.. fi .; f (. : if '- - ' 7 t --4 -' TUUISDAyIInOVEMBKK 30, 1 079. .Oil 4I. IT TILL J. fJfltWOI 4r: 'lull n mil mi I lutui tvaTi f- MitoiiM iiiueMa.; ' ' , Ai.Jh yeuba' h-eB k tb sluts Unlay T Ixijr ;uor wedding drea. Amlw your deer good motlier' sud 1, h b,v yoa long hate Um, lliul Ur " light of pv by. rft Aud ealk Um rwar eioii. - an mm elo with your e-'hr au' , ' To th peri B r an' hMir or two, - . Aad slloa your old father1 IBM, lit hum a yoe need to do; - - Fur we who ha' loved you mny a year. And eluag to you, miiwi mid true. Si aee we've bad the yMiuAofeor her Ha' not bad Mark of yau,' Bat Wirm be lomi will Id J endur rnnawMi a lime.be H I'. , I helped a girl wiiueyce like you , Cwneunule bouteol our own. . Aad we laid Iteut In Ibe gerdee epot, . Aad dwell In Ilia al'IM of ttower, . Till w louud Ilia world waa a guod-elsod UM, And mui ot li vwat ours. . Joe-re heavier, glVl.!tfcaa whsa you eoai ' Ti aa ou cloudy day, v " And eeelued lo feel an little at fconi W laarad iM wouldul stag, t . - Tin I fcnaw tha danger wss asms J,hacanne You struck an mortal a Irack , And got ae ladeueudenl and eroaa Uodaever would Ml yoe back. But who would ever aa had th wlilra, Whaa yon lay la ray arm and cried, You'd aomvtliu all here, urilljr and prim, A-w aluug id ba a bride f . Bat lover ha lovers while earth foe on, Aad marry a they ougult r Bui If you w.Hi Id keep the heart yoa'v won, Hememser wbaiyuai'v beea laugbL ,. lank Aral thai roar wedded live be true, -Wlth naught from eech other apart! - For tha lower of trae love never grew . la lb eoll of a falUUee beert. - ' Iok Best that the had of health chall rt ' - Tbelr blowout upua your chr-k ; For III aad love are a burdea at beat, -- U lb body be tut aad weak. txnk aexl that your kllrhen flr he bright, , Thxt your haada be Beat aad billed; For lha love of a maa oil lake It diklit, U bU Momacb at But well ailed. Iwk Best that (gone la nUrly aarned, rire ever It be iipeal; Far eoralort and love, however toraed. , Will be'er pay tea per ecul. . And Best, doe ear and dIMrenee keep ' That the ml ad be trained ad m! r . Tr bleewim ever look, lilibr aad hap " That libaa empty head. - And If ft boald pleaa the sraclou Ood" That rblldrea to yoa helnnc. Remember, Biy ebild. and er the rod lit yoa'v laukbl tbent riUl and wrong. . And ahow eastKaTpthonf h thl 1 1 r1 aatart r the beuer axirld, a? doaot. Yet earth ait' heaven alnt an lar apart A eoaae kood lolk niake out. - Oae P. Green aald to fair Mia Browo, "My heart I all your roe a . Then why to me are you ao eold. And why ao banh you lone t" . febe eaet oa him maxe'Ala loeh AM taea etre shook her red, "And, a the aephyr enltly bloat Mlie wept and, weeping, eaid: 1 would, but ob! my waiculul pa Maroon all our run The purple nab you by the lag, Aad murder will be dual" BeJlHIBw . m Hill, I dteamt I eaw a "walker" gaunt ' ' Who did Botelalm Ibe bell; A pfdilleiaa, too, went b Asm wboee love wmild laet a tnoalh. Who would wot flirt and lie: A trualee and a Ireaeurer Who did not ileal and fly; : A Muger and ah. fi. Uw that To nun no aplkedld eeemi Rut thie, aa Ktivne Aram ld, ' Wae-outUioi bmdreat.- A Higher Xoral Jltuiard tor Ilea, r . In tb pa at bv had tr Ui brda, oua for women auJ atiothar for ten. r W hk mIJ srniuau's character. .''no trampled In tha dust, like mow can nvr b ao whit ; that woman nay not wear, or chaw lobaeeo. or ku ! run la tha saJoona, or fruat gatu- - bliog lu or brothvla,' or prowl mud now i inrougn tn airaata at niRhl, wbeo ,.hooat, lawabldloc pwpl arw lo bad, without Injury to her character. And a woaaaa wlihadamafad raptitaUon tnuat - not eooaa iato lb aociai elroiva o( tha Mfk ' llttt men nay ba allowed to awaar, ' - and ahaw, and drluk, and gaaihl, and tail brotbala, and reel and howl through lb al recta at night; and" wa ba oonaldarad tbani only a Utile "fact." Keeking with whisky, and tohaoeo, and moral pollution, wa batr allowed Ibana to ootoa Into tb pre oca ..- or par woman, and ha w doom ad tneaa into decant aoeial clrolea. Now, Uod baa but on atamfard, and tba great nd of tb world la, not that , ..woman should ba mora Ilk rato'Jat thai, iqco AouW, become unitike sronacM. And th aoonr they eaa b brought to th standard women oeeany. th bailor for thtaaelsea and for hu manity. It la do klodnac fur men to allow thens to go on In nura of ioa an hacked by ouU'twkon ooDtleru nation. They should b btralad, aud made to feel that Indecent men have no more lain on pur eoelciy than ludeceal . . women. ' Men claim to b wlaer and etroogar ' than women. If tbelr boast baa anything In It mora than mere brat fore. It' about time ttteelalm waa vindicated by thecbauged - Ilea of tb maasta Of th men. U-into the aatonns and penltentlariea aad almeboaa of th laud. If yoa wlah : 'to aa th effecla of allowing men to o upy a low eland ard la social Ufa. Hot will It do to aicuae men for their . Immoralltlea and eiceeeea, boeouae . tba- "live lo aa oat-door lire, aad are ' more sipoead le lernplallna." Out -door work aud freeh n'r are bealtby and Invigorating. And aa for temptatlona. the aharpeet and moat wearing la tb e very-day baeln life f moat man la tb oalaet wlUt ell, over-reachlug aiea ; ao they makf tbelr owa temptations. i , - Now, very clearly It la the duty and privilege of women to lift np a higher atandard for men.a ' The work must begin la the nursery. ' - Lai tba boy know whaa b laya aside -; bia rdaafora aad pat a paaia, that anything that jrould b wrong or Ins . aamtpat la hU alter la equally wrong N for biui ; tl let this training be kept : ap from Aral to Uat. But la tha ateo . tlm th atmovhr vt h.iat abould b parfled aa mach aa pnnlbur- ' Tba mother who reewlve iht libertine Into her bom with favor, hit not be ; aarprlsed If bar daoghler'a lair eharao ter la taralebed, or bar ova bououiea a - llbvrtla. Inwtead of wasting Ihelr aympalUlca vr rwekloaa, profane, lloentioo yoaug j man. It le ttat woaneo woahl rlaa to the dignity of their position, and demand of mea aa wall aa women, pwritf for . jmritg, ttbrietff for obrirfy, and Aomot jar honor. CWyurwia Agriemltralut. Women Tote la Wyoming and bra well treated by the mea ( -at)d too mar rled womea don't eta-aye vote ao their baebande do, aelllter. It la anted, further, that tha women are ear to vote agaJnat eotxlldate of dlestpeted or Immoral babit. JU. rtectin; Crlaia -A Woman applied to a prleel to recover a cart am article wblon had been stolen from her. Tba priest, euepecllog that tba thief was a member el his ongr. gallon, adopted aa original method to osier)! man - After maae bo mentioned the theft. and lila aueplclna ' that tho thief thea preeeute If ao, he luteotled to (Jud n,im out, - t, . s - , r 'Iown on your .knees, all of you, ll II priest.- Tb cotiKrcgallou knelt dAwa.O'1 shall thenar tliia book." be continued. eii J It will tilt tfiv thief." ' . li mad ie luotioti. and ouii one Qiao ducked hi bead. Com bttre, air!'' aald tb priest; "you are tne.tbluf and u An Kngllsh magistral In India one dtted a thief by a method similar In spirit, though not In form, to the prieat'a. i . le missed a large ellver Lraeeilwt that he1 had iffl 'over night tu hid table. lie soi peeled ott of his servauta, but aald noiblug about' bia lose esoepl to bis valet. In bia preeeuoe lie placed on the table two markeu rupee, powuerwd witu the ui irate of ellver. Tba followlog ojoroiiig lue money bad disappeared. lie orderett tba drum to be beaten to summon all tho aervaiua. 'After they had been placed In Hue. he talked to them about the theft, aud bow wrong II waa lor a servant to . rob his maaier. Not a face tave a sign of sulll. - Then hoiold them what ba bad dona. and tfVt-tWlblef would hava a eaoillc mark on bia band. ' Instautly oua man looked at bia hand. He saw tha mark, turned and fled. Ills fellow-aervants pursasd and caught ulm. lie made a ouufoaaloo of bis guilt, and restored both money aud bracelet Then be -waa Uruiutnsd oil the premises. Tkachisu the Babv. You moat take your baby iuat where be la now not much more than a little) animal, and educate bia physical nature, ao rapidly developing, ror instance, no uas iuat rearbed the climbing age; every chair and stool lea perpetual trouble to you. and k flight of at a Irs la a perpetual ter ror. 2 aw ahow blm bow to get up ana down the stairs, bow to plao bia feet In climbing -op- into chairs. Let hint tumble a little; it win ouiy make mm more careful. It is but a foretaste of tbah-ard-.acbnYilipg-whleh ei perience gives us all our live. Uetter a little (all with you clue try to- stop It at tb rls-ht olace. thau a errsat one when you ara "oST guard" aouie day. -''(Itemeniher that, ton, when ha I in bisteeua.) uut, I U-ii-of you, if you want It ace him grow opkollve, sirong-lliubed and agile, lo ut keen hi while dreaaea too clean, nor He bia eaahee after th preaeut un comfortable faihlon, ao that .heliu't vnclous of any lege above his knees. Thru, let hlui feed biinaelf. He'll make amiwrahl nieaeof it at first, but pro tect blra well with bib and tin tray, and he'll aoou teach bl spoon tha way t hi eoooth.-IjeX blm burn bis fingers a Utile sotus day whenua alove la not very hot; b won't touch 11 when It would be dsngeroua. lo a Young Mother," in Ocribner. ' . v . ? Take Cocscil" wtTH Yoc us .- Young meu caouot eatimat too highly the ad v toe of pareota and fiieode. It allorda them tba benefit of eaperleoce. and la given from sincere solicitude for .. .1 1 .1..1 a ... I mt I a,.w.n It t III, aviKIITll . p"N .triii ..hi- , I i . i " after aH. every man; baa bia ow-indi-4f mfurui!l vldual sil.le.Ve; baa bia own life toltrevtiie, M.d-.y. Wiiw II for which he alone la aocounlabla. II ahou'ld derive all tha beuefll h can I rum tha counsel of- those older and wiser thanhtseTf. Ttieil he shoul Sit down and meditate by himself, an mste np bia. mind aa to tho course which he wishes to pursue In the world. Having don this, he euould enter npon thexeieoution ot hla plana, with a deter mination toaeobmplieh what b uuder- takea without refsreuco to tba opinion of others. No maa Is ot any real ac count In tho world onleea ho la some thing In and of himself. No maa poe- aeeaea real strength if. be can not, after having beard all tna otner nave to aay. reanlve, and reeolvc firmly, what toduv and carry bia resolutions into onset. Take counsel of others, profit by tbelr experience and wisdom ; but, above all, lake connect with yourself t mak op your mind what to do lo tbla world, and do It. ltoMixci or AritHmktio. The roost romantic of all numbers ia the figure nine, because It eao't bo mulli idled away or got rid of anyhow. Whatever you do It la aura to turn ap again, aa was tho body of Eugene Aram's victim. Una remarkable prop erty of tbla figure (said to have been first discovered by Mr. Ureeo wbo died in VW, la that all through the multi plication tabic ' the product of nine eomec to nine. Multiply by what you, like, and It glvea the same result. Ile' gia witn twice nine, is ; aia. in nigiu logelber, and 1 and H makes 0. Three times nine are 27; and t and 7 are 8. 8f It go ap to eleven time aloe, which give 19. Very good; add tbe llglt : v aad B arc IS, and 8 and 1 are o. Going ou to any aitent It I tmpovlble to get rid or tbc nguro nine 1 bree hand red and tblrty-nlno timeo nine arS,U6l ; add ap tba figure and they are u. Klv thousand aud aevsnty-ons limes nine arc 4o,ft.T; tbc cum of these digit 1 27 ; I and T ara 9. Mlsa AlicaXa 0Wo4V Ceratea.-ter Bristol, Knglaud, founded some year agv a cne oalle.1 tbe "Golden Coffee fol," oer onjeet being toe promotion of lemperanoo. The venture has been a great eaeoeee, fnd tbe bther . day, on Miss I tieyt a departure .from Colston, a preaeoalia waa mads to hsr by the villagers. Tbe gift Consulted of a band some silver Inkilknd. Mia La Ueyt goee to Bournemouth, where aba. will be sore to oat no font eoaa good aad assfut work. 8h will be much missed at Ooeaton. . n - Aajcxra ra tiik new xokthwemt. Thstollowlnc aeramiaaredaly-aathorlsed le art aa Ageata for th S aw XiHtTtvm.1 I IX Oray-w i -wAlhany Mr. J. A. Jolm.-. . Mm. lotll Heam. Mr. I. K. ProelMleU... Ha lew fcuceeetlly - 1 J.( mn.l. I. I. William Hi II. noro Mrs. Laara tHr,oreetordoaM....t'alinrnla AMiby fearre ... Hil-Bant M. I "' Mual, lir..rn, W. W. H.-a. l.. tmrai.w. T Wmaa' JMrnel"llatin. IIvwbumu fT- I'Q'ter-t . .bhedd'v. oreeoa ra.to V. I r. r.C. M. Foils run J. v.i Vm, M. A. Wamee. , bpobaa Kalla. W. T .M m M,rr H4bop JirowavilJe - llMtl.a On, m. A. triKil Mm. U. A. Uweharyi i,.i,.w . Amity H. T. lUl.i.a F.mm i.rrrr, Mr. IL 0. hiilleuB..VVillamatle Uah Mm. M. Kelly-.. , ,,.T.,. ., Laiayetie Mm. J. IwV... J..t.. t i 1 t'T M t..n.ll . . n Ir. Bavley - L'orvaUi Mm. H. A. Vwvra Mn.ll. R BIh.p- Mr. J. W.JartM. A. W. Htanard-.. .Walla Walla Fneene t'ny tile C A. Heed Mr. M. r. k Mr, J. li. r"r , ., 1. T. Keoit, Ki Mr. A. K.'urwia M.....AIany fwwl ,mve .. Aetorta La Langhlla - -onh Vamhilt Othee partlee Oalrtng as act avAnau will leaae forward their asm. We waal Ages la at every anetofnAa- thru: bo at Oraenai aad Waaln1ee Temkery-, iixL or potj orncEt. . Ba-.irT. ; AalHirn, Anguata, linker City, larkivtlle, Kxpn-a luui'li, KidM"ato,(iem, Huuitxldt Ma lu. Jordau VaJley, Ky Valley, Malheur, Hione, t'ontHir tVeek, hortb ruwilvr, Houre, lerrykviue. , v. ;t - ' . . rf- ' , nkv!. AUea Valley, ffonrallle. rollln. KlruTS Valley, Utility, Utile t.lM, Newort. Nvwlou, tiueella, I'lillottial n, Htarr'l i'olutr euiulull. loleduvTuiua, Mourue, Tidewater. 1 LACK A B AS., Heaver, Unite Crwt. Ciu.l.y, riiekitniea, i'l-er f'rt-t-k. i 'utliugftt llle, IHiiuHM'ii, r.eiel t r.-. !. l,l. Tl.lli.K.. limhlalol. Molalla. Mil waulte, Neetlyt Nbn,t.rrou t'lty-, lwrgo. nwikuy, M,riitgw:,iert .en, iew rtra, rariow, Mi,lli, I'liMMa Mill, Hoone'l Kerry, I'leaaattl uotue, kiuo r4ul, xunuril, tula. Clatsop. Aa(nria,riirton, Jewell, Knappa, Kehalem. wmpenon. wea,iqe iioum. vviMri, iitiiiuina, Olitey, Hummer llouae. Fort Citaop, Ml'lia- we. - . rooa.i - - ftevi rilv.rno.nllte, Na. Kmilre niyFai ehauied I'rairie. Kirvl-w, llriiotiiariliv, lla rvviile, Mr-lirl-l.l-, North tuinl, iMt, Kjii doloh, Hilltiu. Mliknni. t'lb-r t'ltv. Ileiidon tiravel Kurd, Iowa Hlougti, Freedom, elrtte roiui, AOrway, Kuniuer, farkenbura. - j COLUMBIA. Columbia f'lty. C'latekanle. Marshland. Ra- nler, Kivemde, ett. Helen, Mauvie' Uland, MMiM VWW tnr,, 14,11111, IHBUHlfti 'igtBr.. Cbatcoe, Elleunliurg, port Urtord. " - 1 DOVULAe- . Tama Valley. Cleveland, Cole Valley, Uraln, KlAhMi, Mlerv!lle,Oardner, Kellosg'a, LMaiitKKlua. Myrtle Creuk North l'anou-Ulla.ouklar.d- aa Creek, Kowlrarfteotta bunr.lVn Mile.rnaikiuat'lly.Wllbur.Vonralta, i .1 Creek, Imy'i t'reek, KJk Cevek. Klk Head, iw ui, nouuu rrairie, auiouur hriui. ' .- OBArr. - . Alvor.l, Cnoyon, City. Camp Wktena, Iay vl 1 1 e,Jl.i I mt liny, 1'iaitte ttty. farkersv llle, PrllRUerd a, numu-r, l amp Haruey, Uranlte, mouuiui iii, ml eroon, renuia. , . . . - JAC-aeoB. Apfi'fH.r. Arhland. Rrownalmeoagb, Cen tral I'i.iiii, r.4le i'ollll, tiraut' I'm," Hot Mlirlnya, J. .iulll', LAlyrlxart. fluents, rUe-k i'olol, Mata'a Valley, Table Kix k, Wll- low -ti rin k, iiuirou, ttig bulte.Willieuia't'ruek loot' Ciea., liardauelMek, fioneer, WOodvula, JOBkrUINB. " " Klrliy. U'Uu.1. Mlale Cretk, Waldo, Altliouae, luc ay Llueeu, Murpuy. Antler, nonauia; iMtr'y, ChewaUean, rew valley, uienie iviku, imk irm. manoil v al ley, Llukvllle, Muncauenn, New I'lne Creek, Milver lkke, Hpnatfue Hivcr, eiuuimer Lake, Tule Lake, Wuuouili, WbiUle'a f erry, Vainas, iua ' LAMB. ' - Tt1r PTKtrte, Ctmsge tlmvs. Cirawell, (auip ir, LnwriMUi', neater, ciutene Cliy", 'r'rauklln, Junction, Long Tom, Mo- hiwk, e'leaaeat Hli eaielaw.-wiiaeei Hprirtgdeld, Treirt. Wtllaraeite e'orka,Cbesher, IWIkuap Hprluga, btttte lianppottuienl,Crow, r.a rork, tiate t. reek, toaiienj- lua, lrvtu, laaiella, Leaburg, IJveru.el, Mabei, MvKeasie ui luge, Laiuaiu, t aiiervuie. , . . :" - Lift. ' Attiany", Big Tralrle, UrownavlMe, Craw- loniavuie, mapwuu Mill, ri'X tai.ey, uraai Kl.Ua, M arrlaburir, llarrla Itaneli, H alley Jordan, lebavnon, -Miller, Mtrdav, ML I'leaaanl, Peoria, flue, f'-to, nhedd'a, Hoda HpriBKa Mo- iaville,Mweel JlouiMaaville, tangent, j aler- loo. ;, . - i , . r1-'"" Mikioa. Aurora. AatuivllleVrldllevllle, Brook . Pair- field, llervaia, Uulibard, Jclfereou, Marlim, MouiLor, ewiiav:iie, eiem,niiveruta, may Km, ml Paul, Turner. Woodliurn, Aider, How ell l'rairie, Meliabetu. HuUlimity. . kUlTKUMAS Eul Portland. Portland. Powell's Valley L John, Wlliaiucll nlouli, Alblna, Uuoalar Hock, nauviea, polk. J Bethel. Ruena Vlata.Iallaa. Kola. Elk Horn Urand Itonde. lodepeiidenee, Llneoiu, Lut'kla mute, lwlavllle, Monweoth, PerryJale, Kio- reall, uallavme, leua. . v TtLLAMOOa. v- OartL.. Kll,-he, NetWta, Netoekt4a, Tll- laiuook, ire, enaieiu. M-alovrviil-, Miiu.n, rttiH , ivuuieion, 41 le, unnua, Leni fnve 1x1 and Ottv. t J Orande. North Powder. ammrviire, I nlou-, Wallowa, Indian, Klk rtat. Prrrte-t'reekieiparuv i : nHI-l l. I 1,1 I,. I iwm. nna wimi.' ell, Mt. nHl,Prinevlll,lto-kvllle, Mliellroek, . . . I ,(.!. n.wi DIM. lll.k ianish Hollow, The latlle, Varm Hprlaga Waeno, Willmtkhhyj Koaall. Pine Creek, lone KM-k, Hitke ven, ("n-wn. Ke-k, Camp Polk, Hearhutea. Itaitur. tlnwknl. Kingaley, Ales. Bprtne Valley, Tvak Valie, Vpper Uvliouo, Caaoadra lawks, Wj apinliia. - . WAJIUIMOTOH, Beavertoa , Cedar M 1 1 1, Cornel In. THIIey. Foe eel urave,Uleneoe,reaiivllle, Hillalioro, Mid dlelon. Mountain tla, Ske, Hboll's Kerry, aymrs Kerry, Tualatin, Wapato. t'entarviile, tiale'a Creek, Uaatou, Joppa, Ueedvllla, Weet Union. - - TAuntLL. Amity, tletlevne, Carleton, flay ion tat ray- etie-, M i-V IOUT1I IV, rtvnri ii lamuiii. nnrrinan, at. Joa, Weal Chehalam, Wbeallaad, Newbergi WAauixtrrojr tckbitob t. CLALLAM COCKTT. - Keeh tt Naw Dungone, Port Aagele, lyihL CLASS a. Battle Uriund, Broah I'raliie, Pnnrth Plain, Martin'i Bintr," rioneer, "uni.hum, In Ion Kiilg-, Vmnvw, Waauougai, Kern Prairie, LaCentirr, llajea, YalooUa. B CHBBALIS. V .. CedAivlIle, Ciiehalla Point, Klma, Hnqnlam, Monieain,!, kbUtlila, Halaop, huaron, HuauuiiL - i- roLoma. -' Alpowl. Burkavllle, IViytnti, Pomerojr.Tsk aoou, Auu. u, Central Kerry, Marengo. rowLrra. .v. Caatle Rk. Free port, Kalama, xiwwr Coar- Ills. Montieello, ML Coffin, O.I point, Pekla. ailrer Lake, Cuweeman, Ulequa, - nuia - Connevllle. Coeeland. Iragallr. I'tialady. Oak lUrbor. icrrsBAoa. Port Piico' ery, Port lAdlow.Poit Towsaead. - - - at-ao. - . - Blark River, liwamlih. Fall City, "iettle. Mlausliter. MoiMliijr, Kaark, While Hirer, Cherry Vlley,Nuvelty,MilUtu,Oeceola,Reu ton. arrsAP. J Part Rlakely, Port Unmhie. Port Matieon. Port Urvhard, Beabei k, TerkllL ki-ICklTAT. ' lUnrk Hon, rnlamhaa, Ooldendale. Rlleltl- tat. Willi nnimoB, Ulakely, Kulda,i Klickitat . AiUllllf. L. ,..au'l ""- 1 ' 1 LSWUL Ki mi,. . .mil, . iwwNin, , ww - till, Ulea K-len, Utile Kalla. Meadow Ilmok, Moaav Koek.NaiHtelne. Newaukum.Mkaadtum- A i . D 1.1 m ,..k. - 1 1 r-, cback, Hllvar Creek, W lalorfe, N aaellu. Aanst. Arcade, LlghtvlHe. Oakland, kok.tailh. Rroeepert, Bronkai'M.Knapidoa.Oyetervtlle, landing, bay Center, Lake View, r-JuUl llend. liwaeo. . I , pi BBC a. F.lhl. Franklin.' Lake View, We Taenma. Fatallupr ruellaeoum CUy, Taenma, Atrter towa.Carhna, Acloa, Mourner, Meek, Wllke ob, Artoudale, Ban cn r Man Joan, Lop, Urcoa, Kaat Rtasad, Friday Harbor. ' ewoanarsa. .; fVntervllle. Towetl. Mokllteo. Maohomlah Talalip, Paik PlaraiUameraoia. . . . akABiBIA. ' ft Cascades, Collins' Laadiaa. , Crab Creek, Foar tABea, Fori Cnlvlll. Hang man's Creek, line drove, Kork Crrek. Howl ml ! dran llrMlaa, Kpokaaie Falas, l ie ethla, w aiser-s rraina, . - - Tiriim. ; Coal Ber k. Beaver. Miami Fralrte.rrlvmrJ Taualuwdl, TeeuM, TBmwsear, Velai, lade- peaovBC, Key. . WABstAcra. . . rathlaMet, Fala Cliff, rk amokaway, Water- . WALLA WALLA.' -n.i - -1, i a l nana aiia-. Whiunaa, Warrala, ; . . wbatcobv . CW4r fleiere. Oaeesa. la fVmaer. Tehmhl. laael, Lyntten, Kwnavhl. riit WUieaa. lanitti, Heariome. eieleltmnn, I B llai lai a!. 11 aad, ra;LTruder.Wbaieom,Koaugo. warraAst. We? Creek. ColPat.Fwsimnie.Oweaalaaae Painaee. MepK. I'ahMi nl,WiMBi.t'iiBion, llu-hill. I'anawaaa. Pin Creek. Una in Aaloae, Lioeola, I -alaha City, I'aMMilowa EiMinoeruek, Naaum, j'laaaaal uruva, twan. aaiaaa. Moasy Order Off! i is. MId?EIJaAXEOU8. King of tho Blood Care all Srejfuloal afetinaa aad Aieordefa-eealU tag Iroaa lnMirlly i Ua Uuad. It M aaadlaaa le paary all. aa thr auSaref ee aaaally Hi Maa UaMr raear; hut ,k few, f-iet-ka, f'lcara, T ,. b'-iiav AeelUav. An., are tba- Meaa aiaaiai, aa wall aa aiaay SatiuM id tlw itari, Maed, f.MMe SCROFULA. ., " Te4T.o4 Cora of Slled&ate. - : D. R.an, Bns Co. i Fee iht heaaat of al teuabled wiutjauafjila m lair-ure Bluud ia thaw . eyaUMue, I ha-abr rauMaowad a nuY ef the Blaud. 1 ke bane Uuuilad bid, meafei (u the paat taa yeat. wtiKh ao adeeted ar eye that I saaae pletaly liliad foe an v-oatha. I a raanaiiiilail ' te try Klag ef th feUaat, WHK-b haa pee-rd a gejat tilamai lo aa, al II haa aoeipletrly eared au, aad I akaertully ranuaianiiil It lead IruuUed aa 1 ha -. Yaara truly, ' , Mas. S. WkAiauauuw, naehna., K. T- &Xm. 'Q aOO will he paid te any P-Mia. Hvrpttal te he easta ally aeraed ap,i, fir avwry earner! af tha mailt. aa puliiialwei b aa vlaiah m auc gvaauai. IU ZxiST41extta. To ahn ear faith I tha laftty and earellaae af the K. apua peufa rrual aiplieatiea, whaa aatatftad that au ibukmuim. n lauaadwi. aw will eiea the aiameaef iUlasnlatnia,Tif aOIJarn. Tha auTa waVra war aer Bu.la U 1 ttnator uf nv ether Faaulr Madmuia la t a pro Many rlleaiu-la.f urtrr uifonaatioB,ad fall dlraftieea tur aame will be euand la the peat phlet "Tnaien oa Iiiiumi af tha riWxl,' at whiehearkboltlaMeai-loaFd. Prew $1 perbottlaeua- nag ii eaai'aa, neea flaae. eoM tiy drug a. l.kAauM,iMii A c.,pru'n,liui.N.Y fleta. - --o AYCR'S CHERRY PECTORAL, Fee Ileaea af ike Thravsl aad liaga, aweh mm lax-sir, tta, akeeslag tavwsO. BtraebMt. Aelhaava, Mil tOkklMrTle. Tb lew oompoalUonl liVrh' "bsve- won fhe conadene of mankind and become household rords, a meet not only obs bat many nation. meat have sxtraordl- ; nary virtue, perhapa Boons ever eenred so wide a reputation, -or , " m.l.l.ln.l I, lnr ' - v as AraavCaaBBT Pn To SAL. it haa been known to Ibe public about forty year, by a long eontloued series ol marvelous cures, that have won for It a eoofl denee In Its virtue never equaled by any otlierTnt-JU-IhTTrTnritmakes the moat mt feetuai cure of Coughs, Cold. OunaamptloB, that can be made by medical skill. Indeed, IbeCukkkT Fu-tokal ha really robbed I bee daogerou i dlieaaes of tbelr terrors to s great esleBt, and given a feeling of Immunity from tbelr fatal sdeeutbat. is welt founded If thl remedy be taken In seaaon. Every; family boald have II la their rlueet for Ute ready and prompt relief of lis mrnvberaj "Hlckaeaa. mf ferlng and life evea hi saved by taLtlmely .,milMr,iliiiiTkirii liaiekaala.mil ai glut tar and the wis Will aot. Keep U by yea for lb ftridertlon it slf trda by 1U timely oa lajilddea sllacl. lrAared by - - - DO. J. '. AYEM m r) twTtt,Ma, Praeltral and Analytical Cheralata. . Hold" by all DraggiaU and'Uealars la Medleln. : - u -. v J- - CHE M E K ET A HOTEL, JtAl.KM, OUKUOM. B. r. MATTIIEWH .... . Pewprlelave No pains or espenaa will be a paired In keep Hie eulatne and every deiiaiinieiu oi.lhi mtr Biooeut Hotel Bp M tba mara aa THEBEtTHOTFf. I!fOUK.. II PORTIARO UIRARY AtSOCIATIOM. - t - -Corner Fire Bal stsack aan,' :- awer Ladd A TUtosI Baak. restala arse kbjhl rssasas) Chete leekj A. eer.tO ranora aad Maggdaaa, MiMimiHip rmi fl aU. ootaiy IHree'tl OO-raFBbl Claaeserly ritx-rtR Wm. a. (a,,t. p. n ftrhnvler. Jr- U. P. Heady. Jl. W. Corle-tt W. II. liraekett. A. c. uiobsv n. larwiB, at. w. Feebheiaeer, a Kalllag, U-Ttlusa. OtAcersi MATTHFW F. IEADT. -Preeldenl n. rAii.iMi i.... .Vaaa IWIdMl r. C. tai Mi vi H i . Treaaui M. w. KKt II HKIMLrL.. Cnrreapnadlng He HKNRY A. UXEK.Ularlaa and KecHre fiVfi ' nantbleed: II a 4s st O,-" borne msde y the lnduetrluaa,apl- ii m reuuirea; we will atari yon. Men. woman, boy aad atria mk avonry. faster al work fie na lhaa at anything Tu work la light aad pleaeaaLaud aarh aa ear oae eaa gn riahl a 1. Tnoa wan are wiee wbo m thii mith-e will aead na tbelr addreeeea alone aad i for Ihemaelvee, Clly ouint and term I. Now li the time. Thoea alreadv at work e laying Bp large earn of money, Address TKL'k A iXX. Auaualau Mama. -7 M ' - NO PATEHTj. NO PAY ! " PATENTS Obtained for Inventor la the Cnlled lialea, Canadayand F.oropa, at redseed prlees. WMe eur prlnrlpal arnrw hemtad lejt Waahlngtnn, dl rertiy opnoeita the Cnlled mate Patent Offlee, we ar able to attend la ail Paleat Hualnee with greater prompt nee aad dwpaiehand leea et lhaa other rteal auorBey. who ar at a dialanee from Waalilngtoa, and wh have, therefore, lo employ !! attorney.' W make prellmlaary saAminailona and fur awh opinlona aa to patentability, ires of enanr, brk an wan am inwyreaieo ia Bew la- venlion ana eoev of attr ini and palenle are lavlted to aend fur a of ear tlulde fur (MMalnlag Paleata," whieh telenl rre to aa r add rem, and ennlalai fMnplet laatrael loaa how to oMiii pale eta, aad other valuable matter, W refer to lbs Uerman-Amerieaa' Nanoaal Kaak. Waabine bMi. U C; the koyei Mwedlah. Norreclaa,aad laaalah laNraltona, al Waati Uf toa : llna, Jia Caeey, lale chial Juauee V. aV Cuart af claim: to the Offh-lali of Ilia L'.K Pateat OnVe.end ha Henanara aad Members wf Congress .bvas every ruaua. ailreea; )I I B KIH.TK m VTK, PWvllelteiei Paienta and AlloraeraA Law. Let Hmtl ee Betiding. Wash iBtoo, U O. . ' a-U SGtj, A WrFK la lair es kin, aad aa ranttai naked. Ye hi ctve th bnat- aeaa a trial wraoot expeaaa. Tha Beat opnnr tunlly everonVred foe thee willies la work. Yaw aboold try nothing etee salll ya sea r ymreeir what yoa eaa do a th huaiaees we onVv. Keroom lo l plate her. Voe eaa de vole all yowr time or oaly year a pare Uaae le the huainpiai,-.aad make great pay ene every hoar trial yoa work. Woeaea make ss meek aa avea, i"nd for speetel prtval term aad ee neulara, ahleh we mail trim. .t naiSt free. Iioa'teiMnpiai et hard lima while yoaj have oeh a ebanea. Addreas U. HAUJTT a I II, i'wrUaad, Mala. a-T ara ... Aim a I aaBBBa. aw m . ax iff rwj THE NEW NORTHWEUT. iiiti tui tr niuciTitii THE NEW NORTHWEST, A Weehly Jaw rata I, -1' ivani t Tki FunrjiuT uTtitmi IalraBdrat la rolltka aad lellcloa rrHH wgt.H:!0"!WF.EKLT JOt'rV 1ial beglaa lu Klalb Tear of Fubllealloa with IU Issaeol May Ut,l7, ander tbe bual see maaagameat af lha Dohtwav Pcblub IBOCoueABT.es whom all tetters eoan acted with th Editorial, Advertising or Bubaerlptloa DepartmcBU of Us paper are to be hereafter directed. - . ' The If sv MoarawasT U net a Woman 1 BUahU, bat a HusVan FOgku argaa, devoted lo whaUver policy assy be aeeeaaary to aeeare m tb greateel goad te the greatest aamber. It snow so sekVho alltter,BO rdtgtwB. ao party a color, ae sreed. Its fttaadatloa to fasuaed upon the rack of Eternal Liberty, Calveraal Eassnslpatloa aad P utrammeled rregreaaloa. OFFICE OF PUBIJCATIOK-Boathweet Bar of Front aad waahkngloa hirer la, (up- sUlrs), Portland, Orsgoa. :, ' elisor xonxox,n Bv sLUH. MART 8IIANB 8MITII, Waanommeseed la aur laua of May Ms, MRS. IC5l WATT peculiarly orlglaal style of Editorial CorrespoadBce will continue froaa week to week to- attract tnoasands of readers, sad Editorials ar promised apea all tb leading topics' of the day. . COKRE HPOJlliL.Nnt ar also emplayed to faralah weekly lellen from Waablngtoa, Ksw Tork sad earloBS parts of Europ. No pains will be spared lo make THE MEW NORTHWEST the leading newipaper of lu elaas la Amertea, - lu liters lure Is always asoral la ton aad laatraetl v aad elevating la character, and u aoogbl after by the best aad l)ost laUlUgsat class of reader. Aa t medlam lor AdverUalag, tkla Joaraal has ae rapsrtorr, OW IS THE imrTO tUISCRISE! Bl BtCBlfTIO.f BATED, IN ADVANCE! ni agi eoplea, ene year.. Ma mahtha Tare moaths.,. ., ,, -Ml LIBEBA1. iBOrrKBIKaTTB Agents and Can'vasMir f SEMO laTYOUB oroim carlt BavllF. aeUse ats-hla svavd m rssplsa s 1 -r iiCniwat rrBunntNo company. Carner ef Fraat sad Waahlasiaai sirsees feav : : -- v l TH aEJstAt.'g f.j.,,)!fLff SfltyJlty y i"a"i aaiii""ia"i waiiiTf arsaosea VssaUaa.tsw), Isrtlsatd. Or, ' . HELMBOLLV8 COLUMN. H. T. HEM BOLD S ooiirovHD t - r rtUID IXTRACT 11 u c V I PU A km aceutica L a mafic ruiiot roi ali ututu u jjfy . . IUIMI All IIMETS. IV)R PFBILITT. I WOt OF MEMORY, IN 1 dlapuaiuoa to Ksertma or twaioeaa, Hhort uea ol Breath, Troubled with Tbougbta of iHeeaea, iHmneaa of Vision. Pain In the Hark, Cheat aad Head, Huah of Blood to tbe Head, Pale CoooteeaBe aad lwv nkla. If these ay mptoms are allowed lo go on, very frequent ly Kplleptle Kit and Conaomptioa fcillow. Wbea tbe eonetllottoo beeomea afteeted, II r calrea lha aid of aa lavigorallng medlelu to airasthaa aad Ion ap the system, which HEIMIQID'S IUCH0 -JOES-JjlYER Y-CA$Er HULMBOLD S BUCIIU IS UNKQUALCO By say remedy hnowa. It Is preM-rlbcd by the Btieal eminent phyalelaas all . . over lbs world la Kkraaatbai, lMrBiatrrlieB, , Iraralcta, - IffTtHlrM, IXiarpaU, . Ala.llai ramtlpatla, , Arlfa a4 iralat," Lbb.bA, -Jfp : Tr.rt6aailHr. . Ira4 Troaklra, ; Catarrh, Cf Btral Dklllt7 Davsaass mt ta KidaMF liver Ocmalaiat, EaiUaar, - tgjyif-" - - " Oa ear a! Bl Bsalta, - ! Pissaisg, , Z:. ftttatiea, Oeafiaeaa, : ;' Docliao, t Nsrvew Caoaplaiata, ;': l"eBASe CecBplaiata, 8'. Hssvdaehe, - - - - . -rrT - Pala la tbe ainmidera, .rab. - - ' -. IXislneaa, i . Moor Stomach, EntBtloaa, . Bad TaaU I te Mouth, PklpltatloB of the Heart, ' FbIb la the Itegtoa of the Kklaeya, Aad a tbonaand other painful symptoms, am HMoaaprinasof Aiyspepsua. HElUIOtD'l IUCHU INVlUOltATEB THE hTOMACH Andetlmalatea the tnepid Uver, Bowels, and Kldneya lo Healthy Actio, ta eleaaalnc lb' blond of all . lin pant tea. aad In, paellas aew life BBd vigor to lbs whol ystem, . A alngl trial will he quite enffteleeil lo ena vinee the moat haeluaUng ot lu valuable rente- tiai itHje . .. rsir r, at p awm-a.:. Or Hla BwMlns awga'-.-w- TiVllveeed lo say Mdreae free from oheerVa Hoe.- -Paueaia may enaaoll by l,ier. leeetving the same atleamm aa b ealliae. oa,i lhyeia attend In enrreapoadeBta. All let tsrs should be addressed lo '- T.HtLlteLB, .' " ' -.;. Dragllvl, snd Chemlet, CAUTI0S1 Mae Private Ipvleaar7 Blsamp BOLD EVKRYWHEREr .Philadelphia, Pa. r"Ss --'- ' - MI5CE1XANEOV8. aeel W1VII A 'Vrt rv vi al a a a a. aa a aa aai , r . Froat sad First streets, bet. Ask aad a Imcorters and Wholesale Dealers. rALL SEASON. a uava-u ilia iilfiK VKKY KXTKN- 31 alvemrrbajeaofalullJliieefJ MILLIHIBT 0 00D8. . .. . . . . . a,...iM.Mi J lmnorters la New oek. IMr SUel ll ""'' L lllrw HJH n awaw a, L: irntlitraa nml Plurar-a, French Flower, "VLtU, Shapes, . KthkaB. MiIb. CroeCrala apd Fa ' Sllka, Trlteta, f fn tf To which nslnvlle the atlenHon ofthsMIIII hery Trade ol Ureeua aud Waehlngton lerel tory. Being ins only Wlwleala Has,la in rUat i niitw-nw ruunm .iit-w-i rm New Tork, we will h pre paced to ofTer eitra lit wvbii w nr r nruoi rauva a-o rn At-, civv U SAYI TIT TB1AL 091 ? OBCDp. BEATTY fIaioo. A bawjMUtfuMl ltlfTtof avn ti.l - -re in IliMoahn aRrifci f M a-nnMn-mr. mm il MsMhfaB M m tla. a a 'a bwm aw- talur a .-a . il hr-em.l It a Ntars ll. TrP HaOr-fcgtiae lfM. t Mn, Mtl Mii lw) III I (i l-tlvld-rw tit UJsai rfbHbid ,wt r lwfr -lH-Wif.t f.:ri f.BFtK tr1r ir4rr. In rue'UL MertisJl rt av.i--l I ruin ut-trmrn hf A r iM, (lira- jmj a m fcW" mx M f mVr. Maty kt . rai AW ala ieas-la-m aralll at I Wat mm faellp Wr4 Mat feaf mwa-ta hiwii. If ll UasAMMmB - K-atwM. rrt a mi p-t--, . aiwjr fr lirftl - h . . ar fmiar-r , Jtui 'X. 'f M al W-Tf eaa Igww, an I thart 1 maiiv- lv til mA r taU few ilim frrt-w. fwlir , amwi mm m yoaiai t -T "a ' at.. 'i kr Nvwt mnWnl Huwm m Aavrtrt, Hupa aia aill i-tp4 aoxiaaawail ,im IttAja a t jr miitrr( 4fir I . kA t-evVea tnf MtaeJ 1"W7 tt"F t K i Oftt 1 1 trM. T as ftiaarw an rwf ' r-vir. f r eN an v klasW 1 iteur lUr -u k lu r - ' l - I aaim mi afceaaiaaaalia.al ftnai aew- ar Ita-vt taor tr or ! u l if 4sr.iaj 1 4e rtittrvfl tia-tJ wurl ot. ill ! uiieptirre 1 ,w M lw-al-1 IBatrumeOUi DCM 111 f mm p4a, H-earaep I ajl ol IwsBaT ja m rCf talf fr MAYOIl ' v '.iiJ.ilhi,rliie,eM.- aieilll t. fllN-H r.lrt aetaapeeee al in Mune iMiaUmlaituI l'l.iii-nyjfw.-wil frra. - Addxsatl DASTiat. r. BIATTT, Valagtea, Vew Jrsy.. : . a -i . - - .-'ii EBTABUBUEO Us. K. S. ft A. r. LACST, Atterasrrat Law -tea njl sLreet, Waalilngloo, U. c iBlewlara. : W roc a re paten la la alt cone trie. No iv vobbbvpskbib Abvasiik. No chars unl tbe patent le framed. No fee P r making pre liminary eiamlnallona. No additional fr lor obtaining and coductlug a rebearlng. tpeetal attaint- given lu Interfere nee Caae befawa tb Patent lllttce, I iieneluns bej.tr Cnngrem, Infrinsement eiuila b dlflereul niaiea, and all litigaima psrtatalng to Inven tion r Patrnia. rtend alanip lor pamphlet giving full Inatruetkma, . . I'alte) ana lea t'oarta Bad cparlasewla. Claims pmaeealed la Ibe Nuprrme (Vert of lha tinned H tales. Court ot Claima, CMirt of Commiealoner of Alabama Claima, Huulbera Claima fommlaaloa, aad all elaaae of m' slaims helor lb kaecallve liepartmeBla. Arrears af Pay aad Mawaly. i, Mol.ller. and Hal Ion of the late wr, 0 sirSyAta la. aiauy caaes rnmieil to ... 9 . - ....... ... w.iav.a ilirj hate ao knowledge. - Writ full hottorr nf aer- ' vice, end slate amount of par and buunt mm. eetved. .K.aelme atamp, anda full reply, ne xamlaalioa.wlll begirea yos WHhouic bergs, yeaalaaia. All timeeie, "w,i.i!er. and Ballon wounded cnjiiure. or liiju'ct la Ibe l wee, however iH.'', ar fci..tj to, anu eaa obtain a pea aiou. . . failed haleaieaeeal Laad Beia . Con tea led land Cnaes, Prfvale land Claims M.lalua. pre-empUua. aad Horn lead 4 aaea pniai i ulea mm the UeneralLaad Ottlc a ' Lwpaniiieat ol the latertor. W pay cash Bamaty land Warranta and wa Invite emreapondene with ml partlee liav-, in any lor sale, aad alee rail and eiollcil la." atrueuona where aaaisnmenia are imieree4. We auodart oar baameeeln aearai Bureau havlaa tbarela the elerteal aeaiataaee e . and eipenenred lawyer, and give owreluaeat yrrmiwmmt nprrreni m every important paper prepared la each eaaa, Promat iiinuu 1 1. , aeeured to mi baaioeea entruaied-to ua. Ad rM B. a A P, Lit Kt, tlleneri, WAe.ltlWloi,l C. Aay person deetrlng Information aa in tha steading aad respoaaiidliiy of Ibe arm wlll.oa ueet, oeiuraiaoeo wiia a sallelaetnry refer' m ia aw iwfiij wrvoagreaaiotlal ClatrleC 51fyVl?,, A Yr.AR.nr S to (J) per O ltT.ru' day ia your owa locality. No n-k. n.-iime, ataay make more than lb aasoanr-elated above. Bo oae ran fall to make mou'jr foaL Aur oae cam do tba ' work, .oaean make from tu eenie la II aa bear by., devoting your evealnga and a pare lima td tb baaiaeea. Kotning like H for atone. -maalng eeer aKared taae.re. hoaineee pleaaant aad atnetly bonaral.la, Krs.i,,, tt -yoa want lo know all abnal Ui hut paying dreee and ws will send yoa lull partiealara and pet me term rreei aamplea worth 4 alwi i yoa eaa maae ap ear miad nr ' vooraelL Ad.ieaa bbuMli A BllXHjJI A CIL PaeUand.'-MalaS. . , J J-MrjUCAJV tub iriiai aii eiumi wom- pmei aa. Hlaakcta a a Vmwm .--- ly. feente' rlnlhlee eleaaeal ,i - .... eihltV. ta. IHlSHill A al. u, ,... lv - r a. a i i a or m 1 . si I 1 t . U - . t L . t M 1 J , v - 1 ' ' ' 1 ' .i.i DYE AND I1.F.AN At.L KINIa OF Btl.K, waolea end mise4 gooo, afier the l-at and aeweai tearmaa and Irene iratema Kid Ulevea aad -ifcr eleaeerf aaJ AunS be a sliIaaUroa, JT. .ol.