The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, November 20, 1879, Image 1

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adthiui or tvwrmrih,m -Rl'.flew iiwn."
- ', -afton omiumx."
rcv, vara -aar ; '? -L
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1 Eularsd, accord ln( to Act of ttooaresa, la lb
Ki, In Um mw of lb librarian of t!on
ma a Washington, P.C.J -
rilAFTKR L ,
cwiacans , .
Il tu near tb eve of th Fourth of
July, Anna Domini one thousand
eight hundred end fbrty-elx. Tbe
Vailed Statea.ofAmerlca.bad bn Jor
avoty year AO Independent nation,
. Ilk. a 1 a.1 a aarvAa R HH A
WW I IM Baa WAMArtsw . ww -sw r I
might cootloeot., . The enthusiastic
heart of the Atlddle Weal wa aglow
with lutons patriotism, and tb lo
cality whir my atory open waa not fo
b ouldou by mora pretentious assocla
tloua of fraamao la oilier parta of the
Kepublic; end ao tbera waa to be a
grand celebration at Cblneaplu Oske.
Thenuial oration waa on-tbe tapla,
with music, Innate, el., eUi., and above
II, A barbecue, All of wbioh waa to
transpire in the Cblneapln grove, ad
Jaecnt schooLbouse, where
tha mora lorluunt children of parents
''who bad not Inherited or otherwise be
eome possessed of deeds emitting them
. to the legal ownership or large iraota 01
reaTeetale, were allowed to di vide their
time in Bummer betweeo the bvrrlea In
the forests snd thickets and tbe master
In the school-house, while tbe would-be
' patrician owner of the teal eatate afore-
ulil - fcwl.l Ihwlr anna - and daushtars
. Aloof from I he aohool because of the
preariiee there of the "poor white
traali,' between whose ariou And their liii nklll.tilul
educational favoritism. The withering
blight of lit not even yvt outgrown
barbarism of buinaii alavety .threw lis
subtle power alike over free-holders aud
peasants, degrading bouest poverty, aud
luOalluc lre laud-holdere with A (ei
,,iig,oX,w-p,wUy. sfuu upiurj,
(pressed itself In arrogance, mure or
lese offeuelva and Imprudent, according
to tit lack of intelligence and seiial-
7blffty with which each IndivWoat-ewvrur-young, wlthliV au Jucb of jrourlife,
. I . I l. .Mlirful 1 1 tfw.k
TICIU VI WV,i WWW . lillH'.. . . .n.w
many generations of earnest endeavor
'to develop-tbenatloHai--mbscess of
slavery to ita proper lancing condition;
It will yet take many generations ol
educational effort to compel the yet
llugerlug virus of the atmoesa, engen
dered b loub aod xunjifL
-But . 1 respectfully-beg - tb reader's
. pardon. Yu ro not ready -for any
portion of tb luuial of a story until you
are Interested lu Ita characters; and 1 1
sunueuiy reiucuiitft.-r mil uavv um i
Introduced tbera.
As faldn the hi glutting, there was
to b4 grand celebration AtChln-
MU vrwww. hw w.iw., www " ...w
one theme of lleighborhood gossip And
village Ibougbt formany weeks. Nil.
aueroue town meetiogs bad been, held
at lb primitiv school-bouse by "duly
apminteJ eomnillteee; and 8ulr
Ingleton,' who bad at first been tempo
rarily elected moderator, bad eloee per-
w....M,lw l.l.l Ik. in.t l,w It.w luinn I r
Hinriiiij 4'" "j ... f w
vote of llecltlieus, thereby disgusting
t'aptalu liardlue.' hla rival, owner of
a yet broatier lanueu uoruaiu juaa nis
own, until that tndlvlduAl sovereign
saw 111 to avow, at tbe last oioruenttud
when much was depending upon bis as
atstanco, that he would bear no ptopor
; tl"0 of the neeeasary eipensee of theen
tertalnmeiit, nor wotfJ he permit hie
wife, nr one oftils doten children, to
have anvlhlng whatever to do-with If.J
"Thla decision fell with a crushing
blbw Upon Jbe hitherto bright aotlcl
patlona of tb Juniors llardlo end
Ingleton, each of-whom had aet his
heart upon an elebaog of sisters "for
compsov Toflh TeAttv oy. iiiew
worthy sister or tu two orowiers,
riran And El If a by oame, were as en-
IlkeAA oppoatt chAracters could well
b ; and yet the,lr surrouudlngs bad been
te. .t.l. Ik. uwkjmn w Vk 1 til liwwl .
Tlrsah, the elaterJobn Ingleton,
Jr. waa- a abort. atlAht. broeaed.
- piquant. And wit over Ibt-UlgenLj
creature, vivacious And lutereellog, ana
fondof beAi . . i '
ElliA, the sister of John llsrdloe, Jr.,
' whom her acquaintance caljed IJ
' for short, thereby permittlug the reader
to do likewise, waa a tall, alight, roeer
Ifwted, Intelligent aud tKbughtful girl,
with quit enough of tb woman' In bar
combluallon to ttiak her fond of bec-g
also; but In bar case the plural of tbe
noun must be dropped, for' fhe bad
never oared enough for beaut to general
to attempt to attract but on.
For many week prior to the great
festive occasion, which bad filled their
entire thought from th day of it In
ception, these girl bad diligeutly'ocCw-
pied their epare hours In knitting elab
orately "clocked" stocking for dlsplsy
In the coming dance spoa lb green,
ot to mention tb equally , siabnrate
"half-banders" wora la lb back woods
by th rustl western bells of that ra
lb twonblgiily necessary rtlc'les of
fasblonablo adurnmeut. which act ofl
the bome-spon gowns of bloe and white
checked cotton belonging, Jo the pise
and the period, with A grace aud eomeli
Bas peculiarly thlr own.
"I say, falUr," aald John llatdme,
Jr., as ho Ambled Awkwardly Iuto the
aternal preaeDO And looked . sheep'
Ishly Into tbef paternal face, while
great lump rose In bie throat, and
feeling akin to shame bronght blushee
to hie mobile feat a res, "I think It'a
downright mean of you to keep 'Use
aud me awav from the barbecue. A ad
then there's the-dance, yon know.
'Us And me bad 'lotted a heap on
bavin a good time the first In our
lives. You know bw bard we work,
aod bow little we get-out of lire At beat,
f, don't usually need any chalk to my
expenses, but thla la an ectra occasion.
I'd engaged 'Lliy'e company to John
logleton for the day, and 1 was to go
wlth.TlriAh" ' V
"Jiuahf commanded tbe father In
a tou which had scared tbe children
iuto alienee from Infancy, accompanied
by a vigorous stamp of the foot that bad
long ago frlghreoed'all tb brightness
out of tbe once beaming eyes or bis
wife, Melissa. "Another word, nod I'll
drive you out Into the world a beggar!
You bsvc no more respect for your
father than If b was a dog ! Just think
how I've been Insulted I And tb In-
suit's yfurs, because It'a mine. If yon
only bad aeusc enough to know It.
John Iulloa was m Ada-moderator of
the meeting .first, and afterward Presl-
dent of tb whole concern J And, to
cap it all, that young scamp of a Jobn
of bis baa been appoiuled cblel Marabal I
They've made complete bridge of the
Hardin family's nose I Depeud upon
It, I'll get evea I III get even t"
"But,, -father,'.: timidly remonstrated
the maternal side of t Marline house,
"I wouldn't be too hard on the children
If I were you. I'll clay at home will
ingly ; for of course I'm Insulted If you
We've had our day but the
hildreu ougUtto a aomelitlog 'of the
rosy side of life, If there's Any rosy side
loll. They ought to see something for
once lu their Uvea besides briar patches
and baxel brush. I'd let tbein .go tills
ouoe, u I were you."
"But remember, old woman, you ar
not tutt I'm tbe bead or my own
bouse, oimLIUI b obeyed without any
Fourth of July again I I bat It t I
won't bear It I Aud, what' mora, I'll
flg the first oue of you, big, little, old
that dares to sak of It again-1"
But, father," said John, Ian faltering
way "'lixy wasgoHngto keep company
with John, aud I was going with
"Didn't I tell you to huah, you un
grateful whelp f t You'd add 'Insult to
outra'c. would 6u ?'! 3. .
Deeply as John Hardinv the Junior,
Was Interested lnlTlrxahl Ingleton, be
deeply felt tbe fancied Indigoity to bla
ramn. . h-,.,l..lw Im laih-rrtJB-iT..... kllt
'lo la a DflmiutDaiit finrt
acre numbered less tnajt ma lainere
by several hundreds, In even temporary
position over the owoeroi almost au en
tire township, And bla sensitive soul so-
cretly reseuled th blight' with All the
power of A proud, hlgh-epirlted And
narrow nature. . Ilewa quite a fulLoT
false patrician pride a hi father waa,
and aa determined aa be to get even,
though his plana for retaliation were of
an entirely different character.
The senior liardlue bad detested lb'
senior Ingleton from tba first boor of
their mutual acquaintance, which bad
begun a balf-doaen years before ; end I
-John IngleUM,-wlor, bad all along re
turned the haired with Merest. But,
aside from tbls' natural antagonism,
their broad acres, and the struggles of
each to wrest present subsistence and
further riches from tbe thicket and for
est, lb rival neighbors bad no emotion
fn common,' cat tliat both were too
badly afflicted with mistake, pride to
patronise the "deeelrlct master," who
taught Webster's Klemebtary Speller,
MrUuffyV Ueadera, .mltb'a Arith
metic, a clumsy "band write," Murray's
Grammar and ffequent- uninerclfnl
flogging as the acme of necessary erudl
lion.'; And now that the prtttyVJttied--catid
dapghter ofi each was wildly la
love with the equally handwrn and
uneducated eon of tb other, the hatred
of th seniors ai Intensified a thousand
Th Junior HarJIoe, e llst and only
grown-up son of bis father's family of a
d ten, had, grown to" manhood In th
r.tray heart of th mighty Middl West,
aud had -been so deeply engaged during
hla, earlier yea In assisting bis parents
to Wrest a livelihood from tb adverse
hand of Fate, 'that -rrrhad bad little
time and lea opKrtunlty to learn much
of tba way of tW "world, If we ttcept
that very llmiled portion of it bounded
by hi 'father' acre, which wrr o
many In number, and yet a lacking In
eommerciaf advantage, albeit thy were
vaatty fertile, that their chief visible
product was tbe annually recurring las,
which, even now that tbey wer con
sidered wealthy, reqiilrd th combined
energy aud economy of th eollr fam
ily to meet with promptness It period
ical visit. r-.-
Ai lheexUem noVthern limit of tb
senior-llardlo' possslou vm. tb
log scbool-bous of my story, which bad
been erected In that I ooonven loot lo
cality lO wLhoyear deprtel by A ma
jority of th seven legal voters then liv
ing la th "deeelrlct," not so-much for
their own ooarvanlenco, a Captain Har
din bad All Along understood, aa for tb
parpna of discommoding tbelr presum
ably more fortunate neighbor, who hd
At tbAt lima, but Just failea belr to aa
i mm uae tract of Uad, andsr a.beredi-
1 lary law that onght never to have had
An distance In Any country.
. A little way beyond th littlo log
school -house lay th other great farm
eotnDaralively recently rxvupled If
jfarm they might be called where the
'greater part oh Tuind ran wild, over
grown with hasel busbeaand blackberry
briar In th lowlands, and-studded by
msple, walnut aod hickory trees and
ebloeaplo oaka upon th highland
where clilldreo grew fat In the thickets
and swine grew fat in lb forests,'
where a gardeu atcb and corn-field
maiked the limit of agricultural Im
provements, nod log cabins of tbe rudest
description formed the habitations
Alike of hogs And of bamaolty.
Captain liardlue had long coveted tbe
loog-vacaot lauds beyond the school
bouse, and was more deeply then ever
resolved to poaaee tbem when they be-H
came regularly occupied; by tb bona
fid owner; though why b wished to
dd b burden of their taxe to the
already overburdened Usatlon upon hla
own overgrown Inheritance, It would
have been hard to eoujecture. .
The Junior Hardin had been for sev
eral years" as anxious to own lbs
"Ingleton Barrens" aa bla father bad
beeu, aud jfatber and son had worked
together with this Aim In view, to tbe
exclusion of nobler purposes, nolll th
highest natural Impulses vf both-wer
deeply sncr us ted In the on sordid and
unprofitable motiveL" But' of lat tb
boy, who had not; yet, reached .hi
I went jP-first year, had been Absorbed by
a new eeusatlon..' Th birds, tb fields,'
th tree, th rivuleU, th arching sky
And floating . cloud nllk rt'fleoted. on
hla luusr seiisoa th sweet blue eye And
pouting lips, th gentl snill find
modest words of Tlriah Ingletoa. And
the -hard -41 frw htclw had -Oever before '
had aught of romance or sentiment In
ft, sctuallyliibtilwd up' and broke out
into little ditties that often made the
palietjloxeu he drove start Into accel
erated, pace with astonishment, aud
caused Sarah and Msry, hi alsters, to
g glancse sj tfr - wt4
other, which, If he had jiBdemlood,
would, have dispelled the bappy de
lusion that they did not kuowr bow
deeply he waa enchanted.
Aod sow, reader, If yoa have bigu i
tb prusAl-of-thl o'r true tale with I
tb blif or hop that tber waa to b
no lov mixed op with It, yon may lay
It down right her. Never shall pen of
In Attempt th Impossible. No his
tory of human nature I Complete with
out a lov atory, because uo life, how
ever barren; ever yet waa II ved without
It. But you will not ley It down. Yon
may bluster' And fume, end abus lov
of your own luuer nature, after all, and
I only wish you would b hooost
enough to admit the., fact. To tbe
thousand of y no what, openly confess
that you would not eareta read a life
history wish no love, and consequently
no power In It, I make my most
respectful bow and proceed. "
-John Hardin, Jr.,. bed never been
acouatomed to lay log plana In tb
luUreet of hi mother or ltersJTb
only ton-among tbeohfSr portion of th
family, b bad alway been eneonragad
by, hi fathr and humored by bl
another In the Arrogaot Assumption that
mother nod listers owed him tpeclal
tribute through superiority of asx ; and
whatever be or bis father Imagined as
their personal due they Invariably as
acted from every fancied debtor, with
out falllug ta claim accruing Interest,
But It now suited thle eldest son of the
Hardin house to treat for tha pone
with hla sisters uuder a flag of truce.
Mr. IlArdin, out of . whose care
furrowed face tb last vestige of youth or
beauty hadlanglucanlabed,althougb
aba waa barely forty yeare of age, felt
keenly thebitterdlappolutmutlo
tor for her children on lb coming
Fourth bf July. . But, ah wall kow
that opposition was nssl, sh com
prssd her thin Hp mor tightly tbnn
ever, And bowed ber bead low ovef ber
shall I and baton, a was her wool
for sh knew ho Idle m route and se
cretly wondered wby II waa that th
Ood sh so reverently worblpd had
given ber aod her children 'tba same
longing desire for Individual liberty aa
tbAt possessed by her hush And, And bad
theu deprl vel 'tbem of It Advantage
by cyuetly . crippling that aspiration
through 'arbitrary mandate a loex
pllcabl aa they wer unsatisfactory.
8he bad never dreamed that It waa not
Ood flat, bat human law and euatom,
that war renponalbl for br position,
and so sh prayed earnaatly for pstlooea,
weaving Into lb warp and woof of tb
fabric aver which eba lolled dally a
heroiaHsi far greater than that to which
trrtwArld is aont to pay tb highest
Eomag. . . .." .' ' 1
Mrs. Hardin did not often trost her
self to qaestlOw lb abatract right or
wrong of existing usags. 8Ua could
see no poMibta way of bettering ber
preseot condition, and ao aha tried to
comfort herself by aaylng, whenever
ompclled to ponder over It, "Tb la I
think of tbat which can't b helped, the
better." But "lh thooghu' ah -bad
thu burled In her awn boaom bad
Uksn deep root la the mind of tba
children, la their mhryo, aod aha
could not help It when tbey bodJed Into
espreeeion through' her aflspring, va
If aba had 1 pretty ncArly conquered
ths la heraslf. , -
Jobn liardlue, the senior, allowed od
idler In hi hive; and when the noisy
meal waa finished At which the conver
sation occurred that ha, her beeti
chroulcleil. bo berried forth Into th
blistering sunshine to hi dally loll ; for
th season waa lat and tb corn not
leld by," and tlier wer aeveral
: before tl
vtgoroua hoeing yet to be done
tbe eventful Fourth. .
Jobn, Junior, took hie boa In ,bls
clenched bands, a .ha was bidden, and
went vigorously to work, wbll Rally
and 'Lis followed, their eye, Ilka bla,
dash log covert defiance..
' "I wish- I wss dead!" exclaimed
'LUe, aa aooa aa h aod bar - brother,
who worked sld fcy atde, had o far out
distanced their father and Bally as to be
beyond their hearing. -
I don't!" auawered Johu. "I wouldn't
get even on dad on the Fourth, If I was
dead." " -"
But, Johu, you'don't mean to go,
anyhow f"
I di.
H), John !
I wish wss a boy I"
Tbat'a all the gWSd1l cn-o your
'I know it 1 Oh, dear V
For several minutes the brother aud
sister tolled on-la silence; and then
8ally, the eldest of the family, who was
boeing a double row, on th track of
wbrch-JohTrAntTTJi wer now doub
ling, pauaxl opposite them, and said:
"I'll III If, 'Lit. I'll out-general tb
old man for you, If you'll let m."
"I'd Ilk to know lipw you'll manag
Ho'U watoh Us closer than a bnwkj
and It will be Juat lik him to follow us
to th ground and whip us bom, if w
attempt to go without bis permission.
There I none of us of age hut you, y 00
I. .I II . manage It, I esy."
"But how t" . r--
' 'Hu---h h Tbere'a father t" '
The brother and alatere reiloubled
Ihelr euerglea, and were oon again out
of th seoior's bearing with tbelr busy
hoes. - -'
- a hiiow,"-ah-wlyv"thAt-t,vy
IdeenyAt work for the lat munlu al odj
spells, making a butiermit suit for Joe
Itidgeway, who broke hla leg yester
day.' Father basu'l tft iijlie auit, for
he'd have taken the i ay himself for
maktngltrf c Had Kiiovd AOout it ;
aud I do want A Utile money ol my own
now And" then.?'
With llil th girl rt-lapsed into si
lence, and piled her hoc more vigor
ously than ever.
"Whst has Jo IllJgeway'a bottsr
aut suit to 'o with u And th Fourth of
Jolyr Asked Jobn
'It will Just fit IJie, you e. And
short, eloee- she had the fever, I
Cud we'll rig ber up for th Fourth a a
boy. ' TberJ she can be a free for one
day a any boy dare to be," was Bally'
hatf-wblspered reply. . . "" .
'But how will go J" Akd John.
The two girl bant their earnest eye
upon him In a look of mlnglad surprise,
pity aod reproach.
"A If i toy couldn't do anything,
after ba waa twenty, and a big aa bis
father!" said 'Liar, Indignantly.
,; "Vou!d yowdisnbey fther,Llxr'
"I'd do right, If I ll d for it V waa tha
earneet reply. fV ".
'Bill I'm not yet of sge." said jtobn,
w n aa s a
or mtw yon,
' Til be eighteen th Afih of July, and
this is th first. A few days will make
no moral difference, that I can sea."
"Am) I was btneteen a year Ago; so
I'm rightfully of age, If you are," said
John." ' "The yesr ore Just as rong, and
ought to b Jut at many, fur ma a for
Tbat' on advantage lu balOafzborn
a girl," laughed Sally.
"Just as If; sex, ag or parentag wer
under on' own control!" exelaimtd
John. '
"Yoa ACt as thouah tltey were when
you berate me for being bora a girl!"
"Tbst's a bora of another aolor, re
plied tba brother, with mora emphasis
than logic "But we won't quarrel on
that point, 81 at least, not bow. Fit
go to tha celebration, If I die for It) Sal,
yon won't ear to jgrt, frr-yuvA never
seemed to care much about going aoy
where since Sam Itld.eway died. Yon' re
light' about 'Use. She can wear , Joe'a
butternut and go la disguise. Yon can
pretend she' goo to all with Joe, and
then tba old man won't mis ber."
"But It puixle m to sea wber the
right of father's power of prohibition
corns lat" said 'Lisa. "Yon know
that h wouldn't have thought of, this
ngly freak If b'd only been elected At
Marshal of the day, or anything els
that would bav seemed to put blm la
the lead for tha occasion. Why I It
that mto bava the power of tyrant la
their awn families wbnvr they've A
mind to na It, T wonder tThey call
tbU) a free coonUy, And I'm ar I eaa't
sea wlfara tbe frevdnm of our bom
com la for say body bat the moo
wrch." Jobn and Bally, did not Answer. la
deed, there waa nothing to ssy except In
assent. ,. 7 '
"Mother woaid soften the rale of oar
potentate If she' had the power,,' con
tinued 'Lite! "and then our bom
would be eadurablo. If It U homely."
The senior Hard toe we by tbhi tim
within earsho and, otplcloolalM that
ha waa the Subject of an pleasant erlt-
lclaa, took car ta give jls aabjeeta no
farthr aportnaIt that day for pUt ar
couoterplots. Like all despots, be die
trusted the fealty of his subjects. Many
a time, In the presence of hi patient
wife, had h lamented. In an Injured,
angry tone, aa though she were th
causa of bla tribulatloustbat be was
not properly honored aud respected by
the members of his own household
But he waa a good slepr sod so bis
vlgllano earner to UAught when night
fell; And hi sort and daughters took ad
vantage of a wished-for opportunity to
perfect 'their plana., from which, fur
their mother' sake, they wiaely ex
cluded her materual confluence.'
. I am sorry, reader mine, that I cannot
present my cbaracter4a a -ar. favor
able Hgbt la tbe beginning of title ever-
true fiction; but fidelity to fact will not
permit m to portray them differently.
Tb llardlo family la by uo meane an
exceptional one. Be patient and you
shall e what came of their plotting.
(To b eontlnued.1
l-TbU wtwluemoTUie ?CW yonnrWMTIs
to b avvotwil to Uie bouaeboUl, lawn and ar
dua. Correspondents bavins new-mud trlvd
recipe Atrany department of domratle ovro
patUiQ will confer a public favor bjc ovntrlbu
log to tblj column.)
" '
Dxxicioua Toasted Chekak. Cut.
tba cheese Into slices of moderate thick
uess. aod put tbem In a tinned copper
aauuavpau w I tha littl butter and cream, t'
Immer very gently uuttl quite uia
eolved, then remove it from the fire,
allow It to cool a little, aud add so ins
yolk of egg, well beaten ; make it iuto a
shape aod browu it before the fire.
PabTRY. In making psstry, use cold
water aud cold lard ; roil Out the uuiler
crust, and theu for the upper crust take
tlieuouft-h that JS left and roll It out.
terhape balf an Inch thick; then spread
CQldJidon,not thicker than a caae
knife, And dredge lt-wlth flour; then
lake tbe elge aud roll It up; then cut
off tbe end enough for one crust; do not
kiiead It further; roll it out.
To IH ki.k " Fkuit The following
etcelleut- mod le practiced In many
families: To each peek of fruit allow
four pounds of sugar, a plot of sharp
vlnogar, and spice to taste; boil tbe vlu-
rgar and augar together for a few mln-
moiiv'aieiy son, wuen uoue, pour toe
vinegar over them and let them, stand
until cold before covering.
' Snow Rick Cream'. To four ounces
of ground rice add two ounce of augar.
two ounce or butter, and one quart or
milk; flavor as you choose ; boll this
twenty mluutee till II forma a smooth
paste; theu turn Into cape which have
beeu buttered : when cold-, turn ttfem
out around lb edge of a email platter
which has a mould of Jelly In theceuter.
Should yoq be unable to get ground
rice, use rice kernels butthey must be
boiled till you oan mash through a col
ander. .. . " - ... :
A.nokl CAKE. The whiles of eleven
eggs; one cop of flour after elfjMpg oue
teaspoonful of -cream tarlae-f-
rt Biit-u
aa eteam tartar- tear times ; wear
the esgs to a stlflr broth, and then beat
in oo aud one-half cup of augar and a
teaspoonful of vanilla; add tba flour,
and beat lightly but thoroughly ; bake
In an digressed pan, slowly, forty coin-uteav-Tba
paw should bavv a tin strip
projecting above eaeh corner, In order
that when It I turned over to cool the
air -may . elrsul Aia-Irealy nnder It Cut
it out when cool.
To make I'LEASAXtoureltting-room
In Winter-time, take a quart glaa Jar
with a large mouth and llil with water,;
then take a .sweet potato aud pierce
through witn a
re, six loch loogn
about through the mlddlej'euependlble
by the wire across tbe mouth of tbe Jar,
so half the potato, will halo tba water.
.wt iw a .w. M-rfn will All tba
" " - w-- -
spring from tbe opper half of Hie potato
eua grow wonaeriuny last, inrj can
be trained at pleasure, ana ir grown in
erwlndow, with plenty bf sun, ar quit
hardy. . - . .
-A French Watof WAsinxd-A
system of washing clothes bas lately
been Introduced In eome r ranch towns
which Is worthy of special mention. It
economy I so great aa to materially re
duce tbe coet. Title le tbe process: Two
pounds of soap la reduced with n little
water to a Dulrs wblcb. having been
slightly warmed, la cooled in ten gallons
of water, to which H added one spoonful
of turpentine oil and two apoonrui of
ammonia; than the mixture la agitated.
The water le kept -l a temperature
which may be borne by tbe haod. In
Hit anlutloo th whit clothe ar put,
abd left there for two hour before wash
ing them with soap, tailing care, In the
meantime, to cover the tub. The solu
tion may be warmed agata And Used
one more, but It will be necessary to
add a half spoonful of turpentine aod
another spnouful of ammoola. Once
washed with soap, tha clothe are pat
In hot water, and the blue la applied.
This proe, it Is obvious, nave atuoh
time, much labor and fuel, while It gives
to the clothe a wbltenea much supe
rior to tbat obtained by any oibar pro
cess, and Ibe destroett v use of lb wash
board I not nscessAry to r lea a tbe
clothes from the Impuritleo which they
contain :
Mrs. Grave, of Morrlstown, Nsw
Jersey, bequeathed to tbe Consump
tives' Home, of Boston, f 10,1100 ; Wom
en's Missionary Society -of America,
IS. 000; American Misaiooary Society,
&5,0U0; Home Misslousry Hoalely of tbe
Congregational Church of the United
State of America, 1-5,000 J Children'
Aid Society of New York, f I 0D0; Home
for Incurablee of Brooklya, New York,
$1,000; Foreign Sunday School As
eociation of - Brooklya, New York,
1.000: Bethany I net I tote of New York.
1,000; 1 teres College, Kebtncky, tt.rjnor
Library Assnelall a of Conway, Me a
ebuaatia, $1,000, -.. - --
Power or the Pbeaa. I lave to
bear tba rambllag of tba steam power
pre belter than lha rattle and roar of
artillery, tl nneniiy iiim-iik nxi
vanaaiebleg tbe Malakeff of via aod
Iledane of evil and lu parallel and
approach cannot ba res slrd. I like
Ibe click of type la tbe composing stick
belter than the click of tha musket In
tbe bead af tha aotdler. 1 1, aware a
lewdea-aneesenger al a deadlier power,
of eobllmer force, and of a eurr aim.
which will blb-tiA mark, tboogb it to
distant a tbonnn4 jrar. OapU. . .
Vea, stonirthe woiitan let Ibe man (o free!
Imw liarK your skirl leal Ibry u-'rOHaiii
may toui-U , v
Hrr aarrat-ut aa alie yiwrm; bill to blm
lut AMib awl(llna baud loelaap with his
That led ber le dealruetloa and dlkrr.
Abut up from ber the-saered ways of . Ml,
Tbat sbs ao mora may win au Iwnt.l uieal;
But ops Ui hint all bouolatde paths, ,
When, be may win dlsttnetlon. (live to hint
Fair, preeMj-dowa nieasura of life's wselenl
. . .Joys.
Pass ber, O maiden, with a pure, proud face,
If sh puts out a poor, polluted palm;
But lay hy band la hla on brldul day.
And swear loellnc to blm with wllsiy love
And tender reverence. Trust blm who led
A sister woman to a fearful late. .
Ym, Stan tbe woman let ths man so free!
Lat one soal snflar Am- the culltof two-w v
It Is tbe darnrln of a hurried world,
Too out of breath lor boldta balances
Where alee dlstlnetlens and injustices
Are calmly weighed, flut abt bow will II b
On that stranr day of Anal Are and Oaius
Wben men shall wither iip with mystic fear.
And all shall stand before the one true Judgs f
Mhall sex make then a dilftircueetln sln A
Mball Jl, tbsMearvberof ths hlddsn hsari.
In Ills eternal and divine lccreeL
Contleuia ths woman and forf Its the man T
NoTU t-M) wife, Marr Jane Smith, bavins
left my bed and board without just u ur
pnvocatloa, ths pnblls is hereby notified not
U trust or harbor nVr on my aoeonnt, as I will
ant toaresponslble far any debts contracted by
ber. Johu muith.
Tb abov momel 1 published to the
world by tbe immaculate Smith, both
at a vindication of bla own "honor" and
a fling at tbe woman wbom be had
worn to lov and protect.
Fifteen year Ago, thia man, then in
tha full maturity of b I powers, led to
the altar the. joung and beautiful Mlaa
Blackwood. The marriage of thla
couple waa published to tha world as a
fashionable and brilliant affair. The
wealth and hlijh social position of th
groom, together wltu th beauty ami
accomplialimenla of th bride, were 1
tbe unreflecting world aufllcienfiata on
which to predict a moat .happy future
whom. Mr. Smith bad granted hi
frlaniiablp, however, were oot sanguln
lu tbelr bopee of ibis seemingly fortu
nate match. Tbesa scqualnlauce, not
to say friends, bad discovered beneath
hi fair extertor a stratum of selfishness
and teutuallan, wljh, tjnder favoring
clrcuatatancea, would aaaert themselves
agaluat any aud all opposing obataelee.
Smith waa oaa-of that elas of mii who
believe tbe world I made for their spe
cial bnflt. Tb trlt and Just adage,
"Live aud let live," was one which bl
selfish nature could In no sense pom pre
bend, Aud In the proaecullou of bis bus
I nee hVdrd lint sX'rupW'AT'afgTTiTiig
that wat not absolutely disreputable lu
order to accomplish bis ends, and thus
erush hie competitors. An honorable
competition 'In business was an idea
which, had never penetrated the. bard
Incrustation that bad ucasl th entire
mso. The material wealth of tb world
be considered bis own by divine right,
Aod, In" trutbf he bed atuatsed a sum
tufriciept to gratify the ambition of
most.; men. The bomsge which tbe
. , . . . . i t .
wonu uany reouern at tu sunn oi
weaun waa lavianeu on nim, ana, as ne
gaxed around from tbe blgb position
where fortune had enthroned biro, be
It..., .1.1 ...I IA
to.xound up Lis Ul.
t'p to Ibis time Mr. Smith had been
so tigrosaed In adding to the fortune be
bad luhertted, that he bad never-found
time to tbink of those matters which
usually engross a large share of the time
of tbe young.. The mature age of
tblrty-alx was upon him, and basjeal-
Ited It waa bigb time for blm to ex
change the state of single bleeeedoea
for tbat of happy wedlock. In arriving
al thi conclusion, Just two motive
ware the actuating principle which
governed hla aclloua, vlx., pride and bU
own convenience. With that degree of
promptness which had aver governed
blm In buslnea transact looa, ba com
menced the prosecution of bl nwly
formed matrimonial speculation. Inur
ing tbeyeara clergyman and bie
daughter trom- a neighboring vlllaga
had called ai. big offloe on matters per
taining to business. Tba beauty and
gentlenesa of tha young lady did not
fail to elicit the attention of one even
so wrapped up In self ss waa Mr. Smith;
The young lady In question waa Indeed
on who- weuld be remarkable In any
circle. She was an only child, ai.d her
p reals were peraoos of the highest Cul
ture. The email salsry which Mr.
Blackwood received from hi bombl
charge precluded lb possibility of aa
adwcatreu -for tbe daogtrtar at the cus
tomary boarding-school, and in-aooas-
qneoee the daughter's tralnlngLwae re
ceived at tba hand of both father and
mother. At th age of nloeteeq, ber
education aod aeeoojpllsbroeote were
of aa high aa order a to x site the ad-
mlralloa 1 ail who eonta appreciate
such atlainmeota. Oo effect af thla
home training aa tbaeharaetar af the
young lady waa tbat retlrlog eaodosty
which la aa charming ta a man of the
world, and If one trait more than an
other wore upon the selfish nature of
Mr. Smith.. It wae this simplicity of
character. ; ',
On easting Aver In bis owa mlod the
long Hat of marriageable yooog ladl-
af hie acquaintance, Mr. Smith at
settled on tb accomplished Mia Bl
wood aa tha favored one wbom t
tarmlned to honor with lb nflor
baud. Tbe 'proposition, which he at .
onca made to Mies Blackwood, was a
matter of great surprise to the young
lady,. And one wbioh alio held under
consideration for -aoine time. , Aa aho
bad never been much in society, she'
had never met one of the opposite sex
for wbom sh felt mor than tb ordi- .,
nsry luleresl. Whenever the qeestlou
of marriage with Mr. Smith presented
itself to hsr uifud.'ber womanly , In- ' .
etlneta revolted al the thought. True, ' ,
there wae nothing ot jectlonable to tbe
gentleman ao far aa the world could see.
but still she realised tbe fact tbat there
was no love In tbe matter, and to-fain
leve-whea-t-ta heart 1 war-cold waa " ;
rim entirely foreign to tb nature of ,
llil Ingenious glrL Th pressor fromY ' ' -
interested and sordid friends, however,
was of such a character as to determine
ber to accept tba haod of Smith, with
the plain avowal that aba had nothing
to offer on tbe marriage attar but ber -..''
respect. This candid avowal of ber
feeliugs, while it might Jiave been
somswhal humiliating, would only bave
Increased the love and admiration of n .
man worth having; but In Smith It bo-
gal a feeling of rage which waa difficult .
to control. Hla pride and egotism had
aasured him that hla great wealth and
commanding person and position would r
be Irresistible to any on to whom b a
might deign to offer tbem. Wtlhsojoth- ...,
ered rage be accepted the terms of the .
young lady, aud In a week's time, and
with great flourish, tha "most brilliant
wedding of the season" waa heralded to
an envloua world. .
From "the day of ber marriage, tba
young bride resolved upoo a Ufa of self-
sacrifice tp ber husband. Henceforth - ' . -
bie taatea and wlsbee were to be nnta
her a law. In the Innocence of her na .
lure, she hoiwd that her devotion to Iter' . H
bualianil would beget that love without J
which th married relation la InsufferA-
bie. Aa the months and year rolled on.
lue life of tbia noble woman waa ooe of
couslanl self-abnegation, and no appro- . ' -
ciatlve or honorable man could bve re-
maTuwiI iuaausIblwTo suuu Usvouon
Whitesmith waa hausbly and over- ' 1
bearing In hla inleroourae with men, he
wat auperollloua and tyrannical to that '
sex wbtcb be was pleased to denominate -the
weaker, IJke other men of hie
stamp, he believed that women had no
right whjse men wr boand to respect- -According
to bla philosophy, woman
waa made to serve man', And the treat
ment of hla wife waa always governed
according to this node.
To ssy tbat tbe Ufa of Mrs. Smith waa
unhappy, would In no sens convey tbe "..
utter wretchedness of. ber xltoc.
k" to hfr was p prolonged I tortare,
rom wblcb, as she reaawlon, notlilng ,
but tba grave could deliver ber. As she
scanned the character of her husband,
she could discern uothlog In It wblcb
would, lead bet to hopa lor a abAaga for
lha belter, and so, wilb that suddenness -wblcb
characterise tb sex, sh re-
solvsd at ouoe to deliver herself from
this self-immolation by a aeparatloa
from the man who regarded her merely
as a creature to administer ta hie wants.
Many were tbe arguments brought to
bear Agaiust Ibis step.' The loo of
wealth, tba opinion of the world, there- ,
flection usually attending a dissolution
of tba marital relations all ware -
brought to bear upon the qua Uon but-
to no purpose. Th beart-broken wom
an reasoned correctly, tbat, as there waa
no longer any hope for a chabga fo tba
better, it wae her plain duty, to dissolve
the bonds wblcb had become so galling,
aud which bad rendemd her Jife n mis
erable existence not worth livlog for.
It wat Indeed a dreadful alternative, but
It must be met-aod with what result
Hi world has Just bean advised through
th public press,
A man so far lost ta all senss of de
cency as ta eend bis former partner Into
the cold and exacting world with oeh
an Implied stigma as la contained In tba -given
"notice," I a wretch who should
be held up to tb acorn and alteration
of all honorable 'men. Let everlasting
obloquy henceforth ba bis portion.
"11k a Ooon Mix, Papa." A poet
many yeare ago wrote tbat "a babe in n
house'Ss a well-epring of pleasure."
Tba influence of a dear little child over
Hie heart of a father It le Impossible to
estimate. Tbe editor of the CnrtstMut
expresses It In the following Incident t
leavlng homo thle morning for Ihe-
ornee, we kissed our little four-year-old
g tod -bye, aaylng ta blm I 'Ban good.
boy.' lis soewhnl surprised n by re
ply log t 'I will. Jl a good mao, papa.'
Sura enough, wo thought, wa need ibe
exhortation mora thaa be. Aod who '
could give It more effectually thaa thla '
gulleleaa prattler t - The , word wf tb- -in
tie preacher bave been ringing In
ears all day, and whether we wrr' :
tor or editorial, pacifying .
eorrtsponueot whose eflusto
not publish, or
i ...... ... ...
pruned rn4
a se.'--..! .
sweet vole aaylng t
napa.- If the exhorv rl -Z
I'aui of Peir, woujftS, - - r
foraa than comgjn Ts,
sposlls of Innofewt.iMUawwU.a. -
at least to our trade solleiud.
little ehlWre-
-. -
trtTihflhr B :
p'eadlrwNTXR OTSTEH8,
wt AA, Awi. AMr aa4
mBiav. noTBi
TTtVTTrA tfta OLD PATfinwg 4Jip Th
rati (esra'ly as sail at Ala
i, aw ww asset agTndwel