THURSDAT r.MAY 6, IS80. How I Lost Eosanna. I am a post office clerk, and my name is Mowden. I bad occupied my present position about a year when X became acquainted with my ever-dear Rosanna. It liappeued in this wise I mention the particulars at the risk of being thought egotistical, because she was the first youthful member of her sex with whom I bad ever become aequain't-d, and also because it is so pleasant to re call even the most trival events con nected with one so very dear to me. My mother, who is a notable hou-e wife, had been In the habit of pnrchas i or eggs of a neighbor, a couple of blocks away. I have bestltated about men tioning the name of this person, fearine that it might, in some way, seem to reflect upon my dearest Itoeenna ; but then, truth is truth and candor is ean inr, and if anybody would think less of Uosanna because of her Hibernian ap pellation, his good opinion is not worth courting. The uame Is Flaherty. As a matter of coarse, I went frequently to Mrs. Flatbery's In my mother's service, and in time we became tolerably well acquainted. I was somewhat afraid of her ; she was a big woman, with a gren adier way about her that was calculated to startle one of my nervous tempera ment. Sbe had small red eyes perhaps I should say eyelids and big, red arms; and her voice ! her voice was terrible. Her family consisted of a horde of dirty children, principally boys, whose ages ranged from fifteen to four; at about that time, I presume, Mr. Flah erty mercifully died ; at auy rate, be was dead. My Rosanna was the eldest, and aired seventeen; but at the time of which I am speaking, I did not know this, and indeed was not aware of her existence. She afterward tried to make me believe that she was then at school, but, from the manifest defec'.s In ber education, I am inclined to believe that she was nerving as nurse-Rirl in some family. One cold, dismal, rainy, blowy morning, my mother saiil, as she rapped at my door : "Come, Jimmy dear, get np ! I want you to step over to Mrs. Flaherty's and set me as many eggs as she can spare." I got np immediately ; I did not want to, but I did; and, donning my over cat, took an umbrella in one band, and a basket in the other, aud started on my errand. "Hurry up," said mother; "I want to cook some for breakfast." It was a kind of morning on which one would be likely to hurry up. I was thoroughly wretched by the time I reached lire. Flaherty's. I gave a pretty sharp rap at the door, expecting to see one of the dirty, fehojk-beaded children, or my grenadier friend ; but there was a little rustle, and the door was opened by shall I say an angel ? No, I will not soar; it was Rosanna. Mie bad on a pink calico morning-drus slia liail nlnlr .,r"i J Mie nan ptnK cheeks to match, aud , '"si ii"iHi uiuo eyes, anu tue rea- ilwt rnaioar IIIMa mAnil, nl. l .... . . , I ToulTin't rth.r J.7J .Vr..i. e , ..J.,TVU': . . 11 L , . , """"" fcia stood looking at her, unable to articu- late a syllable ; she said "Come in !" iu a voice of silvery sweetness, as unlike Jlrs. Flaherty's as possible. I went In ; more because of the rain than of any thing else ; a sort of instinctive self preservation. Mrs. Flaherty eame up, aud said she supposed eggs ; I nodded assent. She inquired, bow mother Was, and I said : "A couple of dozen It didn't matter." I never was so ecstat ically wretched iu mv life. I reached home somehow; I got down to the office somehow; I attended to j uuhct wiunivn , uuh sn oar lung 11 conversed with an imaginary Rosanna. I and made speeches to ber that would have caused my genuine Rosanna, how- ever devoted, lo cashier me in about i mlgbt venture to hope to see her daugh two minutes. By going a block out of ter, tbe door opened, and out rushed, not my way, I could pass tbe Flahertys' on ; Rosanna, but the grenadier herself, my way down town every morning. I looking fierceuess personified, and armed went a block oat of my way. Rosanna i with a bucket of steaming water and a "twigged," as our Engiish cousins say, ' hoge, long-handled mop, which she u:: after the first morning I never flourished abont in a threatening man failed to catch a glimpse of the pink ner, shouting: morning wrapper, and the pretty, rog-1 "Och : ye oold rooster murthorer! tush, young face. Ah! love's yoang ' Oil tacbe yez to be a decaving of a da dream ! Old fogies who have outgrown i cent woman the loikes of you ! Och ! it may sneer, but there is nothing In lbs ye long-legged, dough-faced" world like it ! I will not say that It is I I waited to bear no more, but started tie uest, tue ueepebt, or tne troeet, nut. I do maintain that it is tbe sweetest while it lasts, of course. After residing in the seventh heave.i for a couple of months, I discovered tliat I bad a rival. It was ou tbe third of February ; I remember tbe day well. It had been a balm v. heavenlv dar. nun as oueo, almost always, comes at-; an Hour ahead or time. A man was ber a heavy rain ; the hills were clad In sweeping out the corridor; he stopped green, the wild 11 ers were thick In ! and looked at me; I stopped and looked untrodden place, and the little brown I at him. Great Scots, it waj Gre u, the buds chirped and "cheeped" as though 'janitor! they realized, that their Spring had he- j "tiood-roorufni;, sir," said lie. with a fclln- ! blaud air, which made me want to Of course, I dMn't eisjy much of choke him; "you will Mud the head un t. its, cooped upas I was in the office ; der tbe box, sii ; I took tbe body home but in the evening, it being, warm and i to Mrs. 1'iaherty ; just as good to cook, and bright, with moonlight, I resolved i you know. We'll have it ro-udtd to ti walk dewn to the Flabxrly.' to take ' night; dr.ip iu and have a drum-stick." Iosanua out for a walk. On my way 1 1 I don't know what considerations -topped and purchahwl some candv, as a ; kept me from knocking the retch H .p to teTRerus, at I mentally "dLig-'down. I stalked by without a word, i .and the hideous little Flshertvs wh ' As I wrilo, I look occasional !v at the &.w.,ys surrounded me, and drove ms cards wedding cards, Rosaiia's wed ncany frautlo when I went there. I ding cards, Green's aud Rjsanna's we.i walked along in a rapturous state of , ding card- which lie upon the desk ba rniud, which I have learned to tl-iad, ! fore me, aud my sorrowing soul pr.wsa knowing from experience that it fore- s'.iade more bitter, and only tbe dreaded bodes a fall to the depths of despair. I titters of my fellow-clerks prevent me rapped at tbe door, my couutonanro I Irom erosnlne; "Rosanna! O Rowanna!" unconsciously wreathing itself insrailes. ' C. tV. Dulliccr in (Jie Californian for Ko.-anna opened it, looking just the X'ij. least hit more roguish than usual; she1 uau on acanoo gown, white, with pink i-p ),h, which was immensely becoming t' lur. She ushered me in with that li-Mive grace of which all ber poor sor rouudiuga could not rob ber. In the eutij'T, in my favorite chair, sat a "; I had almost said fiend. His e.mntenance looked familiar to me, though for tbe II.'. of me I couldu't tell whsre I had ever sren him. Rosanna intro. need hlm-the creature's name was Green. I stayed but a t-liort time. The vonn" ahertys descended ou me "fike a wolf ouihe fold;" and it was only by oTbyTa't 1?,; .' .,,1 .i,V, Micaen mv "w mvself on th!w,l ti... raeu on tbe bed. tlw. most uiix litefandor. .. ...IV" UUI, laiIF I. . , m ., I ;V7L, r:;:t7' ou .m or our mis-! unu nop. i had hardlv1 made np my mind that T , , rrf"i ? I unhappy, when I beg, .0 licious dreams of materuai -r, . ' , faithful love, In whleh mi u was the heroine, and I (au .,l-a,t4J myself) tbe hero. The next tuornlur with spirits quite revived, I took mv usual way by the Flahertys" door; Ra. hatina flitted by the window, and gave uie a smiling nod, intimating by a ges ture of her pretty hands that sbe was busy, and could not come out for our usual chat ; I was somewhat chagrined, but resolved lo think Ibe beet of every body and everything. When, however, one morning succeeded another, and I f ju:;d her alwavs too busy to stop when I was pas6iug by, and, calling one evening, found that fiend, Green, In my f tvoritfl nliair. with little TommV Flsh- . . , - , - eriy ou hie knee, my spirits began to droop, .and my faith in human natutei became depressed. 1 But let me not linger over ti.e-e sad davs and hasten in i iimo. ,.! drixziy morning in early March one of : my leiiow-elarks Informed me that there was a lady In the corridor who who desired to see me. I blushed furi ously (affording my fellow-clerks a deal of innoeent amusement thereby), and, at first, expressed some doubts as to myJnformanl's veracity. He shrugged his shoulders, and said I could do as I pleased, bat I be lady was there waiting. "And," added the malicious scamp, one a carrying a present for yi.u in her i arras, anu looks as tr you ha. I In tu r not keep l,er waiting loo lotitr. 1 v-t'ie-hy," he called after me, as I went"vit, 'vlie told me to tell you that her luiuo was Flaherty ; I forgot that." More innocent amusement aradng ti e clerks! 'When J reached the oorridor alwavs fall of people at that lime of the day, and a crowded as uwual I e?pted my grenadier frtend lolling Against one of the windows, with an expression on her engaging countenance from which I shrank back aghast; only that she was Rosahna's mother, I would "have turned and fled. She bore In her arms a huge, kicking, crowing, sprawling Shanghai rooster ; and, as she advanced upou me with the loud confidence characteristic of ber, I prayed for aii earthquake, or some other convulsiuuii of future, iu the midst of which I might escape. H it the fates ordered otherwise. "Ocb, Mlstber Plowden, and It's glad I am to see thought of ycr!" exclaimed Mrs. Flaherty, In that Urrible voice, which at once attracted everybody's at tention, and caused my heart to sink into my boot and the blood to rtieh to my face. "Ye haven't been a ctllin' on us lately," she continued ; "me Hosnna was a-wunderlng au' a-wanderin;; " "Come this wav!" I v!p'iwm1 hoarsely, making a break for thy open . .u i ... ., . . ' , mm ""I-"0". ; ""j annum t uweu ui. on ue ueituis . of that fatal interview ? My prenadL-r I iriena desired to send that horrible, av- age-lookiost wretch to soma town in I .co.. 1 .. . . . 11 dmmjwhouiiuij, ou man, ana nan come to me, "because I was a friend,!' the Stamn r'erlr Imiilmr rafnsl in h,. anything whatever to do with tbe af fair. I acted the part of a coward ; afraid to oflend the mother of my ever dear R manna, I mildly expostulated, explaining that it was likely to be killed, or smothered, or lost at any rate, would probably ut-ver teach its destination alive. "OH risk it!" said Mm. I'.aliertv, in uk1m.ii ; .., . , i, reply to all my saggest ions; fo at last, iu ucrjrcmjuu, i iiiuiuij eous beast, and promised to t'ami it arid send it oil all right. "Only yon musn't blame me,'' I said, "if it never Rets to Siskiyou." "Oil uivver blame yc a hit, and olm everlasting obliged to ye," said tbe grenadier, as smilingly as passible. I wall; oi slowly around to the rear of tbe building, meditating what I should, could, or would do to get myself out of tbe scrape, when my eye fe'l upon a small ha'.c let which somel.ody had lt-ft .. . .. . k.nw . n . . . I ft,.. .! T . r . Shanghai was of course Imposmble; to laSe It into tne room wuere my tellOW- . . . . .. - n uiuis i"i Mien jtcia u lauga- ter; I bad promised to stamp it and "send It ofT' all right; I would .lo it ! 1 .quickly drew from my pocket a couple of three-cent stamps, and. tret tine sev- i nrrini, T eral severe scratches In the operation, I uisiisgeu tu etniH ukui w iu iciv wiiik of my tormentor. I seized tbe hatchet, murmured "Forgive me, Rosanna," and in an instant tbe Shanghai's head rolled to thee-round. Thrcatiu" head and body under tbe box and wiping the hatchet on the grass, I beat a hasty retreat from on tha trass. I beat a haatv retreat from the scene, flattering mytif that I hod been unobserved. i ue next morning, as l pasCii l!TC Flahertvs' nremlses. with hucerini! tui and tender glances, frosting that 1 1 now so propitiated tbe grenadier that I on at my best speed, receiving:, in my flight, one tolerably severe r.ip from the mop-handle, which the crinaditr threw after me with all the strength of her strong arm. I had run several blocks before I conld convinco myself that she was not after me. i reached the post omceaboai hair I A person Is not worth anything who , has uut !iad troubles. You ca'itiot sub due selfhhues without a struggle. You I cannot restrain pride without a con I flict. You cannot go through life with out bearing burJens. Bat you are go ing to have help under circumstances that will redeem you from these tilings. Yon are going to experience more vic tories than defeats. Your suffering will be only here and there little spoti iu a wbole field of peace and jjy. .VUEXTS FOR THE XEVT XOBTIIWEST. The following ir-o:i a-- duly authorize! to act m A.'tiiU for ihv N'tw Isuuiiiwest : l I). iray -Alhanr .. Johns -.i!-m -l Mrs. br.ttli lleain . I.. II. ri(HlsteI Williams ...-kucene Vits M .. iitirntide -Hillxliom . ...-t'alifornta Leulon county i- i Mrs, I.mra UeFoiee GurUun Aslil.y i'earce M . 1' nen W. W. B ac'i "U'uiti.'iiiVJounial" I. 1'. Tort, r Mrs. C 8. Folts sfxUei,i'al .. . . follax, W. T ... Ilos'nn, Mass -iii-..l. Of .San June, Cat losane Falls, W. T Mrs. M. A. Warner... miss Mary uisbop. .b vwnsvllie UT. Ha ley Mrs. II. ,. VaauVi";.'" Mrs. ll B Ili.hup r!t.J- w-Jackson. ..." A. W. Htannr.l Mrs. M. F. .( Mrs. J. H. Foster J. T. Keotl, Ks., Mrs. A K. f.iim.n Lee IxitiKhlin .The Dull diriallis l nil. It I . . . tVudlcion KureneClrv - ..Brownsville .. .."-lifaye ill i Minn, ....Fort-t;roi Ahtorln Xorth Yamhill s..L,i y.iui-y ucsirlns t 0, , wi. ur. i" w'.'' ; out r..'!i.. '. ' . .ut Oicsou and lis. rcrj posl outre 11 I washignton Territory. at eery p.jst i.inec thruuirb rLT Bobi'r" ' "vy.;;v,-'?ml,y Misl---:---::T,:ny PORTLAND. The Great Commercial Center of the Northwest. Ttsj Present unci Future. It has a population of 21 JJuu. It Is to Oregon, and the Territories of Washington and Idaho, what New York City Is lo the Kt.ite of New York, and I..- ii- tin m r. I.itloti l.. that State and those i- i uiorlt-a thai Chit does lo Illi nois Louis to MKwnil, Philadelphia to Pennsylvania, and Now Orleans to Louisiana, It has more territory tributary to It than any other cily iu tne United states, and wilt soon be numbered with the foremost cities in tbe Union. Even at this time tbe hammer and the aw can be heard in all parts of the city; the demand for bulletin;.- It so great that the In clement season of Winter does not check the oi'! inaii-h of its growth. With the vast miintM-r of Mnps roiis'anlly plyiue between t li t- n! Ibrettcn ports, freighted with our con stantly increalnx aertculturnl proline!, and the nnmetons railroads now tributary to, or terminating at, this clly. It will not require more than ten years toswell the population of our beautiful and tjrowli.i: city lo Iummj souls. Havtnit a turner territory Iban S:in Kranciseo to KupNrt It, we may eonndent ly advert that In It'- than aiiunrt- rof a eenliiry I'ortland will bo the fon-most city on the coiot iu oinl of wealth and population. We will here enumerate the nvmy railroad enterprises already Inaugurated, nuii e of i hem are iNinatrueted. and others In process of run uui tlua,all maklns their termini at Ihiscicy. the xoannour ranrio I bnildinc rr.pidly west fro-n rHilulh.on Ijike baperior, utid also from the t'oiutnhia Utvcr eaNt, ami wilt be complefrMl at uo early day, lhu eotiut us with all our hUler Slates. thk oi:eox axb rAi.iraa.MA r. n. Trrrn!n.ii s here, and Is having an i:nmene pair.. n. i . THE WKTEkX OUM.ON R. K., l'ornieriy the Oregon Centralis dolni; a oot -'. country on I mis road runsiiirousn tue ten lis the west side of the Willamette Ki r, and its southern lenulnus at ungear Is at cotains,,j; mueatrom roiuuii.i. the ctam aoamrox R. ii Will to hum through hundred or mi: - of rer- '" laud, the produce or which luusi if brought to this city for shipment. This road will conowt with the Union Pacific it. lt-.tbu securing twocoiupetlag lines fn.m the Atlantic to the Pacluo. It Is uow a settled fact that tbe 1MK1U5D, DALLES AND SALT LAKE B. K. Will a constructed at an early day. TliLswltl give us three trans-continental road. NKW aALLBOAD KSTEBPfclSU. A home conmanv. with unllmlteit caoltal, has been organized under the name of the i)r fun Rsllwav Co. to couslroct narrow-cause roads Irom this city to the Interior portions of the !9taie. Ultimately connecting wiiu u ven tral Pacific, with branches wherever lnduee- niems may oflVr. This enterprise Is being pushed vigorously! completion. o that It Ulav in readiness to movehls KalPs crop. ABTICXES OF IStCOKPOKATIOS ITave been riled to cor struct a road from Battle Mountain, Nevada, in thadlrectlou of UrvK-in, io connect wiiu uie urewon nauway ws roa.1 and make Portland IU terminus. This will give us direct conrmnntcatlon with tbe richest liver mines In tbe world, and wilt make Port land one of lac greatest railroad centers tn ibe Union. To give the reader an Idea of the magnlnidD and extent of the railroad latere-.! of this cay, we will state: There are nine ships on their way to this port from New York and Philadel phia, and eleven from foreign port. Many others will be dispatched soou. All arc lath n with railroad iron to be DUt down on railroad lines tributary to, or terminating at. Portland. we shall soon be connected by rail with the Northern Pacine u. R.; also with Chicaco and le Atlantic ciun. lsoonauioi immigrants 1 are efustantlv arrlvtnsr from alt rjarta of the I'll""! worrd.and tEe mlUlou "of acres of i ngrieuiturai tanus um tie suit uuDrosen uy he plowshare, and awaiting the advent of the 1 ""ISSlT i'i! tng noon this fair young tMate. When the iu I migration ha reached lu fall tide, and three , millions of acres are under cultivation, then ; , 0m lK known as the wealthiest State iu iiic c nion. , ..... PORTLAND CITY HOMESTEAD. . 1 The land In this enterals!) lies adjoining tho . 'JiTtrm?,iiSSt,irJlS f-S er,JL,?.n.I!!,' TbSXlEat SmW'Scst JuirtJoU ' ciiy. n isuiTswa inio one tuocsako asd twbxi .--roi-B loth. , r":rtr by one hundred feet in ixe, with streets stx'y feci wide, two hundn .1 of these lots ai.i be resci-.fd lor those al;o desire lo I:n piove and build this Sumiaer aud Fall. Tli . lots will be sold en the same libera! terms that are onred In tne Homestead proper. PBICE. All lots will be sold for n installments of sauu per montu, ir lUe -mull sum or i-3 cents per uay. o interest will tie cbnrgtd. aud a good and sufficient liond l .r Uecd will be given upon the piymeni or I lie first lnsUllmentoftiAW, and a Warranty Deed upon receiptor last Installment, boih without expense lo purchaser. TO PCBCaASKItS. Those not finding It convenient to make their ppments when dne, will be granted twenty day grace In which to make such payment, as It is desirable that all shall have every r-- j "'hie orporlnnlty tr seep np tbetr payments. Thrf desiring to make rail Eavtnent at the iiiiie uie DonB is lasaeu, win do entiiietl lo it reduction of f HMD on each lot, or Ii w on each I j.uu pa. j in. as tne KOAD TO WKALTn Is the most certain and rapid through real es tate tiivrstmedts, this interprUe oRdrs far more inducements to tne public than any other on the wast at tbls time, as Hie price aud fiaj menu are within tbe reach of all. lo 1101 et this chance pass. Buy a lot, build, and make yourself independent. Manv of von who live in rented houses pay m. ire every year -for rent llian would purchase a lot and build a roof over your head. You t heirwouKI he Inde- peii'icni oi exacting landlords, mid in truth uai e a piacc to call -no rue." DO x"T ronr.ET Tbiil not minv years aco some r.r the host int. In ian Kiancisco were sold for an ounce of gom ou-r, anu mat now liny conia not be ihiuiil lor ciivw Alio, rctiu inix'r that niicuiro sfinie oi uie. rie! iitisin s. lo's were oncnirnueo lor a pair ol M ih1s II. hi-on. m Is the remark made bvolil resiiii.nts ,.i i.i land that once they could have houiilit inis for SUM that f." .o) would not buy n.,. It is not lu-uoj isg iuc uay oi small ll. n A WAWIISO. P i n it tuVc tl.c advice or thovwhoemak nguln-t :he prosperity of the clly In which they iesiile,r cry down an enterprise which has for iu ol-.;e, i the development ur the country. They will till vo:i not lo Invest, as some dis tant locality oft"- superior Inducements, and thai they intend aolng there as soou as they get means t nough ai.ead. If such persons have not ner.-y and Jndgnient enoiul. to stte- eeeu in iimiine connnunitv like this, surely tli.-lrt.-rlk al.out accomplishing wondrous re sults elsewhere would seem to amount to noth ing mo'e than the silliest alr-castlc building If they were in tbe Garden of Eden, surrounded by all tha luxuries ol that hiiu hnj i,i. angels to do their bidding, and the aromatia hreercs from Araby tbe blet to fan their ach ing brows, silll they would be tho same nst less, discontented, unhappy, dvxpeptlr, hypo chondriacal. Incorrigible creatures that they now are. Nothing can be done with such Indl- viuunis. iiii irai-case is cnronir, their eases are hopeless, and the best that can be dooe is to shed the svmDathetie tear ncr fhm abandon them to their monrnful fate, as being J - . .. .uv (W.UVI UUIMH Hill. a rpiuBciATiox or VALt ra. By reference to tbe "Oregn Ian" of February 5. Ii. ll will be round that clly property has ad vanced luvnty-flve per cent during the past year. As there has been no excitement, the rise Is wholly attributable to the Increasing immigration and the growing confidence In spired by our numerous railroad enterprises, and the development of our many natural re sources, that have hitherto slumbered for want of energetic men lo develop them. it n nrs, of alt roal estate Investments the home stead plan U the best and safest, as all who in vest are inti rested tn making tbe who'e prop ertymore valuable. To Illustrate: Suppose A builds a hou- on his lot, and B o-.vns a lot ad jolnlnir; B R. ts the t n tltot A's Improvement, while A is uot injure J thereby. lhi philoso phy will apply to tbe entire property. We have donated a lot to each of tbe princi pal churches for church purposes. In addition to tne above, two lots are set apart tor public school purposes. nrvLsios. The division of tbls prop rtv w.i! t iV.c place when the lots are all sold, or, in.uo oi nl.tiot later than t ) istli if February, issl. Al Mecliauics'isavlllon, commencing at 10 'c,oc,E pnb"e notice of which will be ?"n DJr PoWScatlon in two principal Journals ' 'estate. It wltl be made Tn the manner ;,p-,,1ed ipon "by a majority of th pnrehasers ,n Jhe Huuestead. Parties inter- 1 reay ap- i- .... !iv.ia won iur uinn 11 11 ii ire m do so. Parties who do not at t n I i "...tune "fn'i , dlv'"'o0- either in person o.- !, proxy. wMi ' buun'1 u,e p'n 1 !" "'-Oority of those who do so attend, It Is suggested by the purchasers Uial uy the M RIlsTirMliMl hr I ha mih.l.,. tl.At .11.1 Km inlsfetbe mads hv nuMrinv Uia nnmia- nr eneh lot and Licck tn a wheel or hot and the uame of each party interested in the Home stead In another then a name will be drawn irom one and a number from tneoluer.ana me lot so drawn deeded to tbe person whose name Is so drawn, when ail payments are made. All bot tbe flat Installment mast be paid at the Banking House of Ladd A Til ton, la th city of Portland. . rusDW ntox a bistasi r Desiring a ahmm. forward SaOO to the General Manager, and a Bond will be Immedi ately forwarded? Money nay be forwarded by registered let taw, money order, or Wells, Fargo 4 Co1 Ex press, at my risk. ri lunaer particulars, apply to J. K. RICK, Ueaeral Manager, Portland. Oregon, Or to fTMOMT McLAl'OHLIM, 61 Morrison street. Certificate. I oertllv that I m the nwncr of the lands In the PortlandClty Homestead tbe title thereto IS ner fact, fturiha. TT nainf anil 1 milt hurt J. JI. Hloe to sell said properly ou tbe forego- Ke'erettea. Wm Yfol.l Ttanker lion. Jhnii7 Mitchell Hon. 1. V flni.iH r x V s. s. iiHlor ..t'. S. Seualor Merchant Merchants Printer i. A. Htrowbiidge Meier frank Geo. 11. HI tne MISCELLANEOUS. DR. PAUL M. BRENAN, The Koat Suecetufiil Physician on the rtm&e Uotut iS THE TREATMENT OF ALL CHRONIC AUD DlfFiGtflT DISEASES, HAS RETURNED AFTER AN EXTENSIVE tour of the Kastero Ktates for the past tour nusiun. ineisKwrTuiiM an tne principal medical Institutions In the lam cities of the United States, and oouirs back with all the modern methods, instruments and appliances known to the most sctenUflc men in the pro fession. The Docor baa also brought charts and manikins io Illustrate his leetnraa. DR. PAUL It. BR UN AN has been Ll years lecturing on tne laws ox un anu lies I 111. jn bis private and Dubiio lectures he has tancht men and women tbe true system of life, how to be bealtby and happy. If they would only be guided by his wise counsel. Bat all cannot hear nis uetlgntlul ana instructive lectures, nor can he tell evenrthlnr necessary for suffering hu manity to know from the public rostrum be fore a promiscuous audience. There remains much to be learned from bins, aa his experi ence extends ever broad fields of active pro fessional life. This knowledge so nereasiiry to tne welfare of snnerers can oniy oe gieaneo by Bnvaxe t imasamiiai irasuiiauon at nis omce. lis experience in the various parts ol Kurooc and America gives him such opportunities of learning tne tieiicate diseases which the nu mau family are prone to, their mode ol treat ment and permanent core, aa no other physi cian on ths- Pacine Coast can claim. lie has not oary treated these diseases ni" ! success fully, but has made them a life study, as a Ivw momenta consultation will urove. He has become an expert In the treatment of disease, weakness and derangement of the re productive organs of both mala and remsle, including diseases caused by the 1BI.LIHI or-Toum. such as PrsKVAToKRHotA.orSKaixAL Wns XEas,orLoBS or Puuravr Vitijt. Nearly i wo-third of all the Chronic 01seajx-s spring, either directly or Indirectly, from soma de rangement of tbe sexu d system, and yet this subject Is neglected by tho majority of tue medical profession. IT IK TBIT. Thnt persons who are unfortunate enoush lo be atlileled by any form ol sexual disease have a delicacy In calling upon the proper phvi cian In time, from a sense of modesty, and sometimes front Ignorance, and permit those diseases to exist until their constitutions be come corrupted, their organisation broken down, and tbe hope of future happiness blight ed, until death becomes a welcome messenger to carry them oat or their miserable existence. Those T ho call in time upon Dlt. PAUL M. BBENAN need have no fear bit what he will restore them lo perfect health and vigor, make their bodies pur and their minds content, ii they will only follow his advice and treatment. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Throat Diseases, s.sii, Diseases, Rheumatism, Kidney Complal nt aud all Diseases ol the Eye and Ear, Stomach and Bladder, he can cure without rati. No uuack Nostrums used; no slop treatment; no l.itsc promises Everything strictly confidential under all circumstances. t'naultalin Cree, and a list of printed ueliuUH sent lo those living at a distance who can unt consult blm personally. All Hnrgical Operations performed. Jrace No. SI First street, between Oak and fine. Office Uoura From 111 to 11 A. 2 to 4 and 7 to p. x. -7 iy PDRTLANO LIBRARY ASSOCiATiOH. KUUMM-torn. r rirst kh4 Stark HSU over Ladd A Ttlton't Bank. veattlai over IUU Iasass4 Ckalre Kssks -..UtD. Over 100 Papirs and SSaecaaes. MEMDERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Hon tl ly Dues l OO Payable flrir.rt-rly Directors Wm. K Idd,P.r. H-'mvler. Jr.. M. P. lc.aU-, H. W. Corbeit. W. II. lira.-A- C. Glbtjs.tH. Iwis.M. W. Kechh im. r, V. Falling, U Blum. Officers t JIATTIIHW P. PEADY ...rcsl-!ent JL PAILlNfJ Ylco President f; C. SCHUYI.KR, Jn. Treasure, M. W. FKCUHEIMEtt. Correnpondlng Sec HENRY A. OXKR.. Librarian and Ree. Sec . AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL. Tme Mlasnam of Uta Thismt mid Lins n:n lis ISSXH1, HIMS, VVHttOMBUr t'OMxh. ltroiiehllls. Asthmii, auit CWfHVSllTUIS. Tbe few compositions which have won the confidence of mankind and become household words, among not only one bnt many nations. must have extraordi nary virtues. Perhaps no one ever secure 1 so wide a reputation, or maintained It so long, as Aran's Chkrat Pec toral. It has been known to the public about rorty years, by a long continued series ot mar clous cures, that have wou for It a confi dence in its virtues never equaled by any other medicine. It still makes the awt ef fectual cares or Coughs, Colds, Consumption, that can be made by medical skill. Indeed, tbe Coebkt I'xctokai. has really robbed these dangerous diseases of their terrors to a great extent, and given a feeling ol Immunity from their fatal effects that is well founded tr the remedy be taken In ssaaon. livery family should have It In their closet lor tbe ready and prompt relief of lu members. Sickness, suf fering and life even Is saved by this timely protection. The prudent should not neglect it and the wise will not. Keep It by you for tbe protection It affords bv lu llmelv nae In snddn attacks. Prepared by BK. J. C. AYEll A CO., Iwoll, MaM Practical and Analytical Chemists. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers In Medicine. s-68 HO PATENT, NO PAY ! PATENTS Olitalned for Inventors in the Called States, Canada, and Euroos. at reduced n rices. With our principal office located la Washington, di rectly opposite the United Smlas Patent Omce, we are aoic io attena to nil rstcni owiom with srenter ni nmnlnosaanrt dls natch and less coal t ban other paasnt attorneys, who are at a distance from Washington, and who have, therefore, to employ associate attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and fur nish onlnlons as to Dutentabilllv. free of charge, and all who are interested in new In ventions and patenU are Invited lo send for a copy of our "Unide for Obtaining Patents," which la sent free to any address, and contains complete lustroctlona bow to obtain patents, and other valuable matter. We refer lo the Oerman-Ametiean National Bank, Washing ton, ll. c; tne Koyat Swedish, Norwegian, anu Danish Legations, at Washington: Hon. Jos. . mey, late uniei justice u. w.conrtori ianns; lo the Officials of the U. S. Patent Office, aud to Senators and Members of Congress from every suite. Address: L0CI8 B VOtiER CO., Solicitors of Patents and AUonteys-ul-Law, Le IMoit Balldlnc, Washington, D. a 8-1S nw Yf-smat. tSE NEW NORmWEST. XIJiTU XKXn OF I'UBLIIETIOX ! THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Weakly" Jonrnnl DEVOTES Tfl THE FlfiPlE'S BEST IKTEBESTSI Iaimwutat In relllfw. and nciigton TUII3 WBLMUTOwT.- wTHBOiT J0UH at begins lu Slash Year as with Its lasae ot May 1st. IS, aess management ol the DolWATC PualJSM rw Con r awt, to whom all letters eoaneetad with the Editorial, Advertising or Subscription Departments of tbe paper are to ba nsrreafler directed. The Maw Noam w aar is Hi a Waaaaa' Rights, but a Human XigBts to whatever policy may 1 tha greatest gwed to tks gin last Htn It knows ns sos, no pllsls,no rsMsjlan, a e party, ns color, no erscJ. lUtsaailaMnii la tssstaia upon the rock of Jfleixwl Uawrtr, VBivsnaJJ EwanolrWttsw wad p'tssasMtnialsil I omec or ruuextmv ussnhwist esr ner of l'Vssil and WUbnwfSi.i. tshasa. (p- stalre) THK CHAJUUMO USIAL SXOKT, BY MBS, A. 8. DtnOWAT, Was l MBS. DUSTWAYfS pscnllarly origlaal style oT jedMortal Oen.ipondasiee win eoaUnas rram wank M wssjc to attract thoasaads oi readsra, ana Msntn stall are wuiiilastt Hpou all tha leading: tonics of tha day. OORRE SPON DENTS an also employed to ftarntssi weekly letters fkoat WaaUagtoa, Sew Tsvk and various parts of Knropc No pains will tw spared to make THE NX W NORTHWEST the leading newspaper of Its class in America. IM tttsratara is always moral la tone and bsstraettva and alevatlng la character, and is sooght after by tha best sad moat Intelligent class of rssdsis. As a madlam for Advsvllslng, thai Joaiaal has no swperior. NSW 15 THE 11 ME TO SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRirTKHT R.VTRS, l!t AWaMSt Stng copter, eoa year six months.. ml Threo moutftsC .IM T,Ilir,UAL INDOUHHJJjrirJ Agents and Canva9ears! SEND IN YOUR ORDEiCS EARLY! Mailt, Vrtev J, lollie Snii ort ofllamnn ittrbis mil Tlie Peoj ile'a Inper.; 1'tTNIWAY rOBLT allKfl COMPAJTS , Cornf,r of Front and '.Vashington streets (en tra tee on "ft ashlnf on), Portland, Or. HELMBOLITS COLUMN. H. T. HELFuBOLD'S COIViPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUG H XT ! I'llAIUlAOKinuaM;. A SFEOfie BIMtfY FW AU BtSOiSU Bf TIE BLA9BCR MB MNHVS. TJUR DsUnUTY, Offi OF MEMORY, 1N JL1 djsfoalllua to ExsrUaa or Business, Hbort- OT Breath, Troabled with Thoughts of MSaas, ntatneaa or Vision, Fain in the Back, y assjl riann, isa as nsuoa to tne neaa, We UStinteman anaptomi are ai IV TflaTI III! Til Wbsm tbe coswtlftton becotnrsi sSTeored, It re qsdnsHssaM or aa invigpratlng mediclna to strengthen and lone Bp la system, which HELfwBOLD'S 3UGU noKS iiv imuty cash. HELHBOLD'S 3TJGHU IS UMEQUALED By any rensody known, is prawilhstl by I he moat wwlasat physlsasns all over tha vrorid in Khmimntawi, SerraalwtTsiBHi, stetOMM, Ijipfittsia, IlHllgtttiMi, CorH'iipRtlen, Aehcs Hd Puis 5. IiHMbaSO, Xervouj BOkilHr. Head TrMibkrB, Catarra, Oeavsntl leWIltT, Ussasis of tan Sianeys? lAvmr Csmalaiat, " Paralyists, Ocnsral 111 Kaalth, Spinal TJissases, Scfctica, Scarasss, Baeline, Norvoas OrgsaaMv, Fsmata OoaM1a,18t. lift in the Bhoaldara, Ooagh, - HraiaJoas. HatiTasts tatheatoatb, IhUpruuion af the Heart, PaJamflMawaloBOftltcKwvsys, atboasand otaar palattl symptoias,ar tbe olTsprtiigs of Dyspepsia. MELfWGLD'S BUCtfU IKVIOOBATXB TUX .STOMACH And sumalaxas Um torpid IJvar. TaWW aaawsns jl sroam nasi wsu wsiw UM 1 hesltsllng of Ha valnatls t'lniB, t ran imtti,k, OrBtx aVatOM far). rJcllvered In any addrasa tree from observa tloa. Patlenu may coosnlt by letter. receiving the same attention aa bvcalllnc. Competent I'hyslciaas attend to correspondents. All let ters snouiu oe anureaaou to It. T.iuii.xmiLn, nrngglst and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. CAUTIOX! See tlmt tare Prli-ate Proprietary StHinp It on cnehJItottlH. SOLD KVERYWHERE! 8-35 MISCLLLANEOUsT Kelamatnsesl-s A bMatttaaCatttosryleof an lt&ITllrt-J lErrs ImproTM te 8wr , I . ax.4 Best- b-Tot.I?evrrtefor.i nn3fa.-cinMl forth.- 1-orTori.r draw ing, R..tii r.ric 2ii".i".iEIiri Awsts, Mass- jesrsarosiiottt $CT t. Hy aaar. Ojuy ROT. rarbr skS. -7 fCTT luVtaM ll k"1"- Hit Ijiuytsjre.ire snUed. return mr eiprr.-.-. I r ias f reijut bota ways. If mcmifr. t!J oaerissttl.e v. p- lsi s'-"l tJStl BOifv lTwulnotk t f natiustrt e. yaUy wareaateS tvr a years. rf-f...i7 or-u.ld. .rf . .Sen. 1 v. uvi fcus.-i-sul H .-us in .. sV". Son Mn'i lliti -S iUMlaS than say inanjfsctaTer. I havstp-iKfcs1 myaoleSBowoTrtUeenttrpwsJ. M IU.s . sh.1. btlt li-St.Mjr fclrs.lls SiaceBvre. tr- c ira from an usirli;roci C--nliiwitof Carpe. Ism m tn- tetf rtmncft than CTer ttwit no city or a l the entire cirt.ue.1 srorat shall be unre;rr-. L 1 t.y mr eel- imtsl in-tniments. BEaTTY frlANO.? jsrrts. Ss.isr Iwllt'l.a.t Mast IK recently beeK Ten i r of mr rim ctty.sai SlWllltJ. II1SM, rated KcsrsattDer ttivlm fiuun..- tto-i sJjout ctsnst riTsmsinl Qrykng s-m Tree. Bamb r. BSATI1I, Washington, Sew Jersay. ESTABLISHED 1SESL aLaU&A.P.UCBT,i 9SS Seventh street, WasMnttou.D.C, Iaveaton. We pmenro patenU la all countries. Ho AT- TOB3TBT FEES IH ADVAYCK. Ko charge BnleSS the patent Is granted. H o fees for making pre liminary examinations. No addiUonal foes tor obtaining and conducting a rehearing. Special attention given to Interference Cares before the Patent Office, Extensions before Congress, Infringement Suits In different oiaiM H all litieation nertaining to Inven tions or Patents. Send stamp lor pamphlet giving full instructions. Vat Scat Slates) Court suasl Isepsortsaeata. Halm, nmseented In the Sunreme Court of the Untied States, Court of Claims, Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, Southern Claims Commission, and all classes of war claims before tne txecattve uepsnmesta Arrears T Pay and atoawSy. fjnSBCTE, nuiuirrs, miu omiiuii ui u imv wjm, or tbelr heirs, are In many cases entitled to asoney rrom tne uovemmens, oi wnicn sney havf, no knowledge. Write full history ol ser- vIm. and aisle amount of Dar and bonntv re- keclved. Enclose stamp, and a full reply, arte examination, will oe given you witnoutenargc Peastoaa. All Officers. Soldiers, and Sailors wounded captured, or injured In the late war, however slight, are entitled to, and can obtain a pen , I'stftesi State Ueaeral XJsatdWcc. Contested Land Cases, Private Land Claims Misilns-. nre-enintlon. and Homestead fasea prosecuted before the General Land OSce an Department oi the Interior. Xdsstd Warrants. - We nv cash for Bountv Land WnrrantsT and we Invite correspondence with ail parties bav-lna-anv lor sale, and give lull and exnllett In structions where assignments are Imperfects . We conduct our tiusiuess in separate nnreaaa -having therein the clerical assistance of able and experienced lawyers, and give our closest personal super islou to every important papas prepared in each case. Prompt attention thus secured to all business entrusted to as. Ad dress St. S. Jk A. P. I.ACET. Atsauraieya. W ASUlUTO, a. u. Aay persoi stsadlaand Aay person desiring information as to the and responsibility of the firm wilLon rcqnest, be mrnlshed with a satisfactory refer- in nas tkuuit or sjoDgreasuonsi uiawics S-17 SFaTXOXS. i j the cmcurr court of the state JL of Oregon for Multnomah County. X, IMt tenboefer, Plaintlfl", vs. H. F. Bloch, L A. Bwkowits, Louis Schwabacher, Abraham Hehwabacher and Sigmund Schwabacher, De fondants. To H. F. Bloch. L A. Boskowlrg, Jbouls Schwabacher, Abraham Schwabacher Ad Shrmund Schwabacher, Defendants: In the name or tbe state or Oregon, yon are hereby notified and required to appear and answer tbe complaint Bled against yon in the above entitled snM within ten days from tha date of tbe service nt this summons noon yon. If served In Multnomah County; or If served In any other count v of this State, then within twenty davs Irom t he date of tbe service of this summons upon you; and If served by publica tion, then yon are notified and required so fc appear and answer said complaint by the first stay of tbe term of this Conn following tbe ex piration of the tln.e prescribed in the order tor tbe publication of summons, to wit : on or be fore June llth, IS), that being the first day of the next regular term ol said Court; and If you tali to so appear and answer, the Plaintiff wilt take judgment against the Defendants, H. F. Bloch and I. A. Boskowits, for the snm of Kight Thousand Dollars, with interest thereon at ten per cent per annum since January 3d. UBS, and tbe farther sum of Two Hundred Dollars attorneys' fees, and tbe coats and dis bursements of tbls suit, and will sooty to the Court for and take a decree foreclosing the mortgage executed by said Defendant, H. F. Bloch. to tbe Plaintiff noon Fractional Block 55, Conch's Addition to the City of Portland. sauitaoman county, Oregon, wttn tne appur tenances, and barring and foreclosing all tbe right, title and Interest or each and all of the Defendants therein or thereto, and for other and further relief. This anmmona is served hv nublieatlon. hw ibrUar made by said Circuit Court for Maitao- manusantyon April Tin, ran. airecung tne sasne to be nnbltsned for six aneceasdvA wssks in the Niv NORTHWEST. DOLPH, BUONAUQH, HOLPH 4 SIMON, apl5 Attorneys for Plaintiff: scxaexs. rr THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon tor Multnomah County. S. Her man. PlalntiiTva. Ezra W.Laland- rtefbndiuit- To Kara W. LelaaB. Defendant: In tbe name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby notified taas toe anove-aamca natntiir nas nica in to Court above named his complaint against yoa far Fifty Dollars (S9S) and interest at on (t) acr cent per month from April 2Sth, 1879, on a promissory note; and ou being a non-resi- tleat at this stale.and personal service of sum sasaaapon you tn this State being Impossible, tha Court above named, on the day of atarea, am, maae an oruer auecung service or snmmsns apon you oy puoiieation an-six suc cessive weeks in tha New Mouth wxxt. a as arspapur of general etortilattnn published la jaanaoasna vosnssy. now, you are nereoy snmsaaasil and required to appear and answer the above-mentioned snssplslnt of tha Plain tuTnn or before the nrstday of the next tna von I pear and answer, said Plaintiff will take Judg ment against yon, for want of answer, tor Fifty uoiiars is-jOI anu inierestatonempereenipeT month Irom Acrll 25tb. Hfakand JOT I aisourseroenis. i.i'ij&aac auusai, A t toraays for Plain tUC Portland, April 1st, bJSU. -S st JtJiosia. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for the county ot Multnomah. Jennie Henderson. Plaintiff, vs George Hen derson, Defendant. To Oeorge Henderson, Defendant : In tbe name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to appear and answer th-complaint tilnl against ou lnthe above-entitlid suit on or b.-tore the tirstday or ti.e next term ot sill Court, tint i to s-.iv : on or beture the liui day o; June, lsso; ji" i oii ;.ul -i 10 iinsu. i tur waul thercuf, the Plaintiff will take Judgement ot default against you, and will apply to the loan for the reliel demanded In her complaint, to-wlt: lor a decree dissolving the bonds of matri-monvexi-tlnu between said Plaintiff and pe fend'uitand Tor a divorce, ano lor such other relict a.- to ui-ti. e and coiuiy niay appertain. This sum. :10ns is pulutsii'd 'ii ilie kw s-.'.i.Js-r H or.Iel ot the .lI.A.-Hltitled Court, made on the H.ih Uy of Ap'iKN Alturht j" lor l'lamlilT.