THURSDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1879. ASino.XOMT HIDE EAST. ItHlMdle-dkldle, The Son's In the middle. And planet around him to cruml An swinging In siatee. Held forever In place In tbe Zodiac girdle or Uuid. Hl-dlddle-diddle, The Bon's Id the middle. And Mercury's wit to the Hun ; White Venus to bright, Keen at moraine or night, Cotacx second to join In tbe tan. HHllddl-dlddle, The Bon's In the middle. And third Ik tbegroapta our Earth; WbHe Mara wttti his fire, warlike and dire. Swing round to be counted the fourth. lll-dMdle-dtddle. The Sun's in tbe middle, ."While Jupiter's next after Man; And bis four moon at Bight Show the speed ot the light; a 2fext goMan-ilBced KaWrn appear. M-4MdleMltddle, Tbe Sun's In the middle. Alter Saturn eomee Uranus lar; And hit antics m queer Led astronomers near To old Neptune, who drive the latear. fExcbange. SEl'OMJ.lI.l.VI) GOODS. What care I II yo have loved before, go that you iove me love me beat and last Niar would J ask jam UtttmtttMMm That bound your heart to days now pact. Ts the remembrance of (he loves that were Hy which yonr heart can gauge Its lore lor . me; HVn-aa mroww throbbed at another's tooeh, lleau It more quickly now with tltooght of lace. 1 Vnaw thai Ton hare whispered oft befsre The name sweet nothing you breathe to me now; I know your Hps hare passionately pledged In other moments constancy's fond Tow. T know that hereare tender mem'rrea "Ml I That speak to you of happiness gone by; I know that. In As deepest depth, your soul llatu bidden feeling that may never dir. Yet rare I not if you have loved before, S that those loves are but In mein'ry past; Nor do I ask you to forget those dreams JJear that you love luc love me best and last. Wife and Sweetheart. BY EMILY K. STEINKSTCU Not a great while ago two gentlemen ware walking down tbe street, anil when they came in the vicinity of one of our ilorleta, the younger of the two Ietletriaps exotaimet : "Hold on a minute. I want to go In hero ami order a bouquet." He turned ami entered the florist's establishment, while the other grtitu blinely followed, saying: "We'll miss that boat, Henry, sure!" "io; we have an hour and a half yet," the other replied, ordering such flowers as he desired arranged into bis bouquet, and giving directions where to have it cent. The older man, a ruaty-visagetl, merry eyed, praotieal looking individual, watobed the process with deep interest a moment, then asked bis companion: "What are you sending such perisha ble stuff out there for?" "Well, I really don't know, Hart, un less it is because Miss is fond of flowers or perhaps I am influenced by the more selfish motives of wishing to remind the lady of my existence for a day or two after leave-taking," tbe young man replied, laughingly. "Tonifoolerj ! Expensive nonsense! You bad better Invest your money in a Dutch cheese; it'll last longer, hut, I say, Henry, what do you suppose the oh! woman would say if I ruu up home wim one oi mem tilings?" "What, a cheese ?" "lou cursed fool, no! Mister, iust make me upa buneli of flowers like that one in your hand. Maybe they'll please tue oiu lauy. .ever minu tile expense, but hurry up; time's short." "Take this one and run up with It. He can make up another for me. I'll meet you on tbe boat In an hour." Prompt to the hour the gentlemen met. "Well, Hart, whatdidyourwlfesay ?" "Say? Not a word, Henry; not a word. She turned pale as obalk, looked up at me slartled-like, then burst out crying; something iu her look reminded one of the old days. What odd mortals women are, anyway, Henry. But I'm kinder glad I took them posies to the old lady." Then be seated himself on a chair, with ails feet resting ou the highest round of the stove In the gentlemen's cabin, and gave bis thoughts a holiday, all their own. I wonder if they weut back flfleen or twenty years, into the meadow of an al most forgotten past, when this same "old woman" was a fresh and saucy girl, that "other part" of him which completed his life, while he never once realized that Mieh was the case, hutac cepted the poseeeaiou as a matter of course. Surely he was right when he said old women are "odd mortals." Young or old, high or low, simple or suWIme. In one degree of nature they are all akin; they want to be loved, and want something upon which to lavish that rich ami abundant attribute ol their existence. Afleetion is to woman what tile re freshing, animating dew of heaven Is to tbe absorbing, verdure-giviug earth. How many perishing fibers In that "ofd woman's" heart may not have re vived at tliia slmpleactor affection from her husband ! Her surprise and sudden burst of tears proved such gentle iiiuuuuuiue33 was uot customary. 1,1 ke thousands upon thousands of wives, her lile had probably drifted into the "matter-of-fact" course. She may not have been subjected to blows or curses, or want of any kind, physically; nevertheless, her life may have been barren ami unrefreshed by those lit tle tokens that women prize above everything on earth those very little acts that win their hearts In the first place, and alas ! too often cease when the novelty of being married has worn away. AVhen the gallant manner and witty speech is reserved for others, and the process of fitting the matrimonial yoke begins, and the pair go plodding along like a pair of oxeu jostling over a blossoraless field, following the practl ?al. 'oreB of circumstances until the ii faomes a second uature. (The sInMly) get a little frisky occa- sJJl" .I''-'ing life Is very sad sometimes. It la UM to get well ok8S.,"?U a lo"e' joke, when thoughtful courtesies .ens; ,! 7i7ir afTectlons and wifeirdutTtie taken for granted Many amiable l uVn wma restive then, and not unfre,, . ..TcU yelop Into first-class "scolds," " their loving is one long, bitter di!! pqJntmenL Others, agaTn , bSSomi signed and accept their lot as the "lotTf woman," but witness the depth of their quiet sorrow, by some unexpected at tention on the part of tbe husband like that ''Impulse" of the bounueL ' Why Is it that In becoming husbands men cease to be Moult to tbe Wompn they marry? The .elements ot tender lies? may continue to exist, but it is true beyond dispute that the delicate consideration Inspired by genuine friendship Is left outside of home in the majority of marriages. And this is the secret of matrimonial Inharmony. Connecticut's Aetaol Bine Laws. The great agitation consequent on the attempted enforcement of the Connecti cut Sunday Law in Norwich by pro-, moiling steamboat excursions called at tention to the fact that, although the Connecticut Blue Laws have beeu proven fictitious, yet tbe Land of Wooden Nut megs, bas, nevertheless, 6omo laws that are pretty blue iu tone. For instance, tue following are quoted from the Con necticut statues, revision of ISTo : "Every person who shall travel, or do auy secular business or labor, except works of necessity or mercy, or keep open any shop, ware-house, or manufacturing or mechanical establishment, or expose auy property for sale, or engage iu any sport or recreation ou Sunday, between sunrise and sunset, shall be.Iined uot more than four dollars nor less than one dollar, but hay wanls may perform their official duties ou said day." Enacted In 1702 "Every person who shall be present at auy concert of music, ilaneing or any other publlcdivcrsion, ou Sunday or the evening thereof, shall be tiued $1." Enacted in 1781 "Every proprietor or driver of any vehicle, not employed iu carrying the United States mails, who shall allow any person to travel therein on Sunday, between sunrise and sunset, except for necessity or mercy, shall be fined $20, to be paid to the towu iu which theolleuse is committed." Enacted iu 1S14 "Every person who shall blaspheme against God, either of the persons of tbe Holy Trinity, the Cbristiau religion, or the Holy Scripture, shall be fined uot more than $100, ami imprisoned not more than one year, and may also be bound to his good behavior." Iviactwl in 1642. Blasphemy was made a capital off enoe, and was punished with death in the code of 1612, and remained so until the revision of 17SJ, when tbe penalty was changed to whipping on tbe naked body, not exceeding forty stripes, and sitting in the pillory one hour. In the revis ion of 1821 the present penalty was fixed. Uegaidliig Sunday travel, Connecticut law reports show decision:) that a grand juror might on sight arrest and detain tue ollenuer, and Ills excuse that he Is traveling as a matter of necessity or mercy must bo shown In court. An other decision U that the accused is uot eutitled to trial by jury; but in another case it is found that Connecticut justice is warned toward the almighty dollar interests in a deeisiou that the value of a horse hired on Sunday and killed by the hirer may be recovered. Motion Timet. The Most Makkikd ok Women. Benjamin Abbott, one of our old citi zens, died in this town recently In the eighty-second year of his age. He was a nephew of the Hev. Benjamin Abbott, llie great Jlellioillsl revivalist ot tne early part of this century, and came to tills tilate from Aew Jersey when a young man, and settled In the "Neck," east of this town, where bis active life was mostly spent. But the notabla feature iu Mr. Abbot's otherwise une ventful life Is the remarkable fact of his being tlie seventh husband of U widow, who survives him. This much-talked-of and much-published eveut for It went tne rounds or tne press of the nation), when he for the second, and she for the Hevenlb time bowed be fore the altar of Hymen on June 90, 1S75, he then being seventy-eight, and fheeighty-twoyearsold. Mrs. Abbott's history iu the marital relations of life Mam), perhaps, without a parallel in tne records ot mo nation, ami tradition has It there Is yet to be another. It is currently stated, without contradiction, that some years ago she had a vlslou Iu which eight meu stood before he? in a peculiarly impressive manner, which she has ever regarded as prophetic of tbe number of conquests she was to make. Tne eighth is just as likely and as reasonable as the seventh, and al ready public gossip is beginning to mark this and that man as the victim of the next cooqueat. Her maiden name was Williams, and she has beeu successively Mrs. Traux, Mrs. Biggs, Mrs. Farrow, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Pratt and Mrs. Abbott. In every instance, save the first, she has married widowers, some of them with a good number of children, and on one oocasiou In her early married life she weut to the almshouse and took therefrom three children and raised them. She never bad any children of her own. All ber life has been spent in this vicinity, and all her husbands were buried by the same undertaker. Smyrna (Dekiware) The Text. A poor man ami his wife lived iu tbe north of Irelaud ou a bit of a farm, so small that It did not atlord them a living, and they ran behind on the rent. They felt very uneasv and despondent about the debt. One babbath moniltik the wife de clared her intention of going to meet ing. Perhaps tbe minister would have a word of comfort for her. But she eatne home more cast down than ever. "What's tbe matter? Hud the min ister no good word for ye to-dav?" asked the husband. 'Ah! no," replied she. "He held mo up to shame before the whole congrega tion. What do you think he took for his text, man? Why, this: 'If yedon't pay rent, ye shall all leave the parish.' " -mere's no sueli text iu the Bible," said the husband. "Deed, then, there Is! I saw him read It out of the book willi tuy own two eyes." The husband was. Incredulous, atid took tbe first opiiertunity to ask one of nis neigntiors, wuo Had been at tbe ser vice, about the matter. "Will ye tell mo what the mm ater took for bis text tbe Sabbath morn ?" "Tbe text? I mind It well!" said the neighbor. " Ji.xeept ye repent, yesha'll an likewise perisu.' " A paper advertises for sale a tiew whleh "commands a vlew.of nearly the wnoie cougregatlDn." u -i"1 "--'I'-ir-.-i1 !-TTI, .vunvrs rou tiik seiv xoitTittrr.sT. The followlnf persons are duly authorized lo act as AgenUw the New Nohthwesti D. D. dray Mrs. J. A. Johns Mrs. Urtlle I ten in Mrs. I It- t'roebstel Albany Salem -Ktunne City Laflrande IlllUUira Ij. u Williams. Mrs. fcaora DeForeeOordoa California Ashby Pearee -: Benton county SI. 1". uwen rwinn, uuiiornia V V. Beaeh Colfax. W. T -Woman's Journal" Wuston, MaatachusetU II. i'. l'orter saeaaw.orecon J. Casio New Kra Mrs. C. M. Knit r San Jose. Oal Mrs. M. A. Warner. Spokan Falls. W. T Miss Mary lUsbop . Brownsville 3irs.n. a. .TcmM . lASlla Mrs. H. A. Loughary Amity It. T. Kobison Forest Grove Mrs. K. C IlHllsou Willamette Hlouh Mrs. M. Kelly Lafayette Mrs. Donnell The Dalles or. Bayley. Corvallls ?" (r iKX"."' Walla Walla . IJ-.BUbon. 1-endleton Jfko Euirene City Pr T i3nl Brownsville MnJ.ii iyeue Mrs. A.KOrwtt .. Forest Grove . Fisher. Wtorla Lee Lauahlla KranelseA .(hr.IrU'M' Un W. aet a Agaota will .-sonii Yamhill '.7""?,' W. want Agent. Washington Territory SW,IU 0regon ani1 LIST DF P0J5T OFFICES, ortiiiiox. HAKia OOD.NTV. Am?1..?' '"r ayi Crartrsviiie, repress Kanefa.Kidorado.aeni.Itnmboldt 11' In, Jordan alley, ltye Valley. Malheur. Stone, Connor Creek, North 1-owder, llonre, Terrysvllle. BENTON. Alsea Valley, Cfttrallls. Collins, King's Valley. Liberty, Utile Klk, Newport, Newton. Onealta. Philomath, Starr's Point, Summit, Toledo, Yaquliia. Monroe, Tidewater. CItCKAMAK. Beaver, Ilutte Creek. Canny, Clackamas, Clear Creek, Culllngsvllle. IlamaM-iis, "Kagle Creek, Glad Tidings. Highland, Molalla, MII waukle. Needy, Norton, Oregon City Osweso, Sandy. Springwaler, Zlon, New Kra, Harlow, 11 1 1 la. Union Mills, Ilnones Kerry, Pleasant Home, Klngo IVInt, Station!, Viola. CLATSOP. Astoria, Clifton, Jewell, Knappa, N'ehalem, KkipatHHi, Seaside House. Westiorl, Isthmus, Olney, Summer House, Fort Clatsop, Mlsba wake. COO. Coos City, Coqullle, Dora. Empire City, En chanted l'ralrle.Falrvlew, Hermaueviiu.. Heu ryvllle, Marshfleld, North Bend, Oil, llan dolpn, Sllkin. Sllkuni, UHer City, llandon. (i ravel Ford, Iowa Slouch, Freedom, Mjrtle Point, Norway, Sumner, IHirkersbure;. COLUMBIA. Columbia City, Clalskanlr, Marshland, Ila oier, ltlverstde, SU Helens, Sauvle's l.luml, Scappooke, Clear Creek, Qolnn, VeruoUu. ctJRnr. Clielcoe, Kllensburg;, l'ort Orford. U0UULA8. Camas Valley. Cleveland, Cole's Valley. llruln Kllrfnn i - lu-l 1 1.. I : i -.. 1 1 . IklnnlaM. Myrtle Creek Noth Canyon yllle, Oakland, l"a.s Creek. Iloseburr. Seotis- GRANT. Alvord, Canyon City, Camp Watson, Day vllle.John Day City, I'ralrle City, l'arkersvllle, I'ritehard'a. Minuter, Camp Harney, Urauite, JACKIMM. Applea-ate. Ashland. Bmwnshnmurh. rv tral lNnut, Iteicle l'olnt. Grant's Pass, Hot springs. Jacksonville. Ijikeport. Ihwnlx, Rock Point, Sam's Valley, Table Rock, Wll- o.iiuK.(HiniutiiK uw,n iiiiams'teek Fool's Creek, Uardanellea, Pioneer, Woodville. J04BPHINK. Kirby, Leland, Slate Creek, Waldo, Altbouse, Lucky tiueen. Murphy. LAKK. Antler, Bonanan, Dairy, Cbewaucan, Drews' alley, Owm I-Jke, Isake View, Laogell Val ley, Llnkvlile, Meigausen, New line Creek, Silver Lake. Spnarue River, Summer Ijtke, Tule Istke, Whitehill, Whittle's Ferry. Valnax! l'ievna. ' LANK. Dhr Pralrte. Colian rim.. r....Aii Camp Creek, CartwrlfhtN, Dexter, Kncene City, Franklin, Junction, Lone; Tom, Mo hawk, Pleasant Hill, Sulalaw. Spencer Creek, Springfield, Trent, Willamette Forks, Chesher. Belknap Springs, Butte Disappointment. Crow, mi., u wwk, uwofn. iua, irvinc, Isabella, Ia bant, Uvenmol, Mabel, McKenzie Bridge, Latham, Wullervllle. LINN. Albany. RIkt Prairie. BrawnsviMe. f'mw. fonlsville, Dlamoud Hill, Fox Val.ey, Grata ttldce, Harrisbune. Harris Ranch, Halsey, Jordan, Lebanon, Miller, Muddy, ML Pleasant, Peoria, line, FAo, Sliedd's, Soda Springs So daville.Hweet Home, Oak vl lie. Tangent, Water loo. MARION. Aurora, Aumsvllle, Butteville, Brooks, Fair Held, Ueryais, Hubbard, Jettarsou, Marion, Monitor, ewcitv:iiuoieai-voiivenon,rHay. ton, St. l"anl. Turner, Woodbom, Aider, How ell Prairie, Mehabem, Sublimity. MULTNOMAH. Kast Portland. Portland. Powell's Vallv. St. Johns, Willamette Slough, A I bins. Rooster nocK, sauvtes, l-OLK. Bethel, linen Vltta, Dallas, Kola. Elk Horn, Grand Konde, Iudeiendence, IJneoln, Luekla mute, Iwlsvllle, Monmouth, Perrydale, Hie- real!, naiisviiie, .ena. TILLAMOOK. Garibaldi. Kilciies, NetarU, Nestock ton, Til lamook, Trask, ICebalem. UMATILLA. Butler Creek. Heppner, Lenoe, Marshall, Meadowvtlle. Mtllon. Pilot Rock. Pendleton, Umatilla. Weston, PeUysvllle, Overtoil, Cen- treviiie, jiiuway, mows. UNION. Cove, Island City, La Grande. North Powder, Sammenrllle, Irmoa. Wallowa, Indian, Rlk rial, I'ratrie ureea, pa ruu WASOO. Antelope, Bridge Creek, Hood River, Mlleh- ell, ML ll owl, rnneviue, nocaviue, sueiiroeK, soanish Hollow. The Dalles. Warm Snrlnas Wasco, WilkMtghby. Fossil, Pine Creek, Ine Rock. Bake Oven. Crown Rock. Camn Polk. Deschules, Dufbr, Howard, Klngsley, Alex, spring vauey, tyax aney, upper uclioco, tiica'ies uoccs, u apiniua. WAHMIN6TON. Beaveiion, Ceilar Mill, Cornelius. Dilley, For est Grove, Gleneoe.Greenvllle, Hills boro. Mid dieton, Mountain Dale, IVake, sholps Kerry, aylorv Ferry, Tualatin, Wapato. Centervllle, Gale's Creek, Gaston, Joppa, Reed vine. West Union. YAMHILL. Amity, Itellevue, Carleton, Dayton, Lafay ette. jieMinnviiie, onn issisui, merman, St. Joe. West Chelialem, Wheatland, Newberg. 1V.1SIIINRTO.V TEItlllTORY. CLALLAM COtrNTT. Neah Bay. New Imngenees, Port Angeles, PyshL CL-tRKK. Battle Ground, Brush I'ratrie, Fourth Plain, Martin's lllutr, l'kmeer, Stonghlon, Union Rlihre, Vancouver. Wasboogal, Fern Pralrte, Center, Hayes, Yaleolla. - . OlIBUALIS. Cedatvllle, Cbehalts Point, Klma, Hoqulam, Montestno. oaxviiie, sassop, ewaron, rwmitilL, ODLUMKIA. a. ..... n.J..U. TMcnH tb..M.. .. I- anon, Annetta, Central Ferry, Marengo. OOWLITZ. nstla Rock. FreeBosc. Ksiuuaa. lAwer Oow- litx. Montleello. ML Colin. Oak l'olnt. Pekln. StlverLake, Coweeman, Olequs, ISLAND. Oritmville. Coveland, Dagally. Utaahulr. Oak Harbor. jRrrEnsoM. Port llseoiry. Port Ludlow, I "oil Townaand. KiMe. mack River. DwamMt. Fall Cltv. Seattle. Slaughter. SmMualmy, Squack, While Illver, CkerryVallej , Novelty ,MlftouA)ieeols1Iten ton. KtTOAr. Port niakelv. IVirt Gamble, l'ort Madloon. Pwt Orchard, Beubeek, TevkllL KLICKITAT. IDurk House. Columbus. Goldemlale. ICllekt. tat. White Salmon, lMakely, KuMa, Kllekltat UuMUng. LEWIK. Ahternon. RoWtort. Cbehalls. Claauain. r?w- lltr. Glen Rden, Utile PaJIs, Meadow Ilnmk, Mousy i toe k, a pa vine, ewauKum,aookum ehuck. Sliver Creek, Winloek, Nasello. MASON. Areada, Lhjhtvllle, Oakland, 8kekmUb. FA CIVIC - BruceporLItnMikaeld.Knappton.OystervllIe, Rlversfde, South Hand, Unity, Woodward's Landing, Day Center, Lake View, Sooth llend, Ilwaeo. riBRcc Bthi, FranHlIn, lAVe view, New Thcoma, Puyalfup, Steilacoom City, Tacoina, Alder- wnBLiBim Anvil, oviunwr, JIUCK, WIIKt soa.ArtondaM. SAN JUAN. San Juan, Lopaz.Oreas, Kast Sound, Friday Harbor. ' SNOHOMISH. OenlarviUe. Ijwell, Mukilteo, Snolmmlsli Tulallp, Park llaee. Stamwood. HKAMANIA. Ca.wades, Collins Landing. CTKvnNM. Crab Creak, Hour Tkea, Fort Oolvtile. IIanc. Man's Creek. 11 lie Grove. Rock Crrek. Itnuii. Spokane llridga, Spokane Falls, Unkm ltklce. Walker Pralrte. THuaarrov. Coat Bank, Beaver, Miami rralrle.Olympla, Tniilqoolt. Teotno, Tamwaler, Yettn, Inde- peiMlenee, ivey. WAHKIAKUM. Catlilamet, Kagle Cliff, Stamokawsy, Water- ford. WALLA WALL.L Pabtna Prairie, W'altaburg. Walla Walla, wnnman, tvanaw. WHATCOM. Cedar Grove, Guamas, 1a Owner, rhmhl, Lunnnl, rj-nden, Nootaachk, Point William, Samtah, Seahome. Seiahmoo, Ship Harbor, Ship Island, skhch. irouex.vt nascom,riuago. WHITMAN. iVmlur Creek. Cotfax. Bwartsvllle.Owen-burr, Lellehvtile, l"anawarm. line Creek, Itosalla. Anatone, uncoin, i-aiana vnr, uasraewn YAKIMA. Altannm, Ellonsburg, Port Staaeae, Klltilos, Koanowoek, Nanum, Plaasant Grove, Selah, YaKiina. Money Order Offlooa. MISCELIiAXEOUS. DR. PAUL M. BREHAN, . The Most Snccessfnl Physician on the Pacific Coast IN THE TREATMENT OF ALL CHRONIC AND DIFFICULT DISEASES, HAS RETURNED AFTER AN EXTENSIVE lour or t be Eastern States Tor the past Swr months. The Doctor visited all the principal medical iu-tltution in tbe large cities ot the United Slates, and conies bock with all the modern methods. Instruments and appliances known to the most scientific men in the pro fession. The Doctor has also brouzht charts and manikins to illutrate his lectures. DR. PAUL M. URENAN has been IS years lecturinc on the Laws of Life and Health. In his private and public lectnres he nas taught men and women the true system of life, how to be healthy and happy, if they wouldonly be guided by bis wise counsel. Hut all cannot hear his dellghtrul and Inatiuctlve lectures, norcan he tell everything neceary for suirering hu manity to know from tbe public rostrum be fore n promiscuous audlenre. There remains much lo be learned from him, as his experi ence extends over broad fields of active pro fessional life. This knowledge so necessary to the welfare orsunerers can only be gleaned by private iTolesslonal Conuluilon at bis olllee. Ills experience In the various parts ot Europe and America gives him such opportunities of learning the delicate diseases which the hu man family are prone b, their mode of treat ment and permanent cure, as no other physi cian on tb 1 'act lie Coast can claim. He lias not only treated these diseases mort success fully, but has made them n life study, as a lew moments' consultation will prove. He lias become an expert In the treatment of dlsae, weakness and derangement of the re productive organs of liotli male and female. Including caused by the to i.i.i lis or youth:. Such as Sperm ATouRiKKA.orSuMiNAL Wbak NKxg.orLoss or Pkri-kct Vitality. Nearly two-thinls of all the Chronic Ulieases spring, either directly or Indirectly, from some de rangement of the sexual system, and yet this KUbJeet Is neglected by the majority of tbe medical profession. IT IS TltfK That persons who are unfortunate enough to beattiicted by any form ol sexual disease have n delicacy In calling upon the proper physi cian in time, from a sense or modesty, and sometimes from ignorance, and permit those diseases to exist until their constitutions be come corrupted, their organization broken down, and the hope or future happlneM blight ed, until death becomes a welcome messenger to carry them out or their miserable existence. ThoMswhocall In time upon DR- PAUL M. BllKNAN need have no fear b'lt what he will restore them to perfect health and vlgor.make their bodies pure and their minds content, if they will only follow his ad vice and treatment. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Throat Diseases, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Kidney Complaint and all Diseases ol the Eye aud Ear, Stomach and nimbler, he can cure without fall. No Quack Nostrums uited; no slop treatment; no false promises Everything strictly confidential under all circumstances. t'oiisultnllou I'ree. and a list ot minted questions sent to those llvtngatadlslaoce who cannot consult mm personally. All Surgical Operations performed. Oinee No. Kl First street, between Oak and Pine. Office Hours From IS to 12 a. m.. 2 to & ana 7 to s I. M. 8-7 ly 'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR S RENE WER. This standard article Is compounded with the greatest care. Its effects are as wonderful and satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or failed hair to iu youthful color. It remove all eruption, IKhlisg and dand ruff, and the scalp by its use becomes white and elenn. By Its tonic properties It restores tbe capil lary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and making tbe hair grow thick and strong As a dressing, nothing has beett Jbuad m sffeetoul or desirable. IHr. A. A. Hayes, Stale Assayer of Maasaeha setts, says or It: "I eonslder It the best rei ration lor Its Intended purposes.' BUCKINGHAM'S DYE, For the Whiskers. Tlii elegant preparation may be rellad on to change the color of the beard from gray, or any other undesirable shade, to brown or black at discretion. It Is easily applied, being inose preparation, and quickly and effectually pro duces a permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by It. 1'. HAI. I. .V Co.. Nnslinn, X. If. Sold by all Druggists and Dealrs in Medicine. 8-.V) PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. KOOJlS-fonior First nud Stnrh St., over Ladd A Tillon's Bank.. roalalnt .Orrr Klgbt Tbomind Ibolre Oouki ANI Over 100 rap-irx .and. Irlaf;aincs. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO ALL f o n I !i 1 T Hues 81 OOl'nynblo 0.imrtcrly DfKBCTOlnv-Wm. ft. ImIiI, P. C. Sehnyler, Jr M. P. Deadr, II. W. Corbett, W. It. BrackeU. A. a Olbbs, C. H. lwls, M. W. Feclilielmer.H nuiing, Li. mum Officers! MATTHEW P. DKADY. .Prwldestl 11. FAILING- .Vhw 1 P. C. SCHlJYI.BR.JR -Treswurw M.W. KKCHHKIMKIt Corresponding 8 HENRY A. OXKIt Librarian and Rec Sec NO PATENT NO PAY! PATENTS Obtained for Inventors In the United Slates, Canada, and Europe, at reduced prices. With our principal office located In Washington, dl- reeiiv onnoioie I fl l mien nuiies i aieuiumrc. we are able to attend to ail Patent Business with greater promptness and dispatch and less cost than other patent attorneys, who are at a aist-ince irom Washington, ana who nave, therefore, lo cmnlov "associate attorneys. " We make preliminary examinations and fur nish opinions as to patentability, free of charge, and all who are Interested Innewln ventlonsana patents are luvlted to send forn copy of our "(iulde for Obtaining I"atenls," whleh Is sent free to any addres,and contains complete Instructions how to obtain patents, and other valuable matter. We refer lo tbe German-American National Bank, Waihlng ton, D. C.; the Royal Swedish, Norwegian, ami Danish Legations, at Washington; Hon. Jos. Casey, late Chief Justice U. K. Court of Claims; U the Officials of the U.S. Patent OOtce.and to Senators and Members of Congress from '"S ressMjOUIft R GOKR .1 CO., Solicitor of Patents and Attorneys-at-lw, Le Droit Building, Washington, D. a K-R.' SUJIMOXS. JN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon fur Multnomah county. In equity. Jane Do Inn, I'lalntirf, vs. J., me Do Ian, Defendant. Suit for divorce. To James Dolan, above named Defendant! In the name of tbe State or Orscon, you are hereby notified that tbe above-named Plaintiff has filed In the Court above named her complaint against you, alleging cruel and Inhuman treatment and personal indignities inflicted by you upon ber, rendering ber life burdensome, and pray ing a divorce from you, a change of her name to Jane Roberts, the custody of the ml no. child of the parties hereto, and for costs and disbursements; and you being a non-resident of this State.and personal service of summons upon yon In this State being Impossible, the Court above named, on tbe 17th day of Octo ber, 1S79, made an order directing service of summons upon you by publication for six successive weeks In the N Kvr Nokth w bst, a newspaper of general circulation published In Multnomah county. Now, you are hereby summoned and required to appear a ml answer tbe above-mentioned complaint of the Plain tllTon or before tbe first day of the next term ol the above entitled Court, whleh will becln and be held at Portland, Oregon. on the second" Monday or February, i!u; and ir you (all so to appear and answer, said Plaintiff wilt take Judgment and decree against you Car want of answer, and will apply to Ibe Court for the re lief prayed for In sakl complaint. E.D.SUATTCCK, Plaintiffs Attorney. Portland, Oregon, October 8, 1873. 9 w vi3s - THE XEW NORTHWEST. X1.XT11 VKAU OF PDBLI01TI0X! THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Weekly Journal , DEVOTED TO THE PEOPLE'S BEST INTERESTS! Independent In PullHm and Religion rpitlS WKLIKNOWN WKBKLY JOUR- nat begins Its Ninth Year of Publication with Ita lisueol Muy lt,lS9,uuler the butl- i ness management ol thu Db.mway Pohi.ish io Coupamt.Io whom all letters connected with tbe Bdllorial, AdveriMng orSubserlption Departments of the paper ars to be hereafter directed. Tbe Nkw NunritWEXT Is net a Woman's Rights, but a Unman Rights organ, devoted to whatever policy may be necessary to sc care the greatest good to the greatest number. It knows no sex, no polities, un religion, uo partr,. no color, no creed. IU fotludathju Is fastsutai upon the rock of Eternal Liberty, Universal Emancipation and Uutraniuieled Progresslbu. J ' u,.' , OFF1CU OF l'UULiavT10.V-SulhW(t sor rier of Front and Washraclou Staaaht, (up stairs), Portland, Oregon. T11X CHARMING KHIttAL .STOltY, "SUM. HAllDINH'S WILL," Br MRS. A. S. IIUN1WAY, -f 1MreoniiMesieed Iu urlsvje of November Hl sr MRS. DUNIWAY-S ieeuHarly oflghal.sty4 of KU I to rial Correspoudenee will conllHBe from week to week to attract Ibousamls el readers, and Bdltorhtls are promised upon all the leading topics of the day. COlUtK SPONDBNTS are also employed to furnish Weekly letters from Washington, NewTork and various parts of Kuropa. No pains will be r pa red to make Till! NKW NORTHWEST the leading newspaper of Its class In America. Its literature is always moral In tone and Instructive and elevating In character, and Is sought after by tbe best and most Intelligent class of readers. As a medium for Advertising, Ibis Journal has no superiors. NOW IS THE TIME TO-. SUBSCRIBE ! SUBSCRIPTION RATES, IN ADV.VNOBs Single copies, one year. S! 00 1 SB 1 OU Six months i , , it Three montha. ailO ' LIIJEnAlh'INDUCKMEXTHC. ' 0 .01 TO Agonts and . . Canvassers ! SEND IN YOUR ORDERS EARLY Rally, l'rlrnds.lo the .Inpport .if llmiinH tl f"t null The I'roplc's 'nier. BUN'IWAY PUBLISIIINO COMPANY, Corner of Front and' Washington streeU ten- trance on Washington), Portland, Or. HELMBOLD'S COLUillf. H, T. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUG II U ! li ifHAKMACHUTIA'ii A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR AIL DISEASES OF THE BLADDER AND KIDNEYS. 1JOK DKBILITY. IXS3 OF MK.MORY, IN ; disposlllon U Kxertton or Business, Short ness or llreuth. Troubled with Thoughts or Disease, Dlmuess of Vision. Pain In the Baek, Cbestand Head, Rush or Blood to the Head, lale Countenance and Dry sklu. If these symptoms are allowed to go on. very frequent ly Kplleptlc Fits and Consumption follow. W'liffti Ihn Mknhtlltitljui luuu.tuuu u f&uii t. quires the akl of an invigorating medicine to sirengmen anu tone up me system, which HELMBOLD'S BUCHU DOHS IN SVSIIY CASE. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU IS UNEQUALED By ntty remedy known. It Is prssorlbed by the luust eminent imyMcsuns uit over the world Ih Hbeuniatlsm, Spermatorrbtra, Xcuralgla, Xerrousncss, Ojspepila, Indigestion, Constipation, lelics and Tains, Lumuaso, Xervout Dtbllllj, Head Troubles, Catarrh, General Debility, Diseases of tho Kidneys' Liver IComplaint, Epilepsy, Paralysis, General 111 Ileal thj s , j. . ' Spinal Diseases, Sciatica, Deafness, Decline, Nervous Complaints, Female Complaints, Etc Headache, PalndnlbebbouiadK,. j t Cough, Hfzilness. .SeurSlamaeh, Urapthw. Itsd Taste In the Month, I-alpHallan of the Heart, Pain In the Regtanof the Kidneys Anu a thousand other palBfof si-mploms. are HELMBOLD'S BUCHU INVIOORATKS THK STOMACH And stimulates the torpid IJver, Bowels, and Kidneys to iteaitnr ,eite,in enunsnc uhi MfWitlorall Impurities'. ami IinpartlngBewllle and vigor to the whole system. A single trial will be quite Miltleleat to eon vinec the most hesitating of Its valuable reme dial qualities. I'ltici:. si i't:ii iiottm:. ' ' Or 9tr BAttfes fSr.JS. - Delivered to any address free from observa tion. Patients may consult by letter. receiving the same attention as by calling. Competent Physicians attend to correspondents. All let ters should be addressed to II. T.1IELMEOI.D,. Drusglst and Chemist, Philadelphia. Pa. OA UTIOXl Her that the Private I'roprletury Mump Is on each Bottle. . . f- i ii. Jt 1 ., SOLD JiVERYWH EILE I " " " S-S3 MT3CEIXAKEOTJS . King of the Blood Carts all Scrofaloua aUVcUon and dtiurmlcr rtulT isfrom Inpority oi tbe blood. It is ne-tUe- to Iifr all, u. the itifrTCaui twiiallT percvt- tli ir WHe; bat Salt JlMnm, PimkpUt, Clemrs, Tmrs Qitrtt Swithugs, 4cf.t are th nioat etiuiii'ii. -t-i veil as manr atfc-etious of the Heart. JieaU, L va SCROFULA. Wciderful Cure o: BUrne. D. HdUfMV, Sojc Co. : For the benefit of KSL trwihicd with Scrofula or Impure Blood in tht gyattaa, I hwbr raeoiaaead Kmg of tbe Blood. 1 bare bjen troubled with Scrofula for the pust Ua yeari, which so affected mj eys that I was cm ptet(f bhed for six nontba, I to reepmmeiiiel to trr King ot the Blood, which hai prored a irreat ttleftunfr to me, as it haa compltely cured me, awl I cheerfully reoonimend it to all troubled a I have beeo. Yoara truly. Mbs. 8. WEaxujulow, BaidinU, N. V 3. O O O wot be pid to any Public Hospital to be mutu ally agreed upon, for every certitlrat' of this mtHit cine publMbed by us which ia nut genuine. Its Ingrodients. T show our faith in the safety and excellence of the K. Hs, upon proper personal application, whu satMfled that no impoaitiun is intended, we will frire the names of all it tnfredient,by The aboTeolfera were never made before by the pro prietor of any other Family Medicine in the wurll. lfaiiy testlmoiilnlssfurther tnfonnation,aiii fall directions for usimj will be found in the pam phlet Treatise on Dxaeawn of the Blood, in wluch each bottle iaenrloited. Price $1 per bottkrnn tahiing 12 onra, or 40 to 50 dwe. Hold by dro gi.U. !.IUxaoMliK4tCvtrrop'rstUulfido,N.' B E ATT Y 22a.oo. AbeatUirult'eUICK-Tltr. far- hil - t'irT-nil)ii--.ea.- -.'ii-. thevyi ff f -ir.ots- nr. nui I rta-nps it ut om a- the eon! bt?inu al "U at. L'ii-nsiorL II rlit, 74 in ; Width. m . I 111,21111. 3-et-i ontecdf , Of. tntf. l.'tStop. Fn-nch oiit-er-.l J'jiineled a hurh y flni.h.-.i. li. atty'i Impro d km t- s 1'. and R. t ty iw I - or rand Urje tn Knf '1 The mt h m lim, fit ..icn, and rri isic in tli! t v:i ndt r it tin- mot dWrablefeTf-rtrefurt'inajiTirai turvxlf 'ritjf'sirii'rt-rilr . bw-rMU. ictuul in- a-Iifd f..r ruh n uL-tnimsrt t. Aernu, three ytanairoaiKiut fJT iXl. Sly otTrr. Only 107 far Ikei luatruiural only Ml(r 70M rll7 t-tt-sl lint ouravN Homr. If it i not Oj T "--sentd. return at rnr exp.'.w. 1 p- t: f -.ii-ht both v. 1 . Hun inU-r. this .tri-ri-t thi r ls. fizMrr, 1 1 1 thattp-H-itiv ,v will n-t' f "in t1 1.- yn e. FuIIt -nnrrauted for jwrnu t' "n- Orrn u. 1 -4hr.jlt) Ihv iiit mi"t--!Wiul Hon-" ia Amen 1. V n uaMlarlled -timMlal th-iQ any m tnufax t urv. 1 bk extentlt J my -iies now or rtlie t nti.f mri t stsatB klslns rso srkt-c bat It ll-fht mj Imtrtimrstlv. Since my rv-t -t n-tiim froinan. xiendt dtourthnnit,!,' (atfnrnt f Fitrop. I mm m rv Jf't-rm 1111 tlisu r that not - i r 1 11 l'iPiis!iHit thef ii"rfi 11 iliiit! n r 1 shall b"i -I'tt d hr r-lr-brat. 1 intni"it t t BEATTY !4K!t'- kfaarlaw Brsart f lttatUax: llai Ink recentl ht 11 EXiE C ftlhllftv. Illu-trnted .ewaper minff mi r . SWn at. at rtnl of Ial .nrl Qreuw -n I Tree. Address: DAHIKt P. BEATTY, Washington, New J eraey. 9-J KSTABLISHED m R.S.&.A. P. LACET, Attoraeys-at-Law BS Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Ilisoillors. We procure patents la all" countries. No at- TOK.NKY FBSW IN ADVAKCK. No Chanre Ulll.-NS tbe patent is granted. No fees for making pri ll mfnarr examinations. No additional fcrs lor obtaining and conducting a rehearing. Sfeetal attention given to Interference s before the Patent Office, Extensions lielore OoaglSM, Inrrtngement Suits in dlffVriut Statea, and all litigation pertaining to Inven sloo or Patents. Hond stanip lor pamphift Etvlnc fall Instructions. United Stntcs Oittrla niil ncpnrtiuenls. riUklHiM nrnaecuLed In the Ant,reme I'mirt t.t tin United States, Court of Claims, Court Cnsnsalaaloneni of Alabama Claims. South. 1 1, Claim. Commission, and all classes uT v, ir elaln. before the Executive Uenartmenis. Arrenra of l'ay mid llomitr. QiPoei s. frold lent, and Sailors of the late s ir. or their hears, are in many entitled i money from the Government, of which tin v hae no knowledge. Write foil history ol se ries, and state amount of Day and bountv rr- eetved. Enclose stamp, and a full repl.iifti .xamlnaiion.wlll be given you wlthont cliar- I'eiisious. All Officers. Soldiers, and Sailors wonnilrd eantured.or Injureil In tbe lata war, however tllgot. are enuueu to, anu can oouun a peu on. United .StntettCcMcrnl Itnil Ofllce. Oontested Land Gases. Private Land Claims Mining, preemption, and Homestead Cases prosecuted before the Ueueral Laud umce au ' Department ol tbe Interior. We nav cash for Bounty Land Warrants, and we Invite correspondence wilu nil panics liu Ihc any lor sale, and aive tui: mid explicit iu- ssracUons where assignments are imperfecu w. conduct our business i n sr narate itureaus havlnar therein tbe clerical assistance of atle ami experienced lawyers, and give our closest personal supervision to every important paper prepared ra each case. Prompt attention II. u semresl 1st all business entrusted to us. Ad dress Jt. N. A: A. 1'. l..t i:Y. Attorneys. WAMIIINQTON, I) C. Ahv isnwm desiring information as to tlie standinaiaad responsibility of the Orm wlll.ou request, belurnlsbed with a satisfactory refer ence In bis vicinity or Congresnloual dUtn.-L 8-17 SFff TO e10 A YEAR, or 15 to fai per lJuU day In your own locality. No rik,. Women do as well as men. Many make ruon than the amount stated above. No one can fall to make money fast. Any one can do tho wora. toucan maae irom ceuis to s an boar hv devotmg your evenings and span- Ism, to tb. business. Nothing like it fur money-mak ing ever oirereu oeiore. Business nlaMsat and strictly honorable. Reader. If you want to know all abont the best-paying buslneaa before the public, send us your ad dress and we will send you full particulars and private terms tree; samples worth $S also tree: you can then make up your mind lor yourself. Address tIEOKOE STINSON A CO., Portland, Maine. K-t; C1IKIS. S CLOTH INVITES HIS OLD PATRONS AND THK Pabtse iMmlT to call at his NEW BUTCHER SHOP, Washington at. one door enst of Tlilrtl $300 A MONTH guaranteed: 112 a dav at HOjyj home made by tbe Industrious. Capi tal mK required; we will start you. Men, women, boys and girls make money faster at work torusthaH at anything else. The work Is Ihrhl and pleasant, and snch as any one can go rich tat- Tbosewbo are wise whose, this notice will send os their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly outfit and terms free. Now Is the time. Those already al work a. laying up large sums or money. Address. TUUE A CO., Aurualu, Maine. 14-47 IIATW AUpOrpa 15 DATS