The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, April 08, 1880, Image 1

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iiti rtiiiami teirm, rrearietef
A JoarBal tut the People. . ' I
. Devoted to tbe laleresu of ItBBtantty,
'JadepeadrrdLla PollUes aad Rellgloa. .
-Alive ! ill Us Ihsm, bb tbon0(bly
Radical In' Opposing and Etpoalnf Iks
Wron(sorths Masses. '
. .lP
.ll 06
Oas year
Him raoulba
- Three umiIii,
- A,nVKRTISllV!IT8 lassrtsd oa Bwm
via ivnuii - . "
aotwob or -MoDim asm," "ml dowb,
aamv t-s ,tbb BArrr "
j OHS," likMI oaalSOB,'
; .-"rjMIT.rATB
' B"-Cf BTO., ETC
' CnUrd.Bceordln(toAttCoicrrM,lBtbt
" yaae im, la the offler-of the Llbrerlea of Co-
f rwai Whlf too, D. C.J' - J - ... .
I have. MIm 'Liaa. undeniable
have, Mlae 'L1m4
proof." .-
'Lima roM to br feel wltb a look of
. blank bewilderment In tier face.
Lt'e take a walk la the "open air.
Peter. Thee wall are ellfllug met1
Ii exclaimed her voice bo changed
and eoosmlued and bard that the bear
r of nowelconie new wae frightened.
"How did you get ynur Information,
. Mr,. Tubba ? Are you aura you're Dot
deceiving me 7 wny am you not icu
me of tbla before T"
"YoU ask alL ) on. qutetloue ei ouceJ
' Mles'Llxs, but I will try to answer tbem
w on ftt ft time. I could not tell you be
fore, beoeese I did not know tilt Israel
flapping too returned tble morning from
the mince that Llrnln"t Iugteton wee
your eUter Vo-law jTlrUV. brother
. John, of whom I'eo oftea beard t be
7 Hardloe family speak. I can easily tell
yon bow I got my tuformaUon about
ibr roarrlegeotJj.ajTeej
. wedding,
. "You at Job n Ingleton1 wedding?"
The expression of bnpeleea agony upon
liar face waa pitiful to behold
"Yea, 'Llxa. But I don't waot you to
' grieve about It too much. Time are aa
cood Auk In III m ae were ever
caught." "' . ' . -3.
Tbe expression of disgust, that crept
r br countenance for
jbadowed Iw4eehf agony
"Tliere le do uae la grieving over bat
wa can't belp, Mjae 'Lisa. You are too
noble a woman, and life' la loo eweet If
"we taka tbe right view of It, f x. u to
waateour llrrajn nattteae reptolnge."
"Yaw need u't try to preach reelgoa-
tlon to me, Peter. I koow my duty,
aud aball never ihrlnk from It.
'Mpoken;iik,e the noble woman that
yoa are, Ml 'Ua,V ...... ,,
, "Don't flatter mo, Teter. , I defeat
flattery. "I've other thlnge to lblok pf
nowv Tell ne what aort of woman
aba waa.'' ' ' - '.' ' ..
"; mtau T" '
"Tbe new Mie. lugleton."
: 1 don't want to give you pal o, Mine
'Llia. Lrt ua talk of aomethinf e!e,
aud gei ih le" off. youv tnlixl.1 '
Bhe looked at blm with an.aipreaelon
of Impallehee. ' -'V
"Tell me all, Peter; 'l ean bear It,"
ehe efgbed, elaktng to a aeat npoa a
tooea-glrawB boulder that lay directly
!Tbr6ea tbefrpatb. ' -
"Wby, jrou eee, Colonel Batematv'a
J. regiment, of which I waa a member,
waa ordered to Utah, Lieutenant Ingle
ton being wltbua aaoommUearyelerkrlojeeirorTTrwTTnd ever happen to
or aomalblng olibat aort. Tbe Colonel
made a eight of bloa, for be wae comely
and bandy and willing and by and by
ha got to be called Lleateuant, aud we
boya bad to obey every order be made
aa though U waa coming lromlbe QaU-
eoel blmeelf. Tbe place waa fearfully
- lonesome, for there waa nobody In all
that 'Wabaatcb region but oureelvea aud
tbe Indiaoe. But, one day, our camp
waa at all la a flutter by tbe arrival of
General Arburton from a dlatant fort,
lie brought along a big retinue of aerv
ante and bla wife and ulvce."
- I 99.n ;- L-m''' - -
"The Oehe'rlTe wlfe'wae au accom
pilahed and agreeable body, and aha took
lota o oeiloe of the aoldier boya. - Bat
Mtea Ethel waa hoity-toity and acorn fu I
lke, and avery ana of ua bated ber. I
' really believe for a while Ibat tbe Lieu
tenant filatiked ber aa much ae any of
aa. 8ba waa tyrannical and wblmalcal,
and ber voice waa abarp and piping,
like an overatrung fiddle with (be leaet
. antt of a crack Je JU ftbc waa pretty
enough-: where women were ecarce and
aha bad fclaklng way with tbe young
Lieutenant that after a while conquered
blm. - I tell youTTJlaa '.Llia, that It
waan't U be wandered at. It'a agalnal
. nature for a reglmeut of men to be abut
. away from their natural oompaaioie
year after year. - And, though everyone
of na hated Mlee Arborton, there waan't
one but would bava been flattered and
conq acred by Iter preference, 4ud I'm
afraid 'there aen't one who "wouldn't
all about tbe life-long ooneequenee, of
owraa. 1- , ,..
Waa aha beautiful V - -MVaa,
about aa much ao aa a mullein
atalk. 8be waa tall-tolerably-with
yellow balr and a pink lab complexion,
and bo dreaaed brave." .
"Waa aba educated and areona
p1Iahad? L'la'poee you'd call ber ao. I don't
profeea to be a Judge about aucb thlog
but I'd aay aba' never wae the equal af
Lieutenant InglatoB." 1 " "' " "' "" "" :
"But tbe wedding how dIJ It hap--pan,
and when t" -v . '
"Why, yon ceo, after General Arbar
tOB ItrdtTrraTBlly bad been I.I Hog our
poat for over a mouth, and tbe young
people bad jol pretty well tqualuld,
our regiment waa ordered io a poet la
,6ouibern California, aal the Oeneral I
aa ordered U bring hi brigade aver tolwomaa be loved.1 I am afraid ft goodly
Utah; and ao we awapped placea, and
nothing would do Mlae Arburton but to
go baak to California with Colonel Bale
man'a regiment. I waa awfully In bopee
that- Colonel Uatemaa aod the young
lady woo Id make a, match of ItT tut the
fata eeenied to fall on tbe Lieutenant.
The girl cried, and fainted, and prayed
to die, and flattered the Lieutenant; ibe
told blm be bad become neeeeeary to
bereiiatence, and alflbat. You may
bardly Ulleve II, Mlae 'Llaa, but aba
actually dIJ the courting, aa any of t
could aee with half air ee."
TbO IJeutenant told ber be wae
aorry for ber.
"llow-aorry are yau ana aeked, 4and
bow much do you pity ma?'
"He waa nonnluaaed, ft little at tbe
queatlon, but be wouldn't beoutdone In
gallantry, and 1 eaid. 'aorry enough to
take vou with tue. If you'll go In our
Qompauy.' ,
But we caiTl be married out bora,'
aald aba. .
You aee, the Lieutenant bado't aald
marry, but aba aald It r.r mm, ae piam
aa Mold be.- r
"How Jo vo'u.kuow all thla, Mr.
TublT" . .
"Haven't I beard It all, over and over
again, when they've been a quarreling
elnce they're married 7" -
nnderatand," -....- "
We Can't be married out here,' ebe
aald, 'but I'll ak my uncle to make all
arrangementa with Colonel Batemao,
and when We get t the aettlementa
wberTTbera-a--av--blahontlwe can be
united, you know.' "
And be conaeuted to thleT"
"Why, bleaa you, Mica, of count be
oooeented. He waa ouly human, and,
aa I waaaaying, women weravacafce."
"You're dreadful paM, Mice 'Lisa.
Can you bear the reel of It T" '
"They went together to the Oeneral
aod bla wife and Colonel Batemao, and
between 'em all It waa fixed up that the
girl waa lo go along with our reglmeut
In the Cntdnere care, and the engage
ment bet aeen ber and the' Lieutenant
Waa underetood by all of ua. Er.Ky f)
low reepeclel their rlgbta and trea
them ae a born lady and gentleman, a
when we got to the very neareet mleeloa
Itbln the California line, the knot waa
tied, and the J wain became one fleeh
aotoepeak." , - . - -.
"Will you leave. me alone, Peter,
please T" aald 'Uxa.'wltb a deepaliing
icadeuce In tier voice, aklu tor tbe wall of
a lout epliit.
Oh, 'L'xa f cried the young man.
falling on Ma kneee-at her:feet7wI be
y ouToV1 oeendnie away I You need
aomebody to love and care for you, al-
way a. Won't you marry me,'Uu t I
know It'a audJen, but you'll neverjlod
a better time to aay yea than now.".
;"you'4i?fJ'uiof John Ingleton,
leter, and you'd have good eauee to be.1
No, I wouldn't, 'Llxa.- Ua will al-
waya move In military clrclea, aud we
In rural and bumble onee- We'll never
meet, bell be marrfed to another, aud
ao will you." ; v -v-
"PeUr Tubba, do yu tblnk I would
be doing right to take you aa my hue
band wbenmy heart la Irrevocably au-
otber'eT"- 7T '
"Tbat'e only ft romantic notion, 'Llia.
Wlien you are married yoo will have
other .thing to tblnk about. Your
husband and by and by your children
will claim, your time and thougbta, and
yoa will know It la not Tight to cherish
love that hae been voluntarily bo
atowed upon aoother, In apita of tbe
Lteutcoaot'e solemn contract lo the con
trary, and then wawlll. overcome It,
Such love Is not worthy of your fealty!
Llia, darling."
"I know It." :
Peter Tubba wae gaining hie point,
and be knew It. lie roae from bis knees
and aeated himself beside ber oa tbe
boulder. .... i
"I offer you a; love that will never
change, darling," be aald ae he encircled
ber slender form, with arm ami drew
her onrealatlng bead-wpon hie breads, .
'Poor, weary, bruised and wounded
darling!", be whispered, holding bert"
close, "yt,u ti wed the love aod protection
of a true and honest heart. Won't you
marry me, 'Llxa?"
Tbe poor girl roused beraelf with a
heroic effort. -
Let me go, Peter. It waa cruel of
you to lake advantage ofTny great sor
row In cucb a way. A while ago I te-
soujght. yoa to leMa,JataL.Boo eeea
ItiXyou U do ilw T
"Won't yoa promise to bo my wife.
Llxa ?'r - . . , ,
"Home day. -; ..- .
"IIeaen hires "yoo V k '."
Will '.-nu liavB rn, now ' : . "
."Yea, since j-o wish it. But I will
wait imjatleutly for the time wheo I
jan claim tba right U lie with you al-
waya." .' K-:".
"Oa home now, Pel r. If yoa Intrude
your preeence Uon me for auotber min
ute, I will never cpeak to yna avaln."
Ttie young wan did sa.lie waa
bat be could not Torre himself entirely
out of eight of the 01 Jecl of bla affection.
Ha retreated tljl the intervening ferne
bid Mm from birr sight, aud then, halt
og beside mamiwitll tree, he leaned
heavily agai'uatlt. and raising tile voloe
to heaven. Invoked thebl-elnaa of the
Infinite poo the Oevoled lead of tba
degree of aelflebnees waa Involuntarily
connected with that earnest prayer; for
Peter Tubba from that lime "forward.
thought of 'Llia Hardlne as part aod
parcel of bfroaelf. Had she not a1mct
the same as said that h would marry
blm sometime? aod was tie not resolved
to heldlier to her promise ? And, Ibeu,
there waa do doubt of the genuineness
of bla love for ber. Titers was one mis
take, however, of which be waa tbe vl'o
tint, but the knowledge of It came too
late to be of uae. He waa not oo1ier
plaoeL nor could be ever reach It. Jle
could not even conceive an Idea ef ber
altitude of thought. It waa ludeed
pity (hat aucb a men, capable aa be was
of making a woman happy, provided
her aspirations would be in liarmouy
with bia own,"waa not .fortunate enough
to meet aud fancy aucb an oue. And
yet, It Is one of ine anomalies ofJu'uman
nature that we are often led to moat
xcaioualy pureue that wbloli will not
bring ua tbe greatest happiness wheu
we posaeea It. . ' r- "
Liia remained for a long time i
motionleseaa tbe reck upon which ihe
sal. - Hhe bad reached a crisis in bar
life. Waa aha to allow It to cruab ber?
Tbe abadva of evening were settling
do u upou tbe vale, and tbe rays of Hie
departing aua were Illuminating the
distaut mountalo tope with a sheen of
8ba arose to her feet and stretched ber
bands toward beaven.
"V my Father if it be powlble, let
tbla cup pass from me !" aba walled,
ber treiuuloue otterance vibrating upon
tba air like ft death apony
wandered aimleeely on, till after a while
ebe reached the home of ber alster-ln
law.-- ' ; '
" Why 'Llxa, you'fe white as a ghost,"
said Tlraah
What la the worU has
I have lost my Jtlih In human:
would lo G'I that I could
That' a all," waa ber sad reply.
1 wouldu't talk like that If I were
you, my alater,"'aaldTirxab,aooiblngly.
"I too have bad my dark houra, butl'm
happy enough now. My life Is allauu-
hlhjfle sluce tbe baly came. That le,
rltb tbe exception of one black elotid;
nd that .will be dispelled when my
other John gets bo-nje to us. It muat
bcihat he will Join ue In tbe coming
Sprliig. for I've written to Uncle Jacob
Mead that we are here, and have urged
blm toburryVblm uprBnt wtiyareyou
ao white, 'Llxa
'John lamarri
" Nonsense !" eiTaImeJ Tirxab,
whose turn now came ro grow deatlly
pale, In spite of her Credulity . .
"But It'a-true. "I've Juat fi4rd all
about It from Peter 'Tubba. John my
John wbom I thought waa the soul of
honor, has proved false to me. Peter
waa present at bis wedding In California
before be came up here aa a discharged
aohller to aettle. John wasJ captivated
y an army omeer'a ward, "lie waa in
tbe employ, of Colonel Bateman, aud.
bad got tbe title of Lieutenant. vUe for
got bla honnr ao far that he d Id not even I
break bla engagement with me. And
that, too, after I wrote to blm aud aa-
suretLhlon of my undying faith and con
slancy. Peter trea to excuae him, but
I can't." -. -
"I am core, 'Llxa, that there muat be
some mlatake. Now that I know my
brotber'a addreas, I'll write to him at
once. , 'la neverwould nave married
aaother while believing, thai you were
true.Bitme evil genlua has been at
work plotting mischief. I'm aura of it.
Yoa haveoever let blm bear one word
from you In all tbla time, yon know." -
"I tried to, TIeaven knows. He lld
not treat ma fairly wbeh be stole away,
uudef the burden of bla father's debts, j
and left me nothing but my wounded
love to console me lo ray loneliness; let It reverberate to the remotest parts
But I forgave him that offence, becausspf tba globe, that all -may learn of tba
I knew bia trlala and temptaUone were
almost overpowering, and I felt that I
could wait. But I never can forgive
blm for tble laat breach of honor never,
evcf, ksvkr! And yet, I can't bete blm.
Ood pity me, Leantrot hale blm t If It
were ouly anybody alee, I might."
Tba poor girl dropped upon the floor
and Indulged In ft Bt of client weening.
Tbeee tears will do yoa good, dear
sister," aald Tiraab, tenderly. "Your
trial le Indeed ft great ooej but what
will mjr poor mother do now? Yoa
know aba baa beet) living and drudglqg
along In the btpe that John would re
turn to ber aud care forher old age. .
- tUear mother lugleton V exclaimed
'Llxa, drying bar eyea and aprlnging to
oOnviotlona of right and dqiy. John is
dead to mo henceforth, but J will not
neglect my duty toward" bla mother."
" 'Ood bleaa yoa, eweet elater I" aald
Tlrxah ferveotly. "Yoa eh all yet be
bsppy, for yoa shall yet have your meet
reward." - v.- ...' .-A..O
i fti be sou tl dm4.1
A Cbicaoo -WoMArr. A Jonrnallst
employed on the Chicago Inter-Ocean
worked alghie na well ae daye, and aha
telle reporter tbal aba waa out at all
lo ate
taane I
to bava
mind, ebeeaye, I
a pistol, anyway.
- Z . . .-
Tbo shadow f the baseball bat has
began to east Ita length aoroea tba land.
iJjo:Tr':T:r:r:r ""tw'i' it u ao-TnnFTrtri-ou.Tna
IN W arsBj uvvri aww-iut-fM w v aia. T7ia - I - a- r o . - ar 111 aam taakaTi Vol I a a I . - a .
sou geoiie iuii invy au wuBsm . J"" " --. J " f . , I . - . . - . .
It drawn oo them. Presence of oaya. mot anpw your gins, ir toey "- w. vy " ""-'"TI ' , ;
Faee Hrmwa, Tax raaea, Faaa PaorLB.
HarbTsBCRI, Or, Mareb l. 18S0.
To na rJrtom or ma Haw Nobthwbbti -
' Just Atom our unoateotatloua little
vltl jmrltvwootd tiara Bounded more
laudable; It bavmg ixen locorporaieu
iriaay years ago) la aipsrently aa dull
as lb ben yoo were amog u, a
earlier. Ko exclllng ateuee, similar to
fVoee which our nelgbtorlng cities bav
recently experienced, lave occurred la
our ueaeeful and ordtr-loving ml Ut I
No f nothing to arouse ua from the Uth
argy Jn which we ar laufulatilttg. 1
fall la even hear tie Usual "war
whoop," likened to a (omaocbe Indian,
wblcb ao thoroughly chagrined you on
a 'certain occasion while here, when
weudlng your Way to tbe lecture halL
March came In like a roaring ilori,
aod,vtTdding deflaiee to the old-time
rule, makes Its exit like the aame lufu
riated king of teatts.- Winter baa bung
on like a disagreeable umer-io-iew
Everybody longs tr Spring aod milder
breeaee. " FarmeM are anxious to get
through Spring vork ; matrons and
maids are becomlug thoroughly aenalble
of tbe necessity f soon opening the
bouse-Cteanlng canpalgo ; and If old
Sol would only show bje ehlny fce,
even ibe modest little daisies would
blush and nod tielr beads In silent
gratitude for. being happily resurrected
from tbelr tombs ef soow. To catch 'a
glimpse of yonder mountain peaks, clad
la their snowy mantle, la enough to
make one shiver aid long for Southern
ellniev r
Notwithstanding be vivacity of Old
Tbeu-ahaBjreas, the goeslpe ply their avocation
aa advantageously as though th aun
were at Its xenith, Ihelr emlesarlee each
etrivlng. to outvie the "other o tbe
length and qtinlltf of their fiue-rptiti
'The Uuluxi Suodty School, ahich you
during your laa visit bwt, Is flourish
Ing, aod blJ fair to be a decided auo-
Ceas. . '
Tba poll Hoar arena lias . already be
come slightly lilosflnated.- There waa
more interest than usual exhibited here
at the Democratic primary .ouThe 20. h,
tbedeulxene appearing on tbe scene of
action early- la tbe morning, aud their
mauauvriug, ' previous to couveuing,"
wae, to a dlvinterested-ebaerver, ducld
edfy amuelog. Their little grou(e of
two, three, etc.,. litre and there, ao
Trj.ped up to moroentoue questions,!
would bava led ooe to Imagine they all
felt positive of securing a I'oml nation.
A uother feature of the "pow-wow"..waa
that they were atriving to reclaim a
prdjgel brother, and unmistakably auo-i
ceelel In so doing by promising blm
ths nomination
pjf County Com m la
slober. ... ' -.' -.
. Oo tbe S7lbtbe Republican primary
waa held, creating no excitement, aud,
unlike the blber party, they appeared
not over-eeelone In expecfawj of nomt
nallone. There were no slde-'show con
troversies, aud all passed off as quietly
and smoothly as a May morning.
Tbe Oiecubatik prim try U tppoioteoT
to meet on the 10th of April. What
tbey will accomplish, reraaluea hidden
mysteryjlo bo unveiled In tba near
future, Tbelr prospects never, looked ao
hopeful as at the present time, and that
their achievements will be grand and
glorious, Is tbe firm cooviclloo of. every
repreeeiitative of the "Independent
Oreeuback Labor Rvform Party."
Th Woman Suffrage question still
boonia, and truly Ita advocate have
great reason to tbank tba only political
party of advancement and reform for
placing In tbelr platform a Woman Suf
frage plank. ' : '
Three hearty "eheere-for the valiant
defenders of woman's enfranchisement !
Hall 1 Tbe toe-in la being sounded, and
ushering In of the dayy resplendent with
tba aunlight of Justice, that will event
ually grant liberty and freedom to
woman. Then, with all her Ood-gfsen
rlghtcche will not only be enabled to
carry on the work which Xantlppa
Calorie ao bravely began, but also will
stand aide by aide with the law-makerc
of the land and sboold che eventally
aland at tbe bead of this, our Nation,
aba vlll undoubtedly do the boaora aa
royally aa did Christina, the Swedish
Queen of tbe aaventeenth century.
Olive Logan's Advice to Woken.
Olive Logan got mad the other day aud
wrote the following i "
mao'a bands on ner. ir yoa need his
assistance In walking, take bla arm In
atead of blm taking yours. Juet tell
blm la plain Lngliab to "handa oft."
lie may not uae it at nrst, nut na win
respect you In literature tenfold more.
Men will be and- do Just wbat tbe
women allow them to do. Meo will not
dototrvst. Give a man your arm, and
you will find blm eery eoofldentlal, and
be will take ft great many privilege be
would not take tr be were not permitted
to do eo He will give your arm maay
loving q aod aly twlcta Ibat be
eon Id have no opportunity of doing, and
the opportnuuy m. jusi wnat ne ia arter.
much older than tbemaeivea. If poasl
bfe, Inctlll Into tbelr very nature that
I hay are aaler la tbelr ower handa thao
they are la the band af'aoy man
praaaher not excepted.
A.IIM1V n. lf-0.
"L- New York, Mawb 18, 18S0
tna Kmenaervna Kaw.NoBTBWMrt
-7 The "Illee Dreee Association Ivaa
come to an untimely end. Ita name bad
poaalbly aomethlug to do with Ita bllef
teuureof life. However, Ita prloelplee
may atlll survive; for tba originator
thereof, SJ(4m Field, declaree that the
dlaflect'iti of those convened In behalf
or nerecMoiue rreed bare no oearing on
Ita ulttuia'e euccrss. Rumors were In
general ciroulatlou, at tbe Dual meeting
of ibe AMoclatlou, held at tba bouse -of
Mrs. Peran Stevena, to tbe effect that,
instead) of co-operating In a work of
utility bud beneficence, as tbey sup
posed, tlie la'dlea were to be, In polut of
-fact, tbrliet Into the position of tbe gen
erooe aial coiiflJIng cat In tho fable fa
miliar tdcii!dhood, who, In direct oppo-
aitlon tojthe characteristics of ber race,
permitted herself to be victimized by
the cheettrbf-loving monkeyrTUia dla-
ejivery waa far from eootblng to all Con
neotej wild the noble work of reform,
od It resetted fh a withdrawal oTtbe
subscrlptl'io- already pletbioX, to tbe
eauee, audva general disintegration of
tbe Aseoclatloo. -Whether-tbla flascot'
ia to be rearmed, so far aa the ladiee are
concerned,' renialn yet to be Been ; but
eboht ths enterprise succeed at last In
forming It-elf Into a permanent loatltu
lion, I elorerely trust that vne exlutlog
grievance, now a perpetual elumbliiig'
block In the path bf the unhappy beings
condemned tishoi plng excursions, may
ue inereoy aupprepseu. i autiae to tue
airy and IrreeimiiMble feminine clerks
generally to be found lo our large dry
goods eelaMishmaute, whose functions,
according to the Wospectna of the co
operative etiop system, were, to be as
sunied by Impoverished but Intelligent
aentlewnmen. 1 . '
r a laTewetT'onTpcwsc given at me
t m . : "T7 T 7ZZ .
Brunswick hy the(
l'lratesof PeutViice.'H'ahtfve; nlnaout-of tbe ten grew up ras
Meters. OiTWrl a
1 Kulllvan.on theve
e for. KoS land. Aa
of their dopartu
farewell dinncra
re generaTly neither
good norebrmln
this festivity J de-
aervlng of note,
nce It root both re
isfactory nay. These
qulremeute in a ti
jovial . marauders
could have ahown
tbejr friends no
reater conaldrral Ion
bad they known them all foracertainty
to be erphaoe I Without this unfailing
passport teudered to their g'yd graces,
iiueir nufiinjii ; ! uavoru f,
aroma or genial cordiality a bleb will
be kept In frtendty reroenibiauce until
t','r-fr'ur" I" ' Awtuinn.,M" McinwiHU.i
SuUIVBn'a operetta la transplanted -to
the wicked city of Bro.kly n.
1 tto 1-rf.rl LUmsntf, I p lite - Ul t to
ifew-Ywfc,-4Mc-aitoBirrn-dr thaTnrrlwrtlin,fTlilladeTpbla di vibes :
thereof by dleplaylng an undue foolish
ness ior remaining In ted, only leaving
this amiable refuge to partake of tbe tended to him by some of
our leadlog cltlxenc. 2... il
The Ho,n. Spencer1 Littleton has
availed himself of Hbla ejay In New
.York to cay bright and agreeable tliioga
concerning his late travehrtri Anarralla
and Jfew Zealand. --: . '
Hp;y are the. railroad companies
that made contractc for their Iron and
steel rails lat Summer at tbe tow ralea
ben prevailing, for the pf icea bava
doubled since, and construction bac be.
oonia ao costly aav te be almost beyond
the bonding capacity of .the roads.
Tboe railroad In tbe course of con
struction wblcb i njoy land grant from
tbe Ooveriimeut are caught in a Con
greeeiwnal cul-de-sac, from which there
seem great difTlculty In escaping. Tba
grant of landa baa lu variably been ac
companied by a stipulation that the
beueflclary road should employ Ameri
can rallc ouly. By refusing to modify
tbo tariff or to allow them to purchase
rails in forslgo markets, Congreae vir
tually puts a stop to the construction of
railroad. Tbo American maonfactur
ere are ioadi quate' to supply the present
large demaud for Iron, and are unwllliug
to make any contracts for future deliv
ery. Tbla may be salutary as a check
upon too- rapid adtaoce of elvllixalloo,
bui lt la haidly a fair way of deallug
wllb the railroad oomrtanles.
Ai-ut-ST. -
Rmt LT-Of -A-MtX k. MAK8IAB E
Bo sue months ago a young mti batned
Oeerge Yoongs went to Bath,-Pa., from
Soheuectad. lis waa a printer, and
was baodsoiao aitd tolelllaent. Alice
Beers, a beautiful girl, daughter of a
J imminent cltiien of tbe place, fell lo
ove wltb Ynuoica. The pair desired. to
marry, but tue glrl'a parente refuse! to
eonseut lo the watch. VoH'diiod Miso
j lWemHtwir.-.Tl
. , v 1 1 . I ... I m n. . . I . ...
certificate bearing th elguature of
premlnent elergy man. Tlie girl'a par
euta rvoelved her- and bar husbaud to
Vrevsut aeandat. A week or two ago It
waa rumored in iiii tnai inunga naa
a wife and eblld la Schenedada. -His
Bath wife was given good evidence of
tbe I act, but she refused to believe it. A
gentleman of Btb visited bchenectada
to Investigate tbe marriage. He found
that tbo elergyman'a elguatur to tbe
marrlagewa forged, and lhavYoooga
bad mock coremouy performed at
disreputable bouse, a booa companion
of bis having personated tbe clergy man.
nine yeuog
nn the duoderbeads la mooaeleriee....
aud provide every girl of spirit and In
tellect wltb bukband worthy of ber,
wo mrgbt look foe- ao ago siirpaoalng
that of Perlclea.ofiAaor.
IUL.k a BW sBvASBuaa ss)s.a OaBOlaul
nuhdKr no.
Vale Home CLeerfal,
A lady curreepondent ln the Detroit
Free yVcM saye
I know boya who have gout astray anil
aajueuetl Ibe ueeria ol pareuia, auJ yet
the fault waa with tlie parente. The
onljutajr to keep your hove free from
crime aud ataln la lo keep them aa aloee
lo your hearts aa possible. Tue boy
who Is "tied lo bla mother s apron
string" aeldom goes wrong. I like that
kind of a boy; be le bouest, kind, polite
and maoiy to ft lauiv. wbea we can
make home tbe bamlest soot on earth
lor husband'- and children, we will bava
lit He aue for heartache. -
:Wben I bear a wife complain about
ber buahand'c club aud bla eooataolal
tendance upon It, 1 al waya deatre lo aee
ber at cupper tlma. I have an Idea that
she sits al the evening meal In a dirty
ealioo. with aliPpera down at the heel.
a clothes-pin pinning ber dree at tbe
collar, no alios or ribtxu or bow, and
her balr as frowsy aa the tout ensemble
of a political primary. I fancy that her J
rare wears en air ao icy that ner bus-
hand catches eold every time lie looks
at tier. A aloucby, uutldy, frowning
Ife cannot compete wltb a club ox.a
billiard-room to save her life.. If sb
wants berbetter-half fin tbla Instance)
to atay at borne, let- ber wear tbe old
sullies, Ufa t dreeeee and faety-ooHfoTe
she wore when be waa courting ber.
Let the room -clean and the fire
brightly burolng. Let tier oo moieties
au boneet endeavor- to make home k
brighter, euonler it thap thevlob-and
the aaloou, aud abv'll aotn get over her
headaches. 'I
If a boy la wanted to grow up a lover
of home, home muct be made worth the
lev lug. Dou I crowd blm down; dou't
keep telling blm that boya are to lie
aeen, not beard ; don't make blm sit on
a eertalo'chalr In a certain place until
be Is on tbe vergeof paralyeia, aod don't
make blm read "Baatcr'e SaiuttJUet,"
when Jules Veroe'a and J. 8. "C. Ab
bott's books are wbat he wants. Doi.'l
refuse htm cookie or "ma apple, either,
Just before bed-time, Mling blm It 1
unhealthy. If tbe sU'UiaoU doea not
want fruit, It wriljint as for It, and the I )
tU lrlj.l mn ..I ka.a'l.. h k ... I . I J .
not doctor a alck pumper diseaeed Iron
lug -board for ma. Aim! further, do ujI
o'cljoek. I've known bnye raised aa
Is, and the teutb wac an idiot. . Buch
boc run oil the first chance tbey' get
T. i i . ' man-beblud. blm la going to San
w-r. V, -s-fcofi-rtu'eiBeo, aud tbsvono. In rrontof blm
ridieu flfiblora. I do not Manx tbeni, n ,6(pr to J.pan, and the old fellow on
Let your boy make a holer once In a'
while, and do you occaaloually help
there. Interest yourseles In their lee
sons, games anj readlnfr. Make yeur
self the companion of your child, and
let .the borne be bis playhouse instead of
bis prlsou. In tbla way he wilt LOT.ssek
the boya at the corner saloon for bla
pUymatea. and be will not become mte
uaWtues or tlie aame aaloon.
either. Make home eo bright and Jiy
oua that no other place eau offer half iu
.'iiL'r.UgJgi-J-bg JOSlx t at alaj Liigt.
lioiTre'(iunaT7Ils aod sons is sorved
Ast azino OBAC-f3' The follow I Mi
ls vouched for hy-one of the mot re?l-4
A yonngetrrgyman having agreed to
supply tbe pulpit of an elder brother
atiaeot frora home, escorted to church
the daughter of the pastor, and, afur
aeelhg tier safely lo her father's pew,
aaoeiiuJed to tba pulpit, unconscious that
this natural atteulion to tbe young lady
WBuniciot lo excite lively Imagina
tion and luquiilea In tbe audieuce.
Upon reading the bymuto be aotig,
the young clergyman wig urprld to
I perceive evident efforta in Iheeongrega-
tlou to suppreee laughter. Tbe daughter
oi uia inrnu t-uswe-a-rii tue usiiiuuvui
. . ..', , . . . L. . mil . . "T
name or Urace, and, all unsuspicious of
that I sot, n Had chosen the hymn be
ginning with tba wonts "A mating
Orsce,: ana proceeding witn :
"Twa grarwi4ia lauglit my bear! tofeauw4
m l . hit ir'vri r-MI rn ,
Unw pi-imnirihi tfaal STaea apear
1 ha tiotti1 1 Oral believed 1- .
i iirouah man v dancers, tolls and ensues
I have airendv enine;
' Tla iii a tram bruueut ms thns (r,
And iintri will Irad nic intute t"
Bk IIonobabi-k. Ba's and yonng
hian sometime start out into lia wtlh
thaJJea that one's uccee depend on
sharpness and Chicanery. They Imagine
If a man la able always to "get the beat
of a bargain," no matter by what deceit
and mauhe be carrlec bis Pul.itJJtiat
bis proeperity I
assure k that Is a
treat niiHtake.
Kudurlug; prosperity
cannot be founded on co
inning aoit-nis
honest r. The tricky and deceitful man
fa core to fail a victim, aooner or later,
to the Influencee which are forever
working against him. . Hie boo-e Is
built upon the sand, and Ita foundation
will be certain to give way, The yonng
cannot give these truth too. much
weight. Tlie future of that young man
la safe who eeebewe every chape of
double dealing and laye tlie foundation
of hie career lo the enduring principle
of everlasting tjrulov The Mccuinlo.
following ie b verbatim copy of an order
Introduced by ruaton representative at
Avguata, and now In the bands of the
JuOleiax-LiUonimlttee of the House ; .
-In Hon of Kepreeentatlvee, Jaouary
a, 180.. -
Onlertdr, That the, Judielery , eom-
mltty be direct led to Impure Into the
lion or the State that the wrlcht of
snflage ahall be llmeet to thoee who are
able lo to read and rite tbe Kpgllab
Lengaage. ...... ' .
There are come
i peculiar, aensltlve
Id. 1 A' yonng rowdy
-pen.ile In tblr worl
will get nppinr. raving, ataviog arnna;
about, bowl, flgbt, braise, yell, Conssfa
and aw ear. for bourse get bis bead aoft
ened and noee mashed oa the way to
lall, and. then whloe for hours to have
bia name kept out of the newspaper,
out of regard to tbe feeling of hi poor
mother who wm rf sick and near
death' door. Aainf Jot IXcrilngTS'ewe,
The Modesto aneslaTTweTlJa down
nearly 0 feel, and no algn ef any rise
of Water a yet. The proleeHora propose
to sink 1,00 feet wefore abandoning tbo f
Correondenu wrltln aver Biwasied alxna
tures'tsinst Jn'iifcs'koown' ibelr aatuea to tbe
Editor, oe be ailsatloa will aaWea to theii
ora lauBloBiions. ..
Cum, l.rlnr tbe while lnks rrara'tbe'valleva.
Aulas Willi Ih Bre of 111 aun-.
I bat Seak of a life that Is done! , -
And upen tbe windows, to lilitea f .
Tbe tfuriMinit rh.m iwr ..i ttAiM. v
III ul Uarnua will brlavhtea
To see Ibe cesuu klltBips acalo. '
pnnslunr-s with a tullah- fluwlnx.
A ail iBf 1nr-xi(l the waiehaa roa keep;
Us slt wuh youri-umtag and cuius
iw win sue is laiuim aaleepl
AM what would me life be without ber T
Pray umI ibat I uveee ni kaowt
tk-r Irlcuda, aa u iKlber aeuaud bar,
ww .iut;uiir w-fr111!- K"l
Slat slower, slnx au'ner and slower!
Iter sweat, efcerk a toaliic lu red ;
8ln( hiwoay. sing lower aod lowers"'
a huh an, d suiii an is Oeaa.
Tii IIioiit Sort. Tbe man who
rune a farm" wants a suitable wife aa
a partner lu the work. The blooming
aud beautllul J-oung lady, rose-cheeked
and bfrght-ey-ed, who can dafn a atock
inp, mei.d her own elotbee, command
a regiment of pots and kettlec, feed tbo
pilts, milk the eowa and be a lady all
tbe time, la the girl that aenalble young
raeu are lo quest of for a wife. But
your pining, waap-walsted, dell-dreeaed,
eorsuui pi Ion-mort aged, m usie- m urder
TT'g anJ novel-devouring daughter of
Idleueaa are no more fit for matrimony -
than a pullet to look after a brood of
fourteen cblckena. The troth la. mr
Near young girls, you want lea of re
strain I and more liberty of action t mora
kitchen a hit less parlor; more exercise
and leas eofa : mora pudding and lose
piano; more frankness aod Tees mock
moJcaty. Looaon your eoraeta and
breathe tbo pure atmoeobare. and be
eonas something as good andbeaullful
as feature designed. Valley Itevtew-
Th it Uhk at TBAVicLKE.--Oecaalon
ally you a ill meet a young man who
gel on tbe train somewhere In Ohio,
and .when some follow, passenger
ak h I in bow far he Is going,
be says "Omaha P In the 1no- of a
bralteuftn railing a atatioo, aqd then
ooKa up and down tbe car to obaerva
the amazement and awe of tbe other
pasiebgere, and yoa will notice that ha
iooka ailula dlaappoloted beeauseher-
mTakerTrrtheirTiata"aud ask to
shake hands with him. Bat by and by,
hon ho learoe from casual remarka
drop-ied eareleoaly now aod than that
the other side of the aisle la Just return
ing iroin m. reteraonrg, tue young man bis voice lo ft busky whisper,
shrinks down. Into his duster so that no
one can see him, and tells the -who
ask about It-elia't he I only golug
out here a little way. ' .
Mao thatl4.marrlel to a woman la of
many day and full of trouble. In tba
morning he draweth hi salary, and In
tlie evening-behold It taffuna. It Is as a
tale tuat is told; It vaulaheth and no one
nooe ei h w Ijttlipr tr'grmiirIOTsety"
up ch'tbed In the chilly garments of tbe
night, aod seeketh the aomnolent pare
goric o herewith to Booth, the Oolteky
-"T!!?"1. . l. ot?
oometh as the buna or- thalBirantr
draweth the chariot of hi offspring.
He spendeth hi shekel In the purchase "
of fine linen to cover tbe bosom of bia
family, yet blmaelf la aeea in the gates
of tbe city with butonesaspeader. Yea, -he
Is altogether wretched., ,
Several years ago, Mr. and Mra? Jann
Sltermau resolved, b tbey bad aoabtl- -
dreo, toB'lopt one., .Mra. tihbr man went
out to Man-flitlil. Tfherc lUiy IItb. to
select babe for adoption. Sherman -eeut
for a lady one day while aha waa '
cone, and aald. "Now. dial a, hara. t
T ... ... - " ..
Bsti a Ulapalcn from Air
bavs a dlsratch from Mra. Sherman."
The dispatch said: "John Sherman I
am bringing home twine." Weil, be
laughed and tbeucht it waa. a good,
oomfortable l ike. Tbe olebt the nana
ha gave op hie own beil o -theee -iltUe
strsugers bihI tofk en attic roon.f One
or lut-ni rm-J arierward, and the other
ha grown up a close reaerablano to Ita --
adopted father. . .
4 Biltcjr Bibs, a Philadelphia lady fA-
moua nir ner aaiuiui emoroiuery aod
exquisite tastaln color, wac requested T -to
present a design for a national flag,
and . to ber deft flngere, genius, and
womanly taale, is the country Indebted
f r It emblem Tlie-Flag of tbo Free.
Thirteen red and whit stripes, and . ' .
thirteen embroidered -white etara upon' .
a blue field. She also designed tbe
shield, and tbe motto borne in tbe ' ' .
esgU'c te4iib, JC Jluribu V'nmm, niaoy-""4:'
In of....Vhn shall woman' flag float
over woman' country ? - - - -
The-wrwlthlet man - In Kalamtaoo,
Mich., waa approached the other day ia
the etreet by an excellent little boy,'
who saldr "Mister, my sister Is la the
flume over there i If you'll get her out -I'll
give yoa a dollar." The man roa
eued tbe Imperiled child. A few day
afterward tbe boy entered hie office aod -pot
on hla deck a dollar lo.croalLeoln.
having broken open a toy bank and Bold '
a bobby borse to raise tbe amount. .
' A justice at Alhla, Ohio, performed ft
marriage ceremonv, and wac asked how
ruucU b charged for the aervlce. "Tba
law of tbe Stale allowa me $2," be re
plied. " Well, bere'e 60 eanta," said tbo
bridegroom, "and that, with what tbe -
Slate allows, will maka $2 60." - . .' "
fCfF', 1 la.
''A place for everything and every
thing in lu place." -A man 4a Yale
nails bis alipter to tbo wall, four foot
op, aod then all he has to do of an even-
Ing le to wbeel hie easy chair la front Of.
them and pall oat bla meeraahaum. ;
' mm i . --,
A Pacific Mall ateamar waa ehaeed
seven milee by a water apoot, but final -
ly outraa it, tnougn it requireo mora
ateam than aba aver carried before. We
throw thla oat ae tbe flrat flsb etorj for
1830. LKirou tree jtcm.
- Borne dynamltemnoold ko lodged is
der-tbarM 1100.000 barrel of Cleea
ictoria'eajid abowef Ibe money over
poor Ire tAiil( wtiuwa crleri wiv wltofiteT
'Efln. .The 7-rjif hae gone ahead of
Ao Ohio girl coed a man for breach of.
promise, and proved blm Cosh a Meea
econndrel that tbe Jury decided aba v
ought to psy him eometblog for BOt
marrying ber , v ,' '
Never tooeh a etmoodrwea Hritboal
being prepared to give It up.
- ,,'