9 -V THURSDAY . ...APRIL 15, 1880. LOG&L BBWS. A 530 tnnna bell WlTl be iurcUatl for UWAOrUHCMM, The Bine Ribbon Club of East Port land U in m flourishing; condition. The Vancouver steamer does not leuve her dock until ibrre o'clock l. st. Tbewlpuhlica: State Convention 1 befeeld la this city next Wednesday.- Teaay is Uie Hieulh- anniversary of Inn MBiuli ilrnri or .aorntisui uihuib. Hits Sonora WitbereH cleared $111 by the recent benefit at New Market Tbe- Mr. S. 3. Laockshut rooeB to estab lish a produce aiitl clock exchange in this city. Mrs. Joseph Bucblel, of Et Fart laotl, who has b-?ea aerloaaly ill, is enn vaieaelng. The Hayes truck for the Portland Fire uepnrUBent baa been shipped Iron San rranraaco. Grosod of the Oreirou Hallway Ooea pany'a road will be broken at QUvenoo next Mooaay. Ah Lee will be executed at the Court Home next Tuesday, unless Governor mayer interferes. me urand Jury at St. Helens was discharged, there being uo criaaiaal cases to investigate. Dnrtoft the year ending March flat. we rortiana post omee aid a money or der bnsiness of $323,S47. - Mr. M. C. Harris baa taken a $1,500 job w i nans nana, i tie material arrived by tbe California. An Oakland (Cat.) gentreman baa leased tbe St. Charles Hotel, and will taie cnarge about May 1st. Nlcolai Brotbcra are erecting a larjre building at tbe corner of Third and D s! reels, wbieb is to be need as a hotel, Every perssn in Oreron abould read tbe announcement, on this page, of the Portland City Homestead Association. Owing to the superior finish and excel lence of work, A bell sunds pre-eminent as a pnoiograpiier. uive Dim a call. Captain Botles lias gone east to bring toeuregoo biearasiiip company e new and magnificent vessel, the Columbia, to tan coast. An effort is being made to hare whole sale store close on Saturdays at 2 P. X that boating, base-ball at:d cricket may not languish. Tboaapaon, DeHart & Co, will erect a new dock back of the National Hotel, having based 100 feet of river front from J. T. Hunsaker. Liebe & Hoelbing'a large steam bak ery, corner East Park and O streets, is completed, and is baking large quanti ties of crackers daiy. A young servant girl bas been ma milted to jail by the Police .lodge for stealing a silk dress from tbe bouse where she was employed. . Tbe City Surveyor baa prepared plans for tbe Alder-street and tbe Madison treat sewer. The eost of tbe former will be about $3,500, and of tbe latter, $5,000. On Friday evening last, Mountain's light Battery fired a salute of boner to Fred. V. Holmao, tbe attorney who oecessfnily conducted their csc against the County Court. Yonng men having uufortnnateiy eontracted certain diseases, poisoning tbe blood, can find nothing- better with which to regain their heailb than Plun der's Oregon Blood Purifier. A meeting was held In'Kast Portland on Saturday evening last in the interest of tbe Portland and Vancouver R til road, and a committee was appointed to solicit subscriptions to aid its cotetruc tlon. J. B. GarrUou'u ladies' Emporium, a( 140 Front atreet, la now open to tbe public. Bead tbe advertisement under "New This Week" for nerttculara. Mr. Garrison is still in the sewing maebine OHSitttean. lib Ida Yocom, Mies "Edith L&zelte and Miss fclta Stan n us were granted first-elaas certificates at tbe recent ex amination for school teachers. Six re ceived uecoad-jrratle certificates, and nine failed. It Is stated that the Oregon Kali way Company (Limited) baa obtained con trol of tbe Dayton and Sheridan road. Tbe gentleman who baa anted a re ceiver of the road for some time paat assoeeo relieves, S. 8. Cook has been awarded the con tract for laying Belgian block pavement on Front street, from Ash to Madison, at $2 17 per square yard, and baa fur atoned bonds for tbe faithful perform ance of tbe contract. Those who wish an excellent suit of clot bins, troaranteed to irlve nerfect ant. I ef action as to price, quality and fit,J aoouia can on w. u. utter, with W. i. Quinn, woo bae re-opened at bis old stsnd, 28 Stark street. . Twenty-three box, oce baggage and two passenger cars, made at tbe shops on tbe east side, were transferred to tbe went aide road on last Sunday. They complete the Oregon Centra! Railroad's rolling stock at present. Multnomah county Is now out of debt. Sheriff Nortie a recently paid over $110, W0 In coin to tbe Treasurer, and tbe latter announces his readiness to honor all county warrants. Interest on all In dorsed warrants prior to April 11, 1880, A fire at the corner of Front and Mad ison streets on Toeaday morning turned Joseph Roemer's carriage and wagoo chop and D. C. Sonlbworth'a livery table. Roemer's Iocs la $(.500. with $2,850 Insurance. South worth's loss is ouu, insured. Hie advertisement of Aekerman's Dollar 8 tore, Koa. 87 and S8 First street. In Union Block, appears lr this iasoe. Thla cetabliabment ta one of the Urgent and most elegant in the city. Tbe va riety ot articles op the shelves ! astoo lsfaing. The wholesale department ix in tbe upper story. Mr. J. S. , Leaourd left Portland ou Tweaday, taking with hiio machinery lor a aaw-miu at lexaa p erry, ou Snake Biver. Tbe O. B. at N. Un. will con atrnet thirty m Ilea of railroad from the ferry into tbe Palouse country, and Mr. Ia. baa tbe contract for furuisiilng 3 000, 000 feet of lumber for tbe road. Atutust fit. Wodecki, a cUrk in t!:e employ of Olds &. Kiug, left Uie State by the steamship California, leavli.; aeweral bills unpaid. Telegrams were eaat to Astoria, instructing the Chief of Police to arrest him, but tbe steamer left before the nieaaape were receivtd. Wedecki's account at Olds & Kind's is all right. .The Odd Feilows of Portland and K-st Portland will celebrate the sixty-fltst anniversary of the Older iu splendid style at the Mechanic' Pavilion on the "Jth ictant. I'iie ixcrsiti's ill conii-t f the litual cercniouies of the (J.-aml I.'li-i., a ,r:i (,v- I'lli.on l!.it:.ihnu n; lull u., i,, nn, a grand coi.ctit. atd a dress ball. Tbe proceeds will he devoted to tbe e!ahllhiu.-iit of an O.M Kellna Orphans' Home. 1 PORtLAND. Tho CiCoU eopHBf otai Center of tlw pMwfUtnaC St. Ttm TTctmemt and Future. It has a population of 21,0)0. It. and tbe TerrQorlea of Waabtrsnloa ami 11 what New York City is to tbe 8t.no of Nu- York. aad Imn the same relatlan to that State 1 tboas Territories I bat Chicago doei to IIII- aols. St. Louis to Mlssouil, Philadelphia to Feasaylvaata,and Sew Orleans to Louisiana. It has mors terrttorj tributary to It thin any other eity la the In.tc-d statca.anii wlil toon numbered with the torenioot clUe in tbe Union. Evea at this Urn th hammer and I lie aawean be heard in ail parts t,r the rn ; the demand for buiidlna Is so gnat tli.'tl the lu eleraont season of Winter dm- not rlurk Ibe onward manca or HS arewtb. wiui Hi- vast aomber of ships eotttfautly plytn U-iween this and (Breisn porU,lrrlrlii' J wttii niircon stantly Inerewioa; ajrrienlUiru! nijui, and Uie aamerou railroads oiv iriiu:ary u. or termtnaUna; at. this city. It will not nUire aMtetaaa tea yean to swell the popu!a;!ri of our beautiful and KToarlns; city to lGiHQO souls. Bavins; a larger territory than Kan Franciaeo to support It, we may confidently assert that la tnailnan annariar of a oentnry IMrtlaad will be tt ft m i in in el ty n ths const la eototof wealth sjm! population. We will he eaamamte the many railroad otitrprlae already inangvrated. Hoiaeof them are eonatrurted. and others In pfncea of eon nBcUoa.ail making their termini at this city. TUB SOBTBS83 rACinc U balldlasT rapidly wst from Duloth. on Lake guprrtur, and also from tbe Columbia Hirer eaat, ana will oe completed at an early day, thus oonneetinK as with all our sister Mtatea. Tax psacos xxo CAunasia . a. . Terml Data here, and U bavtna; an Immense Formerly the Oregon Central, Is doing s good bastoes. This road rnna I ti roach tbe ferule' coaotrrou tbe west side of the Willamette suver, aoa na southern lei minus at present Is at Oorratila, J7 miles from Portland. T2K ITAU KOBTBEBX B. X. Will be boIU throosh hundreds of mllra or fer ule lands, tbe produce of which uium be broogbt to this city for ahipment. Th: road will connect with the Onfan Padnc U K .tiiua seenrine twoeompettne line rrtira the Atlantic to the Pacific. It la now a aettled fact that I lie rOBTLAKP, DALLES asd salt lake k. k. Will bt con&tmeted at an earlvdav. TliU illl give uathna ti ;.na-eotinentat toads. saw eailboad crrurnua. A home raniiwuT. wllhannlliiiiiiHl . I u I has been oreanfaea under the name ,f u,.! Oregon Railway Oju to construct narroa-gaure roads from thl eily to the interior portion of the ettate. nlUmately eonuecling with the Cen tal Pclfle, with branches wherever induce ments may offer. Thla anUvmlM 1 tintr paahad visxajy to onmplatlan, so thai, It may beta rasdlnssi to saows lhlaMdPs saBaV. ABTICLBS or IKCOBFOKATIOX Have been filed toeorairuet anai fn.m nttv Monolain. Nevada. In Uie direction of (imron. to conned wlih LbaOrcroB Kallw&v fa a m:ui and make Portland its lenninna. TL will give n direct o.mmunieatiou Willi the ricbeat stiver mines in tbe world, and will make Port land one of the greatest ndlroad ceutei:n tue Vnioa. To 2t ve the reader an Idea of the anaitiif nil and extent of Ilea railroad intemiu of this etly, we will alate: There are nine ahlpi on their way to tbi port from New York and Philadel phia, and eleven from forelen oort. Mnv others will bedlapatcbed anon. All are lnden-1 wiui nuiroaa iphi io oe put uown on raturoad unea trioatary to, or term mating at, purlisnd. Wc shall soon be connected by rati with tbe Northern Pacific K It.; alxowftfa Chtea7aad the Atlantic titles. Thonvanda of immlmnta are constantly arriving from all pans uf the civilized world, and tbe million of acres of agricultural landa that lis still an broken by the plowshare, and awaiting the advent ot the atnnly farmer, point moat conclusively to the fact that an era ot prosperity Is aJaeady tiawn- iog apon uiw uur yonng huuc wneniheim miKTalion baa, reached Us fall Uae, and three million a of acres are anderenliivaiinn.thAn will Oregon be known as the wsalthleat State In the Union. P0RTLAHB On HOMESTEAD. The land In ruiaenlernrise I lps.nl lain! n? the eity. and Is only frout ten to "fiiteeu minutes' waia rrom tneuoort Hon se, and a leKadlatance than that Irom one at, ttt b.l pn lie acbools m tbe eity. It la divided into ors vwocsABh aud TwaxTv-rora lots. Fifty bv one hundred feet In cIka with tr.tB alxty feet wide. 1 wo handred of these lota will be reaerved for thoae who ilailr to Im- Krove and build thla Hummer asd Pari. These ti a ill he sold on tbe same libera! te.Dis that are offijred in tba Homestead vpcr. paica. All lota will be sold tor SHADS each, parable In installments of pcrroonUi.or tbaemull aom ot !?; cent per day. Kb Interest will be enaraea, ana a gooo and sSJBcient Jlund for Deed will be given npon the payment of tti arat Installment or i.u, and a Warran'r lieed npon receipt of luat laHttllraeut, both w'ithout expense to purchaser. To FCKCnASEBS. TI.orc not findintt convenient to make their payments when doe, will be granted twentT days grace to wnleh'lacsakeanch payment, a It to desirable that all shall have every pos iWe opportunity tt teep ap their pvmeni. Those dextrine to make lull payment at the time the Bond Ta hnoed, will be entitled to a reduction ot tl0.ua on each lot, or S.'JU on cacti $30.00 paid in. Aa tbe BOAD TO a EALTIt Is the most certain and rnrvd throoch real es tate lnveatmedts. this enlerfrlae i(fers far more inancements 10 ine puiuie tnnn any other on the coast at this time, ai toe prhv- and payments are witbln the reach of alL t'o not let this chance paas. Boy a lot, build, ami make yourself Indeoecdent. atanv of von who live in rented bonnes pay more every year for rent than would purchase a lot and build a roof over y oar bead. Yott then wonld bo Inde pendent of exacting landlords, and In trtvb have a place to call "home.' DOjrT VOEGKT That not many yean ago some of the t.esi u'a in Han Franciaeo were sold for an nonce ot sold dust, and that now thee enuld not be bought lor fltitVlO- Also, remember that In Chicago some of the best bustnesK Iota were once traded tor a pair of old boots How often la tne remara made tryoia real dents ot Port land that oaee they eoald have bonght lota for tint that g2MNB won Id not bny now. It ta not wise to "despite the day of small thlcgj." A WABKIXO. Do not taie the advlos or thoae who croak sgalnat the prosjierlty of the etty tn trbh-b they renlde, or cry down in vnterptie wbieb baa for Its object the development or the country. They will tell yon not to iuve-t, a me dis tant locality oflera aoperior Inducements, and that they Intend going there aa soon aa they get meana enough ahead. If audi persona nave not energy and judgment enough to ae ceed in a thriving community like thla, aurelv imiriais aooot aecompiianiug wondroua re aulu elsewhere would seem to amount to noth ing more than the vlUst alr-caatle building. If they were io the tja.-dPn of Eden, surrounded by all b luxuries ol that f.iiuoin, land, with angels to do their b:Miug,nnd the arotuatlc brerzes from Ar.iliv fie t.iert to Tin Ihelr ach Injbrin - villi tn-v n!d be the ame reat ,d. i. uuhappy, dvpep;e, liypo- ctiondt.jji, itieurneible ereatur. h that thev mnv are. N.nipe r.in be li'ine with neh imll Vidl. nls. 11,. r.!i,.M. , chrome, their enM- fT1.. I" 'r- 'x1 ,hi' c in he done i. rLi '.',,e lu'"l'iitcKoriner them, and abandon th m io the:r nmiinif.il fate, as U-Ing beyond ti.e n. i h r hvituan skill. Al :-.:,. IATII.S OF VALL'KK. TI T ft l in e to the "Oreei Ian f. . .tail' i. .1 ti in Mint e.ty pmpery hna aii- tin re l..iv l'i r ri-iii iiiirin'.' me paid rie Is nlioily attributable to the Increasing Inimizratlon and the growlim eontldenee in ??r.'i bT onf '"n'-roaa railroad eulerprte, and the development of our many imtnnil re- r in ii'-ini aiumoered tor want of energetic tat n to .lave lop them. it i- Terr, fte''-" ' .I':" in'"'-nu Ihe h. vV;. ".hteed-ni u!e;!::;: erty tm-.e ul, i,, i,:,.,,,.,.. ",.,,; ' 1,-JllJ. a I-..U., ,. ,N ! -t, aod H wni a lot ad Jolnine: Bgei.tl,. hen. rftT V linon n , m while A ia not Injure .1 ti,er. .v. T'i 1,,m pby wl t am.!;, to the . mire in. e nave uol.au .1 a lot to , ,,j u ptl church. tor ehui.'h j.arpi... s in aiMn'on to ti.e jhovi, two 1., ao.jt tor j.rl.Iic v-im-il iiiri-. . prmei Ti.e.:.. . l M, - -.,, w w h. ii t . - .ii. k ,id, u.-t ,,. ., Li-, r tt.an 1 1 f m. i. , 2Mt or Fcbzanry, 1MI, At the M.rliamcV Pavilion. eninni. nriiic Hi lu o".l(-lt A .. rui. ie in nice ,, wuirh Mill be l l.eilion in two prnicl .1 jouinala . It n H I.- n.-i.ie In the In inner i" 1 'i i t e i h !-. r 1. ri;., - ,i.- . , l ,., ,v , ... L'l en h m f.e - ..' !.. ..I. .1 in ..i il. i ... . : i .. .' wni oe i,i I majority ot ibo- i t I ' 1 I-..., fi-ind ui"u by the bo do Mo attend. It In Mit'ei !ed l, ihe pun-hasr r. t lnt il vi ion id iijiit he mad' hj i!.i'-;i.- tin nui.ile r of ac!i lot and btnrk In a wheel or box and tbe .name of each party Interested la the Home stead In another than a name will be drawn Irom one r.n-l n u mbrr from the other, and th e I '! Mi ilrawu lH-drtl to the peron whose aama ts -o tlruwn. when all parmenta are made. All !ut Uk-first Installment mui be p .il nt tli' Hanklnc H juae vf lUd TUton.ln the eity ot Portland. pebsoxs raoa a mstam-b Deallin; a ahare, may forward JiOO to the Gi ntrul Manager, and a Bond will be Immidi-au-ly forwarded. ' Money may be forwarded by reglaleiwt let ter, money order, or Wells, Kargo A Co'a Kx- -n .it nn ra. . l'n lurtljcr ltrtli'ul.;rs, apply to J J. 31 KKf., .Mieral .i!!i!i;u;.T. IHtrtland. Oregon, '" n VMi; A SlrUl'UHUN', 51 iaotrlsoa atrset. reestlleate. ' I eertllr ll,t T mm. .wn-r nf th tafiil In the POrtian,! I'll, OammimiI-IIm f IUa thMtplA , Pfrleet, beinaraU.H. patent and I authorize J. M. Klce to sell said property on the forego ing pla:i. p. A. IIAHQUAM. It' 'erraiee. Win. rt!,! , ..Rinkrr Hon. Jul,,, l. Mitchell ti I'. H. Senator Hon. 1. K. (imvei I'. S. Henator J. A. btroa briilxe Merchant Meter Frank Merobaau 1L Bimea Printer NEW THId WEEK. U0IES' EMPORIUM. THE I.ADIKS'EVPORIUM.KSTABUSHKD at lw Front atreet, near Alder, Is becoming one of the lnstitatloas of Portland. Ladlea' Underwear. Laces. Embroideries. Wonla. Zenh- yn,Cbetilliea, Urialol and Card Board a Spec ialty, jjeat assortment of Relief Plcturaa. ttneblnga. Hand aareh tela, etc In fact, almost everything needed by tbe Ladles lor fancy Work and aiUftlaa aT vn nt- n K AmhiI t Oarrion,a Kmporiam, 1 Krunt atreet. urdera iron aoroad solicited and promptly filled. aT The beat Sewtng Machines In tbe world ew us hmh attaaurisoo's Hewing Mae Wore, M Front street. Orders aoilclted circular pries ilata sent when deaired. I SVMMwXfi. Ff THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UTATK of Oregon inr afuttnosBab Coaauy. T. ntt- Kmwcirr, ranua, aa. zt. r. rMOCn, i. A. Boskowlta, Loala gchwatsnher, Abraham Hchwabaeher and Khrmnnd tfehanhaeher. la. feodauta. To H. F. Bloch, L A, Boskowlts, uuuw miwawocr, asnnam oawwaoacner and Dtgntuna aehwauachar, nesaodaaua : Iu '!'" name of the Mate of Oregon, yoa are hareb ottneat and raouhvd ta apaaar and anawer the complaint filed against you la tbe alajve eatltled aaril within tan days ISssa the date or tbe aervieeol thla aummooa upoa yoo. If served to Multoomab Coaaty; or U served in any other county of this (Mala), tbea within twenty days rrom tbadateof theservleaar this mimmnua upon yon; and If served by publica tion, then you are notified and assjutnad so to appear and anawer said com dial nt By the first day of I ha term of lb Is Onart following MM ex piration of tbe tin-e prtaci lbed la tbe order lor lha pabllcadkm ot nmanm, to-wit : oaorba fore June Hth, 18t, that being tbe first day of urji rezuiar term oi aarausan; ami II yoa tall to ao appear and answer, tbe Plalntlfi will take judgment agaiaat tbe UefendanU. H. F. ; Bloch and I. A. Boskowiu, lor tbe sum of r. ik in. i nousana uoimra, wiui interest thereon at ten per cent per ah nam ainoe January 2d. Hfo). and tbe further snm of Two Hundred Dollara altorneys' fees, and tbe costs and dla iHlnemeula of thla suit, and will apply to Ihe Court lor aod take a decree foreclosing tbe mortxaEe executed by said Defendant, H. F. Bioob, to the PialatuT upoa Fnactioaul Block 55. touch'a Addilloo to the City of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, with the appur teimnce.. and barring and turecloaing afi the riiiht. title and interest of each and ail uf lbs Defendants therein or therein, auul tnr ruli. and further relief. This kummous Is served by publication, by order made by said Circuit tVturl for Multno mah Canntv on April 7th, isjs. dlrecUng the same to be published for six successive weeks in the Xbw Nobthwbst. lLa-ll,BKONAUUH,DOLPH8IJaON. ap!5. Attorneys for PtalnttC ICXXCM. IN THE C lUCn IT COURT OF THE RTATE of Oregon lor Multnomah Coanty. H. Her man, plaintittvs. Kara W.UKand, IVbmdamt. To Ezra W. la-land. Defendant: In tbe name of the Slate olOresnayoa are hereby notified that the above-named Plalntln bas Iliad in tbe Court above named hut complaint against you for Fifty DoMarsttra) aad latareat at one It) per cent per month from April sth, IsTi.na a promlawiry note; and ou being a non-resident of this xtate.and personal service of aom mona upon you ta thiarUale being Impossible. tbe Court above named, on the day of March, IS), made aa order directing service of aummoua apon you by publication for six sae ceaaive weeks In the New NoBTHWBST, a newapaper of general circulation pubtlaued In Multnomah County. Now, you are hereby aommoned and required to appear aad anawer tVe alve-mentkned complaint of the Plaltt tlfr.ni or before the first day of tbe next term of the above-entitled Court, which will begin and be held at Portland. Oregon. on the aecond Monday of June, UMS; and If yoa fall so to ap pear aod anawer. aald Plaintiff dill take ludg meTit against you.rorwant of aaawer, tor Fifty Dollara i$."A): and interest at one (I) percent per month Irom April Kta. I8TS, and for easts aad diabursemeuts. C.API.K8 MDLKEY, . Aftorneya for Plaintiff. Portland, April 1st, Ian. s-W BARTSCH'S MUSIC STORE, 1 First Street, Pwttewi, General Agant tor H ratileb Raeai.ErziNt Unbler New Scale I prljtht Pianos ami Burdett II rgaas. Instruments aold on the Installment plan. Sheet Music. Book and Munlc.il Merchandise. Catalogues lurnlsbed on application. Country orders promptly attended to. s-jg UTEW MARKET. NEW ENGLAND MARKET (Formerly Amador), Oaewer ot XorOi FWrirUi HHd 1! atraeaa. rf THIS M VIIKET YOC WILL FISD AT all times, and at tba LOWErST rOflHBLB PUICES, Frc-h , smoked aad Halt Meats. Poul try, li r.l and Kzgs. Also Henry Aaaes t Co.s Standard St. Louis 8ngarearod Hams, aad Jamea K. Boyd's Extra Oasaba Hams, the Piatt Valley hraniL - IHf-iiive us a cnll. 11 ;3 Nt:W ENGLAND MARKET. a. n. smitu. CEO. A. VOCSO. OCeiKttTAL HDTEL, Cwmer or II rat and Morrison atvecta, POBTL.VXD, OREGON. Bnaid and Room, per day- . ti SO Bonovated and Newly Furnished. F1IEK COACH TO AND FROM THE HOL'SB. Ml-' " 8MTTH YOtJNO, Proprietora. STEAM CARPET-CLEWING UEXOVATINO EST A RLISliMEHT, ti. KAIBt, I'ri.rietor. BUnkata Scoured P.U ached and Re-napped, M.i'tr-.K.-, nd Pealhera Kenovated. l.iee Lart.ilna and Mhn.les asnveial'v. And Carpets Ke-fitted and Kt 1.'.: 1. Wsri Head of leffjrsou Surest Cai ) on l'.o id.) fir.lL Telephone and Order Slate mt Child a Drog More. corner Second and Morri son : alao. at Powcra's Furniture store, lettsl uod Yamhill stjt-ela. 9-3u DRY GOODS AXD MILLIXBUY, (856. (880 SPRING OPENING. We see now receiving OUR SPRING IMPORTATIONS Dry and Furnishing Goods! Which eow prise THX MOST COJII'LKTK JSS0UT3IKXT We have ever oflerad. We shall endeavor, aa In the past, to sail ths BEST QUALITY of Goods at 2?OITJX.VXl l?liIClSS. aar Every ludoeeinent tbat can be niannl will be cheerfully given, and no eflhrt will ha saareu to please customers. OLDS &. KING, IVo. lat-y Tltii-tl Stroot, PORTLAKD, UKBflOX. -TO- MILLINERS. WE HAVB OPXOfSU OUU MAMMOTH STOCK -OH- MIjLXiIjWSRT' GOOT3S, Siroet rrom tb: Manufaoiursrs. PtM5 Viiiting this City are Spe cially Invited to Examine Oar Steel: Before Purchasing. LEWIS" & STRAUSS, Xo. 123 First Street. 1L11SCHHEP., MAYER & CO. Front and First streets, bet. Ash and A, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. SPRING SEASON. XfB, MAYEK HA8 MAKE VKB.Y KXTKN IU. aire purchases C n lull Has of MILLINEEY GOODS, Dlrsot from tba Maaubvctarera ami Imnoriers ia New York. Onr .Stock Mill esMb ot the latest styles and shade of ITontiittX'N itinl Plumes, French Flowers, Hats, Shapes, Ribbons, Plain, Gros Grain and Fanry, Silks, Velvets, etc., etc., To which we InvUe law nUauilon of the Mllll nery Ttaee ot Oragmi am! NS'ashlngton Terri tory. Being tbe only WnolesalsIIoaae la the Slate ImporUng atlLLLVEKV GOODS direct from Mew York, we will be prepared to oSTer extra Inducements to our Friends aod Patrons. 6-52 OREGON TRANSFER COMPANY General Forwarding and Commission: I'll li.nl wiiilhsgmrrT with dispatch, rianov and Furniture moved. Orders lor Ilseks rraraptly Attended to, Day or Night. Oltlce Cor.riecoiiil and Ntnrk Sis. OT Mark. Care ol 0. T. Co. PIONEER WOOD-YARD, Fxt ol Yamhill street. JULiUS SOREXSEX. ALL KIXD. OF WOOD, Sawed and unsawed, constantly on band, and S delivered to any part or the city. 27 WISCEl.IifjotOUS. Clothing Way Bp ! :' " Pfiees Way Down ! PIS HE L & ROBERTS JJAVK RECEIVED, DIRECT FROM THE MAHUPACTCRERS, ALL THE IJITEST 8TYIXS OF Nobby Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hate, Caps, Etc., rhlch, although they have ad vanned la price 33 per sent, wilt be sold tor tbe next ao dnya at old prlosa. i'lMinr. .v itonufrrs. Comer ol I'lot and Aider street. PORTLAXD. ORBQJy. 9-1 Chromo-.Lithogi'aphy Lithography, Photo -Lithography, COUNTY AND CITY MAPS, A2tO Printing of Every fletcript Ion xxsrcTan rim, PROMPTNESS, NEATNESS AKD AT REASONABLE -RATES. Kstlsastes and Designs Furnished on 'apaU- calion. . 1VILES & BEEBE? No. 67 Pront Street, WRTL.VXD.. OREGON -2 I. POWERS, MAiiufocIurr, Im.iirt(-r r.;iJ Jobber in FURNITURE. BEDDING, CARPETS, PAPER HANGIH8. WARKROOM8 tSt and Mt First aad lt Boeond slrset. 9TEAM FACTORY N. W. Corner Front aad Jeaeraon aueets. G. HEIMETSR, MERCHANT TAILOR .u. ISU J'lrst atraet. IfBEpg CON r AJfTLT ON HAND A FINE V. aad complete stock of SCOTCH, EMIIS, iKm h 9KrfS.eS MVftC Whleh are unah.-paased. aad wbieb be will make ap AT COST PKICES. LilMl'S : OILS Crocker and Glassware ! A SPECIALTY OF LAMPS AND OILS ! riUIR CELEBRATED "HERO OIL-BEST X In tbe market. For sale by us only. Or der IWho tba country promptly Ailed. Head ami try HERO OIL. Satisfaction guaranteed. o e are now io please. OLDS A SUMMERS, 8-52 No. 133 Fl rat atreet, ronland. - "WASHINGTON ST., ro:vri.ASD, ORE J gnn, repee:tu 1 1 v reqtieti all the readers of the Mw Niiktiiw'bmtwI.o have work in bla lino to call upon or nddreaa hlin. Estimates given on applle.itlon, an 1 all inquiries promptly answered. 8-11 EMPIRS BAKERY. VOSS & FUHR, (Successor to I'ster Wagner), Manufacturers of Bread, Cakes, Pastry, Pilot Bread, Soda, Picnic, Butter, Boston, Sugar and Shoo Flj CRACKERS, Jim UHD CAXtS, GINGER SNA?:, ETC. 31 Washington atreet, Portland Ogn. S30rdcrs from the Trade solicited. MiBCK 1 1 CiAiTEOTJE. D: ." W. PRENTICE & CO, THE LEADING sVlusic Dealers North of Pan Francisco. tiik r.Mi'.r-i i-' PI AKTO S ! Trom $200 to $1,CC0! THE I. '.RCiEST STOCK OF O H G- A 3M S ! Trom $S te $704! THE LARGEST STOCK OF SHEET 1TB6I0 AND" BOOKS ! In tbe Worthwist sa Imdrwmu of Att JQmbSeld ott lUtg W. J?J.BTfTI0S & 00VS Monthly Musical Journm., Which eoataias from $a to IS worth of new valuable and ton ranting read- laci Only 7S Cfiais per Yur. D. W. PRENTICE & CO., 2?o. 107 First Street, (J. K. Gill's old stand). rOIt nAND. OREGON s-11 REIIOVAL. W. H. SIARSHAili CO. OWING IO TIIK VERT LIBERAL EK eoumgemeut we have met with slace oar com mencement tn the Grocery Bustness, we have been compelled to aeek larger and more central quarters, aa our late pnaslsea erc oalle Inadequate to meet the de mands of our eoBstaatly Increasing: trade. We have therefore mucb pleasure la an nouncing to the public that we have se cured Stalls Kof. 4, 5, 6 aad 7. CtHitrjtl Market, And we purpose making this plaee Tba Cea trill 3efaas aad Depot For everybody to warcbaae all de scriptiaasof Stajiie ml Fancy Grseefies. We an now displaying, ex steamer "Geo. W Elder," AN IMMEHSfi STOCK lOEW' GOODS, farehased with cspsetsl referenoe to our new eenartara. Oar Prices are Lower than thoe of any other hemic in the city, and oar Goods are all Fresh, Knw ad Well Seleotod. We earnestly Invite the attention of Housekeepers. Heads of Families, Ho tel aad Boarding House Keepers, etc to whom ipsctsl ladoesnteats will be ottered to our (Scuttles nw supplying them with the best clamor goods at the lowest Feasible Fries. or Goods an. preaanUy to lo ail braias and every part ef tbe eity, abw steamboats. REMEMBER THE PLACE, Central Wlarket Grocery Store, Stalls Koa. 4, 5, 6 aad 7, (Opposite OfJhea Bros'.) W. H. MARSHALL &. CO. te5 tf GO TO THE AURORA RESTAURANT, Kovtbeast eor. Front and Alder stieets, Tbe only place In PoiUand where you can 'get A GOOD SQUARE MEAI. For 25 Cents. 35 PROFESSION AI. jobs k. srrrcHaxe. bauth x. iieuest MITCHELL, DEMENT, Attcmeys-at-Law. OFFICE Corner First and Morrison street J, rooms formerly occupied by Bach lei's. Iteanro Gallery. J. a. dolpu. B.C. BaOBUCQH. jos. em.. 4 C. Am DOLFH. mra, aR.MB8, bslph a siawth Attorncvs-at-Lata ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE, POETLABSb -. JMO. IW. DALY, Attorncy-at-Law j ,; DALIiAR,OREGOW,.. WILL PRACTICE IN THE DISTRICT all) United States Conrta. CB W. KOEIII.f.K, DentistDentist Dentist. ." TKW DENTAL ROOMS-CORNER TIJt .' IN and Main streets. In Shade's new mlah. building, ovar Plammers Drug Store. jal dk; J. G. tlLENX, UentlKt, Soothwsat corner First and TaMbUI PORTLAND. OREGON. RAWDON ARNOLD, M. D., nemse3l(ilc riiyalrtaa asd Surseoa. T E8ID8NCE AND OFFICE-N. & Oor.iec 1, Montgomery and Sixth streets, 1'orUniul, Oregon, ufflce Hoars 8 lo U a. x., ! to i a ad 7 lair.it. Jbaf MISS DR. AKSIE L. FCRD. OFFICE Rooms 1 and 5, M onnssteaw BuUaV lag. 1(7 and las Firat street. RESIDENCE Corner of First gomery streets, No. SM. w Roeeial attention given to Women aod Children. TBAVKL. QRft&M & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD I S3 TAKE EFFECT SUNDAY. SETT. IE ' X Mrs, at M. 'DuVt (Sunday nxoepled) as PaUaws s . - PORTLAND AXD ROBSBlfKd Portland 7 A.K. I Rornbuis,, , 7isa.j.&t a.m. I Pottlann a Hj ALBANT EXPRESS TBaIM, Daily (except Sundays), AS follows: ,Ai.;x FREIGHT TRAIN'S, Dally (except Sanaa?) a louotn: LCaVB. ABBIVn. Portland (:1a a. m. I Junettoa ta r. x unction 5: a. m. Portlaou araix. The Oregon and Caltlbrnia RaUroatl Farcy makes connection with all Regular Trains. Close eoaasethins are made at Rnssbarg with the Stages of taeOalUbrala aad Oregon 84 age. Company aar Tickets for sale to all the principal patnti In California and the Bast, at Company's office, Cer.r sag Praa(SH.,st Perrj LsEdlac;,rrttasd. SV storage will be Charged on Fratalit re maining in Warehouses over 24 boors, ar Kreirht will not be received torsblnmsnt alter S o'clock p. M. J. HRAXlrT, Jr uen. rveigni ana ramenger i Portland to San Francisco'. CRrrrtRg- V. S. Xall n! ymW, Baro X- Ge.'s Bxpreaf. The Oregon Railway and Navigation CM)-. iaa raen Ine Coast Sleamabfa rnissssii wltl dispatch, every Ave days, lor tbe aeaw port, oae of tbelr new and elegant A I Iran Steamships, vis: THE BREQ9N, BEG. W. ELDER, AND. STATE Br CALIFORNIA, SAILING DATS April R. IS. IS. SS. S. Hay . H. 13, I, S8, 2S. June 2, 7. Leaving Portland al S a. X. THROUGH TICKETS aold to all tbe 1 aal Cities In the United states aod Cams For particulars for Passage and FrotgM. ap ply to G. W. WKIDLFJtT .-. Steamship Agent O. B.1K. Oaw Comer Ash and Frontma.. ITirtraad fir. ur J. act KAMia a to., Agu r. c. ss, t ts, az ana at s ortn rront St., JOUN A. BECK, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, MS Front street, Portland. Oregaa. A Fiae Assortment of K etms, WATBBES, IfWEtST ASS SPECTACLES AT IjOW PRICES. Kena!rrs a SrelaHy-AH Work War ranted. na-hnlu AMERICAN WATCHES raaasa aad Ibr Cash, aad having tbe advantage nt lam Rent, I eaa safely Promise Lower PrtossY tnen any otuer amp) tn unpja. Reine eomnetent. 1 will leoalr Cnsaaaaiar aa- Flae Watebaa satisfaetorlly. sPECTACLK and OPTICAL OOOII6 a Specially. Elgin Silver Watches. H to MS Waltham Silver Watches -fM to SK) 9-2v r WISERQ & KIERNAN, DALgR14 IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 115 Front street, between Alder and Morrison, Portland, Oregon, HAVE JUST RECEIVED AH IMMENSE STflM Or NEW OOflOS. r RES II BAY CSHTER 0"S-STSRS, ALJSKY '& HECELE'S, I'lrt St., het. Alder and Jlorrlsou. S-61 AKEniCAM STEAM BTEIKfi AND CLEANING WORKS DYE AND CLEAN ALL KINDS OF SILK woolen and mixed roods, alter Ihe best and newest German and French systems. Kkl Gloves and Feathers cleaned and died by a new process. Blankets and Fare cleaned nice ly. Gents' clothing cleaned and dyed, a spec etalty. o. CONItAD A CO., So. 10 Salmon street, Portland, Oregon. S-51 UtAVB AaMtta . nattaad 4 p. n. t Albany. , KaVi-. Albany &a. M. Portland Kstl A