e Sem THURSDAY. JANUARYS, 1SS0. HILLUCIl'H At! CM) II. A XlBBlt OF THE I'ABTISO TEAR. tTliIs elegant poem, by Sam L. Simpson, is IwMhW by reouast. though not appropriate at this time. En. New Nohthwkst.J r. The cryt.tle petal at roeeel buor The remertbtsTedearHi telttMey " And Ibe world i wh Itr with sugel flowers. And rwrlwwH f.lT)lini. For tlie ywLU mouM'riug la ab ard ember. And tbe wild, wan face o.lrer December is writ wllD a nmHramiii. ' 'fe. - Ai sonnet anf dawn, WTfb'cftajiieU meetly C,arnlsli,tlia golden day. , And the bToVfK e Irfertislered sweetly With the blossom ol lMUCiiosl,MBy Tii stars still shake from 1 Iteir curflng tresses "Y pw wuwviutHj uressas To kiDsdom that passes away. i The grand old msvreait, th deleter quiet. Forsook tberealms they won. Ami MHMrwrfJeariaUbe-wBeiMne flat, 3 (kM forth discrowned aiirione In tli solemn night, M vet hereafter 'ine yean vHH ma law wltfa moan OMaorfclar Till all hi over and done. Once more, H may be no jiiore forever, Let u crown the parti nr year. And watch and wait tll Ibe seas dissever The guest Utat Mivec o here; V, loo. may part, la Ute glad lime coming When the rose Ij Mown nasi tbe bees ate linn in log. Or tbe grape ate A us fee! wNh ebeer. Slowly, areejBd the'lirured dal An swept tbe silver wean Slowly him iwe, wMh CrOtT espial, Kaah fateful crisis Been; And tbe peaMahHn. serene and subtle, Ji weaving Ate, with a rhythmic (battle. In a woof of Boon and ream. But t be web of life Is warm aad ciewloc, A re-.-al oioth Hi ooKJ. . With aiirtnj: latter, fan and rtowlnc, In many-a-Marry fMd; And It barn away tbe statu of sorrow. An the doodad day peerieea. morrow In sapphire bloom on rolled. vi t. Of threaded pearl tbe pat Is woven The central orbs' aue, , Ad tbe misted deads aad dreams are cloven, And kissed with crimson are; 0r buds tbat boawean and mm that quiver Tbe refrain of lore delays forever As tbe aowedag moons aiplre. ' 'i VIII. When tbe leaves of time are dim and yellow We prise their Ming lore And tbe frail of life are Kolttoa mallow That sblne on tbe backward shore! But the world is wide. aad the Iird is gracious, And the castled realms are bright and spacious That lift and spread before. There Is no dead past its dead are risen. W e guard these empty urns. But the winced spark has left Its arisen. And soars, and slnics, and barnsl Fur tbe mould of death bat a while reposes, To burst in a throng of bridal rosea , ; As Ute rtfrnut Hhtoe rstorss. la the closing scene tbe plot unravel. And tbe lovers, band ia hand. Aad the foe, and the Mend, and the fool tbat cavils, 1 Before tbe footlights stand; j Bat we know, at last, that truth dissembles Hot I ever tbe porpstt thread that trembles At tbe touch of a magic wand. XI. Again and again the eartain visas And raastc wine tbe hoar, Aa the oW, old tbema, in sweat disguises, . Is wsnstrat wttb fntiie utfru Tin Jey and sorrow, through winding mazes, zvamtwi aiMM, ana Lneir tinea laces i IB saintly Dorr. xtr. Tb e HelleaJe raeaoh lias never ended , Aad on the Attic plain Tbe violet crown tbat time has rended Gartaada each classic fane: And tha (lad-tike art of it s-lowinr rnirblM Is afJsM that sMites and a soag that warbles im every Mwawra main. XIII. Aad tbe old year thus, la Us dttstaod ashes. Retains a soolfal thrill; Its approval smiles and Us menace flashes From many a tempted hill; II It be with tear that are bitter, real. We must eseaase the brow of Us pure ideal. And HHptU worship still. Adieu 1 the banded stars are staring - The eeranntlan hymn, Aml'tbei-early soMior dawnrseprinelns Bastward, aad 4eMh dim; AndlbeiratsMareopea.O pilgrim brother The ymr is thine, aad perhaps no other Thy wresttheaewp shall bffm. ' xv. Take aB&frthe breaths that Wiy wither Iu tinctniBsrial haU. "'aliW; 'w,r,rrfBK hMtwr- Pot on thy rooeo and tmd the ineasare, ' And tha aaaalsAf all past rstrn and pleasure. Attend lay needfal call ! A 'TraotedMeetln'. raa res,' w no via. of lipb atiuhsouxji, "o nwiND,"Tiy o-e or tub rodtx (Letter from tbe Fool's Wile. The jfeejlng Is terribly against Com fort oti acoouut of Ills course toward the colored people. There is quite a village of tli em on the lower end of the planta tion. They have a cliureh, a Sabbath pclioel, and are to have a school next year. You cannot Imagine how klmlj they have been to u, and how much they are attached to Comfort. They are naviug a. y'traptea rneetinV as they call it, how, I got Comfort to go with me to one of their prayer meetings a few nights ano. I bad heard a great deal about them, but had never attended one Tefere. It was strangely weird. The"re were perhaps fifty present, mostly middle-aged meu and women. They, were singing, In a soft, low mono tone, interspersed with prolonged ex olamatory notes, a sort of rude hymn which I was surprised to know was one of their old songs In slave times. How the chorus came to be endured in those dayjf I Qflpnot imagine. It was "Freei'free! free, ray Lord, free! - JAP'."' walks de bfiubecly way!" iw" TnoRetl 'aTouiitTas we came In and ajjHrejLvej jid UuoJe-Jerry.H lira saint ui ine seiiiement, came inr WMdoliigUves. aud vsuld, lu his soft voice: "Ev'nln, Kunnel! Sarvant, Missus! Will you walk up an' bev seats In front?5 We told him wo had just looked in ami might go in a Bhort time; so we would stay in the back part of the audl- $H)!e Jerry cannot read" nor wrTle; but he is a mau of strange Intelligence and power. Unable to do work of auy account, he la the faithful friend, moni tor and dlreator of others. He has a houao and piece of land, all paid for, a good horo ,,. ,.. andi Wtu the alj' r t.mmi.i7. i ' me most promising colored meo in the settle ment; so Comfort says, at leant Every body seems lo have great r.,h! for fiB character. .1 don't know , maUv people Phave heard speak ol t.t, rA ion. Mr. Savage used to say i,e i.aj rather hear hlin pray than any oH.er man on earth. He was much prlred bv bi? Saef eve after be was disabled ori-acfitlrIt or bis faTtlirdlrie(,s aud char' acter. Tlie mstjng was led last night by a mulatto1 man' "named 'Hubert, who was whatds now 'called aU ''old issue free nigger" (freed before the war). Ho seemed very anxious to display the fact tbat be could read, and, with comical prldef blunderedjthr6u6b .!de"free b'un- ner'nflfiy-fird bymu" and a chapter of. toerlpture. some of ills comments -on passages of the latter were ludicrously apt. ,YI Indeed baptize witb water, but 1ie"ttia itFafierTSe- sSffll b"spti?ef"L"I S T witu ie iieiyutbMt and with nre," lie read with (iifflculty. "Baptize wid water," he repeated, thoughtfully. "We all know what that Is; an' lilplizin' wid tie Holy Ohos', dat's what w's come here arter to-night. "AmenI" "llress God!" "Darnow!" Hut bftptizln' wid lire 'clar, brodderiu' an' sisters, it allers makes my ha'r Stan' straight up tu think what that ar mm' mean! Ifep lizewltb fire ! I spec1 dat's the tryin ol fle gold 1h de furnace de Lord's fur nace dal el'ars nut all de (Inn", hut iiitta' be powetful hot !" There was nothing remarkable at first iu the exereiteo, except one man, who wove back and forth mi his knveiatHl "liouttxl, in a voice which might have been beard a mile, for some fifteen min utes, only one sentence "Gather 'em In! 0 Lor, gather 'em in! Gather 'em in! O Lor", gather 'em in!" In a strange, singing tone, tlieelleetof which tiou the nerves was something terrible. Men shouted, women bcroained. Same sprang from' their knees and danced, snouting and toseitig their arms about In an uneeusolous manner, reminding me of what I had read of the dancing dervishes of the Orient. One woman fainted; and finally the see-sawing shouter himself fell over. Some water was poured on his head, a slow, sooth ingliymn was sung, and in live minute the assemblage was as )uiet as any country prayer meeting in Michigan. Kor me, I found myeif rlingiiigloCim fort'sarm in almost hysterical fright. I begged him to take ine away, but am vwy glad now that he did not. After a time Uncle Jerry raised his head, which had all the time been bowed upon his knees since the meeting began, and, lifting bis thin hand toward the people, said, In a soft, olear voice : "Let us all kneel down an' pray one mo' short pm'r! short pra'r!" He knelt with his face toward us. The guttered candle on the rough pine table threw Its-flickering light over hlni, as, with upturned face and clasping hands, lie "talked with God." oh. how slmnlv and directly. Ami. as ha tiraved. n strange light seemed to come over his brown face, set Iu its whit frame of snowy Jialr and beard. He prayed for all, except himself, and seemed to bring the cares ami troubles of all before the throne of grace, as if be had tbe key to the heart oT eacli. Then he oume to pray for ua "the strauger fren' whom Gk1 has raised up an led, iu his mysterous way, lo do us good-bless him, O Lord. In basket and sto', heart an' home! He don't kuow what bt?a got afo' iiiai ! Stay bis ban an' keep him strong aud brave !'' ijhi l can never reproduce the strange tenderness and faith of this prayer. I leaned my bead on Comfort's shoulder, and the tears fell like rain as I listened. All at once there was slleuce.. The voice of prayer had ceaeed ; vet the prayer did not seern ended. I raised my eyes aud looked. Utiole Jerry still knelt at his chair, every worsbitier still Kneeling in ins place; but every heaihrc! was turned and every eve was fastenedT on lilni. His eyes were fixed on what? He was looking upward, as if hesaw be yond the earth. His fnoe was set in rigid lines, yet lighted tin with a look of awiul joy. iis breath came slow aud sobblugly, but, aside from that, not a muscif ruovefl. rvot a word was uttered, but every look was fastened on him with hushed and fearful expectancy. "Hain't bin dal way but once afo1 sence de surrender," I heard one of the wawerr whisper, uniter bar breath, to another. Five minutes perhaps ten minutes elapsed, and lie hail not spoken or moved. It was fearful, the Urrlble si- lenee, and that fixed. Immovable face aud, stony figure. Tbera wasjometblug preternatural about it. At length there came a q iiver about iiib urn. iue e.Vas lost their ttxitv '1716 Hands winch had rested on tbe clialr were clasped together, aud a look oi iiivine rapture swept across the up turned faee, as he exclaimed, in a tone rainy nuniened with ecstatic Joy: "I sees Him ! I sees Him ! Dir he is i" Aud tie indited, with a thin ami tremuitng liauil, toward the farther cor nor of the room. "I sees Him wid de orowu ot salvation on His head de keys o' hebben a-lranein' iu hlsetrdle God's keys for de white pearl gates wiu ue urass-utaic ou Holiness an' de mantle oh Kii;liteouene-w ! Dar He Is. a-wulkln among de eaifflleslirks ylt ! He'9 a-comln' nigh us bress His holy name : a-ioomir arter ills neonte. an' a-EHthertn' on 'em in 1" I cannot tell you whatastrauee rhao- aody fell from bis Hps; but It ended at it began suddenly aud without warn ing. The glorified look faded from his faee. Tbe sentence died midway oa his Hps. His eyes regained their conscious look aud ran around the hushed oIthIm of altent faces, while a knowledge of wnui n an tuKen maoe seemed first (n flash upon him. He covered his face wiiu ms nanus and sank down with n groan, exolalmlng, In apologetic tones: u i u Lor"! don knowest-de weauuesg oo tly sarvant! Snar" him f spar' bim!" The meeting ended, and we went home. Somebew I caouet gef, oyer the feeling that the little log-church is a place where one has indeed seen God. They told us afterward that Uncle Jerry often bad these "spells," , tll0y call them, wlienever there ras a great battle (lending or imminent during the war, anu tney coum always tell which way tbe fight bad gone by what be sahl in theee trances. They say lie knows nothing of what he says at such times. I asked him about it one day. He sim ply said : "I can't 'spialn It, Missus. Taars like It's a cross I hex specially to carry. It's made me a heap o' trouble. Bin whipped for it heaps o' times; an', 'sides ilat, I alters feel ez If I'd lived 'bout ten years when I comes out o' one o' dem pells. Can't understand It, Misses; but Uncle Jerry Ml quit In some of dem Kpells ylt !' Enjoy the blessings of tills day if God sends them ; and theeyjl bear'patleuily and sweetly. Frtrrihrsilay is ttura; we are deal! to yesterday, aud we are not born to-morrow. Jeremy Taylor. AUE-vrs rort the xew noutjiwest. The folkrwlns persons nre duly aaiborised lo art as Aceat for tbe N tw Nokthwest : D D. Gray .Albany Mrs. J. A. Johns ..Salem Mrs. LotUc Keam -Eui;e:ie Cltv Mrs. Uan ueroree uoraon -California Ashby lVsroe ....z Benton county M.F Owen ., SisjueLCal W. W 'Uwh-.-; OqUht, l'. T "Women's JoorUsP1 Bnsion. Mass l. P. l"orter Hhedds, Or Mrs. C H. FolU San Jose.Cal M.rs. il. A. Warner Snokaoe FalLa. W. T Mlssilsrf Mshop-r...-. .UebwusvHIe sirs it. a. Lou;nary.. ..Amity It. T. Kebisnn Forest Grove jini. it. u. itntison Willamette Sloacb J U SKrrr:"- -r if iL urejton city tC. i "' - . ise uaiiea 'HIWr: Cbrvalhs Mrs. R. A. Vawters...: Z Mrs. R. B. Btsbou Walla Walhvl "rs. J. W.Jackftoa A. W. stanani Mrs. M. F. rooke Mrs. J. It. Foster J. T. Scott, Esq . Mrs. A E. Cor win . Lee Laochlin - Pendleton Eugene CHy -...Brownsville .Lafayette Albany Forest Grove . Astoria . , Arlli V..., Kill Otlier jrsurue. desiring to art a. Agent, vrtll please forward their names. We want Agents at every post offci threwaUout Orecon and Wasblnston Territory. "O'F-P'O'Sr 'OFFICES. onwiux. BAKKK COtJSTT. Anbarn. Aueuvtn, Itaker City, Ctarksvllte, Uneatta. l'bllomatlu Hurt's Iolnt, Summit, CItCKAXAH. Beaver, Ilulle Creek. Canby, f'larkamaa. Clear Creek, lAtttmssvllte, llaHiascus, Kacle Oreet.GB.l Thllnas. lllajtwad. Uotalfa, All I wankte. Needy, Norton. Orecon 'iiy,oawezo, Sandy. Kprlucwatrr, Zion, New Kra. Itarlow, Mllla, rni.m Mills hoiHie'a K. rry, Pleaaaat Home, Kinso Foint, Starford, VI.. la. cl-tTsor. Astoria, Chiton, Jewell, Knappa, Nehalem, Sklpanon. .Seaside House. Westnort, Isthmus, Olney, Summer House, Fort Clatsop, Mlsba wake. coos. Coo City, Coqnllle, Dora, Empire City, En chanted I'rairie.Falrrlew, Heniuuisvilu, nen ryvllle. Marsh Held, North Ilend, oil, ltan dolpb. Sllkln. Sllknra, Uiler City, Ilandon. Uravel Ford, Iowa .Slough, Freedom, Jlirtle Folnl, Norway, 8umner, Farkersburg. OOLOMBIA. Columbia City, Clalskanle, Jlarshland, Itn nler, Klverside, .St. Helena, Hauvie's Ikland, Kcappooae, Clear Creek, Qulun, Veraoaui. CUHKV. Chcteoe, KllensburK, l'ort Urford. Cama Valley. Cleveland, Cole's Valley, Drain, Klkton, Ualesvllle.Uanlner, Kellocx's! IUnntlass. Myrtle Creek North Cauyon vltle, Uafchutd. Paas Creek, Itoseburar, Mcotts bnry.Ten Mlle.Umpqna Cily.Wilbur.Yonralla, feetJ,!ly,.(;Bek Eft Ck. K'h Head, Fair Oaks, Kound Frulrle, sulphur (Springs. ' OKANT. Alvord. Canyon City Camp Watson, Day yltle.Jobn Day City, Fralrte City. Farkeravllle, IIMeiwnl's. H1 inter. Caran llanm. fir,ii Mirtiuiiicn, it. eruoD, ienoia. JACKSO.N. Apphwite, Ashland, Itinwnsboronefa. On trai limit. KKffie ITHnt, Grant's 1-ass, Hot mirinss. Jacksonville. Lakeuort, 1'IktoIx, Rock INilnt, Sum's Valley. Table Rock. Wll- iv.w nl,Mull.,iaiiiniJar uuue,n iiiiams'creek Fool's Creek, UardanelTes, Fioneer, Woodvllle, JOSBPHtNE. Klrby.lund. Slate Creek.Waldo, Althouse, LMicay i;hn, jiurpny. LACK. Antler, Bonanza, Dairy, Chewaucan, Drews' Valley, Moose 1-ake, lke View, LaiiKell Vat- , 4 mivuMii, .w line creek, tdlver Lake. Sprunaa River, Summer Ike. Tule Lake.Wblteblll, Wbluie's Ferry, Valnax, I'ievna. LANE. BIC Fralrte, Cottan Grove. Creswetl Camp Creek, Cartwrig-ttPs, Dexter. Eusene Clt)-, Franklin, Junction, Lone Tom, Mo hawk, Fieaaaut 11111, Sulslaw. Spencer Creek, Sprtngaeld, Trent- Willamette Forks, Cbesber, Kaa. Port. Uate Creek. Uosben. Ida. irvlnir Isabella, Iaburif. Liverpool, Mabel, MeKenzie oouze, uauaiu, aitervnie. LIN'S. Albany. IllK Frairle, BrownsviMe, Craw fordsvtlle. Diamond Hill, Pox Val.ey, Urass Kldce. liamsburar. Harris Kaseb. Ifalav Jordan, Lebanon, Mlller.Mmtdy.Ml. lleasant, i-eona, i-iuB, rem, sneuu's, soaa npring Ko da vllle.Sweet Home, Oak viile.Taasent, Water loo. MARIOS. Aurora, Aumsvltle, DoUevtlle, Brooks, Fair- ceid, Ovryais, Hubbard. jeBersoa, Marion .1 u, , .i..ii.,.ii,.imi;mtDiif(iwa,nui' .Hi. lul. Turner, woodbnra. Aider, Ilow inune, jieiiauei,nuuiimity. HDI.TNOUAII. jmh . ( unim , . i..nuu , i nn.ii a , alley, St. Jobns, Willamette bkMsgti, Albina, Kooster itocK, aauvies. POLC Bethel. Baena Vleta. Dallas. Kola. Elk norn Grand ltonde. Independence, Lhicoln, Iiek la mule, Iiewisville, Monmouth, Ferrydale, Klc- reaii, rsaiisvine, .ens. TILLAMOOK. Oaribaldl. Kllebea, NetarU, Nestockton, Til- UMATILLA. Batter Creek. lleppaer, Irenes, Marshall Meadowvllle. Milton. Ilk Rock, Pendleton uwaiuia-, wesion. l euysvuis, uvenon,ceii tnrisv, jiiuwbj, tiaiovB. UN'ION. Cove, Island City, La Orande, North Powder, Kummervllle, union, Wallowa, Indian, Kit Fiat, Frairle Creek, Sparta. wadcu. Antelope, Ik-ldze Creek, Hood River, Mite li en, xl itoou.iYiae7uie.aacsisnfe. Hnennieic. flDanhrh IloHow. The Dalles. Warm snrines wsho. miiowiuuy, rossu. line uresiK, Lun noes, i uven, irown itoca. tsmp folk, Deschutes, Durnr, Howard, Klossley, Alex, Hprlnz Valley, Tyak Valley, Upper Ocboco, vascauea iicas, apinma. WAsmsoTow. omirfwn,vvu.i jiiiitwwiiu. iniiey, ror- esi umve-.ifiencue.tnwuviiie, iiiiisooro, il lit dleton. Mountain Dale. IVake. sholl'a rVrrr irluH. WirrV Tn&latiM. Wail&ln. r.nl.ri-1 1 U dale's Creek, Oast on, Joppa, Reedvllle, West T AMU ILL. Am Itr. IteHevtie. Osrlatsa. Davima. Tjtlav. ette. MrUhiHvtlle, North YamhAl, aherMftn, OW W( 1 3rfc Vl VJUMIPXH,, Tl KlUWUhlHU, ai VVY tHT. W-t-SIIINOTON TEUKITOUT. CLALLAM OOOXTT. Bay, New Imngeness, Port ABgales, Neah Fysbl, Battle Orounil. Broh 1'ralrie. Fourth Plain. " - " - " uaaiii Kldsje, Vancouver. Wathootral, Fern I'rairts. La Center, Hayes, Taleolla. CHISHAUS. Oedai villa. Cbehall lVHaLKlBu.uuni.B UlMtMlM ltaSillB O. (11 . -- - - "i' ".wu , o hi mis. COLUMHIA. Aloowia. Rurksvllle. Davtan. fVim.mr -pnir. uvu, kuuM, wnuM rnr, jsarengo. COWLITZ. Oaatle Rock. FreeoorL Kalama. rv.. Iltx. MonUcello. ML CotOn. Oak iwu n-L ... Sliver Lake, Co wee man, oleosa. ' ISLASD. Connevllle. CovebMxl. Ttniiv ttiu.i. Oak Harbor. ' "" J' JEFrSRSOS. Fort. Dtoeovery, l'ort Ludlow, Pott Towaeaod. KIMS. Black River. Dwainish. Fall pit c-i.i. Slaoabter. SetanMtray, Sqaaek, While Kiver' CuerryValleToveity.Mllto.i.OsceKrl KrntAP. Fort Blakely. Fort Oamhi. Pnrf t,i. rurt Orchard, Sea beck, Teekllt. KLICKITAT. lfloeklloose. Coin m bus, Ooldemiale. Kllekl tat. White Salmon, Blakely, Folda, Klickitat I Ad ding. LKWIg. Algernon, IVtutfort, Chehalls, Claqnato. Cow litz. Ulen Kden. Utile Fall- V! .3.,.,. Vih"T Mossy Roek,Nati ne,Nwaukam,8knoknm chnck. Silver Creek. ?lnloek, Nasello. JIABOS. Arcada, Lighlvllle, Oakland, Skokomlth. PACiric. lading, Bay Center, Lake View, Sooth Bend, PIKBCE. Klhl. Franklin, Lake View, New Taeomn Puyal l Pjb'' tr., faoema; Akler: town. Carbon, Aeton, Summer, Muck.Wllks mhi, Artondale. SAN JDAS. San Jaatt,Lopaz,Oreas,East Sound, Friday Harbor. ' SKOMOMMR. Oealervtlle, Iwell, Muklltro, HnobomUh Tulallp, Park Place, eHarawood. n SKAMANIA. Cascades, Coll hit' Landing. 8TB VCtS. Crab Creek, Poor Lakes, Fort OitOJ. Hane man's Creek, line ft rove. Reek Creek. Hauiu Spokane Brhhte, Spokane Falls, Union Ilidze! Walker's Prairie. THTagrros. Coat Bank, Beaver, Miami Fralrle,01yraplat Tanalqooil, Tenlno, Turn water, Yelm, Inde iwsndenee, Key. WAHKXAKD3L. Cathuunet, Eagle Cliff, Skamoka way. Water ford. WALLA WALLA Pataha Prairie. WaUsbarf. Walla Walla, Whitman, Wollula. VnlATCOK. Cedar Grove, Guenuw, Ia Conner, Lehmhl, iAtmml. Lynden, Nootsaehkt Point William. Baintsfa, Seaborne, SelaliBura, Ship Harbor, Ihlp Iilfli.StoilUTrrter.WTialeVtn.Kidalgo. WIIIT3IAX. Cedar Creek, Colfax, KwiHvllle,Owenbnrr, I'aJoase.Steptoe, Union Flat, Walton, Clinton, LsMehvllle, Panawano, line Creek, Rosalia, Anatone, Lincoln, Pataba City, Unhmtown t TAKIMA. Attanum.ElIeneljUrK, Port Sbneqe, Kittitas, Konnowoek, Nariam, Pfeasaal Grove, Selah, Vaklma. Money Order OQce. slB. JonlAti ,tller life,' valley. MalUrtlr, KntHMn)ior Creek.' Nortli low)Ir, altlure, TfrM ? 4J ; :T; klaei' Valley, Oorvallls, .Collins, King's Valley. Liberty. Little Klk. Newport. Newton. " -'MISCEITLuVOUS. DR. PAUL M. BRENAN, The, Most Snccessfnl Physiciaa( oni the ' Pacific Coast ' , 1 IN TIIETREATMENT OFALL CHRONIC AKD DIFFICULT DISEASES, H.S RETURNED AFTER AN EXTENSIVE tourorthe Cistern States for the Ktstfour months. The Doctor visited all the principal hirdieal institutions in tbe large cttle ol Ibe UnlleU Mates, and romes b.u3k with nil tbe modern methods. Instrument and appliances known to the mol dentifle men In Hie pro chuuil Tlie Doctor has alo brought charts and tnanikliis to illustrate ht lectuies. Dlt. PAUL M. URENAN bos lieeo IS years lecturing im the Uiwsof Life and llealtlt. In bis private and public lectures be has taught men and women Hie true system of life, how to be healthy and happy, if they would only be guided by his wle counsel, liutall cannot bear Ills dpllj-htrul and instructive lectures, norcan be tell even-thing necessary for satferliue hu manity to know from the public roitrum be fore a promiscuous audience. There remains much to be learned from him, as Ills experi ence extends over broad Ilelds of active pro fessional life. This kuowledgeso necessary to the welfare of sufferers can only be gleaned by private Prolesslonal Consultation at his ohiee. Hls exierience In the various parts ol Europe and America gives him such opportunities of learning the delicate diseases which Ibe hu man family nre prone to, their mode of treat ment mid permanent cure, as no other physi cian on tliw Paclfie Coast can claim. He lias Hit only treated these diseases most sucees fully, buChas made them a life study, as a few iiiniuenu.' consultation will prove. , He tuts become an exert In the treatment of disease, weakness and derangement or tlierw-l-rolueilve organs of both nialo and female, Including diseases caused by tbe FOLI.I11S or YOUTH, Such asSPERMATOKRUlCA.orSeVIXALWEAC- KBMi,orLii or i'mirmrt Vitalitt. Nearly two-lbintsof all the Chronic Diseases spring, either directly or Indirectly, from some de rangement of tbe sexual system, and yet this subject is neglected by the majority of the medical pro tension. IT IS TRUE That persons who are unfortunate enough to be aUlicted by any form ot sexual disease have a delicacy In calling upon the proper physi cian In time, from a sense of modesty, and sometimes from ignorance, and perm It those diseases to exist until their constitutions be come corrupted, their organization broken down, and the hope of future bappluess blight ed, until death becomes a welcome messenger lo carry them out or their miserable existence. Those who call in time upon DR. PAUL M. IJHEN AN need have no fear b'll what he will restore them to perfect health and vigor, make Ihetr bodies pure and their minds content.1I they will only follow his ad vice and treatment. Catarrh, Bronchitis. Throat Diseases, Skin Diseases, llbeumalisin. Kidney Complaint and alt Diseases ol the Eye aud Ear, Stomach and Bladder, be can cure without tall. No Quack Nostrums used; no slop treatment: no lalse promises Everything strictly confideutlal under all circumstances. Consultation I'ree. and a list of printed questions sent to those living aladliuince who cannot consult htm personally. Ail surgical Operations performed. Omee-No. fit First street, between Oak and line. Office Hours From H to IS x. M..S to & aud 7 to V. it. 9-7 ly VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR REWEWER. This standard article Is compounded with the greatest care. It effects are as wonderful and satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to Its youthful color. It removes all eruption!, Itching ami dsnd ruff, aud the scalp by It use becomes while and clean. By Its tonic properties It restore the capil lary glands to their normal vigor, preventing bablnes,aiid making the hair grow thick and strong As a dressing, nothing bas been found so effectual or desirable. Dr. A. A. Hayes, Slate Assayer of Massachu setts, says of it: "I consider It the best pie) ration lor its Intended purposes." BUCKINGHAM'S DYE, For the Whiskers. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray, or auy other undesirable shade, to brown or black at discretion. Il Is easily applied, being uiooe preissratlon, aud quickly and effectually pro duces a peimanent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by IC P. II.VI.L .V ., Nashua. .V. II. Sold by all Druggists and Dealer lu Medicine. S-5U PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ROOMH-Corncr First nud Sfnrk Ms., over Ladd A THton's Rank. ttontilat over Mgbt Tbotmna t'halre Csokt AKI Over 100 Papirs and Itlagazincs. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL Xonthly Dues 8i OO-I'nyable Qnarterly Tlluunnna Un U Tn.l.l T rs c. -V...nt T M. P. Deadv,H. W.CorbeU. W. II. Smckeit, il- v iuus,.ii. iaiwis, i. w. I ec n 11 ps 111 sr. 11 Falling, L. Ilium. OEccrsi MATTHEW P. T1KA nv Pre Went .Vice President II. FAII.INO. P. a SCHUYLER. Jh -Treasurei M. W. FECHH IJIMBR Oorrespomllns See HO PATENT, NO PAY I PATEPTS Obtained for Inventors In tho United States, Canada, and Kurope, at reiluced prices. With our principal omce locateu in Washington, ill- recti? uiiimsiLc tiie luiioi mates I'AunLORiM wtaare able to attend to ail Patent llaslneas with greater nromntnessand dlsmtti-h and cost than olbsr patent attorneys, who are at a distance from Washington, and who have. therefore, to employ "associate attorneys.'' We make preliminary examinations and fur nish ootnlons as lo rtalentahllftv. r-M cuarxe. nuu an who are interesieu in new In. ventlonsand natenls are Invited to mil rnr a copy of our "Uulde for Obtaining Patents," which Is sent free to any nddress.and contains complete instructions how to obtain patents, and other valuable matter. We refer to the ueiiiii,ii-viueiican .-vationat tsank. washing- ion, ij. u.; ine 1 loyal Swedish. Norwegian, and OaSeV. lAta Cllljaf Ttl.flaUa IT M IWiH nflSal,... to the OOlclals or the trvS. Patent OtDoe.and OTiisiijia .uu iemuers ot vongress, irilHl every Slate. Address: LOUIS DAGGER A CO., Solicitors of Patents and Attornevs-atrlAW. I.e limit Ilullding, Watbln jton, D. C Jt-K COKBETT'S LIVERY, HACK AND FEED STABLES, Cor. Second and Taylor streets. Reasonable Charges for Hire and Boarding. Hack orders promptly altendcl. Day or Night. WOODWARD ytAUOON, Prop. S-3 Qftf? A WEEK In vmir own town; ami no OULJ capital iTAisI. Too can give the Cosi ness a trial without expense. Tbe best oppor tunity ever offered for thins willing to work. Yon should try notblbgelse untn you see for yourself what you can do at the business we offer. No 100m lo explain here. Yon can de vote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay lor every hour that yon work. Women make as mneh as men. send for special private terms and par ticulars, which we mall free. S3 outfit tree. Don't complain ot hard times while you have such a chance. Address II. IIALLETT A CO Portland, Maine. s-n 1 s. ffd3 THE-NEW "NORTHWEST." XI.MII JKAB OF PUBLIOaTIOX ! THE NEW NORTHWEST, X Weekly Jonrual DEVOTED TO THE PEOPLE'S BEST INTERESTS I Independent In PoUnrXandKegion ! rjlIIIS WELL-KNOWN WEEKLT JOUR nal begins lu Ninth Tear or Publication with IU Issue ot May 1st. 1S79, under the busi ness management of tbe Du.mwat PcBLisn iso CoiiPAxr, to whom all letters connected with the Editorial, Advcrtlsln or Subscription Departments or tbe paper ars to be hereafter directed. Tbe Nit Nokthwest Is net a Woman's Rights, but a Human Right organ, devoted to whatever policy may be necessary to secure the greatest coed to tbe greatest number. It knows no sex.no politics, no religion, no parly, no color, no oreed. Iu foundation Is fastened upon tbe rock of Eternal Liberty, Universal Emancipation and Untrammeled Progression. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION-Southwest cor ner of Front and Washington Streets, (up stairs), Portland, Oregon. THE CHARMING SERIAL STORY, Br MRS. "v. i-r . S. DUNIWAY, -I ... Was commenced In ourlssue orXovcmherfa, MRS. DUNIWAY-S peenltarly orfslnal style of Editorial Correspondence will continue from week to week to attract thousands ot renders, and Editorials are promised upon all the leading topics of the day. CORUE SPONDBNTS are also employed to furnish weekly letters from Washington, New York and various parts of Europe. No pains will be rpared to make THE NEW NORTHWEST tbe leading newspaper ot It etas In America. It literature Is always moral In tone and instructive and elevating In character, and Is sought after by the best and most Intelligent class of readers. As a medium for Advertising, this Journal has no superiors. NOW, IS rur TltlC TO ClIDCrDlDCT SUBSCRIPTION RATES, IN ADVANCEr Single copies, one year. Six , ,1 Three '""""" -13 CO - 1 GO - 1 to I,inEKAIa-"INDCCE-tIFJTS Agontc. and Canvassars I .-. vt ri 1 J 1 6 ' 1 4 t7fl . i. . 'lit EARLY SEND IN YOUR ORDERS "i 3f Rally. Friends, to the Snpport orjlnmnn Klclils nntl The People'a'Pajier. -: DUNIWAY PUBLISHING IJOMPACNY, Corner of Front and Washington street, (en- HECJiBoED'S'corjujrfr: H. T. HELfrlBOLD'S COMPODHD FLUID EXTRACT B TD" C IL IT, I PHAltaiACEUTICAL. A SPECIFIC REMEDY FORAIL DISEASES CF THE BLADDER AND KIDNEYS. via. ainuiuii a . uur JiiaiUViif l.a Jj disposition to Exertion or RusIMests. Short nnn Hum r itv 1 rua tw imiinnv tv. ness of Ureal!., Troubled with Thoughts of insease. Dimness 01 vision, rain in the Rack, Cbesland Head, Rush of Iltood to the Head Pale Countenance and Dry Skin. If these symptoms are allowed to go on, very frequent ly Epileptic Fits and Consumption follow. When the constitution becomes atreeted. It re quires the ahl of an Invigorating medicine to suensiucu auu luue up iue sysieiu, wuicu KELMBOLD'S BUCHU DOBS IN BVJHI.Y QASE. EELK3 OLD'S BUCHTJ IS UNEQUALED By any remedy known. 11 Is pnescrlbed by the most eminent physicians aH ever tbe world In Rheumatism, Spermatorrlitra, Xeuralgla, Xerrousncss, Bjspepsla, Indlsesllon, Constipation, Aches and Tains, Lumbago, XcrTOUs Debility's ... . Head Troubles, Catarrii, General Debility, Diseases of the Eidacys Liver Complaint, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Goners! HI Health, Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Nervous Complaints, . Female Complaints, Etc Fleadacbe, Pain In the Shoulders, Cough, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Bruptfens, Bad Taste In tbe Jlebtb, Palpitation or tbe Heart, Pain In thelteclon of the Kidneys, And athonsand other palnmi symptoms, are ;tlieonspnisoi fj ta HELMBOLO'S BUCHU ) INVIG0IIATE3 TUB ST0MA0U.t . Aait stimulates the torpid Liver, Bowels, and blond or all lmporilies, anil Impartlne new lire and vltor to the whole system. A auntie trial wilt ueijuiiosuutncu. i' yiatt -vinaaa Itie most liAHltatllii? of Its Talnable IMHN dial qualities. PRICR. 81 1T.II DOTTLE, .Or Six Bottles for 5. .11 ZDellvere.1 tn any address freo from observa- Hiiii. raitoa may consult ny letter. receiving tbe tame attention as by calling. Competent i-nysnraias aueno to correspomtenis. All let ters sitae W be addressed lo II. T.IIKLJinOLIi, Drngglst and Chemist, Philadelphia, Pa. . GAJJTIQXl i'.M See that tlie Irlvate'Iroprl"e,tary Nlamp " Is on eiicli' Dottle. SOLD EVERYWHERE! s-as JirSCEDBAiNBOTJBr King of the Blood Carts U Scrofaloni sileetians aad' iagfrsra Imparity of tba blood..; pecif V an. as the loHWrer ran tunssf caase : nut Salt Jam. Itsutii. tfbri. Cntrf, SwtUtngt, tce.t are the BlsMt esson, ss "nJ " of the Heart, Htmd, Ur SCROFULA. Tfasicrful Cxort c. D. Rurssv, Soir & Co. -troubled with Htrsfala or srai a T tiataK latntsnefaft i Dlxod ia ttMar t ' r Bioul. fals I'jr laiat J - ". T WBn- 1 wa TissuMadsd 1 t p OT. at la mwf y ? red a f, nmt u lllt. Si. . hm' 1 bsre been troabhd with years, seimq 1 pietelT bbod for Hx aseatb to try King of tbe IRood, Ufssinp to me, ssit has en 1 I eheerf aUy recommend it t ln. Yo. Mu, 8. West! wiM be paid lo any PabbV 1 sHy Sjrned Bum, for tvtry c:no pabiisbsal by us wlucb a Its IngrjtLsodiia. . Tejibsw oar faith ia x safety and exesflwee of tbe K. K., upon proper personal application, whsa satisfied that no napositloa w mtmait-d. sre v.m iriTs the names of ail its incfeiitents.by aflldavit. The above oilers were never made befure by the pxs prietor of say other family Median in the world. Many testlmonlals.furtber infonaatioo,aad faUdin-etams for usiafr will be found mthspn palet "UtaiM on Piimn of the Blood," in wltieheaebbottlsisenelosed. Priee $! perbatUecon Uiain; IS ounces, or 40 to SO doses. Kokl hydmp Cists. 1). ltd 80V, tSos A Co , rrojrs, Buifslo, Sf .V AbMUitlfulf Alttfclapofar 'i.t tJM eye of t1 t nui-''nr.n I is-t bevj'i.jlri e xt.i.nt. I' WnJ.h. 48 c I' - th, in. 8m lTCf. i:itopu Frrvh . hu.i y flnisltr t. iw arty' imprOT ty!!" if. i or lsran'1 Onran K lira, c!.si-n. and mi-f m th.-i O drsirmblevTrrlrtrfwrPiiMUiafuctan ' intr room. H1t1.1l jru e Lrd fr it ' c Se rtt ' ' - ' ' 1 i nr!-1 taa r i - the moit m- rofftnw- . ..St.! TV Tl- t 1 ' AStwtm, ww jvmra iro mo-a-at if 8117. l'say for tbelat(rHroal ib oi. jtasMhasr f salt s-l iiatvorironB lis iifi-fl rssCnrn mL rtv ixvdm. I M I fisirm--. t.nJ that I p.wr.1-. ,y will motd&rimt t -rr r e j -irsa. rfy narraiit-a ror yr w t. - i -, i lWrm.rJ 7h in.wt feccMfm Hi-is- i - u M nnsaliHtarsi atimaaiali Uuu i ' .rT ' uvsxtrmlxl hi .ilt? now orrrt' The NUiMtia thtrr tt Itltir11 r I w Since my r -if turt fromaii-fttn.l-:H!todrthrii-htJ Omtinrnt f IS rop-s X am tn r drti-rnuul thM artr tlfefttnot itr nr l v t tl.roujrhout the etitiredv ilued world ihaTl "i ; swT.-si br mr rvIfhratMl Ifwt i-iincirti BEAUTY BSANgliU- VFd ...ara. s.wi, sflsaHn.s.l ltsrlas reeewtlr been z.rt .-rer!-!' t t TVT VVOK. of my a u II v should iMaunVaeni imior of my reiaon sltitlltv. Illustrated .letvupaper Kt.iatr taatonua tSonialMaut risat ft Piino.nt Qmiuis aaent Cree. Address: BAHIEI. T. BEATTT, 'Vasnlngtos, 2Tevr Jersey -I ESTABLISHED 168. K. S. A. A. P. LACET, Attorncys-at-Eaw 868 Seventh street. Washington, It. a ZiiTcnfors. We pmenre patents in all coontrte. No at- tohnbt pbbs is advaucb. No eharre unless tbe patent Is granted. No fees for matins; pre liminary examinations. ,o additional aws lor obtaining and condnctinc a rehearlne. Speetol attention given to Interference Cases baton tbe Patent O trice, tensions before Cotrts, Iiimngement SaiU lo dltrereut States, and all litigation pertaining to Inven tfotia or Patents. Send stamp lor pamphlet String tall Instructions. Vnlteil Mates Courts niul Depnrtmciitn. Claims nnisecated In the f-mnreme Court of the United States. Court of Claims. Conrt n Onmmtsssoners or Alabama Claims. Southern do loss Commission, and all classes of war claims before tbe Kxeeutiv Department. Arrears of Pay and Bounty. Officers, Soldiers, and Sailors of tbe late war, or their heirs, are in many eases entitled to money from tbe Uovernment, of which they have no knowledge. Write full history ot ser vice, and state amount of na v and honntv iss. eetved. Enclose stamp, and a mil reply, afle examination, win begiven you wftboot charge -Pensions. All Officers. Soldiers, and Sailors- wonnded captured, or Injured in 4be late war, however slight, are entitled to, and ean obtain a pen irtori. United States fcuernl I.nnd Office. Contested Iod Cases. Private lasii nhsisao Ullnlnc nre-erantlon. and Homestead Hum Mosecuted before the General Land Office an uepanment oi ine interior. Io n 1 1 TVarrants. V'e pay cash for Bounty Land Warrants, and we invite correspondence with ail parties hav ing iny lor sale, and give fall and explicit In struction where asslcnmenbrare Imperfect. we conduct our bust neas In senarate Bmeatss having therein tbe clerical assistance of ahlo and experienced lawyers, and give our closest personal supervision to every important paper prepared In each case. Prompt attention thus secured to alt business entrusted to ns Ail dress II. S. A a. I'. I.t:mr. Attorney. WASHINGTON, IX C. Any person desiring information as to tbe standing aad responsibility of tbe arm will, on requtSavbenirnlshed with a satisfactory refer ence In bis vicinity or Congressional district. b-17 C?1 (nn T0 SW A YEAR, or 16 te tX per OlsJUU day in yoor own locality. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one ean fall to make money fast. Any oae ean do the work. Von can make from oO cents to 32 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to tbe buslnee. Nothing like it for moBey-maklag ever offered belore. Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all a boot tbe best-paying bo si ti ess before the pa bile, send us your ad dress and we will send yon full particulars and private terms free; samples worth ts also free: yon ean then make op yoor mind fr yourself. Address OEOROK 8TINSON A CO., Portland. Maine. 8-17 CUIUS. NCI.OTII rrVITBS HIS OLD PaVTKONS AND THE Public generally to call at his NEW BUTCHER SHOP, Washington at., one door cast of Third SO AA A MONTH guaranteed; $K a day at OUU home made by tlie IndoMrious. Capt lai not required; ws will start you. Men, women, boys and girl make money faster at work for us than at anything else. The work Is light and pleasant, and soeh as any one can go right sL Those wbo are win who see this notice will send us their addresses at once and see far themselves. Costly outfit and terms free. Now Is tbe time. Those already al work aro lavine un lareesumsof money. Auurt-iu IUsUmU. Tkiasstrs JgUTwY, TRUK A VO.t Augusta, Maine. 8-fJ ""a wasnmgton), Portland, Or.