The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, May 13, 1880, Image 1

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A Joniaaforjthe People. ' i I I'l
JUasnsDdajBMtHnolltias Jleliglolun
One rear
Rli monlbs
Three months
ble Termi.
-ts 00
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I'irlo! on nr.-
" .. ' r'
Prke SrsecK, Fuee Pbbss. Phee Pbople.
U'lUF.," "IllflJ KOKBISOS,"
eti., nr., rrr.
Entered, according lo Art roller. -, In Uie
year I87II, In the office or (lie I.IUmr! in of Con
gress at Washintrton, D. '.
fit API LP. XX !.
John Ingle ton returned to l.W aieter'a
home Mid hurriedly re-packed hi knap'
sask. Tlrzab watched him narrowly,
bnt furtively. She had dreaded the final
result of the interview between the old-
time lovers; but her dread had been
baed upon a different conjecture from
that which now filled her with fear and
John Hardiue, whose visits at the
home of Israel Ssppingtun bad become
the theme of much neighborhood gossip,
lost no opportunity to impress his wife
with the opinion that it was very dis
honorable in John Ingleton to call upon
Mrs. Peter Tubbs. Aud Tiraab, though
she could by no meafas excuse her hus
band for the derelictions with which
Rumor constantly accused him, had
joined him in apprehensions as to the
propriety of permit! iog 'Lire to meet her
old affianced at all. Her affection for
her husband hail been so severely tried
from the first day of their uuiou by his
refusal to comply with the sacred terms
of their contract toward her parents,
that he had long ceased to entertain for
him the least shadow of restect or af
fection. Andbiscruelty iu forbidding her
to return to her mother after the news
of her father's suicide, and when she
was only ten miles away on her West
ward journey, had, from the first, filled
her with loathing; and, now that she
mote than suspected him of transplant
ing iiis affections such as be bad to
the idle, showy aud improvident wife of
voaoxraiE ix.
they would acorn to stoop to in matters
of ty-day I his loess?"
"If you'd been a man, and had my ex
perience, Tirxab, you would be more
sweeping in your denunciations, and
place women in the same category."
Then I accept your Idea, And I re
peat the question, why is It?"
"I eaii't answer, Tirzah
it's true."
"Does 'Lisa know that Peter did not
tell her all the truth attout your mar
riage?" "No."
"Then I'd never tell ber. No good
would come of it now. She's made her
bargain, and for aught I see she'll have
to abide by It. But I do wish you'd
happened to come along a little sooner,
John. Twenty-four hours earlier would
have saved you two to each other."
"Liza doesn't look at it that way, sis
ter. She remembered that I had made
a vow to her, and that, under a tempta
tion which she perhaps could not eom-
fcebeod, had broken It. I was both
Peak and wicked, and I would have
been ashamed to meet her as a widower
if she bad not been married also."
"But you must admit that it was das
tardly in Peter to deceive ber as be did."
"I know it was, and if I did not feel
myself to be such a wretched poltroon,
I'm afraid I'd kill him. Do you know
where John Hardioe Is ?"
A shadow of disgust overcast his sis
ter's features at the mentiou of her hus
band's name.
"I e'pose he went to Cbemeketa with
Peter, but I've given up trying to keep
track of him," she sild, dryly, and the
shade of disgust gave way to 'a fluxh of
shame as her voice fell. Her brother
well knew of whom she was thinking
in connection with ber husband.
"I don't propose to meddle in any
thing that, after all, may be none of my
business, Tirzah ; but hing me if the
"Would you l(ke to seo the account,
Mr. Ingleton t"
"D the aecomnl! It's nothing to
"Hut your signature's worth eoate
thing, nln't It?" grinned Captain
"Not a farthing, If you are to judge It
I only know I by dollars and cents. I will have noth
ing more to do with you in any way
whatsoever, unless you compel me, Cap
tain Hardine, and then, If you drive me
to extremes see here, sir ! Do you re
member my drowned horse, Reuben ?
And do you know that your aet In
drowning him, and thereby taking ad
vantage of my father's notes and my
signature to begin your work to. rob and
ruin u, has laid you liable to the fate
of a felon ? Sir, you were also acces
sary to my father's death, and I shall
prove it 1 You bounded him to sulciUe !
And yoo, young Uardpnti, craveu
wretch that you are, if you dare to mo
lest me, by the omnipotent Qod I swear
that I will prove you the dastardly rois-
ereant who not only robs widows, for
gain, bat pockets the private loiters of
others while postmaster, for treachery!
No wonder you shrink and quail! You
accursed viper ! you stench In decent
nostrils ! yoo Shy lock ! you cut-lhroat!
you dog 1"
John Ingleton was" too deeply excited
to note the change his words and man
ner had wrought upon the senior Har
diue, while young Hanlpan gazed at va
caucy in stolid silence. The old man
old before his lime; old In tresspasses
upon the rights of others ; old in chican
ery and hard bargains, and, as tberead-
er knows, an arrant ooward had-
shrunk before the burning words of the
enraged astilsut till his knees smote to
gether and his whole body quivered with
fright. He tank upon a chair and
whimpered like a frightened cur.
Washington, D. CL, April 21, 1880.
The tariO agitation aroused by the
paper manufacturers' combinations,
which took form iu the bill of Mr.
Townsbend for the repeal of certain du
ties on articles entering into the manu
facture of paper, and which was barely
repressed when carried to a vote in the
House, Is dally assuming fresh strength
In Congress. The Indications are that
the tarill reformers will make an aggres
sive fight In their efforts to secure a
revenue tariff in llou of the present pro
tective system, as woll as a revision of
the laws relating to Internal reveuoe
taxations. These reformers have not
strength enough at Pjpsent, In the
House, to compel the Ways and Means
Committee into any particular course
Iteyond getting, say wood pulp, put on
the free list, and thus enter a wedge for
the desired general revision of the rev
enue system in the near future. But
, t. .. . , i , . .
iucj are uetermmeu 10 inaugurate a
bitter contest between this and the ad-
ournment in Jnly, and will make things
lively fer the protectionists, If nol given
what they want. Their recent motion
to instruct the Ways and Means Com
mittee to retiort amendments was de
feated upon a Joint order, but It serves
to signify that they are In earnest, and
will use every parliamentary etlort to
accomplish their ends.
The Geneva award famishes rather a
good exemplification of the old saw that
'money Is tho root of all evil." Here
are millions of dollars nut into ih
Treasury by the British Government,
in Indemnification for certain losses by
individual Americans through Con fed
erate pirates. But everybody wants the
money, and the rub is to And out who
Seattle, W. T., April 22, 1880.
I intimated In my last communlea
tiou to your paper that the "National"
Ureenbackers would seek to drop the
suffrage question at their called meeting
in onieago June 9th, 1880. I herewith
enclose a letter from. Hon. E. M. Davis,
of Philadelphia, to the Sentinel, a Na
tional paper published In Chicago.
which letter fully verifies my suspicions
of those Nationals. It is hoped, how
ever, that the better judgment will pre
vail among the majority of their Con
vention, and that the suffrage plank In
the platform adopted at the St. Louis
Convention will be retained by the
Chicaco Convention. Yours for the
right. M. S. Booth.
Israel Kappingtop, she thoroughly de- 1 isn't right for us to feel so. The world
let him off. Sam." be cried, ah. "" UB 'eKy recipient. The In-
social fabric of this Pacific Coast Nu't ' jectly. "If you will, I'll meet the loss of 'Bur"uce companies claim It, and cer
rotten to the very ceuter. I'm di-gusted ' the balance of the judgment. It was tai'y have able advocates on the Sen
with life and all that pertaius to it." 'only five hundred, with the interest for ,e aT ' ""elr behalf, who, like Mr.
"So am I, John: aud vet. I know it two i ,!!.. 1 T ..t i.i.. Carpenter, present magnificent iMnann
epised the man. t'ou!d any husband,
were these conditio:. s reversed, feel any
other than enjntious of disgust and loath
ing for the wife who would do by him
as John Hardine did t.y lirzah? And
yet, the probable comparison moil ceae
here, for it wa3 not practicable fir Tir
zali to break up her home and divorce
her husband, which lie would have dune
at once had she I?en the guilty party.
Aside from her tahe, she was without
kindred to whom slia could look for as
sistance. Her widowed mother, for
whose beoeSt she had toiled fir beyond
her strength, only to see ber earnings
transferred to the packets of ber hus
band, was now no, aud her broth
er John evidently had trouble enough
of his own ; so she saw no way before
her but to grope on, struggle on and toil
ou iu life's roost unsatisfactory endeavor,
seeking what solace she could in the so
ciety of her children, cultivating, as
raauy, mauymotbersbavedone through j
is all right, aud life ought to be. It
everybody would be honest fruin the
very depths of tlieir natures, there
would be no trouble in the world, to
speak of. K very Hung wicked, or of bad
report that I ever knew or heard of, was
the result ol somebody's dishonesty and
const quent unfair dealing."
"But, sister, a man may be strictly
honest, according to the letter or even
ine spirit t tne law, and yet be dishon
orable iu his conduct toward ttue who
sre iu his power. God knows I found
that out wbeu I was iu the clutches of
Captalu Hardine."
"Are you entirely cut of that trouble
now, Johu legally, I mean."
"Yes, thuuk God ! And that is the
ouly crumb or comfort left me In all this
wretched business. Bat, see I" pointing
his finger in the direction of the main
( highway that lay a liltledlstance below
me cabin.
note." j why they should be given the lion's
"Let me have my father's note, and share. By the way, Mr. Carpenter has.
release me from that judgment, or by l other Congresses, been averse to their
the powers ahove you'll wish you bad, claims, but now he is their stauncli st
young mau ! Tirzah, get me paper, pen ' torney, and his argument in their sup
andiuk! Here, sir! I will write a re-, port is worthy of his reputation as a
ceipt and you must sigu it." mo?t brilliant lawyer. While we tic-
Tirzab obeyed mechanically. jcept his former views as to the impro-
"Here, sigp this," said John, coolly, prlety of giving these moneys to the In
"Itecieved of Johu Ingleton, junior, surance companies, yet his fpeecb this
in favor of the estate of John Ingleton , week nearly suffices to convince us that
senior, deceased, entire and full value it matters not which side a eifted orator
,. .. , , i . ..... ... . .
mi ucmaiiu', wuw. nuiori, u is iue ngiii anil just one.
The siguature was duly affixed, while Mr. Blaine arraigned him on his record,
Tuz ih looked ou iu dumb astonishment, j and said : "It is not for me to Impugn
"What a pity that our father didu't his right to change; but the Senator
ive a little of John's Independent I should not rise here and preach to us iu
all the centuries, the maternal at the
'As I live!
have a little of John's Independent
fearlessness, after all," she thought.
"And now, Captain Hardine, your
name, sir ! Affix it or you'll wish you
' had !"
The man who a little while ago was
so exultant over his presumed advant
age did as be was bidden, though his
cried Tlizah, "Sam i "H" 8UOk, as If with palsy.
HMnlnftn'd mminfff i ,1 1'.. !.. ii ''Here. Tirzah. uriiriMM tlilu
expense of conjugal, thereby over-estl- wonder wb.U ! John.
m"ug me uiic, auu lauiug rigmiy 10 i r-
comprehend the vital importance of the
That Tintiii, as the years rolled on,
became the over-indulgent mother of
many children, who grew up with the
same contempt for their father which
had lung been ber ruling sentiment in
regard to hiai, was not to bo wondered
at, deplorable as It was. But I must
not get further ahead of my story.
John logleton clasped bis knapsack
aud stood calmly before his sister, his
face pale and rigid and his eyes filled
with tears.
"You don't mean to go back to aee
'Lize, do you ?" askedTirzah, with dep
recation in ber tone and manner.
"No, Tirxah. She would not permit
it, aod she Is right. With my own ac
cursed band I digged a golf between us.
To separate myself trout ber is to sever
my soul from my body. Every nerve
and tendril of my stroug nature
reaches out to her with nusated,
unutterable, unquenchable longing. H.
was not my fault that God created us
for each other, but it was my cruel, sad,
wicked and irrevocable mistake to place
the gulf between us."
"Then where are you going, John ?"
"Back to Colonel Bateman and bis
rejri ment. Then, aa soon as I can aflord
it, I will return to our younger brothers
and sisters."
"Have you nothing ahead, John? No
property or money to depend npoa, I
mean ?"
"No, Tirzah ; none to speak of. My
salary was all consumed iu providing
for my poor wife during the brief and
trying mouths of our most unhaooy
"Well, I'm glad you're golag away,
John. Peter Tubbs is not an Israel Sap
"But he's even worse If"
"How, John V
"Be gained bis wife by lie- cruel,
damned lie !"
"l can't see how that was, John. He
told 'Lle that you were married ; and
by your own confession it was true,"
"Yes, but it was not true that I had a
wire when be married 'Lisa, and he
knew It."
"Are yon sure of that, John ?"
"I know it, or I would not say so."
"Then he is a double-dyed villain !
Alas ! why is it that men will take ad
vantages in matrimonial aflairs that
m as sure as thoutrh I'd heard all, This mandate was also obeyed.
about It that there's mischief brewing." I "Xow give me up my father's note 1"
"I'd rather see the devil thou either' Young Hardpan brought It from the
of them!" exclaimed John; "but as tbey 1 depths of a ponderous breast pocket,
no longer have a grip u n ine through I"lln gazed Intently at lite paper for an
the clutches of the law, I am going to I intant, as if to satisfy himself that it
stay and meet them though I meant WM Sun and then thrust It Into the
to be oil in live minutes it ihey badu'tiflro' Bt tbe 9an,e t,me pocketing the
long-coveted receipt.
"And now, you noble pair of brothers,
do you feel any better? Am I not hence
forth free before the law? Remember
that I will not give you over to th, puu-
"Why, how-de-do, Johu Inglelou ?"
cried tbe new-comer in a lusty voice,
extending his broad, short hand as he
John bowed stiffly.
wen, l swan i Pultlu' on airi, are
you? Well, you'll have enough of It
before I get through with you. Tirzah,
how are you ? I don't believe, upon my
word now, that gettin' married has Im
proved you one bit. Got a chick, have
you! Thought so, seein' the cradle
yonder. Boy or girl ?"
"Boy, sir."
"Good! Girls don't amount to much.
Costs a heap to raise 'em, and no profit
iu it."
"When did you leave Chincaj iu Oaks,
Mr. Hanlpan ?"
"A month ago, or thereabouts; crossed
the plains by overland stage line. Deuced
fatiguing journey, that."
"Can you tell me something about
my mother, Mr. Hardpan ?"
"Nothiu', more' n you've had by let
ter. She was buried decently; and then,
as good lock would have It, her brother,
wbo'd made bis fortune out West, so
tbey say, came along aod removed tbe
whole tr be. bog aud baggage, to York
State, or tome where else down East.
Aud now, J,tbo Ingleton, business is
ousiuees, you Know. I s'nose von'r.
a dogmatle strain about our duty to fol
low his lead to-day, when on five, or
possibly six, distinct calls of the yeas
ami nays, running over the iierlod of
fourteen mouths, when he was iu the
Senate for his first term, he voted every
time In the teeth and face of the decla
rations which lie lays down to-day as
said his views of National duty." The con
test between them was an interesting
one, but Mr. Blaine undoubtedly took
the scalp. All the oilier leading Sena
tors are taking a hand Iu the debate,
and we doubt whether a better presenta
tion of this Importaut question will ever
be made than that to be found iu the
pages of the Congreuional Record of
this week
One of the undesirable customs of Ibe
House is that of permitting n member
to publtth in the Congressional Record
an uncelivered speech, for, under It, the
most objectionable of mattergete spread
before the country as part of the actual
debates. In theteooro7 of the 221 ap
pears a poem, a travesty on poetry, cov
ering sixteen of its pages, which pur
port to be a speech of Mr. Downey, tbe
delegate from Wyoming Territory, in
support of a bill to provide certain
paintings for the Capitol. Downey is a
sweet-scented youth, who delights iu
blonde, ambrosial curls, a pale complex
ion, and other Indications of a nonde
script effeminacy, and we cannot imag
ine It possible for him to offer bettor
evidence of tho need for his Immediate
admission into Mr. Corcoran's luxurious
"Louise Hume," the palatial asylum
erected by him for indigent widows,
than this official "pome," entitled "The
Immortals." Many of the solons ex
pressed themselves as being greatly
scandalized, and Mr. Morrill promptly
introduced a resolution in the Senate
looking to tho exclusion of the objec
tionable documeut from the permanent
CongrettUmal Record, aud Mr. Garfield
took similar action In the House. We
illonal with the m" . -nt leal, power lm.k, however, It should remain there
in a hlih dwmi. Hint,,,. 'V i . . ., -
come. Open the dour and greet tbem,
Titxab. At least they'll bring us news
of mother and tbe rest."
Tbe senior Hardine exhibited bis
blsok and broken teeth after his wont.
and bis dirty, sallow face was lighted by I hmmenl that you d-terve, unless- on at'
a quiet, self-satisfied grin. ! tempt t. gi ve me further trouble Gjod
hye, Tiizili. I am ofT."
"Am I not to see you Hiiy more, Juhii?"
"Nobody but God can tell, sister."
The young mau kised hissiwter tend
erly, bowed sn Instant over the sleeping
babe, and then hurriedly departed for
tbe stable, where he saddled his horse
and was ronn galloping nway, he scarce
ly knew whither.
ITo ue continued.
Mrs. Augut-ta Cmper Bristol has been
lecturing liefore the Woman's Social
Science Association, in Fourteenth
street, to a large number of interested
listeners. She di'als with various topics
of social and political economy, tbe duty
of parents and the training f children,
in a way which commands attention
and excites thought. Whilo there is
nothing specially new in her social ord
ers, she presents the natural rights of
individuals iu Ingiral, clear and sus
tained statements, which are much
more easily grappled with than the in
terminable reasoning of Herbert Spen
cerr" Mrs. Bristol oornotne the into-
Philadelphia, March 16, 1880.
Editor Sentinel : Your issua nf ilu
11th, with a quotatlou from my eirnufer
letttr, and your comments, are before
me. I reaffirm what voti nuote. SIimm
i made tbe statement first, I find that
many of the Western apera had the
-eair aa it was read and adopted.
Whether it was oversight that you and
omere goi ine eau riglit, or
wnetner It was intended you should, I
am. not yet capable of proving. As far
as I cau ascertain (aud this "clique"
covers its tracks with great care), tbe
whole Associated Press was to have it
as altered. The Associated Press that
supplies tbe City of Washington and all
the papers ou the Atlantic Coast got the
call a changed, and in that mangled
way It appeared In tlieir papers. The
parties that supply the Western nanern
got it as adopted, aud it was oil before a
change could be made. But I have
some reason to think that it waa in.
tended that the words "sullrage re
formers" should lu the West where
they are more numerous than hem lu,
continued, but that fur the East the
woras should quietly be dropped. Some
of the Greenback papers lu Ohio got it
right, but throughout this Slate, New
York, aud further East, I doubt if one
bad the call as read aud adopted. I
have seen a great many, and not oue In
cludes the wonls "sullrage reformers."
All our Philadelphia dailies and New
York dailies published the call, but
without tbe words "suffrage reformers."
I hoiMj you will correct your statement
that tbe wonls "were not left out."
Our friend Shilling's paper in Ohio
published it right. He wrote me that
he made up the call from his notes cor
rected from notes of a Washington re
porter, aud got it right, but that was
within an hour after its adoption ; but
the Washington report was "over
hauled" berare he got his report into
type, and in that natter tbe word w.
oniiireu, as tliey were In every paper lu
oaaoiugion, inciuuiug me Washington
I am sorry you did not publish the
whole of my circular letter, but bone
you will, with this, in your next Issue,
aod hope you will help me make It so
not ior I ue person or persons who did
this dishonorable thine, that th. Green
back papers of the land may print the
names Involved In black lines. What
was stricken out Is of secondary Im
portance. If we submit for i moment
to this das'ardly act, we encourage its
repetition, ami as a party take the dis
honor that belongs to a portion only.
I have written nearlv one hundred
letters about tbe matter, and have had
a great many responses. I am making
a report of my examination into th
matter. I have asked tbe editor of tho
Xational View, where my charge was
first made, K he would publish my re
port; but, although I had but a few
weeks before sent him uiv cheek for
AUve to all IJvir Iesno3,.nml Thoroogblj
IBadJcal ,1b. QpposJac and. 1-Qff- the
f Wrongs of tfasMiKieaiMe i - 1 1 m- i
I ' .. f i it .I I .ii. II. ii.,? t
Correspondents writ lag over assaatedsigim
oraa must make taown th eip. names ito the
BUtor,or tto aiietnton wtll'i? given w then
eoaamimteaUoa. - '
T '
Veiled are El vat lovelv ere:
How wetlj oat her tranquil tirwut : i
Her snowy baDds unfolded rest !
How calm her pencili'd brow-how meek.!
How pore ber rlnslet-sbaded cheek!
whiter Winters oeeey flake.
When will the lovely one awake T
Alas, her eyas will not onelose!
We cannot break ber deep repose,
Kor KHrai cheek U cold clay.
Met gentle breath baa passed away.
?,h- sb her crave In shaded spot,
WooihUhi earitaot Bower, of rtprlnr,
And Mrtli her requiem may sins.
Artae! O man! nor dream tbe boars
Ofllfeawav; v
Ajjfj! and doyoor being's work
mie je us uay.
Ti2" ti e dreamer, breaks
iTbJchUads with iron bands the earth
On which we dwell.
p, men .' or War with fiery feet
Will tmad down n,.n
Ppl or hla bloody hands will roup
The earth again.
O dreamer, wake! your brother man
aim a siave; -And
thousands go heart-crushed, this morn,
Unto the grave.
The brow of wrong is laurel crowned.
Not girt with shame ;
And love, and truth, and right, as yet.
Are but a name.
From oat time's am yoar golden hoars
Plow nut a wav
Then, dreamer, up! and do life's work
n niio jrci -us uay.
The mau who "runs a farm" wants a
suitable wife as a partner In the work.
The blooming and beautiful young lady,
roe-cheeked and brielit-rL tvlm mil.
darn a stocking, mend ber own clothes,
command a regiment of pots aud kettles,
ieeu me pigs, miiK tne cows, and be a
lady all the time, Is the girl that sensi
ble young men are iu quest of fora wife.
But your ninine. wasn-wnlHinl. ilnli.
dressed, conBumntlon-morteaetMl. miuiln.
murdering and novel-devouring daugh
ters ot idleness, are no more fit for mat
rimony than a pullet to look after a
brood of fourteen chickens. The truth
is, my dear young girls, you want less
of restraint and more liberty of action ;
more kitchen and less parlor; more ex
ercise and less sofa; more pudding and
lens piano; more frankness and less
moek modesty. Loosen your corsets
ami breathe the pure atmosphere, ami
become something m good aud beauti
ful as Nature deslt ned. Valley Review.
To get tbe liest proof that men do not
think that they perform all the neces
sary labor ot civilization, ooe need but
say that women should not work hard
wash, scrub, etc. There are nlentv of
lu" iweut sucn a proposition; men
who will say that they do not think it
any worse for tbeir wives to work than
It is for them. This statement and the
sentiment proves that men da not think
that tbey support their wives ami that
tbeir pretensious to this effect are ex
pected to be takeu for buncombe, one of
those falsehoods growing out of a false
state or society, which has made a race
of egregious liarsof us all. Society is at
prevent constitiitl ,...
KOmnttlloil In livu .Uul ...:-- - I'"
ih. k, r.7; ' .-.Tr1 "uure,y "P0" understand that thK sutl..rn il.
... ...... . .. X1B may marrv a ...... .i-.i . ::
, ..
C!j!J? w'th the moss of BBSherlag year,
r fiSS of aase. shall moulder down,
Ipn-eeSed SdSoTn?'
Keaow4 bat- breathes hpftuv It dles-'
.Imatsofs path, an miatinuia!. . . ij ,
Beneath retirement's MietteWa wlnr. "
Htm mkt eoMtttctinr: H6ri ttsmiue, '
Let, wisdom build your bumle,cvtT
There ebstp yrmirnaoyoarHrasl. -t,
'mr eyes ImpsmrJed KUh kuiuuiv i.
By inms caressing anil c.res.-wl - '
1 our Infant prattler fertlHg' w-W
Content yonr hnmttl bOSMl Shan dress: a'
n,A5? lRJeny "''"I' SWtrd toMdoor-
Ol wealth and fame, if Mrini .
Than monarchy yuii of bliss have mor.'
' 1 i i
Josie Keeker. ,. ...
We recent! v nailed
first at her desk in the Bureau of Indian
""i nu lateral uerDoardlng-house
Tbe people of Colorado have received
many raise Impressions eonoerBinw-Mtss
Meeker and ber conduct at WaslifeftsMi
and elsewhere. Unscrupulous newspa
per reporters have misstated her expres
sions aud falsified ber conduet, and un
scrupulous and basemen havecireulatAd
cruel stories concerning her. No man
acquainted with the world, with nn,-
discernment iu human nature or ability
to read character from the face and
actions of a person, could see and talk
wmi .hiss Meeker as we have done and
rot only be fully convinced. &Bt warn vet.
that every statement she niakaA Ami
every denial of these reports are true,
but that she has been most cruelly out
raged and treated by an unfeeling world
outrage only exceeded by the terrible
trial she was compelled to undergo
while in captivity. She realizes now
that she made a grave' mistake in going
into the lecture field, and" says that If
she had consulted her own wishes ami
judgment she would have kept from the
puouc gaze and buried tier wrongs and.
ber griefi in the sacreduess of retire
ment. Her lectures were given under
the mistaken advice of ber very un
practical and moot unwise counsellor,
ber brother Ralph. She denies in toto
that she visited the Indians at Wash
ington, except Ouray and Chlpeta, to
whom she felt a world of gratitode for
having secured her release from a horri
ble captivity ; and she prooouneea the
statement that she inquired after Per
sune a cruel and malicious falsehood.
She Mates that she has used every effort
to induce her brother Ralph aud sister
Rose to refrain from newspaper refer
ences to their personal matters, and has
herself sought quietude and retirement,
and not notoriety. We are glad to be
able to state that Miss Meeker is not
suffering in body from her treatment,
and that reports concerning her "pe
culiar eouditiou" are unfounded, for
which cue has treat to 1m tlmr.L--
fill, aud thousands of warm sympathis
ers will rejoice with ber. Silver World:
The Next President. Tbe Import
ance of the coming Presidential cam
paign cannot be overrated. The Demo
cratic party ouce iu power, with the
civil service at its disposal, it will take
years to break up iis stronghold, and In
those years we may reasonably expect
another eivil war. The mas of voters
ortii can scarcely be made to
woman and put ber into h. L.
tory, and If sbe chance to be one of the
willing kind, get her to perform more
work than a six horse nor cn.i.,.
and theu get the er-dit of supporting
.V " "" w '"u.t ner spnere, as be
calls it, the only chance for her to
exist H by beeominga servant to him
and his, aud tbe mass of people can be
made to believe that It l v.n.
f ... -. . r."a
" i iwriuii ner to exist at all,
have actually heard men rn
$100, he treats my request, although re- ovtr the that women could obtain a
peated, with fileuce. which li.t
of course, for contempt.
I am still working at the matter. It
shows, or will when doue, the klud of
material our party Is composed or, at
least our Eastern "wing." It shall go
to tbe public If I have to start a paper
for that special object.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
E. M. Davis.
Gkoixxiy. All geologic evidence goes
to prove that there was a time. In the
vast ages and eons of ages of tbe past,
when this planet of ours "hung in space
a fiery drop," and billions of incalculable
periods of time bad passed away ere it
was sufficiently cool for the simplest
formof organized beings to come into
and retain au existence in the heaving
waters mat overspreau aimo-u its entire
i.Tiug in ine cnmmunitv oiihnni ...
vice. As tbe woman question progresses
these men become scarce, and we hope
the time will be when personsof this ilk
mi. ucvume extinct. Antelope.
How It Struck Her.-There is
story of a street nreaeher vhn ..
hortlug from the head of a barrel on tbe
ixgnnay, wneu an old lady drove bv
witii a market-cart on her way to tbe
y.j, .,,. re.ueu up. t ne preacher was
descanting on tbe villainy of Judas, re
telling the story of his monstrous treach
ery w.m mucn lervor and many ad
jectives. At the end of every seuteoce
. ! IT I"dj" ""claimed, "Ob ! tbe vil
lain !" and as tbe narrxiiva
ha. 1 ... 1 1 . 1 I
iKaion grew more and more
.mnuie, until at length she stood up on
LilA cuaf ami al.n..i I . 1 .
surface. And from these first water- "Say, Mister, when did all this har
bom oreatur.s, step by step aioug the pen?" "Eighteen hundred years aeo
Ja ! near, dear! so
If we ever get to ed'ieatli tbeculored
race as readers and voev -. r r. -ii
have some entertainment that will en
tertain us. All the good gifts of heaven
were not bestowed upon one race. The
Anglo-Saxon race may be mathemati
cally superior to the dork races, but In
vo.ume ami richness of voice iu Inean
ready to settle tbe balanee v..r L. , !?U" .aud ,Hy of all the ttseuee,
rl..M'. i!T, II. y I colore'1 c Is much our superior.
iauy .ast note . ; These nualillM
nra nrnftf It irimi iki tk
"I owe you nothing, and will pay Suu s quired to vnletMu.SccJiange:
iiotblug. sir ! 8ince I was a dozen years xr tTT STT;
Dtras'!:l;;eererra,,"dim,e ,roa' rT"
person except as I gave value received ' I" Plymouth, i. aevsnty-teven years
for if- Your father and Captain Har-1 , .'"'I the first woman who
dine, and another whom I will uot name ! ."!, 2lp,,i,,,c eBOI rr Klrla he
ferrelstion-.sake. robbed my father and waixnad eTgJplr ami
then houuded him to suicide. You broke without an aaalttant not only attended
up my family, you wrecked my hopes, ' l'le s,"Hfs, but ruled all the copy
you blasted my reputation. I defy you . mf Ihe"' saTry3 was
to do more." I three dollars per week. y was
a a -nonnmeni to me lueuiury 01 now
hey, the Immortalized poetical spooney
of Cngre. who has written for him
3?lf what Dogberry wanted others to
write hi id.
One of the Indian delegations here Is
being put In a new role. The Indians
are Invited as guests iuto the parlors of
our citizens, and a portion of the even
ing's eiitertalnmeuts consists In listen
In? to Iodlaii songs, sorno of which are
j aeoouitMuied with dances iu true abo
riginal style.
The site for the new Naval Observa
tory has not, as yet, beeti selected,
though tho designated committee for
the purpose has quite a number of desir
able places under consideration. The
difficulty delaying selection does not lie
so much in finding a suitable site at in
meeting theexorbltant prlcesdematided.
Uncle Sam always has to pay more
than the citizen for what he want9, and
In this iustauce the old story is repeated,
that bemust give twice the worth for
tho acres needed. Doji Pkdko.
slow - passing ages, were developed
hetnes more aud more perfect, till
at last came some that bare n
slight resemblance to human be
luga. iNo one can count tbe steps that
were still taken ere these primitive be
ings became man, and from man the
most perrect man came, still more per
fect and complete, the last link In the
chain woman. Rlmina Drake Slenker.
"Woodworker," an Indian chief, says
he has never seen a gray-haired Indian
in his life, and he lias seen some over
jo years niu. u Is because an Indian
has no trouble or worriment or any
thing that way. His wife chops all the
wood, builds the fires, goes to market at
tiayngut, stones tramps out of tbe front
yard and blacks bis boots. And he Is
uot tormented by tax-collector), gas anil iigutuiug-roii men. jt an
Indian start a 21 column daily paper In
a six-column town to fill a long-felt
want, and his hair would turn gray in
one night.
One talent, well cultivated, deepened
and enlarged, is worth a hundred shal
low facu 1 1 ies. The firt law of success
at thin day, when so many matters are
clamoring for attention, is concentra
tion ; to bend all the energies to one
poiot, looking neither to tbe right or
left. It has been justly said that a nm
deal of the wisdom of a man lu this
century Is shown iu leaving things un
known ; ryid a great deal or his practi
cal sense lu leaving things undone.
The day of universal scholars Is past.
"Life Is short aud art Is long."
Charlotte A. Scott, of Glrton College,
Cambridge, has obtained the highest
position ever won by any lady student
In tbe mathematical course, and it has
rarely been attained by young men.
She is twenty-two years of age, and has
always bad exceptional mathematical
replied the orator.
joug ago i .Drive on, Dobbin I Drive
uu . adu me old lady lashed the
horse until he fairly galloped, In eheer
us" uiscovenng it was so far back.
At the Other Exd. A few even-
since, n faiher and daughter at
Wellesley, Mass.. were havinc a rM..
ant chat, mutually recalling Incidents
of the letter's childhood.
I "I shall never forget," said the young
j lady, "how you took me out of church
one aaooatn, when I was about three
jears oiti, and punished me for playing
lu meeting. I can remember tbe tingle
of that peach trie switch to this day."
"Very strange, very strange," said
the father; "I don't recollect tbe cir
cumstances, at all."
"Ah, well, papa, you were at the
other end of the switch !"
A deep sense of life destroys the fear
and almost tbe idea of death. Men I
fear death as children fear to go Into
the dark ; and as that natural fear In
children is Increasing with tales, so Is
the other. It is as natural to die as to
be horn ; and to a little infant perhaps
the one is as painful as the other. He
that dies in an earnest pursuit is like
one who Is wounded in hot blood, who,
for the time, sea roe feels the hurt.
Raeon'e Ettay.
Miss Mnloeh says most truly that we
must meet things as they are. without
perplexing ourselves about what might
have been; for. If we believe lu an over
ruling Providence at all. there can lu nn
such possibility a? "what rul-ht have
As showing that the women of Krnnu
are uot behind their American Sisters
In their efforts to obtain political rec
ognition and equality, it a stated that
u.uo xunsian lauios reluee to nav their
taxes until allowed to vote.
oeut their subjection by the North with
bitterness commensurate with theit
power to carry their reaeutment into ef
fect, but such is the fict. The Republi
can party should work as it never
worked before ; no stone should be left
unturned. A sixteenth amendment
plauk in their platform will arouse and
encourage a large body of able and
faithful women to work for the corning
eleeti n as only women can work, and
the Republican parly can thereby be
saved tbe humiliation of seeing romen
enfranchised by the other parly. No
oue -can now reasonably deny that the
emancipation of woman is at hand.
Grant, for many reasons, la tbe best
man for the next President. IT !.
been tried, and the Republican party
know that they can depend upon blm.
There is no fluukeyiscu about him, no
compromise. At the same time, the
most ultra-Democrat iu the South will
hardly accuse Grant of tyranny. He
will act as a mild scare-crow to the re
bellious elemeut of tbe South, for the
Southern people, look upon him as a
great military leader. A little whole
some fear in that direction will save the
nation much serious trouble iu the uext
fifteen years. Mr. C. it. Churchill.
A wonderful Invention in the form of
self-luminous paint Is now exciting at
tention in IiOmloH. It lasts for years,
and when exposed for a time to bright
light, It will shine for eight or ten hours
so brightly as to illuminate a room.
The Government Is turning its attention
to tbe invention In tbe hope of utilizing
it iu powder magazines. Water does
not prevent it from shining, and Ufa
buoys thrown into ibe sea on a dark
night can be seen at a great distance.
It is very cheap, awl can be manufac
tured of various colors.
The New Haven Register is a close
observer of human nature. It says :
"Compliment a woman- on her beauty
of face, eleKanee of figure, or crane of
style, aud sbe will submit with a mod
esty that adds to ber charms. Tell a
man he looks dignified, Is tbe embodi
ment of manly beauty, and that hi.
side-whiskers are becoming, and he will
-swasna- uowii ine street as though he
was walking: on esKS. earefullv buinn...
ing his bump of self-esteem."
Margaret Fuller's I p
Rev. James Freeman Clarke, iu hie very
interesting bit of autobiography read at
the reception oti bis seventieth birth
day, said he was thankful to Margaret
Fuller "From her," he added, "I
learned the power that is in us all the
mighty powers of the soul;- she reused
me to the value of life; she taught me
how to live for an end, and a good one."
Trexck. Archbishop Trench is seventy-three
years old. He appears quite
commonplace, and might be taken for a
J ' me charitable society. Iu
1864 he was made Archbishop of Dublin
and he hail previously been Dean of
When a woman wants to be pretty
she bangs ber hair, and when sbe wants
to be ugly sbe bangs tbe door.
The wool clip of lf8J for tbe PacIQj
Coast and Territories will amount to'
JG.SOO.OOO pounds.