MARCH'4, 18S0 LOOALJiEWS. Old & King's clearance sale still con linaea. The City Ouuciluieii aie in favor of a rity Hall. E. 6. KenrHey Is Jlriiiwl a Ow- Ron's U. S. Manual. "Rilr" will Im reheated at Kew Market Theater to nlgut. The Oregon Mutual In-uranee Com lraov will withdraw from iHisiueaS. The Scandinavians cave a lame party at Armory Hall on sattiruay nigut. Jan. Grahamslaw, a Hhip carpenter, Is inisits;- oupposeu to nave sulenied Tb First-street liuildf nxr which fell in the recent hurricane, is to lie rebuilt. Mrs. L. Cole died in East Portlauil latit week. Stm. wag sHricfcel) w ith w- raiyeis. CapitalteU are sefil to 1k looking for sailaule grounds for a Tor tlam! Agrleiil turat Society. The New Market Theater company appear at Vaneouver to-night in "Hunted Down." Ktae Tlllle Cara there, a lilgtily-re-ppeeied young lady, died In this city on Tuesday evening. Ira F. Bowers' furniture factory, on Water street, between Hall ami Harrl bOH, ta oam plated. fon. J. X Dol4i del!verel (he annual tHMraas before the Oregon Bible Soc&ty r Teeaday evening. J. 15. Gardiner, of Gardiner A Dor ranee, wholeeale Jeweler, has decamped vrltli the Arm's lunde. Rer. Mr. May delivered an able lec ture on higher education at Masonic Hall on Saturday night. Hon. awl Mrs. H. H. Gllfry. now In Waablngtjfe were recently made happy by the arrffltt of a girl baby. PrenUee A Co' stalled birds, that 4jg and a at as if alive, are quite a ikv elly and attract much attention. The Supreme Court has affirmed the deeJsioft of the Cireuit Court In Ah Iee's case, and be must be hung. On 8ndy evening, a horse attached to a ctraet-aar slipped and fell, and the ear passed ever the aulnial, killing it. A wife-beater named Hamilton was given the full extent of the law by Jodge Stearns last w eek 25 days in jail. The Protestant churehes of tin city I meetings last Sunday evening, in i Interest of the Oregon Bible Sooiety. aoafe Mayer, Esq.. aceoinimnied bv l wife and two daughter, Miss Bertha I disss Jtosa, will arrive by the Ore- Owing ta the eafwrinr fiiiielt atul excel lence ol warfc, Abell etuutls pre-eminent t a priatoKranbar. Give him u The Oregon Bible Sootety surfed 92 taaiHes with the snriplures during the year; also 61 parsons and B Sabbath Mr. W. A. Wheeler, son of Jacob Wheeler, Is iu this oily, amd is looking ft Ms claim to the bodwees part of East fWMawl. I A wealthy China man died In this city ' l.a ni,l...i ..c i... . I iW nvrenn -a f bwjmd Wit ajwmiij IT03 ueaupoEed of an Muueintl number of paid Hsnwrnexs. Mnrx & Jorgensen will soon ereet a te-stnry brick building on the lot at tbe southeast corner of Second aud Mor rhM streets. Mrs. D. F. Smith, formerly a well tahws eloeutionist of this city, bnt w of Oakland. Cal.. Is visit intr her Flshel A Roberts are making improve meals in tbe interior of their clotiiiug ttabliehuient to better dlsiitav I heir fine Mock of goods. - -Mr. D. W. Williams is a candidate fir Sebeol C!rk fr n Mother term. He lias been faithful in tbe past, and can he trusted in the future. A chambermaid at the Burton House cewhided the night-watehmau of the Itotel on Saturday, he having spoken disparagingly of Iter character. The Oregon Railway Company, Lim ited, have advertised for 85.000 ties for the new iiarmw-guage from this oHy through tbe Willamette Valley. Dr. Keek pleads not guilty to the charge of procqriug an abortion on a woman living iu East Portland, aud ays be is a violin) of persecution. Tbe Oregon Steamship Company have transferred their vessels aud properly lo the Oregon Railway aud Navigation Company. Consideration, $2,314,000. Tbe entertainment for the benefit of the Oregon Humane Society, which was announced for Tuesday night, will be given Ibis evening at Y. M. C. A. Hall. Professor Crawford delivered an able lecture at the Unitarian Chapel last evening on the "Metric System," being tit fourth lecture In the course on social Mrs. K. R. Hamilton, a venerable, lady, well-known ami highly respected, died In this city on the 23th tilt., at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Lloyd Brooke. During February, the Portland police made 903 arrests, and only 60 per cent were charged as "drunk and disorderly," though most all could be indirectly traeed to tbe same source. On Tuesday morning tbe steamboat Willamette Chief and tbe barge "Wyacbie ran on some submerged plies Iu the Willamette slough aud were sunk. No lives were lost. Mr. E. F. Heroy, than whom no gen tleman iu Portland is more favorably known, wishes the voters of this school district to remember next Monday that be Is a candidate for the otllce or clerk. Chas. Young's barber shop, in tbe Biekel block, on Stark street, was slight ly damaged by Are on Sunday evening. There was $500 insurance on the shop. Iiieeudaries undoubtedly started the fire. On next Tuesday evening, the pupils of Professor Halprnner will give him a complimentary party at ins dancing academy, corner First and Stark streets. All former friends and pupils are in vited. Tickets, $1. Fairchild and Bernard, the alleged Haear murderers, have been set at lib erty, Prosecuting Attorney Caples thinking it will not be possible to con vict them, though they bad a narrow escape at their trial. Those who wish an excellent suit of clothing, guaranteed to give perfect sat isfaction as lo price, quality and fit. should call on W. H. Utter, with W. J Quinn, who has re-opened at his old stand, 2S Stark street. The story reaches this city that a miscreant named Hudson has ruined two girls, 11 and 14 years of age re spectively, In Clackamas county. The officers are upon bis track. The father of tbe girls is also looking for him. Tiie temperance entertainment at Y M. C A. Hall on Saturday evening was a decided success. Professor uonke, Miss Dora McCord, Miss Anna beam side, Mrs. H. W. Scott, Miss Sorjora Witberell, Dr. Bird, and Mrs. Cruzan THURSDAY.. ably assisted in the eutertalotnent. Mr. Cruzan was too hoarse lo talk, but President Caples stepped in the breach ami made an excellent auuresa. Clerk Williams reports that the ex penditure lu thlreebool uietriet during the past year refteiwfi d,i.iu., ji mis amount, one-half was expedited on the Park School ami III renal I ill lit; Uie liar rlsou-street house, the net cost of all the school being $39.7:6 T"i. The mauy rea'dent'oT ifiVXuw North West who are couueoled with the mil linery trade are reminded that the great Wholesale ilrm of ! lelsclmer. Jlaver ft On. wHI- supply 'tifetn with the latest. choicest and cheapest goods in their line, comprising every sort of staple and nov elty in the Eastern market, and at prices that defy successful competition. air. .Mayer makes a-- siieoiallr ol tins burtine and personally eupervises the selection of toods in New York, where he Is thoroughly acquainted with the trade, and is able aud wil ling to give his fur Western customers the benefit of bis large experience. The theatrical business has not Im proved during the past week, though a large audience greeted the matinee per formance of "The Two Orphans." Miss Adams and Little Maud were the recip ients of a joint heiietllou Tuesday night, when "Hunted Down" and the farce, "Out to Nurse," were giveu to a large house. Miss Adams acquitted herself very creditably, and the little one proved herself the blirgeet card in the troupe. The bill was repeated last night, aud will he given at the matinee on Satur- j day. Mr. Chaplin's hcueflt Is announced for to-morrow evening. The manage ment intend to bring out novelties next week, Including the " Prismatic Foun tain." At the annual school meeting of the tax-payers of this district on Monday night, a tax of $ mills for the ensuing year was voted. This Is the same umouut as was voted last year, and will give suflleient funds to sustain the High School. Also, a committee of in vestigation was appointed to Inquire Into the manner in which the schools are conducted. Itis composed of Messrs. E. D. Stmltuek, Charles SI ton, 0. A. Dolph, Win. Kapun, Win. Watkins, A. YVaklrnan, airs, v Lu xlenuerson, Airs. Mary Holbrook, Mrs. M. S. Burrell, Rev. Dr. Atklnaoo ami Rev. T. It Eliot. The oommlltee will report Monday, July 12th, when they will Inform the tax-payers bow much "flummery" they found Modesty. Modesty is to a woman what the deli cate bloom Is lo the peuch lte greatest beauty. Bot once gone, uo liuuiau power can restore iL Many modest women sutler In silence for years with the most painful HflectioiH of the deli cate vital organs of the body, rather than to imparl the knowledge of their sufferings to a physician. This great army of martyrs will be rejoiced to know that at last a purely vegetable' aud harmless remedy has beeu diecov-, ered, which cures immediately all dis eases and weaknesses of the kidneys aud bladder, no matter ol hnwloug-etanditig or of what nature. It is the nonderful Oregon Kidney Tea, which ft sold by all druggists, and challenges the wo'rld. Countless Miflererk And the balm of relief. ard ,h ,oaat,a ot lM"!u?""d "l"a'tb tn AYKBS SAKSAfAKIUA. It ta the motl po Atm saksai'aiuua. It M tbe most po tent of all toe alteratives to purify tne system and cleanse the blood. Jt josesses Invigorat ing qualities, so that It stimulates the laded vitalities sad purges eat the corrupiioas which mingle with the blood, promoting de rangement and deeay. We are assured by many Intelligent peyelelan that tfaU medi cine eures beyond all other or tu klnd.andwe can fortify this statement by our own ezperi eoce. Punxsatawney (Pa.) Argoa. NEW THIS WEEIC Way Up! ' Prices Way Down ! FISHSL' & ROBERTS JJAVB RECEIVED, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, Al.I, THE LATBST STYLES OF Nobby Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Etc. Which, allbovcfc they have advaaesd In pries 33 per eeat, wilt be sold for the next 00 day at old prices. nsiirr, hoiirkt-;. Corner ol Flrit and Aider streets PORTLAND, O - THT5 SECOND j. US' 3ST TT l. Xj Clearance Sale 3 ' OF THEIR ENTIRE STOCK AT COST Ooattenes to be the attraction nflered lo purebjueN of Dry and Furnishing Goods! OLDS .Ss ICTIVGVS. BUYERS WILb FIN II IT GREATLY TO T1I8IK ADVANTAGE TO ATTEND OUR DAILY LEVEES. WK ARE ALWAYS "AT HOME" FROM A.M.TOSP. M., AT IVo. 147 Third Street, Between Alder and Morrlssn. 9- The rallroai! Interests Oregon are receiving bfoflh attention. The Incor poration of tbe Oregon Railway Com pany, Limited, to establish a narrow gauge system of roads throughout the , Willamette Valley, has beeu followed by the ' formation, of two other conip-a nies, whose objects nre to build, equip and operate a road front Lebanon to Albany ami one from Silverton to Sa lem, iu connection with the Oregon aud California Company. It being under stood that the former road would tap both Silverton and Lebanon, it was sup posed, the incorporation of the latter companies would put a stop to the oon struction of the narrnw-guage road ; hut the President of the "limited" company denies tliis. uud says he. desires coinpe tition. Ties and iron have been ordered for this road, aud surveying parties are locating the routes of the others. These struggles for railroad supremacy speak well for the future growth aud prosper Ity of the State. Our Washington correspondent has leeeully had n good deal to say about the lawlessness among the low daces of the Natloual Capital, aud particularly the habits of the vicious negroes! ' Free suffrage is opposed Iu the District of Columbia because the slums would out' vote the better portion of the inhab itants, and thus rule. Meantime, Con gress supplies the government. Mascu line suffrage is Indeed a failure In oue locality, and that at the heart of the nation. MISCELLANEOUS. REMOVAL W. H. MARSHALL & CO. OWIJfO TO TUB VERY LIBBRAT, KN eourakemmt we have met wUh alaee our commencement in tbe Grocery Mnsinen, wt have aeenetanpelled toseeklftfcerand more central m oil eti.x our Jate reunites were quite Inadequate lo meet tbe 4c niahd or oar constantly liiwemtiH: Imde. We have therelore mneh nleaaara In an nouncing to the public that we have ae cured Stalls "Nos. 4, 5, 6 "anil 7. Central Market, And we parpote making this place Tbe Central Rendezvous and Depot For everybody to purchase all de scrlptlottsor Staple and Fancy Groceries. We are now displaying-, ex steamer "Geo. W Klder," AN IMMENSE STOCK GOODS, Purchased with especial lefctenoe to our new departure. Oar Priess are Lower than those of any other house in tlie oity, and ear Goods are all Fresh, Hew and Well Seleoted. "We earnestly Invtts lhe aMenttou of IInmslnnr.Ilad or HimHhWi litt le! and HoAtdItesM Keepers, ete. lo whom spasM TsdaestMen'M wtll be iiMSjad-to.oar fnaHhttsa fwr inpnUlne; Iheu with the best etew uf xeod nt the Iowest l'usMMe I'rtee. m Ooods tellverad free and promptly to very part of hWeMy, ntse to all trains and REMEMBER TIIE PLACE, Central Market Grocery Store, Stalls Hoa. 4, 5, G and . 7, (Oppmtte O'Shea Rros'.) ' H. MARSHALL & CO. frit tr w. BARTSCH'S 5tO! 143 First Street, Portland, (Odd Fellows' Dtilldlec.) MR. A. TUVRTSCnr.TnE GBKBRAI, AGENT of the workl-renowed STEINWAY PIANO, Ha openerf rew Mnste ItoomVat the above puce, wuerc ns Keeps ine ceieonuau STEISWAT,KnXICH & BACH and EKXST GABLKR NEW SCALE TIAX0S As well a a Full Supply of SHEET MUSIC. MUSIC BOOKS AND MUSfOM IKSTRBMENTS. oVJJooWr- Qrdars promptly to. oitAxcn s. iVAitrtr.v, nnilneHs JlHiinsor. -U s. II. SMITH. one. a. " OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, Corner r rirl mid MorrNon Streets. rORTUVXD, OREGON. Board sod Itrvim, per day. .SI M Renovateil and Newly Fnrntsaed. FIlBK COACH TO AND FROM TUB HOUSE. 8-51 SMITH &. YOUNG, Proprietors. MISCELLANEOUS." The IVlost Wonderful OF jtoinm.v TIMES! CHALLENGES THE Patio in tlio 1U& and Kidneys, Non-Retention of Urlue, Iullammatlou of the niadder or Kidneys, DIabete,, Brick Dust Deposit in Urine, Leucorrhcoe, Nervousnoe, I'aluful or Suppressed Menstruation, And all cnwtMalnM nrMne from a ilawmwl Oraana of eiUnr sex. It to PURELY VBUIcTAHLE and ENTIRELY HARJIl.KM, and eapec- NHi; mtaaa a-u km iivTMl wt MUIUIU mill tUIIUIVH Leaf of the Plant For Uiote rlv wlb to make their own Tea : call to do this, we have ira pared a Which contalm the virtoes of the Plant In full nrnnvrioHS accompany haoii packagh. 3FLoicL 1:23.0 3,olTo"ccri33.s; 27osti3a2.oxiictls : My Kidney wre In a very bad eondltlon. areat deal with my baek. AH remedle wr mnedlex wr T KA, whWi gave inealnHMtlmraedlMe relief. Uavinr anefere bae&aehe taut Winter. I v Mod It very beneficial In IU nanlls. It la woum reeoHimeeu n 10 inose nmieiau aa l was. The ORBGON KIIINBY TK.V ha eared my mv aratliode. I Mali Mmn remember the and hbibly raeoramend It to all my friends and While I H In Tillamook last Winter. I war almost ttnD0tMe tor me to rcaeh lHtland. When I not bete I wan Indaced to tr the ORB UON IClliNEY TEA. I dmnx. at my meals, tb tan made bum It, and It kw alfacll a radical cure. I can Ubt' reeotnuiatMl H tn Mil who are HMId I vnut. K UOIIN. Bnth mvoeffatHl wi have Iwen mranme venra triad itianv rafunllea wltboat oMalninx ur were Induce,! to try a okao of the OTtEUON KIDNEY TEA, which has apparently entirely feared both of n. as xlooe Mklns It im weeks w have Ml no irymptoms of the diMHie. Ws ran nsruiy ree-H-inietwl it 10 otnvnt ainiimny claimed lot It. I taka n asare In testlMHe In the merits of tbe years I have been Miner! n rmm Kieae' sv trouDiea, kind of Kidney medlclfte In the market, almost without any relleC Uavtnc heard that the OREGON KIIKVKT TEA po I si ted wonderfnl ret dose oMalned mlmr.and by the ne of the SOLD BY ALL DUUQGIST5 17I2.IC33 HODGE, DAVIS LEWIS & STRAUSS, IMl-ORTERS AND JOBBERS OF MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS, HAVE OMtKHD.TIIIS DAY, THE LARGEST STOCK MILLINERY AND .. FANCY GOODS ! Dlreat'frem the Mannfhetarer. Mii.iii.vmt5 Asn yinitciiANTS Will And. Id N Honsalhe oaly. WIIOLKBAt.K 'lOTABttUllMdOTIn tlir city. i.r.ivts .t, So. 123 Flrt Slrect. Ml G. NEIMEYER, MERCHA-NT TAILOR, "o. 102 Tint strrrt. T'KKrS OONSr.VNTI.Y OK HAND A FINK xv atui cotiipiets stoea or SCOTCH, ENGLISH, FRENCH i DOMESTIC GOODS Which are nnti.-pn?eU,and whleti lie wtll make up AT COST PRICES. 8 EMPIRE BAKERY. VOSS & FUHR, (Successor to reter Wagner), Manqfoctarers of 3read, Cakes, Pastry, Pilot Bread, Soda, Picnic, Butter, Boston, Sugar and Shoo Fir CRACKERS, JENHT UNO CAKES, GINGER SNAPS, ETC. SI Washington street, Portland Ogn. aorOrders from the Trade solicited. lediea! Discovery WORLD AS A REMEDY or dahilltaUd ataLa of tha Tfldnova nr Urinarv It preMBta the in its Shatura! State and for those wbote mode of life renders It din- a torra convenient for travelers ami other r. ronTLAxn, Oreeen. Jnly M. lilt. The urine vnu like brlek dnaa. and I aallkrvd a nnavallin aaUl I tried the OREGON KIDNEY it. iiAiiibiun. ronrXAxn. Oracoa. Ancnat t, lst. Indneed tn trv Uw OREGON KIDNEY TEA. I nut more unpleasant to take than other tea. I juius l". fakm JtK. Foktland. oecoa, Jnty It, V9. baek and Kidneys, aadlantatakaasto express Oreaon Kidney Tea with nluaira and estseni. aeqnitlmaaees. J. II. p. UOW.NIKB (atP.SelllBrsV Poti.ani, Oreann, July St, lsTH aflseted In my bock and Kidneys so Uiat 11 wa ismcpSKnKiiCB, Oregon, December It, HO. aflllcied with disease or tbe ICIdney.and had smauwiil rellcr. About three months aco ws uskuhi, aa we naiiavaj win ua an last m M. U WHITE. ASTOBIA, OrsfjDn, December x, IS7H OREGON KIDNEY l t il A. Fir the nat ihraa ana awing ine ume nave tnea neatly every propertiea, I twiehasce a pseKae,i one nacksce feel completely cured. wiiehsjert a pseJUHSS, and tram the S UKiVl, AND GENERAL DEALERS. OiN'IS DOLLAR & CO., Proprietors, Portland, Oregon. THE FAMOUS Standard Organ! 10,000 Of wbieh bare been sold on tbe Pacific Coast. O.VI.Y 6t00.V FIVC-OITAVE OltllAV, lllrnnt Illpli-Top Cnno, 1'lte Stop, ultli Octnvc C'tipler t: Snb-Unn, IVissassluc all tlie POWER AND SWEETNESS nr thh IIIOHKR COST INSTRU.MKXTS. Every Organ fully guaranteed for five yean. Address tr. T. NII.VNAIIA.Y. Morrison Street, between Second and Third, Portland, Oregon. ' nr HOI J! AO KXT for the Xorth wast Coast. -U e w.vsiiixuTON st.. itmTLvxn. ore J pon, rtupertfiilly requH all lhe rt-aderof tbe Naw Noktiiwkbt wl.o have work In his line lo call upon or adiln-M lilm. Kutltnales Klven on appllrnllon, and all Inqnlrles promptly answered. -ti OILS Crockery and Glassware ! A SPECIALTY OF LAMPS AND OILS! rpiIE CELEBRATED "HERO" OH-BKST X in tbe market. For sale by at only. Or ders nom ths country promptly failed Send ami try liKKU UIU Satlsntetion guaranteed. We are bare lo please, OLDS A SUMMER. S-5t Ko. isj First otreet, Tortland. PIONEER WOOD-YARD, Ft ot Yamhill street. JIWjITJS SORENSEK. ai.t. iti.vit.s or Moon, Sawed and nnsawed, constantly on bnnI,nnd S delivered to any part of tbe city. 27 GO TO THE AURORA RESTAURANT, Northeast cor. Front and A Wer streets, The only place In Portland where yon con get A GOOD SQUARE IHSAI. For 25 Cents. CUIUS. HCLOTII I TN'VITES niS OLD PATRONS AND TUB NEW BUTCHER SHOP, VFasliljiKfon sL, one door east of Third -MiSGELtarNgous: ' D. W. PRENTICE & CO., THE LEADING Ffiuslc Dealers! North of San Franelyo. THE liARGEST STOCK OF PI ASTO S ! Prom $200 to $1,000! THE LARGEST STOCK OF OE.G- AlffS ! From $35 to $760! THE LARGEST STOCK OP SHEET 34TJSIC AKD BOOKS! . Tn tbe Northwest. Intirumenls of All JCtntig Sohl ok Haty aymetm. sunecKiBS roa D. "W. PHENTICE & CO'S Mokthly Musical Journal, Wbieh eontalns from fts to S worth of new vocal ana instmsaeatai ssnsse aati valuable and interesting mul ing matter each year. Only 75 Cents per Year. D. W. .PRENTICE &. CO., No. 107 First Street, (J. K. Otirs old stand), TORTLAXD : OREOOX ONE PRIC3 TO Alii. ! The Farmefs' & Weshamcs' Store HAS THE LARGEST STOCK OF MEN'S, BOYS' AriD YOUTHS' CL0THIF1G IS THE CTTT, AKD THE PRICES ARE AT LEAST 10 PER CENT LKSB THAN OTHER STORES. Tills IIouic lm-i n STRICT HUM;, nud It It One Frico to All. FARMERS' AND MECHAKIC'S STORE, Xo. IS! First Street, near Tamlnll, PORTLAND, OKBOON. Mannnwtnrer, Importer and Jobber III FURNITURE. BEDDING, CARPETS, PAPER HANGING. WARKKOOMft l1 and 15 First and 11 Second street STEAM FACTORY N. W. Comer Front and Jefferson streets. roi:Tf.ixi, oitEGoa. NEW MARKET. NEW ENGLAND MARKET (Formerly Amador), Corner of Ji'orlli Fonrlli nml n streets. P'THK MARKET YOU VILL PIND AT tfV latfrl ass.l Pas a . . ' 1 T' Jmf. K; ""Vd'", Extra Omalia Hams, the B?rnivA nm & Mil 8-30 NEW ENGLAND MARKET. 1 PROPBSSIOJfAOf s - JOHN H. MITCHRLI- RALPH Jf . B.BMKST MITCHELL & DEMENT, Attorneys-at-taw. OFFICE-Corner First and Morrison street, rooms formerly occupied byUnehtet's Plctare Uallcry. 8-3J jr. jr. muH, E. C BKOXAUOU. jos. am on. C. A. DOLPU. BuLrn, bi'.oxacgii, dolfh & iihoj Attornc vs-at-Law ODD FELLOWS' TEMPLE, POBTLAND. 3-Mtf JNO. M. DALY, Attorncy-at-Law DALLAS, ORBGON, WILL PRACTICE IN THE DISTRICT AND United States Courts. &SH W. KOE1II.KB, Dentist Dentist Dentist. "VTBW UENTAL ROOMS CORNER FIRS1 i and Main streets, in Shads' new brick tnjlldlntr.oTer Plummer's Drug Store. 9-10 DR. J. G. GLENN, Ui; ntiKt, Southwest corner First and Yamhill PORTLAND. ORBGON. RAWDON ARNOLD, M. D., nomtrspaihle Tbjslrlsn and Sarjton. RBSIUBNOE AND OFFICE N. E. Corner MonlKornery and Sixth streets. Tortland, Wagon. tMHee Hours 8toie a. M., 2 to 4 and 7 to Sr. st. - A. GKAPJtAV, M. D. J. T. WELLS, JL, D. CI I A I'M AN A WELLS, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Office Comer First and Alder streets, (Strowbrldge Balldlng.) Spedal Attention to all Branches of Sorcery. DR. CHAPMAN'S Office Hours: DR. WELLS' Office Hours : From 9 to II a. m. From ItoSA 1 to 9 P.M. Fmm N to IS a. m. From 2 to! A2toI.M. a-17 MRS. DR. B. A. FORD. DR. A. L.FORD. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE CO RNER OF First and Montgomery streets, No. 389. Her Special attention given to Dlteaset of Women and Children. 9-t TRAVEL. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD CO. rpo TAKE BPFBCT SUNDAY", SEPT. 15, JL It a. DaCy (Sunday excepted) as roilowst, PORTLAND AND KOSEBDRG A3 follows : IiEAVC. ARRIVE. ;, Portland A. sr. I Roseburs 7.-O0r. V Resenurg IrW A. v. Portland 1C5 p.h. ALBANY EXPRESS TRAIN, Dally (except Sundays), as roLLOwa: LEAVE Portuuid ARRIVE 4 r. sr. I Albany 8s3S r.x AlbftHy a. n. I Portland .14M3A.K FREIGHT TRAINS, t Dally (except Sunday) as follows: lkavb. arrive. Portland (:15 a. x. Junction 8o r. x Jnnctkm 6:4S a. x. Portland 5, Tbe Oregon and California Railroad Ferry makes connection with ail Regular Trains. Close connections are made at Roseburg with tbe Stages of the California and Oregon Stage Company Tickets for sale to all the nrlnclnal points In California and tbe East, at Company's office. Cor. F and Frost-fits., at Kerry tanilnr. Tort lsi. D2-Stnrace will be Charseil on Frelsht re maining in Waiehouoes over SI hours. tier Preterit will not be received rorsnipmem after 5 o'clock p. M. J. 11KASUT, jr.-, Gen. Kretglit and Passenfter Agent. .Z-HSU Portland to San Francisco. Carrjlns U. S. Mali and Wells, Faro ts Co.'s Express. The Oreeon Steamshln Oomnaar and Pa cific Coast Steamship Company will dispatch, every Ave days, tor thebove port, one of their new and elegant A 1 Iron Steamships, viz: THE OREGON, GEO. W. ELDER, AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SAILING DAYS Feb. S, IS. IS, 23, 2S. March 4, u, 11,19,24,29. April 3. Leaving Portland at S A. M. THROUGH TICKETS sold to all the princi pal Cities In tbe United States and Canada. For particulars tor Passage and FreigbLappIy to G. W. WEIDLER. Agent 0. 3. S. Co., Corner F and Front S., Portland. Or J. McCRaKKN A Co., Agts P. C.S. a Co m. as and H North Front feu.Portland.Or. S-8 OREGON TRANSFER COMPANY General Forwarding and Commission. Freight and bararage forwarded and delivered with dispatch. Pianos and Furniture moved. Orders for Hacks Promptly Attended to. Day or Night. omcc S.W. Cor. Second nnd Stark Sts. oV Mark, Care of O. T. Co. 7-aj WIBEEG & KIERNAN, DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 1.1 Front street, between Alder and Morrison, Portland, Oregon, HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE STOCK OF NEW GOOOSi 9-8. FEES n BAY CENTER OYSTERS, ALISKY & HECELE'S, First SU, bet. Alder and Sforrlson. S-51 AIVIEniCAN STEAM DYEING AND CLEANING WORKS DYE AND CLEAN ALL KINDS OF SILK woolen and mixed goods, after, the best and newest German and rreneh systems. KK1 (Moves and Feathers cleaned and died by a new process. Blankets and Furs denned nice ly. Gents clothing cleaned and dyed a spec clalty. O. CONRAD A CO., No. 10 Salmon street, Portland, Oregon. 8-51