The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, November 20, 1879, Image 2

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' ' 4
, Tbe aeoooooemeoi by IU. Mr. C ru
tin that It would lecture opoo the
"Working Woman of America" on laat
Sunday Bight, u Ased to flU tueTlrsl
Congregational Church of thla elly to
overflowing upon lb at oecaaloo, Iba
far nd attsoUv audlaue proving
, aoocloslvsly that tba right of tbla lm
BM alas ar being recognised aa
tbalr wrongs ere md knowbv. To
' leetnre trmtugfaout, 1 tu replete with
truth forcibly and earosslly stated. . -It
will ba rmembreotbat tba aocn
aatloo waa mads agaloatiMv,Cruxa,
aftsr bla looter tbr-ws loa upon
. tba "Social Evil," tbat ba bad Inaultad
tba working glrla of tbla city by stating
tbat It waa not poaalblo for tbm to II .
on six dollar a wk -- plainly, tbat
tbay could Bot bo vlrtuau on such
wsg, Mr. Cruiao danlad tbat b bad
old aythlog of tba kind. ,JI etata
Want bad boon twisted Into tba abap
gl veoY Ha did aay tbraa waaka ago tbat
it med hardly poeelbl for glrla to
provide tbmelveo with ebelUr, food
and raiment an flvo or l dollar a
wk. Tbla atatamant waa reiterated,
and proof addooed that do tbloklog
pa rasa m gainsay. Ha boldly da
ouneed lb lojaatlco of; paying woman
tbao man for tba aaaao labor.
and draw a pletora of tho aUrona-
ltl that often bound to tbalr svctal
and moral daatb woman who work for
tho mora plttaooa paid to aawlog and
bop glrla. -
In daolarlng tbat low wsgss paid
woaian ara la groat msaaur tbalr,
wa foolt, baeaoaa tbay oonaant to (al
laaa tbaa a fair prloa for tbalr woikj
Mr. Crusan ogroad with idea fto ax
prd la tba Nw Nobth wmt. Wa
bava oomoatly ooodamoad tbo ayatam
of underbidding, whleh la ao moeb
praotload by woman la tbalr teal to
got work. Wblla admltUog tbat man
do tho aama contemptible trick, yat It la
tbo exception, and not tbo rola, wltb
tbam. Woman mnat maintain prioaa
' for tbalr work. . Employ will not
'pay wag" wblla obaap balp can-be
" bad. Oor ramady dlflar from tb rav
road gaotlaman'a la tbat, wblla ba ad
via tbam to damand fair wag, w
" aloo doalro tbam to form and malnlala a
ayatam of an loo lam, and to bava tb
polltloal power wbarwltb to brao and
took tbalr demand. Wa alao ery out
agalaat aglrl'a partly learning a trad,
ao tbat It will flrord bf living antll
marrlsgs. Fortbaaaka of tbalr aiatr
wrkrw, w org womn to lrn per
- faotly wbatvr Jrad tby eboo, In
. order to maintain a' fair atandard of
wag. Wban woman do thoroughly!
lrn tho trad to which tby ar al
lowed aootM wba tby demand fair
; aod aqua! wag with' mn: for ul
work( and whan tbay bava tb ballot
to glv strength and aolldlty to tbalr
Juat demand, tbanwlll tb ra dawn
'wbn working woman' aro' tratd aa
tby mrtt wbn all trad and pro
foaalon aro opaa to tbam at qua rat
with man. Tb moat faalblway of
obtalalog tb rult I to glv tbam po
litical power flratf and tbaa It will b
aomparnUvly-y to oaomplUh Hb
reel; though, while men (till withhold
their right la tut rovpeet w beceech
-women not to grow wwry In theTff
MraggU to rala tblrtaodard of wage
to a rmuorallv basis. Whto. tb
gaont wolf of famlae la bowling at their
door, they muat bow boat Into tbo
oaarat bIUrLwblohlal baa oftB
a golden mn blwn lb dlrt
bovl of virtue nod tbo glided palace of
Infamy. In their might and la unison
tbay mnat overcome tbl devouring
1 nonUr.- "" -',' -r- -The
leetur waa well worthy of
areful otUotloa, and tbo aoad Ihu
" aowa broadoaal bythe bold aod" "on-
.paring hand of Cbrlatlan charity and
hamaa ay m pat by cannot fall to bring
forth la due aaaaon aa hundred fold la
-tba b carta of any bat the mot frlv
loua, alflh or aordld of bla heartfra.
W aotlo Ia4b report of tb closing
day of th Waahlnglon Tenltorlal
Lagtalator tb' aaboonoement of th
paamg by tb Council of Houae bill
181, ntllid "Aa act to oaUbllsh and
protoet th right of married women."
tb bill aa aoon aa wo eaa proaur a
oopy of th aam, that wa may keep
oar reader poaled onoerlog tb n
ltgbtod poaltloa taken, by tho law
. maker of tb prngralv young Urrl
tory of Waahlngtoa upon "womao'a
MghU. - t- - "
Apaeal ae belag rm4i to lb vt"iea ot ths
Tatte Biaus to raoanl Baeaa, sister o 'b
; Vie CfcM Oarr, vks eatees Mrs. Meeker
- mm4 aak1ar Itros tb avae I'tectEl
baae. .. . i ' - '. - '
It atrlke women that the Govern
ment which malnlalua our preeeot
poerll Indian policy, aod. wbloh, la tb
face of all paat iperle"uoi baa aant a
wpao eommlselonH U treat with lb
hoalll Instead of punning and threeb
Jog th lata bodUnoo, abonld reward
baVJ lolod of allowing tbe anrepr
halr.w half of tb people to do ao.
balow - - ... . ;
J ' aaent lately la th Seitm-
V:,:.'.., -;-ttwoty.flvj or thirty
persons should oogV fed by only
worst enporlfle I tafpplioatloa for n
very beat, auaablaa. by between on
very plain that poor s, fof m
pa a Dny tioura-o p. . . :
aaushtna. and aa few aa Damlra ADa
eha.le. Many waa ar mgorkman I
yet they 4o not oo it. Tbeyesratlve,
aunsnrn ol oi tueir ooue ao
liaait. they wear valla, they earr
axtla. Ihe da all thai la boeaihla la k.
att th most ptrieotlolluenc wbloh f glv to Mrvngtb, mmA
beauty, and ebeorru na' ta il not
time to change all this, attd so gat enlor
aud roee la our pale cheeka, strength la
oor weak baeha, ntid oourag In oor
timid souls T Th worn of AroeHco
or pale and delicate, hot wltb tbe aid
of eunllf M they may bo blooming and
tror j. -J.'om nmt JfcallK '
Attorney-General -Devne recently
astonished Iba UuWSlete Buprem
Court by maintaining 'that 'negro,
nder tb moodmenta in tba Ctlta
tlon, baa a right 16 demand that Jury
trying bla eaa b eompod of eoloraJ
mtn. Mr. Juetle Field remarked thai
there bad been complaint la on quar
ters tbat tba CJiin In certain portion
of tho United BlaUe were deprived of
ondoubtad right to wblcb fiiey were
ollUd; b delrd4o luquir If. the
Attorney -Uenerel held tbat tby bade
right to demand to b tried befur a Jury
of tblr owo.rac. Tb Attorney
General bealtatad, and ilten replied i
"Yea, I think they bava.'t In reply to a
qoMtloa by Chief Juetl VaUe, Mr.
Ien oald .that an Iriahvao-faad a
right to b triad by ao Irlab Jury,
and a German by a Uerman Jury,
U. : that, wbil lUe anjendoienl
war -xprly dealgued for the pro-
teetlon or lb eoloreu ra, yi an otner
raoa bad woo tb right to b protroUd
under them. HlguilUioafglanoe were
eiebangadhy tho member of the bar,
for It waa aenthateuriou rulta would
follow If vry ofleuder war to bare a
Jury of bla own nationality. For Id-
ataoee, It would, be Impoaelble to con
vict a Cblnamau of any crime.-
AVe ootlce tbla natter becauo re
cently1 lUUned to tb alatameut Hint
sum bava no more right to object to
Jury oompoaed of men than a negro
baa to object to a white Jury. There I
muchdlflerenoe in theeaieafTheoef t
la ejvoter, aod haa a vole In aeleoLing
law-maker, though bla right may be
abridged In eome Southern 'Biatea.
Woman haa no vole, and can neither
dleaeot In ao effective and. practical
way against aoy propoeed etatate, nor
paaa any lawa which aba may think
wboleaom. . Tb negro I tried by a
Jury tf legal and political equal, and
womairia not. Olv woman tb ballot
onrtrlotd, and ah will not murmur
again t a jury of ber political peere,
even tbougn a woman may una no
place on It. -If oho baa a vole equally
lib man In making lawa, aba will
cheerful) v admit tbat niau baa an equaH
right with br'Jn their enforcement.
We were urprled when It waa tri
umphantly hurled at u that th Su
preme Court bad aettled woman' b-
leetion to being triad by a Juryof man.
W were aatoniabed wbeo tbo eeakrr
thought tb women'e and the neKro'
eaa parallel ooea. We did not auppoae
any one bad g'lveo ao little attention to
tbe aubject of woman a right aa to be
ao ignoraut or tne ruerita or in u-
manda; but oppoeltlon alway come
from tboae who fall to- aludy and-oom-prebend
tbe queatlon, and we trut the
few remark above, wbloh have been re
lleraud for y tar I u on form or another,
will open tba eye and quicken the tin-
derstaodfug of eom one wbo-haaunt
given the aubject proper -thought. ' ' ' T
Bom week l oc w received three
vers of machln rbyin from a lady,
Who vldntly thought h waa doing a
favor by remitting the alleged poetry.
Tbla being a lady'a Journal, we refrained
from consigning tbe llpf paper (both
aide of which were written upon) to
the waste-basket, and carefully boarded
th treasure for tbe scrutiny of tb
enlor editor wbeo eh ahould return.
We emlled a we watohad her read II,
and Dotlced that a pusxieu iooa sliii
over ber face. .Although tbe taik of
patching It up ao that It would be read-
able waa Herculean, yet the eeulor spent
an hour or two la a fierce, atruggte with
It, and finally auoceedad In translating
tb accuaed pnm Into Engtlsb, at
leasL In due time It appeared lu our
eolumoa, credited to.tbe lady who bad
penned th drooling drivel. W bellee
ther I on error In tb plec as pub
lished, but the wonder Is that there are
not a dote n.
WeTeTTae thousb a bill
for servfe rendereii ahould iteut to
th contributor! but, tb eenlor Hid
become used to such tbaoklesa task,
we eaid iiothlug about the matter. How
much the labor wal appreciated, may
be lwo by tb fact tbat tb "poeteaa,"
whom aeraol world ba somehow failed
to appreciate, aend a aavag letter to
th 'Junior" for having "Interlarded
her poem with originalities" There
beiog no poetry, pith, point, or aeoee lo
tbe com poaltloa aa It reacted tbla office,
tb fair but wrotby contributor ahould
b-tbanhfot fee ' tltolty-o tndiatorgad twice ae'-mocb .o M -
nose wbloh prompted the senior to in
terpolate aomethlng original ; but aba
ian't. She complain Tibet Mr. Dual-
way would b mad rf br rtlcle should
be changed, and saya, "and don't
feel very well pleased at that stud
which will paa for my coin poal tlon,
when In reality it le yonra." W would
Inform our Irate poeteeen that, I our
'ginger-bread, aehoor-ooy," nd bom
bl judgment, Mr. DunlWay, who
started -nd malntaltipthle paper In
tbfaeof great obetaelee for yaara, la
entitled to a little more consideration
tbaa a person who oocesioually con
tribal soma trash whleh It I a trav
esty upon tho word to call poetry. Fur
ther, the "Junior" want tbe con
tributor to atdrtaud that be now con
trol tbe column of tbl paper, aud that
bo yielded to the publication of ber
Mpoem" In a Hi of mietaken generosity,
really beeauae tbo author,, had been a
good patron of thla Journal. Jt1 pretty
bard to rule our liberality, and so we
staU that, If tb contributor. wauta. bey
rhyming to appear aa abe wrote It,
and will seed u a copy (w ere very,
very aorry w destroyed th original
valuabl . docamtatj. It ahall ppr
verbatim la conjunction with tb
amended teak Will abe aend It aod
allow oar reader to Judg of tbe merit
of tbe aeolor' change T
VJoaqula Miller deole tb, statement,
. . . 1 I I . . . . ft.K. . I - I
Mrseatiy puonsueu, wis naeinarrieu
-Vis Lelsnd, of Nsw Yorkt , Tb re-
otkVa damaging to th girl, and w
aissvesBniosd that Joaquin bad th man-
st ererv
The New York Journal Oimtnetrt,
whli-h I aald f a Irmocrtle newe
paper to be one Of lb ablest publica
tions iu tbe Empire City and entirely
noii partisan, think that tba North i
wrong In presenting a solid front in op
pnJtlon to a solid Houtb ; that It la
trie-duty of tbo North to act an csampte
of brotherhood aud goul-will,1ueted of
retallatluK, . ..,1-4
The JiturnnFt reuiarlre spwar to have
been written by am rival uf Illp Vau
Wiokle. Fifteen years ago tbe auggea
lions would bava been well enough, but
they ote out of time now. The North
did act tbe example of brotherhood and
good-oil I la Kiting the seces.loi.lst the
most generous terms recorded In the
annala of warfare f tho crime allow
ing tbe rebelling people to retain the
right of clticeuahlp and not forcing
them to pay th debt Incurred lo tbe
war; but the Kouih bas kept upauch a
system of bulldoting and terrorising
tbat tb again compelled to
luelantly meet Jbvin as tbey den-rve.
In this esse, the ChrlWtJon Juraf neigh
bor VIoye wou't . apply ; it seenja that
UothlDghut theord Mowilc Tew bO'aos
eye for an eye and a luntU for a tooth"1
will meet 'tho rqulreiueula of tbe ease.
For year tba North has been 111 In
potting forth Its seiititueutaat th pullad
but th last CoogreM, a msjorlty of
whlcli was composed of Houtbero rebels
aud Northern sympathizer, ba aroused
th North aud showed - them.' tbat
brotherhood" don't work.' They ba
determined that by their good-will aud
forbearance the country ahall not agaio
ba Imperiled by auch a crowd of nation
deatroyera as BMwmfiled In the last Con
gress. .. -., -. ;
The Journat. of Commerce Is right inv
sylng that tbe "looroloa; up of a 'eolid
North' kRalimt a "solid South'" Is an
event, far from desirable, aud tbat fra
ternity can' be restored only by forget
ting seclloual lluea and old-time aver
loo; but a for year tb broken aud
divided Nartb has been met by a "solid
South,", and aa outragee in tba South
bava not decreased, and aa In Cengree
tbe effort waa made to destroy the Gov
ernment, the North canuot remain
broken anyjouger, and baa rallied to
aave what' was wjun Cy a bloody war.
Aa we are nou-parilauf we care lutle
whether Ilepubllcana or.. ImoerataI'lcea were, which wa a great ti so
Win f "but w do wish to es the L'ulted
Statva rperpvtuated aa a uatlon, and we
are In sympathy wltb whatever party
disapproves the idua that this Is a con
federacy of Stales. We also thiuk that
the party which believe lu a nation
eoBtaloe the element of Justice and
falrneaa which In a few y-ara will uslier
In tbe era of wbman'a pollticaf rquallty,
lu the numbers of women registered In
Massachusetts to vote for Sohoof Com-
iwUivee. aud eT nieo Jo- fur tata i
olll.-ers, may b accounted for by the
aitlndeof 'the pre and tbe action jof
the eyple, to aay nothing of tlyo greater
lifpriance of the aecoud leilloo. A
hw j(t th remarks made about womeu
Were : ' -'. ' '
Vt'oinen sr la ao burr ta retiater. JT
Tbv Is bo runh to I lis hwmuii by women
who bare now tbe right to vote for Hehool
Committees. . -- . Z-i'
Ver lew women bave appesrU for r-xlitra-Uon.
- .
It Is efldeat women won't vols. t i
Xnt moss then s bswJrt-l anil rlflj tAs BOW
dog dajrs on lbs tut
Eery nsuis'rspreseofs InteUUteacaand Ilia
best blood of Boston. It that Is lite way II Is
to be. and only Ibe rU-o woman are to vote
It I Just so muett saliit Hi suffras for
!. r- '
A few of the remark made to man
when it wss lime fr them lo bsjvgls
tered t - Y -
ReKirtrattoe elose on Tasaday erenln at
tea o'clock? lJont wait until the liwt moment
to attend to ths mailer, tr your sams I not
on tue votlb list at 10 p. n. IS-morniw, yon
Hcrtiitrattrm Cfnswt trmi'o16rY1SesrTas-
dsynlght. No nam esq Stljc J to Uia voul
inTlxs after that lime for ths Haleeleello
this year. It requires but a few nil oil tea Sir
any rltlsen who bss been assessed to ascertain
If bis nam Is on ..tb lists, or lo rvglster, If It if
not already theirs.
Keery voter should see Sir blmelf that bis
asms la upon tbe vetlBa tlat,
AIso, men "great men, aud oieu wbo
never eaa be great, menrbers of Con
gress, and of our State legislature, and
of other State Legislatures" literally
scoured tbe Slate to e tbat meu were
registered. urtnermore, women were
School Committee as men were
reelrloled aUOrage. Lucy Sloue con
clude with- tb if remark t "Tbe diOer-J
cot treatment of the two classe- of
votsri atanda out bald and bar, a w li
ne tbat will Lelp history to tail why
ao few womca registered In Maaaacbu
salts In eighteen hundred and aeventy-
nlne." -
A. K. Brandt aenda us the following
oots t "Tbe Young ladles' ClassU-al add
Bible College, Bingbamton (X. V.) Is
msklng arrangements for Iberce bom
aod education of one hundred more ap
proved eaudldales for missionary aud
temperance work; aod for the daughters
of pastor, missionaries and evangelists.
Tbe curriculum consist of a regular
course at lb Blnghamloo College, wltb
an added Coiirse of theology, mcdlcln
Gen. Rabt, Toomba rcu)y wmlsi
Present my compllmenta to General
Oraot on bla aafe arrival to bla country.
He fought for bl country honorably
and wonllll fought for mio and lost.
I am ready to try It over again. Death
to the Tnlon." If all tbe rebelHooe
Bouthernoi wer candid. Instead, of
deceitful and canning, tb Boulbcr
question woukl be awen easier settled.
" t"1!-"-"!-
. Mr. Jleasey, a contrtbator to tb
Womnix'i Journal, ba prepared a tract
oa tb history of th voting of women
la New Jersey.
To fight a duel la California after Jan
oary let, 130. disfranchises and dis
qualifies from holding offlo.
Dbab HitMw ortm yaw NoaTHwairr .
ters you ever csugni in a siorm, in
tbs beglunlg of an all-ulgbtrMe, on an
open , buck-board, after bavliig"alceady
travlad alt day In tbe asioe bobbing
vehicle, witbou.aposlbs hsltjng place
until morning eaoept'at the bottom of
a gulch or river? the night so black
wkb I uteris darkueaa tbat you couldn't
see horse or driver, br hardly lmVrne
yourself a visible eutity tweaus of tie
I m penetrable gloom f
Such, In brief, j a our situation on
tbe olgbt after leaving Frinevllla torf
turn to The Dalles, ou tbe otlt..1ust.,
only tbo above paragraph la loo tame to
convey more 0'n the ghost of an fdea
of the affair aa It really eilsted. Tbe
ataga atstiou nn the Ootioco irtad are
thirty n.lle 4part,"rnd-Hie r$lay of
borsee consist In eseh case of a eiogle
spau of trusty eolueavarle)! only, ou
th night drive, by au ebouToloted
tuulit ao trustworthy aud wis aa to re-
te-j4""" character of th much-abused
auliual, which haa so long stood before
the world as th-,nu fittest emblem of
otistluale stupidity that It waa a gen
uine relief lo flud an aioialde member
of the hybrid fraUruliy, aud especially
so oa tue occasion referred to. 'when
nothing but tbo superior sight, sagacity
and endurance of her Uiuleshlp aerved
Ibe double purpose or poetpoiilug the
epitaph ami continuing the Jotting and
Journeying of the undersigned. The
day 1ad been an alternate gloomy,
windy, rainy aud euosblny one, and at
nlfjit the great cloud rose like a dense
blsnkst of fog from tbe depths of-tbe
Cascade gorges, and, climbing 14 tbs Ze
nith like things of Ufa aa well as motion,
settled themselves for a long season of
intermittent tears and blustering.
There ought to JuutA-heau lamps ou the
buck-board, but there were none". The
mono, that bad favored us all 'night
tong-wttp tier radiance onTlbe outward
Journey, only a week before sva uow
oil duty tlJLuear midnight. Wa should
gladly have waited till daylight, but
there w s no cbauce'TAF A choice of
evils, and ou we went-lulo the ray less
olgbt, wltb nothing but tbe sagacity of
the aforesaid mule to save the entire
outfit from auddsu demolition. But the
driver knew every Inch of the road, and
could tell where all the. biggest preel
lation, Inasmuch as kept us lo mo
mentary tueulal preparation for an uu-
ceremonious lsunabng tuto physical
oblivion.. There was au old black horse
on the off sid, but, true to the Instincts
of ths genu masculine, bo depeudvd lu
bis eUremlty. upon th superior fore
sight of the specie whose geude waa
fetulnlue. Uiipe, wbeo wa were eo Ibe
driver aald-balf way down ihc-nVaTttff
Springs Hlltrwnt-tn""dlrect ranee of a
anxious in avoid, be pulled a little
haw." Tba mule reluctantly obeyed,
and ws were Cut of Ih roul- He waa
afraid to go forward. It wa Impossible
logo further to. the left, fatal to go to
tbe right, and Impracticable to go bach
ward. In our dllertKn we wanted to
all there in Vlte .rain till morning, en
during tLelftaTwe bad rather than fl to
thnae.we eotjild ouly guesa at; but tbe
driver 1'ghted -lit- way for a uilnute
wllli an ephemeral match, and, by the
esercTie of skill whioh the most el pert
mariner might eo vy, steered bsck Into
the borrow rosd, and again depended
npni) the hagacTTy ofTCsTinuli.
Ilefore stsrllng on the uigbt ridwe
bml enjoyed a bouuttu I sapper S ths
Warm Springs Agency, aud been treated
to a rare exhibition of vocallsiu trooi'
Mr. C. II. Walker and bla Indian
pupil; aud now," that we were In the
extremes! peril of our life, we couldu't
help bumming snatchea of tbelr song
lo a llmplug Improvisation which ended
inevery refrain with, "Ob I tbeOcboco
I J-JIi) dll . youfeelwheri i the danger
was at IU height 7" asked the driver,
Alter- we bad descended tbe precipice
and forded the river In-safety, aud the
laggard moon threw faint symptoms of
a lunar (willght atbwarC Hi weeping
hesrve'ii.; . '. ,
"Felt glsd tbst my Uf wss lusured.
aud realised a hearty admiration for
that Invisible yet tangible mule," we
nnswered, unable to think of a more sp
proprlale reply.
I we hadn't described thai Ocliooo
rosd from tbe vlewe obtained on the
for tbe aimple reason tbst for about ten
bonrs there was no view to be bad. .
Four .A. u, aod a borne slallon. How
tbe.wiod u'hizttd about usl and bow
our teeth chattered 1 But the team wa
loo tired to' lea a standing a BLomeut
wltfioot shslter, and w est and shiv
ered In. tb gsle till th driver housed
the fsltbful mule and dependent horse
la tbe barn, and then accompanied th
Ion traveler to th cabin; where b
truck a light and proceeded to build a
lire. Nobody ellrred about the house,
nd there was no kli.dllng wood ; but
there gsped the csvernnne .chimney,
and yonder war 'ba buuka, sgslnst tb
wind-rrven wells, that contained the
Improvident sleeps rs "hoee dulr It wss
to have a ore la readiness..
Everything disagreeable, must end
some time. Tbe dark and. cold gave
aay at last before a ruddy blase, a
boeller was called by (he driver from
one of the lunks, and we, wrapped from
head to foot la shawla and blaokeaof
our own, crept Into arflrty bed end f41
sleep from sheer eibsustloa. r . ;
" Hklf past nve.naBd called lo break
fast. ""A Weary wonaan, with a aolltary
eye tooth, two fretful bahles and be
ralgla la the bead, bad ready a .meal of
boiled1 cabbage warmed over (very
greasy), fried pole toes and baooo (yet
greasier). Chill beaus (didn't taste 'em),
black cd flee without milk or cream, sal
eratus biscuit, and a butter. Bot tb
pay wa first -class, and w paid ber
cheerfully. We wouldu't "awap" place
with tbat protected womaa, sd be
Compelled to hold hsrpoaltlunV" for a
million a month. Her husband awna
three lhjuuj abeep and 'uullutitsd
range,' and doesn't owe a dolls r, lis
worts wlisu bs pleases, qtit when he's
a mind In, and brat about the tinle-
lenteiH-e ol bis mode of life, and fauclee
that be dea hi entire duly by bl wife.
Whet matter it to him that ber Jaws
are sutikeu, her leeth decayed, aud ber
head neurslgle? Isn't. li ituirricdl
ud Isn't thai protection eiytugb for
aoy woman 7 Besides, wheu aha die
b rati dress hlm-t lf up, Im1 Ibe kittle
meuls, eihltill bl Iss-itat, and marry
agalu. Meu caq, always ihid women
who ar ready for ile-perste chances,
aud tbey are not tu b blamed overmuch
fr flaking advantage of them..
Daylight, thank .Heaven I but there
I yet a long-day's ride before us. . How.
we dread tt t Itnt there I no IteViia-
live, aod on we go, loo weary for sight
seeing. Yet we fanuot but notice the
well-Improved farms ot1 tba Tygh
Valley, aud Ibe grand prospect lu st ir
ior future settlers,, ' ..''
- One r. M , sn.l the splendid dinner
statlou-of our frleuda. lbs Dufur. Five
o'clock, and The Dallee. Our eyee are
by this time swollen, and ftetnree dis
torted wilu eiHsgre and ratlgue ; but
we ere soon fast asleep lo Mrs. I-sley'e
pretty little collage home, aud anorlog
aa we afterward learn at the rale of
forty knots so hour.- But -we flud the
nest dsy, after making the effort, that
ws are too til to travel, vu oa tho O.
S. N. Company's boats, and homeward
bound, at that ; so we slop over at Col.
Fulton's, where Mrs. F, like the' ver
itable good Samaritan that she Is, doaea
uawith homoeopathy aud good victuals,
and th hospitable Culonel talkfolltlc
and theology .lend we chit aud listen,
aud think aud dream of homeland test
till Monday, and then, In spite of home
sickness and anxiety about the loved
onee -there, the Istenees fit the Sessou
dmtnlshes u to hasten' North wsrd,
lest.on our return ThsTrcete-up catches
ua on the'wroog side of the mountains.
And now, wblls we ar waiting for
tbeCelllo train, let oa tak a look at Iji
Umshlta .House. This alegsilt hotel,
Messrs. Haudly A Sinnntt, proprietors,
la not yet finished, bqt th presaur of
patronag baa caused them to throw H
open before tbey -wet qterTesdy'foT
tbs customers thst already' throng' It
everywhere. . The building which a
one of the finest, largest atl beat
furnished north nf Sau Fraud aco,
Is three " tof"J high," anii "ba
frontage on Main street of 90 ft, and
on Vuton street of 1J0 feet.' There I an
legaut ladles' parlor, a roomy and
handsome ofHr aijd niaguiflwnt diulug
room. ' Tb hotel lias a cspa.-liy nf en
tertaining two hnndretl guests turvery
superior manner, ami could scrom-
'Hist tf'jiuwpr."
lure, which wss mads by the Oregon
SlanufactUrine: f'jmttanvCof Portland.
ts f solid h,'btaple su I walnut, iidf'0" ,,',
ofruodern pstterns. The ;uarpete ar
Brussels, and'the UDliolstery uew.
But It ia' almost uiglil, and yonder
come the 'bus. -Tom Bradley Is to th
Umatilla House bat Ned Maroney ia
to the Clarendon a energetic, oblig
ing and wide-awake factotum and tlie
way be engineers bsggage ami traveler
through the lahyrlothlue rbaxe of red
tspe end darkness, teams.nfrslns, live
lock sod express wagons, In ths narrow
roadway, would paralyss ths runners
between the Metropolitan 'hotels of
New York- and Ihe Cunsrd steamers.
ply letween
Gotham and Great
- - SOCIETY, '
I wee, by th exrt nf thy (J rariT Fi
nance Committee, thst there "wssshand
oro surplus left after all the. eipenses
of th great Grant sntertalnment were
met. Ther Is an Instltotlnn In this
city, the great object of which Is to aid
working women, aod It is constantly
cramped in flnanws. T.)f Itielhouaan.l
pant In doing honor to a man, which
hseoold have well don without, thess
fw hundred should lis dsvoted to th
aid of wpmen who srs helpleas'y surg-.
ifag about lo lh great worhl of work,
fighting with Insufficient weapons Ibe
great battle, where, despite their test
endesvors, so msny are fluslly forced
to succumb to the sreh enemy thst
wsgee such fierce warfare upon their
thl. ,rnlu. W-gtVenrth,JIaii
Columbia street, kept up by the toil and
self-sacrific' of the Woman' Ald
Society, andL which has given shelter
to so msny of Gail's -houseless poor
within lb past two yea re.; As a deposit
In bank for thlssoclsty, this f GOO would
b truly Gd-nJ.
' Th wolve are bowling, tbs dangnr I near."
Th deleuce. for. th lack of money,
r weak. Yt, weak a they are, tbey
tand between ; mnjr ; struggling,
bomeles woman' and tlie blackness of
desolation,, thst f.dloas I he surrender
of ber boily atid' soul for food and shel
ter. ThI la charity that ha In It no
part of Ibe 'oondlng brase and tink
ling cymbal" element, but th good it
would b able, If prperly endowed, lo
do, la beyond ho man" .Corn potation.
Again I ay deposit ihe fVH) In bank,
aubject to tb call of th conscientious
and humane President of th Woman's
A,Ut 8 elety. Ihst It msy not go limping
Slid harassed through th VJoter for
ws'nt Y funds. , .'if C.
rirttaiid, Noveiuber 14. IST9.
" From He Bi"vt Otmmmtt "Are
wosaennliiled to iter aeftrsgef We
msintsln rtistbey sr. Wetalm that
sll wbo ere sRect.d ljr the lew ooghl
lo have a vole la tb making of Ihs
law. A government which etctudeo
msjtrity f tts eltltent from .i power
to onset laws Is not democraMe gov
ernment, ft le an aristocrat le govern
meoti" ' - '
. Mra. Edmaods the wife of the Seoa
lor, inlands I remel in Carlsbad dur
ing the coming Wlnterwtth her dsugh
tr, Miss Julia Kdnluods. ..
r . -'. ' '
The I'lules ars douulug war paint.
Generat Grant .reoelv -d the Chlv'lgo
school children nu Site 17th
A -Mrs. Auii lUrrv. of rwalums. CaV.,
couikiilted suicide uu lbs Mlh. " i
Tle new Freuch cable frim
NortU lUatham, Maaa., Is coutpUMed. . j
1 A statu of tbe'la'.e General "Tliouia ',
was uuvilel at Waahlngtoa yesterday. I
There I - drought lu Virginia, and
Hhmm wltti abundant fsith aie praymK
fur lain. .
Memorial services It 1,'oaur Ihe-la't
Geuerar-Hooker were hi-ld In IV.tuu on
in 17th. :
The . Worklug meu of H tn Krn l-o
appear lo favor Tliurmau as a Presiden
tial caodidale. '
An advance to the price of rouich
louMer lo St per 1UUU feet I repurisul iu
San Francisoo. .
The ' Kellogf SpofTcird c Is aitalu
occupy Ins: the attviition nf a rommiiiee
at New Orlea-u.
- Helnman A Sons, lmpit fer of ostrlt I
feaLhers, New York, have failed tor
several hundred thousand dollar. " ,
Mrs. Nellie Grant Sarlori a HI saif
for this country so as to J"lu her psreuta
wheu they arrive lo Washington. -
It Is reHirteil that a daughter fi
General nickels lias loMt from I'arla
with an American geutlemau narued
McCarthy. . -
General Grant will vlxil prominent
northern , cl ilea during the pre-ent
mouth, and will apeud the Winter
lo the South.
A negro fired across the lii" Grande lii Mexiott Ibe oilier
day, causing great excitement. The
negro escaped. ''
Ford baa been ousted from (Tie Tax
ColleVtnr'e nfilce lo San"Franciy, and
Tlllsou (Woikluginan) will fill the; re
uialudur of the lerir' -"'" '.
It le aald that en attempt will be
made to remove f4oper frorn fhe ndli-e
of Mayor o Near YWk City, on ehsrgee
Of dlk'ial delwHelion. J---
G 3 ver nor Croeweirnf Michigan baa
apoitited Fernando C. Beetnau tT. S.
Senator to fill th uoexpirtd leriu'of
the late Senator Cnaiidler. -
The Oregon lUllwsy and Navigation
Company's aloeb hss been plafwl in the
R. . i . i . i . i. v v i. 1 '
list oi securiiie iu tne .-ew inn f.s-
change, and commands lull. .
Salt Ijtke baa suddenly discovered
that there are- n urn tiers of opium den
In thai place, and an eftt-ia being
made to bava Iheui cleaned out.
' The Statea of Coloiado, Callforula,
Oregon, aud Nevada, .the District of
t'oluinbls, and Territories will form one
Census Supervisor's district, esch.
The greetings every where extended lo
General Graul are aptly tru in tiered
some pedestrian fiend as"oiie thousa
receplinuS lu Olie lliouaaiitl qu
' Mrs. Grant Is said, to l almost ex
hausted by the unusual physical atrajn
lmp'med upon her of late by rotislanl
attendance at.reuept Ion, and. U taklug
neetleil real. , .'
Maine IlepubllcanS, anpxwv hse
been elecleil, are not allowed lo know
JMlA'li)lmt.aU.lllt jliBii.Jaliimiat an I If M
charged that tbe Demoersts will try to
defeat th will of lb voters.
A freight, train of th Chlcscn aud
eut throuirh a bri'lge Imo
tii river, near Al'on, last A
brakemam waa killed and the engineer
and the fireman were injured. - - -7 .
Til balance of trade between . 4Im
United States snd other nstlons d.iriMg
the past yes r l '' faitt,MNl,liiO in our
favor the- most remarkable showing
In Ihe history ot AruericSu couimetce.
Charles Bx-heurrfar4urly a salioii -
keeper of Cincinnati, waa ahot and
killed, at Newport, Ky., on the Itlh,
by Mis Annie Holt. - He had reluseii
t marry her after seducing her under
Dromtse of marries. '
The printing establishment t.f JheCtVlumiVIa county bss married: a
ChitrcfiiAan, iu Lsfayellar- I'lnce, -N"w I
Yirfki y burns nn Ilia llili. Tne
Janitresa Junied from Ihe window, and
broke her back In the fall. T'tal loss,
f.ixj; Insurance, tW.UUtl - T
'Tlie ItepuhHean Stale Central Com
mittee of Callforula I urging the Na
liouttl t'.intiulllee lo declare vscuul the
place of tJeorge C. tlorhaiu, as repre-
enltle of Vsllfornla, on arvouiit nf-J-
bis Bcllon In ths 1st CBmpaigrt.
As Ihe steamer Canada, from London
for New. York, Waa passing down lb
Thame, aha cam 10 collision- with the
Woolwich ateamlMtal I'leree, complriely
destroying It. Tbe steamer, iioi'liavlug
a ustalned an yu a iui gJJpriM!eeed.
It Is aald that th f'acifle Mall S'eam-
ahlp t'ompany will aoon hav-faoratle V
truii wrtlt III ranania Kallmad torn
pany, and will continu as an ln teeud
eul liue. Iieing Unable to work ia Har
mony willi the IrauBOoiiUneiita! na-ts.
. A San Fnrio;nBj-fl.aj'jji.tliri b.
nansaa have been uncovei-el 011 I lie
Comstock, and to-nlghl, at U'.l i Hall,
ha will led Ihe public, In the tntercMs
of the shareholders, whejethey are sil
ualel, and spoil the plans of iuail ula-
tors. :
A fearful gale was blow-lug wn Lake
Michigan yesterday.- The profiler
Uenerai J lay no, from Oticago, struck
hour. Seveial schooners went 011 lb
. While atlemprlng to forj the Chfty
uiverin iiiiuaoe wun n spring wagnniMI K . rest Grove,
on tne nun, a lamiiy aameo ooiiwaro
waa carried down by the current, and
the" wife and two daughters wv-e
drowned, the busbaud aud father being
waetietl aanore.
In a rale on UkeOnlarTo on (ll.; iTthTl
Hiw-iaii so.l .1.1.1 i7-rr
Tlie tug Seymour, wtlcli was towing
Ibe fleet, euuld not hold- It In the gale,,
ami it waa Scattered. Thirty-one per
son, Inclndiag three- WomeiKaud one
giil, weretfrowned. : ,
. MyrOn Buell. a ll SO yr i.f age,
was hanged at Conprtwu, N. Y-, on
tii Itih, for tlie murder of l.Vyesr old
rlrl in last June. The aame day, Chas,
Drews and Frabklln Ktlcpler. were
hanged at Ihanon Tenn, and J4wdau
Kr4ea(e(esored) at Atlanta, Ga.
The AnWmcan t'nlon THr h t 'urn-
pany aw Jersey is suing the'West
ern l nmn no intsei
IntHerrwiupaul. f,XL-rjL"7Jr LJ-riM!;"-'.7 isi Ssmas, M
et.lmnd In bav bk?1!' VA '".'cd wliliaiael rail.
f 104,ini0 damacea,
ustalned by lb defendanta procuring
wf..T..i .
to It tro dnwa certain lelecrai-h poles
and wire of Ibe ptaititifl In New
Jersey.- - ' - - -- ' ; ..
The Western Union and Ibe Gold and
Stock Telegraph Company, wblcb bave
don th principal telephone business
Ibroiighoul lb country, have Bold in
lo ther rival, Ihe National Bell Te.e
phono Company, California end Ore
eon ar exempted from the transfer at
preeeot. .t
!A schooner, ibe C. O. Breed, from
Detroit for Buffalo wltb wheat, foun
dered on the loth, end sll hands were
lost, except ooe man, who waa picked
np ofler being' thirteen tinure is) lbs
water. Captain Ilose, of f wtro!t, com
manded the schooner, and Jsmts HsnKh.
-of Boffsln, wss male.
A violent storm occurred lhrnii(bnut
the Middle West oa tb 14th. The
African Method UH Cborck and tb
J red-'"olllied, sml Diet uloiu Hou-e
su l oiber buildilK unr.fed. 'M unit
I damage.was done lo farri.tng Intereste
ilirmiKliout Indiana, Ohio aod Ken
lucky. - . ...
A fife ocurred l.u a tenement houae on
t'atiojsree, New York, tar the Jsth.w-
slid tile wife, two children and motner
I ii-law of Jopli Balskle, who occupied
the- frrnrtb ft r. were suffocated. He
l imited out lite wlud aud waa klllod., --
J. . .... i . . . ,t -
Mary itiM at eo juinrii ,
window. aiidVas' fatally lijotvd. . V- .;.
The '! d.-prlu'int' finance are
in k m i t onrsttnig etmdilioii.' Tlie re
eeipiM f..r l,he year endiugj ooe 301 ft ere
ii'n-li iargVtLlhaii htHe .f te prVoed
tnn-yesr, aml -w. oilllioi dlara more
Itian wasttuted a result attributed -loltije
rtlvl of lusluessand coniMHiueul
.detnand ht atsmps and etampedeu
veloie. till . V-i'
Genemf Key h decldml that eirt,
lottery cs'wipanies and lottery agents -.-
nfe doing fraudulent business, and baa -Issued
snecial orders lo Mtuiaters St
.!. eitled citlea, tiihlddiiig Jhein to y
, .stal oiders t t-ertalii parties, r to I
deliver registered letterf lo tbeiu. The f
letters are to be relurued, lanied with. "
lite wofd fraudulent. . a.
By an explosion In Ive tunnel nr in .
iianow-g" rallfcoad- near Wrlghl'e . w
Mtarioii, in the' iieisTlibofhood of S"
Jiwe, Cal.Vat about on o'clock A. H. oa
lb ISih, there were bou llilrly t hl
nameii killed, and two while and aev .
eral Chinese erloita!y wouudeil.A vein
of coal oil runs through the lUtinel, and
lb soil may beiUUud I u many plaeea
In the vlolnity. The cau-e tf tlixple
slon I not staled. . '. .. '
Amity . 1 Improving rapidly.'
I.iukville needs s shoemaker.
Th looulation 6f Dalle la clu
l,un). - ,' - ' . ''--'' ,
Hilld'oro needs o be a money order5
oflli'e. - . - ; - - '
A Ii.'iiio-ratle Convention IscwHrd-fTfr
Annuity ou the "29ih.
There I a 'demand for dwellings t.
HVwii Fall, W. T.-
Willaniette University ba about 129
studout in atlendaiice.-" --' ;
The Willamette Wooleu Wrka at
Kale nl are to be rebutlt. ? ;
Tlie country about Fort Cauby hf
Ix lng slM-kei wild quail. a . r .
-F'rVd Dili, of . Baker City, ba . MD--eai
tried skelton lu his cellsr.
Many new buildings are being built
in Saletu. Two of them are briok. -
Bad roads keep much wheat in (Mack
snias county from being marketed.
j " I S. 1C. Waynitre, a well known citlxen
MMtnd "' Fivuty, died ou the 9tb lust. , i
arterC-' Twenty-eight persona have been lo
- . I die-ted lu Union county lr gambling.
' diss. Irving, of Umatilla county,
suffered His fracture of a leg last week.
Tu Msohlo bnlldliiir, which has Jnst -been
completed at AOilsnd, cost $S II0".
The work of prepsringlMlamook Ilock
f ir a llir'it hri).:e r progressing rapidly,"
JLfattuU.i.iUiil'Ste ! niai-mlnlmr
inlervrla .f ,S ml beru1 Oregon a fresli
slart. '
Snowr hs- fallen-at Granite Crcea", .
t;.'vrn m,- aeverttlm.eatbla
aeaxiti, ' -
The bhie ribbon sooietle Ihrouphoilt
Its VtlUriM.U-Valley allll flour--
I alt 1 1 g. '. . .' . .. . . '
;Ja-kMin and t.tks counties bosst of;
the fioist horses and fattest cattle ou -
the const. - ' - . . . -
Te Igisiaitir or WavUfngton Tr
UufjL - haa.uacto4 --t4owg utl-gae
-bllng law.
Tits town nf Hlll-tioM Is helirg re-stir-'
,: . th old " 11' us!) U reai iil bHf
errmie "i. ' . . -
D l r -ported thst a while woman lo
'iiiii-tmsn. - -
. Ao iUt- r v-lt of. coal, ten fet In
Ihit-hoM, lijf Ihpu f iuud lu III Neh
U in Vslley, . ' ..
Tli"eIlTpuT,nenrl,,ri. hold their
City Convention at lleed'a Opera House
uest Monday. . . . ,
A young man named Lameon fell
from b tree near Brownsville laat week
auu waa uie.
O'ympla Tranirript y fine
trvoa of piu'ln bav been fouud In
IVsMiingtnn territory.
It 1s ri-ported that a steamer will soon
he put ou tlrsy's Harbor. This wlll-
ten up a rleli net;tlon
Them is trouble between the'coTiege
auiborltlis and lbs illreetr ol tbo
P'.it.lliwhool l riillomatb.
A petition I In clrc' Yak
Ima," aMc Ihe envernmeiit lo eaUn
llati a mlliia-v xot to the county.
Mr. Jacob It tuer, one of I lie Commls.
slonersjf CbiiKauias cottly, died at
In li'iine, near Harlow's Stwllou, ou the
Uih It.-t. .
AValler Myer, of ' AahUnd,. Med aud
denty at. ' bni In Jsckaxinvlllcon Ihe ,
10. h liist. " He wa agi-d 27, nd was
iuik-Ii reepecUnL-"
The erp! of Uisue Ijlver Valler
have draaii I11 jxtals t-"l'l,''ttnn Tti1iT
than eer tef r.
C'oI.hI Talcmi reimrls the rnnte of
Ihe Astoria ami Wluiieniurca Hallrna,! .
o all rliit ttelweeu Ihe former placo
IJimi enmity farmers live f wlce'aa
Isrce a Fll cmp aa was. aver lieforw
own, wbl.-lt will give tbein more time,
for tbelr Hprlng woik.
7 I.T "''W?
n Tnineers, anu tlie work of It
provenienl, tor whieb an eppeoprlatton '
was msde by Congress, will fommenco '
next Spring. ; , '
The. It ivelHieg ,Vtr indulges lu a Just -Kr';w.Jtlr"Ut
the CU iljlloa of lb rads
In Hum hern Oregon, end psrlicularly in
D in it I Minty, aud shows bow money
is lost iiy the itesleet. , '
Th lalle Inhtud 7;i;7re siek In
a very flaUeimg wtsooer if Ihs lm
prpveoieiil tl lisrs been mad there
since the great fire, and Is lio,,fu fur
the fulnre, as It laa reason lo be. . ',
Th OreKOn and California nslfrosd
i'i H irre 1 Jri-xte of tht romrauv to lav
60 miles wl'.hlii the coiriinf year.
Mr. ..Millard. lly llylnn on Law la
It T'ti W.Xll klJM UL week - -
young man tta..d Fii-r-TllOt wa w
snapping cshj ou aliu-M sppfri-
to be nulosded, when hr ovafKMt '
discharged, k IUI ng hr Ibs'sotly.
" Ths N. I'. 1ft li.C swlll opsn a branch
Isnit im.-e el Col.f., u, u Cnonly,
W.T. Tbey bav fixed tr,e price nf their
Isuds within b 4tl m'le limits of lblr i
pre-ent loeaxed line at f .t per acre eaaa,
and ft per sere ou time, c isrglng 7 per '
cent r a tin urn ou deferrd paymeuie.
Tl bark MsroTlfn, f, 010, Departure
Buy for S Fr.itelo with coal, found- '
ered nil (.' Flallefy en tba Hth dnaf.
Ttte Tarn O'Mhanler lv eff the crew
end carried ibsitt to San i-'ionelsen. Xh
Marmx n was nwne l hv G'es, l'bllllpr'
and Sanderson, San Krai Cisco; Value.'
$15,000; Insurance, IU,IKJ0. ;