The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, March 25, 1880, Image 1

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A Journal lor the Teople.
Devoted to the Interests or Humanity.
Independent In Polities and Religion.
Alive to all Live Issues, and Thoroughly
Itadteal In Ocposlng and Exposing the
Wenes of tne Masses.
OKFICB 09K.FontJ:'Washi.'cotok"!tect
On yar
Sir months
Three month
I aw
Correspondent writing over assumed aleut.-
iares most make known their names to the
Editor, or no attention will be given to then
1VP Jl 1 ir . Hi 1 I i If I 1 H 1 I IK IH 1
author or "jonmc un," "ai-Lit Down,"
"rAer,rAi and fasct,"
19C, ETC. XTC.
Stared. ace4ia to Act sfConcrefa. In tbe
7fBB, tttm sQler of th Librarian of Crm
gm at WatblastM, TJl CJ
The first man in America, or, for ought
I know, In the world, who practically
recognized the inalienable right of a
married woman to tbe personal owner
ship of such real estate as she would ac
quire through her own exertions after
marriage, wae Oregon's flrat Territorial
representative in Congress, the Isle la
mented Samuel R. Thurston. Trior to
the passage of the Congressional Aet
known to Oregouiaus as the Donation
Laud Law, which guaranteed a baud
some land grant to every settler within
the Oregon borders who should avail j
himself or herself of its prerogatives!
within a given period, uo woman, un
less uumarried or a widow, had over
been respected In her property rights as
a femme sole, those wives who had
been so fortunate as to possess property,
' real or personal, having oven only suoh
as had received it through gift, devise
or Inheritance. And, even then, nuiess
by special stipulation in tbe bond, the
property thus bequeathed or inherited
became the husband's involuntary
surety, by being jeopardized for his
debts oreoutracts.
Mr. Thurston had come to the Oregon
Territory at an early Jay, ami had wit
nessed tbe formation of Its provisional
government. He bad noted the priva
tions, toils and struggles of the wive of
the pioneers, aud lite great tool was
stirred by their necessities. &, when
the bill entitling erery immigrant to
three hundred and twenty aoroa of vir
gin soil was drafted by himself, he
rightfully considered every pioneer
woman as an integer in the sum of hu
man responsibility, and, as such, as
much entitled as her husband to practi
cal equality be.'ore the law.
John and Tirzah Hardine bad spent
six mouths in weary, monotonous,
apathetic Journeying across the conti
nent in search of the land of the setting
Since the day when her husband had
declared bia determination to force her
to violate her sacred contract with her
-parents, Tirzah Hardine had inwardly
detested him. and never, from that day
forward, it it had not been for the
Gordiau knot that she kuew of no hon
orable way to untie, had she felt that
she could have remained his wife for a
single hour. Aftei the dreadful news of
her father's suicide, and the arbitrary
ruling that had compelled her to ge for
ward on her journey without returning
to her mother, she bad scorned and
loathed the man. I am afraid she
sometimes failed to do him justiee; for
John Hardine had spells of excellent
temper, ami there were times when he
tried bard to reawaken iu her spirit
some show of the old tenderness that
gradually grew to be a far-oil" dream to
Tirxali never quarreled, seldom as
serted her opiniou about auy thing, and
seemed never to consult her own Inter
est auy more then his. She was simply
apathetic Her neighbors (the few she
bad) pitied her husband and censured
her for her unlovable disposition. She
was rarely seen to smile, aud very
rarely (rusted herself to ejteak unices
when dliectly asked a question, and
then the reply wae as terse as it was un
sympathetic. But, good reader, tray excuse me. I
was going to tell you about the Har
dine' donation lam! claim, ami came
near forgetting my subject.
Imagine any one of a hundred beauti
ful rolling prairies In the Willamette
Valley, each so much like all tbe rest
that it Is only by improvements aud lo
cality that the tourist is euabled to tell
one from another. Imagine that you
behold a graceful, undulating, fertile
vale, overrun with grass and fern, and
hedged about with stately forests of
evergreen, tbe beautiful foliage forming
a fringe at the forests' feet. Note the
laughing stream that cuts the vale in
half, Its outline marked by deoiduous
trees that, iu the early Springtime to
which I now introduce you, are unfold
ing their leaves in response to the kisses
of tbe sunshine and the carols of the
birds. Flowers in manifold variety are
already peeping from amidst tbe tangled
eeed-stalks of the last year's uneiit crop
of grass. Sometimes a graceful deer
ventures from the oopae ou the brook's
margin aud advances cautiously toward
the cattle that graze amid the bounties
of tbe plain. Yonder, not far from an
oak-crowned foothill, beyond which yu
can see a stately mountain chain capied
by perpetual snow peaks, sits a rude lug
cabin, hard by a gurgling f-priuglet that
escapes in glee from its rock-bound en
vironment aud goes forth singing toward
the vale, only to he arrested In Its course
by a rude contrivance that turns itsfl'iw
toward a lakelet, on the border of which
a little dairy has t een built, upon the
yet undeveloiied proceeds of which Tir
zah Hardine Is making many calcula
tions for the future. Kot that she cares
. .. r i . 1 1.
she cares to accumulate wealth for her'
own uses ; she Is far too iudifferent In
subllnary things for that. Bat there is
a lingering longing away down in bee
heart for tier bereft mother's eMnpan
ionshlp, an insatiate desire to yet fulfill
her part of the most solemn and earnest
eontraet of her life. It is this, alone,
that nerves her to .effort this, alone.
that prevents her from committing? sul
As immigrants the husband ami wife
had arrived upon the ground in the Au
tumn, and had, with the assistance of
neighbors, (if those frieuds might be
called neighbors who had taken claims
a number of miles away, and who regu
larly exchanged work with John Har
dine), erected a cabin and other neces
sary accommodations for tbe most prim
itive jmssible mode of life. After this
duly was accomplished, John began at
onoe to evince. ids father's skill iu ac
cumulating lands. Tirsab, who had ex
amined the Donation Law, and witli
womauly insight had noted Ita possible
advantages to herself, begged hard for
the houee, fences aud other rude I in
provements to be put upon ber own half
of the mile-square claim tbey had
jointly taken. But John, equally clever,
and far more advantageously situated
through law and custom, decreed other
whte, and she was Mwer!eas.
"I'il have nobody throwiug It np to
me that I live with my wife 1" said
"Suppose I should vow that I'd have
nobody saying that I live with my hus
band 1" retorted Tirzah.
Tbe eases are altogether different,"
answered John.
"Ouly iu your imagination," said
"The world's wide, and If yon don't
wuut to live with me, and don't like my
way of doing, you're at liberty to better
yoor condition any day you sse fit, Mrs.
Tirzah never tried to argue with John
when lie came down upon ber witli that
emphatic name. It was always as
though the iron collar were suddeuly
tightened about htr ueck the collar
that s-he could not get rid of ; aud yet
ahe constantly straggled to ktep the
fact of its existence out of her mlud.
She knew, and so did ber husbaud,
that live proffered liberty to better her
condition auy day she liked was only au
empty boast. Ami so she retreated
more and more within herself, and weut
on devising different schemes for mak
ing mooey, all of which proved futile
till the dairy project was broached ; and
John, liking the idea, assisted in her
plans, and grew gracious toward her In
proportion as her financial advantages
became apparent.
Their stock of tntleh cows was limited.
but the Spanish cattle, as wild as buffa-1
loea, and almost as dangerooe to handle.
were plenty In the adjoining locality
where a community of the old Hudson
Bay Company's men were living with
Indian wives; and John, who was an
adept at "swapping," toon obtained
quite a number of cows, whioh be man
aged to subdue into comparative trac la
bility." He bad already managed, though it
was yet quite early In tbe season, to
plant a considerable crop of cereals ami
vegetables, aud in other ways had got
ten beforeiiand with his work ; and Tir
zah congratulated hen-elf upon having a
husband who could get on Iu tile world
In his business, even If all the other re
deeming qualities whlcii she had prior
to her marriage imagined him to pos
sess were nauting.
The improvements had gone on at a
lively rate, aud Tirzah almost forgot to
be unhappy, so absorbed was she in her
work and so certain of favorable results,
when John came Into the lioose one
day bearing a letter, which some neigh
bor in passing had brought for him from
the distant post office.
A letter In those days was an nnosual
visitor in an Oregon home", ami Tirzah's
heart leaped with commingled joy and
dread a she watched iter husband while
he deliberately broke the seal ami stud
ied hard over its conteuls.
"Maybe I can help you to decipher It,
Jon n," she said, expectantly.
But John evidently did not think so.
He folded It caretully and mt It In his
pocket, ami went oil as though goiuc
about his work, whistling as be went.
"I know It was from home, for it had
the Cbiuespin post mark," aaid Tirxah
to herself. "And It wait mean ami
cruel In him not to let me know all
about It. But I'll And out; see If I
John Hardine torned s oerner of the
house as soon as he was out of the way
of his wife, ami sought the dairy, which
he entered, and sat down with his back
agalubt tbe door.
"Tau my sklu if I want any woman
to kuow too uinch about my aflalrs I"
lie muttered. "The monarch was al
ways close-moothed, and he got along,"
he oontiuued, as he made another at
tempt to master the cramped, irregular
hieroglyphics which lie had recognized
at once as the chirograpby rf the junior
Hard pan.
John Hardine ought to have known
that be was not possssoed of sufficient
acumen to outwit his wife In that way.
But be did not know it, and was not
sufficiently on the alert to wa'cii and
see If he were followed.
But Tirzah did fellow. She was as
nimble as a cat, and John's treatment of
her had made her both cuunjug aud sly.
He had uot more than, comfortably
seated himself before ehe was upon his
very beeta, and the seam in the battered
door of tilts dairy having shrank with
the first days of suusbiue. left a erevloe
through which she looked with ease,
and read the letter with breathless in
terest. "Your old monarch's richer than
cream cheese," wrote the deputy post
master, "and everybody knows It. The
lugletons are a hard lot. The old wom
an Washes by the day, and takes her
pay in Old Cloes and spoiled Bacon and
Sops. She don't seem to care for noth
ing, but I reckon none of them'll starve.
It was dooeed lucky that you dldu't
marry the lloie ioi as your wue ex
pected. A feller don't .stand no show
when he's hampered by pore relations.
Now for Biz. The Hard lues, bag ami
baggage, are going to start to Oregon in
one month. The old Man ain't good on
the pan-rile, aud so he gets me to say an
for Him. He says he's bonod to have
some moar Land. It's enrius they dou'l
hear nothing of John Iugleton. A
feller ain't jttetifyed in throwing off on
his people like that. list then I reckon
he don't know the old man'ri ded. The
Old woman ttik on powerful at fust, but
your sister 'Llze, she kinder consoled
her aud helped 'em through the Winter.
'Lize swears she'd stay with them only
she can't leave her own mother. 81
has married Joe Itldgeway and took up
with Ibe Widderaod made tbe monarch
awful mad. He got a Mortgage on ber
place, iHit Sal tnrned to aud helped re
deem it. There's no outwitttu' wimmin.
I hope yon r n la under good controal,
cause they're mighty pore stock to
Winter over If they ain't."
Tirxah could read the letter much
more rapidly than her husband, and as
soon v the last word was devoured, she
hurriedly retraced her steps, and, enter
ing tbe cabin, thiew herself upon the
bed and prayed earnestly for the power
lo die.
When John returned in the evening
to his snpper, he foand her with red
eyes and her face swollen with weeping.
But her work wa well done, the meal
of venison steaks, potatoes, butter aud
biscuit was savory, and tbe tea was fra- i and nalatabla. The mllklno.. m.,
had been promptly finished, and the1
night's wood brought in, far a heavy I5a' "" thau ever determined 1
raiuwas threatening, and Tirsab loved'"" Israel Sappinglon should be hie
peace loo well to leave anything uu lone nclslibor.
which she thought would offer aa ex
cuse to John to crumble. It did not
once occur to iter that it was duty to
spare her strength for a far more Im
portant use than that of unrequited i
servitude. Possibly, iu ber then stale I
of mind, she would not have obeyed the i
voice of duty if ahe hail heard its pit a!-!
ing. She did not care to live, ant 1
would have worked herself to death at
auy lima had it beeu possible.
John did not once ailode to tbe letter
during the meal. He was silent aud
preoccupied. He was glad lo kuow hia
itarenis were intending lo join him
! but, as be bad been determined not to
be annoyed by Tirzah's family, he Wt
1 . , , . ,
ashamed to inform ber that bis own j
would be upon them in the Fall. He!
was glad Tirxah did not ssk any ques-'
lions, as explanations would have beeu
When night came, a stranger craved
their humble hospitality, and received
it. In answer to his queries in reference
to vacant claim in the neighborhood,
John emphatically decIarH there ere 1
none. Tirxah knew this to be u,arup.
and, to cover her indign
h wish that her ow
era aud sisters eould
tbey might once more be a unite.! fam
ily. Her mother could then have a
hope of securing a home for ber iltcJin- I
iuerdavs. she said. 1
u mother and Lrolh- bus! an.l's dn'y to the digressed. ForlMra r ,,, , ,. ,!,..t
But John answered never a worJ, und I"""'- " of memory, which gives
, . , , ' 1 needless pain lo his frieuds. He is au
tbe stranger looked on in silence. I d maaii most of us will be when we
Tirxah eould not help exclaiming', at reach sereuty-seveu awl has that iu
Iast, as she turned toward her husband ! "onvetilent Infirmity of age an inabili-
with a look of ineffable scorn : i 'Ll''!' nTu m,V ?U'J
... .... , , remember. But he still remembers
"I wish It were possible for me to tell ,, th,n mot roMli nIHl what comes
now ardently 1 lostne Die very thought :
of the Hard lues !
The two men took a long walk before
retiring, and John Hardine was i.toked
upon by his visitor before their walk
was euded as a sort of persecuted angel.
"I tell you, Mr. Sappington," said
John, with emphasis, "I don't know
what to do with ray woman I I mar
ried her with a view of happiness aud
domestic comfort, but ber temper tries
me almost to desperation."
"You bear It well, Mr. Hardine."
"Yes, reasonably well ; but my life is
a burden. You can't tell much about a
woman till you marry her. I would
have sworn, one hour before she became
my wife, that she had an angelic dispo
sition. But It wasn't two days till I
discover oil my mistake. Have you ai
family, sir?" j
"Yes; a wife and one child." j
"I hope your lot has been u happy
one, Mr. Sappington." ,
"Yes, reasonably eo, all t! con-
aidered. My nife isn't perfect, by auy !
means; hut she wouldn't dare to flare
up ami talk to me as your wife did t
you. I'd slap her over fur it, iu Uju'-Io
quick." j
"Before folks?"
"No; uot exactly be-fore fo'Li
I'd wall till I had ber alone." 1
The trouble with my wif Js, that
she never says anythli.g ug'y ::, m,
when we are aloue. Our troui:!e6lsyn
ovies up when somebody's by." j
"But you're always left alone after a ;
while, you know." b
"I know; wit somehow, hang It! I
, can't describe III Bet she has a way
ef staring at ime when we're alone
that makes roe shudder to think of re
calling any unpleasant theme."
"My advice would be to get the upper
band and keep IU"
"I have got the upper ham!. She
tried to get me to bring her wlmle fam
ily of relatione over the plains; but I
soon taught ber that that wouldu't wjn,
and now she's got her bead set for mak
ing money, Intending bftond It to them
uubeknown to me. I nan see it iu her
eye. It does seem bard thai you eau'l
trust your woman."
When the men returned to the cabin.
Tirxah, who had improved their" ab
seuce to disrobe ami retire, was lying
with her faee to tbe wall and her eyes
closed, feijruiug sleep.
"She's fixed you a sort of shake down
on the settle, Mr. Bapplngton. It
mayn't be a Fifth Avenue bed, but it's
tbe nest she'll do for you. ami I hone
you'll lie ubln lo endure tbe nlgbt."
By morning John Hardine had unac
countably changed his mind about his
prospective neighbor, and had con
cluded to direct him lo different' corner
slakes, aud otherwise assist him iu lo
cating his claim. Tirxah begged her
husbaud uot to encourage him to re
main iu their vicinity, but Iter pleadings
only made him tbe more determined.
"I'll show her that I'm the boss!" be
said to his tiew friend.
"No good'il come of his settling near
us, Joint, I see that," said Tirxah, when
the gueet was out of hearing.
"What's the trouble nowT"-aakid
" You're making a tarnel'sigbt of foes
over nothing. But it's j jst Uke a wom
an to have no reason iu her about any-
'"Then, if it's w 041 mi's nature, she
CAu't help it, J.diu. Last ulght I bad
an awful dream."
"Stuff uiiil imi:ju!.iu !'
"Call it uhut you please.
Bat I eo- !
treat you not to let them come very '
" 1 e. I had such a terrible I
dresm, ami it wa all about yuu aud
hi tcie"
Jo'"" Hardine laughed uproariously. 1
"I'll conquer Tirxah's disposition If I
die a-try ing!" be mentally exclaimed.
I "A man baa got to be the bead of bis
I owu family !' '
ITo be eonUnuu-Ll j
Tue Influence of Ladies A. con
tributor lo an English journal says :
Tiie societies whieh have ladies at 1
the table during dinner secure u better j
attendance at their
leall vats. Wny,
tlieti, do uot all the charities adopt this
most delightful of modem Innovations?
Well, I ltoj I may"be inbdnformed, but
I am told that when lovers and hus
bands sigu subscription lints and draw
checks under tbe erew of their fair
sweethearts mid wiveM, tbe total of the
wewunuer tionauens ' .
very much smaller than It is uuder other
circumstance. A gentleman says,
"I shall give 10 "
But a delicate vtdc whispers
Don't you tliiuk. tlear. 0 would do?
There are so many claims ou yuu !"
"I shall sign for 5."
Really, dear, if you say 3 It will be
quite sufficient. You have already paid
inn guineas for the dinner tickets.
A good saying that la of Paler.
"Ready money is a great check ou tile '
lunation." The "secretaries of oer-I
Uin charitable .societies allege that the
j ai'gelic portion of tbe creation.
ersox's Old Age -Paragraphs
nd then appearabout Ra ph aldo
to his miud Is always worth remember.
init which is uot the cam with most
men. He lectures at Concord this
week giving what will be Ills hun
dredth lecture befure the Lyceum of that
town. His health is firm. Ills spirit
cheerful and serene, as in earlier years,
but he sees fewer visitors and finds hie
days more precious, as they grow fewer.
He writes little, reads much and is re
vising those papers whieh he will nyver
publish, but which will yet appear in
priut some day. His life is no Lmger a
public one In auy sense, and lliote -.tho
love him should respect his privacy,
and allow one who has served his age
so faithfully to withdraw from it as
gently as he came before it.
"Nothing la here for tear, nothing- ut watt
or knock Ui breast ; no treakn, no eon
lempt, Pl'pnis or blame ; nothing bat well and fair
Ami what Is boat and bappiatyet,all tills
W OimI un parted Irora rama (eared,
I!Ui Urorluj and anslsumc to the end "
Springfield Republican.
- Rhe'a aa lovely aa an angeL
And ber ere are tBat of blue
Thcv seem like brightest natcbes cat
From Heaven's limold blue.
Mi,- Mrnmpikraa and adorable,
And always Kind appears;
But. when abe tries lo sing. I alt
Willi puny In my ears.
I. e.-1 put together considerably like
a set of harness. There are traeea of
care, lines of trouble, bits of good for
tune, bleaches of good manners, bri
dled tongues, ami everybody has to tug
to pull through.
King Humbert of Italy is fond of
ftrniii.i;. He likes to eit on the fence
a'.J sec others do tbe work.
I Juvenile reasoning I know, papa,
j why camels have sueh big bunches on
I their backs. It's so they'll be camels.
laliuii, expioa("l ' Hr au obstructive to prodisal ideas of a 1 tit w!ml il.r.a .n.l .il!,i.
lr .Ul'l III U Wllu (a ,.n r. nn..rii ":iril ew.lli nV'TllA n UlnMH 1 .ii .!..
come to Oreaon to ' 'uysir, I believe this to b a fallacy;!, . u , , .
iwo fc vnc'iii, ru - .,.. ' lief kliotrlfNl - nr mnur i.l .(.Mm.
. iuu, DiurenTur, a naae reuecuou on me a - -t
Washington, D. C March 6, I860.
To tus Kotroaur TBS Naw Nobthwv,t:
The new rules of- the House are un
doubtedly open to fair and Independent
criticism, notwithstanding the many
Improvements made in pruning them
of obsolete ami useless provisions. No
appropriation of public moneys should
be permitted save upon a yea and nay
vote, ami uo appropriation bill should
contain general legislation on any pre
text whatever tbe specified permission
of retrenching esHiuditares ie a speciona
one which will permit easy ovaslon. In
other, though minor respects, too much
latitude is given for depletion of the
Treasury by designing persons,, ami I
predict that tbe most pernicious legis
latlon of the future will, as iu the past,
be ruohid through Congress by means
of the loop-holes afforded by the lack of
the safeguards above.
Senator Raudolpb opened up the ball
on the Fitx John Porter ease in the
Situate with au able aud ineenious
cfeuse. Senator Logan's rejoinder
occupied several days. This discus
sion was not upon the House bill, whieh
proposed Aidou and reinstatement aud
back ly to the amount of $73,000, but
upon a substitute oilered by Senator
Kuidolph, which ottered pardon with
reinstatement on the retired list. The
cae is laid over for the present session.
Editor New Northwest.
Trie xusion question is becoming a
most serious one to Congress, and how
to best dispose of it ierplexea the minds
of no f.'W of the so Ions. Mr. Coffroth
has introduced into the House a bill
providiug for the establishment of a
Pension Court, to which shall be referred
the many cases rejected by the Pension
Office. This Is a most judicious and
commendable measure. The Pension
Office ca:iDot, in the nature of things,
be otherwise than technical ; hence the
need of another tribunal empowered to
rll!e "P011 tne eqaUie of a ease. Con-
rrS ' " v"w ol lne immense national
"ual,UM erore it, Is certainly not the
n! ,ce he" adjudicate upon such
nr" a rtjecteit pension cases,
ioC8 u u elearly within tbe province of
a" or,,in'"y Court or Board of Judges to
I""'"" BOeh and it is lo he hoped
Mr- bl11 "" become a law.
uiiers win tnen nave a proper court
" rrel. instead of the present most
""l'fcry course of procedure.
Til ci"i' of the northeastern por-
ti"11 ct Ibe city are Intensely excited
over a brnfal and murderous assault
and r:iK? committed recently on a young
woman by a negro. Within the last
thrie years, several similar outrages
have been committed In this locality,
aud uaturallv its citizens are nraniwl to
a fever heat, and are demanding in
creased protection. Senator Harris has
taken one step in that direction by in
trodui'iiig a bill making rape punishable
with death. The supjiosed perpetrator
iu this case has beeu arrested, and is
strongly guarded to prevent his Uein-r
j lynoliel The evidence against him Is
circumstantial, but almost conclusive.
O-ir Courts present us with a inot
singular incident. A Miss Jessie Ray
mond filed a bill by her attorney, Mrs.
Lock wood, against Senator Hill, charg
ing mm with ber seduction in Atlanta,
G.i . i U XoVPItlhpr 1R77 nrwl M-lll, timlner
ii. r,i.r r her vn... ,.hiu 11... ,1
r ' , , V
V P-pers contained a
further, that site never made oath to it.
Tliereupnu Mr. Ltckwood appears In a
to lne mMnTT ,m, ettpBprls Ler
... ' ,er
a-v m witsi me luuicmiliiuia f M UUI3,
The notary certifies that Miss Raymond
did Uke the oath. Mrs. Lick wood is
oue of the mast itersistent and pertina
cious attorneys of our bar, and now that
her profes-douM conduct is impugned,
.Senator Hill will find himself in hot
water before he lias done Ith tier, and
will undoubtedly have cause to regret
tills feature, at least, of the fight. Such
a direct charge might do when made
ai; .-1. 1st Htmpson Brass, but not against
Mrs. Lick wood, and this unsavory
chapttr of scandal will be rehashed in
i.:i!y bearings before It is euded, now
that si.r is on her mettle.
The tilai of the Hirth murderers ter
minated with a verdict of guilty; but,
as hauglug Is "played out" here," of
eonise they will luxuriate a year or two
in tbe penitentiary preparatory to a reConference has shut down on the you..
..,. , , , . brethren who smoke and chew.
turn to former haunts aud vlees. An
other usgro murderer, Stone, under sen
tence of death for killing his wife and
cutting the throat of her sister, has beeu
given a respite of thirty days, and
doubtless he loo will root be snugly
eo sconced at Hiug BIng.
Boh Pkdro.
Au old lady, after a long Iif of ob
servation, remaiks that "she has al
ways noticed that in the Summer time,
when it Is not nestled, the sun Is always
hot as an oven, while in the Winter,
when tbe warm sun would be verv
agreeablt., It Is as oold as an ice-house.''
'Yon gorgeously attired dame is the
Duchess of trhul?" asked a Yankee
spectator at a royal reception at Buck
ingham Palace. "She bisu't n Duchess
hat all," said the gold stick in waiting ;
"but I 'ear as 'ow she be tbe wtfa of hm
namerioan plumber."
A bride may wear a very plainly-made
dress at ber wedding, but she wants to
hive It pulled iu the papers.
New York, Ma rob 4, 1880.
rTui Eorroa orTHK New Nokthwimt:
M. de Leeaepe staled yesterday after
noon, that there wits no secret under
standing betweeu England, France and
Oermsuy In relation lo the projected
Panama canal. Even the idea of sueh
a thing was loo absurd to think about
His mission there was to make kuown
what bad already been done. He had
nntblugtohide In regard totbeseheme;
everything Hi relation to It was open,
lie did not seek Government pr legisla
live aid, and would not go' before Con
gress. Referring to the Monroe doc
trlue, M. de Lesseps said nobody must
try to combat it, for in It lies the safety
of the American people. He Intended
to make arrangements 'for a syndicate
to sell bonds In the United States, as
there are no popular subscriptions here,
lie Intended to offer over one-half of
the subscriptions in America. There
would not be over $12,800,000 in bonds
issued. He also proposed, at a cost of
100,000,000 francs, to build a bridge dam
the valleys of tho Chsg'res aud Itio
Unless the reports are altogether un
reliable, the balance of trade is again
going against this country. The figures
at the Treasury show that the imports
at New York for January it ere greater
than ever before iu tbe same month for
any year, and, taking this as a basis, It
estimated that the imnorta at' all
ports for the month exceeded tiie exports
by ten milllon-j, and the ofilciais are of
tbe opinion that this will rather be in
creased thau diminished. Oue explana
tion of this undoubtedlv is that ntir
jieople, feeling encouraged by the return
of prosperity, are buying more liberally
thau In recent year- aud running Into
much of the extravagance which char
acterised tbe period succeeding the war.
nu compromise has yet been made
between Hermann, the furniture manu
facturer, and ids 500 striking employes.
Mr. Hermann ha factories In Indianap
olis and Evansvllle, Ind., Booueville,
Mo., Nashville, Tenn., P-tdueah, Ky.,
Bock Chapel, Ind., and New York, and
employs 1,51 men. He has ordered all
the factories closed, but thinks he may
opan them on the 29:h iustant, If busi
ness is brisk. The strike of tho piano
makers continues, iifui there is poor
prospect of its termination. A general
strike of tbe dasterers in this city is
expected in a few days. There are 300
of them already out. The bricklayers,
masons, stone-cutters, painters, iron
workers and carpenters in fact, all
mechanics are dissatisfied with their
present wages aud Intend to better their
condition if they ean.
Among tbe indications of a revival iu
buainete is the present large custom of
the hotels of this city which are fre
quented by business men. The opening
or the Hpriug trade Is drawing mer
chants here from all parts of the coun
try. All tbe leadiug hotels report the
presence of a large number of guests,
who speak of the condition of trade as
being very active.
Tbe interesting report that Mr. Sam
uel J. Tildea was about to plunge iuto
the perils of matrimony has been sol
emnly contradicted; but there is uo
reason why Ids advanced years should
be regarded as an obstacle to his mar
riage. Two old gentlemen almost as
famous as he, and not mueh younger,
have quite recently gaily entered wed
lock. The Biohop of Manchester not
long ago look a brhle lo preside over
Bishop's Court; and Sir Julius Bene
dict, the orchestra leader, wai wedded
but a few mouths ago. Middle-aged
people will remember him iu this city
in 1850, when lie was hi the train of
Jenny LI ml as accompanist at her con
Washington's birthday was not cele
brated by any military display of espe
cial gorgeouDiiets. One or two reel-
incuts marched and counter-marched iu
the streets, making the tour of Wash
ington's statue in Union Square to pay
their obeisance to the Father of his
Con u try. In the evening, however, the
Ninth Regiment gave a reception at the
Madison Square Garden. The presenta
tion of a stand of colors was the occa
sion of the opening ceremonial. Dnnc-
ing of a healthful aud genuine nature
was tbe final amusement of the veiling.
The Western Metbo.list
Kpisoop.t? J
recent resolution unanimously adopted
provides: First, that Uerearter uo
youug man using tobacco in any form,
coming as a candidate for the ministry,
shall be received into this conference ;
Hecond, that those members of this con
ference already addicted to the use of
tobacco are exhorted to desist from It in
public and when in the company of per
sons who do not use it ; third, that all
cireulls and mieslons are advised not to
send delegates to this conference here
after who are users of tobacco; fourth,
that no local preacher who uses tobacco
will tie ordained an elder."
Behold, if all should bespoken against
thee that eould he most maliciously in
vented, what would it hurt thee if thnn
mi tiered U It to pass entirely away, and
aiauoii no inuiB recKoningOI 11 than of
a mote? could it pluck so much as one
hair from thy head ? Thomas a KempU.
Youth often discovers niialitioa u.i.ini.
give to It great lustre, aud prognosticate
a shining fortune, but, unless tempered
.u v,,u Kc Kim uiscreuoti, are tiie fore
rnnneta of the crreatmt mtnmiiia,
Y7?iir n,T dwelling a you paas It by:
1 do not ) n.tne In; ' .
I entertain therein.
Mttrta??oVn,.,tbin "
A&fed?w at KlSL1'" ab,M,n:
YMski ur1b,rw' ,,teih(
An that, because oblivion la my dnas
I might as well be dead.
Yet are yon cars the riches are not ortee.
The property yoor own? f
In be not rich who and hia lot dlvme.
In bovel or on throa t
Ti.T7. 1. . !ch '"7 ody moves;
JLS!a vrf law "at lies
Free to tbe soal that lotos. - -. - -
& -
""i.0 m,oe ,n wn'eb I hourly take
My Mrgeneaa of delight?
Afjaet all things created for bts sake
N ho reads their meaning right T
I it not mine, this landscape I behold?
Mine to enjoy and ue
For alt life's noblest naes, thooeh no sold
lias made it mine to lose?
Justice to Kan.
We were readiuz the Homo, mv ital-
and I, when we came to something that
stopped our reading and set us to talk
ing, ami iimt something was ns follows:
"Tho snares that beset the stens of
any woman leaving the shelter of homo
to seek a livelihood, are kuown ouly to
women of her class. Those only know
who have had to join the army of bread
winners aud from such temnatlnna n
these there Is no protection or safeguard.
They cannot look to men for this nro-
tection, for it is from them that the dan
ger comes, nor to a woman of her owu
class, for they are in tbe same danger,
and subject to the same extremities.
Society as It Is,
Hera uo protection to the simrio work.
ng woman, but stands ever remtv fr
cast the first stone."
Well, what do vou think nf l wi T
asked, after we had looked at each other
for a moment or two, as It were our
habit when we would know each other's
I think no. no." she
My life has taught me uo such letsou."
"Nor has mine, me," echoed I.
Later, our talk was finished hv ber
"ISow, Miriam. I want vou to wrlf
to them all the kiuduess of everybody
to us. People are so In tbe habit of
slandering human nature that they never
top 10 tutus now good it really Is.
: always wonder when I hear iwnnl
.ai, uuuui, una wiu auu eruei, mis sel
fish aud unfeeling world, if Indeed tbey
can mean the world I live in and find so
very differeul."
I always obey this sister of mine, so,
because she said write, I am writing. I
am a school teacher aud she is a tele
graph operator and station agent.
Right here I may as well say that the
position was taken from a man by a
man. and given to her at the same
wages tbe man received. That isn't so
bad, now, is it?
At an age when most of our girl
friends had not a care or a duty beyond
getting a lesson, or the "good times" of
,tl. n V.... H.l 1.1 I .. -
eany youtu, tne problem or life was
thrust upon us in its hard practical
shai, aud we became bread-winners.
It has beeu very hard, very wearisome
at times, as all genuine work must
needs be; but helplug hands have beeu
outstretched alt along tbe way, and
even when the hour has seemed dur'rest
and we have felt most alone, some un
expected kindness has come and rebuked
us for our "iittlo faith." It was but a
few days ago that I asked why is every
body so good to us.
"Ob," was tbe reply, "most every
body has some oue to depend ou, and
so we must all take care of you," and
troth they do.
"They cannot look to men for protec
tion, for it is from them the danger
comes," and yet so rauoh of our most
needed encouragement, our truest
friendship, ami most substantial aid
comes Irora this same dangerous man,
until we have learned to trust him as
we do his sister woman. Work does
not sober us down. We like good
times really merry, jolly good times,
as well as ever, aud we have them too.
We do many foolish things, aud doubt
lees many imprudent thing, but socie
ty, so far from standing ready lo castthe
first stone, has welcomed us as heartily
as though the dust of toil was not up
on us, has ma le allowance for all our
thoughtlessness, aud cared for us ten
derly aud lovingly. Iu all our wander
ings, and they have uot been few, it has
been ever the same, and I want to lift
loud my voice in earnest defense of the
world and the people who live in it.
Miriam, in American Home.
A former President of a Hew York
college, alter getting a seat in a horse
car, noticed one of the Freshmen of bis
college, curled up In front of him, and
exhibiting obvious signs of vinous ex
hilaration. A c!oe Inspection revealed
the fact that the state of Inebriety was
uot hastily put on (like a hat), but bad
beeu woru closely (like an undershirt)
for several days. For a few moments
the President surveyed the undergradu
ate with an expression of mingled com
miseration and disgust, and finally he
exclaimed, "Been on a drunk!" The
half-conscious student rallied hia strav
Attn, and. with a r!pam nf nnil.fllr.w.-
!.-,,, i,. hi,, eye, somewhat unexpectedly
ecu.ted, "Ss pile) have I "
The late John Blackwood corresponded
wiih George Eliot sometime before he
knew that she was a woman. He called
her "Dear George," he says, "and often
used expressions which a man com
mouly usee ouly to a man." After be
found out who "Dear George" was, he
was naturally a little anxious to recall
what he might have written to her.
It is all very well for a man to boast
of his family aud hold himself aloof be
cause his grandfather was up In the
world, but it Is better to be reasonably
modest about it, because some one may
possibly remember that it was a rope
which held him up.
Tiie lady who did not think It re
spectable to bring her children up to
work, bus lately heard from ber sons.
One of them Is a bur-keeper on a flat
boat, aud the other is steward or a
When bad men oombiiie, tho good
must associate; else they will full, oue
by one, an uupitied sacrifice, in a con
temptible struggle. Burke.