iTl 1 THURSDAY MAY 6, 1880. LOCAL IEV8. ' lb. Win Wafers baa been appointed sjssjwtsj u. n. jnanoat. A targe Dumber of Vancouver people wen in tne city Monday. There are nftw ninety-nine licensed Ik nor saloons in Portland. The delinquent tax roll fur 1879 ia ery small, Ueiujr only $6,737. John M. Morpliy, of the Olympia Standard, returned home yeeterday. The new steamer Columbia will sail from New York for Portland direct next Batarday. Hon. M. C. George opened bis politi cal eampaigu at Jacksonville last Mon day night. The excursion of Willamette Co. No. 1 to Corvallis last Suodsy was largely attended and very anecessfol. A ftmnd excursion from Philomath, Corvallis and other Interior towns, to Portland, will take place next Saturday. Mr. Josiah Melvin, an old settler of Oregon, died near St, John's Saturday morales;. He cade to Oregon in 1846. Judge Deady has appointed J. II. Woodward to act as chief supervisor of election under the Federal election law. Owing to the so perior finish and excel" lenee of work, A bell stands pre-eminent as a photographer. Give him a call. Wonder's Oregon Blond Purifier ia the great conqueror of biliousness and liver complain t. Relief certain jn every ease. Mr. B. Ik Durham, auditor and clerk, who ha been ill recently with the measles, is now able to be upon the street. Mrs. Leorena Wills, wife of Jacob Wills, of Wilis's Mills, died on the 3d Ins. The deceased crossed the plains ial8to. Tbe0. R. & X. Company have re duced the charges on wheat, flour and other freight to SI 50 per ton between Sale and Portland. The booae-warmiog of tbe St. An drew's Society at their new suite of rooms io Union block Tuesday evening waa a very pleasant affair. Mr. Oscar Dunbar, an old Oregon compositor, bat who tor the past eight yean baa resided in SaD Francisco, gave us a pleasant call yesterday. The Oregon Iron Works properly, at Albina, waa purchased last Thursday, at assignee's sale, by Messrs. Ktuitb Bros, as Watson, for the sum of $15,025. TbeOregon on her last voyage brought np the largest cargo which lias been ' carried over the bar for many years. It consisted of 2,100 ions of "aborted merchandise. Gen. E. A. Sherman has accepted the Invitation of Oeorce WrUrbt lt No. 1. O. A. It., to deliver the oration on ins olation Day, which this year on Sunday, will be celebrated f.iilinj; i l lie I win met. Tbe pupils of Professor Cardinell cave their annual exhibition and ball at Turn Halle Monday evening. Tbe hall was well filled, and the exhibition paased off in a mauner grullfyliig to all concerned. An old gentleman named ITenry Warren, from Milan, Missouri, tiled on the Elder on her last voyage irnm San Francisco to this port, He has children at Spokan Falls, whom he vru on hie way to visit. The lecture of Rev. J. L. Parri-ili at Y..M. C. A. Hall on Tuesday evening, apon "Reminiscences of Early Times in Oregon," waa not so well attended ax the manner In Which the SUMeot was treated deserved. Those who wish an excellent sutt cf clothing, guaranteed to give perfect sst- 1 1st action as to price, quality am! lit, ahoald call on W. H. Utter, with VV. J. I Qntnn, who has re-opened at I. Is old stand, 28 Stark street. Amour those who will canvass the , Rt.t. In ilo intmataoT thai nominees daring the present campaign may be mentioned Hon. J. N. Dolph, Hon. Bnfus Mai lory, Judge Ktearn, Hon. A. C. GIbbs, Hon 'Lisa Applegate swmI General Odell. Tbe rivef has been rising very rapid ly for the past few days, and lu conse quence workmen have been engaged in removing freight from ttsaswarer to the upper docks, so that very Mttic damage will be done unless the water reaches aa unusual height. Tbe report of the pabJIe schools for the past month shows that, with an at tendance of over 1,800 popila, t here were only 17 cases of tardiness. Five years ago there were bat 97S pupils In attend ance daring April, and 530 eases of tar diness were recorded. Dr. Bawdon Arnold, homo?ipalbic pbysieiao and surgeon, whose office and residence is now at No. 83 Fourth street, is fast gaining the confidence of tbe pub lic, and, although a resident of this city for but a few mouths, is building np an extensive and well-deserved practice. Rev. Isaac Dillon, at present in the East, baa seen ml very low rates on the Union and Central Pacific Railroads for an excursion to Oregon and tbe Oregon State Fair, which commences July 1st. The excursion train will start from New York June 16:h, passing Chicago and St. Louis. The great firm of Flelschner, Mayer & Co. hi still engsged in selling goods by the ton. Milliners who wish to replen ish their Spring stocks for May and Jane are Invited to inspect their Im mense assortment of everything new and desirable in bonnets, bats, feathers, flowers, ribbous, laces, ornaments and novel ties of every device and description. Jacob Mayer knows just what you want and how to select It for you in New York, at bed rock prices. Examine his stock and see if ibis isn't so. About 2:30 o'clock Saturday morning, that portion of tbe brick building on Uie corner of Ash and First streets oc cupied by the Standard and Willamette farmer offices was discovered to be in flames. Tbe department was soon on band, and succeeded in eettimr th flr. , ander control, but not until the offices mentioned were completely destrored Tiie store of Oilman & Co.. auctioneers. in tbe same building, was completely wrecked. The Standard and Farmer were insured for $l,.'t00 each ; Oilman & Co. for 51,000; and W. K. Smith, owner of the building, for $2,000. The announcement of the Portland City Homestead on our fourth page should receive the careful attention of everybody. To such of our friends as de-ire to purchase in the Homestead, uc will state that, upon receipt of their full name aud address by either Mrs. A. A. Duuiway or the Dutuway Publishing Co., accomjianleii by $5 00, the first pay ment on oce lot, we will forward to theui a bond for deed. Ail subsequent pivuienls must lie made to the baukuig in - of Lidd v'c Tilton, in this city; hi .1, when ihe Is-t installment I paid, a v. irr.ini d.-c-d will be given. This Is a r re opportunity to m c:e, at a iicnii t. ' cost, property which will in a few years be valuable for city residence?, and should be embraced by all. LETTER FB0X OHIO. To the Editor or tub New Noam west : By reading tbe editorial correspond ence of the New 2foRTHWK8T of April 1st, I was led to tender tbe writer my svmnatbr. not that I think abe needs any help (but from our Father In Heav en) to defend the truth ; and abe has had so many victories to strengthen her faith thai I know ahe has no fears of tbe final result. I have been thinking we ought rather to expend our sympathies upon her opponent, Dr. S. G. Irvin?, who is certainly under a strong delusion. His teaching would make God a tyrant, and who can love a tyrant? "God Is love," saith tbe Scripture. No wonder such a preacher makes infidels. Tbe great transgression, according to Paul, was disobedience ; and yet woman was not created when man was com manded not to eat of the tree of knowl edge of good and evil. She waa kept pare to become flesh and blood with tbe Son of God, to "snva rebel man." As Adam waa a representative of all men, ao Eve was a representative of all wom- . Woman's subjection to nan was for a purpose I need not name ; but It relieved her from the law that "worketh wrath." No animals' blood had to be sacrificed for ber sins; but bet flesh and blood was sacrificed upon tbe cross to atone for the sins of men. Did not Si mon ssW toCnrist's mother (by the Holy Ghost), "A sword shall pierce through toy soul 1" There are many women, and many sons of women, in whose aplritaj there is no guile who will stand before! the thrown of God at tbe last dav witboat fault. I believe In Christian perfection and profess It j Matilda Wallace. Ham moods vll I e, Ohio, April 20. THEATRICAL. The Orcgonian stated that Miss Annie Adamk Little Maud, Miss Belle Douglas, Miss Lou Edgar, Mr. Lindsay, Mr. Al len, and other members of the company recently at New Market, are play lug at Walla Walla. It was reported when they left this city that they went to the Sound. John Maguire's benefit on Monday even lop, white a success financially, was not so artistically, judging from the complaints heard upon every hand. Tbe most notable feature of the eveuing was the unrolling of the new drop curtain, painted by John R. Wilkin, which is said to be a very fine piece of scenic work. The performance tivon ly Kir ton Hill and Miss Josie Cameron Saturday alternoon at New Market Theater was not well attended, and in consequence they did not apiieur in the evening as advertised. If Mr. Hill con!d not draw I when supported by Mr. Chaplin and -""guire's company, ue surely could uot r :l 'wu,IBt' wan oiuy iti isvt v auierou ami a air. liarnes, 01 uiympia, 10 assist. The benefit tendered by the ciliens of Portland io Mrs. I). F. Smith at New Market Theater lust Friday evening was largely attended by the elite of th.- city, and tbe lady may well feel proud ol the appreciation with which she was met by her many friends. Hhe was ably as sisted by some of the best amateurs aud professionals in Portland, ami every number was rendered in excellent style. Mrs. Hraith was particularly elective in scenes from "Macbeth," showing a thorough appreciation of the author's meaning, and foreshadow! up a brilliant iuture for the lady should she properly develop her histrionic talents. She will uppear at Pope's Hall in Oregon City to-morrow and e bespeak for her a crowded house. TI,r- okeuos KtDXEr TEA. K-ad the following testimonials, not from persons 3,000 miles away, whom no one knows, bnt from well-known trustworthy cltisens of Oregon, wlirwe uarries, written with their o hinds, can be seen at our office: Pkmi'.ktos, Or., Jan. 12. 1880. Having U"l-! the OBEQOS KlDNEY Tea for one of my sotn, whose urinary organs were injured by taking turpen tine, I cheerfully certify to its beneficial effects, and recotnmeud the same to the public. Lot l.IVEKMOKK, Agc-ut for Wells, Fargo A Co. Portland, O-.. Jan. 22, 1890. I hereby certify thai I have used the Onr.ooN Kidney Tea and been greatly benefited by it. I heartily recommend it to the public. CitAtoiE Sharp, Jr., Traveling- Ag"t for Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., 20 Geary st., S. F. Hoxor raov EruoPB. It is rounded on all sides that Dr. Ayer's Pills are above compari son Willi other medicines. Uniting the best elements known to the chemist, they are par ticularly efiVellve against the numerous tom acbtc disorders loi which they are recom mended as a euro. Three Pills are so mild, yet searching, that they are often prescribed by doctors who otherwise do not favor patent medicines. Indeed, with the fratu or Dr. Avers genius In the shape of Illls, Harsapa rllla. Ague Cars and Cherry Ieetoral, one might with ftupuulty travel through Ike swamps of tropical America, or follow Stanley on his travels through the inierior of Africa. Amsterdam Nieair van den Dug. KEW THIS WEEK. RAWDOM ARNOLD, M. D., BesMrspaUIr nyslrlsa ssi sargrss. f.sriiKXCE AND OFKK'F-No B5 Fourth I, lelwcen Stark and llik. rortlMiiil r:..-:-11 ours -8 to lit A. X., 2 to 4 and 7 felo Ice Cream aud Soda. Water ! ALISKY A HECELE'S, Tiist bet. Alder and mil HorrlH. IITATIOX. IN THE CorSTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for the county of Multnomah. In the matter ol ihe ette of I', r. ija , de ceased. To Jnm- .V. Ihivi. Sarah Ann Nh.ii Merrill U-ivi,, Viitfil DavNamt II Havi. Uelrnof ! W. D:ivl, di-ceoM-d, in the n. lllll- ol itr'Knn: ny ord-r of the uv eiiliiV.I f t. mmi" on tl- .m i,i '.j.iv I). Iv.. j. .u re li.rebj eiled and re. ml red' to appear before the Judge of this Court at the I'oun-rnom therwif, in the ritv of Portland eoonty and -tale aforenal.l.on the Mil dav at .1 aly, A. 1. ISSi, at the liour ol t-n i lm o'. i.w-k in the fun-noon ol ail dav. tlu n ami ihi re o how r.iu-. If any exist, whv an or.ler should not tie gl anted l.y tills l'(.nrt n, ll.uiiili M 'i.ii-is, Auluiiiistratrix i.f said , siati- n, s,.'l i lie reai i -lati- trt-l.inkiui; in s-o. ,-si,ti, ( !. iri.-'y : lil urn1 ill in ItlfM k mi.. tuiiHlr.-.l ili-i imietv-i ly'.i l'l-.inHii c'vi.l i'.irll.m 1. Mu'Tr.olu.ih I .I'lnli . .s-'.ir ol i i. '-n, il im lug a paicel or ground ail by lou feet ii'iutiing upon Had and Meventh streets in sautelty, enrloned by a picWel and board fenc-, lmniz a one KUiry wiviilen lisri-Illnii-lionKe ,Tie.t thereon. In orili-r 'o i'o iiikI shI.nIv lh.- i-lainis a-i,i rli-oTu'i's aim 'i-l a.-! i si , a m l,. - w-i::i.i!i Hl.-I .11 t'lls fi.urt ,)j tin- tih , . ,j i.i-"'. I . . II r. Wit-., -si el' .ii v , . 1. 1 1.. ::; .1 lor If tiiSniiu ilte Mi4t o. Mm! (.uun m nxed, this 5tb day ol May. A. I). lMu. JAMES A. SMITH, Cierk. by A. E. Borttwnk, Dt puty. MISCELLANEOUS Established in (371. ACKERHAX'S DOLLA E. STORE, 87 and 89 First Street AS If 86 and 88 Second Street, PORTLAND ORBUON G8BCKERY, 91ASS & PLATEB WARE, An Immense Assortment. FANCY OO0D8, TOYS, NOTIONS, LAMPS, LAMP STOCK, CHANDKUKBB, BRACKETS. FRAMES. MIRRORS, CROQUET SETS, BIRD CAGES, BARY CARRIAGES, ETC, ETC, V-31 MACKINAW MEUSSDORFFER'S. rpHE MACKINAW HAT 18 TBE MOST X durable Summer Bat maonHsctored. It will not spoil bv rain, and is la the loot ran the -:.rpext Hnmmer Hat made. Tbe genuine is thu best, and only for tale at XEUSSBORFFER'S, IS I VroHt Htreet. nnrt lea I'lrst .Street. a -Si lm BARTSCH'S MUSIC STORE, 143 Pint Street, Portland, General Act'til lor Kranirti A Marh.rrnvt Gabler ?ie M-nlc I'prUrat Pianos nml Jiurdelt Urgnas. Instruments mid on the installment plan. Sheet Music. Mook and Musical Merchandise. Catalogues tarnished on application. Country orders promptly attended to. as-Tuning and Kepalrtng a Specialty, myl SHAM CARPET-CIS Aitllfi REXOVATISO ESTABLISHMENT, X. BAIX, Proprietor. Blankets Scoured, Rleaelied and Ue-napped, Mattresses and feathers Kenovated, Lace Curtains and Shades aHpsetalty. And Carpets Be-Ulted and Re-laid. Works Bead ef sTasfersan Street (On Canyon Hoad.) aw Bell Telephone and Order Slate at Clilld'a Drugstore, corner Second and Morri son streets; also, at Pmreral Faruitnre stnre, First and Yamhill streets. S-30 CORBETT'S LIVERY, HACK AND FEED STABLES, Vr. lii-wHil anil Taylor streets. Reasonable Charge for Hire and Boarding. Hack orders promptly attended. Day or Night. WOOHTTAXH Az XAHIIK.V, drop's. 2CITW HAIlEETi NEW ENGLAND MARKET (Formerly Amador), ('raw or Jforth Foartb tusd K streets. IX THIS MARKET YOU WILL FIND AT all times, and at tbe LOW KMT POSSIBLE PRICES. Fresh, Smoked aad Salt Meats, Poul try, Lard and Kggo. Also Henry Aaaea a Co.s Standard St. Lonls Sagar-erMl Hams, and James K. Boyd's Extra Omaha Huns, the Piatt Valley brand, aw (Jive us a call. S-sSi NEW ENGLAND MARKET. LADIES' EMPORIUM. THE LAMES' EM POBIU M, ESTABLISHED 1 slltt Front street, near Alder, la beooaalng one of tbe Instttntlons of Portland. Ladles' Underwear, Laces, Embroideries, Wools, Zeph yrs, Chen I lies, Bristol and Card Board a Spec ial 17. Best assortment of Relief Pictures, Rnchlngs. Handkerchiefs, ete. In fact, almost everything needed by the Ladles for fancy work and articles of venae can be ftmnd at Oarrlson's Emporium, 19 Front street. Orders from abroad solicited ami promptly nuca. f iik oeiH newioi mciihs can be found al Onirlsonl Sewing Machine iMore, 1 ,1 rruiu iirers viu.m - circular price lists sent when desired. S-2S ZMPraS BAKERY. VQSS & FUHR, (Sucoessor to Peter Wagner), Vonnfocturers of Bread. Cakes, Patfry, Pilot Bread, Soda, NchIc, Butter, Dofton, Sugar and Shoo Fly CRACKERS, JURY IMO CAIE3, BtMtt S8AK, ETC. M iVoahington street, IHtrtland Ogn. sarorders from the Trade solicited. AMERICAN STEAM DYE1NB AHO CIEAHIRG WOSXt tm'e and n.KAX all Kisns ok silk JL wiMilen and mtxd goods, alter the best and newet 'Icrman and French systems Kid i;!oves and Kiat!ii'M cleaned and dud by a new proves.. Ulansitsand Furs cleaned nlee 1. iiiiiu'cioiiiing cleaned and dyed a spec ialty. O. CONRAD St CO., No. 10 Salmon -....- 1 . 1 1 . 1 . a 11 u , un-vun. o-oi QOn A M''TII giiarantred: 1 . a div at 'JIOW l..,:nr m.i.l- to the industrious. I apl- 1 not r..utin.i: w w :i I. .s a"..l eirls in .V -tart Men, w.,rk lur 11- i'i 111 .,1 an; Lone inn els r isti-r at Tin- work -'" ' ' .0 ir.' , 11,, ' ' A- ' s l '.-'l.'.r ..lilr.vui.,uliBil see for themselves. Costly outfit and terms rree. Now In tbe time. Those already al work 5..-5yin: up ,re sums of money. Add rem lULcavuatiiUBUiiaiQe. ftf7 TJKY GOODS VXD MIJjLIJsERY. MOTICi TO- WK HAVK OI'BSCKl) OUR MAMMOTH STOCK OH HILLHTEE.Y GOODS Direct from ths rdanufactnrcrs. Persons Visiting this City are Spc cially Invited to Examine Our Stock TJefore Purohasin. LEWIS & STRAUSS, So. 123 First Street. 1856. 1880. SPRING OPENING. We are now receiving OUR SPRING IMPORTATIONS or Dry and Furnishing Goon's! Which comprise THK MOST C0MPLETK A889IITJIIOT We have ever sttered. We shall end so tor, as in ths past, to sell tbe HKST QUALITY of Goods at I?02?TTX.VXt PRICES. SOT Everr Indoastneut that can he offered will be cheerfully given, aod ao sflbrt will be spared to please eoslomers. OLDS & KING, TTo. liLY Xltii-a Street, I"ORTLAJsD OKEOOX. FLS1SCHHEP., MAYER & CO. Kront sod Wrst stmts, bsC Asm and A. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. SPUING SEASON. MR. MAYRR 1LS MADK VKKY RXTEN lve pwmlisisso-fa IMll tins of MILLINERY GOODS, TMmet fungi 11m AfaaaSuauraM asd IsanBtters la New York, our sioek will eemssi et tbe latest styles nmt somos or ITeatIicr smcl Plumes, French Flovors. Hats, Shapes, Mblions, Tlaln, Cros Grain and Fancy, Silts, TcItcIs, etc., etc., To which we In vlts the aUeoUon of the Milli nery Trade oromsw ami nnwm lory. Bafse tbe only Wholesale Heose la the State ImaorMag MILLINBKY GOODS direct from New York, we will be prepared to ottr extra ladBeeraeots to our Friends and Patrons. sss S. B. SMITH. O0- A. Y0D.VO. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, t ornor or I'lrst nnd Morrison Streets, rOr.TL.VND, OIIEOOK. Doard sod Hoem.perday $1 S9 Renovated sod Nswly Furnished. FKEK COACH TO AND FI10M THE HOUSE. S-51 SMITH Jt YOONO, Proprietors. PIONEER WOOD-YARD, Fsot ol Yamhill street. JULIUS SORENSEX. all Hixns or tvoon, Rawed and unsawed, constantly on hand, and 5 delivered to any part of the city. Z7 MISCELIVNEOUS. Clothing Way Up ! Prices Way Down ! FISHEL & ROBERTS IT AVE KKCEIVED, DIItKCT FHOM THE MANUKACTTJREB3, ALL TIIE LATEST STYLES OF Nobby Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Etc., Which, allhootjh they haws advanced In price 33 per esai, will be soM far the next co days at old prices. riSItUL .t KMIlKItrs, Corner ol llrst anil Aider streets, PORTLAND. OKEG J.V. S-S Ohronrio-Lithography Lithography, Photo -Lithography, COUNTY AND CITY MAPS, -A-D 5 Printing of Ercrr Description EXBCVTBO WITH PROMPTNESS, NEATNESS AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Estimates and Design Furnished on appli cation. NI3L3GS & BJSRBE. No. 67 Tront Street, PORTLAND- ..OREOON Mannf.ictnrer, Importer and Jobber in FUKNITsTllE. BEDDINfi, CARPETS, PAPER HANGING. WAREROOMK ISI and 1SJS Fust and 1st Beeond atnet. STEAM FACTORY H. W. Osmer Front and sjn streets. i'i:tla,yj. onncn.v. G. HSI35ETSR, MERCHANT TAILOR, Xu. I S Tirst street, KEKS CONSrANTLY ON 1LNU A FINK sod complete .lock of SCOTCH, EK6USH, HKXett i C3MEST1S GOODS Which are natk-pnssed.aad which he will make up AT COST TRICES. OILS' Crockery and Glassware f A SPECIALTY OF LAMPS AND OILS! rrtllK CELEBRATED "HERO" OIL-BRST JL In the market. For sale by us only. Or ders from tbe eoontrr promptly rilled. Semi and try IlKRO OIL. Satisfaction guaranteed. 11 mv nvre ui piewne. OLDS A 8U5IJIKR8, S-S First street, 1'orUand, 5W.VSHINGTON ST., roRI LAND. ORE Kon, respeetfully n-uest8 nil i,e readers ol the New Northwest wLo bae work in his line to call upon or address bim. Kstlmales glTen on appliratlon, an I all Inquiries promptly answered. Ol rCf TO J009 A. YEAR, or to S per O lOUU day In yonr own locality. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one ean fait to make money Art. Anyone can do tbe work, lou can make from CS cents to 52 an boor by devottne your evenlniis and spare time to the business. Nothing like It for money-inakloE ever oflbred before. ItoMness pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, If you want to know all about the best-paying business before the public. send us your ad dress and we will send you full particulars and private terms free; samples worth !$ also tree; you can then make up yonr mind for yonrselt Address OEOltUE STINSON" A CO., Portland, Maine. 8-17 MISCELLANEOUS. D. W. PRENTICE & CO., TnE LEADING SVlusic .Dealers ! North of Sau Franrisco. TIIE LARGEST STOC K OF PIANOS! From $203 to $1,000! THE LAROEST STOCK OF O H. G- iL KT S ! Tront $25 to $700! TUB LAROEST STOCK OF SHEET MUSIC AUD BOOKS! iBtbsXortbweK. Tmirummte of All Ktods Sold on Easy PaymcmU. SUBSGMBB TOR D . W. PRENTICE & C0S Monthly Musical Journal, Wtilefc contains from 815 to 19 worth of new vocal ana instrumental mime ami valnableHnd Interest! n read ing matter each year. Only 75 Cents por Year. D. W. PRENTICE & CO., No. 107 First Street, a. K. GUI' eM stand). I"0R rLAND ORBGON s-II REMOVAL. "W. H. MARSHAIiIi & OO. 0 WIJIO TO TUB VERY LIBERAL EN- enunsementwe have met with since oar etwnmenosraent in tbe Grocery Bastnese, we hare been compelled toseeklanjerand more central quarters'" onr late premises were quite Inadequate to meet the de- manda of oar eonstantly Incieaslng trade. Se have therefore mneh pleasure In an nounetas; to the public that we have se cured Stalls Nos. 4, 5, G and 7. Central Market, And we purpose maklns this place The Central Rendezvous and Depot For everybody to purchase all de scriptions or Staple and Fancy Groceries. We are now dbTfdaytnc.ex steamer "flee. "V AX IJIMHNSB STOCK lOCAV GOODS, rttrehnsstl with especial reJBrsiwM to onr new departure. Oar Prices are lower than those of any other house in the city, and onr Goods are all Fresh, New and "Well Selected. Y earnestly Invite the attention of llonsekespers. Heads of Families, Ho tel aud Boardloc House Keepers, ete. to whom special Inducements will be oflered-to our faetlitiee r supplytns tliem with tbe best eJass ef fofxl" at tbe Lowest Possible rriee. or Goods delivered free and promptly to 'every part of tbe dty, also to all trains ami steamboat. RESIEMBEIt TIIE TLACE, Central Market Grocery Store, Stalls Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7, (Opposite 0Shea Bros'.) V. H. MARSHALL, & CO. res tr GO TO THE AURORA RES1TAURANT, Northeast cor. Front and Alder streets, The only place In Portland where yon can get A GOOD SQUARE MEAL For 25 Cents. & PR0FES3I0NAI. IBas H. MrTCIJEI.I- BALPII X. DBSIX2CT MITCH ELL' &IDEMENT, Attorncys-at-Law. OFFICE Corner First and Morrison streets, rooms formerly occupied by liuchtcl'sjrietnre Gallery. 8-58 J. S. DOLPH. JOS. SIMON. C. A. DOLPH. E. C BCOXAUOIt. D0LPU, DEOXACan, DOLPH SIU0.1 Attornevs-at-Law ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE, PORTLAND. 2-Wtf JNO. M. DALY, Attorncy-at-Law DALLAS, OREGON, WILL PRACTICE IN THE DISTRICT AND United States Courts. 6-38 W. KOEIILER, DentistDentist Dentist. "VTEW DENTAL ROOMS CORNER FIRS1 1 and Main streets, in Shade's new brick uulldlng.over I'lummer's Drne Store. Jal DR. J. a. GLENN, ZJOJltitst, Southwest corner First and Yamhill PORTLAND, OREGON. MISS OR. ANQIE L. FORD. OFFICE Rooms I and 5, Moamutei.s Build In?, lrasd ls First street. KKSIDBNCB Corner of First and Mont gomery streets, No. MB. OB- Special attention given to Diseases ol Women and Children. 9-3 TRAVEL. OREGOH & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD CO TO TAKK BFFKCT SUNDAY, SBFT. 15, 187S,at Ku. DaUy (Sunday excepted) as follows: - PORTLAND AND RO.SEBURG as follows: leave. arrive. Portland 7:88 A.M. I Roseburs 7:60 r.3f Roseburg5:UU A. M. Portland. p. x. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIJ., Dally (except Sundays), As follows: LKAVE AHRIVE Albasy 8aKr.3t rortland-lMS a. u P.trllan.1 J p. f. Albany M. FREIGHT TRAINS, Daily (except Sunday) A3 FOLLOWS t LEAVE. ARRIVE. Portland 8:U A. M. I Janet ton SS&9 V. u Junction 5: A. M. Portland SSI v.yu The Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with all Regular Trains. Close connections are made at Roseburg with the Stages of the California and Oregon Stage Company ere- Tickets for sale to all the principal points In California and the Bast, at Company's office, Cor.F and Front Sis., at Ferry Undlnir, Portland. str Storage will be Charged on Freight re maining In Watehouses over 31 hours. tur Frelahtwill not be received for shipment after 5 o'clock: p. X. J. BRANDT, Jr., . x uwano. urn. sj,'w Geo. Freight and Passenger Agent. I-MI Portland to San Francisco. Carrjln U. S. Mall and Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express. The Orecon Railway and Navhrailoa Com pany and Pad lie Coast Steamship Company will dispatch, every live days, for the above Port, one of their new and eleeant A 1 Iron Steamships, viz: THE OREGON, GEO. VV. ELDER, AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SAILING DAYS April S, 13, IS, S3, 2S. May a, . is, is, 23, as. June 2, 7. Leavlnt; rertland al 3 A. M. THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the nrlnel. pal Cities in tbe United States and Canada. ror parueutars tor raseage ami Frets til, ap ply to G. W. WBIDLTtR, Steamship Asent O. It. .t N. Co.. Comer Ash and Kront.Sts., Portia ad, Or. Or J. McCRAKEN st Co., AkIs P.C.S. S.Co (jB,tsand si .ortn -rontst.,rorlland,or. JOHN A. BECK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 1 Front street, Portland, Oregon. A Fine Assortment of C10Q1S, VATCHES, JEWELRY AND SPECTACLES AT LOW PRICES. Repairing a Specialty AH Work War ranted. Parehaslns AMERICAN WATCHES Direct and for Cash, and having the advantage ot Low Rent, I ean safely promise Lower Priees than any other house in Oregon. Ueinir competent, I will repair Common or Fine Watches satisfactorily. SPECTACLE and OPTICAL GOODS a Specialty. Elgin Sliver Watches. Wallbam Sliver Walehes -SK to 56 -Jit to 560 OREGON TRANSFEB COMPANY General Forwarding and Commission. FrefczhtamI bacse forwarded and delivered with dispatch. Pianos and Furniture moved. Orders for Hacks Promptly Attended to, Day sll .IIJJUU Ofllce-S.W. Cor. Second nml star It Sin. Cir Mark, Care of 0. T. Co. 7-M W1BERQ & KIERNAN, .UEALEHS TV BOOTS AND SHOES 113 Front street, between Alder and Morrison, Portland, Oregon, HAVE JUST RECEIVED Ad IMMENSE STOCK OF NEW GOODS. QHfi A WEBK In your own town, and no tjpUU capital risked. You can give tbe busi ness a trial without expense. The best oppor tunity ever offered for those willing to work. 1 on should try nothing else until you see for XOttrself what vou can do at the buftlnee xwa offer. No room to explain here, You ean de vote all yonr time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hnllPlll.l vnn .1- UTnman . - - . J . n v, is. Ma 111UCU OS men. Send for special private terras and par ticulars, which we mall free. S5 outfit free Don't complain ot hard times while yon have such a chance. Address II. HAXiLETT & CO Portlan d, Mai n e. gj7