The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, April 01, 1880, Image 4

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    r -
dr-J't 5 m , 4
I 1
'. 'y tiiiiiitit.
-.' ' . " BY SBOBB WTUH. '
T' Ofiin th etraw On Roll III com d!h btat,
. 17111 the ebaff be purged from tb wheat,
M,. U.mII tWraiettt ptt-ree tear,
',. rli-lmaa nf Iba AiMir will wl. lit-,, r.
Ho.Uil balm's peraona vrval artlieiioiie biue.
it worth oa fcjund. their worth la mm eo much:
KwikUM.IIII Wliea' III ttl, I !! V i. Hot "1
The vale, which, in I a-lili thej uiayget.
f oc Ujl l no bruilli rlariaiet iwCin.r iii.l
Hav tBraahadoul ol yatairvaiil ll.:clioii-.
Till Ihoe pumpiiuiii wuj.'i. l uji.hevu.-n n
Are, Ijr l,hyneret apiriti winnowrl i.m
C mil from a in aliaw of worml li.iojue-e,
Till aiL4b dual e.kmM tt) em-.i'y pieaewree..
Vee, till bie nail Upon u Tl-vlt my. -To
mruli the bou of mi uui fWli aw y.
Anil Ihii lli aoul eueov-rd; ila;.. more,
-' Till Balt'.mak our vr epiril tee-, ,
V eiiali nut U lo bigheet wea.ui .K;
Uul tbeu we aueil; aud that i biy duir-
r- Hrni-wi te-ot .'
pV CAKLuTT rkHkV. V-
' I ftwwigiit, rhin I'd learned mydetter,
"' -Thai all of trouble ware done; ,
Put BbJ royeell mm rl miutii
s Thy only hav Joat l-eiti.
LearnlBg lo rrad waa awful,
- but uuituug like teaming- lo write;
1 I'd be sorry to hev yon led l.
But my copy-book I a eight!
Thetnfc gets over wtyflng-crs; '
'i b pea em ail ofta of uiu, ' .
And woaldont all I eld ll: -rue
tellers won't Uy en Ihe lit.
IIUI ' I " 'W I .. 1 .
. A though I bay were danrilng a JJg
' , Thev ar there la all upa Bud , --
Medium, lllll Bod bis.
i ; Th tail of th g aro contrary,
,. i Tb baodle gel oa lb wmn aids,
' -.-- )f to da anil III B" and tb li .
Tbnuah I'v eanalola lrlil an l lrld
. T saaka inaa ua riahlr ta draadtttt, '
1 valljp dsB'l know wnX'HiBr,--I"Bi
r'tlla alrnual dlalrartmi
,f Mj IsBcUvr (ajra b Is, luu. ,. - v
T)ir't Bomeoto(rt iik lrafnln(
II .aarou(l n llirmiii; lni-al
. Of that, tbarv B,rB bonk awaillttB,
41. . IjuiiaaaoiiKti tnaraa uiy iit-aU. .
. Turra'a Iba inultiilM-aima Uln.
ABd grammar, and oil, d-a' iua,
. 4 Tlir' BO Kxal an ffif a!pllix,
W baa una uaa urUt1i BSBv
- JT tparbar mjtT I.lttla hy I ft la.
. To th mouBiala-la warlliub,
II lB'l all duiia lu a uitnola,
nut oly B alrp al a Um.
SUaoBT Ibat all IS aruiilara, - -
' All lb vim and laariiJ uien.
Had aarb lu be-la as I do;
if Ibaraao w bars' Biy paa f
- ; Tht Lots of Ecncler.
' Th pBinUr wh mnt fBltbfull rep
rmnli Kranoli art of lhflj;htiitli n
turf Is Ilouebrr, a a artUt of -ltt bcIukiI
of WaUaaii. , .
Th Btodm of Boucher wa n ttie Rue
Pt. Hrb!lo. Not far from it, In tha
Kob HL Add, Iib paaaed alrnost vvr
day th ibopof a frullerer, , lie ofthi
ft juang (firl on tb iloortp without
. bcloK much tru? by lirr; alttioiiKl) tli
was beautiful, aiinpl aoil loiielilnc. It
was wIicd ebsrrleB wer In' season, ST1
no day, a b passed, the fruitersr's
taOt(btsr, with bar arm ami looMtly
nwlnr balr, was rln a rinlgtitior
-TlaB Itt-hvr-ttstieatsT hand, put tliem
wltlist any othsr tnaasure Into the lap
of bar eustonsr, and f l a dilo tiolls
la tctara for tha four sous shs rold
Inpayment. Tha. pal titer wouid bavs
t;)aa.'Hir lul for tha chetrle, for Ilia
hand which terrad im, and abuva svlt
for tba dlyloasrails. ; '
Wbso tba customer bad zoDe. Ae ad-
Tanned aud aaked for tberrias, and roon
. rallying btmself, betrned th youiiK utrl
. la allow
"Z? i ' "n"euli,u,
' fse.
. ....... ww,.
ntered. -As Boucher ws a man of fln
ailJreBB,aud th mother a cxiiietto(l th
wane, Da auoceelNl in
eonseul to take
, hi. let
her daue?rrftha nsxt
to tba
loter's luillu. ltiiutln'r
.did not dsiaio lha nHJer.lif mad&
r the daughter take her seat on 'a sofa.
sharpened hi pencil, snd st ta work
wuu rreai idv. . , .-.
"itssiua oeod that deaerlptlon of
oaauty wmcn is iguoraut oi us own at'
tractions, and lyiuoner Oceania nm
orad of lloalna, oot-like a maw -who
tnaka a port or tove, bat -rtkev t poel
tender, pur and worthy of-lbat Ueavea
torwtileo ft rises, and whence It has de
acended. RobIiib loved Itiunher. How
- eould aba help loving blra JtUogs,v4ee'
- ynahia Baauranca or her beauty by his
ami t. wnat was ins result T You ean
gueaav Tbcy loved oueaoothrr ; they
told one Boot bef so. .
. Tba Virgin, which was to he the maa.
lerptaca itoucuer wasangngi-u upou, was
' not n ollil. ina race was beautirul,
but tha fainter had not vat beau-able In
bad over II that dlvloe sentin(eit
wblcb ctiuslltutes the charm of suoh
It was flftet'ty davs alnoa Roalna baj
Coramenevxl tier sitting, jvt II o'clock
(Voucher was preparing Iris ptlette, Ho.
ina looaeDlng her hair. Tnere wai a
. ring at tha door of lha studio. It Ina
want and -opened K, aa If she ha ! be
"longed to tba houae.
.,. "Monsieur Boucher, I am a pour girl
without bread. If my u oilier was wot
"fck and ilaetltuta of every thing, I could
' dcceed In gaining a liveMtro.l by. my
- needle, but, foe tba sake of my mother,
. I bsve resigned myaelf to -beonnilng a
aaodel. I have beau told tlwt I have a
pretty band aud a pasaable far. fook,
..' Mooeletir do yoa not thluk I would do
fora tuoilelr" '
Tba BtrangrUerel all thl 1th
an air of. vagua auslety ; bat whit e.
paclally struck th painter wlill she
. was speaking, was her coquettish, and
. aaductiv beauty.
'How, Bademolelle,". aaM ha to her,
with aa admirlog look ;- "you y that
you ar . tolerably beautiful f . Bay,
rather, la tensely. " . . $ -
"Not at all," said h with the laeet
asl smile In the world. ' ', . .
"Itaally, maderaoleeli, you bav
oroe mt opportunely. I asrnjarch
of a beautiful eapreMlon for tlia bral bT
. tua Virgin; perhaps I shall And It la
youra. Ineilue your head a littt on
yaar etwnm. rut your hand an thle
arat chair, ilualaa, draw asul th red
Boucher did not notloe the tearful
glance cast on Mm be UtMina. Kha 1.
lenlly obeyed, wbila a'i akel here'f
If sua-wets mm ,iaBir Hfmil:MJi.llIIi
est dawn In s corner of tb stadlo, to ob
"rv at her ', and wlthoat tielng
- seen, bar woo had Couie to disturb hsr
Uutacarewwea Koslna seated on th
divan, wbo Boucher advlavl her to ra
ta ro to bar mother, at lha same time
enjoining bar to coma ar!y the nest
, day. Hit wnt without aaymg a wrd.
with death at her heart, for bi ii'i;
', abe honld ba fargotloa) for her wu re
Aalnwl M4 frt with her lover, rtd
dried be? tear at lb foot of tb stalr
eaa. ..... . . . -r
. "Ala 1 what will mother aar . whan
b sees ma aa aad V Hh Walked abound
AOBaVUBBi i i net aa'Hien liiue lo
diaappear. "Besides," eh eootlnned,
by wsitlBf a lnHe I, shall sea her eome
out I shall be able I discover what Is
passing la her heart."
. . ;. -. a ' , a " ', '
Tb Ball dav Roalna porposely earns
a II til lat Bowcher did not, however,
mi seeing h-er, u'ler that weet phrase
Wblcb eooaolat tb abeaut fur aUaetJoe,
I was
waiilii for you "
VMWv'f," stIJ aha, afwr a puB, "you
say MbiUInf about our-flua lady." --'if
y ft OB idy t ijl not uodttratan'i"
"nu you did. dot find bar Oulf Hia
was not B poor girl, ek sba,sald, but B
fina lady, a bo has not tniiph to do. I
saw bar get I u to her earrlaae. Ctrl
such rarrisgs ! Bueh Iioimks I swell a
foMifmanr1, '"
Wusi do you stTJi'oo are trying
to doCvtva we ; It Is a fstaekiKi.u
"ll Is Ilia truth. Now, d yu bcllevt
In timaa fine lr of Innocence ?"
'Wtial a slliitular BiJat-iHtwror'-BBld
;tirti-r.- I'BMl'fK In hadvkr bts fjr
In J ; "will alts eorue haek T'
At this rooment It wins went and
ieCeiibet J jtnad bands on tha palnU'r's
bouliiex. . . ' -
8ti did not aak you f.r auyibtng ?"
ld she, with a tti iurnlul but cliacJonig
lrJott.. . . -"-i-i.
--'Noiblnir c(it a erowu as t,hapriSe
of klltiiir It I euitfttmr I can'iiol'uiiks
"Ala, she wlH rlofi."-
"WIw kuowsr ..bba was tiidoso Ibis
inorninK." . -
.- "I shall take jjffrod care to day 'not to
open l ha door." -
'Why ooij What folly! Are you
beirlniitiig lo ba juslout?"
you are rry cruel I -WUI you open
the iltpr youisBif I'1 ;
"Yea o .. : i
-Itisina drew back with a slitb. '(
rl'ben," said aha with tears lu her
eyes, 'Ilia door shall close ou me." .
K' otitis, Wfeplu with iove and 1iaU
ouy, was of adorable beauty-; but llou
(flier, unfortunately for himself, thooaht
oulr of tha wysterlous strBiursr.
'ltoslua, you don't know what you
are saying; yoo are foollahj! -
- ltitucher bad epokeu somewhat
harshly; tha poor girl went toward
the door, and in a fvehle voice mur
mured a aad farewell. "fcjJie doubtleft
hord that he would not-hrt her go, that
he would catch ber lu hi arm and eon
aids tier with a kiss. Hut lie did ooth
I UK f tba kind ; ba forifnt (tha Ingrate!)
that It ali)BW8 uot aU-0-JB(B girt; he
thuUliLalia w a waking belle, ITk a
all artreaaes, . teilbiiut heart vr faith.
Rnalna did Ml diaka belle. She
opened tba door, and turued toward
liouc1ia A-alrjjrte tandt-r looi would
hays UriMjurtit her to b! feet; but h
cattily bowed lo harv I tvU.r t
; ilis action fiiBila H rtins ImllgiiBnt. .
It's an oteri" said
II ik.
aanie moment ahe-closad Iba door.
T.ue soiiiid jf '1ir-footstep went to
B lucher's heart. He would have ruhe I
to th door but ha Checked himself
with tha Idea that Ku would come
back.' A uot her would liaee'doha ao;
I'Ml Jimlua did not, ami lltuchsr set lo
work toaearch out tha ,myleri-'M per who so poellcally persoulfle.1 hi
- In vain did lie ransack the XtMilona-
hle world. Ila was at all the fct, at
-ii i . .... . , ii .
an me rnnifiiBtie Biiti bii yiim aurrpera ,
but ha could not- find her whom lie
sought with such lofatoited ardor. Rv
ii a was not completely banihej from
hi mind; bni tha poitr girl never aivj
t litfiieir lu bis reiiiHiUceiicealX:
ttealwayi betittd her Iiuife by tbeslda
of the uuknown lady. '
whether from barll.or her
One day, however, as. he w looktrigL;,aUj tt:,w,i,i
t-iii uuiinitiiixi viriiin, he felt that
Kdna wai still In hi JerC Jl,re
proBChel iiiuietf fpr liaviujr abaudouud
her. I(reotved to go frthw ith and
telt her-lhat 4e loved and al wave had
loved her.-Ha went dowo ataJr and
it"artet toward tha Kua Kt. Anne,
oiaaing his way.Uuiuuh a cruwj 4l-car
FlaaaTakai Bk 111! laaa-jatr Bt
youiig girl paan 4
along the other aide of the,street with a
it,a,hetln li&r-4r-Tre recognised H--
itLO JUtfi I It was but tha shadow of
i Alna : grief hat roads sad havoc with
her charm '-deaert Ion had eruahed her
witlitt-Icy- hand, f 11 a-Waa , abou
erOasIng tha street to join her, whan i
lcrrisj p"ing preVentel blui from
lliloiiig eo.A woomu put her heatTeut
irof tta wlid-w.
'It is-shei? ha czulalml, comiielly
"Toreot Joi1.,'and followeil the
carriage, ready for wliatevsr might hip-
pen. 1 lie carrJAtr led him lVa mansioti
M ins h i sr. 1J inlnli'ie. The painter
boldly i preeented rrrmtxilf hslf an hour
later, and was conducted to Madame
the CotfnteMsjOTJUiry. -
If wasshe", live - poor girl wthnl
bread, rtlia rxr-KIiniclier that Curlo.lty,
eo m Id 1 1 e d w i i h JjtjJa rniiui, bad-dad
lief lo bis (India, to obtain an opinion ou
her. beauty, once for all. by a cooiualaot
.J'"'?- w,,o would bav no j-ea;in for
tailing an nnt ruth.
"I once paid you fer a elttlng," kald
uoucner, aaionateiy ; "it la now your
luru to pay me for one." .
It was decided that he should takath
Counter's portrait: but It was never
completed, so much "tJijLj.Ul Hiiunher
l m tin e"
Afterlhe-Intoxication oHilibe'nii
was abated, th yojing girl whom he bad
forsaken recurred to hia mind. On look
I ng Tit hi picture, In which tba profane
an lal hail initialed bis I mpreasiops of
the two beaut Ure, he clearly saw that
Kulna was Hi more beautiful, Th
Conntess had enticed, him wttb-Hr
kreatest poar, but tha charm wa rlls
pelied. He sgain discovered that Ki
sjna iM.aeaed th Ideal beauly which
ravishes lovers ud gives genius to
psititen. - -
"Ye," s-J'fhe. regretf.iltv. " I de
ceived myself Ilka a child I -J ne dirina
and human beauty, tha true light, lha
nei verily sentiment; belonged lo Itoeiua;
lha seductiveness, the fstaehood, the et-
fteilou which ome neither from itba
iert nor from heareii. the Countess
possessed. I, like a fool, spoilt my Vir
gin ; but tberetie still Jim."
Tlu rs ws not I . -
He rau lo tb fruiterer' j ha asked for
Roalna. -.
'Hlia I dead," as Id her mother tohjm.
ii.tii ' eieiaiuiei Jjobclier, pale
iHii deapalr.
"Ves. Monaleur. artist. Hh died, a
all those who die at slilseu, of lovt."
. Eeo theconaervatlTe'iano.miicf
rtitall ws might aa wctLti4Ht44r4o arnlt
that lovely woman is clawing cUiarraud
e loser to the ballot, bb II got a firm
grip on It yet.".' .
tinr ijnn jnxzsMTntitst-
Tin following pereon are dnly authorized lo
BM a Afats fur Iks Wkw KoBTHWorri -
IV 1 tlrar . . A I ban .
Mrs. J. A. Joliaa .. Mirni
Mr. Ile Heam.,..u-.-Cusenecity
Mrs. I. K. I'i-h.iI4I. lturamte
I. U William. ., Millhrro
Mra. Laura lieirwee leoronn...,. -.California
Aahhy peare., , Ueaion enunlr
M.P O-en . ,. .,H,U,
W. W. Beh : .C .1 oiri- u- t
-WnaHMilJuurml".. Hi !,-. Maaa
l. T. r-arter ,
Mr. C. K. r oll... , ..Men Ji i-.i
Mn. M. A. Warner Jl-aiie J'alla. W. T
Mia Mary Blahop....
Mra. . A. Iioughary
It T. Knhlann .t.
Mra. H. C. rthllow
Mr. M. Kelly
Mra, J. IieVors Jab 111
Mra. ionnell..WM....'..
rareei (,rove
Wllialell Nlimsh
i -...I alayeii
I ....... i..urefoii Clly
ii Ila- liana
.Walla Walla
Mr. H. A. Vaetan.
Mr. H H Rlanon
Mr. J. W, JackaoB....,
avan 4Tt
A. W, "Hanar.l..
Mr. M. y. o..1
II. Fneter,
...m... A I lean a
Foreal (I roe
J. T. tat-ait r o
Mr. A K. '-rwia u
Le Lanshlla .
--wSartl- Vamhlll
mker pari lea ri-alrln as act a Aaenta aril I
ploaaa tirwanl lli-lr n.nnea. . W wnnl Asaal
very Bnat octtea MirsBakaal IJrawwai aaul
WsabigBloB Tarn lory.
roit o r r i c i s.
. - -
'AubbrD, Auila, liaker t'lly. riarktvllle,
Kiwu lturii, k,ldural,ii-iB, Huiulliil Ma
ill, Jordan'. Valley, Hit lii-v, Blaibaur,
MKine, Cununr Creek, "Surtb t"uBiter, Hour,
li!j-ryvllle. . . .
- BBITTOB. - '".
AfceB Valley, rorvalll-a. Collin, V'ln-
Valley, Lllwrty, f.lllla Klk, KeHrt, N,um,
Oneatta, I'tiiloinaili, Kurrl I'uJiit, Muumlt,
rolmlo, Vaijuma, Jluuiue, J'lJawater.
, CLArBABaa, r '
Beaver, Bulla 'reek. ''j-'i'iy". V'-
Clear Creak, tirtlnn v i!le,' ium u. Kittle
I'rvek. ijiinl Tidlliao. H'xlilund. Mululla. Mil-
raukl, KueJy, Norton. hhiii t'il,l)wno,
HHiiuy, Nnu(waier, .Ion, New Kra. Harlow,
vlilKt. I iiioii Mill. ItiMMie-a r-rry.-Pleaaaul
lioine, Hlimu IViut, rtiultord, Viola.
- . CfcATKoe. .....
AtnrtB,Clinm, Jewell Ktiai fia'.ii-in,
KkliauM. Hi'aaiii lliu, a'wl ,ort,vwtli mila,
Olny, Biuiuer ilouw, t'urt i.'iaio, Allaja
. . - ... J -. "
(Vma Cl'y, C(Hiillle, Kmprrecriyr'rB"-'
JliauWxl Prairie, f alrrii w, HeriiiaasVllli., lira-
jiin, vKkiii. HUiuiii, ( uer t'lly, liuidou,
i, ravel Koni, low Hlouic. t rwonni, JarUe
I'oiul, Nurway, buiuaer, I'ai kerlmr.
. ruLUBBIA. " '
Cln.nila f'l'y, Claoik uile, SianUlaiiil,' a-
Blr .iil verai'te, HU Itulelia, Mi4iili'H lulaild,
HcitpiHHj', c'luar L rek iuintt,'vrauutB,v
w; rt-Kbr.
CUetcoc,EII'niiburi(, prt Oilont.
; IxirULAB. - -
Camn Valley, Cleveland, , Cole's Vsjley,
lralM, Klktou, Wah-nviiie.Oarduer, K'elloj, a,
iealnirirlHM, Myrtle CriH-k Nortit tabon
villa, i fan Cre-k, K'MM.urc"( rv4n
lMiric,l en Mllti, I: itiua'H r.Wlltiur, Vouralla,
o.,k Crek, iiy'l reokr.rli4'reea,-l-:ik Head,
Fairoaka, ltmud I'ralrie, nulubur riur'"(.
- ; O KA XT. .
Alvor.l, Canyon Clty, Camp Waiaon, Iy
vllle.Jolin Uuy t lly, I'ralrr Cily, I'arbenrilia,
I'rit4li4j-l , Humter, t'amp Haruey, OraBlta,
Muuuinvul, MU Vernoo, t'eiiola.
- - : . - j Ar o. . 'V - - " .
ApiteKtt?e, A"hlanlV'roU(h, Cen
trai I'oint, kagl 1'olut, liranl' raa, Hot
iniuitM, Xifkoiiville. l,Hkoii, I'luemt,
rt.u k is,inl, h.,iu'b- Valley, Talne Kork, Wil
low pi iiij;.,. hu roil, lli Hul'e.M iniBiiia'Crerk
too.'Cria, mudaiia.ii'a.J'iouat'r, Wuudviil.
" -i' JoeKrlllKB.
Ktrdy, teiaiiil. Hl;i rrrtk, Wal.lo, Allliou,
luuay ueeia, jauroij-.
-'- -- LAI
Ao'ler, ftinauia, Itrtcy.t.'hewaiK'an. IVrewa
Valley, Lle, l.nts View, IjknKrU Val
ley, ljukvlile, liirKauen, h I'm Creek,
Mirer iMttr. Npraaiia Kierr, Huniaier Ijike,
Tula IJtaa, Wln.eMll. U. i m'. a an l J Ta ller
I'ievua. . f
- . . LASS, '.
Rig Pralrls, Cotlajj Grove,1. Creawell,
C'ai Creek, Cariwriaut'a, lxiilr, t.ufnt
Ciy", Kraakliu, Ixmic Tom, N
Nwi, I icantiui. ri 1 1 1 , nuixiaw, rwncnr t. reaa,
lMprmilia. Trent., Wlllaiunti Kurka.t'bealier, HtriB(, Hull Uiaapolulinenl,l'row, r'urk, IMla Creek, Uo. ien. Ida, lrvlu,
lnaiell. Ieulidr, l.lveriaail, Maei, aluKebsi
Uriel., Laibanj, SVallerville. .. ' -
Albany, III ' prairie, CmBnvi:i,-f raw
fnr.ljvu.o, .Di.uii.niJ 11.11, Kux Val,yv Oraea
ft 1 ilarriioiuri('. HhitU Itanrti, lluleey,
Jonl'aa, ll.auo, Miller.Muddy, Ml, Pteaaant,
EZi hwelVue.: a.;vTlirTiaCwaL7
luu. .... . . 1 . . ,
M.KIO!. v-
Aurora, Aui.invrile, RuTleyll'e, Rrnoic, Falr
flelil, Uervum, Jl uliOiird, Jirf,.Wia , Marlon,
Mouilor, Mewe'lavilie, Miili-m", Mllvertou, Clay
ton. hi. Paul, Turner, WiwmIIiO'b, Atdor, tlow
ell jViiine, MU-.ieui, riubliutlty.
. Mt-LTsdM-B. ' , ;'
yt PtiWanJ, Poril'mi I', PilBi ll's VatlfT
fit Jjljpiaj. w.u!A!iu;UB akuiB,
Aivina, Kiainer
Hurl, Haulea. -.
rtetbr, Bnn VlitBv1slla, Eola.Elk Fora,
penili'Mea. LiBeotw, t.m'kla-
mute, lwmeilie, Moiiuiouili, I'erryilala, Hia
ra!l, liaiUrlll. JEeoa. ,
1-1?. l.Tll,LAMuOa; "
-fr;Hrrr Kllehea, Netarta, Noetoekton, Tll
laiaouk, 1 rank, Kalialean X .. .
Butter CfAek.
Huppner, lenne.
Meaiowvllle, Milton, I'llol Kork
Uua4rH. Welon. I'ellyavllte,
Ll.rvill. Midway. Wlltowa.
Cove'. fklanJ CjtiftT, Uranrfe. North Powd,
Pninwerylil-lon, wallows, muiaiy, fcik
r UM, I iMiriu v..., "f-Vj
. t Yeek . Hood Rrvnrr WtWK.
. ail. Hood. Pruievlile. rUa-kvlMc. HbeltriK-k
wtianmh HiiTTOw. The diatle. Warm nurlnit
Waaco, Willouxhby, roll, Pin Crm-k, lyin
IVavk, Rake liven, I row il ltec k. Lamp rM
Iieauliatex. Dufnr. Howard. Kln.ley. Alej
Mpring- ViiHer. Trak Valley l-tr-er Ochoco,
Cascade, wapmma.
. R. averton.Cedtu' MlH.Ooa4lna,iHliey, Tor-
-I iiror,Ulnooe i-reeuviiie.iiiiiaiHiro, Mid-
dlelon. Mountain D4, Peak. Hholl a ferry
vior'a Kerrv. Tualatin. Wapato. Ceobtvllle
U-ie' Creek, Malou, J op pa, Hcevivtlla, Weal
luioo.. .
Amitv IV'lh'vne, Carl'-lon. Dayum Ifv-
tle. l"MiIH.le, orth t"ihll, Mliitid
l In, wal I lit lialnni, WTieKrnjnfl, rtew bii g,
r int 50X! jremjRiToT
iw llungenoaa, PoH ADgel)
. , rbABkB.
'Rattl Orouiul,J)ruh I'rarle, Fourth flklD,
Marilu'a 111 u IT, I'looeer, i etuiughuin, t'nloii
Klilge, Vanconver. Wanhnugal, Itru Pralrl,
La teular, llayea, laicoiia, ,
' ru anAtUk, ,
Ce laivllle, Chehaha Point, FJlma, IIotilm
Mouloalno, Oak i IIm, Watwp, l1'---" , "
Alpowla. B trkavllla. lmvton, Pomernjr.Tuk-
auon, Aanetla, ivuirl rerry, xareugo.. .
- ' CXIWLITB. . -. "t
Taxtl Rock, free do rr, KaXoItut. lyiwer Mv
lit. Monileeilo. Mi-Coltlii. Oak r'olut, Peking
MllverL, coweaioan, jie(ua. --
- cilahd.
Iortpevllle, Coveiaud, iMigally, t",
lirta. naruuri
Port IilccoveryJPortLadlow, Pott Townnend.
Risk River, Pwamlah. Pall City, BeVtle
xUunlit'-r. MiHHjualmy. dack, Wlilta Klver.'
C'terry Vallyoveliy,MliIouAawolB,rlnUm.
port Rlakely. Port Uarahlv, Port 'MBdlaeH,
port Oiwbanl, etc heck. TeckllU
' ' k ucairAT.' . -
I II nek riotiae. Cnlummi. OoliieBitAla, Rltckl.
fat, wniie hialinon, lUnknly,, Mliekllat
leading, ,
' LCW1. .. .
Algi'rnon, Rrflort, Chehalla, ClBrioato Cow
Ill, (ileB !(.', Itll Kirria, Meaalow Brook.
Mar Itx-k, Sapavlne Newaakiira.Mkookum
cbuck,Ulvef trekj wlnlock, Naeello.
MAMOB, . "
- Areada,LlghtvllI, Oakland, Pkokoralaa.
' ' ' ' PAcpia
Rlverlile,..K'iuth Wend. I hity, WoxlwarxP
Landing, lUy Crater, Lak View, ftouln Head,
. . . . PIBBCB.
Flht. r'rnnlilln, tk View, New Taenma,
Puyallup, Hteliamaun CUv, Tacoma, Ahler
Iowb, Carbon, Acton, Hiimmir, Murk, Wllke
aoa, AHondale.
. BAM ivai, . t - a-
San Joan, Lop, Ureas, East Rnuad. Friday
annfioaiaat - - -
)',:ii..ani i a uii.iLTm. c a .iii a 1 1 n neva-aL-i .aw. LM lleotl
Cavsadea, t'ollint Landings '
. . BTBTBBB. . " ,
Crab Craek. pitr Iakea, Fort Colvllle. TTnni-
man'al reek. Imeurove. Koek Creek. ibalM.
Mpokan Hei,Iir, Mpokau FbIIS, I moo K'Oge.
vtaiser jTaina. -
' . THUBBTVOB. '- - -
t'oai Bank. Reaver. Miami Pralrle,Orfmpe.
Tanalquolt, Tsui no, Tomwatr, Tfelm, Juda
pendeuea, Key, . . -
Cat blame!. Faatle (HIT. Hkaaaokaway. Wi
. w . - -
Vll.t WALL A.
Pntaha Prairie. WaJUburV. Walla WalU.
Whlliaaa, W airs, a. V . , .-.
Oder flmva.
T?Wv,'CTlk7T'"iit William.
h. Heahom. Nelahmno. Htila liarhnr.
Hlup Xaiand, t-kagii, Trader, W halcom.V Klalgu,
I'ealarOawk.rVitram. Kwansvlll.mBlMTW.
Pajonae. Hteptoe, Coloa t lal, Walton, Clinton,
I AiU-hll!e, Panawana, line Creek. Hnaalia.
Aaaion. Unouiu, 1'akaha Clly, f nlontowa
, .... TABIBA.
Attaaam. EHenaSor. Fort Blmeo. aTlttltaa.
Knnnowock, Jiaaaae, I'leaaaat Urava, tkrlah,
Vakimaw '
Uomwj Order Dfflaaa.
M r.-k'.r,LLANE6t"K"
The. Host Xuecenfd rhjiiciaa oi the
' Pacifle Coart
lour wf the ,aaleru Huttes for lu ai hnir
iuoiittia, TheDoeior vtailed all tli inoeiial
nieiltnai lrt.iituiiou'e IB lb lanr4!Hle ol Hi
l alteit rualea, ajlj ouilie ba'k wilb all lb
modem BietiKnU', iuniruiujiLa,aud aliaaee
fcaowa 4 th utiMfV-ieuilue uiea li lb ro
raaaion. Tae Imr'or baa Blau bronchi charts
and manlkiu ui llluairat bl leriurea.
1IC CALL M. IIUKN AN baa been 1.1 yean
leciunim ou the Lava of Life and tleailh. lo
bla irlVala anil pntyife leeiurea ha has (augbl
men and woiucii III Iru )rTeiii ol life, now
Ui te henlttiy and lia'y, If lliy aniuldonly b
uHledbV biawtaetvMtnael. Hut all eauuot bear
nt delicti tiul aud HiNtfui'tlv lerturea, nitrean
Ii lell eMervllnns oeeeeaary er auHVs iimr
inkTiliy Ui iLiua (mw 1 fmotr nxtruni be
liww femm iMruoiii aulien-. Tuera reaiafa
uiueh lu be teaBed Iruta bliu. b bi kierl
aaea eitemla aver broad Balda of a'tiv pro.
reMlona,l llle. i'lila kuowled.ean Bearif lo
lb welfare of aullereaa.ean only tar yleauail by
iieiatt t'mlenrtonal conaiillation at hi ortlea.
Ula perleitMi la tba varmua part id Karupe
and AMierleBSlve blB aorll opportiluitle of
learuina tba tlelleala dlaeajM-a ar Ii I,, a iba ti-v
man laiwily are pron Ui, Ibeir ruoua of irealxf
inenvauj Hrmaneut eore, a bo ihb.-- phyal
cian u th teirle Coaet can claim. Ii-Iiaa
aol amy treated rtiea diaeaeea inoal auce.a
lully, but ha inaua luem a lile eiiidy, aa a lew
momenta' eonultatlon will prove,
lie baa beooiu an expert tutu treat n.ent'of
diaeaae, weakiK'ae and derauaeiuelit ol ma re-
fiimluedv nrv,aia of lailb nul ami fi'lual,
OLluanm diaeaaaa eauaed by Ilia .-. -'
. iuluia or tot rii,
ueb'a HeBKBATuHBHiSA.orMkar.vAb Wbvb
BRaa.or dms oa l uurat-i lr.i.TV.-Nearly
two-tbiriaol all Hie . iiroHie IMaeaaea aprlns,
eiiber directly or ImlinK'tiy, from oiu !-rani-ni"lit
of the aeudJtiJali. and yl Mm
Btij-er la neiried by lb majority of lb
mi dical jruleaaiou. . '
. - - IT III TBI K
That peroona whs r'Bii fortunate enonjh In
J arnirled by any lorni aeinl diaeaae have
s deiney In eailin'f upon th proper physi
cian In time, from a aena of tnadnary, and
aoiaeuaa (rum lirnoranm, aud permit tUoae
dlisraaea-aH eilat until tuelr eunatiiuion bw
eoma corrupted, their orKuit!on hrok'n
down. Slid tut) Uiipeot fu4urehr.iiraThtUuU
ill. uuUl di4ii hi eoniea a weleuine in. aanufur
U carry Ihein out ol their inleerahle eiiatem-e.
1'lioM wbucall In tiineupon llt I'.VLt. II.
RltKNAN naed bava no fear btl what be Will
retuxa them to perteet health and ennri make
Iheir bieliea pure aud Utr mind cunteut, II
lliey will only follow lila advlveasd trnatmenl.
(Btarrb, Bronebitla, Throat inaeaae, etkln
Ileaea, Kheii M lm, Kl'thcTTom plwi nt and
all lilaeBaea-ul Ihafcyaaud tr, uinen aad
Hladder, be nan sure without; tail. Nu (jiwi
Noatruro uaed; uo alop Irealtnenl; bo lala
promlaea" KVerytblns Mrlclly euuUdeulial
under all eirvuuiatjuiee.
sMtUiliBB r, and a Hat of printed
quealioua aenl lo (hue living at a dials uc who
cannot conaull him peraonally.
All Mumical OlMualione-parroriBM.
Iitflee No. SI n-at atreel, betweeu Oak an.l
line, oftv Hour Kruan III lo Ii A. M , 2 to i
and 7 to v. at. S7 ly
tar FmrlfylBB t tllo4.
UfTr, Tlilaeompoundof the
vrgetubte alterailvea.
HarBaiilla,- snillo-
. .1. I Hw.k ,nJ 1 . n.
drak with th Iodide
of I'otaah slid Iron,
'make a nioatcff'vtnnl
tfufff-uj a aeriorcnisi.
plain U which are very
trevalent and afflict-
Ing. It parlOc
blood, pnnte out I lie
1 larking banioi la heiyirtf ni, that undermine
bealtb and aettl Into troUtilraome mumier.
Eruptions of 4hkiv arsih apiteBranceotr
lh aurfac ol tiumor that hon1it1yri; ellei
fremthe 1)lood. Internal ifVrai'j'rfi"nu ar
the determination of theae aaine liuiuuralo
aotb luterual vrao,or organ, wlie action
""t it '"" I ' ""' they dlv
uee and dtatroy. Ateb1 HABaAraaiLtA
pel Iheaeiunior from tb blood. When they
bi a" "' iliaoi'lri they protfnee dfuBpiH-ar,
aticb a I'leeralloni of the Lrver, F'.oinarli ,
Kidney, rrar. Kroptlrmv and KrtipiHe lla
eaao of IbeHkln.Ht. Anthony' Fire, Bjm or
Err Inolaa. rimplaaJ'uataieaj Blotches, Boltt,
Tumor-, Tetter aiul rltIUuauu, HcalJ. Uea.l,
Klng wyrm, Ktieumatlam, uralgla. Pain la
lb Udn,Nlde snd Head, Femals Weskneu,
aterilliy, Lcucarrhiea arlalng lrora Internal
Bleeratlou sna nurrm dlaeaaea, Dmp-y, Iya-
4 yepala, Kiaaelattoif ami ...-.i luoil
their departure- bra I lb return.- Pre
pare liy -.. 1
UK. J. . ATCR 4-Iwell, Kwl,
. PfacTlcaTand Analytical Chemist. --
Hold by all rug;lal and Dealer IS MoJIjii,
. k .
eBJM-orBer rir Bad Mlaih
veTIjidd Tlllou' I k.
ltl tcr kl.kt Tkeanase t kites teeki
" . ' '7 -Mil. . '
Over aa rprs aaA Kaf jms.
MsBlhty Hwea tl a ray able Qwnvaerly
I)tBvr-roaaJ-Wm. . lAdd.r.T. Bchriyler, Jr.
M. P. Headr, H. W. Cornell, W. H. Bmckeit,
A. C. lllt.c.M. Iwi, M. w. rerbneuuer. II
Failing, UBIbow - :.,0
MATTftFW P. t'KAlr..
H. FAtt.iyti .
P. C. H ' It V V l.r It, J M
.... Prealdent
Vice l"real.len
M. W. FKCIIIO'lMRit. Corraaponfllmr Kee
IIE.VKY A. OXKK -Librarian and lleo. He
Obtained for Inventor In th t'nlled atafe.
I aiiaiia, anq r.orope, at re'ltiee.1 price, with
our Dilncloal offlc located In Waahlneton. di
rectly oppoaiie tne i;bii4 eitaiea ratanttitru'e.
we are am vt anena ia a l I'aient nuainea
with renter nrouiitnaaand dlapalch and lean
coat lhaa otber pateal aihimrn, who are at a
iliatance from Waalilnstoo, snd. who have.
therefor, to employ "aaaocbtl BUorneya,"
W make p reHralaafy Stamina! ton and fur-
nlah opinion' aa to . patentability, free of
cnarg. saov woo era iniereicw in new in
vention and patent are Invtted la aend fora
eoty of our "Uuld lor otxalnln Patenta.
which I ent free to anv addrea, and contain
eomplela Inatroctlon how to obtain patenta.
and otber valuable matter, W refer lo th
Irerman-Amet teas 5atlonal Rank. Waablnv-
tnn, ll. C th lioyal MIb, jvorweglau, and
Iwnlah iMiimni. at WaaoMicton: Hon. Joa.
Caaey, 1st Chief J a at ice V. K. Court car l lalma;
to th pirwial of th C.H. Patent Office, and
lobtnau snd Members ol tongrea from
everv Hile.
Bull, III. g, Waabln(uii, IX li a-m
Ti .-ll z '
G OJt U ,T. ' H
lr, Beowl mm Tay lew alreelaw
fteaaoe a)ta Ch at r a fhr Hire and RoArdtne.
Hack order promptly aUeade, llay or Might
WvwD WAB0 a RIVI, FrapiSk -
. ' I. '
&( A WF.EIt 'tw yonr owe Iowa, and aa
CdrU capital naked. Yon ran give the boat
nea trial wlibmit expeaa. The seal oppor
ffintly ever ofTeiwd trie Hicaat willing to work.
Von glionld try nothing ela anlll you ae ftw
ynunH-lf whal yoa can ila at th lutnea we
otT-r. Ne room to eiplaia here. Vow ean de
role all yonr tun or only your apere lima In
th tvaaiaaee, aad make greet pay for every
boar lb yoa work. Wnmea make as en a eh. aa
men. Kend Br epeelal arlvat term and par
lleulra, which W mall free. a, oeini fraa,
Ifcia't complala Ol hanl lime while yo bav
w-ii.n Add iH. HALL BTTAtit,
PurUoad,taBa. ' - a . a-l
v. ,
iixra i nt er riiLiiATiwH
4 klj JaaraW'
IV8TI9 ii tki rttrin Iut lanztsrsi
Iidrrfofrat a rellllfi aal Eell;lea!
WKIX-K NO S ""r.EKLT Jol'It-
, aal begia Its Mnlh Tsar ar PuklleatloB
with It laiae ol May t, 17, under tb kual
sea BiBogmeBt el tb lniiviT Pvblisip
ia wBom-HilefteiTTOirnTrtsd
with tb EUllortsl, Advertiaiag or Kupaerlpllon
Departweni of lb paper ar ta ba hireajlef
directed. : ' '
TU Hw KeBTawBsr 1 as a Waaoaal
ttlghla, bat a Hstaaa RlgkM eagaa, eevated
to whatever pellxBajr a aeoaaaary to aeeare
the greataat pjil la Ui grealett auiakar. It
kaiew ae BellUe,nayllglen,Bep)irty,
bb eolor, aa ereeel. lis taaaaaUaa utiiU aed
epsa: tfas roek"o Euiraaa Libert r. tfoW.J
KaBBnelpaUBB sail V BtrBiBakvled I'rsgvaaaioa.
MKH. M'SIWAT-a peculiarly ortglnal style
inf FiHPfrlMr-""r-p""V t"- -" ,iaiina
from week jo Week to attract Ibosaaud ol
reader, and Editorial are promlafd opoa alt
tbs leading topi of lh day, CORK!
bPONDKNTM are Blew employed to furalah
weekly Ullert from Waablngton. iw Turk
and vailou part of Europe.. -
K pain alii b pared to make THE MW
NOIITIIWKHT the leading newapspef o lu
trtaas IB 'AineTOC lis Iliaratar fT ljy
morsXlnton sad Inatruotlv and elsvstlng la
cbaracter, and Is soaght a'fier by th best sad'
moat Intelligent elaaaol readers. A a median
ior Ad vertlilBg, Ibis Jouraal has ae a perform.
Bins', eopie, on yer.
His ronth-
Three monOi:
Liiuii. igotruim
Agents antfCanva.ters I
ty, PI 111 a. aa lata spprl of Ha
Klerk la B4 Te rawaJe Tmmt i.
Carweref Proat bb4 Waahlagteti etreets (n-
' ' ' r - ' ' ' f&it'h t'i'
, maa known. It I. prerlhdi lJff.V;-tI3 I 't1 f ' '
' Ik moat emllienl phea clatHBllV , 't'.-r J f i ' ' JL
v., ' ' -V.- aver the world l ' ff A-f'h V ; -:
OFFICM OF Pt'aiJCATIeiW wbayeAttuJt- j , L L .ff ,-r. 'a ; v r v-t. '-.'' ' "I
: -m------ . 7- - - '. ft l.i.iljl;(4ij"'i-. v l
Br of Frost ana WaafelBglaa titttB, fns- . ..JV-i- - .4 Jj : ' . . iiUf .-Vk -I '
. lair), Portland, Oregofa. v , . L - . - '-aJ : -3
.:.;;....:( j.. -8riUrr-oa, ' ... - ..ttM'-!Y '
t ' . aa.a, aa, aa aa, a . ...eas-v aa ear j. Hi . I - a a a - f ' . - I T T ' ' - - M k" M
j " - "- - ' ; ; : : U. Caaitlpatlaa, 1 .
Waa commenced ta ur lean of Kovembersa I ' ..... I
. I - -' - firaerai Dtumiy, i ''" e,.... ...- ,
- 1 UI I
4tBBeeai WsblBlBB).rwilBBl,Ori.
fJ-il.Mnor.D'S COLUMN.
a i. tcifx itsttof rat au diseases of tki
Ir'tfrilitt, ft" ofVumoiit. i-f-1
ttiapoMUO" lo Klertlan or l.ualuea. Khoit
iva of Hreatb, Troubled wilb Tliounhia of
I'la.a.e, Mmneaa of Via tun, psln tu III Bark.
Cheat aad Head. Kuab of Hlwal to hHead,
Pal t Vmibu aan.-e aud Iry Bktn. if the
ymploma ar allowed lo goon, very fio.nenl
Iv Kplleptie KlU and IVoiaumptHin lollow.
When tb eonaillulHin bevmn aflrcted, II re-i)-iire
tB Bid of aa fnvncorating Biedirtne to
aUOatglBVB aa) too op tbyatui, which
lBad. Iroablct,
Calarrk, -
raeral DeblMly
Dassasts Bf tfc atiataeys
Liver Cemplaist, -
' ' raralysla, '
-jaasraJtU Hoal k.
; - -- Spiaal Diss aaas,
- - tciattca,' f
Ssaiasss, ' ' - f -;
Ifarvaas Cemy laiats, -reaal
CsmpUisU,! Ets
Pleadarbe, .
Pals In the aiiouldem,
Cougb, , '.
lUlttneea, . -
hour Rlomack.
Fro pi Ion. ;
Bad Taat la th Mouth,
""'; ratpltaUoa sf th Heart,
. Psln IB th Region of th Kidney,
And a IBonaand Other palnhil ymp(nhs, are
-too crt-prlng 01 iiyapeaia.
And atlmalate ihe torp'd Liver. Rowala. end
Kidney o Heallhy Action, IB elaanelng Ihe
hUa.1 tU all I ui mi rll Im. a.iwt Imoarllna Bew lift.
.II'I ,i,i 1-. . w ,,.ri ,;.iriu,
A elngl trial will be qnlte auWelent to eon
vince lh moat keelbmllna at tut valuabl reme-
dual qualltlea. . . ; -
rule ai rEt BwrrLr,
.j -; Or Rig Bottles tut l
(xa.v a t T". 1 i . ....
TTfin: Paiienta may eoaealx by leteer.raeetving
the am attention ,aa by calling. Competent
I'hyeieiaa aMeni lo eorreapnadenla. All le-
shonia be aldraea as
' H.T.IItLHMLa, ri; .
.. Dragg let and ChemlaV,
. " - rhltadeiphla. Pa.
skMallbe frlvBae rraprletarg aaaB
ts aw aaMkraWIU.
' , '. ' 1 7"
; ' ' .,.. y - -- I, , , i" a,
-- -y ' "... u - . ,
" ' . - BlJwf)0 a a. 15 SATS
, . -t ' ONLY Tll' ,
- T--.i.aiii.,p
, - - a a - - - i i . - tffl
Kinecf tlic Blood
Wcaierlal Cori of LUciaesi.
luura truly,
Xu. JL.Vkuiuuei r!roi, M. Y
mxX W fa.i. a tiioy PirWif 1flirtiJTTiria mntut-
iff arr-il Mpnh, lr wTer etrtitifit of thtm MtvO.
M tutIthi tjr las WltAcls Mt Iwut -ttuiDV.
'Its Irtgredie.
Tn lvf onr fsith tls.v ,f ktwt rx!'..'- -
MlteH-l tht -Ifi,iilll-.rt W .;tt.L ftd, T
BTIV l Mlinalr mil t 'eI N ..
Thf aU-UlrMMgW-ffW Wrr rwrr Jrt t . rfi,j - 1i 1 .-
Irw'f of mif 'etL'-r riiil W - ..i.;'iii ! u?1
Mmuy icai.maMi-frfa (nr h r i,f arnni , ,r
friil lir--t't twr iMttiff U W -tirrrr f;,T.r-"
).li-t J ri ii I 't--p u I"tr(kt,1'' m,
h f It Ma- h rant' ! ikt't.TwiI V'i-r l p-t Uri rm-'
ttlevttr II me fir, w 4.1 hi '1 .. h4Vi f :hib
UU. It, ImAMoH,' X C4j..l'roierwlutf!i,S.V
. .' -
k aaav at arayajew m C e e a BJ kl ta W.
U fc A I I I ArVioo.
a yu.t ii lilririt' .ii 1 t" -1 iiitt.-'-.iUjJ
!-' uTiirii " iX. f " ii.tteie Tia- Urtuiu, ;i fJ
-i,l'h. all : i.i f' lt ifk- SN U f libels. f N - .
f.,r. I!,' V .) wetvevrr-rl r auiipfe-rl ( mbvS
. -S y ftfitsf I. f. -: ImiJ 1 ktte Kit U. si1 H' .i
ty ti I iv later 0: v.i ( ,rn K -v h tL J ! ri i.jiia
it 1 4. d"Mrn, Nim lt..Mhvii rp-mlT II
. 1.airHt(svrirv. emMt1rf. tirwfrthv'amr -Piartl' aay
ti rvetw. lt-4.-sii.4rii-- a"fc If r rin Me-tffmrert fry
A vu4b. t Ihvk fim au-a -'t i "79 m. M atsTr-r. n'y
1 r "at ei it aaaaa. ir n la hot w
prrtel. pY-tur-rirt r. p , I C twshi trt W
,in:,. 4'- rtjr ut lMi I
t tat 1 i aiii. ! Will B1.4 ti- ml fwnd ihtM j'rt- . trmlljt
srriNlrl 4V- U ri," - .ry rm letdi-u
. et .ll I, -iTCtt rr av -it 1 l.v tat eHlelieuL.l bMll
a eMBwl3 Brt
a"i a at l.e.ii-i aid i in reeentle arra
ef r- . ui .f wil.l i- .eienii -rf rnv eee.a
iii(itv. lllaMlrateB eweaeer ii lalonua-
. AUhmi SAlf I2Z. X. Mm,
VTBSkuigteB, Stew Jersey,
Ehtabusuif-o vm.
JEL S. At A. P. LACXT, Attrneys-at Law
- tat i r ii tit ll HH- L ' W sab I ng ion , U. ci "
We prrieirfB psfews rt TI iwttmMr Jfn v:
riFT ear IB ahvam b. No chary unlc.a Ad P-I- for making t-re.
Ilniliii.ry eoH-niHllona. No additional fee
oe niVia'nlns. anil condnrlltie B reheario.
aipeciBl aiieniton glvi n lo Iiiterfarenc I no
hhoe lh Intent oillce, FytcBfion helor
tottgieaa,- Iiifrtpsi-nit'iit Bull . In dlfti-reut
Hiaiea, and all I'llcailon pertaining to lnen
Hons ar d'alirila eieml lacip tor pniptil
giving lull inaUOct km.
I'wlleel Btaleai I'awrta BB)! IteparteaeBt. "
Claim rirrauMmied Iri th fm.rema i cmrSal -
tha tinned Mtatea. Coort of Claim. Coartmf i
( i.minla-loner of Alabama Claim, loailievn '
Claim t omnilii'ii, aril all elaaae of war
claim before tt Fieeutlee lparimenla. ,
A r re are ar Pay and VtoMaty. ..
or Ibelr 4eir, are In many raaea entitled to -
mi-ni-y num ti.e uovei.nni(-nT, .r winch Ihey -ttav
no knowlrdire. W rit roll hlatory of ear
vice, and atat BiBonnt of pay and bminty re-
twiv.d, I ik -liv lanrp,aod b fuit teply.ana-
aiamlnallou, will lie given you ;Uioulcbari;
All Officer. Bold ler: end Bnllor wnnnrled
captured, or Inlumt lav-ilie lal war, however
slight, ar fntuiral Ui, aad ran oUtaln a pe
Kn.'. v - . - -.,
Valted Ntate Cewerel La wai Office. .
Cowtcrfleil Ind Caae. Privet land CTaYnT
Mining, pre-eraptlon. and Homeatead 4'aae :
Iiroaecnted bator theneral LaudUlbeeBa4 -eparlment
ol tb Interior.
U4 Warmla.
W rveh for Ronnty land Varranta. and
r Invltwcnrreapondvnce Willi all panic hav
ing any mv aal. snd lv fall and eawlieit to.
tmcthin where aaalvnnieni ar Imperfect,
w e nmiiuri our niiaineae IB epurial Horean
having therein the clerical aallanca of ahi
and eiperieuced lawyer, and rlv onrrtoeeat
penatnal aupervlalon to every llnortant pafier
prereo in earn eaae. n.lllpl. allealloa Iba
la n i i tewimnuH aua"i1 tw-ov Aa
mrr'B.N. at A. a. 11 l.t.alleraria.
Anv nerann dealrlne IntnetnKllna u in aha.
Handing and reeponailillily of th Arm wlll.oa
reuaeat, lieromlahed with a atiataetorv refer.
enee la bi vicinity or Congreeatona! BlaUlci,
. w-w
CI rV 1,0 A "ARrW IK la f' per
O vVA7 day ib your owb locality.- - No rl-k."'
omen no a wen Baoien. Many maka-rmo
than the iiamtnl atatail ahciva. Kn on a caw
fail to make money taat. Any on eaa Bo th
work, toucan make from M eenia lo 14 aa .
Bowr by devoting yonr evening and a par
tin to the-hoaineea. Nothing Ilk 11 Bey
moaey-ma Ing ever ofTeced be lore. Hnaineas
pleaaanl and trtrtly honorahle, tteatler. If.
Job want to kuviw all about Hi beat-paying
inalaea tenre the imblle.eend a ymtr !-
and we will aend ton mil nartlcalare
and private trruea free; earn pica worth ali
lOLoltUk, etl.SSV.N tt,
.... e-T .-,
oinn ior
I. Adilre
IWaland, Maine,
CfV, A VrtJtTn rWBrantee.1; U a flay at
S1 ft I boma mada by the Irnloalrtoua, 4 M
al wot, required! w" will start yoa.i Men,
wnmea. hove and girl make money fsetar at
work fcay aa ithaa at anything alee. The Wot k
la light and pleeeant, end urh A any oneeaa
go rtehl at Thoa who erw wla who ae Ihla
notice will send a their eddrraae at once and
foe lhe-mel ve. owly out at aad term
Irae. Ka ta IB lime. I boae already at work
ar laying bb large u ria of awoaea. Aditna
Care ail Sevifiooaaiiif nuJiant "i-i i
iiig feiaa lni-r-4y tat- 1 1-.I.1. -M i.ncii..- la -
peafy il,aallisina.reie'ii H-'H1 .
raim. ; b it A'4-aa, 1 '-. ' , !!
4it. A'.'i4HO. e ; i -t -iwili'i",
ell .!.) aa VI, ..ii . ti e Sfrj I. irll. i, t r., f
aad KU-m-k. -r ... ' ' :
I ' D. r.anw,-riv At Co. I f t tbeilatwOI -f at
- Uoaakal wrtk Berolulaar Ir. : lr in l
avateaia, 1 hereby rvu.rimlr Ko r 4 to L.'.
I ki Ikb uoubml auU, MnttHiW't a- th .wt t. a
Tear., etnrh at anVenwl my eyt-e b Jw iiwii -plebly
liiiiia'lur aix n.nnM., I. a-a- raat' I
liitry aniirftf tlie ll'eo,!, wuM-lrlia uv.l a prut
-. H me . aa II baa oaiipletrly vtad i.,ai..i,
t elKrlul;y tuaaiiiiuaiail yvt'i 1 Ire 'l i.ilae 1
I baee,
THUK OU,, ABCvata, alatBB, . I-4J
- - :.
- a
" ft
i- '
r a