0 X11T rtllUBUifi OMfAJiY, rrearletsrf A Journal fertile Feople. .Devoted to tbe Interests or Hnmanity. Independent in roltttes and Religion. Alive to alt Live Issues, and Thoroughly Ild!Ml in Opposing and Bxposine tho Wrongs of the Mawes. OFFICE Co a.K0!CTiWiauisiil05STRMTB TKBklSj, IK ADVANCE : Oua year... Six moat Tut atoDUan - IN Fame Speech, Fnr.it In raw, Free People. Otrretfiondents writing over aesasied a'tcna tores mail make known their names to tint Bdttor,or no attention will he glrea to theJi eoraraaoieatloDg. POKTLAND, OREGON) a?IXT7RSIA.Y, PRXL 15, 1SSO. AIlVEKTiaEJCENTS laaarMd Seasona VOjClTMIS X7C. ble Tci MRS. HAROINE'S WILL Br ABIGAIL. SCOTT DI NIWAY. author or "HTDiTw inn," "i.i.ew ." in Am snamv taa," Tarn hamt on." uni wanw," TACT, VATB AM VAMCT," " TC., XTC SXC Enured, aoeotsUng Ckmgreta, t n the year HP, f til r ti Ufcvartaa of Con gress at WaabJncto. D. C CHArTEBXXII. A HIDDEK BOMAaCK. During tbe long black night that fol lowed 'Lice Hardloe'e dread awakening, abe lay upon her lonely couch, St still and apparently as stony as though pet rifled. But sleep had deserted her; and sensation was to keenly alive that every little soood jarred cruelly upon ber quickened nerves. Her ear were ao acutely rtrung that the work of a email eolony of wood-rats, which had taken shelter In tbe rude at lie over her head. seemed like the heavy rattle of advanc ing artillery. Without, the Wiuter storm beat bard upon tbe cabin wails, and the mad wind shrieked a wild, dis cordant melody that sometimes seemed like a victorious demon's chant, and again died away in the distance like tbe despairing wail of a lost spirit. Before her mental vision ber past life moved like a panorama. She recalled her early years iu the woods 94 Cblnea pin Oaks, and remembered, far more vividly than words could ex pre, tbe thrills of ecstatic joy that had filled her soul with tbe bliss of a new experience which she had thought would last for ever, when on that memorable night after her debut at the Fourth of July celebration, John Ingleton her John had pressed upon her virgin Hps tbe pure kiss of betrothal. Why bad cruel deal iny separated them from that hour ? What bad abe ever been guilty of to deserve such a fate? Was she not, from that hour, before high Heaven, the affianced wife of her lover? And had either ot them any moral right to form other conjugal al liances? Would sbe lutvedone by John, under any circumstances, as he, without provocation, had done by her ? "O, my God ! Why can I not datpiac him 7" she asked herself over and over again, only to receive in answer the mocking melody of the mad Winter wind. -w- - Very different were tbe cogitations of Peter Tubbs 00 that memorable night, as be lay at ease in hla bachelor cabin, thinking ouly of 'L'se, and congratulat ing himself that when be bad won her he would have a wife whose industry and thrift "Would be a fortune to a poor man. That Peter Tubbs loved 'Lice H inline as well as it was possi ble for a man ol bis mentality to love at all, I woo Id not for an instant have my reader to doubt. He bad set his heart upon making her his wife. To have failed, would have wounded him deeply just as deeply as It would have wounded him to lose a favorite borse, a floe farm, or any other valuable property by which an honest, acquisitive soul sets store. He was as willing to go as far and risk as much to gain ber, too, as he would have been to gain any other great uaejeeaion, which, once acquired, be might lawfully call bis own. He listened calmly to tbe wild wailing of the Winter night and thanked bis lucky stars that be bad wit nessed the marriage of John Ingleton. To his mind that legal ceremony had settled tbe matter, so far as 'Lice was concerned; aud, as she was now free to become Mrs. Tasbs, be was satisfied. Should 'Lice have become tbe wife of another he would have felt disappointed and humiliated no doubt, but he would not have grieved very long over what he could not help, and, as he argued, neither would abe. Morning came, and the Winter night had wailed and shrieked itself into qaletade, and the storm. king had hied him away to the ea aud the mountains. Beter Tubbs arose aud prepared his solitary breakfast, comforting himself with the thought that 'Lize would soon be there to cook for him. 'Lice Hardine left her sleepless pillow and went mechanically about her ac customed duties, pale and preoccupied, but with never a thought of Peter Tubbs. Mrs. Melissa Hardine, of whom I fear my reader has lost bight, although she bears an important part In the sequel of my o'er trne tale, and te, there fore, not to be forgotten, and ought not In be ignored, was now so far recovered from her paralytic affliction that she felt herself able to resume Iter previous life of toil; and though, In strict jexttlee to ber shattered physical forces, she should have left tbe heavier kinds of labor for younger and stronger hands. yet she did not think so, and there being nobody except 'Lize who cared to re monstrate, she was soon again at her loom and treadle, and engaged in wield log the shuttle and batten as of yore. But, amid all ber toil aud struggling, and all ber mercenary tastes, she never forgot ber motber-love, and especially was she grateful to 'Lice for her dutiful devotion during her long period of help lessness. Tbe younger Hardiues were now large enough to labor with their father In the fields, and 'Lice and her mother were usually left alone at tbe bouse with tbe indoor work. Breakfast was over, and 'Lize was washing tbe ! tehee, while a lew feet dis tant from her sat her mother, who was working tbe loom. "Leave yor dishes and come ami sit by me for a while, darling; I waul to talk to you," said Mrs. Hardine. 'Use obeyed raeebaniealiy. "Why are you so pale, my dear?" ashed her mother, anxiously. "Are you not well?" "Yes well enough." "Then something troubles you. Can't you -tell your mother what's the rust ier?" 'Lice did not answer, but site plaeetl ber elbows ou tbe web before her, bowed her head upon ber bands and went. "Remember, dear, that your mother is your best friend. You need not be afraid to confide In me, my child." Still no answer, but the silent tears fell like rain. "Have yon beard anything from John Ingleton ?" O, mother !" cried the wretched girl, dropping her head ujion tbe maternal bosom as wearily aud trustfully as a grieving child, "I have heard from him, and he is married."' she gasped. "Aud I loved him so dearly and trusted him so faithfully ! I begin to believe there's no such thing as constancy uuder the sun." "But you mustn't think that nay, dear. You should judge others by your self." "No, mother. I never do that but I make blunders. I never could have been false to John. It wouldn't have done for me to judge him by myself." "How long have you known of this, hmy child f "Since yesterday. Last uighl I did not sleep at all." "This great trial lias come upon you for some good purpose, iny daughter. God has some Important work for you yet to do, and He's taken you through the crucible of a just agony to prepsre you for it." But I cau't see what I've ever been guilty of that I should suffer such a cruet disappointment. Haven't I al ways tried to be a dutiful daughter ?" "Xone could be better." "Haven't I always preferred the hap piness of others before my own? And didu't I freely lay aside my own inter ests, aud give up everything for your sake wheo you most needed me ?" "You did, my darliug; and Heaven will yeT reward yon for ft." The trouble is with the rewards of Heaven that they always come to us like penalties. I'd racier ehoose my own reward." "Which proves, my daughter, that you are not ready to do your whole duly." "What duty have I left unfulfilled, mother ?" "I don't clearly see; and yet, I know there is tome wise purpose iu your pies ent trial. To donbt it would be to ques tion the infinite goodness of God." "For that, mother, I believe that every evil thin? will ultimately work for good in some way. To doubt this would' be to doubt the infinite wisdom of God. But tbe question is, why can't everything always be right, all the time?" "mat's a question i can't answer, dearie. 1 wish I could. 1 long ago ceased to vex my mind over what couldn't help." "I would far rather die than live, mother. My whole life Is blasted Looking behind me, I eau see rugged paths and thorny steeps over which my weary feet have wandered far too far for one of my years. But I can also see smiling vales here and there, with How era and fruit almost within my reach. Looking forward, I ean see only a broad, desolate desert plaiu, with never a brook or tree, aud not h flower or fruit of hap piuess visible. Why must I walk Mich a dreary road to tbe hitter end, moth- "Duu't talk like that, my child, I heg you. Be assured that you will yet find happiness, but it must be in Gud's way, and not your own." "Other people have found happiness in their own way, mother. Why should I be an unfortunate and solitary excep tion T" "Unfortunate your ease may be, but it is not a solitary one, by any means, my dear. "Life Is full of disappointments aud crosses." "Bat there are comparatively few who are crossed In love, as I have been.' "You need uot think that, because you do not know of everybody's troubles, that others do not or have nethad them, Your experience with the hidden sor rows of others has been very limited, my child." "Mother, were you ever crossed Iu love?" Mrs. Hardine nervously resumed her shuttle and treadles and batten, but did uot speak. 'Lice eyed her with a strange interest. "Why don't you answer, mother dear?" she said. "Surely you won't mind telling me." Tbe balteu bung motionless once more, and the shuttle aud treadles were still. "Xo, child, Idou't mind telling you now, though I onee thought I would never tell any person but my heavenly Father, who alone oould know why should have had suoh a trial." "Tell me all, mother, do. I'll love you better than ever, now that I know we've bad the same great trouble In common. Strange indeed that it should descend from mother to daughter. I do wonder If such experiences, like features and birthmarks and dispositions ami complexions, are Inherited ?" "I sometimes think so, thougn uou only knows how fervently I bve prayed that such a blighting sorrow might never come to you." "How did Itall aeme about, mother ?" "I was young, nnd Imaginative, and ambitious, and loving just like you, child. One day a young soldier was brought to my father's house, ill or fever. He was haudsome nnd polite, aud Very Intelligent, and I took care of him while ho was slok, and did every thing In my power to restore him, and when he was able to he removed, I dis covered to my mingled Joy and sorrow that he had carried my young and best afleetlons with him. I burled my secret between ir'self and God. The young soldier went his way and I mine. It was my destiny to become your fattier wife. It certainly would never have come of my own choosing. Man pro poses ami God disposes, you know." "Well V 'Lice hod almost forgotten her own sorrow in this new recital. I grew to he marriageable eo my parents thought," cotilluutd Mrs. Har dine, "and John your father came along and proposed. He had a large tract of government land out West, and my father thought he'd be rich some day, and there was a large family of us, and I felt as if I wat a burden at home. There's so little a girl can do to make money, you know." Lice know. And site bitterly reflect ed, even then, upon the fast that, while there was always more required or her than two or three girls of her age or strength ought to attempt, yet somehow there had never been any profit to her self in it. "Well, I married your father and bent all icy energies to serving him. I kuew I did not love him, ami for a long time I felt sorry for him because I oould not. But I did tbe best I oould for him, al ways J leaven knows." "Poor mother," sold 'Lize, pityingly. "I fancied that I had forgotten the old love. At any rate, I had become quite resigned In regard to it; ami so many burdensome cares claimed my attention, and soon there were so many of you children, that I had no time to worry over ideal grievances. But, dearie, do ramiisalisr our last Fourth ol Jjily celebration at Chlneapin Oiks?" Dear mother, that, to me was the day of all days, for it was the day when I became the affianced wire of John In gleton. I little thought, ou that never-to-be-forgotten night when he left me with the kiss of betrothal on my lip", that I should never see him again I" and the poor girl wept afresh. "Iear child," sshl her mother, tender ly. "Don't uorry. God's ways are not our ways. It will all bo right some time." 'That ' hard to believe In the light of my experience, hut we won't diseuts it now. Finish your story, please." "There Isn't much more to tell. You remember how I fell over the loom the next morning, a vietlm of paralysis?" "Yes." "But you did not know the cause." "Yes I did. It-was overwork, nothing more nor less." "No, child though doubtless that had something to do witli lU 15a t there was another and immediate cuu-te." "What was it ?" "The one man whom I had loved iu girlhood called upon me on the day of the celebration, white you and your brother were a way, and your father and Sally and the rest of them were out in the fields at work." "What!" exclaimed 'Lice, in an ex cited tone. "Who oould he have been V "Colonel Baiemau." "Whalt" "I knew youM 4e incredulous. You will rememlier that he was loot Iu the grove that day." "Ye." "He had been with me." "0, mother I Ami you had never told tue tiiis before." Xo; there was no need that I should tell you of it. He never knew how much I loved him; nor could he have told to save his lire, as he looked at my bowed back and horny hands and suuk- eu cheeks ami decayed teeth, as e talked over the old times, that I had ever aspired to anything better than my present lot." "Did ho know that you loved bim, did you say 7" "I believe I told you ho did not know. I would not tell him in my girlhood, and I certainly oould not after It was everlastlugly too late." . "Go on, please." "He stayed and chatted with me for nearly an hour. He Mas waiting for another gentleman who Was to read the Declaration of Independence, he said; and finally, as the day was well ad vanced, and be knew the people would be expecting Ulrn, he bade me good-bye. Wben tie went away I found that all tbe flood-gates of my long-pent loving heart were again open. But I knew I must stifle my feelings, and I did so. I was no louger tbe counterpart of any Well-bred gentleman. It was foolish In mo to think of such a thing, as I then was, even if I had not been bound to another. And as it was, it was wicked; t - -...-, rr.-ii.. ior 1 wos lue who ui uapiuiu nniuiue, and the mother of his children. But tbe visit weighed upon mo. For my life I could not rid ray mind or IU I knew that by nature I was talented, and when young I had been handsome. Theyears rolled back and over, aud I thought and thought till my brain reeled. And when, the next morning, I went' about my dally tasks after a sleepless ulght, I remember that you called me from the loom to breakfast. But that was all. I duu't know how long it was Wore I became conscious. The roat you know. Women are clearer sighted than men in matrimonial matters, and the choice should be theirs and uot men's." "How d'yo do, Miss 'Liza 7" said a mauly voice, as Peter Tubbs appeared upon the scene, and, with tbeifawiliur ity or the times and place, entered their presence without knocking. 'Lize felt that she must faint, hut she conquered her emotions with 11 strong effort aud answered the salutation wlh calmness. "I thought I'd call over this afternoon and luform your wise mother that you ami I had concluded to marry each other," was his next remark. ITo be oonUnuetl.1 LETTER PEOM HEW YORE. FROM OUK ltKaUhAK COKltBSPONIIKNT. Kbw Yokk, March 25, 1880. To thk'Kditdr opth k New Nojcthwkkt: The shops are now full of the poster ity of Eve .finding Spring colors with which to clothe themselves. Tue many Xebn.Ic ehups along Sixth avenue and Fourteenth street and Twenty-third street please the young girl most, for she eau lilt from one counter to another and finger things and turn up her une. At such stores, everything is already spread on counter, In baskets or boxe, and when she buy's a shilling's worth, and the cash boy has goue off with It, there remains ten minute to "muss" throw the good Into confusion and disorder. Incidentally to this, I may say that tlie London style of conversation, which Is thought to be very fine by some of our silly girls and their weak-benrted mamnms, has been the means of Injur ing many a young Knglisliinun trying to do business iu this 0011 n try. I recall one who oamo here with fine family connection- and a slncereattachment to American institution. He began to study law, and his pronunciation made him a great favorite among rich women up town. He was Invited hither and thither, - hflt down totaaa; "Where he opened his law ofllee, not a business house would touch him. Those who went to his office and heard his pronun ciation said to themselves : "That must le allectation ! There Is some defect in this man's head, or he would not talk so." bo he found himself without a career because he, had abandoned his language. British religion is almost as bad as British pronunciation. The latest kink Is the Importation of the "Salvation Army" to the Uuited States. It has made its first attack on the vice of this oily, and, though not positively success ful so far, bids fair to be so. This army Is of religious origin, and commingles religious business with cash receipts. There Is no doubt that it will be very successful iu tills country, inasmuch as Its style Is novel aud rushing. It is an army with banners as weapons, and will capture the enthusiasts, aud its probable flnaucial success will attract those who love God and money. Hero It is only in its Infancy. The Captain-General, llailtou, Is a slender young man of about thirty, with pate red whiskers; the Lieutenant-Commander, Kimnu West- brook, is a plump little Kugllsh lady with rosy oheeks aud blonde hair, and most of the uftleers nre good-looking young ladles. Last Sunday they held their first formal meeting iu Harry Hill's Variety Hall. They at first did not wish to take it, but, as he offered them Inducement.1), they succumbed to the advertisement, aud inarched with their banners, having the rather vague hut violent motto, "Fire and Blood," and proceeded to wage war against Sa tan, as their cards proved, among the gang who were attracted there. Their first meeting was not a success as far as conversions are concerned. Tbey were successful financially, however, as the audience contributed liberally wheu the plate was passed around. A now mining board is to be opened In this city about the first of April. The mining Interests or the whole continent are here assembled, having been driven oubof California by the new Coustltu lion nnd the failure of the gold quartz mines. The development of silver in the Ilocky Mountains is gcuulne and extensive, aud, although one of the ear llest companies formed, the Little Pitts burg Is said to have run out of ore ; yet I think there Is very little lost to its stockholders, as the dividend of $100,000 a month for the last nine months will be nearly equal to the amount of stock sold. AUGUST. A ladv In Sacramento county sends in a communication headed, "What shall wo do with our daughters?" iNot tiav. luir had time to read the article through we eau ouly suggest that for the present the girls he put to work sawing wood, so that their brothers may have more time to go fishing. A lniif Ltpr of a Senator has had her truLnramlmnthor'a sninnlni-wheel In WnaMtiftm, a minnlnr "--" . r-v wheel In a Waulngton parlor Is almost I as useful as a Krupp gun. LETTEB FR0HWASHINGT0N. FKOM OUKltKCIUIUCOnr.E.SrOKDKXT.J Washington, D. C, March 26, 1SS0. To tii a Rmtorofthb Nkw Xokthwkvt: The House has been the scene of con siderable excitement over the bill pro posing to amend the tariff. It drew the lines between the protectionists and the free-traders without regard to party, and caused the first real filibustering of the session. Mr. Townsend, of Illinois, In troduced the bill on Monday, hut merely Indorsed it toameud certain enumerated sections of the Itevised Statutes, upon which the Chairman referred it to the Committee on Revision or the Laws, instead or to the Committee on Ways and Means, its proper place, and where it would have goue had any protection ist suspicions! its real intent aud pur port. On Tuesday, Mr. Garfield accused Mr. Townsend of deception, which elic ited u warm rejoinder. Mr. Garfield persisting In his charges of had faith, Mr. Townsend grew terribly indignant, and aserted that Mr. G., or anybody else who charged him with deceit, was certainly uot a saint, either iu actions or iu words. Mr. T. had just i-tated that he dared uot write tariff on his bill, lie- cause he kuew that would mi like to kill it, and he look the plan pursued in order to get the tarlfl hill where it would be acted ou. Such inconsistent statements enabled Mr. Townsend's opponents to punelure him on every turn, and It is 110 wonder he loH his temper and in dulged in his Saxon epithets. He evi dently felt Itad. Upon the questiou of sending the bill to the Committee ou Ways and Means, filibustering ensued, for the free-traders were determined it should remain with its friends; but they falled, after several days' struggle, and went to their quarters beaten men. Pro tection has the sympathy of the House, as the recent wrangle aud dead-lock in disputably prove. On one side was Mr. CoIIrotli, of Pennsylvania, and on Hie other, Mr. Blaekburn. Tbe latter de nounced Sam Randall as a traitor to his party, to which Mr. Coflrolh replied that "if Mr. Randall was a traitor to his party, he was no traitor to his coun try." litis little episode was the only iucident of a serious nature occurring Jiirlug the last hours of the final dis cussion, and but for the iuterjiosilion of friends it would have ended in blows. Aside from this, much of the proceed ings were of a most farcical nature. A call of the House was made,, and the Sergeaut-at-Arms brought Iu a score or more of members under arrest, whose excuses for being absent were often of a most laughable nature. One recited Tarn O'Shanter, and iusisted that he was uot iu Turn's "fou" coudition yet he declined to have the contents of the glass from which lie drank analyzed. Another excused himself In Dutch. Another appeared in full dress, with white kids, eta, and said he arrayed himself In festal attire, ami was happy In having his first opportunity or catch ing the Speaker's eye. These comicali ties were the only pleas in t variations in the dry and monotonous chapter of the dead-lock, with its screed ol calling the yeas and nays. As usual, there was 1 i , ,1... , ...,1 , , , , . a . ' ance friends had need to convert Con gressmen a well as plebeiaus, as there were some members evidently greatly wearied by the immense fatigue in volved iu going to and from the floor of tbe hall to some adja'sanl conimlltee room. It is almoH el'-aiige how tired some great statesman becomes under such ellort, aud yet no one dares Insin uate that sueh a grand orator and legis lator was ever guilty f Xoah' weak ness fur wine. The Senate has been pursuing tbe even tenor of Its dignified way since my last letter, and cannot et.ow that a ripple has disturbed Its placid surface, aside from Senator Kellogg's fiery speech made In his own defense, iu opposition to tho report of the El-etians Commit tee, which declared him unseated and Spoilbrd the legally elected Senator. The President has approved the bill allowing one hundred additional pen sion clerks. Now there Is a prospect of some reliof from the great delays of the Pension Ofiice, and a hope that the bus Iness or the office, which is fully one year behindhand, will be brought up to a point where a pension claim has some shuw of being adjudicated. As matters now go iu that Important bureau, which la so unfortunate as to have the poorest or executive heads, a claimant has Utile assurance that five years will see the end of his case. One hundred more dorks will, of course, expedite to some extent. A singular petition, signed by many prominent women, has been preseuted to the Senate. It prays that the pun ishment of rape may he followedhy the emasculation of the ravisher, because of tbe difficulty Involved in securing the sentence of death. The petitioners will find it far easier to have a man hanged than maimed. Since torture was abol ished as a punishment for crime, the world seems to have grown averse 'tb disfigurement or any kind. Doji Pkdho. The latest Parisian col Oil re for young girls under fifteeu is to crimp tbe whole of the hair, orusn 11 out smoothly and then braid it iu oue long plait or braid fastened at the nape 01 the necK with a soft ribbon bow, Another bow is placed some distauce below, around the braid. 0 : 1 ..... .-.- t., n 1 anu tue iiair ueiun uiu uuai uun is 1 ranged in light curls. Talmage on Freedom in Religion.. Thorp was a warlike sound iu the voice of the Bev. Dr. Talmage when he walked close to the edge 01 the Taber nacle platform and repeated his text: "Ye know not of what spirit ye are of." Luke ix: 55. "Christ said this to Peter and James because they wero mad," suld the pi euclier, looking fiercely over tho heads of his hearers. "They wanted the Samaritans burned up, because they (Peter and James) differed from the Samaritans on religious matters; but Christ said that iu this way they were not serving him." The Rev. Dr. Talmage took three backward strides, aud said In a signifi cant tone: "In the Middle Ages, a favorite in strument of torture was the thumb screw. It belouged to the fine art of perseeulion. It was called a 'nosegay.' It was carried iu a pocket, aud some times it changed a man's opinion. When it was adjusted to your thumb, at the first turn or the screw you said, 'I may lie wrong after all;' at the second turn or the screw, 'My adversary may he right;' and at the third twist, 'Stop! you are right!' Some think that tlie thumb-screw belongs to the age of Charlemagne; but it exists in the Ro man Catholic, the Methodist, Baptist, Congiegationnlist, aud Presbyterian churches oC to-day. In the Methodist chureh you must conform to the Meth odist Itelief and discipline, or else have the thumb-screw applied; the Episco palians stand hy the doclliue or baptis mal regeneration, and he u ho questions it feels the thumb-screw; the Baptist 'says, Meneve in ciuse cummuuiuu as . j ,;. Bmi the Presbyterian church I 'Believe in close communion as I against woman's preaehlug and new styles of Christian work. I think that new modes of work may he used; but, 'Ou with the thumb-screws!' is the cry. In all conferences, associations and presbyteries are men who believe iu the thumb-screw. "Yon say, ! don't see it,' " saiJ the Rev. Dr. Talmage, looking at a man with a doubling face, iu a front seat. "Ah !" he shouted, "there's the beauty uf the thumb-screw it is carried In the pocket. There are in some presbyteries those who would, if they dared, do the work of Herod, who are full of ecclesi astical hatred, and who stir you up with pitehfurks. Liughter. "I'm not speaking ol any one in the presbytery ot JirooKlyu," he added, utter a deliberate pause, which was filled with a smile that started on his liw and disappeared in his side whis kers. The congregation laughed. "I disclaim that idea," said the preacher. "I'm on general principle." IMore latiichter in the pew. Dr. Talniage's voice did not "crate hnish thunder," but was oiled with humor as he added: "There are young and old ministers held by ecclesiastical authority in ler rorcm that's Latin. Laughter. Miu isters use Latin iu the pulpit sometimes to snow how much they know. Minis ters thus may speak ex cathedra. More laughter There are ecclesiasti cal Inquisitors who say, 'Vote as I do or be decapitated.' If a minister's idio syncrasies are not to the mind of these iuiquisitors, nil goes his ecclesiastical head," and Dr. Talmage made a savage clip at his own neck with the edge of his forefinger. "Iu the Methodist church a man's opponents get tlie Bishop to sit down on him. Laugh ter. Tbe Congregational church will oall a council and will not invite him. Laughter. Iu the Presbyterian church lie is mushed between tho Book of Dis cipline aud the Westminster Catechism. Thumb-screws! thuuib-serews! 'shouted the preacher, as he strode from one end or the stage to the other. "The Roman Catholic church has not a monopoly ol oppression. Who burned tbe Quakers? i'rotestauta. John Calvin sanctioned the burning or the author of a book iu , his times, because Carviil'a theology differed from that of the martyr." Tlie preacher took a long breath ami shouted "I have waited for yeats for a minister of an evangelical church to preach a sermon on emancipation. To-day, in the name of God, I sound the knell of ecclesiastical tyranny, and I bid men of all denominations rejoice. Stand where you are; don't cross over to th Biptisl if you're Presbyterian, or to the Metho dist if you're Baptist. You'll Hud intol erance in every church. I stayed in tlie I'reebyterfau church because, among other reasons, I have been receiving let ters from other ministers saying: 'We are tired of espionage and of ecclesiasti cal intolerance aud tyranny; tired of the overbearing of one-tetith of the minis ters against the other nine-tenths. Tne niue-teiiths are banding together. We waul a Stonewall Jackson's march ami a Sheridan's ride to break through this ecclesiastical popedom. "I am not so much opposed to one tope as 1 am to all of these little pones Laughter. I like neither the ISuptlst, Methodist, .Lutheran or i'resuyterlan pope; aud In this country it takes less timber to make a pope than In any other country 111 the world. Hoars ol luugh ter.l Pluiu-spoken Christians are want ed, with 110 disposition to lord it over others. Those who do are only trying to keep their own power; but It is too late for them to try to roll the wheel or progress backward." Here the preacher rolled an Imag inary wheel toward the back of tlie platform. , "The name of the Methodist church was ouco In derision. In the Astor Library are 707 books aud pamphlets against Methodism. Sow that church stuuds either first or second iu religious Importance in this country. Ruther ford B. Hayes is a Methodist, his pre decessor in office Is a Methodist, aud the minister hesitated for a second anil some Bay that his successor will be a Methodist." Xaughter rippled over the pews and In one or two places a faint applause with tbe feet was heard. An Arizona man, whllo digging a grave in which to bury the body of his wife, struck a valuable silver lode. Thereupon he remarked, "Well, I reckon Polly'II keep if this weather continues." and kept on digging. To-day he la a rich man. Mrs. Astor wears $800,000 worth of diamonds, but for all that, accordinc to a correspondent, she is quite "plain looking and her complexion taded, without the slightest trace of freshness or color." An invisible hair-net is not Invisible hy a long shot wheu carried along the street on a young man's coat-button. disappoi.med norn. w wallln? at tlie lattiee, w bere tbe snowy-plumed clematis Tmnnlated tat ber gratis bat the breeieti sung and sighed; Ami tbe dainty tendernesses Of tbe sunbeams on ber tresses her traced in tbe earesoes Of the goldsu morning tide. The llnnftts were a-eoolnc, 'j And tbe dapper bees a-wool or And the dews were Intervlewln All tbe Sower-covered fays, " While lightly from the dingle The zephyr, lone and Dingle, Came op 10 Intermingle Iu tbe leaf-entangled maze. She waits another eomlng. Iter heart Its riches summing. Till suddenly a dramming From the gravel wal Kg arose. A hope triumphant ailed br. And clear the words that thrilled her: "Look bere. yon Jane MaUkler Uome and knack le them ar etatbesi" Cokk AND ITS Valub. Tlie con stantly increasing demand for cork for bottling and other purposes, together with the fuel that the cultivation of tbe tree is sadly neglected, threatens to cause a serious dearth of the article. Yet no other substance has been discov ered that will serve aa a substitute for cork In many of tho uses to which it is applied. Cork is worth eleven times what it was a century ago, and its mar ket value is rapidly increasing. The American Commissioner of Agriculture has satisfied himself that tbe eork tree can be successfully cultivated In various parts or the I 111 ted States, and iu his report for 1S78 recommended that the Government oiler premiums to th'oso who, within a reasonable snecifled time. shall have obtained the best results In cork culture. In Sicily, Sardinia and the Kingdom of Italy great plantations of cork trees have been destroyed to ob tain the tannin from the bark. After having been stripped of their hark tbe trees were burned in ordor that tbe car Initiate of soda might be extracted from their ashes. In 1S22 the French Gov ernment began to nurture this import ant interest. France has now about 500.000 acres of cork plantations in Al geria. The tree grows as high as slxty- 11 ve feet and will live aud yield cork from 150 to 200 yearj. In a dry, sandy, bIM- eions soil, at an altitude of from 1,800 to 3.200 feet, and uo further north that) the roty-firth degree of Iattltude, cork plan tations will flourish. The tree does not, however, yield valuable cork until it la toward Sfteeu years old. Honor Thy Mother. It was a cold, dark night in Winter. The wind blew, and the snow was whirled furiously about, seekiug to hide itself beneath cloaks nnd hoods, ami In the very hoir of those who were out. A distinguished lecturer was to speak, and, not rear ing snow, the villagers very generally ventured forth to hear him. William Annesly, buttoned up to his chin in his thick overcoat, accompanied bis mother. It was ditllcult to walk through tbe fallen snow against the piercing wind, and William said to his mother, "Couldn't ou walk easier if you took my arm?" "Perhaps I could," his mother replied, as she put her arm through his, and drew up as closely as possible to him. Together they breasted the storm the motherand tfie boy who had once been carried in her arms, bnt who had grown so tall that she could lean on his. They had not walked very far before he said, "I am very proud to night, mother." "Proud that you can take care of me?" she said to him, with a heart gushing with tenderness. "This is the first time that you have leaned upon me," said the happy boy. There will be few hours in that child's life of more exalted pleasure than he enjoyed that evening, even if he should live to old age, and should in his manhood lov ingly provide for her who, Iu his help less infancy, watched over him. Rowland Hazard and his family have taken a step iu the right direction at Peacedale, Rhode Island, by distribut ing among their operatives, for the year ending January 31st, five per cent upon the gross earnings of such persons as were entitled to it. This is dver anil above full market wages. The employ ers, iu a circular on this praiseworthy step, say: "The plan of eo-operatlon has produced some pood results, and, while as yet the sucperiment can hardly be said to he an entire success, it seems to warrant a further trial." We look with great interest on every attempt of this Kind, looking towards eo-operation aa a solution of the labor question. ,V uaseeuger in a crowded street car tlie other day observed the entrance uf a man followed by an old woman, and, seeing that she looked tired anil weak, he considerately arose and ottered her his seat. B fore she could take it, how ever, the man quietly filled the vacancy. "Here, just oome out of that," said tho imssenger. "I didn't give up my seat to you, but to a lady." To which thn fel low replied, without offering to move: "Oh, yah, dot is all right dot lady is ray wife." When the custom of hanging tbe hair ifom out. how many grown-up women will look at the photographs taken In their teens and wonder how they could have beeu such idiots 1 And how many or those photographs will be bidden away, mutilated aud otherwise banged. The Golden Rale thinks the women who are forming societies to help tbe heathen, the negro and the Indian, might find a large field of Christian love and service unoccupied amonsr the sorely tempted shop girls aud sewing womeu uere in our cities. An Ohio girl recently discovered that beetle left in the center of a loaf of bread-dough would live through the baking, and her lover was at the table when she made the dlscoverv. and now she is suing him for breach of promise. When a woman sails along tbe street with a majestic stride, vou admire her graceful carriage, but the charm van ishes alter alio has become a HttlesulRy. An exchange says tbe young lady who can peel a potato in Ave seconds, is as useful as the ynung woman who speaks Ave languages Is ornamental. An Illinois girl's toast: "Tbe young meu of America-Thelr arms our sup port, our arms their reward. Fall iu, men, rail In." "Love laughs-at locksmiths," and yet there Isn't auy thing ronny about a locksmith.