The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, April 08, 1880, Image 4

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.-..-APRIL 8,; 1880.
Til fililt wlfl.'-
Bat I cawed bar fcead oa her ebapely band
.Aad let her f Irlleh laaey rovej
AntldM the dltigy diagram
. Bt 4nHud of lovers sad of love: "
' Wbea -Take tbe blackboard, if J1
Snapped Ml Mm rrlm
.and Iblny mlnnlee more or lean.
Bbe elated aa wltb dualling lace.
And kwaal around aba room hall-
akertne the olaea.
. - "Not prepared r
Bbe bad a lover. Ilka a prlt
A royal lever, too. I WH -
-And, tbeuitb the feigned Indifference,
liar loollen little heart Wat bla. -Bo.wbea
npoa the Mar-Ill atread 'i,''.
Ha eaokeot all bla kopee aad team, A
. And premed bar euft patrlclaa hand, .
Ma laid bla brae lo willing earn. -.
Thouah atlll aha would net rield aa yet.
. Leetbeehoald think ebe really eared,
.i.,-., ,
Tbf wart antme-ad ; aad than acala, "
la laat tkal)oarM ktaiir,
ba traatad blm wltb eooldladaJa, - r :
Aad karVMl ajtoat oawaeanualx.
But, wbaa bar laar oaraa no mora,
. Mha wrota. aad aald raaaorsMulljF, . .
Will oa aotaaak rnaaa balnra.
Itadaaaa your pladaa, aod mmrrj ma T
Iba anawar eaaaa) wKb blaab divine
Mba broka iba araaan aaal. balf aearad
Tbao, waaolDfi read aba aloila Una
" . .. . "Not praitaradl
-zz;-' laTtdliy k Pantktr.
wYoiukiitUII yooattory. Well,
Bo I know of bo belter way la wblen to
opood tbo long evening beforo oa, I will
do a on one ooadltlor. iCaeb moat try
Bla hand at It when I am through."
We were weather-boa nd at a rude
Wretern Inn. a I moat upon tbo verce of
otviuaauon. i oe aay iut paoaea nao
a ttormy ooo. and wo had
tnroagD it m Boat wo eooidMo
-tbe darkoeat eamt on oarTf and tb
tbo loog
evening loomed ap beforo na, wo galh
ered a boo I tbo roaring fire of huge
toga, which burned bravely. upon the
hearth, and prepared to paaa It away by
Btonr-UlllBK. a device to whlobirkvelera
la oar altokUoo axe ajwaye prone to re -
Tbo one who had boob appealed to for
tbe flrtt atory wu a man of tome 60
yeart oi ago, woo oaa roiiowea too oo-
oopa.MOB.oi peoaier.-tie naa toe oett
tornoot IB tbo eUblo wbleb tbat part oil
wo ooontry bad over aeea la bla line,
laoogB bo naa told ue tbat be oooo bad
oarried a pack on bit back.
out ey bib own oieruooa ana iDuuetry
bo bad ntto above tbat -awr aod adt
"i mu iaiu up ataairm tua tme
whoa he t boo Id give op bla but Id tea,
tan taao too remaining yeart or nit tiro
IB aa ouler way.
. . " "w" ammtj.,
it n bow Beany nneea yeere jago
thai the adventure befell roe wblob I
am about to relate. .
"It wu before I gave op my pack for
bono aad aart. though I ba4 elrae4y
made bb mr mlod that I could afford It.
- I wu travvllog through a wild eeotloa
of oouotry wilder, If poeelble, than tbla
around bore- Between tbo oattiementa
there were leoe- atretehaa of foreet filled
' Sli? wH4 bow Bd then yof
Mme BOB B hand f OtrelllOg aavarta.
"Sin UT,U,t?. WM '
f lllalBo.borao-thlevoa,and ronegadee,
- 7,,7? b,1u n,
Ufo, If they thought It to their advantage
iw-x , a.1.- . . ' '
".ki r.-'J? A mv,rTT . r "
Which kteod in the mldttOf B little net-1
Uement of not more tbaa a doaeo log
M "wbb what koualna I BUU1J, aud lo
. the morning I wu to go oo, at aa early
rowi.iw Hraroana oaa 1
uma. jieoriy a eooro t mi let to go before
t aooaia roua too next aetliemeat." m .
a J" tooro wu ueemoiea
la tbo bar-room all tbo male deotienaof
aua natvtiHi taeof I nam iu mi
T?! f towiva afHUIa; meat, at private enterulnmenta. Fol
U iK? u 'olT-.kbowod tbat there bom of oonbtwr to bo longar tbe dividing
WU little bo would healUta to do. If la Una himmm mi... in.n.i.. .n3
k. I .1 . " .
.... auara wu anytning to fain,
- .. A gal a aad again I caugbt him looklog
lwJfy Tfi " 1 la. obj
awwaa aaw aerar uai sarai
t once I felt euro bo wu looking at me
u though calculating whether or pot I
- r7,m auwum ju caaa
trZ ,LLZ w TTJa I i wnuitu, many olaibuui wiropfajtlcally
of blm. tbejaeaj Hked 1itl looke, and ITaffluent beyond tbo need of becoming.
Toll relieved whoa at lut bo left the Bote. Tbe pallid eoaiplexlooa, narrow
W?.-f2a!!tTf:.. .w-, flt boeoma, angotar fjngera, of
- r wwv"T " aiaormoa;, i
7". T.Tt?.V . . .1' my oraaa-
rut, I atartod. At I left the. aettlemeot
MDioa me, i bob id bo belp glanelng
ZTZ. VtTjZT "" ".
2?fMJ hrmed bo poor aa opinion
waaaot following me; hut-be-wu ot-
BbA Uafi flBBaBan HftBillei ab Wt wttno eaataaai aa laaaal aa ak I
.-"-i;vi w . r
out of doora. aod there wu little Ufa I
koept about tbo, la vera, or wber the
auriwaiip auo mt row
E?ZZ ,.t." .a. V . a." . .
. lthl.B foreet,I hurrMoa,
ZSTi Htll??1 dTitfD '
IT! if Bd,Mo oetUemeBt la
"r1 "
'"-fci-t. t llBj d7rPprejed Bt,
rt a?i?2if-!!.iTIaWftl i ?
Lf-! g van to
praaiMaaaBta, mm many are; out on
, tble eeeuloo there jbu a aort of fear
mE!?tZZi 5 .u 5. Bot " mr'
. rTMAii all- -1 t ' " '-a- .. .
""All tbo mora 1 0 r I kent on In thla I
' rAh'.r.'!".1 fU lhM L P"1
LlfJZi tEWZVl "yfn
eeUlemeot tbat I bad bo longer eauae
10 fear OOV ooo I had lafl hahliul ma
. wAa I had learned from tbe landlord
that I abould aot ho able, to reach any
bomaa babllatioa beforo nlahtfall. 1
tatea my dinner along
aow, feeilBf the need OJ
r tb me.
Feed of,iW-I tat I
oy tbo edge of a clear atream
Which c rota id the road, and commenced
my Booatldo meal. Ooly a maa who
had walked u I had dooo that morning
aaa knew the rellab I had for tbo bread
aad meat which bad been provided for
ooo, aad whea'tbo generoue tepply had
dlaappeared I a I moat wlabed that there
bad keen more.
' The extra xertloa I had made, and
tbo hearty meal of Which I had bar.
taken, made mo aleepy, aad Blaolng my
i P- ajanaar aa j naatoj 1 oioeeq my avta,
i- a arouiu itit m IOW
Iki.kl-. a . . .
going otiararoV
i not rnaaa To go to elecp, yet la
awm toau dvo miaatu I wu aaoobteto
or an mat wu paaalng around ma.
Hw long I a'apt I kaow aot. It might
have boea, a law mlaulee, or It Might
have booa aa hour, but I awoke at teat
wltb aetart, and a aeoee of an na great
a gar baogtog aver m. I did sot
atari ap or metre band or f,t. a eer
tala oomelhlag, I ooo Id aot Ull what,
eeaaed Uobaia me down.
--I opeaed my eye and looked about
me, but aaw aothlag; and I wu luat oa
the point of making a motloa to gat
upon my feat, wheal board tbe allgbt
araokliBg of the breaob above my bead.
Look I ox ap la the direction of tbe
Bound. I beheld . eight wblcb aJmoet
frooe tbo marrow la my bonee, and
oeemod U torn my blood to loo. A
bage paa ibar wu croachl ag there, ready
for a iprlog npoa me.
MAa mouobloM u one dead, I lay and
gated ap at my torrtblo enema-. To
move u much u baud or root I knew
would be tbo aigoal for tbo beae! to
arlog lipoa mo. lie fiery eyee were
Axed apon .JBy.iaro, and It Ull wu
gently wav log to and fro Ilka that of
CaL- .. '-
"Jlone af reeer there aeameJ ooQa.
If y doom wet Beeled. The peolber bad
ma u aural y la hi power m Though
t tbkl moment bit elawa were faeieuetl
lo my neea. ' .
"Ibe eaonv of thoea 1mw momaoU
tbell remember- to toy tlylog day. II
ikuata no lo my aleep, aot I efleo etart
op lo anrlgbt, dreaming the we terrl
bio eoeoe to belna eoaotad over tnla.
"All kt oooo tbo flary ajea of too paa
Ibcr were turned fro in in a, and Bied
upon eonie oblact a IIUlo lurllier lo- tbo
right. What ooulil It meaa What
oo danger u approaehlng me frooi
IBM direction 7 uy turning my Deaa k
IIUlo I M onkblod to oeo wbal 1 wu.
A Biktt til treeplng- toward no with
knife la bit band. He wae sot a doaeo
foot from wbcro I lay, aod at tbo flrat
glooeo 1 recognised him. .
"It tit tbo nta whom I bad made
op oay mind woe a villain, Ib Ibe tavern;
tbo Bight before, aud whom I faarad all
Iho forenoon dulgbt fee foliowlog me.
Th nraaantlmant I l.a.l ..a not ,rMn.i.
ew" imai uui a uau out auwuuHi uyvu
a double danger.
"Cautiouely tbo vllllao crept toward
rue, wltb a murderoue look to lilt face.
A glaooa ehowed mo tbatoao thing wu
evident, rue villain, wbiio be eougut
to merdf r me, wu noi aware of fate own
daager ; for tbo pootber no longer kept
nit area nxaa euoa me. I wae watoblu
every motloa of tbo villain, and. eteb
latitat I wu eipectlug that It woqld
letpdown apoo blm.
"If It would ooly do eo before 1e
reaoned my aide, It would prove my
talvatlon. . .
."Cloder and ctoaer the villain drew to,
ward ma. Ooly a moment more, and
bo would be to near mo tbtt be eould
reaeb mo with hie ooutrotebed hand.
Tbere wu sot an loatant to bo loot, and
j wuJutton tbo point of torloirlu to
my rt. wben. auiok at a naah or llifht-
ning, the pantur cleft tbo air
onutrely upon tbo abouldera of
I tbo villain, with lla crawe
aud fan trt
Dunen deep in bla netu. a terrible cry
of terroc aod rago-horat from bit llpt u
bo went flown, wun Bit blood dyelog
IbeeerlQ. At. tbo aamo loaunt, I wu
upon my reet, aod drawing a piatol.
1 teat a bullet through tbo heart of tbe
joeatt. it aid iu work well, tbougb
1 even lo death the brute clone- to lit vlo-
Urn, and wbeo at latt IU alruggUo were
over, I palled It from tbe bleeding man.
i taw tbat It bad aleo dooo Ita work,
Tbe I m prate of dualb wu oa .the vll
lUln't lae, and lu a few momenta be
wat dtad.
I "I left them both lying there, and
i narriea on la. tbe Beit aeltleauent,
Where Hold my atory. WtttJ btlp I re-
i lorneo, arm tno area man wae oarried
back to-hla homo, where no duo eeemed
I to care for bla fate. v
"In my ewa homo I bavo the akin
of the panther atufled, and oboold you
lever come my way, gentlemen, 1
Ithould bo d eaaad to ahow it to von.
There, you bavo my atory. Now, tbe
"IreAmerickowWort Their
ATolrdapoij j
A year or two ago the Times alarted
the queetloa'Aro aot Amerloao women
loeiag their tblnoeeet" and ezpreatet
I tbe belief that they were lot I og 1 1 atead-
I ll. aod nfacaDtlhl . Obaaraatlan ahowa
tbat It la oo, otpeclally In
where there la moreeaee and material
oomfort, more freedom from an slety
and petty carte than there a be IB tbe
wunWy-Ooa-womeB-do-Bot look u
lreT . or oven 15, yrare atsae,
Tbelr DroDortlonthaaelalirlnraaa,t
I at almpat anyone may aee who uaee hla
ample. FormerTjnrmrty a toot woman
here wu pretty aura to bo a foreigner.
1 now, tiooi aati ve woman are very ooa
mon, well-nigh too com moo lobe aaree-
able. And roond.plomp womeu of
AQglo-Hasoa blood and origin are eon-
tplcuoualy plfnty. They are numerout
M Um nnu., . l.. .r .nn.
1 " w -r.w.
our own. We are getting more and
more like tbo reet of tbe elvllliad world.
The lut Charity Ball-aa-fa4r a rapre-
raanutlon aa ana nuhlla mh w m k
or tno average oondition oribejajaurely
i proaparout tlaat LtrUTnly deuoted tbat
leanneaa bu eeaaed lo bo a trait of oor
leaonoaa nu eeaaed to bo a trait ofjooi.
win cd wo were wo ii t to bere ta much
rrom Old World aoureee, were hardly
precvptlble, . They dlmlalah every year.
proviog tbat tbe general health of tbe
couotry la far belter than It bu been,
i0d tbat wo more clearly wnderatand
aat ore aod naturea lawa.'Tbo preeent
.1 i. a. "
uaogar ia tint Amencaa woman may
.oir. i. . r. ... . 1
matter than will bo attrutlve. The
tendency uobvloutly In tbat direction.
11 mr " Kreat while before tbey
thail eomoaie lo corpoleoey wimihelr
Eogllth, French and German alttert,
aot to meotion tboae of other landt. It
appeart to bo tbo rule that women, lo
and arter middle life, grow atont wben
menully atjreeU and there la no menl-
reet, reaeoa why -Amerleaoa eboold
be aa eievntlon. XVm hooe thav will
Bot ,toP ,horl ' European reiiuodanee
nT f tbiBoeeaie prvferable to
a1i.ii. i.... k..i... i m .
neagrenfu of tbo daugbtora of the
nepubllola, unqoeatlonably.B tblof of
tbepttU A'. YTimti.
. akta TIB BtTYKB,
Paa tbt bottor caatly, Mabel,
Hhava W light Tj thro' aba tr -
In tha aornrr of Iba dlah, lova, -Voa
will aad eautbrawa bair.
What font aiam'rlat It twakene
IM tba dara are wa arara wrd,
Whaa upoo my fond coat fmllar
- OA waa laid our and bead. . "
tovlndr I ttrakad Ihoaa traaata, .
In tha bappv uajrainaa by;
Vow 1 atrika ihrm am- auaar-Ume
' la tka ballaror tba pia.
An eichaare atroncly aotpaou that
A. II. Btepbenc board ad la hie youth at
ooepoera i oiu. - .-,,
Tba following parennt art dalj aatboritad to
est aa Agaau lar tbt Kaw Moara wear i
" u. trT.... . Albaaa
ra. J. A. Jhaa.
.. Halia
Mra. ltlaR.m... ,.. Cll.
ii ii-.?;,.. -l.aUn.aoa
M,?Lla?jrrrore ior"" ........Callrornt,
y "" 1 fraotoa mnntf
r Wnmaa'a Jouraa I Bo ton.' ulZ
I, r. rarw. h.ij. a.
Mm. O. . "!
Mra, M. A. Waraar
Mlaa Mary Rlabun
Mra. H. A. Loubar.
It. T. Robtaaa.
Mra. R. C. Knllaoa.
.......,,,. Maw Jnaa.Cal
.Mpukau Fall, W. T
Broanm la
' ii Anally
TaraM iimva
Wlllaaaalte aiauch
Mra. M. Kuy.
aira.. IM-Voi
Mra. Dnnball.
rnn niy
-Itl Datlaa
l. Ha:
Mra. K. A. Vai-,ra.
Mra. B. R Flahop
.Walla Walla
aara. w. jaraaaa
.rurana niy
A I nan a
A. w. canard..
Mra, M. r. "moke-.
Mr, j. n. r
i. T. Hoof t, I ,-.
Mra. A K. ('nla.
.t'oraat Urova
Laa lawtbltrf Nanh Vamhlll
Oibar faartlat daainn tntrlu Acnta win
plaaa tu-ward lr,r narnaa. Wa aut A ran la
a avary po ama rtaugkoal orrros and
Waablcntoa TarriaiMT. ' -
pctT orriett.
aHl lita9JaJ
- . '." baiib ootrarv.
Aebara,a.aauata, Bakar City. Clarkavllla,
Eioraaa HaOcl,Kldoraao,Uam, If aui b
tln. Jordau,. Vallay, tiya allay, Ualbrar,
nwu.imm Lraaa, Aorta ruwder, Uuura,
TarrjravlUa. , . ....-,
Alaaa Vallay, rorrallla. Cfilllnt. Klntt
Valley, hltrny. Hula fclk, Newport, Naarlon,
Ouaaila, I'bllonialb, Huarra lolnl, fcuiamll,
aauuiaa. aabnroa, viuawatar.
clack t naa.
Baavrr. Bulla !rork. Csuby, flarkntuaa.
l rrra, uilluKv(lla, ikanaa.-ua, j.(la
I'rark.Ulad Tl4lii.. Ilialiland. Molalla. Mil-
waukle, Naady, Nortnn , Unaua l'lly, Oawa,
Han, aprlnnaralar, Xkan, Ktw Km, Rarlav,
Millarnloa Wtlla. U.mra rVrry, flaaaaat
uuuia, iuuu rulul, ritax-d, Vlula. .
.. Ct-aTeor.
Aatnrlaa.rilfloa, Jfwall, Knappa, KMialata.
Hklpauon, Maaalda liouaa. Waaiport, laltimua,
Ulnoy, Buoawer liouaa. yavt C'lataop, Mtaba-
waaa. . - -
.-. . root. .'
Cooa nty, roqnllla, Dora, tmplre City. Kn-1
'" rrmiria.rairviaw, armauaviiia.iaa
rrvilla. Marabnald. North Hrad. uu. Itaa-
dolpb, Hllkla. Hi tk am, I'uar Uly, ftandon.
rru, jowareuouf n, rrmun,. aljrtla
rvtnl, Morwa, ourooar, farkarabars.
Columbia City, Clatakaala, MarahlanJ. Ra
nlar, Hlvaralda, HI. iialeua, ttauvla'a lalaad,
oappooaa. Claar I'rark, Vlulon, Varnunla.
: ccaar.
. Chalaoa, Elranabanr, fort Ortord."'
S , . OOUOLAt. ' ,
Camaa Vallay. Clrvatend, Oola Vallay,
Drain, Klkkou, tlalaaallla.Uarrlnar, Kallott't,
UmklriKKlaaa. Mynla Opk Kortb Canyon
villa, Oak I an J. rWVivck, Rarburf,rklta
burn, Tan Mlla,(rmiqia(.'ily,Wllbur.Yoaralla,
k Creak, Day' Civak, Elk Creak, Elk Head,
m waa, awmuv rmna, aaipaar Bnol,
' ' ' OBABT. .
Ii Alaord, Canyon City. Camp Walana, Pay-
fuia,.unava7 -ny, i ni'n, t-iiy, raraaravuia,
'rlu liard'a, Humter, Camp Harna, Uraalla
-- iariaoa. .
Apnlecafe. Aahlanda. Rrownahoronah. On.
tral luiul, Latla lH.lnt, Urant'a faaa. Hat
Hprlnca, Jaefeaonvllla , 'Lakeport, fhcrnlx.
iw.:. ,(u,, nm i alley, t aula aaoca, 'V II-
low Hprinne, narron. Hif nulla, w II llama' Creak,
k'uut'a Creea, ImiUanaiW, yionear, Vuod v 11 le,
vuk. ll..J Kt... r. k nr. , - . . :
... . , . '- . vnv., aiaa, aviuaouae.
lMna uwa, auryuj.
Inllert Bonania, Dalry.-Tbewauran, Drew'
illay.Oooae Lake, Lake View, L-anell Val-
ley, Uukvllla, a.mwna, Maw fine Creek,-;
i. . . "T;.. f ..." um,
Tula Inke, Whllefalll, 1 luule'a t erry,-Taiaat,
-Mirer IA...
LAaa. ,
Bla . Prairie. jCottane Orova. ' Craawall.
Caui a Creek. Cartwriaut'a. Dexter, tiuraa
City. Franklin, Junction, Lone Tom, Ma-
nawa, rieaaaat Ulil, oulalaw, Hpencar Creek.
Hpnaf Ael.1, Trent, Wlllaaiette Korka.Cheaher,
Belknap Hprlnga, Butte Dlaappolntmeat,Crdw,
Kaat Kork, Uata Creek, Uoebea. Ida, lrvla(,
laaballa.Leaburc. Uvrrnool. Mahal. aia
oxld(erLlni, W'allervlUa. . - ,
1 -.'Maw. - X.:....
Albany. Bla Prairie. BmwnavlMe. Craw.
Inrdavllle, Diamond 1II1I, Kok Val.ay, Uraaa
rviutfe, narnfuari-, nami nancn. naiavy,
JorJan, bebaaon. Miller, Muddy, ML rieaaant,
Peoria, t'laa. Knlo. Bbedd'a. He da Horlnaa Mo-
at A Brow." ' ..' r .
Aaron. Aamavllle. Buttevllle. Brook I. Taly
eld, Uervala, Hubbard, JeAVreon, Mariea,
Monitor, Newellavllle, Kalem,Mllvrtan,Miay-
all Prairie, Mahabem, Huallrolljr. '
at. J'thna, Wlllamettt atuuck.Alblaat, Rooatar
IlocK, oaUTiea, - .
.'". POLK. "
a v. .1 w.K. art..-, ruiu v. via w-...
Oraad Monde, IndeMndenoe, Llaanln, LMckla
mutt.Lewiaviiia, Moattanib, rerrydaJe, JUe
faall, kellrvlllt, Zeua.
, villa woo a. "S-- ' . -' '
narlbaldl. Kllchea. Netarla. Maatockton. Til
lamook, Traak, Kekalena.
Ratter Croak. Heppnr.-tnran"araball.
in .11.. w . , 1 1 Mi.Mn, . l.r. I m , nuwiniu.,
Umatilla', Weeton, Pett yavllla, Uvanaa. Caa
arevllla, Mldaay Wlliowa. - .
1 1 I 1 Ullln. I. I . k. .... .... I
- ." vaioa. . ... -v' : .
Cove. Ialand City, La Orande, North Pawd-r '
Mammervllle. Duroa, Wallowa. Indiaav kit
Khat, Y ralrle Creek, Mparta. -
- Waarax .
Antelope. Bridie Creak. Hood River. Mtlrb-
all, Ma. Hood, frlnevtlle, lUx kvllla, Mballrurk,
npanian 1 1 01 low, id, imuea, arm rvurinra
waaoo. wiuookuoy. roean, nna t. reek, ixine
Rock. Bake Oven. Crown Rork. Camp Polk.
liearnuiea. nuiiir. itovara, a. max lay. Ales.
8prln Valley, Tyak Valley, L'pper Oc'hooo,
Caaoadtb Xiovat, Waplollla.
r ': WatBimrroa, --
Beaverton. Cedar Mill,Corne1Ina,Dilley.ror-1
aat urove,uienooa,uraan vii ia, n 1 iiaooro, M 10
dletoa, Moanialn Dale, Pnaka, rtbollt rerry,
aylort Kerry, Tualatin, W ape to, Centrvllla,
Uale'a Creak, Uaatoo, Joppa. lleadville, Weal
liBiua. .
Amity, Bellevne, Carlelon, Dayton,
at. .oa, waat Lnenaiem, w ueauaou, new
' CLALLAM cotnrrr.
Weak Bay. New Dunreneea. Port Antvlet.
Rattle Omand. Break Pralrla. Fonrth Plata
Martlnt Bluff, pioneer, Hloug It tna. Union
a..lll. rh.K.l PAtnL VIm,
Moulcalno,Uakrllle, rtataop, buaroa,ouuiuiil.
" OoLOaaia.,
jsipivia, nnl."' ni" i vtni-j rwraivTOy, 111,'
anon, AaneUa, Central ferry, Marengo.
. oowLrra.
Caatle Rook. Tree port. Kalama. Lower Cnw
llla. Montloello. Ml Codln, Uak iVInt, Pekla.
Coopevnie. Cove land.
DagaJly, Vtaalatly,
Oak Harbor. .
appaaana. " '
Port DlaoovtiT.Tort Lad low, PoH Towaaead.
- K1BO.
Black River. Dwamlah. Fall Clty rtealtfe.
niauthter. Hoonualmy, remark .WKJU Hirer,
Cherry Valleovelly,Mlllou,paeola,Ken low.
' x arraAo. f ..-..aii.
Port Blakef V. Port MmhTe. Port Madlaoa.
rw vrenaru, weaueca. lejiui.
I U' KIT AT. .
TOork Tfonaa. Cotambna, OoMendaJa. Kltrkt.
tal. While Malmon, Ulakely, t ulda, Kirckilat
Lavooiag. . ., .
Alremon. Bolafrtrt, CheVdHa, flaanata. Coa
Ita. ulea Eden. Uule KaTla. Meadow Amok.
Moaav Rock. Napavlna, Xewankum.Hkooknna-
chuck, rulver Creek, Wlaloek, Naaello. ,
Areada, Ughtvllla, Oakland, Bkokomlak.-
t FAoino. .
ftranenort, B'mnkfletd. KnapptoB.rryatervllla,
tllveeMde, Mtratb Heud, I'nity, Wnodwardt
Landing, Itay center, ike View, ttoalb Bead,
S?iJn l" .rJ?i amII NuTn-ILiZLV' w ', iTl!
I ' . I
eon. ArtondaK
man Jnan.Lnnaa. Orcaa. Kaat Bound. TriAmm
aCtreaV.aiae. ,.-.
.fWiilaeelllai t arawtti - kftjj
TUIiUTp, ratk rUoe, blamwood.
Caaeadea, Collier tatodlaa.
Crab Creek. Powr Lakat, Port Col villa. Vfene
mtn'i Creek, Pine Grove, Hnrk Creek. Kosalia.
Pnokane Brl.l, Bpot ana aHa, tHifoei Kidge,
w ataera a nuria.
iver. Miami Pralrla
Taaalquolt, Tealao, lam water, (tin, lode-1
peaueaea, a.ey. s;
WAaaiAKcat. , .
CathlameL Caala Cliff, ilkanaokaarav. W.i.
lord. " . r"
-. WALLA WALLA. -.. .
Pntaha Prairie. WaJtabnrv. Watle
Whitman, Wallula. ... . '
Cedar Orova, ftuemaa, Ta Conner. Iehm hl.
amml, l.rnten. NiMitaarhk. Pntnt Wn,te
Hamlah, Hrahomev eMaaaiim, rthlp Harbor,
1 w M.M,Kee;i iiieaer.w uatcuea.r tuaigi
Cedar Creek. Onlfha. reraeteellle ft. .. .
Pnlouaa. rweptoa, Untoa let, Walton, Cllnloa!
Leltchvllle, I'anawana, line ( reek. Roealia.
Aaatene, IJneola, Pataha City, Ualoatowe
Attannm. Ptlenabainv Vnet ai-MMe Wi,iu
Ennmrwock, henana, Paaaanl Ureve, feel ah.
hit or
Meaet OwAar OaVtea,- ) t
a 1 - 1 '
Tha Xott Socceaifal Fhjaieixx oa tha
Paciflo Coart
A 1 tour ul tua kaaaara Mtalea ftiff tua paal kMir
..., mk. j nV laicaur viaitau ail tna priaeipaJ
ukkIIiwI Inalilalluua la Iba lanca rltlaa al tha
lalml rttauv, nod cornea back vrllb all tba
aaoaera aaatlioda, laaarumanu aad applla
kaow a to tba aaual arlaauaa auaa la u.a
leaalou. The Duc'or baa alao brou(btebana
aad nanlklna to llluairaia bla laeturaa. '
.I'M- fAtit. M. HUtNAN baa barn U year
vv ., lawiw wa ana naaitn. . jn
bit private aad puhlla laeluret ba baa taugbl
maa and woman tba true ayetata ol lira, bow
lo babaallhy and bappy, If they would oaly ba
aided by lilawiaaouuuaal. But all can aot bear
nia ueiignum and InaUuetlva laeturaa, nor aaa
ba tail everytblut naoaaaary ktr euirvrtiif bu
manlly lo know Iron tba publle roatrua ba
'ora n promiacuoue audienoa. There remaine
muck lo be learned I rum blm, aa bla eapert
enra ealanda aver broad Beltla of arilva pro-
" ' i nia Buvwiauifeao naoaaaary to
tba welfare of euderera eaa only b (leaned by
Knvate frolaaaloual Uonaullallon albla stfloa.
la eaparlenea la Iba varloua uarta ol Kumim
and America glvee blm aueb opportaaltlae af
iwaiD, tua ueiiraia qiaaaaaa whirl tba aa.
maa family are prone lo, lualr mode at treat
ment and permanent aura, aa m at hex pbjai
lan -on Ilia faeine Coaat eaa elalm. lie baa
not only treated III eaa dlaaaaat moat aucaaaa
lolly, but baa made Ibem a life atudy, aa a few
momenta' annaultaLl..a will amM
Ha baa beeoue aa a i pert la I ue treat mentor
weakaeaa and deranaeiaeal ut tha re
productive oriaua uf both mala aad female,
laeludlni dlaeaaaa eaueed by tba
remta er tocth.
Book atflpaKicATOM0reA.orata;iiiAl.WaaK'
a aaa, or Luea or faatraL-r Vitlitt. Nearly
two-tblrrle of an the Cbronle Olaaaaaa aarlna.
either directly or ladlraotly, frem aume de
rnnaemenl or tba eaaaal ayaum, and yet tbla
auhjeot la netleetad It tbt majority of Iba
loeuicai praiveaion.
Tbatperanna who are anrbrtnnate anoatk to
ba amioled by any form ol amul diaaaa uxm
a ueHracy in --'ilnf upim Ilia pmnar plijal
Ian In Wtt7 from a aanaa mt aiaila.u aad
omatlmea Irom lenoranoa, and permit tboae
dlaeaaee ta aalal until thair enaaiiuitinaa k-.
some eorrupted, tbalr organlaallon broken
down, aud the bona of future bapplneea blight
ed, antll death beeomee a welrwine meaaeutar
lo carry Ihem out of tbelr mlaarable eilateooe.
1 uoae wuoeau in ume upon im. PAUl. M.
BHKNAN need bava aa fear bat what ha will
realora them lo Derfeet health aad tlinr.uia
i ineir oouiee pure anu taeir in I a da eonianl,ir
I Ibey will only follow bla advtoaaad treatment.
I mlarrn. Hroueliltl-. TIim.i I " b.i
Diaeaaea, Kbeumallam.klldney Complaint aad
an anaaaaea 01 ana a.ya aaa a-ar, ntamacb aad
Bladder; be eaa enra without fall. M Unaot
Moatrnmt aaed; no amp treatment: eo lalae
pro nil aee r.veryttiln( auleU auoadaaUnl
unuvr nil sirfuawiaiiMa.
I sirfuawiaiiMa. -
laalloai t raa, and a llat of prlatad
eent la tboae living etadlelaace who
nault blm pareonaTly. v -
aejlaajliwa, ,
eannoteonauit nim bareonally.
All Muraleal Operation a performad,
Ufflea-Mo, It r'lrat atraet. bet wee a flak aad
rina. omea Hourafrom at to Ua.a..lial
aara inir.l, u le
far ataatorlwt; alrap llalr toata Jf atairal
. tiaavittjr aat totwr.
Ad vanlnc . Yean,
tick neat, cart, dli
pnlotment, aqd bar-
lloa all turn tbt hair
nr. im altliee j.r
X -them Inellnea'lt to
Pttbtd prematurely.
AarM - Hair "TIor,
1 7fJ .Vby loag ana, eaten
-eaw k alve eaa. hat proven
lit, '.eXr' iBatllatopa lhakair-e
wr falling Immedlauli
erien renawi the growth, and alwaya tarely
reatoret Itt ealor wbee faded or erav. ft .i.
ulalia Ut irumilfl Arlant to beallby aoll wUr.
aad preaervae both tba balr and lla beaoty,
Tbaa braaliy, weak or aiokly balr oeoomat
gloaay, pliable and alrengthaned; I oat kalr ra-
grawt wllb lively ezpreaaloa; falling kalr la
e necked and eatabllahed; tbla hair tblckena;
and faded or gray balra reauma tbelr original
color, lla operation la aura aad barmleea. It
cure dandruff, beala all bo mora, aad kaa pa
the acalp cool, elaea tod aofl under wbleb
eondlllona dlaeaaaa of tha acalp are Impoaalble.
At a draaalag for- radrear h tir, lt yigor la
pralted lot lu grata (ul aad agreeable perfuma.
knd valued tor tka toft laatre bad rictifieaa of
tone It I m parte, freparad by
DM. J. C. ATUB Laval I. Jg
Practical aad Analytical Chtmlali.
Sold by all DrugglaU aod Pealart la Medlclna.
ktt Ceraei Flrat aa Hark aaaa
" " ever Ladtl A Ttlloal Baak. " .
Ctalaln evtr tUgbtetatad Ckaire kaekt
Btoatbla km OO-rayakle t.wwtrt
Dinwnroaa Wwl. B. ladd.P.C, Rrbavlar, Jr..
at. r. ieai-, it. w. I oroett. w. H. Bracaett,
a. v. lawia, ai. w. reeuaaimar, a ,
vautaa;, u. oiuaa.
It. rAII.r(l , , yi prveldent
P. C. HCIU'TI.PR, , , t
M. W, PKC1IH K.I MKU.C.rTea ponding Hee
UKNBT A. OX a K Ubrarlaa end IUc Bet
paYewt c -
OMalnrd pr In van tore le the United Btataa,
Canada, abd Europe, at reduced prima. Wllb
war principal efflca located la Waablagton, di
rectly oppnelte theDnllad Btatee Patent Office,
we are able lo attend la all Patent Bnalnam
wttb greater prom ptaaae aad d la patch and lam
enot inna wvner paten, aiaorneye, wnoa
therefore, lo employ 'aaanelete BUorneya.
We make preliminary eiaralnatlona end fur
Blah oplnlnna aa to paten lability, free of
charge, and all who are late mated la new In
vention a and pa teste art Invited lo Bend for a
copy of oar "tie Ida per Obtaining Paten ta,"
wuioa ia wat nee w aay aiuiwa,ang anntaina
" vbTm-tSrr wVrV
lrnan - Ametlra Natlonai Bank,
Ion, U Cl tba Royal Pwedlab, Morwi
bow te obtain Bateau.
We refer to Iba
'eaian. ano
Danlab legatlnna, at Waahlngtoa: Hon. Joe,
Caeey, lale Chief Juallce V. H. Court of I lalma;
le Iba OlflnleJa of tha U. B. Patent Offlna, aad
to aenniort and Mambere of Congiaat from
averv Htata.
AJ IramiOT WyrggBTaWaalimira
nt faieiita tna Adimieya-al-Latw, Le Iroll
noiiuing, maaniBfton,u, u, - - . . a-ix
avi . 75V 1
-. ta. Beeewd mm T ay taw elraein. .
Beaaonable Ckara-ea tor H Ire and Boevvrfna.
Back eedare promptly atLantlcl, Day or N Igbk
iwiia e Btiieei, Prwa-a.
X "ITEElt In ronr awn town, ana ao
capital naked. Von eaa rive iba baar-
j aeea a I
Irial wlihovt eTpenaa. The beet opaor-
lunltywverorTered tor thnae Wllllne te work.
Voa ehoeld try aotbina alee entll Ton aaa for
rnureelf what yaw ean do at the bualaane we
offer. No room lo explain bare. Von aaa' de
vote all yoar lima or only your apart Ume to
tne Bwaiaeea, ene. mil' great pay anr every
oar toaa rua worn, wovnea rnaaa aa
TTT.'f. " "2 I
n. Hand forapeelal private lerma and par
ilara, whtrh we mall free. tt outat free,
a't com plain ol hard tlmea while yon have
ma-t com plain ol nard tlmea While Ton
each a eh a new. iddie. M M a ji tJi.i
PorUaatd, kaaaaa. . ., . w-a?
-7 , 2r
iiiti itit tr rriuciruii
A Waakfy JeaurwaJ
mini ti ti Nattrt utT.tiritiiTii
I -. I
ladeMBdeat la Pal I lira aad kallrlaa I
. . 1
aai aegiaa ita Aia.ia Tear or rnaiieeuoa
with tu laaaa ef Mar Ut, Tt. aadar tbt baal
aam maaagemeal ef the DvaiWAT Pvauta
lae CoarAar, ta whom ail letter eeaaeeted
wllk Ike Editorial, Ad verUaiag or Butter! pilea
Departmeala ef the neper are to he bereafter
dlreelta. - '-t -
Tka Maw . Veawavaar
Righta, bet a Bmaa Bag hla otgaa, devoted
to wkalevt pal ley may ke naeeaaary to 1
at awed kt Ike gtitlttt Bam bar. II I
I kvaew
I - -
I BO eel
kvaewt u aaa. ae aellataa, ae raUgtea, ae park, I
; ae eread. Ma BteadtMea tt Battta'td I
a pan the reek of aweraal Liberty, gnlveraai I
ilaoUea aad Vwaraayme
orPlCB P PCBLICATION-Baalkweat aar-
- - 1
atr af Pleat aad Waeklaglaa Bareeaa, (pp.
elaOm),ISrUMeOioa. - !
Wat eommeteed la ear kerne of Jfevember la. I
lfK&DOlflWAT'a peculiarly ertflaal atyla
of EdllarlaJ; Cerraapaedaaea wlfcL-f
from weak to weak to attract taoaaandt M J
read era, aod EdllerUla are prttaletd aeea eH
Ike leading . to plea of the day. OORU-
SPOMDENTa are alee employed. tit faralak
veektp lwUart from Waeklaglaa, ew Terk
aad vartoet parU of KaroptC,"
He palBt will be t pared kt make THE NEW
BORTHWEoT tka' laadlBg aewapaper of He
... r v .
tlaat la Ataerlea. IM Utarautre ta alwapt
atoral la Wae aad iBatraetlvt aad tlevallng la
tkaraeter, aad la eoagkt afttf by Tkt kaat aad
meat laulllgeat alam af read era. At a medium
for AevertlelBg, lb la Jearaal aaa ae eaperlera, TKI 11-: E TI SSXSCXISEI
BlBcltaeplaa,eoe year.
Ma meaikt ..,,,
Tkrae meatM
- IT"
- -1 i I. yjrv
Acwnts nd'CanvMMiwt
Cteraeraf Prawt asd Waehla
ettweej (ew-1
II U !
. ... :
, .unit aii uoins. - .
A? aiapoalUoa 10 Eaertlea or Baal aeea. Hkart-
leat ef Itreath, Troubled Wllb Tbougbla or I
LHaaaaa. Dlmnaaa of Via Ion. Pala la tba Baek.
Cheat aad Head, Rutk of Blood ta the Head.
Pale Couateaance and Dry Hkln. If Iheee
tymptoma are allowed aa go aa, very frequeat-
ly Bptiepua rile ana Coaeempiion biiow.
eelrae tbe aid of aa InvlgeraUng medicine te
tuwagtaaa aaa teea ap tae tytiaat, wniea
iuchu :
By any re needy known.
It ta praaaHbed bp
the moat eminent phyetetaaa ail .
ever the worl
ia 1
Bhcaautbat, v
IfBralgU, IintMHM,
. iBilgtatlwa, : . -
. : J. IcbM BBaJTalRi,
T7 iBBib-gb,'.-.. v'
" J. ienaa Kblllty,'
. Ie4 TraablPa,.
CarBl BcklUly,
Bateaaei of the aUaaeya
Llvev tmBlaiat .
faialy alt, 1 " , - '"
piaal Dbmi
'wtiattea, . .
" Pealboaw, '
BtnMltava, '
MorvowA OomplalatB. ,
reaaale OemplatataBia.
eadaeka, .
rata lo tbe Bkonlderv, ;
Onegk.. , -
. ' " '
Eroptiona, .
Bad Tatte la tka Moalk,
Jpttalloa ef tbe Heartr
Pala la Ibe Bagwaaf tkt Kldaeya,
iMBBnUariBaBii im
Aad etlmalalea tka tnrntd Llvwr. Bowela. aad
Eldaeye to Healthy Action, In eleoaaing the
blood of ell ImwoHtlea. and Immvttlna aaw life
i aaa vigwr pa tae wnoie eyeeena.
A alngle trial will ba a a lie ennVrtent te en
tne moat neat laving of im vataame rema-1
-rr tkituta sirw
I "TTIaHveiad ta aay addraat tree frwra tibaarie
I lioa. raueeia may aotiaalt cy leuer, recetrli
I the aaroe auentloa aa by aniline. Com pete i
Phyeictaee attend ta eorreaaoBdenla.
M.Y, bIEI.BJbBL, '
- . XVagglat aad Cbamlet,
-r-' -Jrllaejpkla, Pa."
tNtkattbtPrlvelt IVepWietaay Blawaw j
. M ISCELLAy EOU8. 7 . j
Careaall temfalnaa ag.atioaaaad tlierdarareaiilt.
tag from Impatlty w4 the bleed. It ia nmJle la
epeeify all. aa tha auaerel eaa eaeelry ptaxativa theuS:ri.
eaaaa) but Aaa M n m, i-tauWaa, (Irara. raaurt.
tMra. JlwaM,waa. a... are the aauat enejaana. aa
y aaettiuaa el tbe Vfrt, u eaa, A.avr . . .
Weadarfd Cora of SllalaeitI.
D. BaoJI, eo Co.t Par tba banekt af a
knakliil with aerafide ar laiaura Bleed ia thaw t'
ayaiaaia. I bereby reaaaimiiad kiag ef the Blrwa.
I have baaa tauaklad witb netirfiila tut Ike paat tea
yaara, whacb. ea aaaeted ey ayea that I waaeuaa-
lately buad fur aia aaoatka. I m raeoairaenaad
la try Klagaf tbe Blomt, whieb kaa proved a great
Maaauag le aaa, aa 14 baa eauipletely eared am. and
1 abaerfally feaaaunead It tuail traaUedaa 1 aara
. baaa. ........ ' Veara traly.
Maa, B. WaaTuaaura', aarJlaia, It. T a. --
. 3 3L O 0 O -
wffl Ve paid ta any Publle nnevttal to be tauta.
ally aarewl a pee, fur every eertinmie ef Uiw
aat pabuabal by aa which la nut gcaaiae. .
It Inevsdicnta
Te ehnweut faitk ia the eafety aad rana'.letir. if
' tka k. B, apue proper pereimal arrhoitum, )i.n
eauanea anaa aa MBeoaitaia w lutaaded, we 1 4
give awe memeeei au iu
ve tka nemeeef all ita laarndiaiiia. ba aradaiu
aa auirae eewra were n,w aaene m ftaa ey tLa -t
' aneaar ef aay etaav Family MadKine la the wia HI.
Mawy taetlaaawlala.furtarr I
NU directiuae fur uwew will ba foetid in the paa.. -phlet
" Tree ilea aa Dwreaea f the JUenr1,v u
wbwkaaeb Piira $ iwrhntllaeaM.
tnlaiag II aaaeea, oa au le M doeea. HuM by drop
gwu. IX aUaauat.Sua A tfe, fiep'ra, afUu,af . .
C97 i oeeop
B E ATT Y 5Sie!J ,
A aaannlwl'eHla-r1e,af I.i im. 11. ti
u ia ooawr antra
I thtya Of rtmllMOaWaralf, ItMipl M ( v0V g $ttttf
WpfttaW tflD L kiMlLMlB, - 4r Sterol .
lalaHSP. rrowP e-reretj raBMlf-" I abema)
itrMy tttt(tIkaiL aWalttrS tmarvaw. .l krtMweM, aaatl SVa. .
ty'Bawi.BomtotrvmnrfVrB Hwrll. rt wttw-jMap
aVATei. eeaiara, auto awTaaica ia tBiatrTgaa rwmjt i ra a aaw awKaw,
i'lintiiff iTirl-fnrimim- -T"n I Tlhr Unr r itr ij 1 '
tnf fMavva. St4tall arU avkrat f r mirh tmatraarwt hf
lraa trww-a B-Mtrw ew ' rtaut JT4 .tat. M f aytrrr. emlf
tt Cf . refrW tlkm laaalrmektaaig eBtmly a.tav tavabttva
aNwr wat welt- Mat a aa twat mataw. If it UtiOtmrn IWh.
pntM, raatnrrt u tn y wipp)tatt.A a) ijaeT iaaii bm wva
ttapiemnt'r, ifia nrrnii irw very aewe m
IKaA I amtwttv
T Will Mt aVviBMB) fine) Ukaa art ek.
Ewa BB wmmae, B-,ia
1 rti. II
1 low MaaBt BAttWanaw-I MaftAfM ta)
iwaMBl HtNMi g AaatlfVa, aUH
ma ihtui nr aneaaufetnwr 1
lmwwtaekaari any jaJwAl Mu ay ttWvUwtwm mtarM.
BMawa ajoalmmw wataairai Ikmt M lagfm may lanlf mm a.
abjafw ajar pve-it peHMPa frof AJt ei awetetl tnmr Uttvwawh Utw
I ( nil tea aKMraaaaot. tmm murm fat ml ipM than o f
- lrnwv agMar-tiwB MirvatatraiBKii a aaa pwiiip .yfwaawwajyM-
hadl rtf iirrrwr--1 hy Ml V fle,ea4. miwtrrotant.
Uue -iiuut
U lt.u. ..4 cMaaii- aea frea.
W aahlagWa(j ew
EaTABUsnXD uau.
at IB. A A T. LACllT, Arteraeyrafrtaw
- - afMveatk MrMt,WaablnXoB,D.C.Tr
: lavewtwaa. -'; .
We peoenre pate nia la all conntrlea. " N AT-
Vobbbi rana in advahi B. No charge ealeaa '
tba patent la granted. Me feea for making pre. .
1 1 mi nary exunlnntlona. No additional feea 1 1
lor obtaining and rondnetlne a rehearlnr.
H pedal BttenllnB given lo Interference Caere
before Ibe Patent Office, ICxienalona he lore
Ceng rem. Infringement Polta in dlffereul
Mtaiea,and all lltigaihia pertalalrg to laven
Itoaa or Pntenta. Bend atamp lor pamphlet .
giving full InetrncUoae.
Valteel Btatee CearU mm Depaurtenewlav
Clalma prneeewted is Ihe Supreme Court of . .
the United Htntea. Court of Clalma. Court of
Comal laa lone ra of Alabama Clalma. Houtbera
Clalma Commlmlon, and all etaaeeu of war "
a lalma before tbt Executive Departmenta.
Alrewra ef PtyaadBaaatyr
Ofocera. Moldiera, and rial lore of Ibe late war,
er tbelr balra, are In many caeca entitled la
money from tne uovernment, or whlcn tflry
bnveHbo knowledga. WrlU full klalory ol aer
vice, aad a tale amount of nae and buiata mm.
calved. Kncloae atamp, and a full reply, afte
eaamlaettoa, IU be given you without charge .
I. wht,,,., m r, ,1 rwuwn-w waaiara -
captnrad, or Injured la Ihe lale war, however
all ftm a.MiM. . B . . , ...
aligns are eauuea to, and eaa obtala a pee
aloe. . ,
I'ellad Btataa wnere Vmm Oa
1 Contacted Land Caaaa Private laail ftaieea
MlBlna. pra-emptloB. and Homeaiead
prneetuled before the Oenerai Xauid Udiot aa 4
Department ad ike Interior. - . ,.
We pap aaak for Bounty Iand WarrerrU. -wa
iBvliaaurreapoBdenoa wllk ail part Ira kav '
lag any for aale, and glva full and explicit la
etructtoae where amlgnmenta are Imperfect.
We eond urtt our boat ueea la aepanale Hareana
kavlng ibereta the clerical naaialaaca of able
aad experienced Inwyere. nnd give our rloaeet
paraonnl eaparvlalea lo every Important paper
prepared la each race. Prompt enaction thnt
eecuren m nu nuaineaa rniru.iea tn na. Ad
Cave Avaawt aarf.
Aay peraon deal ring Inlormatlon mm to tbe
Mending aud reaponeihllity of Ihe arm Wlll.nn
rauueetnararnlahed with a eatlafnctory refer
eaee U kle vtolalty ae Oo ng renal oaal diatrtou -
' Say In year owe locality. No rl.k.
o aa well ae men. Maaymnke more
amount efuied a bo re. No waa eaa
Women do ae i
than Ibe amoi
ran te mate move raal. Aav oan aaa ik.
work, ion can make wwm M rente to It an devoting ytmr cvenlnra and a pa re .i
UatalA tka . Kl,.ti.i... I ... . -l
mnaay .anatlng aver offered Bualnaaa
pleaaant and etrtotly bonnrabla. Reader, If
roe waat m know all about the beat-paying .
buelaeee Befora the Bablle.aead aa mi - -
Idreaa and we will tend yon full narileulara
tad private lerma free; earn plea worth tt alao
I free) yon van thee make up ytmr mind lor
I yoaraekf. ,
eioorean iiaunui .HLDUHtM fi'l.::
e-a .
ftVVi h ,0TH gneraateed; !J a dap at
VJJVI borne made by the Induatrbtua, I apt-
t raonlradi we will atari yon. Men.
women, bore and girl a make money raaw at
work anything elan. Tbe work
to light aad pleaaant. aad each ae eny one can
gw right tt. Thoae who ere wlee whwaae thla
notice will bead we their adrtreaara uaiwa
Ieea tor lhemeelvee. Co-tly wtuflt and levma
free. New la the time. Tboae already el work
are laying an larmeumeof aaaaa. latne '
'CAUAAlnl.Angueta.aimBe. , . ai?