-.MARCH 11, 1880. OVEKCOUl.NG. BT ADELAIDE STOUT. "There are those who linvr stein awl vnn quisbed gtstiU, and, law doing, have won the strengin ot we ceuquereu 10 tBetaeeives." Only thread lace, white and dainty As the treeery of tbe frost. Only whits, snowy kerchief O'er tbe quiet bosom eroaved ; These were all the lieltn or buckler That the saintly woman wore. Who had looked on giant, face to face. And slain them at her dour; She had won the strength of each. Wen the skill and erase to teach. Others hands to dare to grapple With Ute giants that uprise. With boM front and cord-like sinews. Before the timid, dreamy eyes. Hers It was to watch the wrestler's White arms crow more firm each day: Corded thro' with stronger sinew Were tbe hands that toon should slay "Olanls" at the very sill Shadowy outlined ones that All, With a vscue terror, Umid souls Or the well defined that stand. With a visage grim and frowning. And with sinewed, lifted hand. Mauj ugut loose siieni names; l'hey could tell yon, if they would. 'fwas a woman wh bo lusplred Heartstiiat dauntlaaal v wlthstAnd. With the shield of fervent prayer. Many forms of grim despair. A BUST DAY. BY ELLA WHBELKB. How Ured one grows of a rainy day. For a rainy day brings back so much ; uia a reams revive mat ant bailed away, Aad the past eomes back to the sight and louen. When the night is short and the dav la long. And tbe rain falls down with ceaseless brat. n e lire 01 our tltougnu, as we me 01 a song That over and over Is played In the street. When I woke this morning, and heard the splash Of the lain -drops over tbe tall elms' leaves, I was carried back. In a llgbtulng flash. To the dear old home, with the sloping eaves. And you and I, In the garret hick. Were nlavlnearain at bt tig-and ssek: And bright was the light of J oar laughing eye, And again I was nestled In my white bed Under the eaves, and hearing above While I dreamed sweet dreams of you, my 1UIC Love, my lover, with eyes of train O beau LI f II I love of tbe Vfllalshml ,mik There Is no other love like tbe love of joulh x bj v utw uiiu over witn lean. Wealth and honor and fame ma- They cannot renlaee what 1 ufcm war Thare Is no other borne like the childhood's mflH No other love like the love of Mar. There Cometh an boar when the sad heait Win a lonely wall, like a lost child cry, for the trundle-bed and tbe sloping eaves. Whan with . a t . ' - wuioMMiu oafaeieiv pain, hunger and thirst for a voice and touch ' caiwi uni i Know again Uht rainy day brings back no much. Marriage. The foundation of every Rood government is the family. The best ami the moet prosperous couutry la that which has the greatest number of .happy fireside. Tbe holiest institu tion among men is marriage. It has taken the race of countless ages to come up to the condition of marriage. With out It there would be uo civilization, no human advancement, no life worth liv ing. Life is a failure to any woman who has not seeurrd the love and adora tion jof some grand and nragulflcent man. TJftt in ft mnnbnrv td o,m r.. i. no matter whether Iim 1 man.liflant uiouarob, who has not won the heart of buihb wormy woman, without love and marriage, all the priceless joys of this life would be as ashes on the Ill's of the children of men. "You had better ue me emperor oi one loving and tender heart, niwi aha Him than to be the kiu j; of the world. The man who nas really won the love of one good woman in this world, it matters not thouirh ha He In tht rlltr.li n I his life has beeu a suoeesn." There in a ueauieu booK wlileh says: "ATau Is strength, woman is beauty: man Is courage, woman is love. When the one man loves tbe one woman, and the one woman loves the one man, the very angets leave heaven and comedown and sit In that house uud slue for iov." The IVytioioffUl. Damascus. Damascus has been ruined by the opening of Sues Canal. The overturn trade, both Oriental aud Juro)eati, by caravan with Bagdad and Persian Gulf has been diverted to the water way. Tbe competition of India ami Ctitun, in Milk and seaeame seed through the eanal lias sensibly affected the value of these products; the late dlwsovery of alasarine has rendered val ueless the cultivation of madder for ex port ; and the di verson of large numbers of Moslem pilgrim.-! from all parts of the Bast, wiio had hitherto made Damascus their point of arrival and departure, with mueh profit lo the city, to the sea route by the canal, has contributed iu uo small degree to Its downward prog ress. House rent has declined thirty ami JUly per eent., aud large numbers of empty houses iu every part of the oily imlteate the general decline. The Btreets are filled with beggara, both Moslem aud Christian, and that, too, In a city where eighteen months ago a beggar was a rarity. The more elevated districts of Lebanon, which formerly contributed the principal portion of mendleantsduritig Winter wombs, have this year sent double tbe number to swell the amount of local indigence. The far-famed eye nf the East Is now dull aud lustreless. A Prehistoric Wjsm. ik Maine John Uphatn, of Camden, Me., had oc casion to dig a dl I oil on his farm, sink ing It between oue aud two feet deep. After proceeding some distance he en oountered a rack maple tree, over a foot In diameter, lying between oue and two feet below the surface. Following this up he found It separating iu two branches, oue of which he cut off with an axe. and, removing tbe brunch thus severed, discovered under It a well, all stoned up, about three feet deep ami about tbe same diameter. Contained within this luclosure was a boiling spring of excellent cool water, which has supplied the family since, never be coming dry In Summer, nor freeziug in Winter. The wou-ler Is, when ami by whom v.. i.i won UUK am, how , baa ftM earth wi.,cu WM ,ve ,t be swimming? It WOUid went to be too limited an estimate to calculate by u . few hundreds of years, and i...t too great a stretch of credulity i look back some thousands of years for i otigin. With all of Ingersoll's glowing ac .count about the Union being saved be is mistaken there. The L'ulon Is'uot saved. There Is no union between the North and South ; nothing but a forced submission. The fires are smouldering and ready to burst forth tbe moment tluU tbe South think tbey are strong enough : and tbe next time tbey de mand their liberty, there will be a more bloody war than the last. Hacker. A good old negro was burned to a crisp recently somewhere down in ueorgia. The text of the funeral mldrew, oddly enough, was : "Well done, tbou good and faithful servant." Thursday.. InteUignicsfB Brutes. Tle Dake nf A rwll in i,u iinj.,, r Iw , wm, I think, tbe first who pro mulgated the dlotum that man la the only tool-making animal. As far as I can ascertain, this assertion is admitted oy uevelopmentists, yet It is undoubt edly true that the Indian elephant makes two implemenle, or forms aud alters certain thlnes so as toadattt them opeuiniiy 10 luinu uennlte Hirnoee8, for union, unaltered, they would not be SUIUMIie. One evenincr soon afUtr mv arrival in Kaeteru Anani, aud while the live ele phant were as unual being fed oppueite the Itanealow, I observed a you tig ami lately-caught one step up to a batnbw Uafce feueu and quietly pull one of the slakes up. Placing it under foot, It brake a piece oil with the trunk, aud, after lifting It to its mouth, threw it away, it repeated this twice or turtce, ami then drew another stake, and began again. Seeing that the bamboo was old aud dry, I asked tike reason of this, and was told to wait aud see what it would do. At last it seemed to get a piece that suited, and lioldiutr it iu the trunk firmly, aud stepplug the left fore-leg well for wan), passed the piece of bamboo under the armpit, so to eak, and begati to scratch with some force. Sly surprise reached its climax wbeu I saw a large elephant leech fall on tbe ground, quite iucovs long, auu uiicK as one's no ser, aud which, from its tmaltinn. rtniil.l not easily be detached without this scraper, or scratch, which was dpliimr. ately made by the elephant. I subse quently found that It was aoommoii oc oecureuoe. Leech scrapers are used by every elephant dallv. On another oc casion, when travellugata tiiueofyeir wueii me large uies are so tormenting to an elephant, I noticed that the one 1 roue uau no Ian or whip to best them off with. The mahout, at mtr noLr elackeued nace and uIIowmI lir tn m il the side of the ruad, where lor some moments she moved along rummaging the smaller jungle on the bank; at last she came lo a cluster of small shootM well-branched, and after feeling among them, anil belecliug one, raised her trutiK ami neatly tdripped down tile fetetn, takiug off all the lower limits and leaviog a fine bunch on top. She de liberately stripped it down several times, and then laviuir bold at the lower em! broke oft a beautiful fan orswiUsb about five feet long, handle Included. With this she kept the flies at bay as we went along, llappiug them off on each side every now ami then. Sy what we may, tueeeare ooin really bona Jute Imple ments, each intelligently maile for a def inite purjKHe. S. E. Teal, in Mature. "Dsrllng," said a fond lover lo his sweetheart, on the eve of their marriage, "I feel assured that In takine von from your father's house I am going to place you in oue where you will receive enoal love and sympathy from my mother ami sister, who are eager to welcome you as my wire." They were married. Iu two short weeks she was not on speaking terms with her new relatives. and tbe third week, with tears iu her eyes ana the eloquent blood of indisrna tiou in her cheeks, she exclaimed: "Charley, I'd rather emigrate to China and live on rate than dwell Iu an abode oi luxury Here with your family." A Fkw Old Savings. Impatience dries the blood sooner than age or sor row. If you would create somel'uiug, you mtmt be aomeithlngr Fretting about to-morrow's troubles never drives them ofT. He that too much rrffoes his delicacy will always emlancer his oulot Pain is the spurring of nature that eomes to remind man that he iias gone oft" the track of happiness, and to bring iiiui uoca, again. Tbe way to s(ak and write what shall not go out of fashion Is to speak and write sincerely. A man paasea for ...1. . . I . - I at. W . .. . iui ue ia worm, very line is all cil riOitV nnillMrnlllir nlllr lunnlJ. ..nil mate of us, aud all fear of remaining alone is uni lees so. i ever was a sin cere word utterly lost. Never a magna nimity falls to the ground, but there is some heart to greet and accept it unex pectedly. A Jr. Emeraon. An old farmer out In Indiana says that for his part be don't know where the present rage for trimming bonnets with birds Is golntr to end. Oulv four or five years ago he Imught his daugh ter h hutnmiug bird; next year she wanted a robin, tbe next u uheaaatit. aud this sea Kin he declared he had to chain up his Thanksgiving turkey or she'd have had that pc rolled on top of AORICf L.TCRAL IMPROVEMENTS. r.V'1.. Steward (to tenant farmer) : "Well, niles. wlul ,n v..,, ' . inhere?" Farmer: "Ain't 'xtly made up my mind, sir ; but if we could put in a few stewards and land agents they seem to thrive best ou the laud nowa daya." launch. A little srirl nasal nir ih VV'ki statue lately asked a lady who was with uer ii ivasmiiginu was lnriel there "Nit." said the ladv. "Wl.r- i. buried?" said the little girl. "I don't know," said the ladr. "Then I guewi yon don't read your Bible much," said miie luuoceuce. Aewouryporl Herald. "Y U are mv treasure, after all. ' amid an old reprobate, striving to plaeate his wife after abusing her for an hour or two. "Oh, yes," she sarcastically nn swered, "that's the reason, I suppose, j " wan me ueuu so (Hten, you are Seek ing to lay your treasure tip Iu Heaven." Flesh-meal lias been use8 with very Mtiafaetory results as food for horses. Their appetite and physical condition generally were Improved. When you deprive a hoy of the privj. We of taking off hi oat and ve-a to gether at oue pull, what do you expect Ue bus to live for? Xordenshjold purchased 6,000 volumes In China. I'OIl Till! 5BW XOUTJIWB.ST. T. fallnwln npnnni are ilnlf uthnrf...! act as Agents for tbe New Northwest : IX It. uray Albany ' - - - ivm Mrs. LoUle Ream... Kugene City Mrs n-1 luLuaiui uutrande I. L. Williams HIIIbom Um T .uni IViFfimM l.nrilnn 1 1 1 i Ashby Pearce Benton county js.r nwra- "oquei, ual "Woman's Journal" ...Boston, Mass u. v. rener Khedds,Or Mrs. C 8. FolU San Jose.Cal ir. 3n. warner spotaue rails, W. T Miss Mary Bisbop. Brownsville SJl- U" A- I-oufhary Amity IV T-5l'!!u;: Forest Orove Mrs. K. C. Kullson WICameUe Slough H!?- MJtr.,,r-: - -'-alayette jin-. j. in re juuuson oi-zon City llTiESZ1 Tto. IMIIes vT&Fv-z: .OuTvain Mrl: R Mrs! JW i'.ht"f: -rendleton A-W tonJ5Uon -Eugene City Uti'VLTSi, -....Brownsville itriSav-fir "":5or Other p:,rt!e, rte.lrlng ,o a.-; M Awn please forward their iu -u- ' . " rJ .bout Oregon and POST OFFICES. OltJHJO.T. baerr corarr. Auhani, Angnstn, Baksnr city, Clarksvtlle, frnpsss Kanch. Eldorado. (rem, II amboldt Ro sin, Jsrdan Valley, Kn Valley. Malheur, Stone, Osonor Greet, X&tth Iwder, Honrs, ierrysviiie. BKKTOX. Alsea Valley. Corvallla. Collins. Klnir'i Valley. Liberty. UUle RIk. Newport, Newton. Oneatla, IhllotnaUi, Starrs l"olnl, Summit, Toledo, Yaqulna, Monroe, Tidewater. CUAUKAXIAS. Heaver. Butte Creek. Canny. Clackamas. Clear Creek, Cnttingsville, ltamajcus, Kagle Creek. Ulad Tidings. Highland, Molalla, 1111 waukie. Needy. Norton. Oreom t ill. weiro. Handy, Hpringwitler, Xlou, N- T Kra, 1'nrliiw, Mills, union Mlllk, imii.--k i -rrr, l--aaul llouic, Kiugo Point, Klall'iiu, il u CLATSOP. Astoria. Clifton. Jewell. Knanna. Nehalem. Rklpanon, Seaside lloose. Wextport, Isthmus, Olney, Summer House, Fort Ciauiop, Mishn- waae. coos. Coos City. Coaullle. Dora. Empire City. Kn- cbanted rrairie. Falrvlew, HeruiainTlllb, Hen ryvllle, Marsbneld. North H- n.l. Ou, Ran dolph, Hllkln, Hltknm, Utter Ct:y, Handon, travel rom, jowa niougn, r reeaom, l J nie Point, Norway, Sumner, farkemburg. COLUMBIA. Columbia City, ClaUkanie, Marshland, Ita nler. Riverside, Hu Ileh-us. Kauvie's Island, Bcappoose, Clear Creek, Cuinn, Vernoniu. CUHKT. Chetcoc, Ellensburg, Port Orford. DODO LAS. Camaa Valley. Cleveland, Cole's Valley, Drain, Elkton, Ualesville.Uarduer, KeHogg's, Ijooklngglass, Myrtle Creek North Canyon vllle, Oakland. I'M! Creek, Koeburf, Mcolts burg.Ten Mile,Uiiiiqua City, Wilbur, Yonealla, Ojfe Creek, ItayM Creek, Elk Creek, RIk Head, Fair Oaks, Round l'ratrie. Sulphur Springs. GKAKT. 1 ...... 1 t j . 1 i Ti vllle, John Day City, rrairie city, Farkersville, lritehard', Snmter, Camp Harney, Uraulte, Hiraammi, jiu vernoa, renoia. JACKSON. Anplegale. Ashland. Hrownsboroiurb. Cen tral hHUU Eagle l"oint. Grant's lass. Hot Springs, Jacksonville. Lakeport, I'hwuix, iw l-wni, nara-s alley, xauie hock, wil lowsprings, Ilarrou, Big KuUe.Wllllams' Creek Foot's Creek, Dardauellus, 1'loueer, Woodvllle. JOSei'HIKB. Kirby, Lelaud. State Creek.Waldo, Althouse, Lucky luecu. Murphy. LAKK. Antler, Bonaosa, Dairy, Cuewsnean, Drews' Valley, Ooose Lake. Lake View, Langell Val ley, Cinkville, Mergausen, New Fine Creek, Silver Lake, Sprague Klver, Summer Lake. Tule Lake, Wbileblll, Whittled Ferry. Yalnai. 1'levna. ' LAXC Bis Tralrie, Cottage Uruve. Creswell, Camp Creek, Cartwrlght's, Dexter, Kugene City, Franklin, Junction, Long Tom, Mo hawk, Pleasant Hill, Hulsfaw. Spencer Creek, Spnnglleld, Trent, Willamette Forks, Cbesher, Relknap Springs, HuUe Disappointment. Crow. East Fork, Gate Creek, Goshen. Ida, Irving, Isabella, Leaburg, M veronal, Mabel, McKenzle unutv,uwisnit waiierviue. LINN. bmKulllH IMatunnil If ill ul. V.I ' ' Kidge, llarrlitburg. Harris Ranch, flalney, Jordan, Ibanon, Miller. Muddy, MLl'leakant, Peoria, line, f clo, sbedd's, Soda Springs Bo da vllle, Sweet Home, Oakville, Tangent, Water loo. MARION. Aurora, Aumsvllle, Butteville, Brooks, Fair field. Uervats, Hubbard, JeOeraon, Marlon, Monitor, Newellsville, Salem. Silverlon.Klay- wb.qi. i-aui, j srnvr, wooudus, Aiuer, liow ell fralrie, Mebahem, Sublimity. XBI.TNOMAH. East Portland. IMtland. Powell's Vallev. St, Johns, Willameue Slough, Albina, ItooSter SOCK, BMVIC. POLK. Bethel. Buena Vista. Dallas Eola, Blk Horn, Grand Ronde. Independence, Lincoln, Luckia mute, Iewiavllle, Monmouth, Perrydale, Rle- reaii, nausvuie, .coa. TILhAMOOK. GarlbaMi, Kllcbes, Netarta, Nestockton.Tll- lamooa, x rasa, enaiem. UKAT1I.L.I. Batter Creek. Heppner, Inoe, Marshall, Meadowvllle, Milton. 11 lot Ruck, Pendleton, umauiia, wesura. i-euysviue, uvenon, ueu treviUe, Midway, Willows. tnrtOK. Cove, Island City, La Grande, North Powder, sammerviiie, union, v allows, inuuui, sik Fiat, iiaine utbsk, spans. WABOO. Antelope, Bridge Creek, Hood River, Mitch ell, ML Hood.l'rinevllle.Kockvllle.Shellrock, Spanhth Hollow, The Dalles. Warm Springs Wasco, Willoughby, Fossil, Pine Creek, hint Rock, Bake Oven, Crown lloek. Camp Polk, Deschutes, Dufur, Howard, Kingsley, Alex, Hpnng vaney, ryac vaiiey, upper ucnoco, uascaoes ijocss, napiniua. WASBlVCTOII. Beaverhm, Cedar M 11 1, Cornel Ins, Di I ley, Fnr est Grove, Olenooe.Green vllle, Hlllsboro,.MtU dleton, Mountain Dale, l"eake, sholIs Ferry, ayiors rerry, ivswun, wapain, uemervuie, Gales Creek, Gaatou, Joppa, Keed vllle. West union. VAMMII.I. Amity, Bellevue, Carleton, Dayion, iAtay-eUc,-MeMinnvUle, North Yamhill, Sheridan, of. uoe, ivesiwvwwi, wneauana, Aewoerg, WASIIINGTOK TXBX1TOXT. CUALIK OOC.VTT. Neah Bay, New Dungoness, Port Angeles, l-ysiiu CLAKKC Battle Ground, Brash Iralris, Fourth Plain, Martla'a HlutT, Pioneer, Htoughton, Union Ridge, Vancouver. Wasbongal, Fern Prairie, La Center, Hayes, Y loot I a. CHBTUAUS. Cedsi vllle, ChehalM Point, Klma, Hoqnlam, Uonteatno, Oakvllls, Bataop, Sharon, Summit. OOLTJMHIA. Alpowla, Borksville, Dayton. Pomeroy,Tuk anon, Annelta, Central Ferry, Marengo. OOWLITK. Castle Hock, Fresrport, Kalarua, Iower Cow lite, MonUeello, Ml. Ooffln, Osk Point, Pekln, SilverLake, Coweeman, Olequa. IStKD. Coapevtlle, Coveland, Dugally, Utealady, Oak Harbor. JKJTStWO.-?. Port Discovery, Port Ludlow, Vot I TownoenU. KIHG. Bisck Klver, Dwamhdi, Fall City, Seattle. -U.i'U-hter. Snoqnalmy, Mquaek, White Klver, Cl.erryValleyJfovelty,llltn,Osoeota,HenUn. KITSAP. Fort Blakely, Iort Gamble, Port Madison, Port Orchard, Seabeck, Tecklit. KLICKITAT. Block House, Columbus, Goidendale, Klicki tat, White Salmon, Blakely, Fuhla, Klickitat Ixudiug. ZiRWIS. A Igernon, Boislon, Chehalla, Claqualo, Cow llte, Ulen Rden, LIUle Falls, Meadow Brook, Mossy Keek.Napaelne, NewaukHm.Skookum chuck, silver Creek. Wlnloek, Nasello. VASO.I. A reads, IJghlville, Oakland, Skokomlsh. r AC! pic. BrucepoBteokateM.KitapMontPyslerTillc, Riverside, Soath llesjd, Cnfty, Wood want's landing, Bf Center, Lake View, South Uend, 1 1 waco. FJBBOE. Klhl, Franklin, Lake View, New Taeoma, Puyalfup. glalfaBonm (Sty. Taeoma. Alder town, OamoHS, AsUHl, Rummer, Muck, Wllke son, Artondafe. SAN JCAX. 8an Juan, Tpas, Oreas, East Sound, Friday Harbor. SMOHOttlSR. Centerviile, Iwell, Mufcilteo, SsoboraUh Tulallp, Parb-inaoe, Stem wood. Carades, Collins' landing. 8TEVR-"S. Crab Creek, Pour Lakes, Fori Colvllle. Hang uaa's Creak, Pine Grove, Hack Creek, I tonal le, Spokane Bridge, Spokane Fairs, Union Itidge, walker's Prairie. THTXBSTOH. tXMt Bank, Heaver.Miaati Prairie, Olvmpia, Taaakiuoit. Tenlno, Turn water, Yelm, Inde pendence, Key. WAHKIAKTOf. CMhtamet, Baste OUiT, Skatseka way. Water ford. walla walla. Pataha Prairie. WaMsburg. Walla Walla, Whitman, Wallulo. WHATOOW. Cedar Grove, Gueraas, La Conner, Lehmbl, Iximml, Lynden, Nooitaebk, Point William, Samlsfa. Seaborne, Sctahmoo, Ship Harbor, Ship Island, Skagit, Trader, Whatcom, Fldaljo. ; wiirrxAjf. Cedar Creek, Colfax, EwartsvUle,Owensburg, Palouse. Steptoe, Union Flat, Walton, Cllnlon, Illclivtlle, Panawsna, line Creek, ltosalla. Anatone, Lincoln, Pataba City, Union town TAKIXA. Altanam. ElIendlKirc, Fort Hlmeoe, Kittitas, Konnowock, Nannm, lleasaal Grove, Selah, Yakima, Money Order Offices. LIST OF MISCKLluVXKOUS. DR. PAUL IH. BRENAH, The Host Successful Physician on the Pacific Coast IN THE TREATMENT OF ALL CHRONIC AND DIFFICULT DISEASES, HAS HETUKNED AFTER AN EXTENSIVE tourortho Knttern states for the uostfour months. The Doctor visited nil the principal medical Institutions Iu the large cities of the United States, and cornel back with all tbe modern methods, instruments and appliances known to the nxwt M-ientiflc men lu tbe pro feminn. The Duruir has alo brought charts and manikins to illii-irale his leeturei. HIL PAUL M. IlltENAN has been IS years lecturing on the Laws of Life and Health. In nis private and public lectures lie nas taught men and women the true avstem of life, how to be healthy and happy. If they would only be guided by his wise counsel. But all cannot bear his delightful and instructive lectures, nor ean be tell even-thing necessary for suffering bu mnnlty to know from tbe public rotrum be- u proinikcuous auuienc-e. 1 nere remaius much lo be learned from him. as hi experi ence extends over broad fields of active pro fetilonal life. This knowledge no necessary lo the welfare of sufferers can only be gleaned by trivaie rroirsnlonul Consultation at nis omce. Ills experience In Hie vurlmis narts ol Kurone and America gives him such opportunities of vuriuii me ueiicato uiseases wnicu ins uu man family are prone to, their mode of treat ment and permanent core, as no other nhvsl- cian on tliu I'aeitlc Coast can claim. He has not oniy treated these diseases most siicccm f ully, but has made them a life study, as a few moments' consultation will prove. He has become an expert In the treatment nf disease, weakness and derangement of the re- iinraucuve organs or both male ana leiuale. Including dtseaes caused by the FO I.I.I US OF YOUTH, Such as Sl'EUUATOKKIlrEA.orSEUINAL WlAK- KBK.or ixs or 1'EKrM.T vitlity. Nearly two-thirds of all the Chronic Ulaeaies rlng, either directly or Indirectly, from some de rangement of the sexual system, and yet thli subject Is neglected by the majority of the medical prolesslon. IT IS TltlT, Thatpersons who are unfortunate enough to be afflicted by any form at sexual disease have a delicacy in calling upon the proper physi cian In time, from a sense of medesty, and sometimes from Ignorance, and permit those diseases to exist until their eonnlttullons be come corrupted, their organization broken duwn, and the hope of future happiness blight ed, until death becomes a welcome messenger to carry them out of their miserable existence. Those who call In liineupon DR. PAUL M. IlltENAN need have no fear b'lt what he will restore them to perfect health aud vlsor.make their bodies pure and their minds content. If mey win oniy innow ma auvice ana treatment. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Throat Diseases, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Kidney Complaint and all Diseases ol the Eye and Ear, Stomach and Bladder, he can cure without tail. No Ouack Nostrums used; no slop treatment; no false promises r.veryining uricuy conuuentlai under all circumstances, t'onoultiillou I'rec. and a list of minted questions sent to those livlugataduoance who cannot. consult utm personally. All Sureleal Operations performed. Oflice No. 6S First street, between Oak and Pine. Oflice Hours From 10 to 12 a. m.,2 to 6 auu t wi 1-. ji. y-, jy JTA r,7?s VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. This standard article is cou. pounded with the greatest care. Its effects areas wonderful and satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to lu youthful color. It removes all eruptions, Itching and dami raff, and the scalp by lis use becomes white and clean. Hy Its tonic properties It restores Urn capil lary glands lo their normal vigor, preventing bald ties, sod making the lialr grow thick and strong As a dressing, nothing has been found so eNeetual or desirable. I It. A. A. Hayes, State Assayer of Massachu setts, says of It: "I consider It the bet preps' ration for Its Intended purposes." BUCKINGHAM'S DYE, For the Whisker. This elegant preparation may be rolled on lo change the color of the beard from gray, or any other undesirable shade, to brown or black at discretion. Il Is easily applied, being in one preparation, anil quickly and effectually pro duces a permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash on. Manufactured by . I. If AI.I. A Co., Naxhiln, X. II. Kohl by all Druggists ami Dealers In Medicine PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ItOOHB Corner Tirol and Stnrlt MI., over Ladd & Tilteu's Bank. CoeW OUT UBbt Thaasicd Ihlrt Esdki Al Ovor 100 Papers and rilayasnaa. MEWQERSHIP FREE TO ALL. Houthly Dues 81 OO-l'ayublo Qnnrterly Dihbctors Win. 8. Lmld.P. C Schuyler, Jr.. T i, 1.-.,. 1 1 - t . a. a ,. mi . a. u. uious,u.iu. i,ewis, n. v. rvciiueimer, 11 ... Ill f T,l ... Officers i MATTHEW P. DEADY --President .Vice InMldenf IL FA I I.I NO '. C. SCHUYLER. Jn ..Treasure! M. W. FKCIIHKIMEH CnrrespoiHlIng See HENRY A. OXER Ubrarian and Rec. See NO PATENT, NO PAY I PATENTS Obtained for Inventors in the United Steles, Canada, anil Europe, at reduced prices. With our principal office located In Wasblngton. di rectly opposite tne unueu Mate i-atemootee, we are able to attend to all Patent Uoslness with greater promptness and dispatch and less cost than other patent attorneys, who are at a ditance from Washington, and wlio have, therefore, lo employ "luwoclale attorneys." We make preliminary examinations and nir- nlsh opinions as to patentability, free of cmise,iuu uti who are interesteu in new in ventions and patents are Invited to send for a copy of our "Uulde for Obtaining Patents," which Is sent free to nnv addreen.and mntaiiu complete Instructions how to obtain patents. auu inusi tniuauie matter, we reier to trie German-American National Bank, Washing ton, D. C;the Royal Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish Legations, at Washington: Hon. Jos. Casey, late Chief Justice U. S. Court of Claims; to the Officials or the U.S. Patent Omce, anil to Senators and Members of Concress from every State. Address: LOPIS BAGGER & CO., Solicitors of Patents and .Utorneys-al-Law, Le Droit liunuing, asuinfton, u. u. iy-iz COKBKTT'S LIVERY, HACK ANO FEED STABLES, Cor. Second and Taylor streets. Reasonable Charges for Hire and Boarding. Hack orders promptly attended. Day or Night. WOODWARD A IHAGOOV. l'rop's. 8-3 $66; A WEEK In vour own town, and no canltal risked. You can give the busi ness a trial without expense. The best oppor tunity ever offered lor those willing to work. You should try nothlnzelse until you see for yourself what vou can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here. You can de vote all your time or only your spare lime to the business, and make great pay (or every hourtbat you work. Women make as mueh as men. Send for special private terms and par ticulars, which we mall free. W outfit tree. Don't complain ot hard times while ynu have such a chance. Address 1L UALLETT CO., Portland, Maine. S-f7 THE NEW NORTHWEST. xixtu mu or rOBuoiTiox THE NEW NORTHWEST, A VTechly Journal OtVBTEO TO THE FF0?U'S BEST IHTE3ESTSI Independent In I'oIUIck and Religion! rillUS WEI.IrKNOWN WKSKI.T JOUK- nal beslns its Ninth Tear of Imbllcatlon with lu issuoot Hay 1st, l7x, under the busi ness management oi the Dumiwat roBLlsn iso CoxrA.tr, to whom all letters connected with the Editorial, Advertising or Subscription Departments of the paper are to be hereafter directed. The New KoKrawxar Is not a Woman's Rights, but a Human Rights organ, devoted lo whatever polley may be necessary to secure the greatest goed to the greatest nnraber. It knows no sex.no psllties.no religion, no parly, no color, no creed. Ma foundation Is fastened upen the rock of Eternal Liberty, Universal Baascipatioa and Unlramniettal Prugreastau. OfKICK Of rill.lJOATltlK-Soathwnit cor ner of Front aud Nfaalilartun Sletcts, (up stairs), Portland, Oretfon. TKS (jnARMINO SERIAL STORY, 'MRS. UARDrXWS WILL," Br MRS. A. S. UUNIWAT, Was emmescrd In oertaaua of Nevesnberfla, MRS. IIUNIWATU peculiarly original style of Bdltorlal Comapswannec will eoullnue from week to week to attract thousand oi readers, and Kd Mortals are promised upon all the leading topics of tbe day. CORRE SPONDENTS are also employed to furnish weekly letters from Washington, New York and various parts of Europe. No pains will be f pared to make THE NEW NORTHWEST the leading newspaper ot Its class In America. Its literature Is always moral In tone and instructive and elevating In character, aud Is sought after by the beat and most Intelligent class of readers. As a medium tor Advertising, this Journal has no superiors. NOV IS THE 1IME TO SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIPTION RATBS, IN ADVANCE: Single copier, one yeur .58 00 Six """"" Three mouths., 1S9 1 (0 M ItCIt A I. INDfJCKxIEXTS Agents and Canvassers I SEND IN YOUR ORDERS EARLY Rally, Friends, to the Support orilnruan Kltrhtx nn.l The People' Paper. DUNIWAY PUBLISHING COMPANY, Corner of Front and "Wruhlnston streets (en trance on Washington, Portland, Or. HEL3IB0LD'S COLTJilN. H. T. HELfflBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT B HT C H Xf I I'll ARM AGEUTICAIi. A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR AIL DISEASES OF THE BLADDER AND KIDNEYS. TOR DEBILITY. LO, OK XIK.MORY. IN- 1 dlsnoslttoii to Exertion or lluslBeas. Short ness of ltrentn. Troubled with Thoughls of IHsease. Dimness of VlahHi. I'aln in the Hank. Chest and Head, Hush of IHood to the Head, rate vounienance anu urr rKtn. It tnese symptoms are allowetl to go on, very frenoent- tv KTiiiemic nw anu vjontumpiion hmiow. When the constitution becomes aliened, it re quires the aid of an Invigorating medicine to siren-men anu tune up me systew, wnicn HELMBOLD'S BUCHU DOES IN EVERY CASE. EELMBOLD'S BTJCHTJ IS UNEQUALED By any remedy known. It is mterlbed by me iaos eminent ptivMtnui. ait over the werid In Ukeumatlim, Sperniatarr&cra, Xeuralgla, Xcrrousncss, Dyspepsia, lEdl;estIon, Constipation, Aches and Tains, Lnmbaso, Xcrrous Dcbilltr, Ilcad Troubles, Catarrh, General Dcbilltr, Diseases of tho Sidneys' ltvcrZCom;lalnt, EpUcpsy, Paralysis, General 111 Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Nervous Complaints, Fcmalo Complaints,' Etc Headuche, Pain In the Sheuklen, Oongb, Ilizlnes, Sour Stomach, Rrupttons, Bad Taste in the ifouth. Palpitation of the Heart, rain In the Regtenof the Kklneys, And a thousand other painful symptoms, are Jthe offsprings or Dyspeswta. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU INVIGORATES THE STOMACH Ami stimulate the torpid Liver, Bowels, ami Kidneys to Healthy Aethin, IB eieaneiRg the blood of all Impurities, and Imnartlsir new life and vtsnr to tlie whole system. a single trial win ne quite mmeiem to eon vinee the most hesltatlmr ofits vnluaMe reme dial qualities. iiiI,RieE, 81 PER IIOTTLE, - C VT Six Bottles for $. "Delivered lo any address free from observa tion. Patients may consult by leUer.reeelvIng the same attention as by sailing. Competent Physicians attend to correspondents. All let ters should be addressed to ii. t. iiEi.jinoi.n, Druggist and Chemist, Philadelphia, Fa. GA UTIOXt Bee that the Private Proprietary Ntnnip is ou each Bottle. BOLD EVKRYWHEREI 8-35 M ISCETiIAKKODB. FIEISCHHER, MATEE & CO. Front and Hrst streets, bet. Ash aad A, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. WIKTSE SEASON. MR; XAYKB MAS XaJW VKRY EXTEN 1ve wrrehasesof arull Ihseof MIIIIKEEY GOODS, Direct from the Xanantetarersaod Importers in New York. Oar Htoek will eonslst ol the tatetstyle and shades of me JTofitltcrs una Flunes, French Flowers, Hats, Shapes, Masons, rials, Ores Qrala and Fancy, Silks, YelT04s, e4., c4e., To which we invite the attention of the Mllll- mst xraae or Ot'tsoa aaat Washlngtan Terri tory. Belnc the only Wholesale House In toe State Importing- MILLINERY GOODS direct from New York, we will be prepared to ofler extra Inducements to our Friends and Patrons. 5-32 BE ATT Y aWflg. AbaotifuJf'cUleFYleof ariTut -r.nrintl i f-v t:i ii. 4 thaeyeott eeo-inoisur. avul trrs tt af onceitUia rut beaa'ilul rase ia it. V mt-nstona Hi 'zi.t, 7( lxt4 WUih. Slt.; IXMlhsSI tn. SMrttt of Kfrdtt. ft c tawra. 13 Atop. Fi-rich . i--eTvd 1" fii etrd t h!h.y ftnlxhr?il. Ixatty'a lm;-Por J KiiceFwrll. anti Dat tjVnewlCiceWiorOrAii'iOrjan Km bw I. Tie n.'j!in btm. tirilpn, a.iJ mus.e in th.s O ran reiwl, - tt th. fcuw daftirable tt efore atunf u farttl f or t h ix'it or d mw lazroom. R-'tztl ir..-e a-kcti f -r ruhm in trurartit by Asxr.ti, thiw jtatrs airo at-jut f "0 K Wtly odVr. uly Iajr fnr tla iMlraatmt nmly u-tssr jMluita fMiljr tMttr- itaC 7muonii !-. If it isr.otxirpre ented. return at my cTpp.i. mc fn-.i it b. th ot. Rernrmbr-. tti offer lsatthe t. ry l.wtst 1 that 1 posit it ly will not dev rate frornthtii n.e. :t Tatrrtint(l nr G year tW -17 tonJEl Tle mnsascvvful Liiu- rn A:-;. 41,n MMoUrii4 w-vaiasmssNsriAl than an m kiiafttir r I extended mysaleanoworrrthccttcirc rrlL I K m sftof m Mhm bait It lis tits raj Batrwafsif ftakre my re-mt rrturn from an f xU-iKSotitour trinc''. Ce OootlneatoC Km r ! 1 mm more dcterrainM than v. r Utat no city or tom thruojioat tbe entire ririiizstl . rta ttssUl be anrprrwe'it-.l by mr eiaratd Inptiment'. BEAfTY PiAMQfi-H- t'-ii ayvarfe. BrwarreflvllaflesMl iin in rfffnllf Imh ' SUjBOTEb MAYOR. at mt ownrftT.sfaoaid twmiflleleiitprooloi in J rrpnn. RiMlltS'. Illii-tru tri .ri,,Wr rii:ir lu;i.r.:i Hon abut rot ot Plsaosnd Oncsmi went ftree. Addxsjss: DAJtZSJ. T. BSAVTY, Washington, Hew Jersey. -I ESTATUKIIED 1B. E. S. & A. P. LACSY, Aoraey-at-Law KB Seventh street, Vashlnston, D. C. XaYenlsrs. We procure patents in all countries. No at- tokn'ky rr.s im ai.v.'.M k. No charge unless Um patent is cranted. No fees for making pre liminary examinations. No additional fern lor obtalnina and condoctlna a rehearing. Special attention given to Interference Cases besore the IHttent Office, Extensions before Ooaaiess. Infrinsrement Anita in ,lim..Tit Stales, and all litigation pertaining to Inven tions or Patents. Send stamp tor pamphlet Klrltn; full Instructions. United States Courts and Departments. Claims Prosecuted in the flnnm.m Pnnri nf tbe United States, Court of Claims, Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, Southern Claims Commission, and all clases of war claims before the Executive Departments. Arrears of Pay anil Bounty. Officers. Soldiers, and Sailors of tha late wir. or their heirs, are In many cases entitled to money I rom ine uovernment, of which they have m knowledge. Write full history ol ser viea.and state amount of nav and hnnmv re ceived. Enclose stamp, and a full reply, arte xamlnatloo, will be given you without charge l'eHftiouH. All ftm q.j 1 i. 1 1 ... .... vwMia. owiwavia, huu mtnurs WI1U 11(1 ttl caBturcd, or Injured In the late war, however slbt, are entitled to, and can obtain a pen mil. United States Henentl Ijtnd Office. Contested Ijsnd Cases. Private Land Claims Mining, pre-emption, and Homestead Cases prosecuted before tbe Ueneral Land OrSee an 4 Department ol tbe Interior. ljuid Warm ill. We nav cash for Bonntv Ijsnd Vt'arrants. and we invite correspondence with ail parties hav ing ssv lor sale, and elve full and explicit In structions where assignments are imperfect. We conduct our ousiness in separate Korean havtnsr therein the clerical assistance of able ami experienced lawyers, and give our eloiekt personal supervision to every important paper prepared in each case. Prompt attention tlins secured to all business entrusted to us. Ad dress 11. S.Jt A. 1MCKY. Attorney H, w snuii) n;. , it. i . Any person deal tine information as to t.ie standing aad responsibility of tbe Arm will, on request, be furnished with a satisfactory refer ence in his vicinity or Congressional district. b-ii 1 rifin TO MOOD A YEAK, or JS to $30 per 1UUU day in your own locality. No rik. omen do as well as men. Many make more than tbe amount statea a Dove, rto one eau fall to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You can maae irom au cents to z no hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to tbe business. Nothing like It for money-making ever offered belore. Buslne-s pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all about the best-paying bU4i nesx before the public, send us your ad dress and we will send you full particulars and private terms free; samples worth S5 al-o free- vou can then make up yonr mind lor yourself. Address UEORUE ST1NHON 4 CO., Portland. Maine. ponfl A MONTH guaranteed : $12 a dny at SSoUU home made by the imluslrlous. tapi rat not required; we will Man you. Men, women, boys and jtirls make mortuyfaster at work for us thaa at anyibmit ele. The work Hsbt and pleasant, and hik-Ii .i- any one can snrhrhtaL Those who an- wi. ho see ilns notice will send us thtlr ii.l.ln---. - d once an, I see tor themselves Costly ouiht and terms free. Now Is the time. Those already at work on. iftvinir no laree sums of money. Adlrt-f3 TRUE 4 CO., Augusta, Maine. 8-17