, woman
on the live stock, do vou nee? six
shares now."
"Do you mane tbe chllJer?"
"What else would 1 mane 7 I'll tell
ye, dear, far I see yer wits are vool-
gatherio'. Ye aee, for a loner time Pat
rick was buylu' this wild cat, an' that
wild cat, an' all the cat was llvel in'
aaslsemenU, ao' he a imylu' 'un an'
Kapio- us all at tbe jtoiut of
Uou. I saw how tiling vas golu', so I
list brought out on htm tbe home in
corporation, au' I says to him : 'Here
uow, sir, is the O'Meara Cousholidated,
a square location, secured by a patent
with hut six shares In It, an' showiu'
wen as jar as developed ; now I llvel on
it my first aseiasnient of twtntv dollars
a share.' Bay he : 'Kora. ye're wus nor
the wild eals; ye take me whole month's
wanes !' 'Thrue,' says I, 'and I'll bon
estly splnd ivery cintln Improvements
for tbe benefit of tbe company.' "
"An' did he achland the aseissment,
Mrs. O'Meara?"
"He did, for he thought it a good
joke at first; mi' for two or three
mouths be paid Ifke a moil."
"Thin he quit paviu,T"
"He dM."
"An' what thin, Mrs. O'Meara?''
"I aould him out,"
"Sould him .out! How could you
sell him out?"
'"Well dear, be hud due ami lee-al no
tice. I first of all too Id him It would be
delinqulnt on soeb a day in tbe board,
thin that it was advertised delinqulnt,
an' that such a time would come the
day or sale. lie thought It was a rood
joke, hut when he hem home that
oven In' h liad uo supper. I dldu't
cook him a warm male In a month : I
si lit a lot o' furulture to tbe auction,
au' cut him off every way iu his home
com forts."
"An what then, dear?"
"He niver since refused to pay hia
regular anstssments."
"Aeh. it's a wise woman ye air, Mrs.
O'Meara. Good moruin' to ye, an' wid
tbe beln-Af God. 1'Jl itieon.'rute the. Mc-
Crackin CotMbolidated this bliesid day.
as' llvel me first assliMmeut before I
reelit ine haid on tue pilly the night."
I trgmta vuy jinterprue.
Hew He Wat (hired.
Why will young. men hover around
the light that dazzles and disappoints?
wny will tbey talk over aud over again
the "soft nonsense" which their sires
ami graudsiree did before them to gener
ations of fair ladies less schooled lu the
eold philosophy of modern society? Oc
casionally their rashness brines its re
warn, borne time ago a handsome.
datbing, gallant youth a favorite with
tbe sex left Chicago for Baltimore,
where he met a friend In high social
tanaing, who, very soon, made Dim ac
quainted with some of tbe most beautl
ful women of that beauty-producing
town. Baltimore is famous for .Its
women and its oysters. Tbe latter are
sometimes out of season, hut the former
never. Consequently, there is always
some, attraction In the Queen of the
Chesapeake. Everybody gives the palm
to Baltimore's belles that is, everybody
who has not got a sweetheart some
where eje. Our friend from Chicago
attended a wedding recently in the
Monumental City, and there met a be
witching maiden, rare and radiaut as
Eve ere Adum claimed her. The usual
commonplaces led to a conversation that
became somewhat significant. What
with her pearly teeth, luminous eyes,
graceful form aud luxuriant hair, not to
speak of tbe winning tones of her voice,
tbe Chicago youth became quickly fas
cinated, and was impudent enough
lo express hi rat-elf upon tbe question
of danger to bachelor peace iu a
city tbat boasted so many lovely
daughters. Of course, when ibis kind
of language is addressed to a woman, It
is but natural to expect that she will
appropriate tbe spirit or it to uersen.
The damsel listened quietly, and at the
end of the dissertation said she knew
the Colonel's friend and himself were
equally afflicted with the tender passion,
aud that iu the morning she would send
Ibe former a recipe that would cure the
disease. No more was thought about
the matter until tbe subjoined commu
nication, in the young lady's handwrit
ing, but not signed, arrived at the hotel
where the friends were stopping :
'An Infallible Remedy for the Passion
Iiove. First, vou must open the brain
of consideration and let out tbe blood of
immoderate atlectiou. Then administer
tbe following prescription, viz.: Take of
tbe blossoms of sound judgment, one
handful; of jtatienee, five bandfuls; one
handful of the root of understanding;
twelve ounces of resolution, prudence
and discretion; five ounces of dislike
and resentment. Let them simmer to
gether In tbe brain eight and forty
hours; then strain from it the dregs of
melancholy into one spoonful or rorget
fulness ; sweeten a dose of the former
with tbe sugar of contentment iuto the
heart, and stop it with the cork of in
diilerence. The ingredients are to be
found at the House of Iteeolution, next
door lo Reason, in Contentment, the
town of Fortitude, or at any ofllce Iu
Courtship street, Marrlagetown."
The effect of this document on the
lovers was not soul-lnsnlring. They say
that soeh philosophy might answer for
a convent or a monastery, but lias no
place in the living, loving, earnest world
to which they belong. Chioago Time.
J lst Tit k K. A case i n vol v i ng tiie
title to some marsh lands was recently
ou trial before Jodge Crafje, of Oakland,
Oil., wbo is appropriately named, as lie
is fix feet four inches iu bei;lit. Sev
eral of the defendants were named Bird,
While the lawyers were waiting for the
court to open, oue suggested that there
ought to be a change of venue on the
ground of relationship, Inasmuch as the
Judge was soeh n prominent member of
the bird family, -un, no,- saiu an
other; "tbe case involves swamp land,
ami be is just tbe oue to trade through
Wl cat fiHpnrl sail X rwili more than audit
else was that he received no appflealioii
for free naseee. And what astonished
the public after tbe llood was, that tbe
veteran navigator never. tried to get up
a complimentary beueflt for himself.
'-Do veu think a man can run a circus
RDtl be a Christian?" asked tbe serious
man. "Well. I don't know yes." "lo
you think Barnuru, for instance, can go
to heaven 7" "X tlilufc he lias a goou
show," was the reply.
Clarenee K. Davis, who has been In-
dialed in Chicago on two charges of
oigamy, is now claimed by uo less than
twenty-three women whom be married
at varioae times and places and deserted.
The newspaper owes its origin to the
custom which prevailed in Venice in the
f'xth century of reading aloud In
tn pnhlie places a manuscript of the
news of tbe day prepared by authority.
A pubterranean river has been discov
ered in Claire county, Wisiftnsln,
The Modern Fraud.
Tbe bassst fraud on earth is agrienl
tore; tbe deadliest ignitatuM that ever
glittered to beguile ami dazzled to he
tray is agriculture. I speak with feel
ing on this subject, for I've beeu rIU
tered and beguiled aud dazzled and de
stroyed by this same arch deeefver. She
has made me a thousand promises aud
broken every one of them. She baa
promised me Summer squashes, and tbe
worms have eaten them ; Winter
squashes, and the bugs have devoured
them. She has promised cherries, and
the curculio ha? slung them, aud they
contain living thing', uncomely to the
eve and unsavory lo lite taste. She has
prouilseu slrawoerrie, ami tne young
chickens have devoured them, aud the
eye oannot see them. She has promised
tomatoes, ami oh I liens nave encom
passed them, ami the hand cannot reach
Xo wonder Cain killed his brother: he
was a tiller of the grruind. The wonder
is that he didn't kill hi father, aod
then weep because he hadn't a grand
father to kill, Ko doubt his early rose
potatoes, for wliicli be pahl Adam ? UO
a barrel, had been cut down by bugs
from tbe headwaters of the Euphrates.
His Pennsylvania wheat hud been Win
ter killed, aud wasn't worth cutting.
His Norway oats had goue to straw,
ami would tint yield live pecks per acre;
and black Spanish watermelons had
beeu stolen by boys, who had pulled up
tbe vines, broken down bis patent picket
fence, and written scurrilous doggerel
all over iiis back gate. No wonder he
felt mad when he saw Abel whistling
along with his fine French merinos
worth $8 00 a bead, ami wool going up
every day; no wonder lie wanted to kill
somebody, and thought he'd practice on
Abel, aihi oau-s getting tiruiiK was
was not at all surprising; he had become
a liusnanuraan; lie had thrown away
magnificeut 'opportunities; he might
have had a monopoly of any profession
or business. Had he studied medicine,
there would not have been another doe
tor within a thousand miles to call him
quack, and every family would have
bought a bottle or Noah's Compound
Kxtract of Gopher Wood and Antl-
Deluge Syrup. As a politician, he
would have carried his own ward solid,
and controlled two-thirds of the dele
gates in every convention. As a law
yer, he would have beeil retained in
every case tried In the Ararat quarter
sessions, or tho Old Ark high court of
udmiralty. But heihrew away all these
advantages aud took (o agriculture; for
a long time the ground wus so wet that
be could raise nothing but sweet lhig
aud bulrushes, aud these at last became
a drug iu the market. What wonder
that, when be did get hall a peck of
grapes ttiai were not stung to death by
Japhet's honey bees, he should have
made wine and drowned Ills sor
rows in a Mowing bowl.
The fact is, agriculture would demor
alize a saint. I was almost a saint when
I went'into it; lam a demon now. I
am at war with everything; I fight my
self out of bed at four o'clock, when all
my better nature tells me lo be still till
seven; I fight myself In the garden to
work like a brute, wjien reason and in
stinct tells me to stay In tbe house and
enjoy myself like a man. I tight the
pigs, the chickens, the moles, the birds,
the' bugs, tbe worms everything in
which there is the breath of life; I fight
the docks, the burdocks, the mulleins,
tbe thistles, the grapes, tbe weed
the whole vegetable kingdom; I
fight tbe heat, the frost, the ruin, the
hail in short, I fight the universe, and
get whipped iu every battle. A JVinter
Antiquity of Wheat. Wheat has
been in use for bread since the earliest
antiquity. Its origin cauuot be authen
tically traced, nor are the millions who
use it much concerned ou that head, as
long as tbey have plenty of the Hour
which the nourishing article produces.
It was introduced into this country, ac
cording to a writer iu the American
Miller, In. 1539. -As to its cultivation,
this may be true, but there is good rea
son to believe that it was brought over
with Columbus In one or his voyages at
an earlier period. Its discovery is at
tributed to have been uy chance ou tins
continent, the story of wbloh runs as
follows : A slave of Cortcz found a few
grains of wheat in a parcel of rice, and
showed them to his master, who ordered
them to be planted. Tho result showed
that wheat would thrive well on Mexi
can soil, and to-day one of tho finest
wheat valleys iu the world is found near
the Mexican capital. From Mexico the
cereal found its way lo Peru. A mouk
introduced it at Quito, Ecuador ; aud it
Is said Ibut the jar which contained the
seed Is still preserved by the monks of
Quito. Wheat was Introduced into the
present limits of tbe Uuited States con
temporaneously witli tho settlement of
the country by tbe English aud Dutch.
In July within the garden
Itath flit the butterfly;
In July tbe Jocund youngsters
For circus tickets sigh.
Jn July the happy robin
Doth Jump across the lawn;
In July the gay mosquito
Ills clmeter hath drawn.
In July the festive feline
Hears the wild nocturnal "Kcat!"
In July the merry maiden
Yearns for a sea-side hat.
Some treiiius has succeeded, in Phila
delpbia, in making enameled brick of
any color. They are so liartl as to turn
lue point oi a nail, anil are not allecleu
by rain, heat, soot, or other annoyances.
These bricks are comlnc rapidly Into
use, ami are one oi me new industries oi
the age iu which we live.
Oaily the gallant lee man
Goes sporting lu Ihe sun.
.And selfeth ufteen-hundred weight
And charges lor a ton.
Our ancestors, the monkeys, couldn't
have been so ignnratit alter all. lliey
were all educated In the higher brunches,
The petulant dog-catcher
Smiles like a dragon
As be Alngeth the thoroughbred
Into the wagon.
The following persons are duty authorised to
act as Agebta for tbe Nkw North west
II n. Gray Albany
Mrs. J. A. Johns Salem
Mrs. Ioue rteam,... ugene Lily
Mr. U K. Preeostel
I U William.-
Mrs. Lstura Deforce uordou.
Ash by Pearee
M . I". Owen
Benton county
soqnei. uai
W. W. neaen
"Woman's Journal",
n. ! issrter
Boston. Mass
Sbedds, Or
Win Ia.. ' I
Mrs. C. S. Foil.
Mr. M. A. Warner
Miss Mary Bishop
Mrs H. A. Loughary...
n T R., HI son
JSpokane Falls, W. T
Forest Grove
uM r Knllson Willamette sloueh
Mrs. M. Kelty i. Lalayette
Mrs. J. DeVore Johnson Oregon city
Mrs. Donnell The Dalles
Dr. Bayiey .-;'."
Mrs. IU .K. Vawters W aHa Walbx
Mrs. R 11. BUhop -Pendleton
Mrs. J. W. Jackson tngene qty
A. W. Stanard Brownsville
Mrs. M. F. Cooke -.Lafayette
Mrs. J. H. Foster Albany
J. T. Doott. Esq Forest Orove
Mrs. A B-Oorwln Astorii
Lee LsMsghUn Not.u Yambltl
Other parttes desiring to act as A -: will
please forward their name. We want Agents
at every poet omee throughoat iregon aod
Washington Territory.
The Croat Commorcial Center
of the Northwest. -
Tti-s 3?x-ctent aurt Future.
It has a population of 21,030. Ii is lo Oregon,
and the Territories of Washington and Idaho,
what New York City is to the Stale of New
York, and bears the same relation lo lhal State
and those Terri tories that Chicago does to Illi
nois, SU Louis to Missouri, Philadelphia lo
runnylvDla, and New Orleans to Louisiana.
It has more territory tributary to It tban any
other city In tbe United Htalew, and will soon
be numbered with the foremost cities in tbe
Union. Kven at this time tbe hammerand tbe
saw can be beard In all parts of tbe city; tbe
demand for buildings Is so great that the In
clement season of Winter does not check the
onward march of lu growth. With the vast
number of ships constantly plying between
Ibis and foreign ports, freighted with our con
stantly Increasing agricultural products, and
the Ruioeious railroads now tributary to, or
terminating at, this city. It will not require
more than ten years to swell tbe population of
our beautiful and growing city to 1U0.OW souls.
Having a larger territory than Han Francisco
to support It, we may eon fldenlly assert that In
less than a quarter of a century Portland- will
,he foremost city on the coast in point of
wealth akd population.
We will here enumerate tbe many railroad
enterprises already Inaugurated, bomeoflbem
are constructed, and others In process of con
struction, ail making their termini at this city.
Is building rapidly west from Italuth.on Lake
Superior, and also from the Columbia Itlver
east, aud will be erHH plated at an eariyuay,
inus connecting us wnn an our nwtca.
Terminates here, and Is having au Immente
formerly tbe Oregon Central, Is dolnr. a good
business. This ruad runs throueh the fertile
country on the west skle of the Willamette
itlver, and Its sou mem lerminu at present hi
at lorvains,. miles trom i-oruanu.
Will be built throueh hundredoornflles of fer
tile lands, tbe produce of wnicn must oe
linunht to this eltv for sblmnent. Tills road
will connect with tbe Unlon i'aclnc K. iUtbus
vecurtug twoconipeting lines from the Atlantic
to tbe Pacific. It Is now a settled fact that tbe
Will be constructed at an early day. This will
give ns three trans-contluenlal nwlt.
A home comnanr. with unlimited capital
has been organized under the name ot the
Oregon Itailway Co. to construct narrow-gauge
from litis eitv to the interior portions of
the stnle. ultimately connecting Willi I lie cen
tra 1 I "act tic, Villi branches wherever Induce
ments may oner. Thin enterprise Is being
pushed vigorously to completion, m mat it
may be In readiness to move this rail's crop.
Have been filed lo construct a road from Battle
iluuuiaiu, rviHin, III me UIIWHVIl ' i uiqiwii,
ni connect with the Oregon Itailway Co s road
and make IVirlland its terminus. Tbls trill
give us direct communication with tbe richest
Mlver minesin ine worm, ana win mage i-on
land one of Ibe greatest railroad centers In the
We shall soon be connected by rail with the
Northern IKclfle IL K.: alo with Chicago and
Ibe AtlanUe cities. Thousands or Immigrants
are constantly arriving from all Irts of the
civilized world, aud the millions of acres of
agricultural lands that lie still unbroken by
tbe plowshare, and awaiting the advent ot tbe
sturdy farmer, Mlnt most conclusively lo tbe
laci mat au era ot prosperity is aireauj- mwh
lnc unon lhta lair raau State. When the Im
migration has reached It? full tide, and three
millions of acres are under cultivation, men
III Oregon be known as the weaitniesi waie
i i t .. !....
Tbe land In this enterprise llesadjolnlngtbe
city, and Is only from ten to fifteen minutes'
walk from the Court lt(Me,and a less distance
than tbat from one of tbe best l labile schools
in tne city, it is aivmeu into
Fifty by one bundled feet In sise, with streets
sixty leet wiae.
All lots will be sold for (100.09 each, payable
in installments of $6J per month, or Ihermall
sum of K cents per day. No Interest will be
charged, and a good and surBcieut Dond for
Deed will be given upon the istyment of the
first Installment of i(J0, aud a Warranty Deed
upon receipt of last Installment, both without
expense to purcnaser.
Tbose not finding It convenient to make their
payments when due. will be granted twents
dajs grace in which to make such payments,
as it Is desirable that all shall bave every pos
sible opportunity to seep up tneir payments.
Those desiring to make lull imymetit at the
time the Rood H Issued, will be entitled to a
reduction ot S10.00 on each lot, or $5.00 on each
$o0.0 paid 111. As tne
Is the most certain and rapid through real es
tate Investmedts. this enterprise offers far
nM. iniinnemnta to the nubile- than any
other on the coast at tbls time, as the price and
nnvment are witnin tne reoen ot an. no ui
let this chance pass. Iluy a lot. build, and
,nke vnnraelf indenendent. Many of you
who live In rented houses pay more every year
t.r nm ilian would Durehase a lot and build a
roof over your head. You then would be Inde-
M3Udent OI exacung lanuiorun, ai. lit iiuiu
have a place to can -none."
donT roRCKT
Th.i not manv Years uo some of the best lots
In San Francisco were void for an ounce of
gold dust, anu Uiai now tney coum irai ue
MOUgni lOr 1IWMSIW. Aimt, icmvifivci inn ,u
-n some or the best business lots were
once traded for a pair of old boots. How often
uihArMurKinuB lv oiu resiuents ui l-on-
laml tbat once tbey could have bought lots for
SHM thst SK'JDVU wouiu not uuy now. n is not
Wise IO Uespise toe ylmJ u mumi luiugs.
'fhat of all real estate lnvestments.the home
stead plan Is the best and safest, as all wbo lu
.t mrm Intsresled In making tbe whole tvron-
ocand Ts'tTLC
r". 1 . " " 7. .. i i.. i....ft t Ai.n.r.....,
it aia IK l.nj.itt.vr ,W linnmr.m.111
while . Is not injured thereby. This phllow-
phy will apply io tne enure property.
We have donated a lot to each of the princi
nt Miurrhea Ibrchureh purposes.
In addition to the above, two loU are set
apart tor public school purposes.
The Overland. Orenou and California and
the Western I tall road Companies have pur
i. .u.1 it the buids from the east line ot the
Homestead (which Is Ninth street) to the wa
ter front lor lueir ienniau.tuc.Hi, niKumr
jmM te also the main line of the Oreeon
1UH wny -Comrwuy (Limited) will have lu ter
minus near by. Thus the greatest railroad
center on the Pacific Coast lays In close prox-1
liillty to these lots, j nis fwrcnase nas causeu I
a rise in all surrounoing property or iou per
cent, maxing tue iota iu tuis iiomesteau irom
T& to Hs) per cent eheaper than any other real
estate In Portland. Inasmuch as this Home
stead was advertised to be sold for a stipulated
ft rice lie Pore tbe recent advance, unpleasant as
t Is, we shall strictly adhere to our advertised
contract with the public to sell tbese Iou for
MA each lor tbe next ninety days.
Tbe two hundred lots tbat were reserved for
actual settlers are now all sold, and tbe de
mand to select lots being so greet, we have
been compelled to place more lots on the
mantel from which the public may select for
tbe next ninety days. This affords an oppor
tunity lor persons so oesinng purcnase ine
most neautuui resiueoee property.
and those wishing to buy will do well to calf
or send Immediately lor a lot or lots.
All but the ftrst InstallmenCniuet be paid at
the Hanging lionse oi usuu cc niton, in toe
city of ixjrltanu.
Tteslrlna- a lot. mar forward Si 00 to the
t.enerafManarer.and a H"nd will be Immedi
ately forwaraeu. ...
Money may be forwarded by registered let
ter, money order, or Wells, Fargo A Go's Ex
press, at my rtsir.
For further particulars, apply to
J. M- RICE, General Manager,
Isaruand. Orea-on.
Or to
Si Morrison street.
Teerilfr Siat I am the owner of the lands In
the Portland City Homestead-the title thereto
Is perleet, being a U.S. patent and I authorise
J. M. Rice lo sell said property on tbe forego
ing pUn. r. A. AnnuAa,
Wm. Reld - -
Hon. John II. Mitchell-
t X V. S. Senator
I". 8. senator
J V strowbrldge
i Meter J: Frank.
I Geo. IL Utmes.
The Host Successful Physician on the
facinc Coast
tour of tbe Eastern Kwles for the trxir
uuu,u. i iir inwr viiiwu an 1 1 io principal
medical InstUulloni In the large clues at the
United Stales, and comes bars with all the
modern method, instruments sad appliances
known U tbe inoxl scientific men lu the pro
fession. The Doc'or has alm brought charts
and manikins to Illustrate bis lectures.
Die r.VLL M. BKKNAN has been 15 years
lecturing on the Laws of Life and Health. la
bis private and public lectures be has taught
men and women Ibe true system of life, how
to be healthy and nanny. If thev would onlv tie
guided by bis wlecountl. Uulall cannot hear
nis deiignuui anu instructive lectures, nor can
be tell everything necessary for sulTerim: hu
manity to Know ironi toe puonc rostrum be
fore a promlecuou audience. There remains
much lo be learned from him. as his exneii-
ence extends over broad fields of active pro-
tesstonai me. i nis Knowieuge so jiecewsary w
tbe welfare of sunerers can only be gleaned by
private rrotetsionai consultation at uis omee.
His experience In the varlou-t parts at Europe
and America gives blm such opportunities of
learning tne ueucate utseases wiiicii ine Hu
man fumlly are prone to, tbeir mode ot treat
ment and permanent cure, as no other physi
cian Tin the pacific Coast can claim. He has
not only treated tbese diseases most sueoes
fully, but has made them a life study, as a few
moments' consultation win Drove.
He has become an expert In tbe treatment of
disease, weakness and derangement of the re
productive organs or both male ana letnaie.
tnciuuing uiseases causeu uy tne
rui.Lizis or youth,
NBMi.orLoHS or 1 Earner Vitality. Nearly
two-thtmsof all the Chronic Diseases snrlnsr.
wither directly or Indirectly, from some de
rangement ot tne sexual syMem, anu yet inr
subject Is neglected by the majority of the
medical protessiou.
IT IS TlSl'i:
Tbat persona who are unfortunate enough to
beaniicUrd by any form ot sexual disease havt
a delicacy In ealllne unon tbe nroner nhvsl
clan in lime, from a sense of modesty, and
sometimes irom ignorance, ana permit those
diseases to exist until tbelr constitutions be
come corrupted, tbelr organisation broken
down, and the hone or future hannlneas blleht-
eu. until death becomes a welcome messenger
to carry inem out oi tneir miserable existence.
Those who call in time upon DR. PAUL M.
11KKN AN need bave no fear bit what he will
restore them to perfect health and visor.make
tbeir bodies pure and tbelr minds content, if
tney win oniy ionow uis auviceana treatment.
catarrn, nroncnitis. Throat inseases, skiii
Diseases, Rheumatism. Kidney Complaint and
all Diseases ot the Eye and Ear, Stomach and
Madder, he can cure without rail. Iso UuacK
Nostrums used; no slop treatment; no falte
promises Everything strictly conddenUal
under all circumstances,
t'oiisnltiitioii Free, and a list ot -printed
questions sent to tbose living at a distance who
cannot consult mm personally.
Ail buncicat u Derations neriormeu.
O trice No. gl First street, between Oak and
Pine. Office Hours From 10 lo 1- A. M.. 2 to 5
and 7 to s r. m. -7 ly
332?. Q2Px:Kr:isrjE2-s-,
Trent all CliroulcnmlSpeclnl intense
ttran may hk huffekinq from the
Vi enecisof vouthlul follies or indiscretion
will do well to avail themselves of this, the
zreatest boon ever laid at the altar or sutierim;
humanity. DK. Si'INNEV will guarantee to
iorfeit S5UU for every case of Seminal Weak new
or private disease of any kind or character
wnicn ne anu lans to cure.
There are manv at the ace of thirty to sixty
win. ur. t mnbled with loo freouer.t evacuations
of tbe bladder, often accompanied by a slight
smarting or uuraiDc Mninioii snu s wmon'
Ing ot lue system in a maimer me " " "
nnt Minnt fur. n examining the urinary
deposits, a ropy sediment will often lie found.
.n7iM,ntiniesinall tHtrtlcles of albumen
i -r- c. - ; ,I1L,
"." Y""": - "J"' ",, !.',
I Ilea ranee, mere are inativ iubu , ' ura u.
.liMM,!!. lnnMn, ..f IIUMIIUI Wlltl.ll IU
tbe second stage of seminal weakness. Dr. ij.
will guarantee a perfect cure In all such eases,
aud a bealthy restoration of the genlto-urfuary
umce Hours io to l and a to a. sunuays.
from 10 to 11 a. K. Consultation free. Thor
ough examination and ail vice, 55. Ul.
Call or add res D1L. SI'ISSEV & cu..
No. 11 Kearny St., Sun Francisco.
I. 8. For private diseases of short standing.
a full course of medicine, snmelent for a cure.
with all instruction!!, win ue sent lo any au
dress on receipt of Jiaou. mya tool 1
I'or nil tiie pnrposics ofa Knnilly t'liyslr.
Costlveness, Jaundice,
Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Dysentery, Foul Stom
ach and Rieath, Head
ache, Erysipelas, Plies,
and Skin Diseases, lilt-
Jousness, Liver Com
plaint, Dropsy, Teller,
Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neu
ralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and Purifying the
Blood, are tbe most congentnl purgatives yet
perfected. Their effects abundantly show h6w
much tbey excel all other litis. They are safe
and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure.
They purge outlbe foul humors of the blood;
tbey stimulate tbe sluggish or disordered or
gans Into action; and they Impart health and
tone to the whole being. They cure not only
the every-day complaints of everybody, but
formidable and dangerous diseases. Most
skilful physicians, raun eminent clergymen,
and our best citizens, send certificates of cures
performed, and of great benefits derived from
these pills. They are the safest and best physic
for children, because mild as well as effectual.
Being sugar-coated, they are easy to bike; and
being purely vegetable, tbey are entirely
harmless. Prepared by
Hit. J. O. AYEK A CO., Iitrell, Jlnssi,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
Sold by all Druggists ami Dealers In Medicine.
Olefin TOW-MA YEAR, or S M Hf
U1UUU day in your own locality, jomt
Women do as well as men. Many make more
than the amount staled above. -o one eau
rail to make money fast. Any one can do Ihe
work. You can make from 00 cents to $2 an
hour by devoting your evenings and spare
lime to the business. Nothing like It .-
money-making ever onered before, iwisiness
iileaaanl and strictly honorable. Reader. If
Sou want to know all about the best-paying
usiness before tbe public, send us your ad
dress and we will send you full parttcutar
and private terms free; sample worth JS also
free: you can Iheo make up your mind jor
yourself. Address GEORGE STINSON A CO..
PortUnd. Maine. 8-17
tion,""The'lIelghU and Depths of AmMUon."
nsr AddreM, enclosing m cents, Aiumr
Publlshtnt; Company, No. r. Bona .-trt. -sew
Northeast eor. Front and Abler streets.
The only place I u .Portland where yoa ean get
For 25 Cants. S
woolen and mixed goods, alter the best
and newest German and French svstems. Kid
Gloves and Feathers cleaned and died by a
new process, lilankets and Furs cleaned nice
ly. Genur doming cleaned and dyed, a nw
.j - y- v.v.. iwsi u. sv., .i. jv oairnon
street, Portland, Oregon.
A WEEK In your own trflvn, aod no
capital risked. You ean elve tlu tmat.
ness a uiai wiinout expense, xne best oppor
tunity ever offered for those wllllnr
You should try nothing else until yon see for
yourself what you can do at the business we
offer. No room to explain here. "Yoa can de
ote all your time or only your 'pare lime to
wsHmttimi mhn, great pay ror even
hour that yoa work. Women make as mush n.
men. send for-special private terras ami par
ticulars, which we mall free. outfit tree.
Don't complain ot hard times while you have
suea a ehanee. Address II. U ALLETT A CO.,
TViHlnn.l If. n. .
sixth ruin of ruuLituTiox !
A Weekly. Journal
Independent .in Polities and Ueliglon !
HIS well-known WXISkLY jour
nal begins Its Ninth Year PabHeatton
with Its Issue ot May Wtt. WW, under tbe busi
ness management ot Ike DON l WAV l'traUBH-
isa Company, to whom all letters connected
with theEdltorlal, Advertising h: Subscription
Departments of the paper are to be hereafter
Tbe New Nobthwkst is net a Woman
Rights, but a Human Rights organ, devoted
to whatever policy may be necessary to secure
the greatest good lo tbe greatest number, it
knows no' rellgien.Be party;
no color, no creed. Its foandatton la fastened
upon tbe rock of Bteraal Liberty, Universal
Emancipation and Untraasmered PragreseJoa.
ner of Front and WtilnaJrtw Street, (up
stairs), Forthtnd.Orenou.
Was eemraeMeed In onr ksHHi of November!.
M Its. DUNIWAY'S peeallnrly original style
of Bditorlal Correcpnadenee will continue
from week to week to attract thousands of
readers, and Kdttorialsare promised upon all
tho leading topics of Ihe day. CORRE
SPONDENTS are also employed to furnish
weekly letters front Washington, New York
ami various parts of Europe.
No pains will be spared to make THK NKW
NORTHWEST toe leading newspaper of iu
eloss In America, lu Htenunre la always
moral In tone and Instructive and elevating In
ebnraeter, and H sought after by the best and
most intelligent eta of renders. As a medium
for Advertising, this Journal has im superiors.
Single copies, one year
. i to
Three mouths. ., iNiiuorjiiiXT.s
Agents and Canvassers !
Rnlly, ttieSrtppoi t oflfurann
Rlzlils ml Tbe People's I'mser.J.
Corner of Front and Washington streetrf (en
trance on Washington), Portland, Or.
established im.
n. S. & A. P. LACSY, Aorscya-as-
Ht9 Seventh street, Washington, D. C.
nrorare Satents In all countries. No Ai
nnrf, iii a nVAJfCK. No coarge uucsk
lllnl Saminaons. No addlttol
t., M.Vir ad conducting A rehearing.
Soeeial attention given lo Interference Cases
brVtbenSent onVe, lenrfons before
Congress. Iofiirement Snltt In dUtfcrent
S?u.Sf!!od"l l.u.a.iou pertaining tolnwn
tions or fa i n.a. Send stamp lor pamphlet
giving full uistrncUons.
United Stntws Courts ana eir.n.T."..
. . i k Ommwivui Court Of
Cmisatoneisor AlsdasmnCUInis, .Southern
Claims OMoaslsslon. and all classes of war
claims before the KxeeoUve Departments.
Arrears of VltJT ami Ilotllliy.
(huun .mi bailors of the late was-.
or tieTr helrsT in many cas entitled to
money from the Oovernment. f. T16
sutsskiuffltdce. Write full history or ser
vice, and state amount of pay and D0""1 re
ceived. K ii close stamp, ana a ,u'' "";,'""
exan.ii- .on, will be given you without charge.
. ii sax c,i.u. sutilora wounded.
urednnJVed In the late o-"'
slight, are entitled to, and can obtain a pen
sion. Hull est StnKw General I.n tllnee.
Contested Land Cases, Private Land Claim,
Mining, pre-emption, and H,m?21"f!!,'
PfOsecotcq oeiore tne uenersu - .
uenartment ot tbe Interior.
Ijtnil tVarrnuls.
We pay cash for Bounty Land Warrants, and
we Invite eorrespondenee witn au P"""
ing any lor sale, and give tall and explicit in
struction where assignments are Imperfect,
We conduct onr Business in separae "-
hin thmin th elerteal asalstance of able
atid experienced lawyers, and give our closest
personal supervision w c,nj uhiumh. e-.-imd
la Hh ease. PromM attention thus
secured to all business entrusted to us. Ad
dress It. S. A A. f. I.ACKY. Atlornea-i.
W stiliiawrvn, u .
Any person, desiring lnmrmatton as to the
standuig aad responsibility oi tne nrm wui.od
request, be furnished with a satisfactory refer
ence in his vicinity or Congressional district.
BOOSS-Corner First .' SrH
over Ladd Til Ion's Bank.
Oeotala ever klgkt Taensaaa OMf Mwks
ever 10 Pajma and
liaK-Toav-Wm. R Idd.P.C. Behnyler, Jr., ,
M. I.IMsadT. H. W. Corbet. LW. H- IwaaWetx,
A. a MbmlC.H. Iiewis, St. W. KeesUmuner. a .
nuung, u mum.
Officers :
II. FAlXilDJCs.. .
Viee President
P. C. SsClIinfLKR. J Tresawwei
X. W. FECHHEI MKR Corresponding See
HKNKY UAEK uitrarian ann KsjesBoe
of Oregon for Multnomah County. Tbe
Orange National Bank. Plaintiff, vs. Geoige
W. Traver and Emma S. Travel, DefendanU.
To George W. Traver and Emma S. Traver, De
fendanu : In tbe name of tbe state of Oregon,
yoa are hereby required lo appear and answer
the complaint Hied against you In the above
entitled suit by tbe ntst day of the next regu
lar term of the above entitled Court following
after Ibe expiration of six weeks from the date
of tbe order of publication of tbls summons,
to-wlt: at the October term, 180, to be holden
on October 11, 1130. at Portland, Oregon; and if
you fall so to answer, for want thereof the
Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief
demanded in tne complaint, to-wlt: to en force
a Iks awainst the followina- senarate Dronerty
of Emma 8. Traver. to-wlt: against the east S3
leet of LotSIn Block 252, and the west 5 reet of
the north n feet of Lot 6 in Block l, all lvlng
situate in the City of Portland, Multnomah
(jounur. state oi uregon.iortne principals
ofSIJDO. besides Interest thereon and dam
in tne sum or s aj, and ror such otner re
prayea lor.
The above summons Is verved upon you by
order of publication made by the Hon. C B.
Bellinger, Judge ot tbe above-entitled Court,
on Mav l, lsx).
JuSt t Attorneys for Plaintiff:
Obuined for Inventors in tbe United States,
Canada, and Europe, at reduced prices. With
our principal office located In Washington, di
rectly opposite the United -States PatentOAce,
we are able to attend to all Patent Business
with greater promptness and dispatch and leas
cost tban other patent attorneys, who are at a.
distance from Washington, and who have,
therefore, lo employ "associate attorneys."
We make preliminary examinations and fur-
nub opinions as lo patentability, tree of
charge, and all who are Interested In new in
ventions and patents are invited to send for a
copy of our -Guide for Obtaining Patents,"
which is sent free to any address, and contains
complete Instructions bow to obtain patents,
and other valuable matter. We refer to-the
German-Ameilcan National Bank, Washing
ton, D. C-; the Royal swediah, Konreeian, and
Danish Legations, at Washington; Hon. Jos.
Casey, late Cblel Justice U. H. Court of Claims:
to the Officials or the IT. H. Patent OfOee, and
lo Senators and Members of Coneress from
every btale.
Address: LOUIS B GGER A CO., Solicitors
of Patent and Altorneya-at-Law, Le Droit
Building, Washington, D. c.
General Forwarding and Coamiseiou.
Freie-bt and baszase forwarded and delivered
with dispatch. Pianos and Furniture amoved.
Orders for Hacks .Promptly Attended to, Day
or signis
On eo S. W. Cf. Sei-OHil km4 Ntnrk Sis-.
Mark, Case ot O.T.Co.
(8ueeessor to Peter Wagner),
Manufacturers of
Dread, Cukes, Pastry, Pilet Bread,
Soda, Picnic, Butter, UeetoR,
Sugar and Shoo Fly
M Washington street, Portland Ogn.
o" Orders from the Trade solicited.
IIS Front slice t, between Alder and
Morrison, Portland, Oregon,
Ice Croam and Soda "Water !
First St., bet
Alder and Jferrliou.
S300 meuSaSi
lal not required: we will start yon. Men,
uTuhfand pj"sant, aud sueh . WJi
' "fh, aU Those wbo are wise ho See this
SoticV wfll send us their at ononad
ie for themselves. Co.tly out lit and fauna
"2. rosfow is the time. Tho.e already at work
n. lavioe up hwge sums ot money. Address
TRUE..Augata. Maine. SWT