... .: ;; ' . r V,.,. .:....... 4 X - i- 1 &' i . . , f 4. .V. . - v, . , Y4e" - 1. J.-. " V C!jc i.e. litis V - -.-. - - - ......ATItlL 1, IvO. : GEEimcim ajdvQ-Uv cn "... ". F2AGE. , v la another column will be found a letter from a Seattle gentleman, tllnf aa extract from tbe platform of tb Colon Greenback Labor Party, adopted at Ht Louis recently, which pronounce la Titor of Woman Suffrage. The jQtgenbMkerirof Oregon, io their Con- . veutloo at Felem, declared In furor of placing lb ballot to tbe hand of worn enTTknd tbe party Ja' most other Htate l la favor of tbia reform. .'X '"' - We Jo Dot agree with our friend that . the Ureeubaek party will be the meane of granting lbs ballot to women, though It will be one, and perbepc the Chief, : . cauee of borrylog tbe Republican party - to do Ita duty to tbe wlvee and nioibefs of tbe country And tbe many ouU epoken, candid, honest, .fair-winded, liberty-loving mew- In tbe Greenback , v party, who ere laboring la behalf of t aolserael freedom, will ever be rrmsm bered by tbe women of tbe county, who may In tbe future be able to requite them la a meeeure for their great eerv ' ieea. The women of tbe (and recognlie that It la the advocacy and espousal of their eaoae by tbt!!flatfoiila,riaa-Uia ' Orvenbackers have been eonteniptuoue'y called by blaaad newspapers, more tban " tbe love of jaetice, wblcb wTfl force the KepubHeans, as a party, to pay reepect- .,' ful atteotlon and accede to the demand of women for tbetr rights.' While there are large numbera of the Jiepubllcan party who are la accord with, the Worn- an Buflrege movement, yet the party la In no baate to press tbe measure, but 2til defer ita championship ah-a causa until the waning of Ita power makes the oew departure neeeailry to longer com trol tbe Government. . THE JZW TEUPERASCE . A aoclely waa organlxed la New York about a year ago by a number of buej-. neee men' for tbe "eDcouragement ofl toderatloW)1 4le ubjeut belug to tW preea tbe custom of "treating " In the matter of Intoxicating drfuks. The so-. ' elety now baa 2,000 mi m be re, including representative men from all branches of bueloeea. la addition to the pledge not 1 to "treat," there are three other pledge '' optional with members, via. : Totat ab - stinenee, not to aitead over a yesr. but to be renewed at will ; no drlokfogdur- lug buaineaa boon for a epeclflad time ; drinking notiiiog stronger th so In or eeraooboeenimoderation. Tbe last la Intended to break op wb!aky arlnklng.Trbe words, "I hereby sol emoly pledge my sacred honor," consti tute tbe only obligation, the Almighty ot being referred lo. ; " While many "radical iemperaoce re formers regard tbe work as superficial," yet there la no doubt that ft does "an Im mense amount of good and reaches a claas of men who wllfpsy no atteotlen , to ; ordinary ' temperance argo meats. Many a man who woald not tbluk d taking a pledge to total abetloence, wilU promle to refrain from drinking dar ing business hoars, or wI!T'plede iilm--aeif not to treat; or todrlok beer otiTy, - While be drink cooeiderableryct the amount Is much less than if he ware nndar no restraining lufiueacev Tbe pledge onotad.abjljruucljnucb-mwL 'il.l.U in k. 'l.lt.. .r.. 1...!. liable to be taken after a- man baa -achoqted blmself-to doing without Jlqnor during tbe tryiiig'andexclUng - - portion of a day tban If he allows hie ' appetite to be depraved at tbe eipense - of hie nervous otganlem. It Is asserted total abatlneoc pledge now only agree to control Ihelr eppetltee durlug busi ness hours; but we thluk that o ons vfhffh hJ much orrrrfrturritT-iTr-nnTe'yfmtTH,r''r"TirKr an "Americau Inde- serve Hie Labile of drunkards will make the aaaerlioa. lt d pmposel to esta! lish branches of tbe New York ialion la other eitie. ojtferei- . Harper1" Hceiijrsays that a eoflee-OUaempanywllb-49.0tW capital, baa been organlxed In New York, wblcb . will follow up the Idea of extending the benefit of tb temperance organisation and, meet tbe saloon oo tbeir own .. ground. It I Intended to provide plea ant refreshment rooms, with recreation In tbe form of simple gsmse, with news papers, msgsilues, etc, cheerful and at tractive resorts, to compete with the sa- Ioooa and bar-room wblcb now, with warmth and light and cheer, attract Tlboee wboebomee are unattractive. Tbe object 1 not one of mere charity, as tbe bousee are to be .conducted on com nerelal. prioelplee, and tb company , expect" jo pay dividend. Ther are j eecb companies In London, liaerpool, dlnbargh, nod other clUee. ' Tb methods abov noticed for tbe purpose of assisting In th teeapacaoce work will accomplish much, yet the umber af drinker will not be reduced U tb Jnlnimam notll w,pmn get tbe ballot and preblblt-tbe manufacture snd al of liquor. Tb TeUgram, In di osalog the new departure,' correctly st s tee that .th .InftexlblaU w of, awf "nyfHgga I fi JT"f UOa use oiia JUTmaxe" and sell a long aa otber men will Buy aod driakl yet we think It easier to top tbe saaaufaetare and sale than It Is to prevent tbboy1p.g and drinking. Mr. MaU Wa Wallaeerof Hsmmnadsv VI lie, Oble, who ende a remillanre fofT" eontlnolag bar subscription to tbe New ; ""TToTWKaT, embodies this aeuUnee la 1 Ibt letler wblcb accompanle bar er. "der f Ton bave my beet wish aud r praysr foryoar sucoesda yeutarduoiia '"taekv of breaking dowa-th trorigbolj 'of 8ataa and soldi ng ap Iba truth te tbe light, tbat prajudlce aad InJuaUo may 1 driven from th world and mabklod may obey tb Toyal law'l- Thanks, kind frttmL fof your good wishes and words, . . : ' . Farmers are busy plowing and beed log la varlou pan of tb Stat. '. 1 T TTTT FTrHT. TW JfW 1?.T.k HT) ' H-WWlyJtle' Cth ultimo, t tlJouee -of . ltrt.reeeatative Ii'vde Island, according to an Atwoctated l'reee ' !.. . ... i .... - i...: . 7 ! uiepaicn, -euopieu a rroiun, vj m F- vote of ii toll, submittiog to the elect ors a prJoalUoa of amendment In the Coneiilution glvleg women suffrage." Tbe meaning of the dispatch was not very clear, and the followlug, publiebed on Ihe-fSrhrfailed to throw auy llgbton tbe aubjret : "The eoete bae rejected, 13 to 20, the propmwd aiocudaieotto the Couilltullou giving eiboul sudrage to womeo." . . From Ibeee'dlei atchee, takea together, we aorartee that the word .ecbool" khoulJ aper In the f!rt diepatch be lore "evflrage." If that U ti e caoe', we are glad the l5ebat rejected the matter. If the eecond telegram It a correct elate cuent of tbe reeolutlon, the aclirrn tf the Senate ie to be regretted. , Our reaeon for theee appareutTy anom- aloue etatemeute la that we are erpo' to eubruiulng the queetlon of' Woman Suffrage to elector -that Is, tbe great 'body of men alone. ' If they decide ad versely 6n tbe matter, either from preju dice r Iguoreuce it the alms of the womsas movement, the matter is practi- t eally killed. Very probably they have Dot tbe time to give toaa letfgatlon of the eulject which the membe'r of a ilg!!areteoquBADdaQdrMlyDC half of them will allow their prejudiyee to control them. If a bill for Wo of so 8u0rsefsi!e to pass a Legislature, the State's law-makere may be more suc cessfully petitioned the neat aesslon. In the Instance above given, there are 61 ballots la favor of and SI against the women, vet tha division of votes Into the House so J the Senate Is such that the latter countered tbe action of the . ti. - . . - - n: . !' . ehane In Ibis reepect which will afford womea the relief, aiked for. Generally the me iti hers of a Legislature afs se lected from the upper and more Intelli gent c!aseekaQd are..macb better quali fied to uuderetiod andiJiecuss the merits of the- women'e clalcn than tha great mass of voters, aod we prefer to eee tbe fnfttfr tvklt fthn fcttntlon nf th TvIa. , ..,. , t.., I U.w7 V.y 1 w a j ea ji wj j aai . s ubnitted to tueu alone In a State where women are In tbe majority. - & LETTEEA5SWEEEI). . ' A Ilarrlaburg corrtspondent write s ss follows; ' ,' 7 - ' Vhll Mr. DuJUWijr vu titr Urtarlntset mtiatb, a vrrj poaifxiu Hutt ScaaMr, Jobs Henry BulUh bj.nnae, BtmIn;J i rpuwd upon the etreet sltbila sutMiaoce, the follow-' log story at bereiMnae: " When or wife was Ltresi-jitng wtiont a : Ma trin; Tn TarTnyeTt, nUrm. lnalwa at bereblMrea to -the acaool, aod br lutletmjr ram pi one dy Id a pitiful plltit. erxluf, anal Mrs. Hniilh aakej blm hl was th matter, aoit he said 'hl mtiniiu dtdut like bny. flieBotntvwaa ttuaX was a child batrr, and th reatsuut of tbe yjB-(iluof a4-tlf ualed thereat. Yott may drpend that Mr. Iuiwj ba1 bar frienda la Ul group ofUteoer?, Bat' we all want to heati her sldeoftttej A iTls due to our correspondent that some notice be taken of faer letter, we will say In reply that ourohlldrsq never attended. ny school except their own mother's whit w resided In Ifyette," fill titm a ft v, .4 rtemnM.4 f rr, n. ' LaTayitU to Ali any, and that w. IjavTiI0 ' fm. TTavid i na.erLl mor. than- bdwini aoaint- from wham we bifed the Opera never bad more tbau-a bowing avjoalnr- anc with the lady or, ber b unhand at any time." " liut, froo what we bave bred told of Johq Jlenry aa a-buloee man itili.k' h, h,l, fcim.llllnr-4A wbiTeTieiTeurrtVtet .' .. ' . .. family, ami we ye no objection to being the subject of bla strset-ysrn, seeing they amuse blm aod don't hart cs. D'ut isn't It funny that the protectors of women arc never known to gossip? On Saturday last, both In. tbe eftjtt-fas noon-and evening, large meetlnge were held In New York City, bxtking tortb ndent church. Addresses were made by-e?v. Fathers Qulnn. Wood, Iiroder ick, and,,, others formerly Catholic trrtests. FaTEef (iiilun stated that be is dally In recerj.t wf ietters 'from 'priesta who are ready to abandon Romanism, eodwbo are anxious to labor for tbe benefit of th poor In the "extension of the true prluuiplee f Cbrietianity." Letter were read from several priests, saying their-hearts are la the' move ment. Communications from Mstho dlst, Baptist aud l'resbyteriaa Confer ences In Baltimore, Philadelphia aud New Jersey were presrnted, all eddora Ing tbe movements '.-'. , Ministers. generally are uotprogrea sive, aud U la excewdiugly pleasant to contrast tbe freedom of thought and ac tion exhibited, by tha ltomish fathers above named wilb the llilberalily and Intolerance wblcb Is so graphically de scribed In tbe ''Editorial Correspond, ence" In tblalaso.- ' . Tb weekly sheet publieTied at Ilille boro aired a few "sticks" more of Its slim and blliiogagate last week, from wblcb it I evident tbat the wife of tie creature Who "edits'' It waa away from home and nnable to Supervise tbe mat ter wblcb appeared In lie columns. lo if! aucUunedby the 't acuity -oftba 4. L'n" we begin to believe that th "Gal lagbef boy" la belter off wtfb bl mother, bad'as sh I tban under th tutelage of tbe Christlatiew wbo cjtu associate with sucb cbaractere as Luce. JTT.. - , Tb Evening' HUgrhm o epeaklog of the recent Greenback Convention aa Salem, took occasion to say a word for tbe cause of the Woman HufTragiatavfor wblcb It will be kindly, remembered, Tbe Greenbaekera demand tbat tb bal lot be given to women, aad tbat enunty Oncers be paid by aalary Instead of feea, and tb TtUgram aays tbea two fea ture are tbnot sensible part of th platforsa." Tbe-project of dividing VesaUila 4aly'-blw44.oantle I tbe great queatloa now In that section. ' , 6ZT0SUL . C0X3b9CSYCE. ! of bla peopte.hai f ti:- j up hu'rvtf r - Cn'.rt'WY iuTm v ,Viiu or: 'jh'. .' We now xsk pir krrt rf . j.yl.'io The longer ygn arjnurn In Albarjy t!ie'nr ever bavlrg ai4-anyhiiir 44,t mute you will likathe trlaoe' and ha' kind; aul we Cope'Ti be foegieeo, be- atVrojudltig ; and we'll, venture tbe (federation that there la no other enm muulty of tbeelteof tble la air Amezca where there la a greater degree of intel ligence, - boapitaltty and feflueaient !noog the people at large.- Many of the reaiuenia wereamoug tua nrei eei- tiers of tbe Wlllaaieue Valley, and their Yrem the aea-board Into the a!luvlal lalns of the river basin, where their bWoad ferms eoou became the basis of !lnjmeti veaitb. Irve numter tf I thjree kimhI ieople also breame enilSiied goodrtae'is of oieralioi.s and alfjluff t-roeely by it, have geow-u. tip wiH7TT couotry, and bave erected tiaudeoine home and auUTai.Ual buatutsa houe, tilts last being already suQloieot In number to give-tue main commercitT"'I atn. sorry, Mr." Chairman," eaid. we. ai'rtet a metropolitan appearance. -The town Is just now1 suffering audtr the pressure of a reaction In busiuese, the -nWtorl reeult of an overgrowth In the flush time's. But there is ample vitality left for future eipsnslou'.-and -Albany will Vet rival many a lare New Koz- land town la bonulation and manu factures, as It already does In lrtti:i- Hera are esveo ehurchee, three public schools, one academy, jo opera bouse, the Young' rr6p1e'eVnrlUso Aecc'a tloo fcall, and one. of the beat Court Heusee In the stale. . - rollticsare "booming'' Just now upon all sides; eandidatee are euiilirtg aud i eourting public favor,. and defeatxi as- plrauta for uomrufiion to the 'various couoty does are plenty and eoueplcu- nti " ' J ' On Tueellay, tbe Z2J u!t., after the nouncemeut of our coming lecture, at tha Court House, upon "Leseous of the Century," bad been published for over a week, tha Democratic delegation of the aristocracy of sex forthe county of Liu a aesembled la tha eity and concluded to use tb court-room in the evenhagTor a caucue. This they liad au undoubted prvilege to do frooiJelsaidtKilutnf JltSlH tbe ruling classes rfotaaery taxpayTngjple oil woman knows that she has no legal right to the use of the Court IIous and no power to ecupy it except aa an ar raigned criminal or debtor, unless she is permitted to visit it through tbe cour tesy of the superior vex. All day long tbe story wsscircolated dowu Iowa that tb women were to lieVe'nlcd this rlirhTairsl Tlrey "LaVe always n )Wy su.ttsined of courtesy, but your correspondent did not hear of It till nearly lecture J.lmgA'Jjjjjjmiw-' At.tjciAbjjac and IPea itaasI'tf"late te jfuTurria ti women In their home of aoy charilff 4 he place of our meeting. JusV-rVTie tvime eame for lighting the ball, we re reived bV a meeencer bo V the folio Wire note from the. Deputy 8)ierifi : " Has. l-'w-eawaTi .renrwiiM4y4Hi.jta.ru- . . . . . . . . "?' "Tg-Jhefcuiirl H.mae UU. leu. a 1 1 ! i e Uruoomtic dvlea-atiua bae iteclded l4VUe-t. KeapeeUotly, ' , . Uao. lU arumr, No time was to be!oat,aerawds of the paring to repair to tbe lecture.' Mis Foster.th capable Vice-President of t;e State suffrage Assoclslloo, ar?cMnps.ujei Jlouse for the use of the Democratic caucua; aod, 'armed allli tbe pomleiousls door-key. we proarJc4.to tijaet-room-t aud msd 'a bandsome speeeli to the aTaoiousepuiy SiieniJ, who accepted thakveof tlMOir Hoiua abd renal r.!. the key of tbe Opera Ilpuee abd repaired, 1 1, 1, II .l. ... i 1.. .nil . . .1... aforesaid, ami left tlie ladies 'in serei. possesion of thie ertttig's prji.tfges. Tbe audieuce was large and the coutrl butloa to psy forjhs Opera llout fir tbe. Uiia, fe'at4W4ey 4ax--w-sr teajiiuahly liberal aud everybody was happy as they can hope to be uutli ine womeu vote. - , Albany has six nswpsjie -the Drm ocfat, the litgUttr, the JeraUl, the llencon, tbe Valley 'oun'i'i audlhs United HVXrWri.n-TuTwo firMt nanml sre the pioneers in the field. TU Jler aid Is a newrmbllcation, liepubiican In politics," and exceedingly "popular with Iba ladles. Tbe Beacon Is the organ of tha Itaptiet brotherhood. - Tb Vnttcy Jouiitai Is a. temperance paper, and the Workman, undar the manage tm'i.t of our go4d friend Odeneal, Ie publlaked In iheioteresV. of $be "ladepelident Order of Ancient Workmen," an Ja ni ctation on tba life Insurance plan, which number pisny hundreds - throughout the SUta, - ; Liberal religlou Is growing rspi.ly among: tb peoplejJIleyMf, Crawfurrfi f of tb Baptist Cbureh, being an able ad. vacate of humanitarian Chrlstiaalty In bis churcbTToOSevTTlr. Harris carry ing everything before blm among. tbe people of Congregational proclivities, We bad tbe gratification of bearing both pX, these gentlemen address the public, and gladly bear testimony to tbelr ef ficiency In leading tbelr bearers to hlgh-i er altltadee of rectitude In. thought and deed. '- . . '; ' The United Presbyterlsrts bav the Oldeet religion organliatton her; one that bmseootalned, from Its beginning, a great a membership of first -flaas per- - as awyeaiwM ieiigTWBraTJ0m in tb r?tete. It prioelpsj memberi r among tb first In tb land In respete bllity, progressive Ibougbt, wealtb and moral worth. "r For niany year tbey bav employed as their pastor the liev. Dr. Irvine, a man of a eystematla tbeo Iflgatal .eduealleo -of he wid acboof-if orthodoxy, who baa fed npnn their sub staiice, while they sustained -4Ue cborcb, and pampered bis own pom posity and 'pelted! bis "own bigotry, while they did the work, until be baa not only aWteriorated-Into a Phirlare of lb rbarleeea, bet be baa preached two-thirds of th children of bis cbureh member away from hi rtvee, and someof thsm, blsewa eon among tbem, loie Irffldellty., W hv maoy time osopllmented tblemea la tbese col- amna, We. bave Judged blm by Lis XMigregmlloa, and bav beea led Into th errorofajposthajj Ae I n teaT ru. 4t was not au t.w r of tue i.eari but "of ir"f;r1 that ma le iA tinsglue that IJIr. R. i Irvloe. w .e:tiVr .a Cbrtetlau or a entlemaiu . fitwfot the explanation."" 'i1!e ioiijp(ius "reverend was 'chairman of tte CamwlUe .on lie-' olutioiig Jo IbeeatO'&tat Temperaity muiuiee w wuuu trie en - drigiie. waa also member., Vucle i side of tlir mystie titer, f..r ,e rf: lie, -i t. il war in 'i.!.'radoJ-y' fI!r"af Iay ewscu!elisJeet,itepk1e9o!iiTlo(i7rmut, or loe the reinalnder f li. m- 'b'U is at aiteu i. whicii L4 h, jjj 7e4l t' tbe com j gregatlon.""". ' " .- - j ' !e "epifn-.i r t.f IIsrnMtty 'MIM. l ni(lttee, faeorlnUarfillot for woman If, In luirrled'y. frpj-arirj t!il lit'l-r Tr.y, N. y., 'rt nn a strike as an Im'rortajiitiixUla'ry poierlo solr-lfr the mst?,w 1,-ev iajidserletiUr 'n" Aritl-Tf.ir.l Tarea Civntltrt will Ing the t. uipersnce prol.lew. Mrl Jrvitm!eela4l anythine, wehefiLU on'r I l t!' '." M"3' , .,",'(-' tr!e4-o freat-Jbe,rewlutiufl.wU.lic8B. whvr-a rn7ainlM..i i-i ti be . V ' 7 '7J"i T ,L "l'U' " . iruii.i. . q, 1VC4UJ. lie wou--ei"M recogulie it, and to Cty H bafore the .Vli liance we prpsret a-'m'o'irrty refrt, Mr. SehlhreJe and ohntfrf voting lu the artlrrnetirrv - ' " f tremulously, "that I will be compiled t g' tiT the Allrauee at'd eufres that ,tb-4l,r-feiit!enre5 of tha cm. - . uiiiiee wuo are ) jk)p4 ,qlli'.,,Ir,'l' necessary part iT'our teerVraac Work j af tjire! cif rsyTft7," ""'' , -;' ' Mr. Irvine grV-' very"a;i;ry,'sii 1 lu re ply made seme ieu!raTly ng!y charges aglut tbe'Nrrw- Noi;7'ntr.jT and our- aejf, ehenges wh!ti'm e: mlht l....k f..r aiiitjtig Hb wort4'lave-(f men, but we ere not" rrpst-d tj hear tliem from t.he pastor of (be Uite!!lj-nt tt!ii.'l IVe's byterlan'eougresv.ion before ':okea of. COf 'vte bell cur oaTi; the r -iut'-j.ii w a 'reconsidered, aud ailoie 1 U af pear a a part of the tyaj r!ty n port; and Mr. I r v t u e ct r t a ! u ! y Jj e 1 1 v e mail ahen' the euJvt was I e'ore tbe Alliance. We InttMidJ to let the niat ter rVt at ILU poiui, -Iad the wvreftd brother afterward held . h'a pence ; but he did not, He1 mate eeveral rrrfiit- fensfvejtjH'ecius to nth.rs?.arJ--li.y. na with u.ncrupu'ous rootirce,, ai,d prov- Ing hlinsclf kn s Jmirer-es well- a fj!-! jI- lower of a let. clerical correcpor j the StaPti$Uoj l.c't"'ftrt e lsiter' r rrr1 Utcjs'tlon amf stend. r. JiVe rti.l't rj: j fl'tp"Kjr tbe.juan ytr hl opiaToii jip.tttf', f.Z ; i"r:':- f t : : rv - ut we did I'ru f.'r r!Tii g'U)J p! ol itMapld'ydepleted cohg'erstl n, among whom are some nf t!ie very but rr:ena we jisve erer r.a.i enyaiier'ja (.; Their CfeTtirr'eiTTTi.eeXci u"ur pup'!. In byg.ine day, ,lu many .of themre destined to rahlt-fclgUarnrrrTg. the future statesmen and, etatcsantueu of. the ga llon. We ffel .t 'Vaie-ampn them, (is, publicly tuii eU'f. At'.er think- ; tiou for a forluighhwe finallT int .4h Iieverend IuumenttTie i .i: owing open ! letter : . " . ifc.s. . iavir r-i:ir i an i f l'B.,K. . ta'irr l).:r t an i ii..;i.o.- I Kltx-e lh iUr ihnl vf tn I la rbrum.tee ia ih v iiit.if..l.t. .tf i'. . r. rt-h on nf.ea l muri 111 fl.ts nit wBiwi-.lt.it tt.iwehc.ree. ..oit rtuieni.rH-r iliuc jioa Ci"i)r' l .tTiai every ! of my rit-wj iiiu:ii. hi M(.liritn e'-erjryir-lfon ftuther en d IHut I bS'd JlHlM!ied!ti yuufvi.' wui- u 1 tou.J fHnyy-mrn a.) t!s tu i by ft- ; -,a!iUfe-'t.V4'bt tt-AiLju.-r 'in, I tu I ii ii nj '" ' i " mTi,L.im-iJ.y' n TTjjfjEg-.ta jq- aileuaaime at tue tvniven- j' ewa iiine Uit 'i.rf 'ili-iii tti' -si-'snv;-rr errr.T. - I K"itiui.. ire iru.t); : u u 'f "f:' j J ili-ril ... i nn-fht u tiiiw-ji. msi'ii . j i lr.ie ...i in. .ft tUat yiu re- t them h T lf fMiiivij : 0"l- the luiirrr iu! rf I', j.w.-r, I have; onLcliyd I 1. .. -to-hrcU.a; th l ji4' trr. " ,-J wUl W4i-tKnir on l'..'i4. Mh'-'at., ytt j -ratin.;.iirii iii. ni ,i TTmvnr.,...,-; Jin. Jt. J. f.iivr,iJ .U:t vi, .'.I'. ..;i,ra jeaattUattionri . Hodiua iha, we .UaH b. Tabled" to ,.n.e.j his mailer la aa eio.e.hi maimer In .. i rrg wnn'tCGilUSLiW Iivqv I reui'a J our i Wti.ent irvaiit. - - - I AM.:I!. I.CMI t l l41-AY. u.iertx;To ignore iV Uulas Cya.iy brought to time, and,. lu tfte Jice-T is , . Doftainai ., ii.:s v. e;i.T!.4 td.iJy. Li., a J-" .rK'f?f n .y-r. Hits is I raie-wmi Sill at Ut !. '.: , 1 ' . ' . "."i'T-'rjbeeti 'Vitii twaln'Mor the Un two nr.; "d I ' rer.tatlon I C. C- MaDLliyf . iii. r. v.iTOi.u ii. u 4i i u r!CTiae..injlUft( vear- Oue brsBcii Is k ow i s "'"" " rnireui-i'isi i reunai f-ry r",r l etw,en li.-se letter, which. u4 farriel to Liin by a',. "r.,i.J V ..' t. .'.4-cw''rl-1- ' . S'ewarl for tr pnrp.. member of Ms church": but It was li.ft ' : " JLJ tllii .Viif'ir; s Hinrriel r .an and f.e-pi.ceawbeie -t 'ttt -. : rf .". " l 1 ' """"'J. iK . laiiieT to cMhiren, was k-tlel avl'-'ni.e liuprovrment 4r wnu 1,11a taiurti... t-roiesv.. iie ncn -,.. ., eom,..Iir. ril iT.m ,,, j Viii. Alfred la -I.-iiiaviila ou.tne ?J7tl.. I tnuet adVantaaeoua owu prevs .rt.orrs rati. cmiirary, T H. ;Julc!, ,Dli company.-Ti.e.a-t wo he Catty ttetJed Jiaving aueeJ .n ofL, rWbil, fttlug fof ' on cmon iniTfeTer aidsr,yjJ.irSderogtory to Clg,i ,v, Uen ml ttimtlimt ,in;t rtn.,;t. himself peri.al!jr, and pompously ! i0gae!i otber, tbwglvlog tUe.irt-siee c'uel thai to correct that ampffcion was the only t'eAM-a why he had called at alL ,11 admitted that he tad said that th Xiw NrturiiwEsr an 1 Its taaehluffs were antlCliri.llan. an, I urn. a urt f , ,lf " irmirTCtuirco m m ii ally; ttiat he liad raid that be would not allow his ftmity to reai it; that be would not let it come io bis houss; thai be would not m l it hlaiself ' that bs bsd.alaajs considered our faeorahie mention of bltnarlf and bis church as no eompiimeiit ; that hst.a.1 never asked ns la bear brTrr-preaeh, etc , etc. tlie genera! s'ylecf the men recajilT'gto us so forcibly the epprrprUtene4 of the words of the i.frat Exemplar whrlfmnd It Beceessry tu say t hi pnnipH rp ponente, 'Wilt antoyon, si iTbeP.iai I- seea. hTW-ci'ltra P tint I? was iT,(TViTi j k trf4M4-WlHr--"Vl?i,ii - . . - r - . .w.-- ... .'J - u r ! t t li c r t : i a t Ve j.' y n I ed hi right or Itit espability to Judite rj eorsetr or our wrt slnr-e, y titv ofjaJ admission, he woui-Lnot Invtst'i?.? ; that we were not able to give apybvfy brains to com prebend our work s.aint their will, and didn't pi fee to . (ry ; e-bertupwfl I be pr.fct-d f .-!o4Ter of tbe meek aud lowly Qua of NatareiM b wat era c I fled for dsrtuj J to felt the priesthood that they were ?erelL-t lu aay part of their tlity ; l'i prfWd fuliewsr'ef Uow-w j.o a lin.-!y Citl fur even Iba lowiieVt of the children, cf mepw man who, atnsng all others, should cuili'aTe the broa tent principles of bonesty aod charity, look umbr.ge ..h.-a I.. .-II. I . I. ... . i . ' 4i.HUcanru evi tunuaiiu.iin bis personal lack -of brain. 5d ftnaUy went away, chewlcf tbe cad of bitter dis4ntok -..,.- - W thouKbt. long "aud seriously over ' t f a Vi ji'ari'd g it ovr Ifjt-tirr Ju I :! i uto' !mi)h r iy tie ttut;'-l tfvrlaratln ti'iit never will. gr..a .o:j, sb'-ici ar ml n nifii 6:f rei y;J, uuj -fi-resij: y r'". a'l- y all ryarji;? of vli a,siu; ' my sake." - , -.We bi.je our brother a-ijl vet tt-nt; ! of his ij'ioraiit loti !rraiicr If he ! not nnei.t aud ato.ie'lu thi. ft.'-. l.'.Ml wish he had, in the' great JK-reaf.Vr. ; nujt we opine tust lie'll rrjei l.on t..i cnrrecte.. jo inlrrTtnw i cfurte I Ui tl.re-of relUMe ltne tlij.fjf,,',?', h,H,tu U'S'-ixmni. " - whoaevmemory we era rea fy t al-j 1. ) . A 1.1 v. ar . 1 ejro-f.a, b- hanged i Miff Fkipaorth minU a ten-njirutei in St. t'harl'e. Mo.,'fvrjiiurder.' . ; , ailripw1 ttUit the l!iu I'.ih'ron Citib nn r T('X'.w Y-fk liiniiitl' we-e y.iw n KrJJsy eonlsir. U wiii-.lt V had t,e fietisbfe flin.i:i;y T.i ...uti . t-n. IteiiKii l evidently ti r- at lioino lipnu the tern -..Um,.- r. f . o..,m,J I . . L'f-1 7b eptaiit Luimpr. y. iT-t Mr. C'aafrd aad'othem a'vi ins'.! l.rief j ec!n", and inuielv K4.t I l:um'-r a"i;-l! eiithm-fiti prevnlU I. The eioglt g l:r t!na c jii la of a join v i o j f l'i LIi.or 'r, at. J V.. t tG"eex.s liV: KsvjrreM fHr!!t f".-r their irn.1 in f ru; l in the-r i ut.ihf worh. Oaiy thr or four, f ;! ztl I t,t t'.rf r:t -rc.i'U.e r- suai-:n, c'u'-ui'ti be r.v..'aS a a I r ISgtTais, ra'i 1 -re brt.ci i.i Ai'o':y l;.i!nl irt a lia l! e wM ' y ij,u t'f rl't cil!!na to l!:e u iui'.n i ):intu. A ye:jy ';- there at e it z n. .'The by n:.K y. 'lii- r.rt I.-' iny etc-pt in 1 1 t:..l--j h'-rrtitVe by ' "I !"-'! jwticti! ':' I e us h soon il'.i 1!. en-L .'v tt, f t th.-y '.".; ; tit luticTf tll'. . tli:--yyyri i.T .y. j V'nni:ii S -tuije, f". s rt ) ijie a.' ey a p .J:( K. ey p -r. ; 7r"Vr f'T PA lti: ! Av (r!ft -A. ui.!e I l'tfs :. a. I ai iij-, ,ti! c,;;i. ,,.'.: . - ': US 4Ui-li'tic ' s ft i- tl i;,:e 1. ' iei.c. t-i in. -ft&rh "aiy .f.twHjiti.1, -jVi, ii..S!i-Mn,i-tbn0t .-.;-, I'.take U lor 4:iar.,v I. 1,1: t, 1 y Im e.v -t .t -.I..:. I u.r jiau. A'Ure's.-4.at.i tl.i(.e,p)i!i.n. nf 'the Nnv i.1 ; , oii'lire S7:'rr;' Sritt to liiij" iu lrJerers". 4oii are U..-w;ntRi.ktr, n I the wlio' tali Gjeeiibwk'paT-ers.'jlVrtaytltln : of wT'St' tl.'i "g wat party in' iloli., evtii' lor trie rxa v m iidjijWi, llnei, wU'u your pcr-l'yeSit'i. I a ie- f iwVS iluti.'iB oil tl e sulir.'S j ijretlo'!i, w kilcii' is lnenrp:ira!l i n trie plat'orui-ail ptel at t. Ijiui.i) t-:e j ii i tu. t r; t by the I'uiou GreVt:b.ci Convert? ;;: . ' I a. 4.1.1 e.itfi it i . i i . F ' T44eg. i'i ri4g.w4rraiic. !... Thla, I Pi lne you will scire withane, j j,.,- move In thej-right. tlirwiiiia, s:.d 'J ,l.ii the spirit ami trt1r.v of tl:.;4. 4 r I k ti t-a n r: J n 1 1 c e J Ltse.cJJ.-J .Uloxu aud a'oaut luwprrtai, r'pr-r;Tt.'pg - t 2'J -5iie of tbie gre.'t t'uioti, . Illhioi. invTmore la?;?e!y reprei-ntrl -U:a s"y other Slate, djavit-ir Z delestte. T-f AswH-'isted- IVe -Biay ,tret .i. f :-i ,,i..-T ii in. ir. i ... .r oo(j'-r, ouj. ioe,,.niiie n i.uv iir u -it,l wheu tbiaoaime iil ita-rtrBTTrfXtmlie 1 I bain! of the I't'.iijie Liuii wil tim.tii. eee I et:ii.a. I A ycar or more 4ouiammi'.iill44H 1 !.' 1 iT-'rw u::ril' ; ,u w jjii, I It,ted, la sutt.r.Vi' ,., .... lu,,,!:....! ,..! T" -J- Ass .ciaU'd ,T I firiillLxal M' triumph ..cf Woman Suffrase lyj l ?H tnf ' VZ;' ! I Utrocitil tbe' Cireetibawk party ofi the ! r tSnr-- i..iVn.r' utc"OT' " . 4B4H-a-w ,' JVli T4lir'SIMHHL ' 1 . verified. IU If' r nn j hraucluM the 'TCational Greenback I.i- " '." v..: ,..' r , .1 and ititradedJay J-JV i Vee, Muicli and company. Tiie-t wo. a double cbauce at t!cm, aud i:i u. tyj ln.m-Ai,'i.k,.l. . ...... I I... i. j..... . jjve to tee th!' verified, lid If' r na j -T.,'nr 'rrW i su'ti wowed t alt orr-i pn .....iu --SiCl-tVn"teC9;!i.w!lenbefellovfcrl.ar4, where au2j waaastired. I.ad they j and was dmsrneil b f.-re tl e ejfe of bis pulled toejether. The chancel ar now i if" and chvldren. ' . yeryfa)fsbJeJoj:jutambia-at- ment of .the iuhariuoiiy which prcrai:,'"' between these two wing of tie Green back party. r -';.-J.Tbe Nationals are to boid tlie?r C--venlWio, f.iy tlie purimee iu nornlnaMnit caniiiaaie I r I'reenieni am iee-l'iei- lnt r.f tliif I't.llee! Ktste. at Chlcsf nn .ri'ie n ext. i ne i it inns, II i 4.. rt. k. . , .. . His" r-U lyiul t. .tivntloo. gates, and s.lj irned to Meet at Chl.-air'a! forin June. 9th. A . Mr - a - - --f-.--.---. ! r-r-.T-.T-5-.irr-. Uim.lllWBI. 1' "I f J. 1 L ELSIl .MMrf. I aie very ia. ..!..! rur recuii04MIXttn Of i 4Vef-twr wfrrgierf thetireenOM i. party. If to'ealmui I -aepor'p!llf d, 'tbejwo ro. I r'i'tlerr'will have- a f1 4Vinir7rl wTTTi io the get battle of !;.' " a-Oi li!" ui n f;r eie. 7 ........ j I herewith enr!o4 a esrHi d r, i,,rt tjl Hie ?.. lenuia .riii"j tken frr.ru the Ct.r?RV7lrrfTnt-T a .'4'..ttl trsrer. II is about a fair a re-ort as wersn ei vet from Journal of tnls faeunn. x Yi will se aoioe'of It aarbUi!gii the- -frrt P'snk, tut not sVgWrJu a t', IrrrrfeTen.-e to U. py ri enl of the :i rmiiua. 1 woul.l not 1J1lirl1.11 1.1 .... .... . . . r Stepltea 1). Hillaje i .Vie Jre.y ff., . i, ,,, ,,!.. '7 lr,i,de.., and Col. J. n. C.am.er.f ! l5,at M " ,'.' "' V"CT 7r,6","f' f! Tel., for Viee-lVe-tdent.. la,,u.-w.l ' '"'V,1'',?1' tbetr Kieeutive 4'mmtea-1o. a ti "hT. - 7 i i, V- the Convert fn to'the National iie!e-1 tr''u.t ." - " ' L"":'. . f. ' ,v4tUra--er- a tturerent rnt from the Ventinn a fe.rted pjr th Sthh'nr, te- cauae you eai.rwvt trtiet tn NsHnn' al en ibsy ar lltrire ,rf t( e Ijaaeen Ttenhar.ker o their dvljr!eit I .'if Woan ilVsu" be . .. . . .. .. . " ' - r; rrinnif ltni SB SO' I'lnl at I He) .1. IauI Convention, so that If H i ptstik I left not or srsh.W atMi,. t'hi.- ..'ii.fn.Kin, r'lii.i 1 ti.ia n im (invention, rhey wilt a-new hjcUarly . t ... I '. . . - w uaiijri iui ik ivilirili( TltM, ' r. u ... . 4-1 - j.'ri; uracr etne lu f .:h;.i--V. rt ' 7' ' ' I- r t llan i e.) i.'r-f eTrs e .ruil at .- -w. " ' . : - f - era! G.-aufwillspeivl ll.e ;ummer! attiateea.' I, . - ' - " . - . - 'eipre-ee'i m-jwiiiou- to -in fMpnw Cii "M''.'f t!:e'Freiicu'!',,u-,,nV Ku,.'r ,u to',w tir. etle V ' j ,." t'fc'lv a'l'- l" '".T0" ,M , , ty.-j .j inVMarrli. , ff ut a rftiu 1 pt,lay aud kil.'ctt. I . It U.sd lUat-'Ipre-nUtl Acklln wi'i t.e c - 'TI-JliJ t.i l re.i-ieuua . V . - .. ... ..- , ( laiutv uii.ter iy circiiiiiita'.vee. i Tliel-'TTilTrenrr trade-in lytHT of this cou'ry 'I'.hi faiieu C"Ulderat!y.'- A''''j T!.:r. a vti'e innr.ierer of rii 'IV V, , H JiBIIJled on the 1 rt'rm hsti'ie In I-nTaima. hsve struck ' r a.Vli.tti'i.-i' t.f .wt.gre; I rout i cents to il '. li lii-.tiar-l J.1 I'!,er 'ii r lil.d near M, ',.-;i.., a'1., , thi h, by -a D.ari f.ited tMrtier. .. . ' ,To cjI rl Shertuasr Vdes'es have i'te'i rlifii tu N rtli (.'aro.ini to the C'ii'Ctifo VujVeutti. . An-S-Mou, fi-r if;-nit;i-' r, tin I Web- "at 1.. it:..-. V!i.f jii-iii..ir' . I T're I -iylear.la !Ui?r--? rs'nw pays ;-tr -i ?('.!;. at the rt- wliieh uled bf iir t;iH ifiiivtmu ta ijbv, 17. T.:e JI -fv'ApT r-'Orin'lorff VirarritTtre t !r n.-ri ,! mi f.-g the am y ' S t l!i yi ..r t-e-t-ii y J-iiif If-lrlslT" ; At. li. tr.l's 'rr,tl'Ua-a;- Ihl-tnn, II " tl"i H.4 liiri,.! ui! ti'.'iii tlie ,-t, and e. l!'.t4 t be u. I. tu Sf4 iul -'fi - a' -;' t i. j::it.uiiiu hiu rr; I j u'f rf i!-e Smte." "n i:l a I U-tjt.rr;l can.li- . i i;i t il -fVlli' ' i. r i 4 will li''? r llifl rri.'-'eii- lih tio!n,:u.t'.i'n u H i ti n -Ji-ted Miu. . ' T.i J iy In I he rj nf Jti.!g Oifllii, of d :;,iny 4'.urt 4,i ' Viiimiat f r viola- ti r:i r-f t:e t.V;i;;tit'i:r,r, jj rt-.fHgreed.l lt n p" Sp''.!o In the ,0aVitnu e, i.i W'ftX Virginia, on Hr-k-l two men an I atoaudcl ev- eu; lJ..V, till. ...a r.si 1 1 thrt "New Y rk i oV.ct hot i in tt fvT . !,.nr jf Ttyirc i an I ii. '' i t i I'l.r-i y, n rye-one rne-f oer f evll, itiltila, ileiniiiisliiinf . iinu'T'ii.m .tfifiiii fcitri. aii'i ij.'ii vine. I .. . : - . ...... ... .1 1 1 : .. .. ;' 1 Avi f iin'i is i. f I ft DittTevTTshrT ' e"Ti"- t ty t tar-tJ-i me. .! Trf- ! t. i!:vnc"fi.l r)-T ii-ri-I ut Char li:;v.i.e, S. '., ca tlie .. fi u.'-t , t-e- t'.4-. e-.i eui u-;t. a t !; Vi4s til ee.eerl I. c i 'ifUS-if, pe. y. ,11 -t-WJl'lnde I . I fli.r(i fVe-.n T' Firt jjj iiru.v i-uu mi- th Ctt h) ifi a riht w i ii h Cjiiii-i)'f'it.e.i. ... r - " l.r 1 t ii"jt 1 1' ' "'-' jtrte leiiyriiT TlraiVT 7'I )'t e f..r t!i IVefidem V, a ia sensitive to the latt. Ilul n.en Is frt- .ppiittion to his-tr-tuuiiaUDTi Tl 'de-H PjjfSl I Hun f'liif'ittnl -"' '""4 7 ili'i 4Tfcr iHC i .. in i-err Cef f J iuto tin 4ifjntry iiy'y i; t ri ''..:e- ..f wr. I .cirerlslier-tua-t rm;.rd them i lirfll.ti su ijeMs. Ati'frew JVellaf-. of IVaii.pi. I. l Tr I tor little an i probetiiy fa "; 'V w. !i d l'":'' wrr f'...4V in tlie o(K, by:JJtaoU is ih'ifTiou' with eick-nesa. ai itp.rted to W o awe 1 1 "'V.".. V' ' ' ' ... ,. '.l' . I. "i.-... 1. -T.,'nr p re' wne't suiL wiTied U alt eirlrmir .T - r .-ee Tiarr. -iu s about a disrepu w,'V?.'onisiit A -epirie f -enneer'ts 1 M-'r'nonleni W44a--r4u4t4Hy-rit(inet' ft "L.wfeuce eoui.ly, Kj, Ainonit tbem; wa" a yurg m.ar.-'.l .-woai au, UjHilLJier t.u-.tai'.d tel.lud. . .. Pitrtek K-!y and faml'v were Ing :""i"' l'i' e. s.-iiTTThe sii! AoMrla at Sn tran ,VlUr-l!i IWd Is Trrrtre; pRTTteriift irs tit from New oik to the West. I lle-r4-ently et)t -nu utier nf ehlldren to Korliiittnn, KaniMt, where'luimee ere .ncure.l for them, v - .. :Iierrri. i" Kk. of lloldeti, M'., bss re cover4l iJil and cit.te from the sohool txisiil a lio.tiirne I her adrift tief ire the term w'ss ft'U becaan n re nrarnl her . mi i,'n.ruri . vmniii cointu. r-"belb Xiompon, tbo'lfew r " . . . : VI " gtvt It M-aaH iha ..-a4 - . li. 'mil, whleli 4itd 'rti.lpi! Jo T-4-lilW trVif't ut ' of the -e.; v taai i-.....r. - .. it. T'rp " . . , .. - r - Mf. t'l.lw'm. of tJieer.tiee-. "Ta I e. 3red M I.xu. e saloon-keeper, iot, i, gjre tier buananj ai. y more liior. 1U iirrtal,.w hen CiileTia 4'u!ted hlTrrr i4 ktiiv-kel 'th tus'.an.l down. wh-o felt - itit.'r- a "manner as to break bla u.x'k. . --r , TT.e :tljtaff Rsd Fraoelarv bast elee'ed their f4Ji'.laies uver the Work, ill-it linen's f-.r fia-ntoif a liew ciivter for in oiiy,. i;.-.oiinrnin will eon-te-t the result b-rmn9 th rtlllen'a T r nuUtiou baiioU . , ' -. . 'r- .'-- -"' I'erir.e Coast Ketiainrv ani lietrewen. t a '.!- afe J 4ljy. Indignant tint they ' ninwiu vui one metniier or Iris enou illtlrro t.v- netretlte an Immlerallon There era to treaty with China. men. tiers nf the coin mT.!..!. fciw . . - -- - 'ii'' t-iilneae, I' .' VTitrf SSVS J'-;iSOO'S t)f Cr'.i f..r Vli: I.i Ir 11. l.ll.U n ... - .... . ' . ... - . . . leK''o mines bv eleclricil v Is a miiW-ms l.omliia'e.li . i. -?.i.... - c......-Err". -H gete sasie goea frow "wlimgVthan-1 r nbta'nd rVj)i ttreWnt rrnrve from ' ? ! v f r if ;viruiu rix-a tu.M rir.ii ir ir.a i powrrr-r tr:turavu of ltd. eruhii g ! arMr " " . ' . -j . ,. j - .tpi.e l''r! nf-n-t jlV ) .' rf, A a- d fie l'tiarles-ow('4. C ) -V iriilw Cvurier? promlueTit; ! nrraUc I ornate, hae 1 eipre-ee'1 cnxniou-lo -in prop. otn sli'.mM not lx reoit'o I. .Sewab-r i -r sutilM if i 'Kellogg I I ' ' . . KEW3 ITEY8. - V KEtf3 ITEX8. : ,i.m rau4Ta.i.tu 1! ef ca't'e are e'earce" at McMinnvilla. now at the tasit ni!nee Is a4tHng idly. ' '. -. -;. .'. 4 IJr I h ji,.uia'jtuaKi I ma'!i:a a livHy twtil. ' Ifrudirtoa. la tu Kc -r!!.4v:i I by tele phone lib I'mafliitw. Sutter'e store at Vt'urg wa riLIed-fcf -i JlW on tKe 21t UeeiaH44vMvn Done' r-nunty J will 4HkI about Ht,riO f r t.'riifire this senson. . The wife of Mr, O. F. lUfjrasser die I at McMinnville on the SUrult. ' Lery l:i weH. of. lHytorr W. T., suf fered the fracture of a leg last week. i a.pf tillalu at;emr.ted.-ia-hlow up the tu.ilrri f the Lafayette mill last are'''. -' ' ' -All mi jn c'alm In J. fphfn cou ut y are running with a foil brad of walelv .A. ' " :' . - 15rl''ge-l'olldiBjr for the O. Ii. A K. (V. n-ad ..( IheColumbta I Leh g' puhed rsjiidly. , . . A slreet-cieanl'mr reform bos teen In atururated at Oregon City witU highly gratifying fevulta. - . . .v' ' Tlie reeiilepee of Mr. Jaroea Mlrcn i t'oli:i Valley was detrojed Ji-t wetiv by fire ; loea,"$o.OOO. Ian N'eal, a deck baixl erf the IiitxJlav ta twy itanieetimgn fTTJfrirpa-r-V'S. on Sunday, at Astoria. - A onof Mr. K. Sklpton, r.f riiltnmat! , fell 4it f t-rd reeently arnt trote sn if mlhatl.adl een fractured before." Mrt TteetWa lioues, near Oakvllle. in Orleans prerini't ( I.inn eoiiitr. ' bo rr.t-d do wo lantTi ek 1 Toaa, f I,f"HX The l4vif;4-s"Hr Eilcr City gave aii ys ter s'ipper.Jat wieek tfir -tlie benefle ,f . tbeTrlai) famine fund, and rained $. I W.-WVNVwH. M Olyenpta. baeTi - rii fir nitd by the rnate for tt:e Ilrgu- tclhp of tiie L-tbd OIJiceat. auoouvaf. The YarH!4s Ily mad from Corvall " a ill i e nl '" e ' " ' 1 1 T ' pleaure-sekers wish to visit the bay. Crtsrtee Mil'er, who mvster'nnn'v dis apieared from'SIaialia 1'rafWiu 4.'aei sinas eouoty,' ttiree. years ago, Ie in Nevada. 1 ' . The site of the Seattle aw mlH,Whl4!t ha I'eeu In ITTntUan belweo Yeal- t and Coleman, ha t-feen:M by order 4f .1 h . C'ourti - - : "Mr.. Tl. II. Clark, a schor.1 teacher hi Kssiern Waablnaton, was drowued ii l'i lie Creek ryC4uaJy-He travei "a wif ainTiie child. ... e Tlie owners of the T"tnt fone (Ari--tonal mine. wliUICreeent-ly ...ws entd for $J r.liO. were the Ucbeinlm brolb jtrs, of J.4i knille. ..;.. .. .TTryilaoo'a' AVheat Orowir.g Coin-, -bfi'V lf"w e!ahTished a tandlrig on tha-. C'llurTiMa. mid ay-t ween the Tma- titlaiud John Iy riversv lower -prrtot tjeeiuiawnn neeouuiy, ttiere -is a rn pulainm of about 100 voters wltli out any precinct rganiistmn. Frank, tj'ie, a Steilscoerj toy. bad ii' couar-iioije rnnu an nia a1 lltU.au uamed !,, tt-jri4ar tbe-eame ... U l.U,Uir. Ulff SLUI 4Vt W W . The Covsllis G'ltttle says two A.I t.auy women refnlly trod to krjlnav a 1 . .mi. . ..rwTTi i.ir i r .1 1 r kit.. ntu.M....i U - l. s., .. .... tue U4L4UC9 v4'4iie w uiur u m rrT uv a1'' 11 Ji. N. Armstrong, has been rtoml- iMiiHt by ttie; l7eniil4M rVrf-ltv-iirer .of Ci.inT)rt!ce at Cullax, W. T.. a ml .V."'e ir.Maa-ji-ea4tf4ijaii4. i ri J !';-. I twice 1n ltir air trout the Tiorna teif a vleiiMt cow last area, and wny! uni.Hil44dly have -bevn' kil:tsl bad tit"-t help arrived.' J Jin-Iera la rint loeilreirTloiWTrtlpol rirtipol I coon Ml votes Int by tber- I'V Hie Ieiii(rats of Clackamas for mbbiiiK the women i.f their votes I the school election, aa Isisnown i ft.4 that be beads tlie deiVeale to tbe' State C'ou ven tloo. " --- n,rIJ', ttoinlchlit. Several prom- '"" wf,' line Vlfitmy nave e-ptrarteilwlth lieburr Werehants to lieer their wool for We-rirTT"1Mrt . a a-Mial price. Crius'.deriuir; the year. aufvey tbe miii- linrif and tamp . of aeerrtatnlf!!? - . tiioney appri.priare-T , l lie rosd can lie lyTxpended. The blue rili'ion c'u! of H an Cr bsr iwrtve.t horl( support for vflli iny Inart-whT tsfcnowu la 4Wnf.lnteenT:r -pwate habits, nr who la In league wlt.i tlie llijuor traflj.-, or who will aupport any ti.eurel' grant lieene fnrr the ' sile of toroiieattug H'totb at a lever-V . Se. ''--.' ' ''"- - -. - ": A wmiiin has Just been place J la an Importaut educotlauat . poeltioa lu France. It Ie Mile, Jolletl Idil. -who r f,, been spooluUd by Id. Jules Ferry j.. .. .i i n " i. de'egate general for tba Inspection ef 1 the ecb4M)s estabilsbed fur tbe reoeptloa of cliildre'n under six years of age. Mile. Ilfklri last year received the ribbon -l of the Legi.rn of Honor for splendid con.- duct duriog the war, ... t ,','., . Nellie, th daughter af ex Governor rTubbarl, of Connecticut, wb elope. ' aud married bee father's coachmen, bs rrParned the dreasmaklng business, and ija$ieg tiapptty with her hosbaod. lier father tells ber tbat aUe will tie re- tea sad &.tewlam:?MiiSUE3rS&! iev rierb uaban.ir .,'--. z - r--w"r'- i1- 1 2U- Tlie 'Vomsn's Bill" baving failed to become a law for lack of tbe Governor' signature, .the women r.f Utah still deem . It proper" return tKelr thanka to tba merntiera of tb IWle legislators, wbd e ably advocated tbelr ranee, and ttrrertrgh whose efforts 'T.i Woman' Hill? rJ Uth Houses. . . .. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . The Duehe of Martbroogh leTii In- irtfatlahi works. Tlie Immense , rcjrnrjdence from Inuomerabl applirll. eante for iM from tbe Irish relief fund ' P" tleroi.gtt br ewa hands, aad she wntee most of tba answers herself. Mrs. General Orant eaya tb happiest period In bee life waa whew aha lived I fislena, III., In a Small krlek house -and fisd ana eervsnt.- And' aba adds: x It waa lb x-FreldeH' 'bappleev ' ttaiaj.-'. " ; ' . ". ; '. ...... V. ft V - - A: .t